Pleger Dollar Time
Cardinal George is sitting on the best poker hand in 30 years, Pfleger is showing nothing but a busted flush. So of course, the Cardinal folds:
- Ending a weeks-long standoff, Cardinal Francis George lifted his suspension of the Rev. Michael Pfleger on Friday after the two men met and Pfleger apologized for statements the cardinal took as a threat to leave the priesthood.
Both men issued simultaneous statements, with Pfleger saying he would deliver a transition plan by Dec. 1 for St. Sabina Catholic Church, the South Side parish he has served for nearly 30 years.
But neither statement clarified how long Pfleger might remain at the parish. For now, he'll be back in the pulpit for the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday.
Great. An open ended commitment to an egomaniac who hasn't had to answer to Church law, doctrine or tradition for 30 years. Time for Roman Catholics to toss a few of these in the old collection basket:

Labels: we got nothing
As predicted.
Think the city's recent threats to make non-profits pay for water had something to do with George folding?
You betcha!
The Honorable Danny Davis DID predict this.
Imagine that!
scc...I'm surprised there has been no comments about the recent article by Father Nangle in the last F.O.P newsletter...chaplains forced out and we are forced to accept an out-spoken catholic priest as our chaplain? Please read this article and notice what this high ranking police official has said...
that envelope must have gotten quite a bit thicker.
I'm done. Fini. Kaput. I'm becoming a Lutheran. Should have done it years ago, but this was the final straw.
The priest has to tender a 'transition plan', essentially outlining how the parish will have to learn to live without him, by December of this year.
Seems a deal, of sorts, has been cut.
You should've used the "F" you omitted from Asshole's name in a "unFucking believable" at the bottom of the thread instead of "we got nothin'".
Un-Fucking-Believable that the Archdiocese continues to cater to this prick and bends over backwards to accommodate his ignorant, race-baiting pulpit antics.
Allow me, if you will SCC, one last "F"...
pFuck off, Pfleger!
The almighty dollar is what may have caused the Cardinal to call his prodigal son back into the fold.
It's been said that St. Sabina generates slightly over
$50 grand a month into the Archdiocese's coffers.
St. Sabina's board had threatened to break away completely from the Archdiocese and start their own
church somewhere else. We've all seen many Catholic
schools and churches fold and or consolidate over the
years. Think about it: Would YOU want to see those $$
leave your religious order today?
it's a shame they call themselves catholics. the cardinal has no spine. father fake also met with the new super on friday.
Has Pleger fired the cardinal yet? He said he was gonna start his own church. Seems as though he is running it now. Some say that he was a better vote getter for the democratic machine than the alderperson. He is big business. Hey all you catholics who donated to that second collection for the poor churches can be proud....
scc...I'm surprised there has been no comments about the recent article by Father Nangle in the last F.O.P newsletter...chaplains forced out and we are forced to accept an out-spoken catholic priest as our chaplain? Please read this article and notice what this high ranking police official has said...
5/21/2011 12:12:00 AM
It's been commented on at least three times, so far. But nobody seems to care, which is why we'll end up with some 'community based' self-serving jerks as 'our' chaplains.
It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church. I wonder if you are as invested in your own churches and faiths, as you are in the activities of Father Pflegers and his parishioners.
CPD and Catholic
"I'm done. Fini. Kaput. I'm becoming a Lutheran. Should have done it years ago, but this was the final straw."
Best decision I ever made! All the salvation and half the guilt!
12:20....Unfortunately, protestant churches are now even more PC.
Just another reason that will make Catholics leave the church.
First they publish the results of a study to find out the REAL cause of priests molesting kids. What was that cause? SOCIETY! They blame everyone else but those involved. Now you have Pleger thumbing his nose at the church, doing and saying what HE wants to and what is his punishment? A two week suspension.
Go to St. Sabina web site and you notice there is no mention of "Mass" on Sunday. They call it a Worship & Praise Service. They should change their name to St. Sabina MBC (make believe catholic) Church.
"I'm done. Fini. Kaput. I'm becoming a Lutheran."
Meh. I started out as a Lutheran. It didn't stick, much to Mom's annoyance. On the other hand, not too many serial killers come from the LCA....
Hey Cardinal George, how do you manage to walk around without a spine??!
