Monday, September 05, 2011

The Targets? (UPDATED)

Again, from the comments:
  • SCC, I know a few higher ranking gents in the FOP. Those gentlemen mentioned a few other doozies to me recently. The city wants to take away 3 holidays, lower the amount of furlough days, lower the amount of BFD's, Lower PD's, Eliminate bidding for any officer with less than 10 years on the job. I know there were more things coming from city hall but I can't remember all of them.

    The FOP is already preparing for arbitration as there will be no settled contract.

    SCC, you already said this but it needs to be stressed. The City is going after us with both barrels. The city is going to bad mouth us in the press everyday until June 30th 2012 rolls around. The City is not going to let the economic crisis go to waste. They are going to try and take anything and everything earned or won by the FOP over the last 30 years.
Again, we need FOP to be vocal and out in front of these issues. Hammer the city's faulty accounting, emphasize we pay 9% of our salaries into our own pensions, let everyone know just exactly how short we are. Time's a wasting!

UPDATE: To the Reading Challenged dumbass:
  • We never claimed these were city proposals. We never claimed these were written in stone. The commentator alleges these are being bandied about from people he talks to, not us. We are a reader-driven site dealing in information, some good, some far-fetched, some deliberate provocations. We filter out what we can, debunk what we're able and attempt to get information on stuff beyond the scope of our knowledge. Stop being an asshat if you can help it. So far, it doesn't look like you can, but we always hold out hope for a cure.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just do like the city does for the past few contracts, stall. Send in unit reps and say we'll get back to them with our plan maybe even hire the city rep to be on our side. This could last for years.

9/05/2011 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, enough is enough already! WTF is wrong with these dumb fks? Do they think they'll get any work out of us as they continue to rape us?

9/05/2011 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time we play by their rules and get our side out on both television commercials and billboards. Never let a crisis go to waste. Remember 50-25=30.
30 million saved of taxpayer monies.

9/05/2011 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all makes sense... The city booked the G8 meetings and stacked the house/command staff with a bunch clueless bosses who don't have the nerve to do 'what's right' because every boss knows who ever makes a bad decision will be held out to dry..... So no boss will A) give us the authority to defend the city when it's overtaken by G8 rioters or B) Every boss will sit on their hands while rioters one by one take advantage of under trained and out numbered PO's while the world watches. So after the world watches Chicago burn, I can see the Union standing there 'Yah, these 'dolts' need their pension protected and a 4% raise. CPD's gonna shine while the world watches, are you not glad we have not been tested with any tragedy other cities have faced? All the while Rahm wins again!!!!!! Yay!!!! Is there a way I can increase my Union dues? Lololololololol

9/05/2011 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby Mike Shields , look to the fire strike of 1979 for your inspiration. Not Jane Burne

9/05/2011 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait til March of 2012...G8

9/05/2011 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City will ram it down our throats. Why? Because no one cares. People hate us or envy our pay and stable jobs. Most of our coworkers are too afraid to speak out or do anything. Just threaten to take away their assigned car and they freak and snap right in line. Look how many people go to Fop meetings. Next to none. Everyone is jealous about what the other guy has be it assignment, take home car, whatever, that they rat them out on here daily. There is no solidarity anymore. Its pathetic. People wont even buy benefit tickets for worthwhile causes. The list goes on and on. We are fucked. Just wait and see.

9/05/2011 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stop blaming the economy. daley fucked this city up!

9/05/2011 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one thing that Mr Rah is not taking into consideration is that these cuts will be so drastic that it will effect the whole department. It wont matter if your old or young, what race you are, what gender you are, ect. This may unite the department because all of the department will suffer. The loss of $$$$$$ makes ones blood boil. You may see many faces of those that you never thought gave a shit holding signs and walking around city hall. This will effect retirees too! They will come from all over the country to protect what was agreed to. The question is what happens when things turn around. Will we get back what was taken away? This should be written into any agreement!!!!

9/05/2011 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remeber rahm's policy of not letting any crisis go to waste and taking advantage of all crisis' in his favor. Now is the time to be grass roots involved and fight the enemy in city hall and 35th st, we have yet to see the worse.

9/05/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WRT "/...They are going to try and take anything and everything earned or won by the FOP over the last 30 years."

Yeah what a surprise. the greed shows no bounds.

For the clouted ones just polish-off the NO TRESPASSING sign

9/05/2011 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, no.

9/05/2011 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the FOP be better do something... have NOT heard a peep yet out of the new guys...

9/05/2011 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

If this is true, and they get what they want, people will be leaving like crazy And no one will take the job

Im retired and Im moving Ive had it I used to love this city and love this job

It sucks Daley sucked Quinn sucks
Durbin sucks Im done

9/05/2011 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

OK lads... Time to fight mean and dirty.

These assholes are not just talking about hurting us but hurting our spouses and children as well.

They're counting on the public lining the streets and cheering as Coppers are not only relegated to second class citizenship but made to forfeit things they worked for.

They'll (9.5 et al.) have us marched off to prison camps just for wearing a blue suit of clothes if they had their way.

Shades of the Weimar Republic as it lurched fatally wounded into the Nazi era...

Shitty economy...

The so called smartest people ever running the show and desperate to show the masses they actually have the answers when all they're really doing is making up shit as they go along.

The cynical politics of distraction and lying to the masses while desperately looking for convenient scapegoats for all ills, real and imagined to distract the masses from paying attention to what's REALLY going on.

In the original spirit of the holidsy, Happy Labor Day to you all...

Bless Those Pullman Car workers for standing up for the working man.

Same as it ever was... Those who know nothing about sweat and toil taking from those who do.

History seems to be repeating itself, doesn't it?

9/05/2011 02:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And don't forget being city employees we are over taxed too!! So, a portion of our payroll is just for taxes.

9/05/2011 02:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP show some BALLS and don't let Rham take away what we have earned. Fight tooth and nail because he Don't like UNIONS.

9/05/2011 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start marking the money box for all court, ot, and holidays. Let's blow a hole in the ot budget. They won't let us take time when we want it anyway. Rahm only cares about the budget now so lets make it more expensive for him.

9/05/2011 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is a total asshole. We risk our lives, stress level through the roof, suicide an all time high, alcoholism, divorce rate, outrageous never ending bills because we have to live in the city. terrible work hours. long work days with work and court. missed holidays and family functions. injuries from working. you name it but they constantly fuck with the police. Rahm, you couldn't be a Chicago Cop in the ghetto for one week, you wouldn't make it. We chase guys with guns and you would run the other way with your tail between your legs. Fuck all the police haters out there. What would you do without us? What would this city become without us? Need I say more.

9/05/2011 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the President Obama and his pro union mouth.

9/05/2011 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is a bigger union busting jagoff than that asshole governor from Wisconsin.
Like I said before though none of these ridiculous ideas can be implemented without either the FOP's or an arbitrators agreement. The FOP needs to be vocal, united and resilient and strong throughout Rahms union busting tactics.
I feel the FOP needs to negotiate through the media every bit as much as Rahm and the city does.

9/05/2011 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is always talking "shared sacrifice" and making "tough choices" yet Ald. Beale and the rest of the aldercreatures keep their excessive spending accounts and they routinely vote theirselves 6% raises annually.
Where the Hell is the shared sacrifice in that Rahm??
Reducing the number of these bloodsucking aldercreatures is very popular with the majority of the taxpaying public yet Rahm always sidesteps the issue.
Come on Rahm remember your mantra of "tough choices" and "shared sacrifices"! Or are you saying that the alderman are " sacred cows" that can't or won't be touched??

