Saturday, November 05, 2011

Rahm Victories

Never letting a crisis go to waste, Rahm continues racking up victories:
  • The Chicago Teachers Union has called a news conference at noon Friday to discuss details of an agreement reached with Chicago Public Schools over the longer school day issue.

    Neither side would provide specifics of the agreement Thursday.

And this one, too, uncannily predicted by one of our commentators a day or two ago:
  • Mayor Rahm Emanuel is softening the blow of his library cuts — and raising city sticker fees across the board instead of confining the increase to large vehicles — to accommodate rebel aldermen and win the 26 votes he needs to approve his 2012 budget.

    [...] The mayor’s original plan called for raising the city sticker fee for large vehicles by $15 and broadening the umbrella of drivers forced to pay the new $135 fee for “large passenger vehicles” to include 184,000 more vehicles.

    The decision to reduce the weight threshold from 4,500 pounds to 4,000 pounds came under fire from City Clerk Susana Mendoza and others because it would have forced soccer moms and other mini-van drivers to pay $60 more for their city stickers.

    The mayor’s new plan would maintain the 4,500-pound weight limit in favor of across-the-board increases of $10 to $85 for small and medium-sized vehicles; and $15 to $135 for the larger ones. That means all 1.26 million drivers who buy city stickers would pay more, except for senior citizens and motorcycle owners.

    Emanuel also followed Mendoza’s recommendation by raising the penalties for failing to display a valid city sticker — from a $120 fine and a $40 late fee to $200 and $60, respectively.

When you have a collection of submissives (which the City Council obviously is), one dominatrix can take over for the previous one and keep them in line, voting to screw everyone over and over again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sticking-it to the taxpayers and handing the money over to the millionaire corporations like the CME group, Motorola, Sears, etc..

Because when a corporation gets a tax break it enables the feedback loop and then people come to your $30,000 dollar a plate campaign fund raisers dinners.

Illinois voted to increase electricity rates. Water bills are gonna double, State income tax is already up, license fees and sticker prices going up and the coppers are being pushed to write tax revenue generating tickers.

Man-oh-man... do you see what I see?

11/05/2011 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers union needs to get rid of Karen Lewis.

Had CPS and Emmanuel on the ropes and let them off
she should have allowed the courts to make the 13 union busting schools who agreed to work late hours return to the regular hours.

With a court win in sight would Emmanuel have called the dogs off or would he gone for the jugular?

At the very least he would have thought twice before circumventing the contract.

Now he won't.

I wonder how he got to Lewis. Promise of a position on some well paying panels? Job for relatives or a few dozen krispy kremes or mcdonalds gift cards

11/05/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Oh come on SCC!

The City Council is just conserving all of it's energy for an all out offensive against any and all concerns of Policemen after G8/NATO...

They're naked and afraid...

They simply have to realize that hiring @ 1200 or so P.O's over the last decade in the face of over 4000 leaving for various reasons is a recipe for public safety disaster...

McMouth-Breather's station closing & walling off posted vacancies to prevent possible escape by P.O.'s in the affected districts is the "B" side of the same orchestra of bullshit recording j-fled was playing except it's at 78 rpm instead of the previous 33.5 rpm...


"Let's fuck everything up to make it look like we actually know what the fuck we're doing so the public doesn't catch on that we totally fucked-up by intentionally shrinking CPD through attrition."

"We hope it doesn't bite us in our asses but fuck those Coppers anyways," seems to be the attitude from the executive suites at 3510 South & 111 North.

They fear The Police!

Too "out of control" ie., not politically beholden and subservient to the Chicago Criminal-Political regime.

Still has too many people who remember the "old ways" of being The Police and taking care of Police business. (why do you think j-fled's first order of business was driving off all the old bosses including the few who might have called bullshit on his and perhaps potentially mcmouth-breather's schemes?)

What we're seeing is a case study on how to destroy a large urban P.D.

Yes... There is a LOT of things that needed changing yet the powers that be studiously avoid addressing same. Kinda like working the kennels at the pound and denying ever stepping in shit in spite of it being everywhere...