Lifelong Catholic at least 40 weeks a year at mass, no more, not one more dime. This is the final straw, after all the sex scandals. Let Phlegers members support the Chicago Archdiocese.
It all becomes clear, doesn't it? I have no more guilt when it comes to the Catholic Church. They always say that we are the Church, but that's not true.
---not a cop
phleger will rename st sabina's the triple rock church and do his reverend cleophus james impersonation on sunday at mass---- do you see the light---- you boys could use a little churchin up....
" The God I Believe In, Isn't Short of Cash Mister" !
It's been said that St. Sabina generates slightly over
$50 grand a month into the Archdiocese's coffers
Right. They would be lucky to take in 50 grand a YEAR. George is absolutely gutless.
Why would the new superintendent meet with this scumbag? They met on Friday, is the new supt. a sell out.
Has Pleger fired the cardinal yet? He said he was gonna start his own church. Seems as though he is running it now. Some say that he was a better vote getter for the democratic machine than the alderperson. He is big business. Hey all you catholics who donated to that second collection for the poor churches can be proud....
Don't get ahead of yourself, Francis. St. Sabina fully supports its own church, there are no 'other church donations' keeping it afloat. They send a sizable chunk of revenue to the Archdiocese here monthly. Say whatever you will about Pfleger, but St. Sabina
is definitely NOT struggling to raise funds, their parishoners give very generously.
Sex abuse after sex abuse coverup. Priests like this being catered to. Honestly. I'll talk to God, or the Devil himself, when I'm gone. Don't need intermediaries.
My Dollars will be staying in my wallet and NOT going to the Catholic Church, as long as this Con-Artist is allowed to be a Catholic Priest in Crookago.
Did you see who the "good priest" just had a meeting with. The future superintendant McCarthy. This don't look good.
I'm going to become a Baptist.
I like their music.
Yesm, looks like a "deal" has been made, he's supposed to "transition" in December. Won't hold my breath on this con artist in priest clothing.
Two questions:
1) Re-stating Pleger means he won't be the CPD's chaplain -at -large ?
2) Does Pleger still get to keep the Ex-Cal-ade ?
I suspect the Messiahama had a beer summit with the Cardinal. There's no problem that can't be solved over a 40 oz'er.
I'm doing the Orthodox Jewish thing, great hats and no bump card.
St. Sabina's isn't a church. Since everything there depends upon one man, it's a cult.
This is OK with Cardinal George.
It was heard after the CardInals first visit to St Sabina. Fr Mike "so how was it?"Cardinal "It was great but it wasn't mass. "
I don't like Pfleger but I also can't stand Cardinal George. Two who are made for each other.
You think the Catholic Church is bad. Try working for Catholic Charities. They treat their employees like shit.
"Compassion in action."
It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church. I wonder if you are as invested in your own churches and faiths, as you are in the activities of Father Pflegers and his parishioners.
CPD and Catholic
5/21/2011 06:20:00 AM
Phleager acts like a preacher and not a Catholic priest,the surrounding comunity of St. Sabina and the majority of "parishoners are not even catholic, they go to St. Sabina simply to supplemnt their LINK card. One more freebie, why not? If they are giving I'm taking.. Keep giving to the Catholic Church, Rev. Phlegar and his devout southside "catholics" are loving it! Who works for who??
10:34 A.M. THANK YOU!!! I thought I was drunk when I was watching Friday nights channel 7 news and they said our new leader had a meeting with felcher.Things are gonna change? If you believe that Santa will be coming in December.
It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church. I wonder if you are as invested in your own churches and faiths, as you are in the activities of Father Pflegers and his parishioners.
Correct on all counts. And to those who cite priestly sex scandals, I've never heard of any of that at St. Sabina, or anything of that sort connected directly or indirectly to Father Pfleger. Hate the man's politics if you want to, but he and that church have done a lot of good in an otherwise Godforsaken community.
A whole lot of churches could learn what the true meaning of 'community service' is from St. Sabina.
"It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church."
--5/21/2011 06:20:00 AM
So tell the asshole to quit constantly moving on the guns of people who live twenty miles away.
