Thursday, September 01, 2011

"Stop and Frisk" Lawsuit

  • A lawsuit challenging the New York Police Department's controversial crime-fighting tactic known as "stop and frisk" will go to trial, a U.S. judge said.

    U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin on Wednesday gave the go-ahead to a lawsuit brought by black and Latino New Yorkers claiming they were improperly targeted by police.

    The suit is the broadest yet to potentially reach a jury and challenge the police practice of stopping and questioning people considered suspicious. The NYPD says the tactic has been critical in achieving an historic drop in crime rates and denies that race or quotas motivate stops.

Just be aware that as Rahm imported McJersey here to import New York/New Jersey style ideas toward police work, the inadvertent side effect might be New York/New Jersey style lawsuits regarding civil rights. And in this midwestern bastion of liberalism, expect lawsuits, hostile juries and punitive damages out the wazoo.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And this is why I have zero interest in going back onto a tact team. Do nothing. Write paper and let the city burn.

9/01/2011 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop & Frisk has been in place in Chicago for years. We are supposed to have some reason for the stop but we all know different. Pretty soon we will need a formal engraved invitation just to talk to the Thugs roaming our neighborhoods.

9/01/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm initiating 'Operation Don't Stop Anybody.' This will wipe out lawsuits, battery to P/O incidents, TRRs, and leave the liberals to fend for themselves. Don't get out of your car unless you're going in for checkoff.

9/01/2011 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in time for the anarchist to cash in from the G8.

Hey...I got an idea. You want to save the city $190 million dollars?

Stop trying to implement laws that infringe on peoples constitutional rights.

How many millions are we blowing on fighting against gun ownership, or attempts to prevent the recording of public servants in public, during the course of their duties, charging them with wire tap violations, violations of privacy. want to save $190 million dollars?

How much you wanna bet we spend more than that defending the city from lawsuits occurring out of the upcoming G8/NATO summit protest?

Think about it. The taxpayers don't want that stuff here!! It's nothing but trouble. The lawyers, and the clout connected law firms, and the politicians will probably make out like bandits though.

9/01/2011 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political correctness/so called racial "disparities" in police work has killed this nation. And this city. DO NOT DO STREET STOPS without something that, if on camera, would MAKE you fulfill your duty. What are you thinking? Crack that car door and jump out on joe with the baby walking down the sidewalk and see what happens. Let him keep his rocks fo' sale in the baby's 'pampers' and little pockets. Let the city burn until the pendulum swings back in our direction.

9/01/2011 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that.. if you're STILL doing street stops, all you gotta do is know how to write up your justification. Whether its a DOC, HOTSPOT or whatever. Its not our fault its all blacks in the projects, or all mexicans in la villita, etc, etc. Id tell them" You don't like it, move the Fuck out of the hood and do something positive with your life instead of suing the city over nonsense to make money".

9/01/2011 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never have a problem. I havent had a beef in over 10 years.

All I do is drive around answer my calls and wave at people like I care.

I get called into the office every month about activity. I smile and say...I will try harder and walk out of the office laughing.

I could care less!

9/01/2011 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that the liberal, progressive federal judges and the libtard jurors will find fault with the stop and frisk tactics of the NYPD and impose huge damages including punitives against the officers. Remember, the municipalities are not subject to punitive damages only the officers. Municipalities are forbidden from paying the punitive damages on behalf of their officers. So, if you go charging out to stop and frisk without articulable reasonable suspicion because the city wants you to, and pookie sues you and the city for a violation of his 4th amendment rights and wins against the city and you. You will be personally responsible for any punitive damages awarded by the jury. Now, get out there and be aggressive!

9/01/2011 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhmm didn't Terry v. Ohio settle this already?

9/01/2011 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Monkey See, Monkey Do said...

now get out there and grab some heads for the commander, all you tactical strokes! the numbers spewed at the Compstat meetings don't lie.

Don't you see how worthless your tact Lt. looks? come on, get some numbers so they don't push him back on the watch! grab those 6 mopes on that corner, march them over to the hood of the car by their waistbands, push them into a lean over the hood, kick their legs into a spread to keep them off balance, and proceed to search their every pocket, socks and underwear for that almighty pack of blows.

don't sweat that whole "PC" thingy! that's what the charge of SUB is for, doncha know? just keep bringing in those heads so the boss looks good and you get those "gun days" and early ducks on your fridays.

Anyone...and I mean ANYONE that is doing anything proactive is a complete fucking idiot. unless its occurring where you live or where your kids go to school, why would you give a fuck? protect our own enclaves for the last of the legit city workers that are stuck living here (mt. greenwood, garfield ridge, n/w side neighborhoods, etc.) but leave the rest of these bastards to live with what they wanted.

Im not saying to blow off jobs. but all you need to do is respond and write the report, make notifications and move on. arrest on signed complaints only (if dummy was stupid enough to stay on scene). dope calls were made to be 19-Pauled without getting out of the car. driving by shows you were there when/if they look at gps records, but no one can tell you what you saw with your own two eyes---which was NOTHING. next job. lunch. a few more jobs. gas. job. personal. a couple more jobs. carwash. job or two. checkoff. repeat until retirement.

