Saturday, November 05, 2011

The Silence of McDumbass

Looks like there might have been something to that rumor of McStupid being ripped a new asshole by Rahm after his ill advised comments regarding an ongoing investigation. We haven't heard a peep from him in almost two weeks now. And now comes word that he skipped the CompStat meeting this past Thursday.

That collar that Rahm's got on him must chafe something awful.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me something Rahmmy, when young Garry is on the slab, where will it tickle you?

11/05/2011 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't Oakland Cal. in need of a new Chief? Yeah...I think so.

11/05/2011 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps he's busy job-hunting?

11/05/2011 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He doesn't want to speak in his "high pitched" voice after Tiny Dancer 9.5 gave his nuts a good hard squeeze.

Those that keep "da mayer" happy get a pat on the back. Idiot blabber mouths get a good hard slap in the old nut sack. !

It's the Chicago Way !!!

11/05/2011 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

I was never able to fathom how one grown man could so willingly be another grown man's bitch.

There isn't a dollar amount, title or tangible item that you could throw at me to make me submit to the whims and fancies of another man.

Self respect. A sense of self worth. Not being a punk. Being your own man. Not selling-out.

However you refer to it, I just can't see how a "man" sleeps at night knowing he's been pimped-out by a ruthless Socialist cretin disguised as the mayor of our city.

I won't even mention having your NY-Style "Broken Windows" model of policing systematically dismissed by the CPD clueless clout Bossholes before it fully took root here. Not sure if you've been paying attention, Garry, but the collective CPD ain't dancing to the beat of your drum. You lost most of us with your St. Sabina diatribe; those that thought you might still be salvageable after that stunt saw the light when you opened your big fucking mouth regarding referenced ongoing investigation.

You're little more than a pathetic puppet, Garry. An incredibly ignorant puppet at that. And the folks REALLY in charge of the goings on around this joint are making sure you're aware of this fact with ever-increasing regularity. I'm not quite sure that a more obvious "Fuck You!" is possible, little man.

11/05/2011 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's in New York. One way ticket back. No bs.

11/05/2011 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the last one he missed and the two before that were cancelled. Thats three weeks that he has not been at Comshit.......Interesting

11/05/2011 02:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be one of those spiked , pronged collars. The kind you sometimes see on a large, aggressive dog!

11/05/2011 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he skipped compstat because he's heard enough and he's made his decisions regarding the command realignments.

chin up, ya'll.

11/05/2011 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He had a death in the family in New York. That's why he has been quiet. Seriously

11/05/2011 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's out of town due to a death in his family.

11/05/2011 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy SCC, do you know if the Supt made it to the Ukrainian Village to speak about the closing of the 13 th dist?

11/05/2011 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he skipped compstat because he's heard enough and he's made his decisions regarding the command realignments.

chin up, ya'll.

You are an idiot if you think he makes decisions regarding command realignments, boyscout. This is Chicago where you are always just as good as your clout. Where can I find out about the test given for captains on up?

11/05/2011 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oakland is also badly in need of a new mayor. This one is a complete nut job!

11/05/2011 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray Kelly, the NYPD Commissioner is on the ropes, too many scandals, too much baggage.

Maybe he can rub a few weenies there, and go back to the big (horse) apple?

Or, Oakland, or the Chicago Crime Commission? Or anywhere else?

11/05/2011 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coming monday at salzer library in 019 mcdumbass is having a town hall meeting to discuss the closing of the district and go on record as to what will happen to the officers. 1800-2000 hrs. This meeting is open to the public, so i suggest anyone who works in 019 or even 023 attend as this decision greatly affects your future.

11/05/2011 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was never able to fathom how one grown man could so willingly be another grown man's bitch.

There isn't a dollar amount, title or tangible item that you could throw at me to make me submit to the whims and fancies of another man.

Self respect. A sense of self worth. Not being a punk. Being your own man. Not selling-out.

To: 02:01: I agree with the above statement, though it actually speaks to every exempt member who sold his balls or vagina for the position their in.

11/05/2011 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He has a plan just wait!!!!!

11/05/2011 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think he is going to survive here. I give him till February. Then back to the Pumpkin Patch!

