Warm and Fuzzy Story
The shotgun-wielding owner of a Harlem restaurant-supply company blasted two men to death and wounded another Thursday when they tried to rob him in broad daylight.
Turning the tables on the bandits, 72-year-old Charles (Gus) Augusto opened fire with a pistol-grip shotgun he kept under the counter for such an occasion, cops and witnesses said.
Four robbers, one armed with a gun, stormed into business, Kaplan Brothers Blue Flame, just after 3 p.m. demanding cash and threatening an employee. They bolted for the exit when they saw Augusto's shotgun.
Two of the robbers were hit in the back, including one who dropped dead inside the store among the sparkling gas stoves Augusto sells, witnesses said.
The other would-be thief made it across the street before collapsing on the sidewalk. He later died at St. Luke's Hospital.

Labels: good news, gun issues
How can I get his autograph?
Gun ownership saves life.Gun control takes life.
Is asshole Loevy on his way to NYC to represent their estates yet?
If this had happened here in Chicago (Se Cago) in Spanish it's pretty funny...GUARANTEE they'd go after the owner for shooting them in the back, as they no longer "posed a threat and were retreating"...
I ain't sayin' nuthin'...
I'm just sayin...
When Mr.Remington speaks,people listen.
Great to see! Finally, a happy ending to a story!
Beautiful, love to hear it.
Good for them savages
The best part is they will never waste oxygen ever again, or tax payer money!
The business owner is probably going to end up being charged with murder himself. The NY Daily News article doesn’t say he was arrested but under his photo it says: “owner of the Kaplan Brothers Blue Flame Co. is led out after apparently shooting four people”. I am assuming he is being led out by police officers and that suggests to me he was under arrest. But “better to be judged by twelve then carried by six” I always say.
I wouldn't mind seeing a similar story occur here.
The interesting thing would be watching Daley and his pet State's Attorney try to decide whether to charge the owner or ignore the issue.
As for this store owner if he sells anything by mail order I'll have to purchase some items.
This is like a children's story.......with a happy ending.
"and the four gangbangers tried to rob the old man who just happened to have a shotgun under his counter. The old man fired killing two and wounding one gangbanger and went back to eating his porridge. It was good porridge".
god bless you gus!!!
Don't you just love a story with a happy ending! (:
"The power of the Second Amendment. Can you imagine Shortshanks' face if this happened here?"
And the 1st, when it's not been auctioned off to the highest bidder.
That's just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly. A person defending himself is just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly.
I'm not raising your taxes. It's an abatement. Calling it a raise of your taxes when you pay more is just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly. Just silly.
Where's my envelopes? I want Da Lympics. If I don't get them, it's just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly.
My nephew did what with the pension? My son did what with the sewers? That's just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly, silly. I didn't know anything.
To suggest that I knew anything is just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly, silly. Just silly.
Awesome! Keep up the good work!!!
From personal experience, I wouldn't doubt that after the paperwork was completed and their tour ended, the dicks from the 26th Squad took Gus to a copper saloon outside Harlem for a few cold ones.
I understand that many law-abiding residents from the Grant PJs across 125th St. applauded Gus on a job well done.
Good for him, just doing the chores, you know, taking out the trash.....
OUT Fuckin Standing!!!
Now thats what I call taken care a business. God bless you Gus! Lesson learned. Bad guy fucks with the wrong citizen and gets his ass handed to him! Too bad the others got away!
Sure I could imagine the look on Shortshanks face. It would be the same look he has whenever anyone asks him to explain his actions, one of "How DARE you question ME!"
Of course it would be short lived. Whenever hiz honor is embarrassed, he'll immediately look for a sacrificial lamb to blame.
Maybe he'd start with shutting down the establishment it happened in. I know hand guns are illegal in this fine city and that a shot gun was used here but he would probably have the city lawyers twist the law to make it look like the shop owner look less like defending himself and more like a blood thirsty psycho out for some sort of revenge.
BTW your honor, how is that city wide gun ban working for you?
Next, he probably would order all D.C.'s to initiate his just made up program that had been in the works for months and will be rolled out just for this occasion (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). They would probably call it operation TAKE BACK THE STREETS. Oh wait, that one is taken already. How about operation SCREW YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS? This would involve groups of officers to go into EVERY establishment to search for guns. If any are found they would be confiscated and the owner would be closed down.