Ive worked too hard over the years and saved and was frugal when need be to be giving it away to some asshole that says i violated his civil rights when he and his lawyer concoct some story that was actually a Constitutionally accepted Terry Stop. unlike those motherfuckers, I EARNED everything I have and I dont intend and losing it.

so fuck rahm, fuck mcjackass, fuck jesse, fuck pfleger, fuck sharpton anddouble fuck every deomcRAT just for good measure. oh yeah...fuck all the liberals who allowed us to got to this point with their years of coddling and enabling the illegals and ghetto jagoffs with our tax dollars while we have to fight for scraps.

I say lets start the next Civil War today. all the assholes in charge need to do is cut the entitlements to the savages and illegal aliens to get it going. Im not scared, lets get this over with sooner than later so we can get this country back on solid ground before its too late.

9/01/2011 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop trying to implement laws that infringe on peoples constitutional rights
Train police to stop engaging in unconstitutional behavior, instead of trying to find ways around the constitution. Make police supervisors responsible to see that the officers under their leadership don't do it anymore. That is the real longterm answer that other places have used. It works. But it requires a commitment from the top down that does not exist in Chicago.

9/01/2011 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are ABSOLUTLY out of your skull if you lay one hand on those G8 protestors! All those high def cameras (the city's too) will be pointed right at YOU, Officer. Deb Kirby will have no mercy on your soul. I feel bad for all you tac guys....

9/01/2011 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up hard-chargers!

9/01/2011 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be careful of the things you say on a publicly viewed blog...

9/01/2011 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will change after Rahm and Gmac stip the department down to the bones on the backs of the lowley P.O.'s. Then after they cut our pay, benefits and increase our pension contribution just to fix what the politicians destroyed and leave our pay checks hundreds short, there will be no more "stop and frisk" going on. We will be just the fire department when it comes to addressing crime.

Contact cards are down! Hahahahahah!!!

9/01/2011 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Only Mama Knows said...

OK, they want to see some other results and numbers about street stops. Move all the police to districts where there are NOT majorities of blacks and hispanics, have stops made and mostly chit chat occur since these will be mostly law abiding citizens, and then you will have equal numbers.
What is that you say? Crime is running rampant back in the other districts because there are no police officers stopping bad guys?

Hey, the numbers on statistics reports are the only important things right?

9/01/2011 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The east coast is waaaaaaay more liberal than the midwest. Once outside of Chicago, and Cook County, it is rather conservative; only the big cities vote democratic. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

9/01/2011 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop and Frisk policies are illegal despite what the Department tells you. It's illegal in New York and it's illegal in Chicago.

The New York police will lose that lawsuit. The coppers will suffer financially along with the other tax payers.

Do it in Chicago, you will get sued, you will lose, you will pay. You have been warned. No benefits for those who ignore that warning.

9/01/2011 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that.. if you're STILL doing street stops, all you gotta do is know how to write up your justification. Whether its a DOC, HOTSPOT or whatever. Its not our fault its all blacks in the projects, or all mexicans in la villita, etc, etc. Id tell them" You don't like it, move the Fuck out of the hood and do something positive with your life instead of suing the city over nonsense to make money".

9/01/2011 01:18:00 AM


In less than 8 years, the person who wrote this will write a check from his own bank account to a shithead to satisfy a punitive judgement. This will happen as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.

9/01/2011 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Let the city burn until the pendulum swings back in our direction."

I agree with you, but fear the backswing of the pendulum may be too late for the city of Chicago.

I won't see the backswing in my career.

Counting the until retirement, but might hang around and go in May of next year as a big "Thank you" to the mayor and superintendent for their support.

9/01/2011 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop & Frisk has been in place in Chicago for years. We are supposed to have some reason for the stop but we all know different.
And there in lies the rub. If you can articulate a reason, you are not going to have an issue. Gut feeling is not going to cut it anymore, nor should it. If you can't come up with a reason before the stop and frisk that will hold up in court after the fact, just don't do it. And document why you made the stop at the time of the stop. Contemporaneous documentation is very helpful down the road. A lot more helpful than trying to come up with something days, weeks, or months after the fact.

9/01/2011 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOLZ @ 12:43:00 AM

"I'm initiating 'Operation Don't Stop Anybody'"

Give 'em bland, flavorless, by the nmbers Policing until it comes out of their ears!

9/01/2011 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems the plaintiffs are trying to get the "UF-250" which, I would guess, are like our contact cards.

The judge has ordered NYC to turn them over.

Hey, whatever happened to that Northwestern University study of Chicago Police regarding traffic stops? Anyone know?

9/01/2011 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop & Frisk has been in place in Chicago for years. We are supposed to have some reason for the stop but we all know different. Pretty soon we will need a formal engraved invitation just to talk to the Thugs roaming our neighborhoods.


It has been the law of the land since Terry v. Ohio (1968) .... as based on the Supreme Court's interpretation of reasonableness under the 4th Amendment there genius

9/01/2011 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Judy's old man was the judge?

