More Mold
These are pictures from 012:

The scene has since been bleached, but our readers stored the pictures. So we have the following:

The scene has since been bleached, but our readers stored the pictures. So we have the following:
- Locker rooms in 011 that we posted photos of from over a year ago
- Academy mold
- 024 hallway mold
- 012 locker room greenery
- Elevators at Homan Square that look and smell like a Louisiana swamp
- Memories of the Area 5 mold disaster
Any more?
Labels: safety issues
013's downstairs locker room smells like a hot closet full of grouper. im not a botanist, but i think somethings growing down there!
Iam sure a phone call or two was made to the proper folks who handle these complaints and they were told to sweep it under the moldy rug.
We recall thatmovie where it invaded a police station and the WC went berserk and refused all time due while his face turned to a slimy green ozzing puss, and the lockup keeper ran amok and canibalised the prisoners, and the kid who did the lunch run for the desk brought in puppies and all the desk guys ate them in full view of complaintats at the desk, funny, i cant recall how it ended tho.
callback has some funk in the air... rumor has it that there is mold in the ceiling... the ac ducts drip onto the computers from time to time.
I musta missed the pix from 011, can you post them again? I got the suit being drawn up by the lawyer now, so he may want to see what Ive been inhaling for the past 24 years. Thnx.
You have GOT to be fucking kidding me.
All we are missing in 013 is fish we have a small stream of fresh water in the basement
There is still mold in Area Five
That's not mold. The City is going "green"
Ever notice when you enter 011 from the isde door the first thing you smell is piss?
That shit is neon green, man!
What the hell is that????
What about in area 5 a couple years back that their solution to the roof leaking was to run plastic tubing through the ceiling tiles into rubber garbage cans?
I wish I would have taken pictures of that--a bumpus right off the boat could have done better than that! Wow.
i smell medical abuse. i can't breath sarge. desk crew tells desk sgt, they get's sick everyday,go home, see what happens. but who got balls to do it . desk crews are balless....
What if anything is FOP 7 doing about this obvious health problem? Why does President Shields get to the root of this issue? What does the executive board of FOP 7 do besides collet their pay checks? What I see is all talk, all b.s. from FOP 7 and no action. Typical b.s. once they get your vote they fail to deliver on election promises.
. saw that movie back in 59 at the old Colony theatre. I think it starred Steve McQueen.
This is disgusting that Rahm can't make sure safe facilities are maintained in our Police Stations. As a citizen I am appalled that such conditions are allowed to occur. Need money, cut the median planters and the 75million bicycle bridge downtown.
From OSHA Site
Mold Inspector Certification
Course Description: The NAMP certified mold inspector provides services to identify potential mold infestation in a house or building. This course will provide you with a fundamental knowledge about Fungi and the potential health risks of toxigenic mold. You will learn the different ways to inspect for and control mold infestation, while ensuring your safety during the process.
This course will explain the different tools and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the inspection process. For each area of a house or building, the course will detail what to inspect, how to access it, and the sampling methods to use if mold is indicated. The course will also explain the testing procedures and legal requirements used by an AIHA certified laboratory. Last, you will learn how to interpret the results of laboratory testing.
No surprises there...012 and 013 are shit stations anyhow. Both should be closed!
Ironic that this post is below the one titled "Get Healthy or Else". Rahm should now be obligated to provide healthy working conditions or be fined $50 per employee on the city payroll.
021 has mold, raw sewage leaking from pipes in the locker room, no heat or air in the roll call room toilet water leaking at least once a week from the public restroom. and Asbestos tile on the second floor. Close it and build a new station or reassign us before we all get sick over here.
You should see the 012th Dist when it rains. Water backup from the shower, toilets. Shit water leaking from the pipes. That's the least of it. Make sure you don't disturb the asbestos in the plumbing. I gotta a guy for the clean up
That green stuff on the locker room floor looks like moss. WTF! How does one let a building get so bad that there are rivers flowing along the floor for so long that stuff starts to grow? Air ducts dripping water on computers? Why is there water in an air duct in the first place? Damn, the building maintenance people need to be fired and Mike Holmes (from the TV show Holmes on Homes) needs to come in to "make it right". The first thing he'd say after seeing this nonsense is "I'm gutting it".
Now that's what I call going green.
Two days ago u needed a boat to get to your locker in 013.
what the hell is going on with g-mac--- his wife went back to jersey or new york and left him here--- the word on the street is that g-mac is suffering from "BJM"--- bad johnson management---
That was right where my locker used to be. LOL!
Area 2 reeks with Spores from Mars..
I remember working at Bomb and Arson (Homan Square location) while workers in haz-mat suits carted asbestos past our office and into dumpsters on the loading docks.
Hey SCC if you can get the word out they are doing a street dedication for P.O. Ben Perez, who was killed in the line of duty, this tuesday Sept 20th at 53rd and Nashville would be nice to see some support for his wife and kids. Thanks
besides the mold growths and raw sewage that backs up in 012, don't forget the asbestos on the pipes and the lead as the locker room was a shooting range when the station opened in 1949...
Looks like a fucking rooftop garden, only a whole lot less healthy for you!
If these mold pics were from a CHA building, Pam Zekman et al. would be out there with a featured story on the 10 p.m. newscast
Then, the mutts would be put up in a downtown hotel until it was fixed, probably within a week.
The other way to get shit done is to show how it affects the prisoners. No one cares if it affects us.
