Da Bears

The Saints are favored, but the Bears surprised a lot of critics (including us here) with last week's win. You don't want to make something this early a "statement" game, but if they win today, they are going to generate a whole lot of interest across the league.
Labels: sports
I think they have a fighting chance, Go Bears!!!
Da Bears 437.... Da Saints 38!
The Defense scores 430 points after dedicating the game to the memory of Brian Urlacher's mom.
G-Mac's wife found out about his little "escapade" with a department member and flew back to the east coast.
G-Mac to put in his papers Monday morning and is also going back east to salvage his marriage
Die-hard Packer fan who knew Bears would beat the Falcons. Didnt know they would destroy them, but not all that surprised that they did. Falcon d-fence secondary holey. Bears D had Flynn totoally rattled.
Brees is better than Flynn. But bears D can be scary. A close but low scoring game
Bears not quite Bears 17 Aints 21
OT - SCC are you avoiding the
G-MAC drama? There have been hundreds of rumors out there saying that G-DOG is screwing all the bitches at 35th street. Is this true? Does Rahm know about this? If there is transparecy in this administation then can we see the video please?
drew brees is one of the best--- the bears will need their "A" game today to beat the saints....
bears page 19 sun times
Damn the critics!
Wtf. This offensive line sucks. Cutler is getting nailed out there. Fire the whole line.
Oh!!!! There they are. The REAL Bears have shown up. Cutler pouting like a baby, the offensive line is just plain OFFENSIVE & the D-line having an off day. Bottom line, the Bears just plain out SUCK!!!!!!!!!!
We suck.....
you have a better chance of rooting for the cubs to make this years playoffs
dey suck
... or not!
Crystal ball unit didn't predict mtg with gmac and news affairs lt.
Briggs beaten for a TD...
and he wants a new contract?
STFU beotch!
the saints and announcers were throwing hissy fits when it looked like the bears were gonna take a commanding lead in the beginning. no one wanted the bears to win this game including the refs
Jerry Angelo should be fired for not having an offensive line. How the f*ck do you put that bunch of clown linemen out on an NFL field and claim to be ready for the season? We already know that Cutler can scramble if necessary, yet the Saints came through, practically untouched on almost every play.
Last week must've been a total fluke! If Mike Tice is one of the best coaches at his position in the league, then Angelo and his entire staff is guilty of either poorly evaluating their players or not providing the coaches with the talent needed to succeed.
Instead of planning playoff parties, perhaps a wake for Jay Cutler would be the better option, because too much more of this and he's a goner!
Hey SCC don't post the final score because I DVR'd it. I'm watching the game tonite. Damn.
WOW!!!! What a waste of time...lost out on sleep 4 that.
Good Grief
The bears are who we thought they were... lucky 1st week... no offensive line.... no stud receiver... last years weaknesses continue to be this years weaknesses, with very small improvements.. Lovie needs a staff of head coaches to compete, and still can't get it done... Angelo has got to go...
I repeat. 7-9 at best. And the Cheesheads are going to tear da Bears a new one!
Time for the coaching staff to leave!
WTF! 6 sacks, 3 of them back to back.
What a disaster.
Bears suck, after next week, there will be nothin more to see. Cutler is a Loon.
Went to game in New Orleans and was ashamed,but I still am hopeful the Bears will play better ,plays needs to be better executed,Cultler needs to fine tune and become more accurate,look t how the Saint played ...that what we need a overall better playing team!
Bears Lose, there goes the season!
Bears lost. In the fine tradition of Chicago teams. I guess we might have only the Blackhawks to cheer for this winter.
Ass whoopin' this week.
Another ass whoopin' next week, when the Pack dismantles the pansy Bears.
Cutler is toast. Unless he learns to get out of that pocket that ain't doing shit to protect him, he'll be on the DL within a few weeks.
Go Greenbay!
They are who I thought they were
Its the Bears dummies
Next week Green Bay by 20.
They Suck
Thank Heaven for the Black Hawks
Cutler spent more time on his back and got pounded more than an actress in a Vivid Video film production. The second half was brutal to watch.
Detroit creamed KC today, I can only imagine what's coming in the Bear's future
Hey Rham and McCarthy... Here's a question for you... WHY in the world do we have area 3 GEU guys assigned to A3 when there is NO VIOLENCE ZONE in ALL of A3?? Why not move those officers to areas where they are needed such as those nasty violence zones??? Or.... does the shaky A/3 "Gang" ( I use that term lightly) Lieutenant... not want to go into those scary districts where there are black people?? This guy is like a fucking bubble boy who is scared of his own shadow and has fought tooth and nail to stay in A/3 to the point where when he was called out on police involved shootings he simply didn't answer his phone because the shootings happened in those scary black areas of the city. So, he didn't show up and another Lt would have to come from home because bubble boy was too scared to go. Now it seems that Leo put this nitwit in for commander... man we really are in for a treat if this buffoon makes commander! A guy who is scared of everything, tells stupid stories which are not even true in an attempt to frighten officers from doing search warrants and 99 confidential, and a guy who will absolutely THROW ANY COPPER UNDER THE BUS to save his ass!! Great choice for commander Leo... two peas in a pod.
Oh my! The Bears went on the road to play a playoff caliber team in a dome and lost!
They suck!
Chicago fans are such losers it's only fitting that their teams lose.
Since we're talking about sports, nice shout out to CPD's Finest Baseball Team. Great game and WIN over CFD.
Sup is not dating anyone. This is total rumor bullshit. He is going through a divorce but that has nothing to do with anyone here. Quit the gossiping, especially when you don't know what your talking about.
Sometimes they suck and sometimes they don't and thats why I love da Bears.
Bears schedule doesn't get any easier. Pack is tough.
Carolina Panthers, along with the Lions, are going to surprise a lot of people. Panther QB Cam Newton is looking pretty good for a guy with only 2 big-league games under his belt.
Bears will have their hands full with him.
Lions no picnic. Bears could easily be 1-4.
It was good to see cutler getting his ass kicked. He deserves it for being the coward punk he really is. The whole NFL knows it and will continue to pound him any chance they get.
Da Crystal Ball Unit predicts the new supe is our very own M.Shields, direct order from D.C.
Mayor Tiny Dancer chew got some splanin to do ....your hand picked supe McFling he gone!!
Bears O-line looked like the Swiss cheese version of last year. Cutler is appearing to have had enough. The guy is getting pounded relentlessly. Don't think there's any quick fixes for this. The problem should have been addressed in the offseason. Maybe 7-9 or 8-8 this year.
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