Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Willful Blindness

This one is so out of left field, we almost thought it was just a troll trying to start trouble regarding the meeting about closing 019:
  • Scc, aside from that comment the meeting was positive. Im not a cop but my son is and I live in the 19th. Every officer is going to the 23rd. Every last one. I dont know how they can wiggle out of that. I am concerned with increased response times and the motivation of this move like everyone else but if what they said last night is true, as a citizen directly affected by this I can say it seems better than losing half our officers to "low income" districts. And your representative from the FOP did a phenomenal job, just thought your readers would like to know. I dont trust the city, but if what they said was true, neither the officers involved, nor the citizens have much to be concerned about. Now lets just see if they were telling the truth!
How can you tell if a boss/lawyer/politician is lying?

His lips are moving.

We don't think anyone believes that you can just combine two districts into one, there's just too much duplicated effort. The physical building itself wasn't built to house 500 plus people. This just seems like an artful lie to give Rahm some breathing room. Remember, this joker has a history of lying - Hiring a thousand cops? He meant "moving" a thousand cops, not hiring, all video and witness in existence to the contrary.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is all coming from City Hall....what Rhammie wants, he gets; McJerseyshore wouldn't know a CPD station from a donut shop......wait, there's someone else who can help!

11/09/2011 12:20:00 AM  
Blogger TWENTY and OUT said...

I love donuts so much that is what my activity is going to look like for the rest of the month Al.
0 parkers
0 movers
0 contact cards
0 anov's
0 misdemeanors
0 felonys
There, there's a half dozen donuts every night that I will gladly serve up for you and the city.

11/09/2011 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance you baffle them with bullshit.

The trend proves more consistent the deeper you look. The numbers of new cops to the pedestrian deaths from vehicle accidents are higher then NYC when it comes to the speeding cameras.

11/09/2011 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't understand how this move saves Chicago money. It's my understanding that the building at Western and Belmont will still be open as a lock-up (for 014) and an Area for Detectives.

11/09/2011 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the same thing in my FOP newsletter which came in the mail today.

11/09/2011 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...And your representative from the FOP did a phenomenal job, just thought your readers would like to know. I dont trust the city, but if what they said was true, neither the officers involved, nor the citizens have much to be concerned about. Now lets just see if they were telling the truth!

11/08/2011 08:53:00 AM
And, when you learn you were naive, believing what you WANT to believe because you heard what you wanted to hear, what then?

The time to say no, with a very big voice, is now. You have been mollified, plain and simple. You've been bought off with a dog and pony show and a very sincere, soft-spoken batch of lies.

I guarantee you, every officer is NOT going to 023. And when it happens, all of you who live in the area will tuck in your tails, whimper a bit and go curl up in the corner.

11/08/2011 05:36:00 PM

I don't generally like the terms 'sheep' or 'sheeple'. Sadly, that's what we're seeing here; the sheep are being led blindly along by McSuddenlyShy and Emanuel.

I can hear them now. "Shhh, they'll never know what hit 'em."

"Ah, they're too stupid to know how many cops are assigned to their district now or to care how many are assigned once the merge takes place."

"Yeah, we'll just tell 'em they have the same number as they always had. They'll never be able to get accurate numbers, so they'll never be able to prove anything."

"Who CARES if they can prove anything!?! We're going to do what WE want to do, anyway, the citizens be damned! WE know better than they do about what they need."

"Okay, just go in there and promise them whatever will keep them quiet and compliant."

11/09/2011 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someones going to Engl-wood doo daa, doo daa.

11/09/2011 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous the grammar police said...

"The physical building itself wasn't build to house..."

"Build" should be "built."

11/09/2011 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Hey, I'm Just Sayin, said...

This is a post that ran in the Uptown Update blog last week, complete with comments. The same concerns are present there:


A Cop Talks About Redistricting

We received this from someone who wants to remain anonymous. We don't know how true it is. We trust this person has contacted the appropriate alderman about his/her concerns.

