Six Years

In any event, nearly 15 million visitors, 24 million page views, reading 8,300 posts and leaving over 503,000 comments over the last six years. We hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as we've had fun producing it. We'd like to thank everyone who contributes, either by reading, commenting, forwarding us articles for consideration, anything at all. We are humbled by your patronage and look forward to seeing you through another summer of fun.

Stay safe boys and girls.
Labels: blogging
Happy 6th Birthday to the Grand Daddy and God Father of police blogging!
You're the bestest!
thanks for doing it. fun reading and providing a mental health service (venting).
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this "insignificant" blog.
Glad you're there, SCC. Truth, justice... hey, are you able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, too? Happy Birthday!
How about you have a party at North Ave Beach?
Congrats, SCC!
Happy birthday. Like the saying goes, there's a lot of cats in the alley but only one bullet. Not sure what it means but you'll hear that and other jems on A&E's Chicago's missing person show. Much better than Chicago code.
I want cake, where's my cake?? lol
Seriously, I only discovered your blog this year and really enjoy it. Thanks for taking the time to put it together and I hope we still see it six years from now... and beyond.
not sure where to put this but very interesting fact i learned a bit ago.
A lot of friends and family members who for some reason like to enjoy downtown always ask me about everything going on. so i directed them to those iphone apps that let you listen in the police radio. i figured at least its a way they can hear where the shitbags are and avoid those areas as best as possible.
now a few months ago zone 4 (1&18) worked just fine. then all this bullshit with downtown started back up and what do ya know. all the the apps now have an error with only zone 4. some took it right off their list. I find this interesting because it seems very odd that a all of the sudden it dosnt work. i checked all other districts and no problems at all. so the city has silenced the media, as we all know (since i still have family members who dont fully believe me when i tell them whats going on) and now they silenced apps that any peson with a phone could hear all this bullshit going on and decide not to come downtown..
now obviously its best overall the keep our communications private as to not alert the shitbags to what the police are doing. but whats the ratio of good people who have iphones to the shitbags that do ( not including all the assholes who steal them daill, i also use the term good people lightly, meaning non criminals seeing as crybaby bitch yuppies downtown hardly qualify under good people) and taking out districts 1&18? i think 7&8 or 11 would be a lot smarter to silence.
and congrats to the scc. hapy birthday. i dont know how i would get through my days without this blog. seriously.
Not too bad for an "insignificant" little blog.
By the way, who was it again that called you insignificant? Um, what was that guy's name? Jeez, I just can't seem to remember. He seems to have faded into insignificance.
And the gates to the "open city" open even wider.,0,2369890.story
As a P/O assigned to 011, I would first like to say that I am happy to have all of the MSF/TRU personnel detailed to the district. Almost everyone is happy that you are here. We are trying our best to be inclusive. That being said, you are now a part of our district/unit/team/company/whatever you want to call it. We have been told to give you a period of acclimation. When you start putting yourselves down on traffic stops everytime a dispatcher tries to give you a job, you reinforce your stereotype. The same goes for holding multiple cars down on a simple arrest. It also doesn't help when your sergeant unsuccessfully attempts (thanks to the W/C), to hold all of the rapid/10 hour/MSF/TRU cars, down on a mission and specifically tells the zone they are not to be assigned radio assignments while the district is in a severe backlog. We are glad you are here, don't get me wrong. But, unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
happy bday
after 10 pm. homicide in 011, homicide in 006, homicide in 010, homicide in 008, homicide in 007.. thats between 10pm and 0100hrs... hot too bad
What the heck is with 2390. Someone needs to put a muzzle on that guy. Traffic on LSD on memorial day weekend, ok, what's the big deal? This guy was acting like it was a tour long 10-1. No wonder they sent him to 023, if this guy actually had to deal with "real police work" like shootings and stuff he would be in way over his head. It's very apparent that this guy never worked the streets in a busy district before.
Happy Birfday SCC!
Is this the start of the new Comunity based Chaplains Unit:
Hello Friends,
The Chicago Police Chaplains Unit, the Fellowship of Christian Police Officers, and the Park Community Church invite you to a presentation of a powerful movie that addresses real issues in the life of law enforcement officers and their families.
On Saturday, June 4th at 7:00 pm, "The Grace Card", a powerful movie about grace and forgiveness that centers around two Memphis police officers and their families will be shown at Park Community Church, 1001 N. Crosby (between Division and Chicago, just West of Larrabee).
