Thank You Voters!

Once again, it falls upon us to thank our readers for their time and efforts on our behalf. CBS announced the winners of Chicago's Most Valuable Blogger Awards for 2011 and your humble servants here at SCC placed first in the "People's Choice Award for a Local Affairs" blog.
You like us! You really really like us!
In any event, thanks to all who voted, spread the word, then voted again and again Chicago-style. We have no idea if CBS is going to release vote totals, but we appreciate each and every effort on our behalf, especially other police blogs who steered traffic our way, Shaved in particular.
We'd also like to thank our competitors. We benefited from a lot of repeat viewers, which doesn't detract from some of the other fine blogs nominated. You can find a lot of talent buried in the myriad of blogs that were nominated. Check them out at this link here for some very good reads and local attractions you might not otherwise hear about.
Supposedly, there is a prize involved - we believe it's some sort of gift certificate in the neighborhood of $50 or so. CBS also gets to use our likeness and such in advertising. Seeing as how that isn't likely to happen, we're going to make a formal request to donate the gift certificate or equivalent amount of cash to the Chicago Police Chaplains for use in their ministry. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming and there are many among our number who need the helping hand that the Chaplains provide.
Again, thanks for your support, comments, and visits. Without you, the readers, we have nothing at all.
Labels: blogging, scc responds
insignificant. LOL
You winned! You winned! Yay!
ps: Who's insignificant now, Jody?
Of course, in typical news media fashion, they don't believe people are smart enough to think for themselves, so the "editors" have to stroke their own ego and pick the "editor's choice". Who gives a rat's ass who the editors like???
Congrats! Keep up the good work. DSLC told us to vote often for your site, he deserves some credit.
But J-Fled the lying COWARD said that this blog is "insignificant".
Hey there SCC, You must have missed this, thought it would be on the blog today. ABC 7 has a report where 4 "women", more like savages, beat, robbed and carjacked an 80-year-old man.
Well that man happens to be a retired Chicago Police Detective. He was carjacked @ 71st and King.
They pepper sprayed him, beat him with his own cane as they drug him by his legs into the alley. They stole his keys, money, wallet, and his police badge. Here's the link:
Congrats, SCC!
And great decision for the prize destination.
You are one in a million SCC!! Congrats!!
I voted everyday and I was excited to see you won!!
To donate your winnings is very gracious of you!
God Bless and Keep you safe SCC!!
You're welcome for voting.
It was the least I could do.
Check out this video by McStupid on NBC where he says that he doesn't feel that there should be more hiring. Because we first need to utilize "every source of resource is used to 100% capacity". What a joke:
didn't a certain Jody Weis call this blog "insignificant"?
what the heck was he smoking?
$50 is all they offer for this accomplishment? seriously?
heck, you can get twice that much simply for turning in a non-functioning firearm at many of the make-believe storefront churches during "let's blame guns" week
This award is "insignificant".
Congratulations! It's posted on Thee Rant for the NYPD.
I demand a recount.
Just an old Gresham COPPER SAYS I voted early and often congrats you guy (s) / girl (s) deserve it.n
NO...Thank You....
Thank you SCC.....truely. If it wasn't for this blog I wouldn't have gotten or continue to get alot of my info regarding the department. YOU SERVE A MAJOR PURPOSE.
The democratic party already donated your prize to re elect Obama. He will win and raise taxes, you now owe the government 100 bucks.
Congratulations to you SCC! It is nice to know that you have made an imprint on the Chicago "news" scene!
I hope my 30 or so votes helped!
As for the "Gaper's Block" the editorial choice, all I have to say is I visited the site and what a lot of fluff!
Sweet mother of mercy! Now I understand why the editors liked this site - it is a mirror of their news agency - no real or truthful news!
SCC, keep up the good work. I don't always agree with you, but the citizens need another venue to recieve the news as it happens.
Rumor? Supt going to put his papers in. Domestic?
SCC, Congratulations! Certainly, there are costs to keep this blog going. While your "prize money" would benefit charity, I'm confident your readers, supporters and voters would agree. Don't forget; Emanuel, Quinn and Obama want to steal your pay, benefits and pension. Stay safe!
