Monday, July 18, 2011

This is a Bitch Move if True (UPDATED)

It certainly seems illegal, not to mention childish:
  • Time:16Jul11
    Where: 023rd Dist 3rd Watch
    When : 1400 hrs, 1530 hrs, 1700 hrs

    Capt TJL walks into roll call and breaks into a crazy rant about recent Medical Roll Abuses, 2 officers hit the Medical prior to start of tour 2day, ( alleged)... This Capt. of Police goes into a rant and reads EVERY OFFICER ON 3RD WATCH, WHO IS ON THE MEDICAL/IOD, READS Their names , and Their ailement , and then goes on to give his own medical opinion of whether they are really Ill/Injured or just malingering.... UNF***ING BELIEVABLE. Then this Capt. says that he will put all officers who use the Medical on a Rapid Car, since they obivously need rest before starting work......... This guy calls out Officers by name and says specifically that if they were " to be working on a loading dock with a bad back, they would show up to work on the loading dock to work with their bad back",,, This Capt. TJL then says thAt OUR MEDICAL ROLL POLICY IS DONE, OVER, ITS ANTIQUATED, AND DETRIMENTAL TO POLICE FUNCTIONS IN ITS CURRWENT FORM AND THAT MAYOR EMANUEL WILL SEE TO IT THAT IT'S ABOLISHED"..........He was loud, ranting, obnoxious, and read EVERY OFFICER'S NAME ON THE MEDICAL IN FRONT OF OFFICERS AT ROLL CALL AND SAID BASICALLY THAT ALMOST EVERYONE WAS MILKING THE SYSTEM EXCEPT FOR SOME HE SAID HE WISHED WOULD GET BETTER...... Hey SCC, FOP, is this a grievance???? I know you could get 20 plus To/Froms supporting this post.... Just asking?

    7/17/2011 01:44:00 AM

Someone has to start the ball rolling by stepping up and filing the proper grievance, most likely one of the parties named during the roll call. They'll also have to have a few of the attendees step up and put pen to paper since they didn't actually witness the violation of HIPAA.

Even if it isn't a HIPAA violation, it is definitely a misuse of a Department database. What possible use could there be for a Department supervisor to use specific individual medical records at a Roll Call? This doesn't appear to be for training purposes, but rather to humiliate and denigrate, both of which are violations of the Rules and Regulations.

If they can threaten to discipline coppers for simply looking up a case report, they ought to be able to fire a captain who violates individual employees' rights to privacy.

UPDATE: To the individual attempting to post one or more of the officers' circumstances for being on the Medical Roll, nice try.

To the other asshat or two claiming the blog defends the dogs, you've lost sight of the big picture again. There should be a process in place to address Medical Roll abuse. The fact that the Department lacks the balls to do anything about it due to certain "considerations" isn't the issue. The issue is the blatant violation committed by the captain.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps he was having a heat-related incident? Meltdown comes to mind...

7/18/2011 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone want to guess if the Superintendent will do anything?

7/18/2011 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. Good luck getting someone to put their name on a witness statement for one of the officers that files the beef. All you have to do is say you will take someones car away and they will do anything the boss says. Fuckin sad.

7/18/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show me the money!

7/18/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having worked for TJL in the past, this does not surprise me. He is without a doubt one of the most arrogant know-it-all's I have ever met. In his mind, he should already be a Commander, and is upset that he is stuck as a lowly Captain.

As a Lieutenant, he thought he was a shoe-in for the Director of Research & Development, which is where he worked for many years. To his disbelief, Supt. Cline slapped this idea right out of his head, but made him a Captain as consolation.

TJL has never been anything but a paper pushing desk jockey throughout his career. In my opinion, he should be thankful where he is, as he has already been promoted far beyond his level of incompetence.

7/18/2011 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Wtf are we coming ?!?

7/18/2011 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a captain with clout. What the hell do you think you can do to him? Nada. Zip. Zero. I suggest bidding out. It worked for me.

7/18/2011 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds just like the 3rd watch Capt "B.F" In 020

7/18/2011 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of violation of privacy.

When is the department going to put our check/stubs in a sealed envelope. For years, people know where they live, how much they contribute/deduct for Deferred Comp, savings, child support, alimony, wage garnishments etc... Be it what it may, it is personal information.
It should not be on top of a counter at work so that passing maintance workers, guests and other PO's see your personal stuff.

7/18/2011 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could b on that lawsuit

7/18/2011 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that that was out of line, and the Capt. is a tool, but he does have a point(one that he should have kept to himself.) There are a few BAD abusers in 023. Hell, one guy has had a cush foot post doing nothing with weekends off and has been on the medical more days than he has worked. He has been on the medical for nearly every part of his body over his career. It's hard to believe he's not a personal concern by now. There are a few females that are always on the med. for some type of "slip and fall" and everyone knows it's BS. These people are lucky they have this job because in the real world they would be fired or have to show up. You can bet if they weren't getting paid their backs would be a lot better. There are a few legit cases, but the rest know what they are pulling. LAZY DOGS!!!

7/18/2011 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say HIPPA violation somebody is gonna get rich!

7/18/2011 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Protected Health Information. The Privacy Rule protects all "individually identifiable health information" held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or oral. The Privacy Rule calls this information "protected health information (PHI)."

Criminal Penalties. A person who knowingly obtains or discloses individually identifiable health information in violation of the Privacy Rule may face a criminal penalty of up to $50,000 and up to one-year imprisonment. The criminal penalties increase to $100,000 and up to five years imprisonment if the wrongful conduct involves false pretenses, and to $250,000 and up to 10 years imprisonment if the wrongful conduct involves the intent to sell, transfer, or use identifiable health information for commercial advantage, personal gain or malicious harm. The Department of Justice is responsible for criminal prosecutions under the Privacy Rule.


7/18/2011 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Law suits are in order.

7/18/2011 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call BS! TJL is absolutely the best Captain on this job and his troops LOVE him. Of this there is no question. Just ask him, he'll tell you. Ask anyone who has the great fortune of working for him and they'll tell you the same thing ...... when he's around.

7/18/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no grievance; you must be harmed(penalized) before you can grieve the said penalty.

7/18/2011 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This individual is going to be in a world of shit! Contractual benefits cannot be amended or altered until a new contract is negotiated. There is also an issue of an infirmed department member being entitled to a modicum of privacy. Politicians and bosses in this city can do whatever pleases them, however if the affected member does not stand for the treatment and invokes their rights, the bullies end up shitting all over themselves.

7/18/2011 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Total violation of HIPAA. P.O.'s didn't authorize the decimation of their medical condition to anyone. But who really regulates HIPAA violations? Who is actually going to go after some goof captain who probably didn't know better? The government won't go after a police department when they have bigger fish to fry in the health care industry. You can probably sue for invasion of privacy but I'm just a cop, call a lawyer who knows what avenue to take with it.

7/18/2011 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fucking jagoff.

7/18/2011 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an ASSHOLE !!!!!

7/18/2011 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is right that after years of abuse, the Medical as we know it is done as of new contract. Thanks for ruining a great thing a@#$%^s!

7/18/2011 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, yes, these officers who were named at roll call have had their personal and private medical information disclosed to those officers who heard it and who had no right to know it, by an asshat who had no authority to disclose that information. Further, said asshat expressed his personal, not expert, opinion as to the bonafide/ not bonafide nature of their medical problems so as to harm their reputation with those who the officers count on for the protection of their very lives. Sooooo...we have a civil action for defamation and HIPPA violations against the asshat and the City of Chicago, since the asshat was acting in said asshats official capacity when his conduct occurred.

More fun though, is this: go through the Rules and Regulations and let's have SCC readers list every way that the asshats conduct violated the Rules and Regs. Bonus points for listing any department directives (be specific please) that were violate. Oh, and don't forget to list Contract violations. Ready.....get set..... GO!!!

7/18/2011 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either this captain is trying to get a better job or he is afraid he might lose his spot.

7/18/2011 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 100% true, except worse than what the poster said. He went crazy yelling at everyone actually at roll call about medical abuse. This all started because two (2) people called in and went on the medical.
Now, just so everyone knows, all the beat cars were still able to be manned and there were still plenty of 2 man cars up that day.