"I am a police supervisor who has been studying the department's proposal to consolidate police districts, specifically 19 and 23 come the first of the year. When that happens us Uptown residents will barely see a police car. Now, the 2 districts have a total of 18 beats. When consolidated, the new district will have only 15 beats, a loss of 3-6 officers per watch..."

11/09/2011 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current employee pension changes advanced yesterday in State House. Setting up higher contributions. We already pay more than most. Great session ahead. Tax breaks for the rich guys at the Merc, pension cuts for middle class cops, firemen and teachers.

11/09/2011 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As expected the little fucker Cross ran his scam on everyone who went down to Springfield, lying and claiming he pulled his fuckstick legislation off the table until spring, the ignorant fucker just pulled THIS shit the very second we left that shithole downstate:

The House Personnel & Pensions Committee voted 5-4 to send the bill to the full House.

Go figure this little pussy lies to everyone's face then assfucks us the minute we leave.

Couple that with his office officially telling Chicago residents to go fuck off and refuse their calls now?

FUCK HIM TWICE.... this cocksucker thinks he can destroy OUR fucking pensions against the constitution and then ignore our fucking voice?

Get back on the fucking phones again folks because this little shitbird ain't gonna stop until all those fuckers the Democrats appointed to the courts violate the very laws that protect us as we have nowhere else to go.

11/09/2011 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect a 3 to 5 % effective pay cut in your check for the higher pension contributions that will work their way to CPD pensions as the pension law changes work their way through the legislature.

11/09/2011 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No support from McMustache?

11/09/2011 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is NOT about saving money. This all about getting coppers out of the middle class,taxpaying areas like 019 and into the west and south sides. Think about it. Where are they really saving money. The building is paid for. Building maintainance of those buildings are paid for out of the general fund, not the Police Department. No one is loosing their job, they are going to be re-assigned. So how are they saving money? The answer is they aren't. And that's OK. They already know that. But these closures and consolidations will help them accomplish their true goal. And that is district and beat re-alignment. This is their way of accomplishing it without admitting it. I GUARANTEE you that here's what is going to happen. They will at first consolidate those districts like 019 and 023. They will add a one or two sectors to that new district which will then contain 2-3 beats within that sector. After about a year or so they will publicly state that because of the brilliant tactical move that they made in closing down say 019, that crime is down and they don't need all those officers that they transferred in from 019.They will then ship those Officers out south. The yuppie residents of the old 019 will buy into just like they buy into every thing else that Rahm says.

If you or anybody else thinks that they are going to keep all those Officers from 019 in the new 023 or 012, you are nuts. I predict that anyone in either 013 or 019 in a years from now will be either out south or out west if they have under 15 years of service.

11/09/2011 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to blame the Mayor and Supe if you ever get challenged on a Parker, Mover, ANOV, impound, slow response time, etc.

After all, we are just lazy and sit at Dunking' all night, we just want tI prove them wrong

11/09/2011 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can honestly say fuck this department! Let the city burn and get raped by the animals!

You stupid fucks in 019 and 023 that live there actually believe this garbage from the mayor and command staff! You reap what you sow! For what you people pay in property taxes you all should be screaming bloody murder!

The bottom line is the officers on the front line will be less where you live! Dummies playing into thieving Rahms hands! Rahm has no repect for the tax paying citizens! Look at all the junk taxes he is trying to pull as it is! Get ready to pay more stupids!

Da Pelon

11/09/2011 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with sending some of those POs to 018. I do see something wrong if they go to 005.

11/09/2011 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous retired guy said...

The sad part is the comments from those who are determined to do absolutely nothing on this job and are proud of it. The job has gotten to the point that nothing can be done about this louts. They should be suspended and if no improvement, fired. Then, they will find out that they really had a good and welling paying job. Twenty and Out should be the first.

11/09/2011 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, here is my question....... new police stations are built to house officers assigned to the district. In other words, if a station is assigned 500 officers the powers to be put in 500 lockers, build big enough squad rooms etc... so if 500 officers are assigned then the station is full.

Now, combined that full district with another district... common sense should tell you that the district will be over crowded and there will be officers stumbling over one another to get to the bathroom.