“The Grace Card” deals with some very serious issues in police work, family and our communities. The movie is rated PG-13 and is not appropriate for children under 13. The movie does benefit teenagers because it covers issues relevant to adolescents.
We plan to make popcorn and to order in pizza and pop for the fellowship afterwards.
There is no charge to attend but an RSVP to Community Emergency Response Team Leader Sheldon Ross of the 18th District, Chicago Police Department by Friday June 3, 2011, is needed to estimate the number of people attending to order adequate refreshments. Please RSVP to Sheldon at
There is a free parking lot at the church both underneath the building and outside. Also, the 18th District parking lot is adjacent if you have the proper parking credentials.
Please invite your family and friends to this event.
Information about “The Grace Card” can be found at
Park Community Church
1001 N. Crosby (between Division and Chicago, just West of Larrabee)
Chicago, IL
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Movie: 7:00 pm
Fellowship: 8:30 pm
Happy Birthday From A Loyal Daily Reader In Hartford Ct
Keep Them Politicians, Fake Storefront Revs & CLUELESS Triple Meritcloutorious Folks On their toes & Thinking Of You ALWAYS!
Stay Safe, Shoot straight & Back Up each others ALWAYS!
Congratulations SCC. You've done well. Maintaining this site must consume hours every day, bringing issues and news to the surface that would otherwise remain in the convenient dark.
I'm a retiree, living out of state, with a kid on the job. Your blog is the first thing I visit, every day,
Thank you.
Congratulations you insignificant little blog you!
And I've had a crush on you the entire time. My proposal of marriage still stands:)
Happy Sixth "Blogiversary" SCC - wishing you many more. Hoping all CPD officers stay safe during the 'hot [lead] fun in the summertime.
- not a cop, just someone grateful for all you do
Happy anniversary thank you for everything! Many bosses have tried to figure out who the "spirits of the air are" the spirits will always fly!! Here is to another 6 years and beyond! From a KMA copper GOD bless you SCC your brilliant just brilliant!!
Five people killed and 15 others wounded in separate shootings over the Memorial Day holiday and into the night, officials said.
Kick off - let summer begin! McCarthy better get busy!
Gary cop ticket quota: 1-plus an hour,0,534323.story
Let's hope they don't get any silly ideas here!
Happy Birthday SCC. Its been fun. Can't wait to see what the new year brings.
Happy Berfussday SCC!
You block alot of my posts, but I still luv u. Now time for your spanking u bad boy/girl?
Happy Birf-day kid!!
Happy Birthday 2CC
There's a reason people read this blog. Your threads speak to a logic and perspective that is hidden from view in every established Chicago media outlet I see. It should be called Respectable People Think.
Our local culture and the politicians who have fucked it up beyond recognition live in an egotistical bubble that does not extend beyond themselves. These clueless, greedy bastards have kissed the asses of the most useless, least productive segment of our society in exchange for the decent, hard-working people who fund it all and, as history has proven time and time again, that is not a good idea.
Congratulations and thanks for all you sacrifice to provide the time and space for people to vent, expose and commiserate over the shortcomings of this once great City and the (current) sad state of its Police department.
---not a cop
Thank YOU!!!!
For 6 years... The supervisors hate this site because it exposes their bullshit....Keep up the good work....
The MSF/TRU squad that has been assigned to 011 seems that they do not have to answer jobs due to being on a Zone 3 mission, that was until 1199 called in 1140 to let him know they are not in a unit anymore but are district personal. Welcome to radio assignments ladies and gents, your a lowly beat car, now handle that missing persons job.
Happy birthday SCC. A great blog, one of the best ever.
Happy Birfday! My favorite blog
Off Topic:
If you send your son to St. Rita, you really should be worried, how many more shootings do you think will happen within 1000 feet of that dump, before a stray bullet catches a Mustang?
Wow - what a sh*thole that area has become - even worse now than it was 10 years ago.
Go Mustangs.... yeah, go hide.
Thanks SCC for your time and dedication, the laughs and the truth.
Your wisdom and influence exceed your age.
Happy Happy Birthday!! - Smooches ;o)
SCC you are more of a journalist than the "mainstream media." Our Founding Fathers created the amendment for free press for the likes of your website.
Keep up the good work.
I've proposed to you more than once and am still anxiously awaiting a reply:)
Happy birthday and good job!
Have wonderful things planned for our wedding night!
Happy Blogging!
thanks for keeping us informed!
i think 7&8 or 11 would be a lot smarter to silence.