He came in and read off each and every person on the medical and their specific reason for being on the medical. He said officer XX was on the medical for XX reason. Everyone was stunned. He read out the one's on IOD's and the reasons why, then the one's on the medical and their exact listed ailments too, being a bad back, migrane, sick, sprained or broke this or that.
If that wasn't enough, he went on to berate everyone in the room about how we should be policing these "medical abusers" and calling them up and telling them to get back work!! Seriously, this is what he's telling us.
He basically called every one of them liars and medical abusers and that they just wanted the day off. For those that have been on already he stated they are milking it and that it's time for them to get back to work. So he's apparently a doctor now too.

He went on to say that if these people can't make it to work then they don't deserve a steady car b/c they are unreliable. They are going to be put in the relief pool and work the late rapids.
So now he created an enviornment that everyone is absolutely afraid to call in sick and go on the medical for any reason. He already stated plain and clear that you will lose your car/partner etc.. if you do. So you will be punished if you use our medical system. This can be confirmed by each and every person in every roll call that day.

Also word is he sent out sgt's and Lt's from 023 to the houses of the officers on the medical to "check" on them. Not even sgt's from the district of their residence, but sgt's and Lt from 023.
This guy has really lost it. He keeps ramming it down our throats about how he has 25 YEARS ON THE JOB NOW and about how many thousands of arrests he's made in his career on that BAD streets of the south side. Well Captain, maybe all that time on and arrests you've made has warped your mind. Because you have seriously lost it. It has been a real downhill slide lately and this pushed it right over the hump. You lost the respect of your whole watch now and you seem to be losing your own sanity.
023 3rd watch a truly horrible place to work (because of the bosses not the district).

7/18/2011 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there, heard the whole thing and the captain was way out of line in what he did that day.
I'll be the first signature. His ego needs to be put into check big time. He's not going to bully us into not being able to use our own medical.

7/18/2011 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the unit rep??
He's the one that should get the ball rolling on this.

7/18/2011 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for him, we're (blue shirts) tired of the abusers too. Can we grieve against the idiots who take off every weekend in the summer?

7/18/2011 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing is, the many dogs in 023 who milk the medical constantly don't give a damn about being 'outed' by Capt. Lemmer at those roll calls. Major changes are needed in our medical policy to further weed out these mutts who further weaken district manpower citywide.

7/18/2011 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To bad 023 has an absentee commander. There's nobody to put him in check.

7/18/2011 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that's what went down. I'm all for going after medical abusers, but what he did was wrong. He pretty much labeled all of them as abusers and made everyone ashamed and actually afraid to go on the medical b/c of the repercussions. He flat out said that if you go on the medical he'll punish you by switching your start time.

7/18/2011 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a micromanaging softball. He has smarts but ZERO people skills.
He is also extremely vindictive and if you ever question anything he does or says you WILL pay the price. He will make your life a living hell until you leave his watch/unit. He's run so many people off the watch and out of 023 that it's amazing people at 35th street don't take notice.

7/18/2011 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Either they don't know,
It don't show,
Or they just don't care bout whats goin on in the hood"
(or 023 third watch in this case)

7/18/2011 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But don't tell me that there is no abuse! Don't take the summer off and expect the bosses to be happy. We all know there are abusers of IOD and Medical.

7/18/2011 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not the worst guy in the world but he does seem to have lost it lately. Maybe personal issues. Who knows.

7/18/2011 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original post forgot to add about how he threatened everyone's time due because of the people on the medical. He said max 3 people a day get time due now and to put pressure on the people on IOD and Medical to come back if you want to be able to use your comp time.
Great boss huh? Doesn't it make you wanna just run out there and work for a guy like that.

7/18/2011 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remember this, the medical is the most important thing. some do abuse it but most dont, and we cant lose this, we need to fight harder for this, more than even money.

7/18/2011 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Childish many P.O.s we know are taking advantage of the system..our system and than turning around and pointing thier fingers at the natives on the street saying shit about them. Its the same fucking thing! Whah, u broke the law releasing medical info.....fuck u and that fake ass job..glad I left CPD...

7/18/2011 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt. TJL has always been and will be a pussy, political hack. He is power hungry and juvenile.

7/18/2011 04:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow very sad news no one cares for officers them you have this again in 23 district police station . Commander Kathy it is time you put your pant on tight and start doing your work this whole police department is all fucked up these boss abusing there positions because they think they are gods, this cannot be tolerated it at all , it's is time that fop president mike shields starts opening his mouth .23 district again who is running this district where is the big boss stop daydreaming and start doing your job . Get rid of this useless woman who doesn't care about shut but her few favorite people !!!! .

7/18/2011 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again in 23rd district can someone explain what is this a joke ?you mus be kidding , how much longer can this department be so violated by people in command this sound like the commander moy from 20thdistrict who treats her officers like babies she rants and raves at her staff where do these people put there common sense and you want morale to improve . To the bosses treat your officers with respect show them you have a heart and start being kind to your employees ,remember why you were given a command position and don't abuse your powers . This is a sad sad year in the Chicago police department when disgusting news like this keeps coming up and we asked why don't the citizens respect the police don't asked we already now cause the shit starts from the top!!!! Stop the violence and respect your officers , department give these mens and women's a star and I'd then they are ready to fuck them any which way they can incredible . Good luck and officers stick together and support each others fight as a unit don't abandon your fellow officers .

7/18/2011 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true, I would hope that those present for this will step forward and put this poor excuse for a captain in his place. They can't let him get away with this kind of abuse of medical information. I know this guy is a tool, but it sounds like he's become worse since being back in the district.

7/18/2011 05:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This house mouse is a stroke

7/18/2011 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't he discuss "divorce" rate or "merit" promotions at roll!

7/18/2011 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is in response to comments about this flagrant HIPPA violation.

HIPPA applies to the employer as well as the medical services community.

The employer has a right to know what your medical condition is when you call off sick.


ie - Watch Commander, Desk Sgt. or whomever took the initial call going on the medical can know the reason. They can share that with other employees (via medical roll system - at the Medical Sect).
The Watch Commander could let the D.C. know if he needed to.

That is where this ends.

Hello Federal Lawsuit = $$$$$$$$$$

7/18/2011 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He went about it the wrong way but, the handwriting is on the wall. We have some Dog Ass Officers on this job who abuse the system. Believe me Rahm is taking a good long Look at our Benefits!!!!! The Captain was speaking with his frustration. ps when did it become us against them? Just saying.

7/18/2011 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what Rahm wants. You bully your employees and tell them they're lucky to have a job. Then you turn around and steal and hook your friends and family up.

Just like Daley, only with a nine fingered tiny ballerina.

7/18/2011 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I WILL be in CHARGE", you "WILL" be there for my mission, you "MUST" get me my numbers.

7/18/2011 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy shows up to work with cowboy boots and hat, (Says he is the pre General Patton),then uses private laptop to do lesson plans for the class at Loyola that he teaches, and now he wants to say that officers shouldn't be on the medical?

7/18/2011 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is way too much medical abuse on the job

7/18/2011 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the capt was right in the reading of names but he has a valid point. There are so many useless fucks that abuse the medical that there will be changes made.

7/18/2011 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know the Captain. Would not recognize him if he walked into a room I was in. I did work in the 023 however. Never met such a collection of malcontents in my adult life. No copper with less than 15 years on should be allowed to work there. Doing the minimum of work is enforced by peer presure, abusing the medical is considered an annual right, like an extra furlogh. If the present medical is reduced to 10-15 days per year, thank the abusers who treated it like a joke for years. No pitty.

7/18/2011 07:03:00 AM  
Blogger john said...

Must be a total goof. Nice way to look out for those that work for you.

old retired guy

7/18/2011 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live he is right the same thing goes on in 011 dist way to many medical and iod abusers it's a joke. Anything for people not to be at there job they will do. I wish more watch commanders said this at roll call.

7/18/2011 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While not specifically covered under HIPPA rules, which cover only covered healthcare entities, the rules on an individual's health information have recently been significantly tightened and this Captain's blatant details about who is sick with what and his or her public diagnosis may not be something the City or CPD wants to defend against the Federal Government.

This needs to be brought to the immediate attention of City of Chicago Corporation Council and the Commander's Office - at the very least.