When you apply the Corporate Take-Over model of Bean Counter-ism run amok to Urban Policing by...

Intentionally running off years of experience who may call bullshit and cause people to take inconvenient & uncomfortable notice. Backfilling the policy making & command echelon with the young, unproven, incompetent and beholden.

Apply all the above in a city that is ground zero for the current flavor of wild-eyed, yellow-pinky, militant liberalism? The change WILL NOT BE FOR THE BETTER!

Heh... It has been observed that the lib is the seperatist & elitist of the worst sort.

They bend over backwards to prove their disdain for The Police... Until people start migrating to THEIR no longer safe enclaves to slap them in the eye & relieve them of their valuables.

"Why are you doing this? I voted for Hollow-Dude too!"

*Slap! Thud! -sound of pockets being turned inside out- Cry!*

Out of all that, The Police are the enemy. 9.5 has said so and the people believe it.

11/05/2011 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

C.T.U. = fucking sellouts.

Allow me to be the first to say I hope not a single one of you CPS a**holes sees cent the first of the raise that was negotiated into your last contract.

You buckled under the pressure. You fell for "the City's broke" routine. You're all willing co-conspirators, complicit in the continuing charade of "increasing test scores and graduation rates" of CPS honor students fed to the gullible taxpayers. And now, you chumps will have more time each day to NOT make a lick of difference in the educational lives of 99.9% of the studentry.


Don't expect any sympathy from most people when this mistake comes full circle - not when you helped Rahm lube it up before he drove it in.

11/05/2011 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT Nice show of support at 88/Wallace by CFD vehicles remaining and blocking off the street when there was absolutely no aid that could have been rendered to our fallen sister.

Can't help but think it was an olive branch for the Altman fiasco. A lot of us noticed. RIP Office. Be safe all.

11/05/2011 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Usually you have to pay extra to get screwed over and I've heard

11/05/2011 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thank you to the 24th district P.O. that cut my dingbat kid a break on Friday and also had the courtesy to call and let me know that he made a minor error in judgement while driving through Rogers Park. Hopefully I can return the favor one day, but at the very least, the courtesy will be paid forward as it should be. Again, thanks! MB

11/05/2011 03:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to retire and move to wherever it is warm and there are no stupid ass fees. All the wack ass alderman should be put the fuck out along with the dumb fuck on the 5th floor. Really, how does a person vote for and keep voting for a bunch of leaches? Next they will tax a burial plot......yearly!

11/05/2011 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, 9.5 did it. He beat and broke the teacher's union. Last semblance of a Union. The Irish Midget neutered Streets & San Unions years ago with concessions to avoid layoffs with the promise of an Olympics that never happened, and held the CTA hostage with pension payments and contributions. Yet the sheeple complain about Governor Walker of wisconsin and Republicans, at least in Wisconsin Governor Walker took it straight to the legislature and sought work rule changes and collective bargaining changes out in the open. No promises never to be met, no back door agreements with 13 schools with additional compensation, no do this today and I promise you tomorrow in Wisconsin. Yet people think and believe police and fire are going to get a long over due great contract after 30JUN12. Bend over and hold your ankles. Keep voting Democrat sheeple, especially when your Comed bill comes, thanks Springfield!

11/05/2011 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else see that piece of crap Pension Reform fact sheet put out by the FOP? No mention of opposition to SB 512 that reduces the numbers of elected police officers representation seats. Is Mike Sheilds already in Rhams pocket? I a smell a rat!!! Bella would have at least fought it!!!

11/05/2011 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahmbo is nothing but a liberal liar. He's only been in office a short time and already his lies about hiring 1000 police(says we misunderstood him and that's not what he meant)and he's not going to raise taxes and two weeks later he raised taxes for the Board of Education(what a waste of money).
It is obvious that when King Richie ran from the thrown he passed the kingdom off to the little Court Jester.
Wake up people.............this city is in Big Trouble.

11/05/2011 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic commander of 013 your district is going up for grabs and one of the main reasons is your letting the dumped commander your current tact Lt. Run the show. All he cares about is taking care of his people and making you look bad. He got rid of a perfectly good tact sec. And put in a useless one who even stated she was put there because they are part of the same Hispanic organization. Open your eyes or you might not get that spot in 012 you so desperately want just some friendly advice. Wait and see how bad it looks come watch bid time.