11/05/2011 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's not going anywhere

11/05/2011 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous THE entertainment detail said...

"I was never able to fathom how one grown man could so willingly be another grown man's bitch."

It's easy.

11/05/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be one of those spiked , pronged collars. The kind you sometimes see on a large, aggressive dog!

11/05/2011 02:57:00 AM

Na, it definitely has a ball gag!

11/05/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment at 2:01 am couldnt of said it any better, I couldn't agree more

11/05/2011 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably had a hangover.

He's been seen in and around the Viagra Triangle on several late nights.

Interesting rumors abound...

11/05/2011 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax... He had a death in the family and was back in NY. And the Compstat meetings were cancelled because of scheduled budget meetings.

11/05/2011 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McJersey got his Mc Pee Pee slapped.

11/05/2011 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets assume McStreetlight gets launched. Rahm and Dart merge the 2 agencies, CPD, and CCSheriff into a Cook County Metro Police, like the Clark County metro police out in Vegas. Lets assume they say they are doing it to be more efficient to save the Taxpayers money. Lets assume they also say it will be a smoother functioning, more efficient Department this way.
Then lets say obama gets re-elected and starts his Brown-Shirt Federal Security Force. Then the political control over Law Enforcement will be 100%, and NOBODY will be able to say or do ANYTHING about it. Big Bosses will become Jail Guards overnight, if the Regime wants it, and jail guards will become CPD Gold Stars overnight, in reward for doing the Regimes business. Big Brother Obama Brown Shirts will oversee ALL, and report back to Furor Obama. Door - to - Door
Gun Control confiscation will begin, and Freedom of Speech will end. The Regime plans DECADES in advance, and plays the game of Chess, while their opponents play Checkers against them, with Wishy-Washy Republicrat Candidates like Romney running as shills against them. True Conservatives, like Herman Cain, are tarred and feathered for anything possible, in the Socialist News Media, so they are wiped out before getting a real chance to become elected. Sheeple and Lemming Taxpaying Suburbanites, City liberals, etc; fall for the whole package, believing what they hear on the C-B.S. News every night, thinking the City, County, State, and World will soon be an

11/05/2011 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was there it was being streamlined to his office. He wants to see how the Command Staff acts when he is not there. He is tired of the dog and pony show that some of them give.
New Commanders coming in 002,003,004,005,007,009,011,022,024,025 3 new Deputy Chiefs -North, West and South
Shields to take over patrol 16 Dec 11, XO's on 08 Jan 12

11/05/2011 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor GMac, be sure and tell us if you hear those lambs again.
'Gotta Run'... I'm having an old friend for dinner.

-Lord Shanks of Short

11/05/2011 12:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like SCC scooped every Chicago news agency.

11/05/2011 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he skipped compstat because he's heard enough and he's made his decisions regarding the command realignments.

chin up, ya'll.

Very true, and all bullshitting aside, the command changes are set to take place this month, effective the 16th.

11/05/2011 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Daleyesque. This appear-disappear thing, "was rumored to have been seen at some Rush Street watering hole," etc.

I assume someone, somewhere, has a phone number for him in case he's needed for something?

11/05/2011 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never corner a wounded animal. This Jackass will be doing Rhaminoodles work until he no longer useful. He not going anywhere. Yet

11/05/2011 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe he just has nothing to say right now. he knew the rules when he took the job and if he did shoot off his mouth, he earned a slap down.

More likely he was told to make the statements he did by his boss, and did as he was told.

11/05/2011 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was never able to fathom how one grown man could so willingly be another grown man's bitch.

There isn't a dollar amount, title or tangible item that you could throw at me to make me submit to the whims and fancies of another man.

Self respect. A sense of self worth. Not being a punk. Being your own man. Not selling-out.

However you refer to it, I just can't see how a "man" sleeps at night knowing he's been pimped-out by a ruthless Socialist cretin disguised as the mayor of our city.