This would of course involve a LOT of coppers, so another "special" team would be put together thus draining MORE personnel from the already undermanned districts (which if we were up to capacity, 13500, this problem wouldn't have happened anyway), to address the problem. Hopefully they will give it a catchy name so all the 2 year wonders who lie in bed at night and whack off to the idea of being on such a team sign up.
Of course, all this would be done AFTER all the Aldercreatures, store front reverends, and friends and family of Shortshanks get advance notice so they can hide their weapons.
Ok. I'm done rambling. Jesus, I wish I could afford to retire right now.
Ahhhh, I love a story with a happy ending!!!
" I don't like repeat offenders, I like DEAD offenders."
-Ted Nugent
I just can't see the logic behind not being able to have a hand gun in Chicago. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to take my chances... just as long as no body runup on me....
Four lit up with two fatals! You da man, Gus!
If it was here, Daley would soil his panties.
in a high pitched voice....why did he have to kilt those boys? day was only playin!
...and then the Kaplan Brothers Blue Flame and the good folks in Harlem lived happily ever after.
Lights out, kids.
Don't fuck with Gus!
a short, long gun... one way to get past the handgun ban in Chicago... what is the legal barrel length and overall legal length I can own? They can still be registered and owned in Chicago, correct? Thanks
I have to ask though..why would anyone see a problem with this? Attempt and armed robbery, and you take your own life into your hands. Citizens SHOULD be able to shoot back. Imagine how many less robberies there would be? Even criminals, somewhere in that little cobweb brain of theirs, will fear taking a bullet over something petty.
In chicago, he'd have been charged for having a pistol grip shotgun ("assault" weapon).
How would he get his cut then?!
I work in a fast district. I encourage all good citizens to apply for an Illinois Firearm Owner's I.D. card and to ignore hypocrite Daley's gun registration.
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
Judging by the way the Dems are trying to shove socialism down our throats, it has become much clearer why the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment. They would be spinning in their graves if they saw what has become of our once great nation.
Way to keep 'em in the 10 ring Gus. Proud of you Bro. Nice to see it's still America in your store. Wish more of this country would find it's way home.
This is so heartwarming, I'm going to cry.
"Live by the gun".......
well you know the rest.....
Just a great story! It is sad that the world is such a violent place, but the good guy won and that is all that matters. It is also a shame that we allow pathetic ball-less politicians dictate to us how we can protect ourselves. I encourage everyone to purchase a weapon, train and know the weapon, and do what they have to do to protect their families or themselves. If you are a good law abiding citizen, your not going to get stopped by the police, your not going to have a search warrant at your door, etc. etc.. Have it when you need it, don't need it and not have it!
The robbers deserved it but.....I think that there's more to the story.
What kind of random, street robbers rob an appliance restaurant? Maybe it was part of a shake-down?
Sorry to be stereotypical, but if the robbers included Gino and Vince the stories going to be a lot different than if the guys were Dantrell and Tyrone.
Excellent! Thanx SCC you made my day!
The furious employee who had been pistol-whipped ran out of the store and leaned over the mortally wounded Footmon, cursing at him, witnesses said.
The worker went back into the store and dragged Morgan's body onto the sidewalk, yelling at him and kicking him, witnesses said.
"He stood over the body cursing him and shaking him, even though he was dead," said Matthew Viane, 38, who lives in the neighborhood. "He was screaming at him and stomping him. "He [the employee] said, 'You were going to kill me? Now you're dead!'"
Holy Shit...
This is way off topic, but does anyone know if the Pension Board as issued the annual report yet? They usually lay around the roll call rooms and clutter up the place because no one reads them. All of you should really take the time reas and try to understand the contents. They are usually mailed to us old, retired guys by now, but nothing yet. Just wondering.
So I am a law abiding citizen, I have an FOID and live in Chicago. I have a couple of Glocks. I carry one because I live in a shit district and fear for my safety getting from point A to B. If I get stopped for whatever reason a copper would probably take advantage of the opportunity to get a UUW arrest.