Someone's health situation is no one else's business. If someone is in the hospital management is allowed to say he or she is out side, and nothing further - period - no exceptions.

7/18/2011 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What that Captain did is NOT ALLOWED. He violated confidentiality. It was completely inappropriate and most assuredly, illegal.

7/18/2011 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a HIPPA violation to disclose another person's medical condition without their permission. Sue the asshole-all four Unions need to step up here. Obviously, the Captain's union won't but FOP, Sgts and Lts PBPA need too!

7/18/2011 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punishing someone for using a job benefit? If you're sick- you should come to work and infect everyone else? Nice!

7/18/2011 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemmer was never the sharpest pencil in the the pencil case when it comes to human interaction, he actually is void of common sense when it comes to people skills, but he has tons of push from somewhere.

7/18/2011 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HIPPA applies to health care workers only.

7/18/2011 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Capt. needs to be put on the medical and sent to see a shrink !! Sounds like he is losing it & needs help coping . Perhaps the rank of Captain is way above his abilities as a supervisor ???

7/18/2011 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The unfortunate thing about this job is if you get hurt and are unable to come back to work before your yr is up on medical or IOD, you will be FORCED TO GO ON DISABILITY. You only get 1yr of disability for every 4yrs you have worked on the job. The benefits of this job aren't that GREAT ANYMORE!! You don't get rewarded for working hard or working in ghetto districts your whole career. If you get a bad injury and can't come back and you don't have 16yrs on the job, you are FUCKED!


7/18/2011 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TL is a control freak, he can't control the medical and he hates that. So he sends medical checks on the PO s on medical to fuck with them, then calls each one out in roll call. One guy, having a hard time and he decides to due him through the dept. Capt your divorced and know the issues involved, why kick someone who's down? We all should hit the medical now.

7/18/2011 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey geniuses, its only a hipaa violation if their Dr gives their health info to their job or anyone else. If its information they gave to the dept then what violation is there? And c'mon how many times has your watch secretary told you the bs reasons someone hit the medical. I think the abusers should be put out there.

7/18/2011 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File a civil suit for hostile workplace..

7/18/2011 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attention all Jailhouse Lawyers and Wannabe HIPPA Experts: Only the Justice Department can enforce HIPPA. You CANNOT hire a lawyer and file a HIPPA lawsuit. Take your complaints over to the U.S. Attorneys.

7/18/2011 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemmer is an asshole for doing what he did. I was in roll call and couldn't believe it. He has lost all respect from his troops except for his little bitches and you know who you are. Ask again to " re dedicate" yourself to this job and see what you'll get. You can dump us off our cars, most of us don't care, so fuck yourself.

7/18/2011 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemmer is a lonely divorced man who has nobody to talk to about "his" ways. Your family saw it years ago and now we see what you are. You are not our DAD,we are adults. How about treating people like that? Put any spin on it that you want, but the facts are the facts . Oooops, is that too personal capt?

7/18/2011 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of violation of privacy.

When is the department going to put our check/stubs in a sealed envelope. For years, people know where they live, how much they contribute/deduct for Deferred Comp, savings, child support, alimony, wage garnishments etc... Be it what it may, it is personal information.
It should not be on top of a counter at work so that passing maintance workers, guests and other PO's see your personal stuff.

7/18/2011 12:20:00 AM

You have GOT to be kidding! I've never worked ANYwhere that didn't deliver (either via interoffice or by hand) your check in a sealed security envelope.

---not a cop

7/18/2011 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

untill coppers unite and take a stand this will continue. Copper will continue to work for this ass bag and make him look good.

7/18/2011 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when the good captain made Lt and was assigned to 007, I never worked for a bigger asshole. He wants to rage on against medical abuse, what about the lowly PO's that have to deal with useless supervisors like TL on a daily basis. TL hit the medical and have that stick removed from your ass.

7/18/2011 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is right that after years of abuse, the Medical as we know it is done as of new contract. Thanks for ruining a great thing a@#$%^s!

The same thing has been said about it in the last 4 contracts and we still have it.

Will there be change, yes. With each contract, we lose something but we also gain.

7/18/2011 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cpt Lemonade is PSYCO

7/18/2011 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of violation of privacy.

When is the department going to put our check/stubs in a sealed envelope. For years, people know where they live, how much they contribute/deduct for Deferred Comp, savings, child support, alimony, wage garnishments etc... Be it what it may, it is personal information.
It should not be on top of a counter at work so that passing maintance workers, guests and other PO's see your personal stuff.

7/18/2011 12:20:00 AM
Especially when they hire gang banging punks like that idiot who pushed the sergeant over in 008,on lacrosse. It makes it easier for the asssholes like this to steal information, and your right your check is scrutinized by other coppers,ok boss take the .10 cents from me put my check in and ENVELOPE!!

7/18/2011 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy shows up to work with cowboy boots and hat, (Says he is the pre General Patton),then uses private laptop to do lesson plans for the class at Loyola that he teaches, -----Official misconduct and abuse of dept time and resources. Also double dipping. Hello IAD

7/18/2011 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About half agree with the Capt. on this post and half disagree. His response to having 10 officers on the medical out of what,50 officers assigned to the watch though extreme was correct. Medical roll abuse is out of control. The names of all the officers on the medical is on the daily sheets so reading them off at roll call? SO WHAT! Stop crying. Hippa violation? Law suits? We are our own worst enemy. I do agree he needs to move, and IS a tool, but at least he gives a shit about the Department and how shitty it has become. To many of you "officers" want to play police but act like high school kids. They want to have bosses be their friends, not their supervisors. 023 has SEVERAL medical roll abusers. I don't agree with how he allegedly delivered the message, I agree he's correct in attempting to right the situation.

7/18/2011 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey crybabies bid out. Go to 015 or 11

7/18/2011 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's not a grievance, it's almost definitely a violation of the HIPAA act.

7/18/2011 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So say If I finally went in to the doctor to get my inflamed hemoroids removed after all these years and took two days off to heal before heading back to work to sit back in those uncomfortable and hard riding squad cars, the boss would have told everybody my name and what I was off for! What's this idiots name? What a jagoff.

7/18/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know that certain individuals spend their careers milking the Medical. Anyone who denies that is out of touch with reality, and the System is not being monitored properly. That being said, there are HIPPA and privacy issues in this case and the way we handle things in general. Too many non-medical people, like everyone working the desk, know about our personal illnesses. In cases such as depression or certain very personal medical matters,the dissemination of personal info is unacceptable.

7/18/2011 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we talking about Lemmer? If so, this guy is the biggest asshole. Has been for years and years. Never been the police, just a pussy house mouse that was a little computer savvy and they moved him up the ranks quick. Always out to make himself look better and to jam working coppers.

7/18/2011 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did work in the 023 however. Never met such a collection of malcontents in my adult life.

I sse your 023 and raise you 025. Talk about malcontents...geesh!

7/18/2011 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) has a privacy provision but it does not cover employers. That portion of the act relates to health care providers and health insurers.

7/18/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never taken a medical day. I've been IOD, but never on the medical. If there are abuses, they should be addressed.

I think the medical plan we have is great. If I get hurt off duty, I'm covered for a while. If I get seriously sick, I'm covered. Those who put that in jeopardy should get hammered.

Now this captain outing people was a stupid act. You don't go out publicly like that to handle a problem. If there are abuses, call IAD or the medical abuse people and handle it.

Another display of piss poor leadership.

7/18/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know the Captain. Would not recognize him if he walked into a room I was in. I did work in the 023 however. Never met such a collection of malcontents in my adult life. No copper with less than 15 years on should be allowed to work there. Doing the minimum of work is enforced by peer presure, abusing the medical is considered an annual right, like an extra furlogh. If the present medical is reduced to 10-15 days per year, thank the abusers who treated it like a joke for years. No pitty.


023, several years ago I was a PPO assigned there for some detail confused on where to park, a beat car pulled up at the light at Addison/Halsted I asked "excuse me, I'm a PPO, do you know where can I park?" The officer looks away and drives off. Imagine if I called a 10-1, he would of been driving the opposite way, and bet still does.

7/18/2011 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't know the Captain. Would not recognize him if he walked into a room I was in. I did work in the 023 however. Never met such a collection of malcontents in my adult life. No copper with less than 15 years on should be allowed to work there. Doing the minimum of work is enforced by peer presure, abusing the medical is considered an annual right, like an extra furlogh. If the present medical is reduced to 10-15 days per year, thank the abusers who treated it like a joke for years. No pitty.