11/05/2011 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

drop a lie, raise a tax...
with approval!

typical political ploy.

1.drop a lie about doing an outrageous act. ie raising sticker costs $50.00. for some not all.

2. Agree to a comprimise, raising them only $10.00 after public outcry. for all.

3. raise the fee without a whimper.

all the sheep are content

11/05/2011 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm was one named in the subpoenas in re. the Obama administration's Solyndra scam.

The news won't touch this.
Obie refused to comply.
Just as Nixon did. (till media outcry)

Well Chicago Media???

It's on Google! No news???

11/05/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Divide and Conquer 101....are you really surprised? Raise the stickers for 185K or better yet lets raise them all. But if you look around at other states we have reasonable annual plate fees. In Arizona the plate fee for a new 25K car would be $420 and double that for a 50K car and so on. They should let you buy the city sticker in one to five year increaments which would save a ton of money in processing fees and maybe cut you a break on the total fee, same goes with plate registration.

11/05/2011 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep nickel and dining us, you'll see some real revolt from people who wouldnt have dreampt about it.

Between Quinn, Preckwinkle, Obama and Rham, Rahm is the worst.

Les S-still proud of your prick nephew?

11/05/2011 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much do he pay? How much do the Daley's & Burke's pay? Or should I ask...How much do WE pay for their vehicles????

11/05/2011 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the first to say I hope not a single one of you CPS a**holes sees cent the first of the raise that was negotiated into your last contract.

Why am I considered an asshole? I'm just a working stiff teacher like you guys. My union is a piece of shit that cares only about itself and NOT its membership. There was no membership vote on this 'agreement' between the Amorphous Blob and Tiny Dancer. I was just as shocked as the rest of you.

From what I understand, your FOP is no better than the CTU. Just filled with a bunch of self-serving greedy assholes who collect union dues that feed into a fucking ponzi scheme for the upper echelon.

Get off my back! I'm at school and should be paid combat pay for where I work and the gangbangers that fill my classroom. Yeah, let's make the school day longer to keep the bangers in school so they are not on the street where you won't be able to find a cop due to cutbacks.

We're all in this together and bitching at teachers(many of whom are married to the CPD) really isn't going to solve anything. We are not to blame for the eons of corruption that built this city. We have to work around it and try to educate children who become lost in a system that claims it does everything for 'the children' but lines its own pockets with their blood money.

-Second City Teacher

11/05/2011 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More of a smackdown to the little jag if you ask me. Someone finally told him that a contract means something and he can't so whatever or however he pleases.

11/05/2011 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These high taxes for What?

Time to vote in some real people that represent the average guy.

11/05/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahmmie the Commie, making the Regime in Washington D.C. [Kremlin USA] proud.

11/05/2011 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is how stupid people are. They threaten to raise the rate for truck and SUV stickers. Then they say they'll instead raise the rate for everyone and the people think that's good.

Wow. What a compromise. Instead of fucking the truck and SUV owners, we'll fuck everyone. We have to share the sacrifice so they can continue to spend our taxes like idiots. DemocRATS.

11/05/2011 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With fewer citizens why are fees going up? The city has to provide services to fewer citizens so fees should be going down not up. The last time I was at the Library, there were 4-5 clerks and 2 Security Guards for 10-15 patrons including children and most of them were doing nothing but sitting around. Those cuts should have been passed.

11/05/2011 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11/05/2011 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20th Ward Willie Cochran proposed a 50% discount if you pay your Parking tickets before 7 days old.

Can you guys control that moron?

11/05/2011 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/05/2011 03:53:00 AM

Teach your kid not to be a dipshit them Office..and you need never worry about calls like that or having to owe favors.

11/05/2011 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Shaved's site has a new corrected address for Bill. Which is correct?

11/05/2011 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all in this together and bitching at teachers(many of whom are married to the CPD) really isn't going to solve anything. We are not to blame for the eons of corruption that built this city. We have to work around it and try to educate children who become lost in a system that claims it does everything for 'the children' but lines its own pockets with their blood money.