We should take a bunch of old shoes and some dry ice and put them in front of Pfleger's church. Then yell, "Look the Rapture Happened and all the real believers are gone". Then we should all call Pfleger and ask why he is still here..
"Did you see who the "good priest" just had a meeting with. The future superintendant McCarthy. This don't look good."
Pfleger is on Emanuel's Public Safety Transition team.
No surprise here.
Business as usual.
It's funny how certain parts of society never have to follow the rules. Well at least he's back at that church preventing violence. Keep him away from my church! I don't want his pretend violence prevention around me.
I know a cpd officer who tried to start a cpd foundation several years ago. Don't know how far they got trying to move us up the food chain. Probably got squashed by the powers that be.
5/21/2011 02:11:00 PM
That's messed up. It's supposed to be a Catholic church. We have Mass not worship services. That just seems like a baptist church masquerading as a Catholic church.
Best decision I ever made! All the salvation and half the guilt!
5/21/2011 06:21:00 AM
t's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church. I wonder if you are as invested in your own churches and faiths, as you are in the activities of Father Pflegers and his parishioners.
Correct on all counts. And to those who cite priestly sex scandals, I've never heard of any of that at St. Sabina, or anything of that sort connected directly or indirectly to Father Pfleger. Hate the man's politics if you want to, but he and that church have done a lot of good in an otherwise Godforsaken community.
A whole lot of churches could learn what the true meaning of 'community service' is from St. Sabina.
5/21/2011 11:44:00 PM
20 some years ago I believe it was the Sun Times did a couple of articles about an allegation of him getting high.
"Phleager acts like a preacher and not a Catholic priest,the surrounding comunity of St. Sabina and the majority of "parishoners are not even catholic, they go to St. Sabina simply to supplemnt their LINK card. One more freebie, why not? If they are giving I'm taking.. Keep giving to the Catholic Church, Rev. Phlegar and his devout southside "catholics" are loving it! Who works for who??"
So, you're saying that if doesn't look the way you say it should it's a problem? How exactly do you know about the make up of that parish? And for your edification, the church is made up of the working middle class, who give
generously to sustain their church. They believe in tithing
to maintain St Sabina and works for them. If you find his "preaching" distasteful or his work within that community a problem, the solution is simple, don't join. Otherwise, you go to your church and let them go to theirs.
CPD and Catholic
"So tell the asshole to quit constantly moving on the guns of people who live twenty miles away."
His stance merely reflects the faith community he serves. But rest in the assurance that he won't be able to get so much as a pellet gun banned. The gun lobby is huge, powerful and has a ton of money.
"That's messed up. It's supposed to be a Catholic church. We have Mass not worship services. That just seems like a baptist church masquerading as a Catholic church."
Why do you care how the word of God is presented by Father Pfleger to his parishioners? It doesn't have to look the way you think it should or meet your needs. Every Sunday his church is packed and they give generously to sustain the church. Very few Catholic churches in Chicago can make that claim.
Why does Cardinal George, who apparently has not one single vertebra in his body, continue to initiate periodic moves on the Phlegm, only to back down each time? There must be a strategy, but it is surely unclear. Is it like our typical clout check?
Correct on all counts. And to those who cite priestly sex scandals, I've never heard of any of that at St. Sabina, or anything of that sort connected directly or indirectly to Father Pfleger. Hate the man's politics if you want to, but he and that church have done a lot of good in an otherwise Godforsaken community.
A whole lot of churches could learn what the true meaning of 'community service' is from St. Sabina.
5/21/2011 11:44:00 PM
I can't speak for anybody but myself, but what I don't like is that some people are 'more equal' than others. Why do all priests have to be rotated around, EXCEPT Pfleger?
Once upon a time, a young priest was sent to St. Sabina's. There was probably a lot of concern and even conversation about how this young, inexperienced guy wasn't going to amount to anything.
Today, there's a priest out there, somewhere, who will be Pfleger's replacement. He'll bring a new outlook, new energy, new insights, to St. Sabina's. And he might even be an improvement over the existing priest, in ways no one can imagine.
Priests are rotated for many reasons. One is so they do not become little dictators, answering to no one, as this one has. Another is so new ideas and methods can be spread around.
If Pfleger is so successful, shouldn't his talents be shared with other parishes, so that they might also benefit? And, if he's a one-hit wonder, shouldn't we know that, too?