7/18/2011 07:03:00 AM

This medical issue comes up all the time. Truth is very few cops use, let alone abuse it. The FOP a few years back offered to help the city go after abuser's the city refused. The city does not want to be part of workman's comp for a host of reasons. But again very few officers even use the medical. Your logic that a few bad apples mean we make it harder on everyone is the same liberal blanket that they use to attack the 2nd Amendment.

7/18/2011 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true, he is creating a hostile work environment also. If he is encouraging officers to harass officers on the medical, that is just wrong and illegal.

If this really happened, everyone who was present should file a grievance, its needs to stop now. He has no right to give a medical opinion or an opinion if they are really sick or injured.

7/18/2011 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crime is up and this Cpt worries about BS missions

7/18/2011 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He keeps ramming it down our throats about how he has 25 YEARS ON THE JOB NOW and about how many thousands of arrests he's made in his career on that BAD streets of the south side.

FYI for all of you in 023. Lemmer worked tact in 009 for a few years, yet amazingly never ventured south of 39th St.

He fancied himself a gang expert and walked around with an inter-departmental envelope with all his gang info.

If you worked in 009 from 1990-2000 and thought yourself to be a gang expert then you should have been all over the 30 sector and part of the 10 sector. Moetown was at it's height, GD', Stones at war etc. Gang Intel up the ass. NEVER saw Lemmer out there.

And he went on to make a fortune lecturing about gangs in Chicago.

Fucking Dork.

All Lemmer did was

7/18/2011 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an example of the goofy leadersip we have to suffer under

7/18/2011 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out his clout!

7/18/2011 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the new Supt doesn't have the balls to go to 023 Dist 3rd watch roll call when this guy is in charge. He should lisien to the rants and far out topic lectures Come on Jesrsey!

7/18/2011 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone want to guess if the Superintendent will do anything?
No Jerseyshore is peoud of the violence on Halsted and the stabbings

7/18/2011 10:55:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

how come all these medical abusers always come back to work and go right back on their car like nothing happened.....

7/18/2011 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Don't know the Captain. Would not recognize him if he walked into a room I was in. I did work in the 023 however. Never met such a collection of malcontents in my adult life. No copper with less than 15 years on should be allowed to work there. Doing the minimum of work is enforced by peer presure, abusing the medical is considered an annual right, like an extra furlogh. If the present medical is reduced to 10-15 days per year, thank the abusers who treated it like a joke for years. No pitty."

7/18/2011 07:03:00 AM

Why don't you stop pontificating about shit you know nothing about. Shut your fucking mouth until you walk a mile in the shoes of the PO's that work there NOW!

Another fucking prick that "I used to work in 023, and... ". Fuck you, ASSHOLE.

To everyone else: I've had the pleasure of working in different districts all over the City and yes; we have those who abuse the Medical in every district. There is not an inordinate amount of them 023. The spotlight is on 023 because of the Federal Laws that Captain TL violated. Though I will add that we, as a group, should not tolerate those who willfully and blatantly abuse OUR medical roll.

Continuing with this violation, this comment is specifically directed to that District's FOP rep: DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS EGREGIOUS VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THOSE OFFICERS WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT.

7/18/2011 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since he is cool with improperly pulling people's about some pull his and post how many times HE hit the medical

7/18/2011 11:02:00 AM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

A violation of the federal HIPAA Law

7/18/2011 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this cap't cares about is numbers. He does not give a shit about the people on his watch. He thinks in his mind that the more "blue cards" and tickets his troops write will get him promoted. He is so pissed that he didn't get any of the past commander spots so he's pushing the troops to bring in more and more numbers to make himself look good.
That's what he is all about. Making himself look good while he fucks with everyone on the watch.

7/18/2011 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want 3 missions a day come to 023 and see what a miserable place it is to work. If you get caught outside of your beat or sector you get yelled at, even if on the way to lunch. The bosses suck balls.

7/18/2011 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The capt has created an enviornment where everyone is scared to do anything. People have lives and side jobs and kids outside this job and he constantly and blatently threatens your start time and car if you don't bring him what he wants. People need certain start times to work with picking up kids and such and he doesn't care. He'll fuck you to get his numbers. He has NO LIFE outside this job. He has no regard for any hardship any PO's may face. Bring him what he wants or you get fucked with.

7/18/2011 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a f*king joke! I wonder if he still has his special public violence mission car with the supercops that would never have to answer jobs and come in with 1 cont card a night! And the punishment of being dumped to the rapid cars that start later- that's a joke too; those rapids are held down every night on some idiotic mission from 10pm to the end of the tour, so they don't get any jobs and they get cut early on top of that! That guy is a real hypocrite, like so many supervisors on this job. His condescending and patronizing lectures belong at home where only his cowboy and indian figurines care about what he has to say. HE comes to work and steals the city's time by doing work on his laptop for his side-job as a teacher at Loyola! Now he has the nerve to denounce those on the medical?! Who does this clown answer to? Where are his superiors when he's disclosing personal medical information to 3 ROLL CALLS?? As usual, the doctrine which this department's supervisors use is "do as I say, not as I do". I'll be amazed if any of those in roll call has the balls to step forward and offer testimony to his abuse of position. You can bet that many of those on the watch are on management with regular cars/partners which allows the captain to hold them by the balls, so they won't talk. And good luck getting the senior guys with only a couple years to go before retirement to get involved; they are not going to make waves so they could care less. The FOP needs to step up and earn the votes they got and take the lead. The Shields team bragged about how they all had law degrees under their belts- now is the time to use them! 023 could have been a great place to work if not for that incompetent captain. Thank god I left- don't miss that b.s. at all!

7/18/2011 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now he's reading out everyone's activity at roll call

7/18/2011 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

He is right that after years of abuse, the Medical as we know it is done as of new contract. Thanks for ruining a great thing a@#$%^s!

7/18/2011 01:35:00 AM

Oh really? And how, pray tell, will this happen? Enlighten me please.

Do you think Rahm will simply say say "this is the way it is folks" and Mike Shields and the FOP contract negotiating committee will just roll over and say "oh shucks, I guess you got us on this one mayor."

Yeah, that's probably how it will work out.

7/18/2011 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This cap't is constantly telling war stories of his time spent in some ghetto district. I would give anything for someone that worked with him to actually let us know what he was really like as a patrolman.

7/18/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a better idea! Instead of those stupid check stubs that pile up in the desk drawer for weeks and months, when people have direct deposit into their bank accounts!

How about a "PDF file" of your check stubs, e-mailed to your department e-mail address. That way the person receives their check stubs with privacy and still print out the stubs they need for tax purposes!

What a way to save paper and money from printing!

Then again this sounds to efficient for Payroll and the Police department to do for all of the political hacks that are hiding from real work!

Da Pelon :P

Speaking of violation of privacy.

When is the department going to put our check/stubs in a sealed envelope. For years, people know where they live, how much they contribute/deduct for Deferred Comp, savings, child support, alimony, wage garnishments etc... Be it what it may, it is personal information.
It should not be on top of a counter at work so that passing maintance workers, guests and other PO's see your personal stuff.

7/18/2011 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mean "desemination"?

7/18/2011 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy sits in his office and does lesson plans all day on his computer for his side job, but if a PO says they didn't get anything on a mission of his he makes you drop paper. It's bizzaro world.

7/18/2011 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bitch move by a bitch of a capt.

7/18/2011 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he saying that when I'm hurt I should continue to come into work?

7/18/2011 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s just say they do take away our medical and give us 24 days a year. These medical days would trump all other comp time and they would have to give the person taking the day off because of medical reasons. Sooo take a wild guess what would happen on Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years eve, Bud Billiken, Gay Pride, Rican Fest and all the other f*cked up festivals that no one wants to go to and holidays that everyone wants to spend with their families? IM SICK.

Also, what happens to my 24 sick days after the year is over? You say I’m going to lose them huh? Well I’m going to start to get sick each December because I’m not giving anything back to the city after they took the medical away from me.

This would happen citywide in every district with disastrous results. The city has more to lose if the medical is taken away and they know it.