-Second City Teacher

Well said many of us actually support CPS teachers!!

11/05/2011 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else see that piece of crap Pension Reform fact sheet put out by the FOP? No mention of opposition to SB 512 that reduces the numbers of elected police officers representation seats. Is Mike Sheilds already in Rhams pocket? I a smell a rat!!! Bella would have at least fought it!!!

11/05/2011 08:36:00 AM

I was happy to see it, its the first thing FOP has distributed that's not advertising something in weeks. But I know that it's not FOP's bulletin. No FOP Logo, and no mention of HB3813 which cut FOP elected official pensions by more than $20,000. More secret deals to come than anyone can track, but I can guess who's picking up the tab. Can you say: BLUE SHIRT?

11/05/2011 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give back to the warming centers/libraries but cut the 911 call takers and dispatchers. And give the OEMC chief of staff a $10,000 raise, there's justice for you.

11/05/2011 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anyone else see that piece of crap Pension Reform fact sheet put out by the FOP? No mention of opposition to SB 512 that reduces the numbers of elected police officers representation seats. Is Mike Sheilds already in Rhams pocket? I a smell a rat!!! Bella would have at least fought it!!!

11/05/2011 08:36:00 AM

Mike Shields is a SELLOUT!

11/05/2011 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look familiar? JFED?

11/05/2011 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Sister-In-Law is a teacher....but even she agrees that the Chicago Teacher is a pampered whiner that deserves to be put into place.

School Year -- 38.6 Weeks/193 days

50k a year to start...for under 200 days of work.

11/05/2011 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fifty aldermen and not one single concern being voiced about NATO/G8?


Not one. At least that I've heard, how about any of you?

They are all as happy as can be...everything is just fine.

Heh...If they only knew.

11/05/2011 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumors of another state income tax increase of 2% surfacing -- to be passed during the lame duck session just prior to the next election.

What we need is to create a HUGE crisis just before it goes to press so that we can "win the hearts and minds" of the churls I would think that is the goal here.

By passing it just prior to the election you create another crisis that can be used as campaign fodder.

Elect me as I will cut your taxes...ha-ha and like the last tax increase that was labeled and promoted as being only a temporary state income tax increase (that is not fully rolled back therefore not temporary at all) you can expect the same mechanism repeated here.

The illusions that the politicians are fighting for you. Yeah raise the taxes 10% and then cut them back to 5% like you are being done a favor and should be thankful because they gave you something back. Hey look you won -- we fought for you b.s.

This is the same methodology that will be used for the next union contract. Soften you up like you've won something while they bend you over the table.

11/05/2011 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These high taxes for What?

Time to vote in some real people that represent the average guy.

11/05/2011 11:17:00 AM

What kind of utopia do you live in? You really think it's that easy?
Politician and someone who represents the average man are mutually exclusive and will never meet.

11/05/2011 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The median paycheck in the United States, even while big corporate heads pulled in salaries that often equate to $ 900,000 an hour, fell by 1.2 percent to $ 26,364. The number of poor and unemployed is swelling while the number of Americans making $ 1 million or more climbed to 94,000, a 20 percent increase from 2009. Corporate profits now account for 88 percent of all income growth while wages account for 1 percent. The top one percent has, through fraud and the corporate control of the judiciary and regulatory agencies, accounted for about half of all income growth since the 1970s. And the Republicans want to continue by giving the criminals additional tax breaks, Governor Walker gave 6 hundred million all the while laying off union workers.

11/05/2011 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Packs of male black offenders, 15-20 years of age, wildin downtown tonight. Three battery reports already taken at northwestern. Fleeing toward redline stations. Groups of 10-15. Be careful downtown.

11/05/2011 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NBC 5 just said there is an unusual amount of police activity on the Mag Mile. They should several young male and females blacks running around the streets.

11/05/2011 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Arizona the plate fee for a new 25K car would be $420 and double that for a 50K car and so on. They should ......

In Indiana, No $$ City Sticker $$,no rahm,no quinn,no jessie, get the picture. A Wonderful State!
I thought about WI, but the freaking taxes are too much.
I'm now an IN Hill-Rod, and proud of it.