9/05/2011 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we will let it happen because we dont stick together!

9/05/2011 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly hope that the FOP keeps in mind the millions/billions of dollars that are sitting in the TIF funds.

Remember, those were taxes that at some point in time actualloy went into the General fund and were diferted into a TIF instead.

If Rahm put a stop to the TIF funds and put it all back into the General Fund = there would be no budget crisis!

Which begs a question about the Casino he wants so badly. When he says he is going to use the revenue for infrastructure, what are those TIF funds for then?

9/05/2011 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to provide revenue, write tickets for anyone with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker.

We know they must have funds to spare because Obama made them pay for the bumber stickers during the 2008 campaign.

We have been paying for Obama's decisions since!

9/05/2011 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City has made no offer whatsoever at this point. The writer of this entry is making this up. The City hasn't said ANYTHING to FOP or PBPA regarding contracts.

9/05/2011 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. After all, we're the ones with the barrels... use em. I wouldn't want to see us get into a tit for tat in the media but we cannot remain silent if attacked. Pick the most significant issues they raise and fight with facts, not personal views. What's sad is that I'm not sure any of the unions have anybody willing to step up and fight. I hope that I'm wrong.

9/05/2011 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's been a awful lot of FOP and Shields bashing on here lately. It always seems to pop up on stuff where there are unconfirmed "I heard this or I heard that" SCC posts or anonymous comments on them. Quite frankly, it's childish and tiresome.

The Union should address legitimate statements by the mayor and possibly SOME other elected city officials who make stupid comments about FOP membership and/or contracts if it is deemed necessary. The Union SHOULD NOT try to jump into the media EVERY time something gets said about the police. The public does not like us and would tire quickly of our union constantly correcting every idiot politician who opens their mouth for the media saying dumb things about us.

I also would not expect our Union to address the SCC blog every time some post or comment pops up here...

'Pssst! I heard Rahm and Jersey Mac are not going to hire any police except their friends and they will all be made exempts and their job is to destroy the CPD!'

Gimme a break!

This mayor is a different breed from the last guy... much more calculating and savvy. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy has his people planting stuff on this and other blogs and social media looking for responses and ways to destroy the unions and their contracts, just like what happened up in Madison, Wisconsin.

Rahm wants to be a Senator or President. I'm guessing he will "obliterate" anyone standing in his way

9/05/2011 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't expect the FOP to be constantly putting their face in the media. There's a reason all the past administrations didn't do it, and that reason still stands.

We negotiated between US and THEM, we don't tell the world what we're trying to accomplish. We don't need scammming little fuckers like Emnauel exploiting everything we say and we certainly don't need the little fucker's private media brigade doing that job for him to make it seem like we're just so outrageous.

On specific topics such as pension, when the little fucker makes it public, THEN we make the public aware how many other police pay NOTHING toward their pensions and how THOSE funds had city money deposited ON TIME, EVERY TIME and that nothing was "borrowed" permanently.

For everything else benefit or pay related, you respond with only POSITIVE data such as medical benefits costing taxpayers LESS the way they are rather than having to pay to train a new guy for 18 months.

Stop thinking the best approach is to mouth off in the press.

Look how well it does for the CTU.

The FOP's job is to make Emanuel look like the fucking cocksucker he is trying to obtain total control over city employees so that they have no choice but to do as he says or be fired.

These things the city is bringing up? They ALWAYS bring these same contract ideas to the table, they're nothing new.

9/05/2011 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our FOP Public Relations Spokesman...Pat Camden... needs to be out there hammering back at the CITY.... Pat, where are you....

9/05/2011 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!


SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect.

9/05/2011 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Rahm going after us because were back Chico?

9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drop residency and i'll take it!

9/05/2011 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do a good job next May. See how you will be rewarded. Dont be fooled again. I still dont understand why city workers voted for this jag.

9/05/2011 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
It's time we play by their rules and get our side out on both television commercials and billboards. Never let a crisis go to waste. Remember 50-25=30.
30 million saved of taxpayer monies.

9/05/2011 12:37:00 AM<<<

That would waste money and would not necessarily work for us and isn't the point here. Less aldermen means less voter (we as voters) influence. Rahm would like to have only 25 mouths to feed rather than 50.

What we should be working on is getting our aldermen to give us what we want because unlike other cities like NYC and LA we live, vote and pay taxes here. Make these aldermen take care of us where we live and where we work.

I have no problem telling an "Assistant to Alderman so-and-so" to hire more police. What's he going to do, send me to a ghetto district? I'm already there.

Fewer aldermen means we have even less influence on them. TV and signs that say "Pay your police like your life depended on it." and/or "What if you called 9-1-1 and there was no one to answer the call?" would be much better.

So Register and Vote, and don't be shy around any politician, tell them the truth.

9/05/2011 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mikey is too busy buying furniture, hiring people and driving around to expensive dinners in his new Lincoln.

He should have bought a fuckin' Prius or something more cost effective, but now he thinks he's a politician, and entitled to all the perks.

What an ass-screwing we are in for. You people have no idea. Mikey is a cupcake in a gorilla cage.

9/05/2011 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to provide revenue, write tickets for anyone with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker.

HAHAHAHAHA! Been doing that since the bumper stickers came out--I don't sandbag anybody, but no one with one of those stickers gets just a warning--our discretion, right?

9/05/2011 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Is Rahm going after us because were back Chico?

9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM"

Did we? In any mayoral election it will be a divide and conquer plan. A Hispanic candidate, Rahm people will put up a shill Hispanic candidate, same with Black, White or whatever.

9/05/2011 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to start generating revenue for the City, start writing parking tickets in the Wards of the supporters of this union busting effort.

9/05/2011 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I,m sure there are many items being talked about in the coming months. Rahm wants Fire to work an 8 hour shift, the Police to eliminate the 1st watch and go with staggered 9 hour shifts to access more manpower, the elimination of the 365 day medical, to cap the amount of sell-back time at retirement, etc. but these are all negotiable items and not to panic with more than 9 months left in this current contract. Lets take things slow.

9/05/2011 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop thinking the best approach is to mouth off in the press.

Look how well it does for the CTU.

The FOP's job is to make Emanuel look like the fucking cocksucker he is trying to obtain total control over city employees so that they have no choice but to do as he says or be fired.

These things the city is bringing up? They ALWAYS bring these same contract ideas to the table, they're nothing new.

9/05/2011 06:53:00 AM

Good point--well taken.

9/05/2011 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't expect FOP to get any (positive) media coverage.
The City is talking cutting our benefits but in reality for now it's a typical Axelrod campaign ploy, by which the city is looking to drastically take away something rather than give us more.
Expect to forego a contract wage increase and keep what we already have, minimal raise then we'll have to give up a Holiday, Fitness award, etc.
There won't be any movement on this until after the G-8 riots.

9/05/2011 08:25:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

in these tough times we will not get much sympathy from the public--- we should keep what we have bargained for in the past and try to get a modest wage increase--- people still support us and are not dumb enough to fall for all the false rhetoric being spewed out of the fifth floor--- people know that if they call 911 it is a copper who will be ringing their door bell to help them, not the little guy or g-mac....