5/31/2011 12:56:00 AM
nobody gives a shit about what happens in Shitsville.
unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
5/31/2011 02:06:00 AM
resistance is futile.
What the heck is with 2390. Someone needs to put a muzzle on that guy. Traffic on LSD on memorial day weekend, ok, what's the big deal? This guy was acting like it was a tour long 10-1. No wonder they sent him to 023, if this guy actually had to deal with "real police work" like shootings and stuff he would be in way over his head. It's very apparent that this guy never worked the streets in a busy district before.
5/31/2011 02:57:00 AM
i am not a number.
i am a free man.
And I've had a crush on you the entire time. My proposal of marriage still stands:)
5/31/2011 04:40:00 AM
kiss the frog.
U got more time on the blog...then.......lmao only 14 more till u can retire ..LIFM
Happy B day , time flys
This is the best police blog and keeps us informed of new rumors.
Thanks SCC
15 million visits
24 million page hits
8,300 posts
Just think what the numbers would be if you weren't "insignificant"
Happy sixth birthday SCC. Hang on in there and forget the sun-times
and the tribune. We can always
count on you for the " real Deal".
I hope you're keeping a journal so you can write a book when you retire!
Happy Birthday SCC from a fellow public employee. Thank you for lampooning the clouted, uplifting the ranks, and for providing a valuable public service.
Your diligence and honesty in reporting is appreciated.
congratulations on 6 years. When you getting a facebook page?
SCC -- thanks for the sounding board. You (all) are the bestest.
Happy 6th Birthday SCC. Have a drink on me!
Cup of coffe and SCC is the way I start my day!
If I read it on SCC, I "might" check further on the "regular" news.
If there is a Pulitzer Prize for blogs, SCC has earned one.
As a P/O assigned to 011, I would first like to say that I am happy to have all of the MSF/TRU personnel detailed to the district. Almost everyone is happy that you are here. We are trying our best to be inclusive. That being said, you are now a part of our district/unit/team/company/whatever you want to call it. We have been told to give you a period of acclimation. When you start putting yourselves down on traffic stops everytime a dispatcher tries to give you a job, you reinforce your stereotype. The same goes for holding multiple cars down on a simple arrest. It also doesn't help when your sergeant unsuccessfully attempts (thanks to the W/C), to hold all of the rapid/10 hour/MSF/TRU cars, down on a mission and specifically tells the zone they are not to be assigned radio assignments while the district is in a severe backlog. We are glad you are here, don't get me wrong. But, unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
wait a minute, why are they not taking calls? Scc, maybe this should be made aware to everyone. Why do the beat cars STILL have to suffer even though there are finally enough bodies. Hey msf/tru guys, dont pull that crap of putting yourself down to avoid taking a job. if your on a stop you say, ok squad.. were on a quick stop throw it on the box and we will get to it... supervisors should not be putting these guys down on missions where they cant take jobs. there were 6 dead and 21 others shot yesterday... ever can that can be used out there should be up to answer jobs... not doing dopw and one bagger missions.
Easy there hard charger from 023... You act like your the "real police"...LMFAO!! Maybe the Lt was bored in that slow ass dist and just wanted to hear more than traffic aides fr
Breaking news is reporting 6 kilt 21 winged. Suntimes is going 5 and 19. Either way not bad numbers for like a 12 hour period. As well as 018 up for grabs from what I understand. Welcome supernintendo mccarthy. Try and comppstat your way out of this one
Mayor Emanuel Teams With Comcast To Worsen Digital Divide -- Exclusive New "Sanctuary City" Broadband Plan Shuts Out Childless, Elderly, Working Poor
"CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Comcast Corporation Executive Vice President David L. Cohen visited Woodson Library in Washington Heights to announce the launch of Internet Essentials in Chicago.
"Internet Essentials, a groundbreaking Comcast broadband adoption program, provides low-cost access to the Internet and affordable computers as well as digital literacy training [ONLY] to families with children who receive free lunches under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
"...eligible participants will receive:
"XFINITY Economy Internet Service for $9.95 per month (plus applicable taxes) with no activation or equipment rental charges;
"The opportunity to purchase a computer for $149.99 (plus applicable taxes);
"and access to online, in print, and in person digital literacy training."
As much as I hate him, I have to say in comparison that at least Mayor Daley's idea was for free citywide wireless connectivity.
...and I think the full title is the "National School Lunch Program To Provide Fresh Fruit To Be Thrown At Others On The Way To Buy Grape Soda and Flamin' Red Hots From The Vending Machine."