11/05/2011 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Sir Donkey 10 said...

Box Chevy Phantom - well said! Among your best!

And 3:53, YOU are the dipshit, that was one copper thanking another copper. You are probably the type that writes copper's families, so you wouldn't understand. But some us still have some honor!

11/05/2011 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emperor Racoon Eyes rules! So we have 28 Alderfools with the balls to challenge the mayor on some of his budget cuts? Hardly. This is all a scripted act put on by the Racoon's evil minions and his pet Alderfools to make it look like they have some leverage over the Racoon. The Mighty Midget is kind enough to throw some scraps to the citizens of Chicago to show he is concerned about their welfare. He could give a fuck less. I didn't hear anything about cutting back on doubling our water rates by 2015. Nothing about the speeding cameras to fuck us every time we go over 20 mph on 50% of city streets. Just a few bullshit crumbs to make it look good. The budget this pathetic bastard has thrown on us will pass. Nothing has changed at City Hall. Some different faces and the same old game. The more things change the more they stay the same.

11/05/2011 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Chicago Teacher is a pampered whiner that deserves to be put into place.

School Year -- 38.6 Weeks/193 days

50k a year to start...for under 200 days of work.

You have your facts wrong. First, I'm making 60K with 8 years in. With a BA and an MA. Teachers start at 40k. Please read the union contract and stop posting erroneous hearsay.
Secondly, the number of days you post is the number of days students (according to Illinois law) have to be in school for the year. Teachers actually work about 285 days a year. When students are not school, we usually are attending meetings, conferences and professional development. Now that doesn't even take into account the HOURS of work I put in at home correcting papers, record keeping, coaching sports after school and heading up two extra-curricular clubs.

I'm not a pampered whiner. I work hard. I spent 12 years at the Archdiocese of Chicago where I made minimum wage with a BA. I switched over to CPS because I couldn't live at poverty level anymore. And how stupid are you to post that 50k is too much money for someone with a BA in the 21st century?

How dare you make accusations about my profession? Come walk in my shoes for ONE DAY, and I guarantee you and your 'teacher' sister-in-law will be running for the door.

Maybe your sister-in-law couldn't cut it as a teacher in CPS and became the bitter whiner you speak of. Few teachers at my school whine. We work. We are teachers, social workers, therapists and substitute parents for the children who are screwed over by society and DCFS.

With the amount of education I have, why shouldn't I make a decent amount of money? I didn't get my job because I passed a test or knew my precinct captain.

When are ignorant people like you and your sister-in-law going to realize that teachers should be paid not just a decent wage but a wage worthy of one of the most important professions on the planet? The only reason teachers AREN'T PAID a decent amount of money is because most teachers are women. And really, who wants to pay women for anything, let alone having an education? Who is going to educate your children? You? Pffft. I don't think so.

-Second City Teacher

11/05/2011 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what baby wants baby gets.

11/05/2011 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" accommodate rebel aldermen and win the 26 votes he needs to approve his 2012 budget."

Why doesn't he simply introduce legislation to eliminate the half of the aldermen that won't go along with his nonsense?

Half the aldermen gone. The other half supporting him.

Both sides win...sorta

11/06/2011 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figure out a way to make all the yuppies and college students that move here from out of state and never buy city stickers but their vehicles are parked here full time. End the permits in these areas that get abused

11/06/2011 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Second City Teacher obviously has issues.

If you can stomach reading her drivel in it's entirety, you'll see that she's trying to convince anyone who'll listen that her talents, as acquired through higher education and extracurricular sacrifices, aren't commanding what she perceives to be fair compensation in the field she chose to pursue.

It took you 12 years of earning minimum wage teaching at the Archdiocese before you finally figured out how to rectify that little problem of "not enough cash"? Well, if one positive thing can be gleaned from your self-inflicted decade-plus sentence of "minimum-wagedness", it's that you seem to have perfected the role of martyr; it's with bated breath I'll await your 3rd sympathy-invoking submission...NOT.