So by combining two districts to me means that the district that is SUPPOSE to have 500 officers don't really have 500 officers.

In other words, we are so short manpower that one district can just walk into another district and everyone will be comfortable.

Or, maybe some of the officers that are to merge will not be going to the merged district? Hmmmm, lies??

11/09/2011 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Pensions
This guy has regularly updated news about stat lawmakers and legislation.

11/09/2011 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your NOT already retired your pension is going south! Rahm needs the money for something else other than your welfare. Thanks for contributing to my campagin fund


11/09/2011 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't believe it for one minute! There is not enough room in 023 for ALL the P.O.'s. Not enough lockers or parking. Of course they could convert the now closed brand new lockup into a locker room.

11/09/2011 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every cop from 019 WILL go to 023 upon consolidation. For 1 or 2 periods. Then the transfers will begin. That way to two liars tell the truth. They just don't say once the two districts combine all the officers will STAY there.

11/09/2011 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor needs to find places he can rob so he can give the Cubs their 20million dollars,

11/09/2011 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work in 019. Whats great is the people who are speaking out against the meeting the most are the Sgts. Why? Because they are not being included in the move. They are going to be shipped out all over the place. And misery loves company! Can you think of anything worse than being told "youre getting fucked, but all those around you are going to be just fine"? So all the haters and naysayers are either (1) Sgts who are not being included or (2) 023 POs who are (rightfully) concerned about their diminished seniority. Sorry, but we're coming to 023 ALL 218 of us!!! So get used to shitty watches, worse furloughs, crowded halls, and half off at Mi Tierra! Oh wait, you already have that one figured out! And Sgts, buh bye...see ya in the WOOD!!! (if youre luck to land that far north...start earning that 45 minutes a day!)

11/09/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rahm is gonna destroy the police department and he will do anything to bring crime with quick fixes so he can look good while running for president 2016.

11/09/2011 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They may be assigned to 023 but, they most likely will be detailed out.

Were the citizens in 013 and 021 told the same story?

11/09/2011 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Close it! For the most part 019 has horrible leadership, with a few exceptions. P.O.'S with no clout are treated like garbage. You would think the citizens there would respect the police since they are educated and hold done jobs, but it is the complete opposite. They have zero respect for or appreciation for the police. You hear more derogatory comments from them than any citizens in high crime areas. Bottom line they hate the police there and deserve exactly what they are getting. Maybe when their fancy over-rated neighborhood gets no police service, they will realize why we're there. They are the same people that can't wait to see your pension go away.

11/09/2011 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TWENTY and OUT said...
I love donuts so much that is what my activity is going to look like for the rest of the month Al.
0 parkers
0 movers
0 contact cards
0 anov's
0 misdemeanors
0 felonys
There, there's a half dozen donuts every night that I will gladly serve up for you and the city.

11/09/2011 12:20:00 AM

Month? That is the rest of my career! They close my police station. Fuck 'em. I do nothing. Kiss my donut shitting ass wysinger.

11/09/2011 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still don't understand how this move saves Chicago money. It's my understanding that the building at Western and Belmont will still be open as a lock-up (for 014) and an Area for Detectives.

11/09/2011 12:33:00 AM

It also will be the only lockup for 023 and 019.

11/09/2011 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Expect a 3 to 5 % effective pay cut in your check for the higher pension contributions that will work their way to CPD pensions as the pension law changes work their way through the legislature.

11/09/2011 06:15:00 AM

I used to hear from old timers that they know when it is time to retire. Now I am an old timer and I know exactly what they mean. I am feeling the retirement drumbeat quite strongly. It is time. Now, once I've made that decision, which I did last night with my wife, I can calmly plan the final weeks of this police career.

Thanks everyone for everything. I met many great coppers along the way and god speed to all of you. Stay safe. This is not exactly how I wanted to go but I have zero incentive to continue. And with the pension changes looming, I want to get my 28 years locked in and get those pension checks flowing.

Adios amigos. Via Con Dios

11/09/2011 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone from the community taping the meetings? Not that it matters!