I won't even mention having your NY-Style "Broken Windows" model of policing systematically dismissed by the CPD clueless clout Bossholes before it fully took root here. Not sure if you've been paying attention, Garry, but the collective CPD ain't dancing to the beat of your drum. You lost most of us with your St. Sabina diatribe; those that thought you might still be salvageable after that stunt saw the light when you opened your big fucking mouth regarding referenced ongoing investigation.

You're little more than a pathetic puppet, Garry. An incredibly ignorant puppet at that. And the folks REALLY in charge of the goings on around this joint are making sure you're aware of this fact with ever-increasing regularity. I'm not quite sure that a more obvious "Fuck You!" is possible, little man.

11/05/2011 02:01:00 AM

Hey pal, I wouldn't worry about you having to make that hard decision wether to accept the $200,000 a yr job. Noone is going to offer it. So keep doing nothing.

11/05/2011 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's imagine for the moment that the collar McGUMP dons is actually a ball gag as seen in the classic movie Pulp fiction......ahhhhhh

11/05/2011 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Timothy Leary said...

Anonymous said...
Lets assume McStreetlight gets launched. Rahm and Dart merge the 2 agencies, CPD, and CCSheriff into a Cook County Metro Police, like the Clark County metro police out in Vegas. Lets assume they say they are doing it to be more efficient to save the Taxpayers money. Lets assume they also say it will be a smoother functioning, more efficient Department this way.
Then lets say obama gets re-elected and starts his Brown-Shirt Federal Security Force. Then the political control over Law Enforcement will be 100%, and NOBODY will be able to say or do ANYTHING about it. Big Bosses will become Jail Guards overnight, if the Regime wants it, and jail guards will become CPD Gold Stars overnight, in reward for doing the Regimes business. Big Brother Obama Brown Shirts will oversee ALL, and report back to Furor Obama. Door - to - Door
Gun Control confiscation will begin, and Freedom of Speech will end. The Regime plans DECADES in advance, and plays the game of Chess, while their opponents play Checkers against them, with Wishy-Washy Republicrat Candidates like Romney running as shills against them. True Conservatives, like Herman Cain, are tarred and feathered for anything possible, in the Socialist News Media, so they are wiped out before getting a real chance to become elected. Sheeple and Lemming Taxpaying Suburbanites, City liberals, etc; fall for the whole package, believing what they hear on the C-B.S. News every night, thinking the City, County, State, and World will soon be an

11/05/2011 11:15:00 AM

I put more credence in The War of the Worlds taking place than this nonsense. Total bullshit. I would like a toke of whatever this poster is smoking.

I am set on one thing, when retirement comes around next year I sure hope I can find some nice strong hashish like I used to get in 1967. That was the Summer of Love you puppy dogs. What a great time I had,yes indeed!

11/05/2011 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However you refer to it, I just can't see how a "man" sleeps at night knowing he's been pimped-out by a ruthless Socialist cretin disguised as the mayor of our city.

Don't you dare call that republican in democratic clothing a socialist.

A Real Socialist

11/05/2011 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11.15am.........I'd bet your favorite film is "Conspiracy Theory"

11/05/2011 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but what's Henny Penny been up to these days? It can't be that quiet in 020 with her there.

11/05/2011 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Glad to be gone! said...

McZero will be here until Emanuel no longer desires him. It's as simple as that. Daley knew he had hired
a serious dumbass too, and rather than shuck J-Fled's
ignorant ass, Daley decided to eat him. Rahm suffers from the same ego-driven process: toss him and look like you're an incompetent for choosing him, or eat him and hope the City Hall Hacks you have in place around him can do your bidding and keep the embarrassments
to a minimum. Good luck with all that, guys!

11/05/2011 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McNutSack won't last in Chicago.

He'll spend less time here than than JTool did.

He'll quit as soon as he realizes that there is no place for him here. The few loyal ass-hats won't be enough to feed his enormous ego.

It's just a matter of time before his daddy gets tired of him. So long.....McFStick.

11/05/2011 07:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: A "SEXTING" scandal broke last weekend when the female Comp Stat secretary went out drinking last Saturday night. Sometime during the evening this female text the Supt a pic of her naked posterior and frontal images to his Blackberry.(from what i hear, she should keep her clothes on) After sobering up and realizing how stupid she was, she related that her phone was lost and that someone else sent the pics. A review of bar video proved that she had her phone the whole night. If that was me or you sending pics like that to a female Exempt,(let alone the Supt.) the 30 pending would probably hit the next day. There is much more to come on this!