Your rant, particularly when you segue into not being paid enough despite your education...or my favorite...because you're a woman...tells the readers just about everything they need to know about you. Playing the Gender Card is a despicable act; still to this day it's responsible (along with the Race Card) for stunting the growth of organizations and fueling resentment in all arenas of society. The Equal Rights Amendment arrived under good intentions, but unfortunately has been diminished since it's ratification because those in power interpret it for their own benefit.

You're smart enough to realize what you need to do (or should've done differently in the past) to make things better in your life, but you're just too fucking stupid to take the initiative to get the proverbial ball rolling. Whining about it while simultaneously trying to convince others that you're some kind savior is a lesson in futility.

Synopsis: You knew what you were getting yourself into. I'm willing to grant you some leeway for poor life choices early on in the game due to adolescent ignorance, but that excuse only holds so much weight. Being a successful adult requires a lot of things, among them the ability to make choices and long-term plans conducive to your overall well-being and existence.

Now get back in that classroom and be the surrogate Mom to all those "children are screwed over by society and DCFS" silly fool. Society and the deadbeat,crackhead parents throughout Chicago say your efforts are commendable and really, really appreciated...just don't ask for a raise when the Socialist regime tacks another 45 minutes onto your already hectic day at the CPS.

Come walk in your shoes for a day? Get over yourself, lady.

11/06/2011 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

illegals pay what?????

11/06/2011 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They still work longer than the fire department.


My Sister-In-Law is a teacher....but even she agrees that the Chicago Teacher is a pampered whiner that deserves to be put into place.

School Year -- 38.6 Weeks/193 days

50k a year to start...for under 200 days of work.

11/06/2011 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey asshole---you and your sister need to go back to school and pick up a math class. Most professionals get a weekend. 52x2=104. Pretty much no one works those days throughout the year. My wife is a teacher and she isn't paid enough for the shit she is put through. CPS just made her go back and get a master's degree that came out of HER salary. Sounds like you and your sister are the real whiners here.

11/06/2011 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krispy Kreme Victory!

I've never seen "Rahm it to me" with such a smile. Courts rule in our favor and our union backs down.

In turn invalidating their own contract. Sounds like the same story regarding the 75% vote needed to strike. The excuse that time "They tricked us and changed the bill at the last minute".

Negotiations have not started either so we will not be able to strike come next fall.

Teachers! get ready for your Parochial/ charter school salaries with no benefits. That is the plan. Work for the grace of "Rahm to me".

The Teacher

11/06/2011 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...When are ignorant people like you and your sister-in-law going to realize that teachers should be paid not just a decent wage but a wage worthy of one of the most important professions on the planet? The only reason teachers AREN'T PAID a decent amount of money is because most teachers are women. And really, who wants to pay women for anything, let alone having an education? Who is going to educate your children? You? Pffft. I don't think so.

-Second City Teacher

11/05/2011 11:27:00 PM

Well, here's one cop who appreciates you more than you can know. I have ALWAYS thought teachers were among the most important people on the planet (good teachers, that is).

Whether anyone wants to take the time to think about it, or not, an educated society IS a healthier, more productive, more motivated, wealthier society. Education is power, on many levels. Without it, we're nothing.

11/06/2011 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxpayers please let youe alderman know this. Your police protection has been decreased by 3000 officers. With these 3000 officers not contributing to the pension fund it funding level continues to plunge creating a greater liability for the taxpayers. Demand that the city hire 3000 more police officers so you and your family can enjoy personal safety and as a bonus the taxpayer liability for the pension fund decreases. This is a win win situation for the taxpayer and nothing less should be accepted.

11/06/2011 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/05/2011 03:53:00 AM

Teach your kid not to be a dipshit them Office..and you need never worry about calls like that or having to owe favors.

Have no dog in hunt but GFY kids do stupid shit if we can't take care of our family what is the point of us

Obviously, the kid wasn't a total asshat because I wouldnt give a fuck whose kid you were if you fail the hello test GFY

Way to stand up Office

11/06/2011 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all need to make "tough choices" as Rahm Emmanuel has said but Mr. Emmanuel...Why do we need 50 alderman and why do you refuse to address this? Please stop by Rhams house at 4228 N Hermitage and let him know how you feel...its your right.