9/01/2011 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, one good thing- McMouth certainly knows his way around lawsuits.

9/01/2011 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anarchist cash In: while you are correct we could save millions maybe you've seen these flash mobs and shootings in black/ Latino populated areas. Don't think you will be counting your cash standing anywhere on 79th street

9/01/2011 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight......a predominately minority and diverse major city, has 2 subjects that are claiming an unjust interview by a predominately diverse police department. I think we need to realize that the subjective civil rights movement took place a half century ago. It's like claiming the coach is not allowing a black player to leave the bench and enter a game. We need to stop all these silly lawsuits and move on. Greed is ruining society for our children.

9/01/2011 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Fuck that.. if you're STILL doing street stops, all you gotta do is know how to write up your justification....

9/01/2011 01:18:00 AM

You mean, invent probable cause by writing a fictional narrative, don't you? Just don't get caught on camera finding the dope in someone's pocket when you wrote that he "looked in R/O's direction, dropped an object and walked quickly away."

9/01/2011 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Andy Sipowicz said...

Remember that column from an LAPD member?

Here's the best paragraphs:

For more insight on McCarthy, I turned to an old friend, a captain on the NYPD who, for reasons that will soon be obvious, wishes to go unnamed here. His comments:

It should be noted how counterfeit and disingenuous McCarthy is. This is a man who has spent his entire professional life in an extremely aggressive, no-holds-barred crusade to put as many black men as possible in prison. He has vigorously advocated the wholesale arrests of black men for the smallest of infractions or violations with not a care as to how such actions could hamstring or effect their futures. He has publicly castigated (and humiliated in some cases) other police executives when they failed to pursue this crusade with the same zeal that he had.

This man is one of the architects of the “Stop, Question and Frisk” policy that the ACLU, the New York attorney general, newspapers, and civil rights activists have condemned as racist. For him to now climb up on stage and tell a black audience that he cares about them and that the problems in their neighborhoods are the fault of “gun laws” and some mystical governmental action is bizarre.

Garry knows what the real problem is but he is shamelessly prostituting himself in an effort to get a high approval rating and establish his liberal bona fides.

The NYPD clearly did and does some things very well. They're not perfect though. With the exception of Burge I will take the scandals we have had over the last 25 years to the scandals they have had.

Of course McEgo has said that's he's responsible for 90 percent of the crime reduction in his 100 days as Superintendent. Oh excuse me, it was his policies he said.

Someone buy that man some Guinness so he gets drunk and gets into an altercation with some suburban cops who have no fear of his magic NYPD moustache.

Really, it's the stache that makes all the difference.

Now go arrest some "skels" fellows.

9/02/2011 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NYPD will lose this 'Stop&Frisk' lawsuit. Also the history of Compstat in NYC has shown that has its flaws and abuses.The LAPD recently lost an EEOC lawsuit brought against it by LAPD officers for harassment,hostile work environment,work assignments.The federal court found that the LAPD bosses were guilty and found liable for damages. The LAPD case had to do with traffic citations,parking enforcement and contact cards. The court also found the LAPD guilty of a quota system which is illegal by federal law.

9/02/2011 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that.. if you're STILL doing street stops, all you gotta do is know how to write up your justification....

9/01/2011 01:18:00 AM

You mean, invent probable cause by writing a fictional narrative, don't you? Just don't get caught on camera finding the dope in someone's pocket when you wrote that he "looked in R/O's direction, dropped an object and walked quickly away."

9/01/2011 11:43:00 PM

No, it means profiling criminal behavior. If you ever got out of your car you could figure it out. I like how some of fucking retards claim people don't drop dope when they see the police. Those people have obviously never left the climate controlled environment of their own asshole.

9/02/2011 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9/02/2011 11:30:00 AM:

I know people sometimes drop dope when they see the police. I also know how to profile criminal behavior. The problem is the "templates" that P.O.'s use to justify their stops when it didn't actually happen that way. You know, when the report says that the dope was dropped when the P.O. actually went rummaging through every pocket in every article of clothing to find the stuff and then writes that the person dropped a bag. I'm not saying you do that. But if you actually get out of your car when other people are on a stop-say, to back someone up-and then go read the narrative on the case report, you'll find the story doesn't match the reality. Many P.O.'s have made a career out of writing fiction, and for a long time it was an accepted part of the dope game. But I'm sure you already know that.

9/02/2011 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, one good thing- McMouth certainly knows his way around lawsuits.

9/01/2011 04:22:00 PM

Arrogant new york f#%k, the way he talks down to exempts in his comcrap meetings is sickening. Too bad any exempt with plans to retire don't call him out.

9/06/2011 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well, one good thing- McMouth certainly knows his way around lawsuits.

9/01/2011 04:22:00 PM

Arrogant new york f#%k, the way he talks down to exempts in his comcrap meetings is sickening. Too bad any exempt with plans to retire don't call him out.

9/06/2011 03:34:00 PM

The exempts are too busy performing like circus animals to call him out. Have they no dignity?

9/06/2011 08:35:00 PM  

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