You can at least go back and check the part(s)on the tape when he says he was misquoted.

Politically appointed liars forget what they promised real fast.

11/09/2011 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh bt-fucking-w, TODAY is the last day to qual your alt/aux weapons!

I know MY w/c never read anying at roll call. I hear they had to announce it over the P.A. in one North side district today.

Jag offs.

11/09/2011 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the citizen who wrote the post.


11/09/2011 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still don't understand how this move saves Chicago money. It's my understanding that the building at Western and Belmont will still be open as a lock-up (for 014) and an Area for Detectives.

11/09/2011 12:33:00 AM

bec they are lying thru thier teeth. NOT everyone is going.

11/09/2011 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there cutting out a bunch of openings from districts (manpower #s)to make it seem like the district are almost fully staffed.Heard mass transit had 50 open spots removed from the total fully staffed amount.Later Rahm can say all the district are 90% manned.

11/09/2011 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as the "connected assholes" get good police and fire dept. service the rest of us can go straight to fucking Hell. They could care less about anyone who is not part of the privileged group of politicians and their families. Alderfools told the media that they are very comfortable with the Racoon doubling our water bills by 2015. Really. Hey...Fuckheads...I am NOT comfortable with paying all that money to be shoved down some unknown city rat hole. Why aren't these elected assholes asking US what we think about getting reamed by this Midget Mother Fucker! But we only count at election time. They need enough of us voting for them to stay in power. Fuck these Bastards!

11/09/2011 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would have made SENSE would have been to move 23 INTO 019...cause, ya know, its a huge building.... call me crazy...

11/09/2011 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor, naive citizen...there is no logistical way that the 023rd District can accommodate 400 PO's and 50 supervisors. The assholes that make the decisions (which are very poorly qualified to do so) know this, are lying to all of you and us and are planning on sending as many PO's to "busier" districts as they can get away with.

They are also banking on the idea that the older Coppers won't want o move to 023, and therefore retire a year or two, maybe even three or four, years earlier than the expected.

The PO's and supervisors with low seniority and no bid spots will be allowed to bid to other Districts where there are "openings", which I put in quotations because those openings will, conveniently, only be in the ghetto.

You know...the ghetto; where Sanctuary City coddles and pampers the pieces of shit that don't pay taxes, but still use up a vast amount of resources compared to the hard-working, law-abiding citizens of this once-great city.

11/09/2011 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is how the great efficiency plan is going to work. Once the affected districts are combined and the beats redrawn the excess officers and supervisors will be detailed for 90 days to non-tax playing districts. Those officers will then go back to their assigned districts for 180 days and then can be detailed out again. This is in our contract and this is how the tax paying citizens will lose officers in their area. Again, the brass and mayor are not lying about the officers still being assigned but they will be moved!!!!

11/09/2011 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: "Preckwinkle says her proposed tax increases will be good for the health of tobacco users and people who drink too much alcohol."

She doesn't want the money, she is just concerned about (the parents of) the children.

The Nanny State continues to grow!

11/09/2011 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it took too long to get to a job, blame the Mayor.

I say hammer people with tickets and blame the Mayor.

11/09/2011 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anybody believe that there will be no changes on the merger of 019 and 023.

When it is all said and done there will be 3 sectors with 3 cars per sector and maybe one wagon. (it will eliminate 10 cars)

The rest of the manpower to the southside.

11/09/2011 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous IMPORTANT SCC said...

Off topic but important.
Virgina Perillo who was a 73 year old nurse who was brutally murdered in 009 a few weeks ago may have been killed by ........ wait for it..... a parolee!! he is currently on parole for an attempted murder from 1997. he is a several time convicted felon and has been in prison numerous times. The case he is on parole for is for attempted murder and he got 30 years in idoc.. he has been on parole since may.. scc, please run with this one. What a bunch of garbage. Typical.

11/09/2011 03:08:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...







11/09/2011 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats great is the people who are speaking out against the meeting the most are the Sgts. Why? Because they are not being included in the move. They are going to be shipped out all over the place.