11/06/2011 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Shit!! West Side Inside Do Nothing @ 622 A.M. on 06 Nov...without a doubt, one of the best retorts I've ever read. Beautifully worded, intelligently structured and just scathing enough to sting in an educational/parenting-type of way. Bravo, Sir or M'am. Your submission reminds me of more than a couple of professors I enjoyed in college. Did you by any chance teach at N/W in the late 80s?

- Educator Myself

11/06/2011 07:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side Inside Do Nothing @ 622 A.M.
I'm lovin it!

I gotta say you're good with the written word and and lot of truth in your observations.

The word "children" especially nauseates me. I don't work with children I work with students and most of the time. It is a misuse of it's meaning. Children has nowadays become the word of choice to screw us and I'm including CPD, even more.

Unfortunately, as you pointed out, most of my colleagues can't see beyond their instinctual motherly feeling towards these hoodlums our "students". I would urge my colleagues to get beyond that and see these individuals for who they are "crack babies, welfare tickets, and pawns to politicians. They know how to play the system and play our motherly instincts.

Mr. WezSide Do nothing, gender DOES play a role! If we weren't a bunch of BITCHES working at this job. CPS would not get away with not paying teachers for extracurricular activities, and longer school day BS.

WE will not get what we deserve until we start demanding fair pay and F the F'in bulletin boards.

The Teacher

Give me money!

11/06/2011 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side, Inside Do-Nothing? With a handle like that, maybe you're not the right person to comment on how much money other people are making on their jobs. Instead of posting threads on company time, perhaps you should get back to work and keep our city safe from the thugs.

And for that other poster who's sister-in-law is a teacher, how very fortunate she is to have gotten a teaching job in a nice suburban setting where she doesn't have to worry about being shanked in the back.

No teacher signs up for this crap. They go into the profession with the best of intentions - to educate kids and make them life-long learners.

Unfortunately, not every teacher wins the Naperville lottery. Many of them have to work in the crap areas of Chicago or they don't work at all. And if they don't work, they don't feed their families. Simple as that. Find another profession? Sure, maybe they can become West Side, Inside Do-Nothings like you.

By the way, West Side, did you happen to respond to your own post and sign off as "Educator Myself"? I find it interesting that such an erudite wordsmith would start out his post with "Holy Shit."

... just wondering

11/06/2011 09:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Educator Myself:

"Your submission reminds me of more than a couple of professors I enjoyed in college." If you'd have spent less time shtupping the professors and more time studying, you'd know that the word is spelled "Ma'am."

... just wondering

11/06/2011 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear West Side, Inside Do-Nothing:

I never called myself a martyr or a savior. You did that. I'm just stating the facts. Working at the Archdiocese was a labor of love but after 2 Catholic school closures, I saw the handwriting on the wall and made the move to CPS.

Since we are, in fact, addressing an issue regarding a profession dominated by women, your misogynistic response tells me two things:
1) You don't believe female teachers work very hard for their money,
2) Your ex-wife got all your stuff in the divorce ;)

-Second City Teacher

11/06/2011 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say good bye to Area Four and Area Five because of this non thinker. What he or she is doing because they have sat inside for far too long. They has no clue on how to win the city back and use the largerst tool available (CPD). First thing first make the CPD happy and they will generate more income for the city that you can count. Get ur head out of you ass RHAM and do the right thing don't be like the ones before.

11/07/2011 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trouble on the Mag Mile
How many arrests did Maggie and Richie Daly body guards make while on foot patrol


11/07/2011 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm , here's your chance.
Keep campaign promise to cut alderman in half , keep the half that vote for you .
You endorse 25 canidates and we'll get you the votes .

11/07/2011 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what is the fine going to be for the illegal unlicensed (and unwashed) roaming food vendors??

Oh, that's right: If you're Mexican and illegal, it is NOTHING.

Don't understand why legal restaurants don't bitch.

How about starting to write loud cars again?? And give the officers some incentive to write them, like getting to go to the hearing and make some OT??

11/07/2011 11:25:00 PM  

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