I mean, near-100% rates of morbid obesity, diabetes, and low IQ don't just happen. They have to be helped along -- but at least kids who can't even spell their own names will have computers to hit other children over the head with, leave on the bus, etc.
Any live-in boyfriend should have the "basic life skills" needed to trade one of those laptops for a $5 rock -- and there goes LaQuanda's whole future.
Huh? Yow! Was that a bird? Why? Who? I mean, like, where's my, my medication?
I am losin' it.
Thank you so much for this blog. There are plenty of people out there who happen to not be LEOs but nevertheless support all of you.
By the way, it looks like Drudge has picked up on all of the wilding that happened all over the country. I don't know if it's better or worse to find this out, but it's clear that these savages aren't limiting their activities to Chicago.
off topic related to the beach closing. Hey scc, I found this one posted on It was a comment posted by a beach goer who was at the beach last night. seems this person has a different view of why the beach was closed. Here is the post..
"wow what a bunch of lies... I was at the beach yesterday with friends. It wasnt closed because a few people got sick. It was closed because of the large mobs of thugs and gangs that were down there hanging out and messing with people. several beachgoes were beat up, robbed, women groped by the bands of thugs and we counldnt do anything about it... they were surrounding people walking, stealing coolers.. walking up to people opening coolers and stealing food and pop and just causing all types of trouble. ive gone to north ave beach for years and have never seen this type of trouble... Its like I was sitting at a beach in the middle of englewood terrified for my life!!!!!"
003 had 4 shot between 2100hrs and 2330hrs
One female shot in the head expected to die.
Also had a police shooting where offender tried to disarm odpo.
Also had a 2nd incident where offender tried to disarm a p.o. Making a dope arrest.
All this in a 5 hr period on a warm summer evening.
Shots fired calls throughout the night and multiple gun arrest made as late as 0400hrs Tuesday.
Having the extra manpower was a plus.
"And the gates to the "open city" open even wider.
--5/31/2011 01:55:00 AM
Quick, quick, before anyone notices!
Get the rope.
thanks for doing it. fun reading and providing a mental health service (venting).
5/31/2011 12:08:00 AM
yes, also known as catharsis
SCC rocks! Your like the City-wide bathroom wall people like to write on!!!
OT is FOP questioning the legality of citizen mr daley receiving use of 2 city cars , 5 security specialists at over $100,000 a year
we work 1 man cars on 1st & 3rd
watch and daley family receives free protection
Hey Congrats SCC!!
Thanks for all your dedication to a great site, great blog.
The laughs, helping some of us with our typical cop humor....
Nice job.....and a job well done!
for the tool that worried about what the new guys are from msf r doing in 011 mind ur own buisness and stop being a whiner its gettin old.. you guys didnt even man all the beat cars for one and the rapid cars probaly answer more suck it.. p.s some of us aren't so new to 11 and dont need u to except us if u have problem let us know or call ur super.
to hold all of the rapid/10 hour/MSF/TRU cars, down on a mission and specifically tells the zone they are not to be assigned radio assignments while the district is in a severe backlog. We are glad you are here, don't get me wrong. But, unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
Well looking at the list of officers that went to 011 from MSF, this doesn't sound surprising. That is not to say that the whole group is useless, but a certain few are more than likely offended that they have to work the beat car.
Now to hold them donw on missions all night, well isnt that counter productive to the whole disbanding og TRU/MSF? In a certain south side district that I was sent to, man things are good. Good white shirts so far and everyone actually gets along. Minus the typical non sense of south side domestics, it ain't all that bad
As a P/O assigned to 011, I would first like to say that I am happy to have all of the MSF/TRU personnel detailed to the district. Almost everyone is happy that you are here. We are trying our best to be inclusive. That being said, you are now a part of our district/unit/team/company/whatever you want to call it. We have been told to give you a period of acclimation. When you start putting yourselves down on traffic stops everytime a dispatcher tries to give you a job, you reinforce your stereotype. The same goes for holding multiple cars down on a simple arrest. It also doesn't help when your sergeant unsuccessfully attempts (thanks to the W/C), to hold all of the rapid/10 hour/MSF/TRU cars, down on a mission and specifically tells the zone they are not to be assigned radio assignments while the district is in a severe backlog. We are glad you are here, don't get me wrong. But, unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
The 'REAL POLICE' are now in 011 kiddo, handle the paper jobs. We do 'REAL WORK'. We are here for the detail, not to be your friend. Now beat it!!!