9/05/2011 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

extension of tour, late arrest.

9/05/2011 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Mikey Shields...... F this up and you are out on your ass

9/05/2011 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Baby Mike Shields , look to the fire strike of 1979 for your inspiration. Not Jane Burne

9/05/2011 12:44:00 AM

You are just STUPID.

The repercussions include imprisonment, moron!

9/05/2011 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect.

9/05/2011 07:16:00 AM
Your wrong..MSF did training all the time...High risk room entry, Active shooter situations.
I am former MSF, If I respond to a 'active shooter' situation in a school, I will do my best to eliminate the threat. To all you parents out there, I will do my best to keep your child safe.

9/05/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
... There is no solidarity anymore. Its pathetic. People wont even buy benefit tickets for worthwhile causes. The list goes on and on. We are fucked. Just wait and see.

9/05/2011 12:50:00 AM

We are a microcosm of society on the whole.

This is why Democrats are in charge and fleecing us out of our hard earned money in order to give it away to others. Because everyone feels that its a battle that can't be won and no one wants to fight anymore.

We are soooo f*cked!

9/05/2011 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is Rahm going after us because were back Chico?

9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM

Your right, how dare we not back the annointed king.

9/05/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about we start getting even by suing them? We have a ton of lawyers in our "union". How about taking the city to court for the lack of pension contributions? Maybe go after the people who took our pension money to invest, got three million dollars for their work, even though they lost one million dollars from our fund? Could we sign complaints for theft? Start going after the city like the scum sucking, bottom feeding lawyers go after our members? Tie them up in court for the lack of manpower that caused the deaths of our members. Wrongfull death lawsuits for people that die on the job. Hostile work environment complaints. Poor working conditions. Call OSHA about the toxic facilities we work in! Just be a general pain in the ass to them all!

9/05/2011 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!

WRONG! Because I remember my training, the first team of arriving officers enters and confronts the active shooter threat. It's not about being a hero, you don't wait for swat when there is an active shooter. Specially at a school. I would rather they shoot at me then they shoot at children. This is why columbine toll was higher. Because they waited for swat. As a parent I would be extremely pissed and might even go bezerk if my child is murdered while you are holding the perimeter. Plus what kind of coward holds a perimeter while innocent children get slaughtered. If this were to happen it means that once again they have attacked us on our soil. It would be time to take appropriate action. law enforcement and law abidig citizens must defend the home front . At least the ones who have enough balls to do it. Ha, hold the permitter, you ain't no range instructor and if you are, well paper targets not shoot back as*wipe. You sound more like an upper echelon cpd boss.

9/05/2011 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since we are down about 2000 dues paying members maybe mikey and his band of do nothing inside guys should take a pay cut and put that money toward a GOOD labor attorney for the coming arb Remember the city does not cover the salaries of the inside guys anymore union reimburses everything from our union dies lets start with mikey's $180,000.00 plus car salary he got a $100,000.00 raise as soon as he was sworn in and how can he be a full time president and still pension rep. total salaries for inside guys 1 million dollars of union dues mikey makes more than the gov.

9/05/2011 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Ive got kids!!! said...

As for the terrorist school thing...i have no kids so im not going in first, middle or last!!! I will secure the perimeter and wait til the kids club shows up! Time to earn those cushy desk spots, mgmt day spots, and easy assignments doled out over the years for nothing more than "ive got kids...i have to blah blah blah".... So when al qaeda kevlars up, its your turn! Those are your kids, NOT MINE!!!

9/05/2011 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was on rhams detail I would give it up and walk for someone who don't like the policehe has 23 kiss asses driving him around at srg pay make it po pay and see how many stay and who is that goofy commander of his detail he would screw up a one car funeral, another merit hack who got something cause of his color.

9/05/2011 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no bids with less than 10 years
glad i have 12 years on

9/05/2011 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/05/2011 06:49:00 AM


I agree on the fact we should not rip the FOP for not addressing every rumor that is posted on this blog or in the media. I have no like or dislike for Shields, but the only rebuttals should be made at the bargaining table next year. Don't get sucked into these asswipes' politicking in the media.

9/05/2011 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous GO SLOW on Contract Talks!!! said...

Just do like the city does for the past few contracts, stall.




This time we should drag our feet just as long as possible.
Do not even speak to the city until we are compelled to after 30 June 2012.

The city bastards di this for years. We will still have the current contract in place and still have the age 55 medical deal.

By the time the process is forced to mediation and the arbitration possibly the economy will be turning around.

No hurry!!!

9/05/2011 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!


SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect.

9/05/2011 07:16:00

This is true. We really have not been trained, and don't tell me we were because we went to active shooter training. Sure it was informative but I don't consider two day training efficient to be considered training. After all the b.s. speeches which are unrelated, some videos, 10 minute breaks every half hour, hour and 45 minute lunch, and early duck, I don't consider that training to handle a terrorist attack. Training is learning and doing everyday and refresh new ideas like the swat team does. I know we don't have time to train like swat but these b.s. classes and streaming videos that this Mickey Mouse dept gives us is not sufficient training.

9/05/2011 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Rahm going after us because were back Chico?

9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM

Why does everyone say we(the police) backed Chico? Just because FOP says we backed Chico doesn't mean shit. I didn't vote and give FOP my approval to back him.

9/05/2011 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you go after EVERY idiot that yells "fuck the police", do you jump out on EVERY idiot that spits once they see you.
Of course not.
The same goes for this crap. As the other poster stated, the FOP cannot comment to EVERY idiotic thing said by so called politicians just posturing for their constituents.
When the city puts their offer on the table, we respond with ours.
Thats how adults negotiate.

Start showing a strong front on any public forum, don't cry, bitch or moan. Oh poor me is not going to get any support, in this economy or any other.
We are always being the grown ups out there for all the sheep who can't. We need to be adult and take the high road, it's hard to get there but the view is worth it.

9/05/2011 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Start marking the money box for all court, ot, and holidays. Let's blow a hole in the ot budget. They won't let us take time when we want it anyway. Rahm only cares about the budget now so lets make it more expensive for him.

9/05/2011 02:33:00 AM
This is something that everybody should have been doing for the last couple of years. Make them dish out as much money as possible. Lets screw with them as much as possible.

9/05/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't think Rahm might have set up this police/alderpersons budget conflict to see who has the most citizen-voter support do you? He'd love to shake up the balance of power in the Council - would be less costly and much easier to deal with 25 aldermen than 50 who already have their fiefdoms and have the public mandate to do it. He wins either way though.

Keep the money comparisons coming. and check out the laws that might make the council reductions possible.

9/05/2011 11:05:00 AM  
Blogger History 324 NEIU F10 Picicco said...

The FOP needs to standup and fight for the police officers of Chicago. They can not let Rambo do whatever he wants and walk all over CPD. If the FOP lets this all take place then there will be no limit in the future.

9/05/2011 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Where is the President Obama and his pro union mouth.

9/05/2011 02:55:00 AM

Yeah, why doesn't he speak up agains these evil Republicans taking away our rights?!

Oh wait...

9/05/2011 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger History 324 NEIU F10 Picicco said...

The FOP needs to take a stand against rambo. If they dontthis dept will do even futher down in the dumps.