Heard this was just changed. all 019 sgts are going to 023. Just WAAAAY too much clout to screw over. Probably means less PO's will be going now.

11/09/2011 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

retired guy said...
The sad part is the comments from those who are determined to do absolutely nothing on this job and are proud of it. The job has gotten to the point that nothing can be done about this louts. They should be suspended and if no improvement, fired. Then, they will find out that they really had a good and welling paying job. Twenty and Out should be the first.

11/09/2011 08:37:00 AM

This is not your father's police department. Enjoy your retirement. Your time has come and gone. The Society for the Preservation of the Way It Was is now almost extinct.

11/09/2011 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Just Sayin, said...
This is a post that ran in the Uptown Update blog last week, complete with comments. The same concerns are present there:


A Cop Talks About Redistricting

We received this from someone who wants to remain anonymous. We don't know how true it is. We trust this person has contacted the appropriate alderman about his/her concerns.

"I am a police supervisor who has been studying the department's proposal to consolidate police districts, specifically 19 and 23 come the first of the year. When that happens us Uptown residents will barely see a police car. Now, the 2 districts have a total of 18 beats. When consolidated, the new district will have only 15 beats, a loss of 3-6 officers per watch..."

11/09/2011 04:01:00 AM

This is true. The new redrawn beat maps are done and have been seen already.

11/09/2011 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have to wonder who the evil prick is that thought this up!

11/09/2011 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the people assigned to the 23rd District can park at River- view and be shuttle-bussed over like they do during Cubs games. Either that or be ready to be ticketed everyday D of R for parking illegally around 023 (a little more revenue for tiny dancer).

11/09/2011 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The yuppie residents of the old 019 will buy into just like they buy into every thing else that Rahm says.

The Yuppies just don't care. They are brainwashed sheeple that will CONTINUE to vote DemocRAT. They voted for Ram-it-up-your-ass! And they will again. They will continue to march off into the sunset against their own best interests. For fucksake they leave their houses UNLOCKED like this is fucking Palatine or something. I really can't understand them. I am flabergashted. **50** fucking people showed up to the meeting?? That's it? Too busy watching Da Bears at the quaint corner Irish pub to be bothered if you'll even make it home alive?????? These dumbasses pay boat loads of dough to the tax man, and could give a shit where it goes, as long as Da Cubbies are playing and Da (Jesse Jackassson supplied) Bud Lite is flowing.


11/09/2011 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the residents and retail owners in 001 and 018 realize they have to travel to 55th and Wentworth to view line ups, sign complaints, etc. I'll bet they don't know about that little inconvenience.

11/09/2011 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What would have made SENSE would have been to move 23 INTO 019...cause, ya know, its a huge building.... call me crazy...

11/09/2011 11:48:00 AM

But then they could not spend millions of your taxes to build the new 023!

Liek in 020, There was a shithole crazy house "The Summerset". The state spent thousands of dollars on re-bricking the facade! Then guess what a week later, they closed the joint down and boarded it up!! Like they didn't know THAT was going to happen!!! What clouted prick got that contract? The Feds are obviously a joke.

11/09/2011 05:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reality most officers working in busy districts don't care either.

11/09/2011 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"...with the pension changes looming, I want to get my 28 years locked in and get those pension checks flowing."

11/09/2011 10:05:00 AM

Better get that free health insurance locked in, as well. That shit is expensive!

I left a couple years BEFORE that was offered, and BELIEVE ME, I'd be a lot happier and better off if I didn't have to pay for it out of my pension check!

But, as you said, you DO know when it's time to go, and though I wish I wasn't paying for MY health insurance, I retired when I knew it was time to go... no regrets.

11/09/2011 05:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Heard this was just changed. all 019 sgts are going to 023. Just WAAAAY too much clout to screw over. Probably means less PO's will be going now.

11/09/2011 04:09:00 PM

Just as well... most of them wouldn't know what to do on a homicide scene anyway. Just sayin.