They should concentrate on the 1% of the dogs abusing it and leave it alone.

7/18/2011 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To shed some light on just what a micro-manager this guy is, he actually has the watch secretary fax a rough draft of the sheets over to his house ON HIS DAYS OFF so he can look at them and make adjustments! He also does not allow his LT's to approve time off, so you can only go through him. In some ways i feel bad for this guy. He needs to get a life. TL, there is more to life than 023 3rd watch.

7/18/2011 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True story:
A police officer forgot their gun at home in a rush to get to work. Capt TL made this officer drop time on the front to go back and get their gun.
Hasn't everyone forgotten something here and there. How about a uniform adjustment? Just speaks of the type of person he his.

7/18/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zeig-Heil, Captain, hows that Hope and Change going for you ? That Pay-to-Play workin out well 4 -U ?

7/18/2011 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TL = total company man.
If it doesn't help him get that gold star than it doesn't matter to him. He will step on anyone and everything in his way to make it to the top.

7/18/2011 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this is a good wake up call for him. He's been treating his officers like shit for way too long now. This job was here before you and will be here after you, no need to make life hell for your officers during your tenure their.

7/18/2011 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to have been in that roll. I would have memorialized those in attendance, what was said, and WHO said it.

Next those who were named along with their medical conditions would have been contacted and made aware of the event.

A) Health Insurance Portablity Acountablity Act (HIPAA) violations

B) Slanderous accusations made. If there are accusations made of Medical Roll abuse the Capt should have obtained a CR#- Failure to take action is a rule violation.

Im thinking that this case is worth $250,000 in compensation due to each of these sworn officers.

Any attorneys out there willing to take on a case naming the City & Capt?

7/18/2011 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is'nt his first rant and rave. Between exerpts of the andy griffin show and fox news, he likes to detail how he's the"real"police cowboy boots and all. If what happened is true, we have just been indirectly informed of what is going to be on the contract table next year. TL was in R & D and had input into the General & Special Orders we hold near and dear. He's frustrated that his talents have not been given there proper due. Kevin Dillion, oops! i mean supt. McCarthy, has to take notice now. TL is your guy. The 23rd district, 3rd watch, roll call just witnessed our future. An egolomaniac, who has, managed to stay in a diverse district, despite his alledged homophobia. Iniciated countless of useless missions, though the pie charts look great on those friday afternoon meeting @headquarters. Alienated all the officers on his watch, causing them to get so sick that they have to place themselves on the medical roll. The powers that be will promote this individual. Finally giveTL what he feels is his destiny and his rightful place in the department's hiarchy and the coming policy changing dynamics. God bless the CPD. Hang in their troops, your days of Andy & barney fife , will be coming to a rollcall near you.

7/18/2011 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had my run-ins with this Capt. TL in the past. He is a matter of fact type of person, no favorites. When you're fckn off he will call you on it. When your in the right he gives credit where credit is do. But he's the same Capt.TL that SCC has praised in the past for taking care of coppers in bad situations. Namely the passing of a retired cop who had no family, next of kin or close friends and Capt. TL made sure that he got the proper wake and funeral fit for a CPD brother.
SCC I agree his tactics were wrong. But I can't blame him for blowing a gasket. If you seen the same f-ing dogs in 023 abuse the medical with REPEATED fake IOD's you would see it different. For example a copper makes an arrest early in the tour without incident, then a the end of the tour, she claims she injuried her arm while cuffing the offender! She has worked 4 months in the last 2 years with her several BS IODs! And that's only one person, there are so many others with the BS IOD's. I how that the medical abuse unit does take a look! This f#@ks everybody when there are 8 people on medical and now you get your time denied!

7/18/2011 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7/18/2011 12:23:00 AM
7/18/2011 02:46:00 AM
7/18/2011 03:03:00 AM
7/18/2011 06:50:00 AM
7/18/2011 06:54:00 AM
I might have missed a few other 'qualified medically trained' police officers that are on this job.

First of all, I am glad that you are blessed to be great health. I hope that you stay that way, for as long as possible. If and when you do become ill, and you will since we are all destined to. Illness can come at any point of a person's life. It happens usually at the end of your lifetime and then you are just mocked as useless to our society anyways. I hope that there are not too many 'qualified medically trained' peers saying that what you have is not real.

We only know what our own personal version of pain feels like. We will never know exactly what another person feels and we should refrain from putting our personal standards on others.

I don't know how many of you, that posted above, attended medical school or went with these officers who are on the Medical to their doctor's visit and really know what is wrong with them. I hope that for people who work with finding out facts before accusing someone that you have all your "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed. Have you or is this just your personal judgement?

What do you think we should do with these PO's on the Medical? Get rid of the Medical and let a whiteshirt determine if an officer is sick? Fire them, so that healthier officers can take their place? What do we do if you ever have the bad fortune of becoming sick? Should you be fired? Will some of your fellow 'qualified medically trained' officers think that you are a malingerer?

I am not stating that there might not be any cases of fraud and if there are then those that are caught doing so should be brought forth and disciplined through our department's 'Rules and Regulations' and Union Contract.

We are on the a very unstable precipice at this point in today's economy, where we might lose perhaps the best lifeline that we have compared to many other jobs, the Medical. It is saddening to consider that our profession has degenerated to the status of a 'job' but unfortunately we have too many peers today that have made it so. Gone are the days when 'blue shirts' were the backbone of the department, we have unfortunately turned on each other. Management knows this and are taking advantage of this, why do you think that there has been two consecutive takeovers of our department by outside managers? They are trying to break us and they might succeed this time, as more and more people leave or retire. CPD might not be the envy that we are among other departments.

If you ever become ill or get into a very bad accident, what will happen to you? Your family? Your home? Your hopes and dreams? I'm not admonishing you for such careless thinking but there are those who would take our greatest safety line away from us, and are planning to. It boggles the mind that there are so many of us who freely add ammunition for those who wish to cut our throats. Think these things through and don't be quick to judgement, especially when it could be something that could perhaps someday benefit you.

7/18/2011 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised that no one brought up the Medical Integrity Unit. Oh that is right, they dont investigate those who abuse the medical system. They go after the people on limited duty for legitimate reasons.

7/18/2011 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The medical as we know it will be pretty much gone by the next contract. Some abuse and the idea that this new administration wants to make every benefit like that in the private sector. This change has been coming for a long time. I always thought the big reason it never changed is because the connected bosses on the job would lose out like we would. We all know the politicians want to take care of their pawns. Nice while it lasted.

7/18/2011 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the comments, looks like the captains supervisors read the blog. You know who you are. Those on the medical roll, whether legitimate or not is none of your business. When did you become medical doctors. We had a full rollcall, end of story. When you work contracting jobs, study for your masters, doing personal business, non police business calls, go check out the girls on clark, etc. on company time, no one complains and whines, about you not working. The medical is an asset we can't afford to lose. For most p/o's hurt performing their duties, it is an incentive to get better and come back to work. You robocops who never had to go on the medical, God bless, but if and when you do, you will be thankful, its there. Just because there is some bad apples, does'nt mean the system is broken. The only thing broken is your dignity in towing your Captain's bs, so you can stay on his watch and not be launched to a working district. Wish capt. Quade came back from retirement.

7/18/2011 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like what he did, not the way he did it. No names should have been mentioned

7/18/2011 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be a total goof. Nice way to look out for those that work for you.

old retired guy

I guess that was the point of the rant ... people who don't work

7/18/2011 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW that sounds like something crazy that captain in 020 would pull!

7/18/2011 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, do not have a problem with this - I'm sick and tired of people abusing the medical policy. Add more investigators to medical investigations and charge officers with theft if their caught. I had to burn 8 hours to go to a Sox game, bumped into a guy on the medical - if you can go to the Sox game, run the shuffle - you can answer the phone and take reports.

7/18/2011 01:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at our Benefits!!!!! The Captain was speaking with his frustration. ps when did it become us against them? Just saying.

7/18/2011 06:31:00 AM

1. Look at our Benefits!!!!!

you state this as if it were a negative.

2. The Captain was speaking with his frustration.

polished ebonics?

3. ps when did it become us against them? Just saying.

as the experienced ass kisser you are, i presume that you mean 'us' as in 'you and the asses you're kissing' versus the 'them' that are us.