Well deserved!
--No Cop Here
Hey SSC.. A case of Miller Lite would be a nice Thank You. Anyway Congrats to you!
So did you win by a blow out?
Lots of chuckles coming out of the cemeteries. All the voting Zombies love SCC.
Thank you SCC! Well deserved first place finish and recognition for an outstanding blog.
Woo hoo!
By the way, donating the award to the Police ministry is very classy.
Congratulations SCC.... YOU deserve it!
Second City-Congrats! Patrolman's Credit Union-JAGOFFS!
SHOOTOUT WITH THE POLICE IN 017... SGD's, same gang who were shot by police about 3 weeks ago, and have been tagging "police killer" behind the police station... shot at the police. shit head dead, cops ok
I Voted "Chicago Style" Every Day The Poll Was Open From Here In Ct.
i'd rather know where waldo is.....
Congrats. Well deserved. Keep it coming.
Beware of how you inform CBS about your choice for dissemination of funds.
Do it from an anonymous mail account and do it from a public PC somewhere else.
Doing with any email service linked to YOU or from a PC at your home gives the cocksucker personal information he didn't have before.
Don't take a chance. If I were you I'd tell them to fuck off by NOT getting in touch with them in any way shape or form.
Leave your IP and any personal data to only the blogging service that definitely has it.
Congratulations! I voted everyday. You owe me a beer.
* * * * * * * * * * *
If SCC readers want to annually contribute $25 to the families of our slain police officers, check out the NEW Illinois Secretary of State's "POLICE MEMORIAL" license plates at
To transfer your current plate, click on "Pick-A-Plate" in the right column. Then click on "Speciality" plates. Then click "Police Memorial" on drop-down menu.
You can choose up to five (5) characters (including spaces).
JFLED and most common first names are still available for assignment.
1. Congratulations.
2. Was well deserved.
3. Your audience extends well beyond Chicagoland.
4. Not just words. Keep running into quotes and references to your site in other locales -and not just on the net.
5. Keep it up!
V/R JWest
Congrats SCC. Thanks for the great service that you provide.
Congrats SCC. Your "insignificant" blog definitely deserved this honor!
As a reader and infrequent commenter (some don't make it) I appreciate the work it takes to select topics and keep the conversation focused and flowing. You are very good (this will probably cause this comment to be shit-canned also, but it's true) Thanks.
Back at ya. Now I'm going to go soak my finger.
---not a cop
I/F... Gallows...SCC..Evolution at its finest ..LIFM
For years the department has tried to provide outlets to circulate news (Daily Bulletin, dept. email etc...) and all have pretty much been unsuccessful. So many of us depend on this blog to stay on top of current events that affect us. Sure we have to sift through the blatant rumor spreading, bashing and silliness from time to time, but that's what makes it entertaining as well. Let's face it, coppers are funny! Anyway, thank you SCC for keeping us all up to date and allowing us to vent our thoughts. You are a much needed resource.
It's the truth. I'm sure the mayor is pissed!!! Congrats!!!
Awesome!!! Congratulations! !!
OH CRAP ! ! !
J-Fled warned me there'd be days like this!
He who laughs last, laughs best.
SCC is now more significant than J-Fled EVER was!
Gotta run...
A reliable source at WBBM told me that SCC had more votes than any of the winning blogs in all 6 categories.
It was my honor to help the Grand Daddy and God Father of Police Blogging!
Keep the good fight going!
Det. SLC
Congratulations and thank you for donating your prize to the Chicago Police Chaplain's ministry, a very deserving entity much worthy of your support. And certainly your decision was not made as a statement concerning any other entity, but it was good to see you weren't inclined to send the prize money to the other place. A house is only as good as the foundation and our foundation is suspect. Time will tell.
You are a class act SCC!
.this is positively significant.
Gapers Block seemed like a compilation of puff pieces. It figures that the wine and cheese noshing North Shore liberals otherwise called Editors picked that one. All nonsense with a leaning left tilt, just like their newscasts.
Real Chicagoans think SCC Rocks!