Only once was I stopped and the officer noticed an FOID sticking out in my wallet. She asked if I had a gun on me, I said no. I actually left it at home that day. She didn't search. What if I would have said yes? What would have happened?
What if I was in Lincoln Park and a mugger came up to me and I shot his ass? It would be over for me in this city.
Anonymous said...
Gun ownership saves life.Gun control takes life.....
.... I like that; true and to the point..
According to the NYT, it sounds like they're considering hitting the guy with a misdemeanor charge for having the shotgun without a permit. ::sigh:: Some days, I just want to run away to Texas.
"What kind of random, street robbers rob an appliance restaurant? Maybe it was part of a shake-down?
Sorry to be stereotypical, but if the robbers included Gino and Vince the stories going to be a lot different than if the guys were Dantrell and Tyrone.
8/14/2009 09:11:00 AM"
Have you priced appliances these days?
"Holy Shit...
8/14/2009 09:56:00 AM"
An' dat's dat.
street justice at its finest
Beezil said...
" I don't like repeat offenders, I like DEAD offenders."
-Ted Nugent
8/14/2009 07:42:00 AM
You're quoting the wimp that shit all over himself to get out of the draft in Vietnam.
Don't ever take Ted Nugent seriously. He talks tough, but is really a piece of shit.
Chuck Augusto for Mayor.Start the campaign now.
What can I say besides........"NICE"
Anonymous said...
I just can't see the logic behind not being able to have a hand gun in Chicago. Oh well, I'm just gonna have to take my chances... just as long as no body runup on me....
8/14/2009 07:50:00 AM
Here's one bit of logic:
"...With the appointment of (william) Hanhardt to Chief of Detectives, what else could Alderman Roti and the Chicago Mob do to become a more effective criminal organization?? Disarm the citizens of Chicago so they'd be no match for the Chicago Mob and corrupt Chicago police officers. Guess who lead the fight for gun control in Chicago and voted on Chicago's strict gun control ordinance leaving innocent Chicago citizens defenseless against corrupt police officers like Hanhardt and his cronies? None other than Alderman Roti..."
At least his airforce ones were spotless! ha ha ha sucka!
So you guys know 125th street is Martin Luther King BLVD...... Tells you why the guy had a shotgun right there :)
Good goin GUS!!! I actually bought a stove from the guy back when I was in NY (10 years ago). Its off of 125th between Amsterdam and Broadway
Just made a phone call to some guys on the job back there.
The real deal is they waited for him to make a cash sale, came in and were attempting to tie up the employees when one resisted, they pistol whipped him. Thats when Gus went for the shotgun. The guy they pistol whipped, dragged one of the scum(A cops nephew) out on the sidewalk and started beating and kicking him as he was dieing. They took that employee down in cuffs, but latter released him. probably going to catch a battery charge.
The 2 scum that lived are under guard at the hospital, one rolled on the other.
The shotgun was not registered, but it was purchased over 30 years ago. Hes gonna scake on that charge, but wont get the gun back. So I say we take up a donation to get Gus a new shotgun.
Some time back I was standing at an a.t.m. across from a watering hole and saw a couple of "people" peeking at me from the alley from behind garbage cans. I'm retired and carry legally because of #218. The thing that went through my head is, do I want to be a test case in this city with the retards that are in charge. Doesn't matter this time because I peeked back at them and they thought better of it. What about next time?
Poor honor roll students.
I've never really understood how Daley could deny the people of Chicago their constitutional rights.
Gus for Mayor of Chicago!!!!Import his ass here right now!!!!!
This is why I love shotguns.
Perfect defense weapon at home or in a store.
Can't wait to see auntie with their 8th grade pictures, crying about how "They was just tryin' to turn their lives around"
The word-of-mouth effect of this incident on the criminal element is impossible to quantify but common sense says it may well deter some other violent criminals.
Let's hope the Manhattan D.A. does the right thing and treats this citizen appropriately.
"That's just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly. A person defending himself is just silly. Silly, silly, silly, silly, silly.
That's a bodyguards job. Right Burke."
"He stood over the body cursing him and shaking him, even though he was dead," said Matthew Viane, 38, who lives in the neighborhood. "He was screaming at him and stomping him. "He [the employee] said, 'You were going to kill me? Now you're dead!'"
Holy Shit...