P.S my friend are the tool
I enjoy your blog and learn a lot. You block my posts all the time, but it's ok. I still enjoy your blog.
Nearly 15 million visitors
24 million page views,
8,300 posts
Not bad for an "Insignificant site".
Just think what the numbers would be if you were "significant."
Happy birthday!
Btw pension attack haunted....Chicago casino approved
Six years of insignificance! I told you so!
The MSF/TRU squad that has been assigned to 011 seems that they do not have to answer jobs due to being on a Zone 3 mission, that was until 1199 called in 1140 to let him know they are not in a unit anymore but are district personal. Welcome to radio assignments ladies and gents, your a lowly beat car, now handle that missing persons job.
Bro-ham...only certain cars were held down in the particular zones and were to receive jobs in that zone...this was said at roll call per 1199 3rd different than any other me...
oh yeah!
Off Topic:
If you send your son to St. Rita, you really should be worried, how many more shootings do you think will happen within 1000 feet of that dump, before a stray bullet catches a Mustang?
Wow - what a sh*thole that area has become - even worse now than it was 10 years ago.
Go Mustangs.... yeah, go hide.
5/31/2011 08:39:00 AM
It's a shame the surrounding neighborhood is shitty! It's a excellent school and beautiful campus! It still has a very strong alumni base, it might be time for them to move again before someone gets hurt ot worse killed.
As a P/O assigned to 011, I would first like to say that I am happy to have all of the MSF/TRU personnel detailed to the district. Almost everyone is happy that you are here. We are trying our best to be inclusive. That being said, you are now a part of our district/unit/team/company/whatever you want to call it. We have been told to give you a period of acclimation. When you start putting yourselves down on traffic stops everytime a dispatcher tries to give you a job, you reinforce your stereotype. The same goes for holding multiple cars down on a simple arrest. It also doesn't help when your sergeant unsuccessfully attempts (thanks to the W/C), to hold all of the rapid/10 hour/MSF/TRU cars, down on a mission and specifically tells the zone they are not to be assigned radio assignments while the district is in a severe backlog. We are glad you are here, don't get me wrong. But, unless you want to be treated like outsiders you may want to assimilate. Welcome to 011.
P.S. 1140 you are a tool.
We are happy to work just like everyone else...I personally dont know 1140...some cars in roll call were told to be held down in their respective zone and receive jobs only in that zone...this was per 1199 3rd watch...we are doing what we are told...I am doing what I have been doing for close to ten years...backing up by fellow POs and locking up those that need it...we are all glad to be in me...
Thank YOU!!!!
For 6 years... The supervisors hate this site because it exposes their bullshit....Keep up the good work....
5/31/2011 08:12:00 AM
Not hardly, but I can see why the supervisors might have a problem with YOU.
Every supervisor I know comes to this site and is glad it's here. No other place to get instant Dept news and find out what's REALLY going on.
Thanks, SCC, from a bunch of us white shirts.
Anonymous 1st and 16th said...
The MSF/TRU squad that has been assigned to 011 seems that they do not have to answer jobs due to being on a Zone 3 mission, that was until 1199 called in 1140 to let him know they are not in a unit anymore but are district personal. Welcome to radio assignments ladies and gents, your a lowly beat car, now handle that missing persons job.
5/31/2011 08:24:00 AM
Honestly, quit your bitching! No, you go ahead and handle the missing, ghetto domestic, auto accident pd only, auto accident with injuries, etc.... While I go and find a gun, chase a stolen vehicle, go on foot chases (extended foot chases too), intimidate the gang bangers, arrest people for forcible felonies AND kick some ass. It's in my blood to do some police work and if you want to be a lazy fuck and sit on a commercial alarm or a parker for 1 hour then fine. But at least let the real police be the real police.
funny thing is triple promoted captains and commanders think they deserve their current rank
Happy Birthday! Keep up the grate work! ! ! !
Interesting news from the Command staff meeting. They are not happy with the 4 & 2. Thousands of man hours wasted every day with the shift change and not enough cars/Beat Tags. J-Fled is being blamed for trying to curry favor with the rank and file(didn't work).
New schedule is being worked out and this will include rotating for the guys with less time on. They feel it is a better Officer that works all three shifts. Rotation to be more than the old 28 days.
That which is old is new again. Should be an interesting contract negotiation time.
"The MSF/TRU squad that has been assigned to 011 seems that they do not have to answer jobs due to being on a Zone 3 mission, that was until 1199 called in 1140 to let him know they are not in a unit anymore but are district personal. Welcome to radio assignments ladies and gents, your a lowly beat car, now handle that missing persons job."