I do believe that the "rules" of religion, no matter what, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Jewish etc. in order to stay tax exempt prohibit using the puplit to promote politics. I'm sure the IRS is right on top of all this. Now you can argue that Fr. Pfleger has done a good job in the neighborhood and he promoted all the social, communist democrates or whoever. But he is not supposed to do it from the church. But then again the IRS if a fair group, right?
Why do you care how the word of God is presented by Father Pfleger to his parishioners? It doesn't have to look the way you think it should or meet your needs. Every Sunday his church is packed and they give generously to sustain the church. Very few Catholic churches in Chicago can make that claim.
5/22/2011 08:13:00 AM
the 'word of God'.
being 'presented by'.
resulting in the 'church being packed' every Sunday, and in 'they give generously'.
as for what 'they' do the rest of the week?
His stance merely reflects the faith community he serves. But rest in the assurance that he won't be able to get so much as a pellet gun banned. The gun lobby is huge, powerful and has a ton of money.
5/22/2011 08:00:00 AM
you left out:
1. supports a specific Enumerated Constitutional Right.
2. supports a God Given Right to Self Defense.
3. supports the natural rights of liberty and property, including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms.
4. is 'huge', and 'powerful', because it consists of every citizen of these United States of America, regardless of whether or not a given, individual citizen, (or a given 'faith community'), understands, appreciates or chooses to exercise their Rights, or even to respect said Rights, or the Rights of others.
as for having 'a ton of money', it's a sad commentary on how far astray we've come, that private citizens must raise, and spend, a portion of their earnings to defend the very Rights their own governments, federal, state, county, city, etc., exist to protect.
Correct on all counts. And to those who cite priestly sex scandals, I've never heard of any of that at St. Sabina, or anything of that sort connected directly or indirectly to Father Pfleger. Hate the man's politics if you want to, but he and that church have done a lot of good in an otherwise Godforsaken community.
A whole lot of churches could learn what the true meaning of 'community service' is from St. Sabina.
5/21/2011 11:44:00 PM
Maybe you haven't "heard" because you haven't talked to any of the sisters. Common knowledge in the hood.
"....but he and that church have done a lot of good in an otherwise Godforsaken community.
A whole lot of churches could learn what the true meaning of 'community service' is from St. Sabina.
5/21/2011 11:44:00 PM"
God hasn't forsaken that community, that community has forsaken God.
as for learning the 'true meaning of community service', you gots ta be higher than the proverbial kite.
"So tell the asshole to quit constantly moving on the guns of people who live twenty miles away."
"His stance merely reflects the faith community he serves."
--5/22/2011 08:00:00 AM
Oh, stop it.
"We should take a bunch of old shoes and some dry ice and put them in front of Pfleger's church. Then yell, "Look the Rapture Happened and all the real believers are gone". Then we should all call Pfleger and ask why he is still here.."
--5/21/2011 11:52:00 PM
What a scene!
I love it...
"It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church."
One of the things that upsets so many people is that Father Pfleger is treated differently than other catholic priests. No other catholic priest would get away with what he gets away with. A lot of churches have to say goodbye to their beloved priests because the church rotates them. Why is he treated differently?
It puzzles and distresses me that so many of you are jumping on the bandwagon to fry Pfleger and George. Pfleger's politics are absolutely despicable and he is an idiot when it comes to gun control and many other issues, BUT that has nothing to do with how well he does his job. As several posteers have pointed out, his parish is self-sustaining and well attended. He is in effect doing what a Priest is supposed to do: that is tend expand and better his flock. He is in fact doing God's work. As far as the rotation rule, it is an arbitrary rule put in place by the Archdiocese, and can be waived by the Archdioces at any time. It has no caonical meaning. Whatever he calls his service, Worship service, rapture or whatever is unimportant. If he does the principle parts of the Mass, Offertory, Consecration and Communion, it is a Mass no matter what he calls it.
In addition, I can hear the screaming from most of you now, if he is assigned to your church in the future. Ease up. Let the Cardinal run the Archdiocese.
"So tell the asshole to quit constantly moving on the guns of people who live twenty miles away."