7/18/2011 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Major changes are needed in our medical policy to further weed out these mutts who further weaken district manpower citywide.

7/18/2011 02:46:00 AM

manpower is weakened by not hiring at the same rate as retirements.

the only true mutts are the ones who've been ruining our city for decades.

and i don't mean the ones sitting on milk crates.

7/18/2011 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for him, we're (blue shirts) tired of the abusers too. Can we grieve against the idiots who take off every weekend in the summer?

7/18/2011 02:32:00 AM

blame the head of the snake, not the tail.

7/18/2011 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could b on that lawsuit

ha, why so you could hear the judge dismiss your lawsuit. As an employee of the city of chicago anything you are on the medical or iod for is public record. Dont forget, we are second class citizens. Nobodys rights were violated here... In a fortune 500 company or even at jewel you might have a case... but not as a public employee... Our medical is partially paid by taxes therefor it is public record where the money goes and for what reasons...including naming the procedures and conditions. sad but true. Next Case on the docket!

7/18/2011 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the current 23 Tactical Lt., ..... A very sad man who has no concept of team effort. Who creates poor morale, and has no concept of dealing with crime. Using his deep voice to exemplify authority and knowledge.

If it weren't for his teams, and reading other persons reports he would have no concept at all....

That's why he always sits alone at the bar at functions.....sad ......but also a sign of a developing sociopath...... I guess just like your Captain TL....

I know this .... Because I'm THE DOCTOR.

Doctor. P.V.

7/18/2011 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was there and may i just say... i was really motivated by the power point speech. it was like the sky opened and i saw the light! after roll call i jumped into my police pool vehicle with 143,000 miles and luke warm a/c, and generated "three" event numbers during my tour. normally two is sufficient. this morning while in the backyard i stepped on a large rusty nail causing an infection. this will not slow me down! no sir, i went into my house and turned on the show COPS and i will be ready to report to work this afternoon. i hope to be a team leader one day.

7/18/2011 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is right that after years of abuse, the Medical as we know it is done as of new contract. Thanks for ruining a great thing a@#$%^s!

7/18/2011 01:35:00 AM

fight or flee?

which one are you?

7/18/2011 02:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So now he created an enviornment that everyone is absolutely afraid to call in sick and go on the medical for any reason"

Well, there you go....Mission Accomplished! He's getting exactly what he wanted. You are now all afraid to utilize the medical. I'm sorry to say it but you all need to stand up for yourselves. To paraphrase Rahm-en Noodle, you need to put some skin in the game. TJL's tyrannical ravings should galvanize you all in a unified defense of your basic rights. Every last one of you should use the medical when you are ill or injured. What's goofy tommy going to do put all of you in the relief pool and send the period roster downtown with no one assigned to any of the beats? Not a bloody chance. He's far too terrified of having to explain why his entire watch revolted. The best part is, when he's so short of man power his Commander has to ask for officers from other units to man the cars they'll be calling tommy in for a little reality check, and that's exactly what SuperCaptain needs. I long for the days when we had real Captains and not these house mouse sycophants who didn't even have to pass a promotional exam to get captain's bars (or Lt, or sgt's chevrons in many cases). What a clueless egomaniac. Hey McCarthy! Take back this morons bars and put him back in charge of the 3 civilians he "Lead" at R&D before he gets some officers hurt.

7/18/2011 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am waiting until the 2012 g8 summit to hit the medical.

7/18/2011 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a serious HIPAA violation? this capt. must be a real handjob!

7/18/2011 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don't know the Captain. Would not recognize him if he walked into a room I was in"

You can't miss him. In your mind picture Ralph Wiggum (Chief Wiggum's kid on The Simpsons), middle aged with cowboy boots and hat.

7/18/2011 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont kid yourself. the medical in its current condition works out for the city. the great majority rarely use it. otherwise the city would be paying workers comp -and people would be using their 12 days first like personal days each year. financialy it works out for the city. same reason the cars are self insured and self repaired.

7/18/2011 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TJL a great self promoter!

7/18/2011 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grievance? This is a violation of the HIPPA Act! I don't understand why we need to report our illness to the watch commander when we have a medical section to report it to. Why I am sick is NOT Department Business. Nobody should know that. File the HIPPA complaint!

7/18/2011 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hostile work environment and if he starts messing with people who are sick/injured, they should document and then file the beef. EEOC

7/18/2011 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if the capt was right in the reading of names but he has a valid point. There are so many useless fucks that abuse the medical that there will be changes made.

--And that's your opinion. He still does not have the right to announce peoples medical business at roll call.

7/18/2011 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he read names and medical conditions he is in severe violation of HIPPA law!! Look into it!

- not a cop -

7/18/2011 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is only one way to embarrass a watch commander. We all know what that is. If you don't know ask an old timer.

Grow some balls.

7/18/2011 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just the way the city likes to do business! Punish everyone for the faults of a few. For the officers who don't care if the city takes this away better hope they never get sick, and need time off.

7/18/2011 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the medical policy changed a few years back, its a hippa violation to ask why a person is going on the medical.
The medical has gotten out of hand, way to many abusers, but the department does nothing about it.
They experimenting with giving us 12 days a year, but the problem is if we had 12, everyone would use them. Not sure what the stats are now, but a few years back the avg of officers on the medical was 8 days. The city new they would lose money giving everyone 12 days.
The policy needs to change, whether its by order or contract.

7/18/2011 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm and mccarthy will and should change the medical roll policy non the CPD , it's abused , give every officer a bank of 240 days when hired and once they use up the 240 days , carry them without pay
95% of CPD's Finest never use 20 days in their career

7/18/2011 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical / iod has been abused for years. Days off in summer are hard to get because of the scammers. Find a way to hold doctors accountable and it should slow down. Outrageous the way it's set up now. Yes it's great for the person not wanting to work but at what cost to the taxpayers and the officers working alone due to lack of manpower.

7/18/2011 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to get treated like a two year old, come to 023 3 rd watch

7/18/2011 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most cops I know and work with know something should be done about the medical role abusers... they have unit that investigates medical role abuse... go after the abusers and everyone would be happy...

7/18/2011 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is way too much medical abuse on the job

7/18/2011 06:50:00 AM

Unfortunately the 10% of officers who abuse the medical will be responsible for screwing all those who do not. I don't know how they are going to give police and firemen 12 days of sick time if you are injured on duty. That's an interesting proposal. Will be even more interesting to see how it plays out. If you break your arm fighting with an offender then do you lose your job if it is not healed in 12 days?

7/18/2011 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lemmer was never the sharpest pencil in the the pencil case when it comes to human interaction, he actually is void of common sense when it comes to people skills, but he has tons of push from somewhere.

7/18/2011 08:11:00 AM

Don't think he has any push. I heard he used to when he worked for Deputy McDonald but he lost it very shortly after getting his very good female friend promoted to Director of Research of Development. She's still there but he got removed as Commander and made Captain some time later.

7/18/2011 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical Roll abuse NEVER happens in 017!

7/18/2011 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure what the " considerations" are, but the department has refused for years to clean up the medical roll and do what is right.This is a great benefit and some officers are really abusing it. i would hate to see it gone. I sure hope the department really puts into place a policy that goes after the abusers . The captain was really wrong in what he did. Who would want to work for such an ass ?

7/18/2011 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely not true that he has no favorites. He absolutely did in R&D and he demoralized the unit taking care of those favorites and making everyone else watch and accept it. He also did not give credit where credit was due. He would take credit though or give it to one of his favorites for your work.

As far as the medical issue and the topic of this post, I don't think anyone commenting on this is promoting medical abuse. It seems the officers of that district think it is was unprofessional of this captain to address roll call using the specifics of someone's illness/injury. I would agree. He could have made the same points without being unprofessional.

Anonymous said...
I've had my run-ins with this Capt. TL in the past. He is a matter of fact type of person, no favorites. When you're fckn off he will call you on it. When your in the right he gives credit where credit is do. But he's the same Capt.TL that SCC has praised in the past for taking care of coppers in bad situations. Namely the passing of a retired cop who had no family, next of kin or close friends and Capt. TL made sure that he got the proper wake and funeral fit for a CPD brother.
SCC I agree his tactics were wrong. But I can't blame him for blowing a gasket. If you seen the same f-ing dogs in 023 abuse the medical with REPEATED fake IOD's you would see it different. For example a copper makes an arrest early in the tour without incident, then a the end of the tour, she claims she injuried her arm while cuffing the offender! She has worked 4 months in the last 2 years with her several BS IODs! And that's only one person, there are so many others with the BS IOD's. I how that the medical abuse unit does take a look! This f#@ks everybody when there are 8 people on medical and now you get your time denied!