9/05/2011 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The City will ram it down our throats. Why? Because no one cares. People hate us or envy our pay and stable jobs. Most of our coworkers are too afraid to speak out or do anything. Just threaten to take away their assigned car and they freak and snap right in line. Look how many people go to Fop meetings. Next to none. Everyone is jealous about what the other guy has be it assignment, take home car, whatever, that they rat them out on here daily. There is no solidarity anymore. Its pathetic. People wont even buy benefit tickets for worthwhile causes. The list goes on and on. We are fucked. Just wait and see.

9/05/2011 12:50:00 AM
well said...its all sad.

9/05/2011 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please don't agree to arbitrator benn again.
he sucks

9/05/2011 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

should have voted an FOP pres who had experience.
nice going.
feels like hope and change.

9/05/2011 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

should have voted an FOP pres who had experience.
nice going.
feels like hope and change.

9/05/2011 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fop this fop that. How about we start with pulling ourselves out of spots like tac teams,and saturation teams? Time to put pressure on those guys first, you're either with us or against us.

9/05/2011 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save money, no cuts, better police service. Here is how:

1. Respond to 30% of calls for police like the rest of the country, not 70%+ like we do. Head of OEMC Shankel already proposed this. This will allow patrol to deal with the real problems on the beat, not the 10 year old asshole that wont go to school.

2. Once the above is done then have patrol deal with all the misdemeanors and certain felonies. Detectives then can focus on investigating serious felonies instead of being buried with BS telephone threat jobs, nonsense assaults etc. I think Milwaukee does this successfully.

3. Get rid of redundant units. For example, Gang investigations and Narcotics. Isn't the whole point of a gang to sell drugs? Treat them like a fucking cartel and hammer them. I'm sure there a several other redundancies.

4. Redraw district lines. Get rid of a couple districts maybe.

5. Training, training and training.Invest in new technologies that are proven in the field.Give the officers, detectives, E.T.'s the tools they need to do more with less. It will save money in the long run.

6. Listen to the boots on the ground. They know best.

No need to spend millions on a connected consultant. I just did it for you for free. And I'm just a Dick.

9/05/2011 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TIF FUNDS, where's the money?

9/05/2011 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wow, enough is enough already! WTF is wrong with these dumb fks? Do they think they'll get any work out of us as they continue to rape us?

9/05/2011 12:34:0

Yes they will get work from us. Because you have coppers believing if they bring in DOPW and one baggers the boss will let them work a CD car. No matter what happens to us guys will still bring in bulls**t arrests.

9/05/2011 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"UB Rahm"............Union Buster

9/05/2011 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deeper and deeper "WE" are sinking into the hole created by years of mismanagment from the top on down, in all city agencies. They take and take away, working with less everyday. They cry poor and "rah rah" lets all hold hands tighten our belts for the good of city. well guess what its called trust respect and honor.. "WE", as do the firemen, put our lives on the line everyday for your precious city. "WE"work everyday with less and less.. but "WE" still do it. for the money and insurance to provide for our families and others because they still feel like making a difference in someones life how ever slight. Everyday "WE" are lied to, by citizens, bosses, co workers and still we come.. but "WE" are "greedy" right? "WE" expect our unions to be the voice of the ranks, but they dont because its a game and no one wants to show their true colors..its a game to see what thay can get. but "WE" still come to work. "WE" still are there at a moments notice knowing that next call might be our last. can you in good faith put a price on what kind of officers and firemen we truly are? or will you keep Fn with us. using our backs as stepping stones to your greater gain? "WE" are reaching that point where enough is enough.. and it will be everyman for themselves. "WE" didnt ask it for to be this way.
all "WE" asked for for respect truthfullness honor and fair wages for our very lives. when I came threw the Academy we were asked how many of you are willing to give your life for this city. a few hands went up mine included (we were young give me a break). the Instructor looked around the room and said the correct answer is "none" the most important thing is staying alive and going home to your families every night. my point is, keep pushing us down and out and using the media to fight us every step and "WE" will walk away. in spirit. many of us have already. LIFM

9/05/2011 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is a treacherous and snaky S.O.B.Let our contract negotiations drag on forever by telling the City they have to discuss every issue with the membership.With Rahm it is all take,take, take.At the end pick an arbitrator unlike that last asshole who fucked us.

9/05/2011 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Is Rahm going after us because we back Chico?"
9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM

Yes That's one reason.

Another reason is that the police budget is the largest slice of the city's pie.

9/05/2011 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am no longer a member of the FOP but this message is to all the unions. Spend our dues money on the best professional representation available. Postpone the golfing and corned beef dinners and put the cash toward labor lawyers and agents. Its time for our union reps to remember that they are professional police officers and not experts in contract negotiation and labor law. Sometimes our reps get a little over confident in their abilities to write and negotiate contracts and we end up getting the shaft. A recent denied grievance brought forth by the Captain's Union comes to mind. The grievance was lost solely because of poor contractual wording. The unions have the money to do this properly, just think back to the president of the Sergeant's union "borrowing" $1,000,000. We need to get very serious this time around because we are on the Mayor's short list.
B.F. 007

9/05/2011 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.R.O.T.H.E.R. The term BROTHER is synanomous with the day we celebrate. Born from the Labor movement at the onset of the century this term stood for strength, unity and justice for the working people. Sadly enough in this day and age it is forgotten and become the target of those who wish to exploit the middle/working class. We are right now in the crosshairs of an unscrupulous ruling class that believes as first responders we are second class citizens. Now more than ever in the shadow of the 9/11 Anniv we need to band together, not on blogs or in bars fighting this battle, but in roll calls across the city. The Mayor of this city has started the process of villifying us and our BROTHERS in the C.F.D. to correct 20+ yrs of political corruption and greed. We need to band together now more than ever and stay strong and united. We could lose overnight what our BROTHERS fought for so that we could have a better life.

9/05/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they dont care if you work..if you make arrest your a liability..parkers and contact cards only..

9/05/2011 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should rally and ask every fop member in the country to come to chicago and protest the treatment of police office by these thieving politicians right before the g8..

9/05/2011 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Mikey C. said...

The balls in our court. I don't get it.

1) We have a very high crime rate that's entering the business districts of Chicago

2) Police have no incentive or drive to be proactive. Which makes this city even more dangerous. ( People/the department don't give a shit about us, so why should we care)

3) G8 Summit and NATO next year
( If shit brakes out i'm not getting in the middle. I don't care. And if we are still getting bad mouthed and m"** F'd by the media and mayor, I hope it brakes out. And I hope it's devistating)

4) Citizens are scared, crime is in their neighborhoods now

5) Use all the corruption going on with in the city.....Exploit the upper brass (the ones who are a joke) ex.....Qualude, penny, ect......

6) Publicize the city's budget. Show where and to whom the money goes to


8) Turn it around on Rahm....Keep talking about how he sends his kids to private schools, his body guards, his money, his family's money, ect....

We have to fight fire with fire!!!! I'm tired of not playing on the same field because F.O.P. doesn't want to get "too" involved and make a solid stand against the city. We can get our point across with out being demonized...We need to stand together.

I still say F.O.P. need to come out publicly and say, "to all p/os, just do what your job requirements. Answer calls, do not be proactive unless something is happening in front of you."

Can you imagine what that would do? A lot of us do it already, but it would show unity, crime would go up, citizens would get pissed, but we could explain why to them in other press conferences. The ones who would get pissed are the ones who hate us anyway. They are the ones who think we owe them, because they're tax payers...Guess what dip shits...We are too. And odds are we pay more taxes than you.