"His stance merely reflects the faith community he serves. But rest in the assurance that he won't be able to get so much as a pellet gun banned. The gun lobby is huge, powerful and has a ton of money."
The gun lobby is huge, does have a lot of power and money, but it isn't as huge as the Catholic church, nor does it have the church's power and money.
The gun lobby has lobbyists. So does the church (anti-abortion for example).
The church enjoys quite a bit of tax-free land and free water in Chicago. The gun lobby? Not exactly. If the NRA opened an office in Chicago, would they get free water? I strongly doubt it.
When I donate to my church, it's tax-deductible. When I donate to the NRA, it isn't.
Nevertheless, I'll continue matching my NRA donations to those I make to my church.
Both freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution, but treated very differently.
I substitute Pfleger dollars whenever he acts up.
Cardinal George is weak, but no use pounding him at this juncture.
If in fact Pfleger is drawing up a plan to transition out of St. Sabina, then the Cardinal has done his job.
My church changes pastors pretty regularly. My faith isn't in the pastor, he's only God's local rep.
Why do you care how the word of God is presented by Father Pfleger to his parishioners? It doesn't have to look the way you think it should or meet your needs. Every Sunday his church is packed and they give generously to sustain the church. Very few Catholic churches in Chicago can make that claim.
5/22/2011 08:13:00 AM
"the 'word of God'.
being 'presented by'.
resulting in the 'church being packed' every Sunday, and in 'they give generously'.
as for what 'they' do the rest of the week?"
What? Now you're just being ridiculous. What are you implying about the parishioners of St Sabina, of which I have known many? They are middle and working class people teachers, police officers, postal workers, etc. So, the answer is, working the rest of the week just like you and I.
"The gun lobby is huge, does have a lot of power and money, but it isn't as huge as the Catholic church, nor does it have the church's power and money."
And still with all of the power the Catholic church wields and the protesting of Father Pfleger and others not so much as pellet gun has been banned. However, Father Pfleger's stance reflects the beliefs of many in the Black community.
"It's amazing how personally, so many of you, take Father Pfleger's actions at Saint Sabina, a church you don't even attend. He serves his parishioners and addresses the issues of the surrounding community. You don't live there, you don't go to that church."
"One of the things that upsets so many people is that Father Pfleger is treated differently than other catholic priests. No other catholic priest would get away with what he gets away with. A lot of churches have to say goodbye to their beloved priests because the church rotates them. Why is he treated differently?"
Father Pfleger has done a tremendous amount of work within St Sabina and Auburn-Greshsm as a whole. He has been instrumental in making local store owners accountable for what they come to the community and sell within their stores such as drug paraphernalia. He has been instrumental in removing billboards that advertise dangerous and offensive things. Priests, in general, are not exactly known for being active in the communities that surround the churches they serve. And certainly never to
the extent that Father Pfleger does. In addition, he has inspired a huge number of people to actually attend church every Sunday and support the church financially.
"God hasn't forsaken that community, that community has forsaken God.
as for learning the 'true meaning of community service', you gots ta be higher than the proverbial kite."
There are many paths to God. Fortunately, for all of us you're not the guy who gets to decide if my path or that of anyone else is correct. "that community has forsaken God" ? Wow, that's incredible. You are clueless about a church and people you are likely to have never come in contact with. And nobody is rushing over to Auburn-Gresham to do the kind of things Father Pfleger has done.
So, you're saying that if doesn't look the way you say it should it's a problem? How exactly do you know about the make up of that parish? And for your edification, the church is made up of the working middle class, who give
generously to sustain their church. They believe in tithing
to maintain St Sabina and works for them. If you find his "preaching" distasteful or his work within that community a problem, the solution is simple, don't join. Otherwise, you go to your church and let them go to theirs.
CPD and Catholic
So let me ask you this Mr CPD and CATHOLIC,
If you and your father faker are so catholic then why is it necessary to put a brown rug over the statue of St. Joseph. Your a fucking hypocrite just like your cult leader. Don't deny it either asshole!!!
There are many paths to God. Fortunately, for all of us you're not the guy who gets to decide if my path or that of anyone else is correct. "that community has forsaken God" ? Wow, that's incredible. You are clueless about a church and people you are likely to have never come in contact with. And nobody is rushing over to Auburn-Gresham to do the kind of things Father Pfleger has done.