7/18/2011 12:20:00 PM

7/18/2011 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually it is HIPAA and what the captain did might be a violation with up to a 10 grand fine for each occurance. File a complaint with the feds. I don't thinki it will go far, but worth a try.

7/18/2011 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a great benefit that no one else has, either on another police department or in private industry. And, yes it has been abused for years. The department has done studies a few times in the past to identify who abuses the medical roll by name and by sex and by race. They have the answers, but will not reveal them. I really do not see this benefit staying around after the next contract. Back in the 80's, the department could have got, through negotiation, one medical day each period with a starting base of 130 days minus all days taken on the medical the past ten years, but only working days would count, not days off. They declined as the assessment indicated it would cost the city more money in the long run as they would have to carry the days over year to year and pay them out when an officer retires. The records indicated only a small number acutally abused the medical roll. Supervisors used the least days, women the most . I know, I was there for some of the negotiations.

7/18/2011 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HIPPA violation and Creating a Hostile Workplace Environment Suit.

1 count per Person in roll call that witnessed it.

Class Action Suit if someone has the balls to file it.

But's one makes waves there cause they had to suck something to get there in the first place.



7/18/2011 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slightly OT

Does this Captain still show the police officer snuff video clips at roll call? Reviewing video footage of officers killed in the line of duty can be a useful tool, but I completely disagreed with the way Lemmer Monday morning quarterbacked the deceased officers. He would pause the video at the chaos progressed, saying, "At this point in the stop, I give the officer a C." As the situations got more out of control the grades of the dead police officer got worse, until finally the officer was dead. At this point Lemmer would say, "Obviously at this point, the officer gets an F." I remember sitting in roll call in a rage, seeing red. How can you talk shit about one of our brothers that died in the line of duty??!! These snuff videos were a regular event, and were a terrible way to start the day. Full of rage. I left that district awhile ago, and couldn't be happier.

7/18/2011 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BULLSHIT for sure if that was done, yet not surprising with the idiotic supervisors we have. That said I can count on 1 hand the number of times I used it in 11yrs and the fact is these abusing fucks do ruin it for all of us who actually NEED it when the time comes

7/18/2011 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stir the pot, glad they sent you back to 023.

7/18/2011 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, although it may seem like medical abuse is out of line it is not. Like one poster said, it is a very small percentage of people who continually abuse the system. If the Medical Integrity Unit wanted to they could easily pull the files of known abusers and target those who are ruining it for everyone else, that being said be careful what you wish for. Unfortunately you will not be young forever and as you get older I promise you, by virtue of having a stressful profession some of you will need extended medical and perhaps limited duty time.
It's interesting to see people throwing everyone else under the bus on this blog, I guess it's some sort of self preservation but in the end, what you are calling for will be your own self destruction. Good Luck With That.

7/18/2011 05:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I retired recently after 30+ years. Used the medical roll very sparingly and only when really needed. Sometimes didn't use it when I should have.

One of the biggest tragedies this job could ever have is the loss of the medical due to abusers.

No one on this job should tolerate medical role abusers. They are thieves. Plus they are making you pick up the slack when they are not there. Also denies you your time-off.

Have heard that only about 3% of the department's manpower accrues about 50% of the medical time. The Department has mechanisms and procedures in place to address the issue of medical role abuse. It is not easy, but that is why they get the big money. Whiteshirts: DO YOUR JOB!!

And when the Department catches a MR abuser, it is usually some rare-user who makes a minor technical violation and gets tagged for it. The abuser rarely gets burned because he/she knows how cover their asses.

But there are people that are not lucky enough to be or stay healthy.

TJL's comments are totally inexcusable. At the least, the VERY LEAST, he should be made to apologize to the roll calls and to go to each officer on the medical and apologize to them. Maybe they won't sue him.

Someone in those roll calls needs to drop a SIGNED To-From to the D/C. And everyone in those roll calls needs to back him up.At the very least, a CR# must be obtained.

7/18/2011 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i smell a nice lawsuit

7/18/2011 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should concentrate on the 1% of the dogs abusing it and leave it alone.

7/18/2011 11:44:00 AM

Many years ago, the union sincerely offered to support the City's intent to fire CPD medical abusers. The City was confused at this action but the union correctly reasoned that the medical was for use by members who were ill, and that there was no reason to jeapardize this right, that had been bargained into our contract, because of a handfull of abusers who did not care about their fellow officers.

As the City revved up to go after the abusers, they discovered something that set them back on their heels and ended their attempt to fire people.

Turns out the City had spent years in court battles with the DOJ fighting affirmative action in hiring and promotions. A Federal judge (Prentiss Marshall) was assigned as a sort of overseer on all hiring and promotional lists in order to guarantee that the "right number" of minorities were being hired and promoted. Without being politically correct here, suffice to say that if the medical abusers were fired, the delicate balance of racial quotas that were being forced on the CPD by Judge Marshall would be severely altered and that is why there has never been any more than talk when it comes to firing medical abusers. I am only speaking about back then. I can't honestly say that this is still currently the case.

7/18/2011 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A former friend hit the medical once a year every year for the 10yrs we hung out. Conveniently anywhere between May and October. Total abuser. These are the types of slugs who ruin it for everyone.

7/18/2011 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Administrative Simplification standards adopted by Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) apply to any entity that is

•a health care provider that conducts certain transactions in electronic form (called here a "covered health care provider").
•a health care clearinghouse.
•a health plan.
An entity that is one or more of these types of entities is referred to as a "covered entity" in the Administrative Simplification regulations.

7/18/2011 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is NOT a HIPAA violation

7/18/2011 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous C.White said...

Would appear that HIPAA violation is not the way to go as the DHHS website indicates rule is meant for health care organizations -- not employers. Seems like union grievance would be the way to go.

7/18/2011 07:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no grievance; you must be harmed(penalized) before you can grieve the said penalty.

Really, you are slandered in front of your peers, your private medical status is released without your knowledge or consent and you say no harm. Sorry, but I say there is room for legal action.

7/18/2011 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One last time- HIPAA does not cover the CPD. Read it. It covers health care providers, insurance companies, and medical info clearinghouses (a very specific type of compamy that facilitates billing and medical record storage).

7/18/2011 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I agree his tactics were wrong. But I can't blame him for blowing a gasket.------
HE IS A GOOF AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CRAZYNESS!!!! Some of those cops have real injuries and are workers.
Do as I say not as I do Typical Gold Star = Nice Cowboy boots and working on Loyola Stuff on company time. HELLO IG and BGA

7/18/2011 07:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have GOT to be kidding! I've never worked ANYwhere that didn't deliver (either via interoffice or by hand) your check in a sealed security envelope.

---not a cop

7/18/2011 08:58:00 AM

Try the dispatch center. Checks and deposit slips loose in a folder (no envelopes) so everyone has to rifle through everyone with their same last initial to get their own.

7/18/2011 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Captain is lloking to see who ate the Strawberries too Ala Cain Mutiny-a do nothing sux ass cop back in the day at 35th and Lowe-Retired Guy enjoy the circus

7/18/2011 07:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tobias should come to his roll call and listen to the BS. I dare the new Deputy Chief to see the troops and our leadership in action-Semper Fi

7/18/2011 07:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did any of the other supervisors at the rollcall initiate the C.R. that they are required to within 1 hour of being informed of this Captains misconduct? I'll bet they didn't. They can take some time for not reporting it.

7/18/2011 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm and mccarthy will and should change the medical roll policy non the CPD , it's abused , give every officer a bank of 240 days when hired and once they use up the 240 days , carry them without pay
95% of CPD's Finest never use 20 days in their career

7/18/2011 03:51:00 PM

But I bet they will now be using 240 new personal days with your method.