Shut the fuck up you bitter prick! Like those officers never answered a radio call before or think they are better. I was in MSF and just like any unit or any district you have your d bags and workers. You sound like a bitter asshole who's going to bitch no matter what. Things can be perfect and you would still bitch. Like answering the radio is hard! Our job is easy, stressful,but easy. Just do it and shut the fuck up.
Reading a lot of bitter bloggers so happy MSF and TRU was disbanded....WHY? We need officers, maybe not as many, to be proactive, police, and be able to respond with in minutes. It wasn't for me, but that's just me. I'm glad they took some people out of those units and made area teams. WE STILL NEED THEM!
suggestion to all police officers
want to stay out of federal court
do not take the gloves off ,put the blinders on and lock back door of your cruiser , wave back at hand wavers
hey hey b carefull out there
When I get up in the a.m., you're the first thing I do. F**ck the news, I read you first.
I haven't had a good laugh like that in a while referring to the 011 district 40 and 50 sector cars not taking jobs.
1140: squad I called the previous dispatcher and told her not to give us any jobs, keep them on their missions all tour
Dispatch: umm, ok I wasn't aware.
1199: take them off their missions now and have them handle some damn jobs
1146: take this fire. 10-4
Hahahaha... Treated
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary, SCC. Remember, if the grand pooh-bahs are denigrating you, they're scared of you.
A Fan from Boston
Say what you want SCC your the best I don't always agree but dam if you don't stir-up truth! Just a thought with the demise of msf,tru and the pending demise of Leos geu and Leo retiring who do they call when they need coppers quickly? HMM! Lets see go through all the districts and take 2 cars X 25 maybe 50 coppers. Now from there we will have coppers who want to mix it up,and the others who know that they will lose everything if they properly put the savages in their place. The only solution rahmbo is to call out the national guard who will not follow dumbocrat city laws they enforce federal laws and will GOD willing "shoot to kill" the animals that are attacking the good people! Personally i am sick of all this shit, but pray always no coppers get killed or hurt due to manpower shortage and the mayor who has no clue! Gmac not to sure if you will bring anything good to cpd,talked to a friend at fleet a handful of new vehicles on order looks like another "summer of driving junk!"
Gambling Bill passes the Illinois Senate. Now it is on Quinn.
Let's see how much of the casino money goes to pensions here and how much to the Daley-Vanecko Organized Crime Family.
Today is my birthday too!
To the person that has problems with St. Rita. Mt. Carmel is in a worse neighborhood, or at least as bad and they manage. St. Rita is a great school, great kids and faculty. They manage fine without your input. We are raising young men and as parents we are aware of the surrounding neighborhood. But a little extra Special Attention would be appreciated since you have so much time on your hands! BTW when my son was a freshman, two mopes decided to rob the 8 football players on the bus ride home. Both subjects exited the bus at the Plaza. They were placed in custody within 10 minutes and each received 4 years!!!! Because our sons were able to relate the incident to their parents: 1 Commander, an Area 2 Detective, a Sergeant and a Patrolmen. LOL
That's why I don't go to any Beach in the city anymore. I'd rather go to ******** beach even though I have to pay to get in but it's worth the drive and the price. I don't want to say the name of the beach because then I'm going to start seeing you know who there.
And happy birthday I guess
They should've deployed Summer Mobile to North Ave beach.... oh wait.
They should have assigned the "Lakefront detail" coppers to North Ave....oh wait.
Oh well.
Off topic: Hearing rumors that part of Daley's package deal with U of C is that the U is going to compensate the City for the entire cost of his protection detail. Any truth to that? Any of you UCPD guys know anything about this?
Honestly, quit your bitching! No, you go ahead and handle the missing, ghetto domestic, auto accident pd only, auto accident with injuries, etc.... While I go and find a gun, chase a stolen vehicle, go on foot chases (extended foot chases too), intimidate the gang bangers, arrest people for forcible felonies AND kick some ass. It's in my blood to do some police work and if you want to be a lazy fuck and sit on a commercial alarm or a parker for 1 hour then fine. But at least let the real police be the real police.
^^^This guy cannot be serious, please, please tell me you are joking, there cannot be people that actually talk/think like this. You are a complete ball bag. Handle the job you are given, you are not better than anyone else. STFU and do your job, officer. Unbelievable...