We need to be loud and in your face! The mayor has too much at stake...We need to take advantage of it.

9/05/2011 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to a couple of earlier posts.... 50 minus 25 is not 30, it's 25 where I come from.

And the G-8 is not in March, it's in May. It begins May 15th to be exact - so no one will be able to go to Washington for the Nat'l Police Memorial....

Just want to set the record straight...

9/05/2011 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect."

9/05/2011 07:16:00 AM

This shouldn't even be an issue. This "range instructor" coward is probably some 15 year old, pimply faced Gen X slacker posting from his mom's basement. His advice is so wrong it's almost laughable. Any cop worth his salt will go into an active shooter situation in a school with the intent to save children's lives, even if it means possibly being killed. That's simply part of the responsibility that comes with being a cop. If you won't do that, then maybe you picked the wrong career. Since the CPD isn't providing the appropriate amount of training, then the officers themselves should do what they can to prepare for this nightmare scenario. The first thing to do would be to learn the floor plans of the schools within your area. Next would be to contact the school administrators and make sure they have a plan in place, working in conjunction with the police. Do a walk through of the school after hours to learn the best hiding places that the bad guys would use, along with cover and concealment locations and the safest areas to enter. Basically, you're on your own to learn this stuff. Do it for the sake of the innocent kids.

9/05/2011 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4 days off for furlough and your good to go then?!! working in the ghetto? oh no wait take away a holiday and give em 5 days off, thats good enough! oh what would i do with out you king richie? you prob wouldnt be they mayor with out me!!!!

9/05/2011 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


last school shooting training course i attended at the academy said new procedure for school shooting is to enter school asap if shooter is still active and shooting. they said not time to wait for swat because while we wait outside shooter still killing students.
I could be wrong but this is the latest order.
if your two man car shows up you are expected to go in and bypass wounded and get the shooter. yes it could be one way mission but thats what we get paid for. this is one of situations we are expected to go in and get the job done. all other times 19-p covers it all.

could be wrong, if i am let me know.

read the official columbine report.

9/05/2011 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drop residency and i'll take it!

9/05/2011 07:36:00 AM

Fuck residency...this is such a non-issue now. Anyone who already owns a house can't sell it. Unless they plan on giving the house away. Which means you are stuck in the city no matter what. So why do people continue to bring this up.

9/05/2011 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect.

i agree, our swat teams would get destroyed.... they have no dynamic entry at all. guys with ak 47s and just a little training would shred our swat team. the slow approach and all the cameras and bs waiting games our swat teams plays when entering a house does nothing except give the bad guy more time to hatch a plan, dig in and set up killing fields for when the entry happens. In the military I was on a task force that involved performing countless entries into buildings every day... when not in a combat zone all we did was practice entries and everything is a dynamic entry... this slow and methodical crap that cpd swat uses is just asking to get a swat operator killed. its dangerous and its very stupid. but hey what do I know....

9/05/2011 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find a non-visible spot and answer radio calls. Back each other up. Drop the paper on the bodies or give the RD to the nearest relative. That's what they want. Who are we to interfere?

9/05/2011 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/05/2011 12:34:00 AM

It's that attitude that makes me ashamed to be on the job with you.

Start a Ticketing blitz on City Managers. You know...enforce M plates like the mouthbreathers do.

9/05/2011 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your bump cards and grow that beard for the G8. Can't go boss no gas mask will seal. Fuck you McCheese.

9/05/2011 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:50am wait til March 2012 G8
G8 is in May 2012 you would look silly out there by yourself gear up.

9/05/2011 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stall the contract for 2 1/2 years so I can get out with 55 paid health care .

9/05/2011 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drop residency and i'll take it!

Well said but it sounds like the fop doesn't want residency because they all own property in the city and are afraid of it losing value.

9/05/2011 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got a letter regarding the G8 summit saying I'm a TIER 1 officer. What the hell is a TIER 1 officer and why am I not getting paid extra for this?

9/05/2011 02:29:00 PM  
Anonymous the Virginian said...

Some of you guys say "G8 riots" and "G8 rioters" like its a bad thing. The G8 is basically the largest economies of the world, run by the oligarchs of the world.

In the U.S., look to Bill Daley's most recent employment and his current employment, and the income and funding sources for the rest of our/your so-called leaders like Rahm Emanuel (hedge fund money funded by banks that are in term funded by the Federal Reserve). Who wants to defend this?

Its one thing if somebody is committing arson or worse, but if anybody is opposed to the people who oppose Bill Daley, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, and the rest of the institualized thievership, then you are essentially standing with Bill Daley, Rahm Emanuel, Barach Obama and the institutionalized thievership.

If anything, you the oppressed workers of Chicago should be trying to find a way to join the G8 protests, and not worry so much about how to stop em.

9/05/2011 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't expect FOP to get any (positive) media coverage.
The City is talking cutting our benefits but in reality for now it's a typical Axelrod campaign ploy, by which the city is looking to drastically take away something rather than give us more.
Expect to forego a contract wage increase and keep what we already have, minimal raise then we'll have to give up a Holiday, Fitness award, etc.
There won't be any movement on this until after the G-8 riots.

9/05/2011 08:25:00 AM

Thanks for the newsflash!
P.S. Our current contract doesnt expire until June 30 next year and all contract protections stay in place until a new contract begins. Therefore, NOTHING can be done until after the G8.

9/05/2011 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the President Obama and his pro union mouth.

9/05/2011 02:55:00 AM
Smokin and tokin in the white house? he be "movin on up"!

9/05/2011 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIFT THE RESIDENCY RULE if you are going to screw me out of money! That will get me a bigger house in a better neighborhood with good schools. I'll give you a Pday for that.

9/05/2011 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to take back the no strike clause.

9/05/2011 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City lost 200000 according to last census. Figure that they will cut police/fire about the same. Just the way it is.

9/05/2011 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...





9/05/2011 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...





9/05/2011 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, enough is enough already! WTF is wrong with these dumb fks? Do they think they'll get any work out of us as they continue to rape us?

9/05/2011 12:34:00 AM

YES! They surely will. It always astonishes me to see p.o.'s out there working. They are only looking out for their own selves. As long as we don't stand together we will get fucked.

9/05/2011 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous rumour mill grist said...


(1) three of the 25 precincts will close by x-mas;

(2) FOP announces all Chebby Tajoe prowlers to be sold to General Iron for .003 cents on the dollah;

(3) McSexy brings J-Flunky and Master-Masters-Masters back into the fold as his new 5rd floor cabana boyz;

and lastly,

(4) Rahm shows all CPS parents he can eat the sh*t he's been spewing and will enroll his precious children at the Paderewski Learning Academy (the disgraced Momma Hawk is proud our Mayah finally came around).

9/05/2011 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!

Training, you are all wrong. In a school incident you go in read the order or watch the training vid. You don't wait for swat as soon as you ghet another car you go in. if you wait and it is my kids school it won't be the terrorist that gets you...

9/05/2011 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The author of this piece with so called inside knowledge is full of shit! I called our union up and they said so far the city hasn't said anything about the contract. Nothing.

9/05/2011 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I,m sure there are many items being talked about in the coming months. Rahm wants Fire to work an 8 hour shift...

I don't see what the problem with CFD working 8 hour shifts would be, other than they would lose a nice deal.

Is there a real reason to have the 24?