11/05/2011 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets assume McStreetlight gets launched. Rahm and Dart merge the 2 agencies, CPD, and CCSheriff into a Cook County Metro Police, like the Clark County metro police out in Vegas. Lets assume they say they are doing it to be more efficient to save the Taxpayers money. Lets assume they also say it will be a smoother functioning, more efficient Department this way.
Then lets say obama gets re-elected and starts his Brown-Shirt Federal Security Force. Then the political control over Law Enforcement will be 100%, and NOBODY will be able to say or do ANYTHING about it. Big Bosses will become Jail Guards overnight, if the Regime wants it, and jail guards will become CPD Gold Stars overnight, in reward for doing the Regimes business. Big Brother Obama Brown Shirts will oversee ALL, and report back to Furor Obama. Door - to - Door
Gun Control confiscation will begin, and Freedom of Speech will end. The Regime plans DECADES in advance, and plays the game of Chess, while their opponents play Checkers against them, with Wishy-Washy Republicrat Candidates like Romney running as shills against them. True Conservatives, like Herman Cain, are tarred and feathered for anything possible, in the Socialist News Media, so they are wiped out before getting a real chance to become elected. Sheeple and Lemming Taxpaying Suburbanites, City liberals, etc; fall for the whole package, believing what they hear on the C-B.S. News every night, thinking the City, County, State, and World will soon be an

11/05/2011 11:15:00 AM

Can you please post your name so I can get you some help? I hate demorats just as must as you, but what you said is borderline insane.

11/05/2011 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side, Inside Do Nothing ....

Well said, once again!!
Always luv your comments.

11/05/2011 08:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was never able to fathom how one grown man could so willingly be another grown man's bitch."

Howard Hughes believed every man had his price.

With Hughes' money, when money was money, that bought a lot of men.

"Dressed in blue pajamas, Hughes arrived secretly on a private train in the pre-dawn hours of November 27, 1966. His aides took him by stretcher to a service elevator at the Desert Inn Hotel-Casino on the Strip and up to the ninth floor suite, which Maheu had reserved for him. Weeks later, when Desert Inn executive Moe Dalitz told him he had to leave, Hughes offered to buy the place. Dalitz quoted him an inflated price, $13.2 million, but Hughes accepted it and took over the Desert Inn on March 31, 1967."


11/05/2011 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could we PLEASE get whoever is doing the writing for Blue Bloods to throw his/her hat into the ring for superintendent here?

How is it a Hollywood writer understands so well how a superintendent of police should behave, yet our former and current 'actual' superintendents don't?

11/05/2011 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: A "SEXTING" scandal broke last weekend when the female Comp Stat secretary went out drinking last Saturday night. Sometime during the evening this female text the Supt a pic of her naked posterior and frontal images to his Blackberry.(from what i hear, she should keep her clothes on) After sobering up and realizing how stupid she was, she related that her phone was lost and that someone else sent the pics. A review of bar video proved that she had her phone the whole night. If that was me or you sending pics like that to a female Exempt,(let alone the Supt.) the 30 pending would probably hit the next day. There is much more to come on this!

11/05/2011 07:58:00 PM

Oh, this sounds like FUN. Can't wait for the second installment.

11/05/2011 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coming monday at salzer library in 019 mcdumbass is having a town hall meeting to discuss the closing of the district and go on record as to what will happen to the officers. 1800-2000 hrs. This meeting is open to the public, so i suggest anyone who works in 019 or even 023 attend as this decision greatly affects your future.

11/05/2011 08:07:00 AM

And this 'meeting's going to accomplish WHAT??? Architects have already walked through and drawn up new plans for the repurposing of the police facility at Belmont and Western.

These meetings are sideshows, nothing more than that. The deals are already done and the reassignment of personnel and equipment have been set in stone.

11/05/2011 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He had a death in the family in New York. That's why he has been quiet. Seriously

11/05/2011 05:01:00 AM

Wow, we only get three days for death in immediate family. He gets THREE WEEKS? Nice.