Great Job Second City Cop
I have been retired a little over 4 years and still enjoy the site although I am now a long way from chicago
old retired guy
Congratulations. I really enjoy reading your blog.
I have noticed a lot of sniping and infighting amongst the comments lately. Maybe we're all on edge and paranoid of what Rahm and the rest of the politicians are going to try to do to us. That coupled with the uncertainty of what GMac has in store for us and how many positions will be eliminated.
Here's to another 6 years.
Why didn't FOP get language in the gaming bill to fund our pensions Mike Shields. None of that money is going to our pensions. Nothing.
Agree, disagree or shake my head in dismay, it is almost always an interesting read.
Happy 6th and thanks to you and all the first responders who keep us safer.
With all this talk of what Rahm wants from the department: give up the 55 and paid medical,get rid of the 4&2, return to rotating shifts but every 56 days etc. One has to wonder what the city could possibly offer in return? After all that's how contracts are NEGOTIATED. Each side must give and take. I don't think the giving part is in Rahms vocabulary only the taking part.
FOP better gear up for this fight. Rahm is coming for us.
Why didn't FOP get language in the gaming bill to fund our pensions Mike Shields. None of that money is going to our pensions. Nothing.
Yea blame shields...Like Nolan and Donahue didnt set that up!
I am not rotating and I am not going on any other work schedule other than the 4&2 Fuck Rahm!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why didn't FOP get language in the gaming bill to fund our pensions Mike Shields. None of that money is going to our pensions. Nothing.
5/31/2011 08:36:00 PM
mighty Mike shields has nothing to say,like donohuge and the rest never respond to email just another bunch of jagoffs!
Get rid of the 4&2? Back to rotating shifts? Right. And go back to handlebar mustaches and white striped piping down the pant legs and reinstitute the district bull dicks and vice men and get the district pad going with the help of the favored bag men.
With reform like Rahm wants it is only a matter of time before we go back to profit sharing of days gone by when the old timers had mason jars full of cash hidden away for a rainy day.
There is not enough time left in this cop's career to ever go back to rotating shifts or give up the 4&2. My 365 medical and 365 IOD are both fully charged and that will take me past retirement, if necessary.
And remember, never ever talk to a Fed.
Anonymous said...
Why didn't FOP get language in the gaming bill to fund our pensions Mike Shields. None of that money is going to our pensions. Nothing.
5/31/2011 08:36:00 PM
How do you know?
Anonymous said...
Interesting news from the Command staff meeting. They are not happy with the 4 & 2. Thousands of man hours wasted every day with the shift change and not enough cars/Beat Tags. J-Fled is being blamed for trying to curry favor with the rank and file(didn't work).
New schedule is being worked out and this will include rotating for the guys with less time on. They feel it is a better Officer that works all three shifts. Rotation to be more than the old 28 days.
That which is old is new again. Should be an interesting contract negotiation time.
5/31/2011 04:43:00 PM
Great. Contract expires June 30, 2012. The City won't begin to start to sit down to negotiate until 6 to 9 months after the contract expires. Expect it to go to an arbitrator again. Settlement in three years from June 30, 2012, that puts it at June 2015 the earliest.
And that is over two years after I retire. No longer my problem. I won't be losing any sleep over that one.
And besides, those issues are IN THE CURRENT CONTRACT! Steady watches are in the contract and have been since around 1993! Near 20 years when the begotiations begin. The union will never give that one up and it will be super tough to get an arbitrator to give it to the city. We've had it too long.
6&2 and rotating watches? Fuck them, not happening in my lifetime.
OT. As a copper who was returned to a district from a unit. I Love It! Now I have the ability to work in the same place all the time. While I am grateful for the opportunity to develop a wide wide knowledge of all how all the places I've worked in, I know get to gain a deeper knowledge that the beat officers have in the district I work in. I gained a lot of practical knowledge in a unit, but now I get to learn "who's who and what's what". In my previous assignment, I was in a different place almost every night.
I am thrilled to be back working in patrol in the most important job in the department.
Off Topic:
If you send your son to St. Rita, you really should be worried, how many more shootings do you think will happen within 1000 feet of that dump, before a stray bullet catches a Mustang?
Wow - what a sh*thole that area has become - even worse now than it was 10 years ago.
Go Mustangs.... yeah, go hide.
5/31/2011 08:39:00 AM
Yeah, that's the answer.... just move. That's how the whole city went to shit. People moving because they're afraid. How'd that work out?
First thing in the morning is a fresh cup of coffee a cigarette and sitting at my PC reading SCC.