I'm sure someone will enlighten me....

9/05/2011 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is new?

Arbitration again.

We lose nothing until the arbitrator takes it away.

If the tiny dancer tries before we can screwup the Nato and G8 summits.

Mikey wiill be re-elected befor the next cintract is settled. Rham is try to make us the bad guys.

I feel elective surgery on a bad shoulder coming up. May should just about be right.

9/05/2011 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:44 am You do not belong on this job you are a pussy!

9/05/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to take bfd and personals away. If city is concerned about paying out, then force members to actually use the bfd and personals; instead of selling them at the end of year.

9/05/2011 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IT IS COMING AND THEY WANT POs TO QUIT this will reduce the pension etc Those with less than 10yrs will be moved every 90 days to a crime riden dist

9/05/2011 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am no longer a member of the FOP but this message is to all the unions. Spend our dues money on the best professional representation available. Postpone the golfing and corned beef dinners and put the cash toward labor lawyers and agents. Its time for our union reps to remember that they are professional police officers and not experts in contract negotiation and labor law. Sometimes our reps get a little over confident in their abilities to write and negotiate contracts and we end up getting the shaft. A recent denied grievance brought forth by the Captain's Union comes to mind. The grievance was lost solely because of poor contractual wording. The unions have the money to do this properly, just think back to the president of the Sergeant's union "borrowing" $1,000,000. We need to get very serious this time around because we are on the Mayor's short list.
B.F. 007

What does B.F. stand for 007? You have no clue of what you have compared to most agencies in the country. Did you get "fucked" last contract when you got free heath insurance for you and your family? Who has that. None of my friends. And by the way, They have always had labor attorneys representing us, but they also have policemen and women who tell them what we want and the attorneys put it into legal terms. Hopefully you haven't started procreating yet.

9/05/2011 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/05/2011 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Rahm going after us because were back Chico?

9/05/2011 07:29:00 AM

Why does everyone say we(the police) backed Chico? Just because FOP says we backed Chico doesn't mean shit. I didn't vote and give FOP my approval to back him.

Then you don't count. Thanks for nothing.

9/05/2011 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Remember 50-25=30.
30 million saved of taxpayer monies."

9/05/2011 12:37:00 AM

Anonymous said...
"... 50 minus 25 is not 30, it's 25 where I come from...."

9/05/2011 12:59:00 PM

Where I come from we read the whole post---even if it's in the form of a not that well written riddle.

9/05/2011 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9/05/2011 02:55:00 PM:

"riots" and "rioters" ARE a bad thing. We had a "protest" a few years ago-----no riot, no arson, no looting, no vandalism. Some people don't need a reason to engage in mayhem, just an excuse.

9/05/2011 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you guys who voted for the new mayor, you got what you wanted.

9/05/2011 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Union SHOULD NOT try to jump into the media EVERY time something gets said about the police. The public does not like us and would tire quickly of our union constantly correcting every idiot politician who opens their mouth for the media saying dumb things about us.


You're wrong. In this political climate, the public will listen to what negative press about the police and fire dept is leaked. In this political climate if the public already hates us because those tactics have obviously worked, NOW is the time to do things differently and actually have a voice. By doing so the public has a different side to weigh and can make their minds up by being informed. The days of hiding out and speaking when their is an issue does not win us any votes. We need to take a page from the politicians who ensure their message is OUT THERE so when it comes down to the wire, poof, they have public support.

9/05/2011 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you are discussing the gross lack of training by our department...The WTA is offering an "Advanced Tactics" course on 24 and 25 September for only $50 ($90 for non-members.) The course will be taught by Steve Claggett, who teaches our SWAT team, and will cover hostage rescue techniques, room entry, vehicle assaults and multiple assault counter-terrorist assault techniques. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend! We will also be hosting several 4-hour pistol and rifle clinics as we realize time off and away from our families is difficult yet firearms is a perishable skill that requires consistency. Visit for more info. Stay safe.

9/05/2011 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIFT THE RESIDENCY RULE if you are going to screw me out of money! That will get me a bigger house in a better neighborhood with good schools. I'll give you a Pday for that.

9/05/2011 03:47:00 PM
Sorry not me i am staying here, the burbs taxes are sky high, plus all the extras expensive garbage pickup,water 3X our rate,longer commute etc/.. Ever think your kid is in some sport and you want to "check it out" and you can in the city in the burbs no way will they allow city car out of the city dumbass1

9/05/2011 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!

Training, you are all wrong. In a school incident you go in read the order or watch the training vid. You don't wait for swat as soon as you ghet another car you go in. if you wait and it is my kids school it won't be the terrorist that gets you...

9/05/2011 06:20:00 PM
Went through active shooter traing great class taught a lot,would i go in FUCKING RIGHT if kids are being killed I am not rhambo but will try my best,yep not a hero but If it is my time saving kids a coward would not help would runaway. How about the incident where the 2 cowards ran when another copper was fired upon near Gage park a few years ago!
Your either a man or a coward/pussy your choice sissy!

9/05/2011 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/05/2011 04:45:00 PM

The City lost 200k Legal Citizens you mean.

Illegals jumped 150k.

Support I.C.E. and complain to the Fed if any Police Exempt attempts to support the Illegal Sanctuary status quo

9/05/2011 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eliminate bidding for any officer with less than 10 years on the job.this is a great idea.

9/05/2011 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you are discussing the gross lack of training by our department...The WTA is offering an "Advanced Tactics" course on 24 and 25 September for only $50 ($90 for non-members.) The course will be taught by Steve Claggett, who teaches our SWAT team, and will cover hostage rescue techniques, room entry, vehicle assaults and multiple assault counter-terrorist assault techniques. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend! We will also be hosting several 4-hour pistol and rifle clinics as we realize time off and away from our families is difficult yet firearms is a perishable skill that requires consistency. Visit for more info. Stay safe.

That's nice but I work most weekends and can't get time due.

9/05/2011 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea. I voted for the mayor. Most honorable Mayor this city has ever seen. Daley roobed this city blind and he or his kid just might get indicted.
The mayor is cutting waste to the bone. He bows to no one. He could care less who gets the contracts other then they better be legit,
The mayor will make things good. He is a friend to the police.
So stop crying kids and do your job God bless the USA.

9/05/2011 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does B.F. stand for 007? You have no clue of what you have compared to most agencies in the country. Did you get "fucked" last contract when you got free heath insurance for you and your family? Who has that. None of my friends. And by the way, They have always had labor attorneys representing us, but they also have policemen and women who tell them what we want and the attorneys put it into legal terms. Hopefully you haven't started procreating yet.
It's my initials. I'm not in to anonymous posting. My name is
Brent Fidler and I work in 007.
1. I don't care about what other agencies aren't getting.
2. I have never gotten "free" insurance. I pay a portion and the rest is paid by the city as a part of my compensation.
3. Why do fucked in quotes? I never said we got fucked.
4. The union guys always like to talk about how they negotiated this or that. Most couldn't negotiate a free refill at the soda machine.
5. I'm not saying I could do it better, but there are professionals that can.
6. Great closing comment about procreation. Nice way to keep it classy.

9/05/2011 10:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck residency...this is such a non-issue now. Anyone who already owns a house can't sell it. Unless they plan on giving the house away. Which means you are stuck in the city no matter what. So why do people continue to bring this up.

9/05/2011 01:30:00 PM

Cause I wanna get out of this shithole!