7/18/2011 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: 7/18/2011 12:26:00 PM

This is one of the best posts I've read
on this blog for some time. It puts it all in a nutshell, and eloquently so.
I never thought that after 17 years on the the street that I would be stricken with a medical condition. I was healthy and fine up until then. I can still serve as a Chicago Police Officer, just not like before.
All I know is that if it was'nt for this job benefit that was offered to me as a condition of employment I would have been in a very bad place.
To those who feel that this benefit is excessive, I hope you dont find out the hard way how wrong you are.

7/18/2011 08:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His condescending and patronizing lectures belong at home where only his cowboy and indian figurines care about what he has to say.


7/18/2011 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now he's reading out everyone's activity at roll call

7/18/2011 11:14:00 AM

Good! take notes. confront him on why his favs do less and get more. I'd LOVE for my WC to read every one *REAL* activity.

7/18/2011 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you want to get treated like a two year old, come to 023 3 rd watch

7/18/2011 04:15:00 PM

Or tact

7/18/2011 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've had my run-ins with this Capt. TL in the past. He is a matter of fact type of person, no favorites. When you're fckn off he will call you on it. When your in the right he gives credit where credit is do. But he's the same Capt.TL that SCC has praised in the past for taking care of coppers in bad situations. Namely the passing of a retired cop who had no family, next of kin or close friends and Capt. TL made sure that he got the proper wake and funeral fit for a CPD brother.
SCC I agree his tactics were wrong. But I can't blame him for blowing a gasket. If you seen the same f-ing dogs in 023 abuse the medical with REPEATED fake IOD's you would see it different. For example a copper makes an arrest early in the tour without incident, then a the end of the tour, she claims she injuried her arm while cuffing the offender! She has worked 4 months in the last 2 years with her several BS IODs! And that's only one person, there are so many others with the BS IOD's. I how that the medical abuse unit does take a look! This f#@ks everybody when there are 8 people on medical and now you get your time denied!

7/18/2011 12:20:00 PM

7/18/2011 04:58:00 PM

The entire district knows about this joke of copper. She cried when she lost her inside spot and ever since she makes up injuries to avoid the streets. She is scared to be the police and is a lier too. She also has a side kick that tells everyone that she will never work the streets again and is now perm. light duty at call back. Another dog that has been on the med. more than half her career!

7/18/2011 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guy needs help some serious help

7/18/2011 09:18:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...

everyone wantS the ball rolling but nobody even typeS out the bosses name.


if the 2 officer want it done so be it.

if the watch reps dont say a thing thats who they voted for.


they do have a thing called a confidential cr!

7/18/2011 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Medical Roll abuse NEVER happens in 017!

7/18/2011 04:36:00 PM

Unless you happen to be the person who injures her ankle every summer, which actually is a benefit to everyone!

7/18/2011 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone record the rant??

7/18/2011 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

an example of the goofy leadersip we have to suffer under of the best statements on this thread.

7/18/2011 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

his comments or not there needs to be an investigation into this behavior. It is unacceptable. This guy denies 25yr+ veteran officers time due eben when it is a family function and the slip was put in two weeks in advance? He says' just come in for 4 hours" WTF is that kind of response? FLOP hello. Besides this guy is off his nut and going to jam a good cop one day or hurt himself. How can you go through life with such bitterness? We have all exp bad bosses but this guy is just out there. This is a hostile work environment. Crime is on the rise and this guy just doesn't know how to motivate his troops in a positive way. Put jhim back in R&D where noone will get hurt. Threats and intimidation are a thing of the past.

7/18/2011 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

medical roll has been abused, by some, for a long time but.....take a long look at how it operates, the complexities of its workings, the interactions of physicians, medical reports, etc., etc.....without major changes (i.e., contract) in the system, any "improvements" in the system are hopeless...

7/18/2011 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the most arrogant know-it-all's I have ever met. In his mind, he should already be a Commander, and is upset that he is stuck as a lowly Captain.

7/18/2011 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They experimenting with giving us 12 days a year, but the problem is if we had 12, everyone would use them. Not sure what the stats are now, but a few years back the avg of officers on the medical was 8 days. The city new they would lose money giving everyone 12 days.
The policy needs to change, whether its by order or contract.
7/18/2011 03:47:00 PM

I have mentioned the following idea to a few co-workers and most thought it wasn't a bad idea if the system had to be changed. If you have something better, put it out here.

12 days on the medical a year for non-duty related BS. In other words, cold, flu, diarrhea, DOD, dental, etc. This would all be mandatory STATIONARY recuperation.

Major problems would still be 1 year; such as broken bones, surgery, cancer, etc...(Easily verifiable)

IOD would remain as is; but, don't we have a medical integrity unit that checks on the abusers?? Never hear if that unit grabs anyone or not. I'd have to say Not, cause it's never been mentioned on SCC.

To sweeten the pot for the 12 days and in an attempt to prevent abuse, buy back any/all of the unused 12 sick days at the end of the year for 50%.

7/18/2011 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its his watch he thinks he owns it-Ha the supt should put the gehhto star in a dist that needs to be cleaned up. His talents are being wasted in townhall. He should be planning somethin big and important. Obviously he can teach maybe he should run the academy? Why did R&D let him go?

7/18/2011 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a guy who supposed to be leader!

He is the Poster Child for "Shit for Brains"!

If he were on fire, I would NOT piss on him to put out the flames!

Da Pelon

7/18/2011 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the whole point of HIPPA, it is none of anyone's business. There was no police
purpose in reading off those names
and illnesses at roll call. I may transfer to 023 just to get the CR on this clown and get paid to boot.
Yes Viginia the pen is mightier than the captain with the big mouth.

Yeah I know Lemmer was a mope then and still is. Shit runs downhill and he can't take the pressure from the big bosses. He's too dumb to realize he's gonna be on the hook when the shit hits the fan. Everyone on that watch should hit the medical and let that jag patrol the streets alone, yeah sgt.s and lt.s also if they got any balls.

7/18/2011 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can say that the original post is very true on what was said. t.l. makes nearly 50 grand more then p.o"s he commands and shows his arrogannce to them in a every day way.Shame on KB for keepin' her head buried in da sand ignoring this liability thatS been stirring for years on the watch.K.B has the gold star ability to do something and the results are always the same= nada.this specific incident is just a a midget of what goes on. a little fly on the wall has told me dat someone involved in this encounter begun complaint register and a private atorney is getting involed due to his emotional medical-roll outburst said at all roll calls.Lots of witness's at roll calls who more than ready to stand up and say enough=== wait till this unfolds cause ask;++++++any;; officer = Lt == Sergeant who has worked or works for this guy==their judgment will all bethe same. even ask all captains in the district too=== go ahead===not everyone can be wrong.he wants to thinks so#

7/18/2011 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all missing the main point, if the city fulfilled their budgeted obligation of 13,000 officers, this wouldn't be a problem. We have to ask, "WHERE IS THE MONEY"?

7/18/2011 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This shouldn't be a problem, if you can't figure out the solution you don't belong on the job. Hey 3rd Watch in 023, grow a set!

7/18/2011 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work 1st watch in 009 and there is a female with maybe 4yrs on the job who has been on iod/medical for easily 3yrs. She got in a very minor fender bender and was out 6 months, then she got a shiner in one eye and was out another 4 months, her 1st day back from iod she went iod again. She then fell down the stairs at home, hurt her knee and has been carried iod since august of last year for a non duty related injury. And this girl was a boxer before joining CPD. A complete pos who should not be on this job.

7/18/2011 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is on the right track... now he should just confront the abusers face to face and leave the rest of the watch out of it... I do think he opened up himself for a lawsuit and punitive damages....time will tell....

7/18/2011 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without question the medical roll policy is our greatest benefit. God forbid you ever have to use it for a severe situation and be off for the full year.
Too many have had to return to conv/light duty and each of those legit officers know they're fortunate to still be employed. There is nothing in writing that obligates the city to keep those sick or injured on the job. (Off duty incidents)
To all those who abuse the benefit with BS to stay inside or miss work fuck the useless.lazy, cowards. Find em and fire em.
Never heard of this boss but if you had to sit through his rant, who cares, he spoke his mind.
So what you going to do?
Cry about it?
Man up.

7/18/2011 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"ps when did it become us against them?"

Divide and conquer.

Don't let them do it!

7/18/2011 11:49:00 PM  

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