5/23/2011 06:26:00 AM
some 'paths to God' are quicker than others.
5/23/2011 06:16:00 AM:
"Father Pfleger has done a tremendous amount of work within St Sabina and Auburn-Greshsm as a whole. He has been instrumental in making local store owners accountable for what they come to the community and sell within their stores such as drug paraphernalia."
local merchants rarely, if ever, stock merchandise which does not sell, ergo, you do the math.
"He has been instrumental in removing billboards that advertise dangerous and offensive things."
dangerous to whom? the dim-witted? the morally bankrupt? the self-destructive? the inherently dangerous?
and 'offensive'? offensive how? provide examples, please.
"Priests, in general, are not exactly known for being active in the communities that surround the churches they serve."
'priests, in general'?
what, to you, constitutes 'being active'?
and, is it possible that the 'community' to which you refer isn't, in general, known for being exactly like most other communities being well served by their churches' activities?
"And certainly never to
the extent that Father Pfleger does."
to what extent, exactly, has this community been 'actively' served by their 'priest'?
and, exactly, why has this particular priest had the specific opportunities to be 'active' in the few ways which you have specified?
"In addition, he has inspired a huge number of people to actually attend church every Sunday and support the church financially."
what, exactly, does that 'huge number of people' do the other 6 days of the week?
and what, exactly, is all of that, implied, 'huge' financial support of this church being used for?
and where does the money come from?
"There were tales of Father Piasecki, whom we called Father Grab-It-All. Piasecki often took weekend trips to his house in Pennsylvania with the rectory housekeeper, Wanda, who always wore a plush fur coat, her gift from the generous pastor. My sister once asked my mother if Wanda was the pastor's wife.
"When Piasecki retired, letters were sent to parishioners asking them to come to his farewell party. People mailed him ripped-up wallets and dollar bills.
"Only the ass-kissers attended the gala.
"At a very young age, I learned that our parish was hardly hallowed ground..."
--Five-Finger Discount, Helene Stapinski, 2001
"what, exactly, does that 'huge number of people' do the other 6 days of the week?"
I won't even deal with the majority of your nonsense. What exactly are you implying about working and middle class Black people?They do exactly what you and I do, go to work, raise their families and live their lives. The people I know that attend St Sabina are teachers, firefighters, police officers etc. Do you even know one person who is part of that faith community?
"So let me ask you this Mr CPD and CATHOLIC,
If you and your father faker are so catholic then why is it necessary to put a brown rug over the statue of St. Joseph. Your a fucking hypocrite just like your cult leader. Don't deny it either asshole!!!"
Wow, you get very hostile and angry when people don't agree with you. My faith doesn't have to be proven to you or anyone. I only attend St Sabina on occasion so I have no idea about St Joseph or the rug. But statues are only symbols, they are not your faith so don't get so upset about
it. Lastly, you probably meant "you're a fucking hypocrite", not "your a fucking hypocrite". There is a difference. I won't bother denying it, it's too ridiculous.
CPD and Catholic
"And still with all of the power the Catholic church wields and the protesting of Father Pfleger and others not so much as pellet gun [sic] has been banned. However, [?] Father Pfleger's stance reflects the beliefs of many in the Black community."
5/23/2011 06:01:00 AM
You are lying.
Look up the gun laws instead of clumsily parroting the uninformed comments of other posters.
"And still with all of the power the Catholic church wields and the protesting of Father Pfleger and others not so much as pellet gun [sic] has been banned. However, [?] Father Pfleger's stance reflects the beliefs of many in the Black community."
5/23/2011 06:01:00 AM
"You are lying.
Look up the gun laws instead of clumsily parroting the uninformed comments of other posters."
Lying? Strong word. You seem angry. I'm not lying so rather than parroting the useless verbal attacks on this issue, enlighten me with the information you have.
"I'm not lying..."
Yes you are, in stating that "not so much as a pellet gun has been banned."
"Enlighten me with the information you have."
5/25/2011 05:14:00 PM
No. I'm busy. You're proposing a major project. Go do your own research on the thousands of existing local, state, and federal gun laws. Then come back and tell me that "nothing has been banned."
See ya.
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