9/05/2011 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect.

i agree, our swat teams would get destroyed.... they have no dynamic entry at all. guys with ak 47s and just a little training would shred our swat team. the slow approach and all the cameras and bs waiting games our swat teams plays when entering a house does nothing except give the bad guy more time to hatch a plan, dig in and set up killing fields for when the entry happens. In the military I was on a task force that involved performing countless entries into buildings every day... when not in a combat zone all we did was practice entries and everything is a dynamic entry... this slow and methodical crap that cpd swat uses is just asking to get a swat operator killed. its dangerous and its very stupid. but hey what do I know....

wow...someone is calling out swat!! swat... any response??? i kinda agree with him!

9/05/2011 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I voted for Paschke.

9/05/2011 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good, thats how it should be...

5 years for D2/D2A,
10 years for sgt
15 years for LT
20 for Captain/Command Staff

9/05/2011 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Norma Ray said...

Open FOP hall 24 X 7 that's why we have a president and 2 vp. 3 shifts!

24 hour union meetings for everyone until we win ( emergency meeting are in constitution and by-laws; with the country and the membership on the verge of bankruptcies I think it's only mandatory )

Since the " company " won't recognize and reimburse our elected representatives, we can; and by Federal laws everyone is an equal to management during representing ourselves and each other. ( collective bargaining and representing ourselves is the managements idea under Taft Harley NOT THE UNIONS!

PUNITIVE DAMAGES FOR ALL GRIEVANCES OF AN INTENTIONAL CONTRACT VIOLATIONS ESPECIALLY CLASS ACTION. Let the UNIONS"company" pay and let the tax payers know why. Rahm is worth millions and doesn't pay the taxes the way we do.

Lock up EVERYBODY let the judges and states attorneys explain why the let them, "I" bond, plea bargain, easy or early release and publish their potential full incarceration date and their subsequently arrested dates. Don't forget those TAXPAYER tort lawsuits AGAINST THEM AND THEIR LAWYERS, PENSIONS,REPUTATIONS AND THEIR UNEMPLOYABILITY.

If not............THE taxpayers WILL remove themselves from Chicago and make a hobby dealing with them as they abandon ship!
The world will be watching again. Last time I was here this this time I'll be in Arizona watching the NEW file footage over and over like 69's.

Is j Mac going to arrest them all as tiny dancer possess out all the fires without police or firefighters. Not this time.

24 hour union meetings until we unite or DIE fighting not begging.

9/05/2011 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does B.F. stand for 007? You have no clue of what you have compared to most agencies in the country. Did you get "fucked" last contract when you got free heath insurance for you and your family? Who has that. None of my friends. And by the way, They have always had labor attorneys representing us, but they also have policemen and women who tell them what we want and the attorneys put it into legal terms. Hopefully you haven't started procreating yet.

9/05/2011 07:59:00 PM

We don't have free health insurance you fucking dildo. You're obviously not a cop stop pretending to be one retard. You're not even a good troll. All of our contract information is available online. You don't even know what 007 stands for. You actually thought he was a big Bond fan huh? Fucking douche bag.

9/05/2011 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is what the recent influx of trolls on SCC? These fucking communist fucks think there fucking bullshit is going to influence us? Earth to communist jag off. We know you are the enemy and will never support you.

9/05/2011 11:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To this range guy, turn in your star now, nothing you say or prove makes me think you are correct, kids being killed, means you enter vs to even or including an A bomb- just quit this job or post your star # so I can at least tell you to "go fuck yourself". In a standing army the orders for your actions due to this behavior would be to shoot you after a court martial, remember that.

9/05/2011 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIFT THE RESIDENCY RULE if you are going to screw me out of money! That will get me a bigger house in a better neighborhood with good schools. I'll give you a Pday for that.

9/05/2011 03:47:00 PM
Sorry not me i am staying here, the burbs taxes are sky high, plus all the extras expensive garbage pickup,water 3X our rate,longer commute etc/.. Ever think your kid is in some sport and you want to "check it out" and you can in the city in the burbs no way will they allow city car out of the city dumbass1

9/05/2011 09:14:00 PM
I agree with you brother staying also, the burbs are getting full of section 8 shit,the schools out there are getting trashed like the cities also why move??

9/05/2011 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Range Instructor said...
News from the Fusion Center Apparently terrorist are planning on getting kevlared up, arming themselves with assault rifles and targeting schools. Reports state that 5-6 of these terrorists will enter schools and start executing children. Just wanted to speed the word in case u miss it on the daily bulletin.

Remember ur training. If you are first on scene don't be a hero, it's not worth it. Stay outside and sustain outside perimeter. Ur handgun is no match for an assault rifle. If you hear shots fired inside school make sure u position yourself behind the engine block. Hold outside perimeter until SWAT comes. Just some tips and clues. Remember ur training and Be safe!


SCC, this needs to be addressed. We have few cops saying that it's not worth it and even SWAT would get destroyed, then you have the vast majority saying they would go in which to me sounds like a suicide mission. As for our training goes, we really were never trained to search buildings, stack up, ect."

It WILL be addressed by the department.


CPD is purely reactionary. There is no training. Hell, they only recently even started talking about the active shooter scenario.

If you want training, you have to find it and pay for it on your own.

Some suggestions:

9/05/2011 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"MSF did training all the time"

Who's MSF? Never heard of him.

9/06/2011 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"drop residency and i'll take it!"

You mean you actually live in the city?

9/06/2011 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


By the time they promote any sergeants, EVERYBODY on the department will have at least 10 years on!

9/06/2011 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the contract remains in effect until a new one is agreed upon, the fop should be attempting to negotiate and not jump to arbritrate

9/06/2011 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the terrorist school thing...i have no kids so im not going in first, middle or last!!! I will secure the perimeter and wait til the kids club shows up! Time to earn those cushy desk spots, mgmt day spots, and easy assignments doled out over the years for nothing more than "ive got kids...i have to blah blah blah".... So when al qaeda kevlars up, its your turn! Those are your kids, NOT MINE!!!

9/05/2011 09:44:00 AM


I don't have children either, but I know that I would never be able live with myself if I stood by and did nothing as children were being murdered. Terrorist assholes are not 7 feet tall and do not have a fist beneath their unwashed beards. Oh, and before I forget, you sir, are not just an asshole and a coward, but a total disgrace to the uniform if you really are a cop, which I doubt.

9/06/2011 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the residency rule... Most of us are up to our assholes in debt / houses that arent worth shit in this economy. Sure take the residency away and give up what?? Our IOD?? YOU MUST BE SMOKING CRACK!! Forget the 55/out medical.. that is gone anyway.. They want out IOD/Medical badly!! I don't give a fuck what they dangle in front of you... DONT LET OUR MEDICAL GO!!!! The 55 and out is going to be gone and the residency doesnt matter any more.. how many of you can "REALLY" afford to move at this time?? We need to focus on our medical and keeping our duty availability along with our uniform allowance.. that is what they want. They will fuck us on out medical insurance as usual but thats old news.. DONT LET THEM HAVE OUR MEDICAL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES MIKE SHIELDS....DO YOU HEAR?? NO DEAL!!