It clues me in on whats going on with the CPD and in the city,and I thank the Good Lord I retired
when I did and moved out of that corrupt city.Keep up the good work.
Old retired guy.
We are happy to work just like everyone else...I personally dont know 1140...some cars in roll call were told to be held down in their respective zone and receive jobs only in that zone...this was per 1199 3rd watch...we are doing what we are told...I am doing what I have been doing for close to ten years...backing up by fellow POs and locking up those that need it...we are all glad to be in me...
5/31/2011 03:50:00 PM
Glad you're back. You did mean held for jobs only in your sector, right? Not zone.
I wish you could start a franchise operation and have someone blog about my department. You would be surprised how much of the crap is the same everywhere though.
With all this talk of what Rahm wants from the department: give up the 55 and paid medical,get rid of the 4&2, return to rotating shifts but every 56 days etc. One has to wonder what the city could possibly offer in return?
trade it for lifting residency.
Trade it.
And to the guy defending how safe St. Rita is, it's not a wise idea to use an example where Rita students were VICTIMS OF A CRIME while leaving school.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why didn't FOP get language in the gaming bill to fund our pensions Mike Shields. None of that money is going to our pensions. Nothing.
5/31/2011 08:36:00 PM
mighty Mike shields has nothing to say,like donohuge and the rest never respond to email just another bunch of jagoffs!
5/31/2011 09:22:00 PM
I really thought the Kid Shields had pure motives but the more I read and hear I quickly realize he is like all the others
Interesting news from the Command staff meeting. They are not happy with the 4 & 2. Thousands of man hours wasted every day with the shift change and not enough cars/Beat Tags. J-Fled is being blamed for trying to curry favor with the rank and file(didn't work).
New schedule is being worked out and this will include rotating for the guys with less time on. They feel it is a better Officer that works all three shifts. Rotation to be more than the old 28 days.
That which is old is new again. Should be an interesting contract negotiation time.
5/31/2011 04:43:00 PM
Thank goodness!!!
I want my three day weekends back!!!!
While rotating "MAY" be better from a police experience standpoint, it totally sucks from a life and health standpoint.
From "Drudge Report"
Obama cracks down on civil rights abuses by big-city police departments...
Be careful out there, boys and girls. I know that the savages are out of control. Something needs to be done to get them back in control.
But the Obama (mis)administration has set its sights on police departments for "pattern of abuses", the mere number of excessive force complaints will trigger an investigation, which WILL find you guilty and send you to prison. They are looking for notches on their belts heading into the election, so PLEASE, do not put your ass on the line so your scalp will be hanging on their belt.
Funny that they announced this after a weekend where all across the country there are reports of urban rampages.
South Miami Beach, Fla
Rochester, N.Y. ribfest
Myrtle Beach, SC
Long Island, NY
Nashville, TN waterpark
Also remember the professor incident: before all the facts were in the Prez declared "the (white) cop acted stupidly."
This administration is not the friend of the working class and definitely not the friend of the police.
Happy Birthday and let's get married :)
People moving because they're afraid. How'd that work out?
5/31/2011 09:57:00 PM
Worked out great! Nice house in the burbs with a white picked fence and not one sighting of The Animal anywhere.
FOP, demand that Residency be lifted!
Anonymous said...
Interesting news from the Command staff meeting. They are not happy with the 4 & 2. Thousands of man hours wasted every day with the shift change and not enough cars/Beat Tags. J-Fled is being blamed for trying to curry favor with the rank and file(didn't work).
New schedule is being worked out and this will include rotating for the guys with less time on. They feel it is a better Officer that works all three shifts. Rotation to be more than the old 28 days.
That which is old is new again. Should be an interesting contract negotiation time.
5/31/2011 04:43:00 PM
Thank goodness!!!
I want my three day weekends back!!!!
5/31/2011 11:25:00 PM
There is always some goof who can't add and doesn't yet realize that we have more regular days off a year on this schedule.
What a moron.
Thank goodness!!!
I want my three day weekends back!!!!
5/31/2011 11:25:00 PM
What a moron
I think I like 011 better than MSF...thanks for the hard dump McPuppet...I am going to get rich off the court time...ha ha...hopefully my fellow 011 district coppers will accept me with open arms...nothing like two-piece Tuesdays...
Happy Birthday SCC from a cop in the south burbs....everything hits home since we deal with alot of your mutts. Keep up the good work and everyone stay safe...
Thank you for writing it and keeping the discussion going. I really enjoy it.
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