11/06/2011 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coming monday at salzer library in 019 mcdumbass is having a town hall meeting to discuss the closing of the district and go on record as to what will happen to the officers. 1800-2000 hrs. This meeting is open to the public, so i suggest anyone who works in 019 or even 023 attend as this decision greatly affects your future.

11/05/2011 08:07:00 AM


Get your head out of your ass people and start doing nothing like you are supposed to be doing...Like a democrat..

11/06/2011 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup, 201 am nailed it. but as 828 am also says, EVERY political hack thats been merited thruout their total career has sold their souls for their positions. fuck Jfled, fuck McStupid and fuck 99% of the supervisors on this job. real bosses are a dying breed - almost extinct. this job is toast and you pups that think otherwise will get a taste of this brutal reality come May 2012. (clout kiddies that wont see the streets disregard) you WILL see just how spineless and in over their heads these supervisors really are. sad thing is, the whole world will also see just how inept this dept really is also. rant/over

11/06/2011 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure he wasn't there? The comments from the 1st Deputy at the end of the meeting sounded just like him!

11/06/2011 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death in family out of certain states is five days. So his cancelling the other 2 weeks are due to budget meetings? Bull. The budget was already done in October 2011.

11/06/2011 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this dept. paying for all these blackberrys and the misuse. Only exempts should have them, and the reason why is the posts we just read

11/06/2011 05:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Huberman do this same thing to J-Fled ? ? ?

11/06/2011 05:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen up all of you working in 023 and 019. Come January when 019 merges with 023 those of you with under 13 yrs on are gonna be detailed out for 90 days including sergeants. Your a bidder to the watch NOT the district unless you bid into the district within the past year. The 13 yr figure is a guesstimate but the city will determine the allotted manpower for the new 023/019 and allow those officers to then bid for the new 023/019 and those of you who don't make it will be reassigned or detailed out, my guess will be west and south. Think about it there is NO way 023 can accommodate over 50 sgts, and 300 + PO,s.

11/06/2011 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 758pm..hey asshat quit posting bullshit. Bar video dumbfuck? Yea, because most bars give a shit who is on their cellphones during the night. And let me guess, the detectives are working a case on the lost cellphone where they need to retreive video? Keep typing up complete lies in your mother's basement douchebag.

11/06/2011 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, there really should be a metro police department. Get rid of these small town, inept and corupt departments; i.e. should I say Country Club Hills, Dolton, Markham, etc. Also the Forest Preserve police, the Cook County Hospital police. But, it will never happen.

11/06/2011 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OFF TOPIC: A "SEXTING" scandal broke last weekend when the female Comp Stat secretary went out drinking last Saturday night. Sometime during the evening this female text the Supt a pic of her naked posterior and frontal images to his Blackberry.(from what i hear, she should keep her clothes on) After sobering up and realizing how stupid she was, she related that her phone was lost and that someone else sent the pics. A review of bar video proved that she had her phone the whole night. If that was me or you sending pics like that to a female Exempt,(let alone the Supt.) the 30 pending would probably hit the next day. There is much more to come on this!

11/05/2011 07:58:00 PM

Who cares? I bet a lot of people fool around. I wish someone would send me pictures. All of a sudden we are so pure. The clouted always have a different set of rules. Move on son.

11/06/2011 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This coming monday at salzer library in 019 mcdumbass is having a town hall meeting to discuss the closing of the district and go on record as to what will happen to the officers. 1800-2000 hrs. This meeting is open to the public, so i suggest anyone who works in 019 or even 023 attend as this decision greatly affects your future.

Be there and pay attention to what he says.

11/06/2011 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy SCC, do you know if the Supt made it to the Ukrainian Village to speak about the closing of the 13 th dist?

11/05/2011 06:34:00 AM

Yes, and they were not impressed with his New York style. At one point he said "Whatdaya tink. I gotta closet fulla cops?" I was all downhill from there. He cut out and left Wysinger holding the bag.

11/06/2011 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found this browsing this morning on Sun-Times website and posted a comment.