8/14/2009 09:56:00 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen...the #1 choice for the next Superintendent!
The thing that went through my head is, do I want to be a test case in this city with the retards that are in charge. Doesn't matter this time because I peeked back at them and they thought better of it. What about next time?
8/14/2009 01:15:00 PM
I always count my cash right out in front of the machine before I walk away. If they are looking...they are in for a big surprise.
Keep looking around Snethen. The sixth sense never goes away, does it? Be safe and thanks for your help over the years.
Anonymous said...
a short, long gun... one way to get past the handgun ban in Chicago... what is the legal barrel length and overall legal length I can own? They can still be registered and owned in Chicago, correct? Thanks
8/14/2009 08:32:00 AM
18". That's the legal barrel length. There are also ammunition capacity limits, and limits on styles of grip. Class III weapons are not able to be purchased in Illinois (sawed-off shotguns, grenades, fully-automatic guns pre-1986, etc).
The best you can do for yourself is get a Remington 870 12ga and then get an 18" cylinder bore barrel for it (they are about $120). I keep mine under the bed full of shells, with an empty chamber. 00 buck 9 pellet..about $1/shell at any sporting goods store. Or 3" magnum BuckHammers. It depends on what you want left of your bad guy.
Registration costs you $20/gun and you have to do it once a year, and have to renew 60 days prior to expiration. You can get forms at any police station, but in almost every case, cops have looked at me funny when I've asked for one, and several have warned me to "never even try to register a handgun." I don't know if they think I'm stupid or criminal, or if they are just giving me under-the-table advice to keep handgun ownership on the down-low. Regardless, the process is simple even though it's pointless.
I'd like to know from the cops on here just how many crimes were solved using the registration database? I'd gather most likely none...am I close?
I'd rather spend $100 every 5 years for a CCW class and cert. That's money well spent!
(a tip of the cover to the late Col. Cooper)
Gus for Pesident! Fuck all the other dumb-shit...
"I've never really understood how Daley could deny the people of Chicago their constitutional rights.
8/14/2009 02:08:00 PM"
Because 'the people' take an ass fucking and keep on chucking?
"What about next time?
8/14/2009 01:15:00 PM"
Next time, ask yourself, "Do I feel lucky?".
"What if I was in Lincoln Park and a mugger came up to me and I shot his ass? It would be over for me in this city.
8/14/2009 10:16:00 AM"
1. Center mass is not the same as ample ass.
2. And you'd remain on scene why?
3. Have a plan and always have 3 back up plans. That will put you 4 plans ahead of the animals.
"So I am a law abiding citizen, I have an FOID and live in Chicago. I have a couple of Glocks. I carry one because I live in a shit district and fear for my safety getting from point A to B. If I get stopped for whatever reason a copper would probably take advantage of the opportunity to get a UUW arrest.
Only once was I stopped and the officer noticed an FOID sticking out in my wallet. She asked if I had a gun on me, I said no. I actually left it at home that day. She didn't search. What if I would have said yes? What would have happened?
What if I was in Lincoln Park and a mugger came up to me and I shot his ass? It would be over for me in this city."
NO! Even the King of Chicago can not deprive you of your constitutional right to defend your self.
You have the right to defend your self against an armed attacker by any means nessesary. That includes a hand gun!
No Detective in this City or the Cook County States Atorneys Office would charge you with any thing. Now one of the district guys may hit you with failure to register.
Your sentence would be that you loose the gun and maybe pay a small fine.
Under an 1890 New York Law, the owner gets to keep the thieves bodies and post them outside his shop for four business days.
That was called a deterrent back then.
haha. fantastic! I can see daley's stammering red face getting all worked up when reading this story ..
"Can you imagine Shortshanks' face if this happened here?"
It will happen here.
+++Anonymous said...
I've never really understood how Daley could deny the people of Chicago their constitutional rights.+++
The Illinois State Rifle Association and the NRA both have lawsuits filed against Chicago that have been petitioned to be heard by the US Supreme Court. These cases will have national impact as well. They will firmly cement that your second amendment rights can not be taken away by a state or local government.
I'd say it's just an occupational hazard for a robber!
No Detective in this City or the Cook County States Atorneys Office would charge you with any thing. Now one of the district guys may hit you with failure to register.