11/09/2011 05:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 11/9 @945am.... Seems your very bitter about what?? My bet is that you have been a fucking dog ass for many years and are proud if it.. You are the guy who goes to the bar and tries to impress drunk whores with stories you heard from real officers...all you do is put yourself into their story. You are also the guy who goes home and tells his son,daughter and wife what a hard day he had and how you took down a gorilla trying to snatch a purse from a lil ol granny (another made up story) but in reality... Your just a fucking dog ass wanna be cop...who never was one and only complained and whined when "it wasn't fair" (stomping your feet). Then you talk some more shit about your hatred for the "white shirts" like you are "owed" something for the hero that you are not... I am sure that a hard charger such as yourself has had his ass removed from the proverbial wringer many times by one of those jag off white shirts... Anyway.. You should retire...seems as if you are bitter enough and done it all... But we all know guys like you...who haven't done shit their entire career except whine and bitch and moan because tour pussy hurts... Guess what super cop... We are all feeling the shit that is rolling down hill from city hall and it's dispatched minions so why don't you try to help out the cause by shutting your pie hole and do the best we can to help each other out in these bad times instead of spewing shit from your negative little opinionated brain about how others are going to get fucked etc... Let's work together and stay united for each other. Let's try to be brothers and stand up for who we are and what we deserve instead of putting each other down?? Or like I said... Just retire.. Have a great day office. Signed a jag off white shirt NOT from 019 or 023

11/09/2011 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Just sayin 2 said...

Retiree's who continue to pay FOP union dues are softer than puppy shit. You will never see me pay them a dime! If I want info, just come to SCC or SLC. We should pay them our dues money.

11/09/2011 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in 925. Ever since the police station moved to 31st there are less police around. I rarely see 925 except on days. Im pretty sure they are sent elsewhere. So all you 19th district residents expect more crime. We have had quite a few robberies recently as the beast has become more brazen in the area. You WILL see crime up. Arm yourself I have and will take my chances if I have to use it.

11/09/2011 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The majority of voters wanted Rahm to be mayor and they got what they wanted. Everything he does to screw over the citizens day after day, I hope all these Rahm supporters are happy with their choice. If he could terminate or lay off thousands of officers, he would do it in a second. He should of mentioned that in his election campaign. Chico would NOT have done half this BS, he was a fire and police supporter and had an idea how it works in Chicago. The best candidates are rarely elected. Look around, every one in the local, county, state, and federal political arena are such geniuses! If you think its going to improve, you are living in a dream land.

11/09/2011 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For fucksake they leave their houses UNLOCKED like this is fucking Palatine or something.

11/09/2011 05:08:00 PM

Palatine? Oh yea that nice quiet little town who had that little mass murder at a Browns chicken.

11/09/2011 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3% of 8 hours = 14 minutes.
5% of 8 hours = 24 minutes.
I sure I can make it work for me somehow.

11/09/2011 06:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear the coppers with less than 13 years will go to the 3rd district.

11/09/2011 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hester Scott star restored.. finally

11/09/2011 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone addressing the Detective situation. No one has been telling us shit. Bryne has no balls. They sold their souls. Dean is behind this bullshit. Ball licker.

11/09/2011 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What would have made SENSE would have been to move 23 INTO 019...cause, ya know, its a huge building.... call me crazy...

11/09/2011 11:48:00 AM

But then they could not spend millions of your taxes to build the new 023!

Liek in 020, There was a shithole crazy house "The Summerset". The state spent thousands of dollars on re-bricking the facade! Then guess what a week later, they closed the joint down and boarded it up!! Like they didn't know THAT was going to happen!!! What clouted prick got that contract? The Feds are obviously a joke.

11/09/2011 05:13:00 PM

The main reason governments are failing is politicians and poor management. If they were in the private sector they would be fired ASAP!!!

11/09/2011 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a smart Personnel Injury Attorney you'd be advertising in the Dist's. Between the criminal misappropriation of funds to adequately staff the Dist's, to the impending disaster in May that was INVITED to our illequipped city, we are being set up to fail. HELP...SOMEBODY!!!