9/06/2011 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what "Mr Range Instructor" I have been on this department for close to 18 years and have kids in CPS... If one day I was at, near etc ANY school where kids were/are getting killed... I would sure as hell NOT wait around for a fucking SWAT team to arrive while kids continue to get massacred... What kind of person are you?? Surely NOT any police officer I ever worked with because if you were... we would get our asses in gear and take out as many motherfuckers we could and try to save as many innocent kids as we could...that's our job...that's what we raised our right hands for when we took an oath...remember that part? Who the fuck made you a range instructor anyway?? You should resign immediately! You are a disgrace to MY badge and the badge of my hero brothers. I know civilians who would not hesitate to go into a school and save children and you call yourself a police officer?? How so? Your nothing more than a yellow coward who has shit in his blood. If you worked for me... we would have some fun with your pussy ass... but then again.. you would probably cry to the W/C about how "mean" that Sgt is... Get off this's for real men not fucking pussies like you.

9/06/2011 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey did you see Lil Stevie "Don't call me Steve" Georg ASS got a new spot... yah that's right... he got a new spot... I know, I know...hard to believe. He is the Deputy Chief of International Affairs... AKA the G8 summit planners... and the REAL good part is that he is under Tina Skahill!! She is HIS boss... LMFAO!! These two should get along just fine... two fucking CLUELESS wonders implementing safety strategies for US!! OUR LIFE!! These two couldn't find dope in a fucking pharmacy..let alone do any police work..God help us all... Oh and don't call him Steve... He doesn't like that... he will tell you. Dickhead

9/06/2011 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After all the b.s. speeches which are unrelated, some videos, 10 minute breaks every half hour, hour and 45 minute lunch, and early duck, I don't consider that training to handle a terrorist attack............ but these b.s. classes and streaming videos that this Mickey Mouse dept gives us is not sufficient training".

This poster got it exactly right! This substandard, so called police department is light-years behind most other departments. They Give the above-described, pretend-training knowing the fools will rush in. How the fuck will you breach the entry doors the terrorists locked after they entered. Do you really think they want you in there? The answer is no! A patrol car I observed out of state carries a shotgun with a door-breach, just for reasons like this. Google it if you don't know what it is. It can't be done with your .45.
So all you kid-savers, you owe an intelligent answer to all of us who have been reading your bravado. How the fuck are you gonna breach the door?

Quit thoughtlessly bashing another commenters intelligent ideas and instead question your department on why we don't have the necessary tools to adequately address an event such a school under siege.

9/06/2011 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all tough guys please read up on the Russian Beslan School Massacre. Just look it up, there is a good documentary of it as well.

9/06/2011 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the G8 and UN gatherings coming. How about the Department getting rid of those baby blue egg shells with the faulty face shields, and issuing the kevlar helmets with ballistic face shields such as SWAT and the Dog unit from gang enforcement are toting..."I can dream can't I"

9/06/2011 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's my initials. I'm not in to anonymous posting. My name is
Brent Fidler and I work in 007.
1. I don't care about what other agencies aren't getting.
2. I have never gotten "free" insurance. I pay a portion and the rest is paid by the city as a part of my compensation.
3. Why do fucked in quotes? I never said we got fucked.
4. The union guys always like to talk about how they negotiated this or that. Most couldn't negotiate a free refill at the soda machine.
5. I'm not saying I could do it better, but there are professionals that can.
6. Great closing comment about procreation. Nice way to keep it classy.

Sorry brent. Did I hurt your feelings? We did get Free Health Insurance at age 55 when we retire. I forgot I have to explain and do everything for your generation. The reason that you have to care about other agencies is thats what labor attorneys have to compare in order to get things from arbitraitors. Sorry about that last comment and to the meathead a few comments down, I was joking about the 007. Lighten up Francis!

9/06/2011 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

REAL good part is that he is under Tina Skahill!! She is HIS boss...

take a look at org chart==skahill (sfg) is under patrol...inttntla relations works for supe...and isnt kirby the chief of intl relations?

9/06/2011 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I despise "Range Instructor" because of his cowardice, one must take a look at the post made by 2:42 on 06Sep11 and agree with him. We have not been properly trained nor do we have the proper equipment to deal with an incident such as a school takeover. That is because the political hacks that run this department don't have a clue as to the need for any training or equipment and wouldn't know what to do if anything actually happened here in Chicago.

Hey 11:00 on 05Sep- What does a SWAT operator do? Does he carry the telephone for the SWAT Team? Just wondering

9/06/2011 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"24 hour union meetings until we unite or DIE fighting not begging.

9/05/2011 11:28:00 PM"

Think decaf.

9/06/2011 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Shields promised us a a quick resolurion to the contract, He said he wouldnt drag his feet. Looks like another 3 years without a contract...nothing changed!

9/06/2011 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't expect the FOP to be constantly putting their face in the media. There's a reason all the past administrations didn't do it, and that reason still stands.

We negotiated between US and THEM, we don't tell the world what we're trying to accomplish. We don't need scammming little fuckers like Emnauel exploiting everything we say and we certainly don't need the little fucker's private media brigade doing that job for him to make it seem like we're just so outrageous.

On specific topics such as pension, when the little fucker makes it public, THEN we make the public aware how many other police pay NOTHING toward their pensions and how THOSE funds had city money deposited ON TIME, EVERY TIME and that nothing was "borrowed" permanently.

For everything else benefit or pay related, you respond with only POSITIVE data such as medical benefits costing taxpayers LESS the way they are rather than having to pay to train a new guy for 18 months.

Stop thinking the best approach is to mouth off in the press.

Look how well it does for the CTU.

The FOP's job is to make Emanuel look like the fucking cocksucker he is trying to obtain total control over city employees so that they have no choice but to do as he says or be fired.

These things the city is bringing up? They ALWAYS bring these same contract ideas to the table, they're nothing new.

9/05/2011 06:53:00 AM

Mike you promised to be out in front of the issues with the media.

9/06/2011 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is the FOP Labor attorney who is going to negotiate our contract?

9/06/2011 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there any detail on the possible school target?

9/06/2011 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 52 and hope contract negotiations last for 3 years so I can put in papers and get the free health insurance at 55 .

9/06/2011 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 11:00 on 05Sep- What does a SWAT operator do? Does he carry the telephone for the SWAT Team? Just wondering

obviously you have never been in the military or on a swat team. If the poster is using the term Operator then im sure he/she is familiar that personnel in special forces i.e delta, seals, air force p.Js are commonly called operators. Members of the swat teams commonly refer to themselves as operators... which they stole from the military. I guess they didnt teach you that in college huh hair gel...

9/06/2011 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all tough guys please read up on the Russian Beslan School Massacre. Just look it up, there is a good documentary of it as well.

9/06/2011 05:24:00 AM

For all pussies and other assorted cowards. We already did and would still go in. You just hide behind the cars in you sun dress and bonnet. The real men and women will handle the emergencies.

9/06/2011 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all tough guys please read up on the Russian Beslan School Massacre. Just look it up, there is a good documentary of it as well.

9/06/2011 05:24:00 AM
Fuck just watched it thanks scary shit brother!

9/06/2011 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


By the time they promote any sergeants, EVERYBODY on the department will have at least 10 years on!

9/06/2011 12:16:00 AM

It should be that way anyway. Under 10 years you have not learned or experienced enough to lead(lol) or supervise.

9/06/2011 06:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 ways to save money

#1 get rid of raises for a P/T job
(Aldercreatures raises)

#2 get rid of dead weight
Wishful thinking!

9/06/2011 07:30:00 PM  

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