Great job SCC. Congratulations and thank you for telling Chicagoans the truth!
If you loved SCC, you voted for him!!...(To paraphrase the president)
Well done - you deserve it. I certainly don't expect to find out what's happening in Chicago crime from SunTimes, Trib, or the TV!
didn't a certain Jody Weis call this blog "insignificant"?
what the heck was he smoking?
9/16/2011 12:35:00 AM
He was inwardly scared and trying to muster a bit of bravado, while hoping his words might help him by having some negative impact on SCC and other people already aware of his incompetence and total lack of leadership skills. Which means, he was already aware, but, true to typical FED ARROGANCE, in disbelief, that his back-door double-down on Bill Cozzi had erased any chance of success as the appointed leader of CPD. The length of his contract was nothing more than a vegetable state-lingering death from a self-inflicted 100% fatal wound with the only sad thing being the unwarranted damage to Bill Cozzi. And, because of how he did Bill Cozzi, J-FLED should see no goodness in his life going forward. We'll see how the karma unfolds.
I voted for you guys more times than a Dead Southside Democrat voted for Obama! Congrats!
JFled = insignificant
Congrats SCC. I only voted once though. Guess I'm not a true Shitcagoan. Forgive me?
Check out this video by McStupid on NBC where he says that he doesn't feel that there should be more hiring. Because we first need to utilize "every source of resource is used to 100% capacity". What a joke:
That's because the failed educated yuppy scum have invaded CPD with their corpprate educated BULLSHIT. This isnt a prodcution line you idiots. All I know is I hope I am retired before all of this shit hits the fan.
Great Job, Now let's get the media to catch on and get the truth out there!!!!!!
Stay safe
Congrats. I'm not from Chicago, but I read daily. An insider's perspective, with credibility, on how the machine affects average citizens is needed.
Glad my 3 votes per day could help (1 from home, 1 from work, 1 from the smartphone). I'd love to see the actual tally.
Regarding the Editors Choice of Gapers Block, I just want to add that I first heard of SCC from a post on there, maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I still check both every morning, but all my votes went to SCC. Gapers Block is good as a local news aggregator, but SCC is truly a unique source of information that most of the mainstream media refuses to cover.
Congratulations, keep up the good work!
(Not a LEO).
congrats SCC YOU make my day.Retired 5th dist F TROOPER 75,86 J.M.K. 68through 98
Kick Ass SCC! Despite our lack of spelling and sophistication we still are the best thing to enjoy with morning coffee and gunshot stories as proven by the victory.
You are the reason we have two laptops, so I can look st SCC first thing in the morning and my wife can look at TMZ or whatever the hell that is she looks at.
Be proud of this blog, but most importantly, be proud of our CPD! God bless and protect!
Congratulations,and thank you, SCC. It's good to know that tax-payer votes count for something in this state.
Great work.
spend the 50 on a voucher for journalism school... and send it to mary mitchel... better yet, send rham a couple of chalkie t shirts!
you guys are the only news outlit that speaks the truth,over by dere!
Wonder if CBS will broadcast it? Odds: 99:1
The end of the Crown Vic has arrived:
The last Ford Crown Victoria rolled off a Canadian assembly line Thursday, marking the end of the big, heavy Ford cars that have been popular with taxi fleets and police departments for decades.
Since 1979, almost 10 million Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis and Lincoln Town Cars -- so-called Panther Platform vehicles -- have been sold.
I just hope my Tahoe lasts until retirement. By then we will be driving Nissan Police cars with advertising on the side and Euro sirens.
Major market CBS affiliates around the nation also had contests for "Most Valuable Blog - 2011" for "Local Affairs".
Chicago had the only People's Choice winner for a police-related blog.
Let them eat crow!
Eat my shorts JFled!
Way to go SCC! Didn't JFRAUD used to say you were insignificant?
Congratulations SCC on winning the
contest and since you elect to
ramain "anonymous" where will we go to pick-up our five dollars and
pint of muscatel for "helping" the
"effort" ? Jest kiddin'. Still,
congratulations for winning and
continue to tell it like it is and
not back down to those who can't
stand for the truth, the real deal,
to be exposed to the citizenry.