11/09/2011 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the alderpeeps with some intestinal fortitude, the bosses who are stand-up guys and gals, who will, in fact, stand up to Midget Emperor NapoleonRaccoon about his lack of clothes, I mean sense?

11/09/2011 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

The voters have buyer's remorse with 9.5

Everybody was happy as long as he was "only" going to fuck with Policemen, their pay and pensions.

So now the public screams when 9.5 is behind them fondling & caressing while whispering in their ear, "I'm not bending you over, it's those greedy coppers."


Willful Blindness has the company of Blissful Ignorance as war has been declared on Policemen and all their cares and concerns...

A certain truth...

As Policemen go, along with the very ideals of effective Policing, so goes this city.

War on Policemen means making friends with the maurauding shit-birds is considered a viable option to the public and the powers that be.

It seems the current state of affairs is a cover for the powers that be to game the system and legally run away/undermine by legislative subterfuge their fiduciary obligation to Policemen.

The current state of madness is totally avoidable and very unnecessary... Well, for people interested in doing what is right.

Rahm & company just don't have any answers except to fuck Policemen up to prove a point... And it shows!

11/09/2011 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: 5:10pm... If you don't even know where Area 1 is located (it's 51st/Wentworth not 55th) why would you care about store owners in 001 & 018.

11/09/2011 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OT: "Preckwinkle says her proposed tax increases will be good for the health of tobacco users and people who drink too much alcohol."

She doesn't want the money, she is just concerned about (the parents of) the children.

The Nanny State continues to grow!"

don't you just love how liberals and democrats, under the guise of taxation, have decided that they know best for you, how you should live your lives.....freedom, what's that?

11/09/2011 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the Penn State and Joe Paterno fiasco.

All about the money.

Broken Windows is political bullshit that you whip out like a catchy marketing slogan at alderman and mayoral photo ops and press conferences.

11/09/2011 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: DTEB's last day tomorrow. He asked for his female Lt and Sgt to be taken care of. A new unit was created to adhere to his wishes. So, everyone else can go back to the street but the annointed ladies in his office can stay in some bs unit? Not much has changed with the new administration. Lt KM would step on her own mother to get to the top.

11/09/2011 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until the residents and retail owners in 001 and 018 realize they have to travel to 55th and Wentworth to view line ups, sign complaints, etc. I'll bet they don't know about that little inconvenience.

11/09/2011 05:10:00 PM

That's 51st & Wentworth chief and 001 was in Area 1 long before ir was in Area 4 which was before it was in Area 3. Believe it or not, this department existed before checkerboard baseball hats.

11/09/2011 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Regardless of what you think/who's responsible for the Penn State/Sandusky/Paterno debacle, isn't it interesting that academia, who, along with the media, purport to be morally right, eternally straight & narrow, and above the rest of us, are in the end, just interested in the money.

The Penn State/Paterno Legacy made A LOT of money for the school and was certainly a selling point.

Paterno did what was required; he reported the incident. It was not his job to "follow up" on it, etc.

And certainly there had to be many others who knew what was going on but kept silent to protect the University.


11/09/2011 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I say hammer people with tickets and blame the Mayor."

The few tickets that I do write are all the result of the "Mayor's Traffic Safety Program"!

It's not about the $$$ you know.

11/09/2011 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I still don't understand how this move saves Chicago money. It's my understanding that the building at Western and Belmont will still be open as a lock-up (for 014) and an Area for Detectives.

11/09/2011 12:33:00 AM

And, it will cost approximately 7 million dollars to make this move. Not enough computers, phone lines, parking spots, space for desks or files, you get the picture...

11/09/2011 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wait until the residents and retail owners in 001 and 018 realize they have to travel to 55th and Wentworth to view line ups, sign complaints, etc. I'll bet they don't know about that little inconvenience.

11/09/2011 05:10:00 PM

Wait until they get a whiff of that hell hole.
Then the northside liberals will really start complaining.

11/09/2011 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Pensions
This guy has regularly updated news about stat lawmakers and legislation.