Top cop McCarthy tells aldermen of plan to close three stations, redeploy officers

McCarthy said, …
"As a result of having gunshot technology in the right places, we are responding to shots fired calls without a 911 call and making arrests of people with guns. That’s really important to me.”

GUNSHOT TECHNOLOGY!?!? I have worked the Westside for over 10 years and I have never got a call regarding, "Shots Fired” from any gunshot detection system. Never, did any Chicago Cop ever get one of these calls?

However the last three and a half years have been the worst as our ranks have been depleted in order to buy flowered median strips and iron fences. I am a resident, a taxpayer and a voter and I hardly ever see the police in my neighborhood any more. My neighbors will tell me about problems because there is never a Beat Car around.

What about your neighborhood. Do you want flowerpots or police?
Go to and tell your Alderman that your want them to HIRE MORE POLICE!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Has anyone anywhere ever got one of those Gunshot Detection calls?
Or is that something else that the city didn’t pay the bill on.

11/06/2011 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Anonymous said...
This coming monday at salzer library in 019 mcdumbass is having a town hall meeting to discuss the closing of the district and go on record as to what will happen to the officers. 1800-2000 hrs. This meeting is open to the public, so i suggest anyone who works in 019 or even 023 attend as this decision greatly affects your future.

11/05/2011 08:07:00 AM.."

to: McCarthy

We know you monitor this blog.

At that meeting you will please have accurate figures on the current manpower levels for the C.P.D. They will be compared with figures we have from a trusted source.

The projected manpower level between now and May 2012 (G-8 & NATO).

"We are not here to discuss that." is not an option.

The angry taxpayers want to know why their police protection is getting stripped to pay Rahm's pals.

The angry police want to know why anyone with police integrity would go along with Rahm's plans to strip the people of their protection and the police of their hard won benefits.

11/06/2011 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEy SCC, do you know if the Supt made it to the Ukrainian Village to speak about the closing of the 13 th dist?

11/05/2011 06:34:00 AM

Yes, and they were not impressed with his New York style. At one point he said "Whatdaya tink. I gotta closet fulla cops?" I was all downhill from there. He cut out and left Wysinger holding the bag.

Ol' "Lamber Tree" Al better get used to this. He'll
be left holding the bag often white McZERO holds
down the main office.

11/06/2011 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never been fond of New Yorkers. The dimwits seem to think that they are special. They are special, now go run to the short bus, New York superstars.

11/06/2011 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put more credence in The War of the Worlds taking place than this nonsense. Total bullshit. I would like a toke of whatever this poster is smoking.

I am set on one thing, when retirement comes around next year I sure hope I can find some nice strong hashish like I used to get in 1967. That was the Summer of Love you puppy dogs. What a great time I had,yes indeed!

11/05/2011 04:15:00 PM

Hey old dog. Quick cyphering shows you are a minimum of 60 years old. Why in the world are you waiting for next year? I think the 60's hash fried your brain.

15 November is in 9 days and, unless you are unconcious, you know it is the optimal day of the year to retire. If you do not know why, ask around. It is time to go and enjoy life, unless you are a white-shirt or an exempt that just cannot give it up, and there are plenty of them.

11/06/2011 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone anywhere ever got one of those Gunshot Detection calls?
Or is that something else that the city didn’t pay the bill on.

11/06/2011 01:06:00 PM

Went to some camera class a couple of years ago and we were told the cameras no longer have gunshot detection. Haven't for a long time.

11/06/2011 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's imagine for the moment that the collar McGUMP dons is actually a ball gag as seen in the classic movie Pulp fiction......ahhhhhh

11/05/2011 04:05:00 PM



"Get the McGIMP!"

11/07/2011 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Has anyone anywhere ever got one of those Gunshot Detection calls?
Or is that something else that the city didn’t pay the bill on.

11/06/2011 01:06:00 PM

Went to some camera class a couple of years ago and we were told the cameras no longer have gunshot detection. Haven't for a long time.

11/06/2011 11:49:00 PM"


That means that McCarthy was... lying to Fran Spielman!

OR, that both of them were lying to the Chicago Public!

OR, that... the Vaneckos sold...

11/07/2011 05:07:00 PM  

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