G.M. ♥ M.B.
That's what happens when the truth is told, no bullshit just the truth the whole fucking truth!!! fuck the chicago newspapers, you get the real truth here!!!!!
Supt. HE GONE!
Won by a landslide no doubt!
SCC where else can we get the truth behind everything in our department. SCC you are the voice of the street cops. You have been and always are appreciated for the effort you put into the blog. You are our voice with the bosses, city hall and the media. I think if we could do it you would be voted in as our union and toss out FOP. At least here we know what is going on and can express our opinions without repurcussion. SCC you are the greatest. We are all behind you 100 percent. The information and effort you give are more appreciated than you know. I hope that somewhere in time I have been able to or will be able to shake your hand.
The only thing insignificant with Weis was his inability to run this department.
Anonymous said...
Rumor? Supt going to put his papers in. Domestic?
9/16/2011 01:14:00 AM
I heard from a little birdie that when Gmack is in private meetings with outside groups and the Mayor, the Mayor has been putting a leash on him and not allowing him to open his mouth. Rahmbo doesn't seem to be as impressed with him as when he was first hired.
Just what you need, a prize from CBS. Maybe you will win a copy of one of the FCC complaints filed against them. I was worried because I only voted 5 times. Congrats!
I voted every day, now where is my 1/2 pint and pack of smoke's?
On a serious note, SCC is what the 1st Amendment is all about.
" And the truth shall set you free"
What would we do without yuse guys and/or gals.
Well deserved.
I'd say this gives you capital and standing.
Stick to your guns and I'm sure you will use it well!
Yea, riiiiiiight.
Homewreaker! Have you no shame?
cupid said...
G.M. ♥ M.B.
9/16/2011 03:23:00 PM
G-JOKE is positively hypnotized by her. Another one falls into the web of her allure. The games continue.
Why no local CBS "on-air" TV and radio coverage of "the People's Choice" winners for the six blog categories?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
It's "homewrecker", Gina.
1:27 AM
Meet me at the Erie Cafe, 536 W. Erie St. Same time.
SCC, you da man--- keep telling it like it is and I hope they never find out who you are--- we all get 24 hours in a day and I'm proud to say that I spend one of them reading this blog and putting my 2 cents in.....
Off topic but I went downtown last nite(fri) for a wedding. I was e/b on congress at Dearborn waiting to turn north on Dearborn. As I approached the lite the keft turn signal went yellow/ red I was second in line. The F/1 traffic aide directed the guy in front of continue to turn left and me also. In the meantime the F/1 handing the w/b on congress told them to go. PRESTO the poor guy in front of me following directions slams on brakes to avoid a 3 lane head on and I hit him in rear. Luckily no damage to him but both of us yelled at the incompetent morons directing traffic!! BTW I am retired CPD. Unreal luckily no damage to him but I have a cracked bumper!!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Rumor? Supt going to put his papers in. Domestic?
9/16/2011 01:14:00 AM
If he has any balls & integrity he is already disgusted at being bossed around by that 9.5 fingered twerp who answers to "Mayor". He probably would have kicked daley's ass by now !!!
Hope he has the smarts to say Adios Tiny Dancer.
They should just get a cardboard cutout of someone dressed in the Superintendents Uniform. The live superintendent doesn't run the Department by any means. He's an expensive figurehead, nothing more. The cardboard dummy will fit the bill perfectly. In fact Tiny Dancer should be the model for the dummy.
SCC, your blog is about as significant as it gets. As far as a member of the general public is concerned, you are the only outlet that allows cops and civilians to compare notes in order to challenge the media-government complex and directly take on the absurdities of political correctness. (Seems the only thing more conservative than a liberal who's been mugged is an officer who sees that kind of thing all the time!) You have allowed us to open some cracks in the nothin'-to-see-here wall--and they are widening.
What makes this possible is your allowing anonymous posts and taking the time to moderate (as opposed to the way the Tribune does it, for instance.) You ARE making a difference--keep it up.
--Law Abiding Citizen
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