11/09/2011 09:10:00 AM

I tried calling my State Rep. Michael Zalewski Jr. and guess what?
His phone just rings and rings and rings, then hangs up on the caller.

Wow. But I am not surprised.

11/09/2011 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT, The Sun Times reports Daley has been offered a fellowship to lecture at Harvard...

What's he going to talk about? How to get a college degree and still be a fucking moron?

11/09/2011 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching a live stream of Penn State students flipping over a satellite truck because of Joe Paterno's firing.

Thinking how cover-up's affect the generations to come as being acceptable.

We set the standards that society of the future abide by.

All these covers-ups and just go along with the programs to get along -- keep your mouth shut -- the intimidation the leaders use to retain their power.

This is how it ends up.

Heh.. how big was that QB that walked into the locker to see that 10 year old getting raped?

Six-foot two..three? 232 pounds?..

I'm as disgusted with that as I am this cities leaders.

11/09/2011 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley to lecture at Harvard. What! Our fast ass former chief is going to teach at Harvard? I almost choked on my subway sandwich when I saw this on the news. Is Daley going to teach the kiddies how to destroy a major US city in 20 years. How to leave a city bankrupt. How about Daley fucking us his Mini-Me Racoon Eyes to tax the shit out of us to pay for all the damage he did to this town. They say if you live long enough you will see just about everything.

11/09/2011 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The physical building itself wasn't build to house..."

"Build" should be "built."

11/09/2011 02:31:00 AM

Dude, shut up. I'm lucky I can type at all while this inebriated. Now go read a dictionary. Men and women are talking here.

11/09/2011 11:44:00 PM  
Blogger TWENTY and OUT said...

retired guy said...

The sad part is the comments from those who are determined to do absolutely nothing on this job and are proud of it. The job has gotten to the point that nothing can be done about this louts. They should be suspended and if no improvement, fired. Then, they will find out that they really had a good and welling paying job. Twenty and Out should be the first.


That's just it, if you are retired I'm sure you had at least 20 years on... for arguments sake I'll say 25. And I am also going to assume you retired at least 4 years ago. If I'm close that means you were OTJ from 1982-2007. During that time were the bosses a bunch of pussies like they are today? Did bosses stick it in your ass and make the entire Department look like a bunch of asses in front of citizens when it wasn't even necessary? Did they tell you if you did your job you would have a pension then try to change the rules 15 years later? Nobody has our backs anymore we only have each other. What would you do if the City said they are so broke your current pension paycheck is going to be cut in half even though you fulfilled your half of the bargain?

You don't know me and you don't know where I've worked or what I've done. It's too bad you don't back up fellow officers when bosses disrespect us like this.

Enjoy your retirement, I hope you keep collecting money from the City for a long,long time.

11/10/2011 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let this City burn then we will see who has the last laugh...I'm not the only one either.

11/10/2011 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad part is the comments from those who are determined to do absolutely nothing on this job and are proud of it.

That's because some of us are smart enough to just let it go. I havent had a CR in 11 years. So I dont have to worry about any of them being opened up. You want my advice? Put all that hot shot police effort into something that means something for when you can leave this toilet. I did and Im sure greatful!! They get a few parkers a day, and I answer my calls. I havent been to court in years. And Im not aggrivated because I could fuckin care less!

11/10/2011 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Heard this was just changed. all 019 sgts are going to 023. Just WAAAAY too much clout to screw over. Probably means less PO's will be going now.

11/09/2011 04:09:00 PM

Just as well... most of them wouldn't know what to do on a homicide scene anyway. Just sayin

That's bullshit!! If All US 019 district supervisors got together we would figure it out maybe.

11/10/2011 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....freedom, what's that?

11/09/2011 09:12:00 PM

well, i could tell you, but, then i'd have to kill you.


11/10/2011 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...He asked for his female Lt and Sgt to be taken care of. A new unit was created to adhere to his wishes..."

what a joke--couple of crackpot goofball females--supe is an even bigger fool for taking care of them--not that i would wish either of them on a dostrict--maybe central detention or erps or some such "hole"

11/10/2011 09:49:00 PM  

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