Your sentence would be that you loose the gun and maybe pay a small fine.
Those darn district guys. If only I was in a unit I wouldn't have to do the paper. Great advice if you're on the jury.
Anonymous said...
a short, long gun... one way to get past the handgun ban in Chicago... what is the legal barrel length and overall legal length I can own? They can still be registered and owned in Chicago, correct? Thanks
8/14/2009 08:32:00 AM
18". That's the legal barrel length. There are also ammunition capacity limits, and limits on styles of grip. Class III weapons are not able to be purchased in Illinois (sawed-off shotguns, grenades, fully-automatic guns pre-1986, etc).
The best you can do for yourself is get a Remington 870 12ga and then get an 18" cylinder bore barrel for it (they are about $120). I keep mine under the bed full of shells, with an empty chamber. 00 buck 9 pellet..about $1/shell at any sporting goods store. Or 3" magnum BuckHammers. It depends on what you want left of your bad guy.
just to clarify, can a person convert the 870 to a pistol grip or not? or am I looking at just the full length stock with a purchase of an 18" barrel?
I think your opinions might be a bit skewed on the second amendment, as a petty non violent criminal, I would fear for my well being because eventually somebody might shoot me because they feel like it, even though I pose no threat, and then the police wouldn't feel any which way about it and maybe would be happy. Bottom line, I don't want to die for writing on things, it's happened before.
You don't have to post this one because I know you wont, but I think the second amendment is the only right you guys care about.
No problem. This couldn't happen in Chicago. I would have shown these bad guys the announcement for my next beat meeting and I am sure they would have fled in terror because of becoming aware I would out them at the meeting. CAPS Has It Together, or CHIT, for short.
"and the four gangbangers tried to rob the old man who just happened to have a shotgun under his counter. The old man fired killing two and wounding one gangbanger and went back to eating his porridge. It was good porridge".
8/14/2009 01:06:00 AM
I ain't sayin' nuthin'...
I'm just sayin'
Ask Gus if he would like a job here in Chicago.
Anonymous said...
You don't have to post this one because I know you wont, but I think the second amendment is the only right you guys care about.
8/15/2009 01:33:00 PM
Without the 2nd amendment some jagoffs who don't care about anyone's rights can take all my rights away in an instant.
Don't waste time getting a handgun, a shotgun is much more effective. And legal in Chicago!
Anonymous said...
So I am a law abiding citizen, I have an FOID and live in Chicago. I have a couple of Glocks. I carry one because I live in a shit district and fear for my safety getting from point A to B. If I get stopped for whatever reason a copper would probably take advantage of the opportunity to get a UUW arrest.
Only once was I stopped and the officer noticed an FOID sticking out in my wallet. She asked if I had a gun on me, I said no. I actually left it at home that day. She didn't search. What if I would have said yes? What would have happened?
What if I was in Lincoln Park and a mugger came up to me and I shot his ass? It would be over for me in this city.
8/14/2009 10:16:00 AM
You're right. Better to try and reason with the mugger and offer to help put him through high school and to help him get his rapper career going.
There is a name for people like you, Medical Examiner Case Number Aug09-xxx
"You don't have to post this one because I know you wont, but I think the second amendment is the only right you guys care about.
8/15/2009 01:33:00 PM"
It's the only Right, God given, by the way, that matters.
Every other Right enumerated in our Bill of Rights depends entirely on this one.
You know, the one that says you have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, to, amongst other things, DEFEND YOUR ASS against those others who would, in a friggin' heartbeat, stomp that ass into the dirt.
Is all this too much for your dormant brain to process?
"I think your opinions might be a bit skewed on the second amendment, as a petty non violent criminal, I would fear for my well being because eventually somebody might shoot me because they feel like it, even though I pose no threat, and then the police wouldn't feel any which way about it and maybe would be happy. Bottom line, I don't want to die for writing on things, it's happened before.
8/15/2009 01:31:00 PM"
Then either don't 'write on things' or only 'write on things' which belong to you.
"Under an 1890 New York Law, the owner gets to keep the thieves bodies and post them outside his shop for four business days.
That was called a deterrent back then.
8/14/2009 08:22:00 PM"
In every season?
Because 4 days is an awfully long time in the month of August.
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