So that's What Obama & 9 1/2 Say Should Be Green about Shitcago Eh????
Rahm says, "Mold is Good for You"!
Actually the mold pictures are kind of neat. Mold in action. Perhaps we can give paid tours of our "living" station houses to raise more money for the city. The tourist will have to pay extra to take roaches and bedbugs home with them.
stale leadership that's the ticket Hey Hpwie how can you lead at the academy when there is an unsafe environment???????????/ Speaks of CLOUT not care -Semper Fi
Bleach does NOT kill mold. I knew I had read that before but I just had it reconfirmed by looking at NORMI... the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors.
The City of Chicago needs to hire professional remediators to correct all of these mold problems but from what I've read on this site it doesn't sound like they will do that.
Are you sure our fine leaders aren't just trying to install a putting green for us to relax after a hard day's work? Maybe we are jumping the gun on our green friends.
The women's locker room in 011 is still having sewer issues. And the solution....putting duct tape over the drain in the floor. Smells like dead, rotting animals all the time.
How about the sewage backup in 001 locker rooms? We can't use the bathroom until further notice.
Thats not mold,its the salad bar in the cafeteria.
Yea, We need pictures of the closed lock-up in 012 where we spent a lot of years working there with the asbestos hanging from the ceilings over the lockup keepers desk and the stairway leading up to the girls locker room, and the 15 cells in the back, Dont forget the kitchen, where we prepared all of those wonderful all Turkey Bologna sandwiches, with asbestos seasoning on them......If the fucking prisoners get wind of this they'll get millions from Tiny Dancer But we get charged $ 50.00 for Fuckin Wellness, What a Fucking Joke ( The City giving a shit about us......)
Follow the bouncing ball!
OK Everybody this time?
I've been in 006 several years. upon my arrival, there were buckets in the halls catching water coming from the ceiling. One on the second floor a few feet outside the sergeants' office and one on the first floor going to the back door. They are still there. We have a new one now on the first floor just inside the door going from the desk to processing. Did some asking and found out there is only one shut off valve for the entire building, so city won't fix leaks as the lockup will have to close. (at least that's the excuse I got)
Twice that I am aware of there has been a "sewage dump" onto front desk area from the supervisors' locker room pipes. Came in one day to garbage bags on desk sergeant's computer and signs saying something to the effect of contaminated do not use.
Doty threw out the refrigerator the desk crew had purchased because he thought it was the source of the smell of death at the front desk. A few days later the ceiling gave and the rotting sewage fell into the kitchen area.
So the old 006 crew is dying with cancer and only God knows what all this is doing to the new crew.
Rahm doesn't care about us or Jersey. In the USMC this would have been fixed immediately
no wonder we are all sick said...
I've been in 006 several years. upon my arrival, there were buckets in the halls catching water coming from the ceiling. One on the second floor a few feet outside the sergeants' office and one on the first floor going to the back door. They are still there. We have a new one now on the first floor just inside the door going from the desk to processing. Did some asking and found out there is only one shut off valve for the entire building, so city won't fix leaks as the lockup will have to close. (at least that's the excuse I got)
Twice that I am aware of there has been a "sewage dump" onto front desk area from the supervisors' locker room pipes. Came in one day to garbage bags on desk sergeant's computer and signs saying something to the effect of contaminated do not use.
Doty threw out the refrigerator the desk crew had purchased because he thought it was the source of the smell of death at the front desk. A few days later the ceiling gave and the rotting sewage fell into the kitchen area.
So the old 006 crew is dying with cancer and only God knows what all this is doing to the new crew.
9/18/2011 06:51:00 AM
To add to this, funny how you mention the "C" word. I didn't want to bring it up, but now that you did..
I work in one of these stations and we have lost people to this illness and others have gotten sick. You can't pinpoint why someone gets cancer but working in an environment thats mold infested, lead infested, asbestos infested cannot help especially when your clothes is in the locker room being contaminated by this stuff. Our work environment is bad enough whey we have to deal with nasty sick people but then to deal with the stuff in the station. Unfuckingbelievable.
We have a lovely garden growing in twelve moisturized daily with urine and sewage from nearby toilets. It has been this way for 15 years. There is some asshat out every other week(on the clock) to correct problem but nothing ever gets done. It looks like we are growing pot indoors, but smells like toxic cat piss.
May I ask who is in charge of the health and safety committee at FOP lodge 7? Whay the heck is going on with FOP, all they seem to do is collect pay checks and pat themselves on the back. Is it FOP or just a big FLOP?
I do indoor air quality investigations and in the 20 yrs or so in the biz I have never seen green mold like that with such pronounced greenness. when u find slimey black mold where there is a persistant water leak, I find that to be usually stachybotris species aka toxic mold. It sounds like you need to have a simple air test that collects mold spores on a sample that is analyzed by a lab. I would say housekeeping seems to be an issue. the custodian should be fired for not doing his job. btw bleach oxidizes all organic material including mold, it aint the best chemical to use, but hey it works
They should have left it til' St. Pat's day.
That really sucks. No wonder nobody ever lives done there anymore when they are thrown out of the house by their wife. Maybe if some wives see this they'll offer to clean it up.
Apparently this situation is much worse than first thought. I noticed that 06:51:00 AM said he's been down there in the 006th district with that fungus for a few years now and I never even heard that a policeman was missing in 006.
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