Tuesday, November 08, 2011

No Gunshot Detectors?

From the comment section:
  • Has anyone anywhere ever got one of those Gunshot Detection calls?
    Or is that something else that the city didn’t pay the bill on.

    11/06/2011 01:06:00 PM

    Went to some camera class a couple of years ago and we were told the cameras no longer have gunshot detection. Haven't for a long time.
We noticed that the number of calls coming out, allegedly from the "gunshot detection system" had dropped off precipitously over a year or two ago. We figured, probably like everyone else, that they had finally fine tuned the damn things to be able to tell the difference between a gunshot and a car backfiring, a firework, or a dropped piece of construction debris.

Evidently, that probably would have cost too much, so we understand they mothballed the program.



Anonymous 11th dist King said...

I ripped a fart in my squad car and got a call of shots fired. Does tbat count?

11/08/2011 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it a beat car sitting on 51st 24hours a day with lights on?

11/08/2011 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Separate system, not related to the cameras. Not too expensive, we just didn't use it properly.

11/08/2011 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the speed cameras will have gunshot detectors...nah, gunshot detectors don't make any money!

"Speed cameras get mayor's hard sell
Emanuel focuses on kids hit by cars in push for plan

In stressing those two crashes, Emanuel may have unintentionally underscored difficulties inherent in his plan to safeguard children with speed cameras.

Neither incident occurred under conditions where speed-camera monitoring would have come into play...

The Senate passed the proposal despite some lawmakers questioning whether the city wants speed cameras to generate more revenue from tickets.

...analysis of federal data on crashes showed that Emanuel's proposal would have a limited impact on reducing fatalities.

Red-light cameras generated $69 million for the city in 2010, and speed cameras likely would grow that number considerably.

On Monday, Emanuel said he cares only about safety, not money."

(Liar, liar! Pants on fire!)


11/08/2011 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Luberman Legacy of technological boondoggles continues...

11/08/2011 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last public comment about gunshot detectors was in 2004. I wonder what happened to them. I smell another need inspector general investigation comming on! Deputy Chief of CPD Ron Huberman made the last comment.

11/08/2011 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mcstupid says a big part of his 2012 crime plan involves cameras with gunshot detection. Its even written in the budget. So iguess they aren't going anywhere.

11/08/2011 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news reported today that the traffic cameras being used for speed around schools and parks will work up to 8 miles away, really, students walk that far and it will issue a ticket for 6 miles over the limit and operate 6 am till 10 pm. Unbelievable where is the citizens outrage? It is suppose to save lives, however the study stated only 10% of pedestrians hit was because of speed and most occurred within 1/8th of a mile from school. So WTF? Don't the judges throw out tickets up to 10 mph over the limit?

11/08/2011 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just reading that story in the Trib about the red light cameras pulling in something like %69 million dollars last year and how the mayor is chomping at the bit to get those speed trap cameras installed FOR THE CHILLLLLDREEEN.

And I thought.

Well..with only $69 million coming in from the red light cameras we need another $21 million from the speed trap cameras and then we can say that the CME tax break of $!00 million dollars is fully funded!


Oh and the traders can then celebrate by throwing McDonald's job applications down on the OWS protestors again in a show of hubris.

11/08/2011 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous the Virginian said...

In defense of these systems, or something like them, DC shootings went way down once a system like this was put in place with federal funds. There were one or two instances where the system put out information for shootings involving the police well before the officers could.

Imagine Chicago screwed it up with clouted contracting the way they did everything else.

11/08/2011 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Pod said...

I would imagine that with our landscape, they dont work. Someone needs to investigate the contract and who is lying about this. Also, we don't report shots fired, someone has to be hit or there needs to be property damage. There is always a 911 call with those incidents. The public should Question If this is really the best use of tax payer dollars.

11/08/2011 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

huberman took his gun shot detector back when he left

11/08/2011 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A complete wast of the taxpayer money on something that never worked because some idiot didn't do any research and bought the stupid thing anyway?

I am shocked!

11/08/2011 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah that system was called something like "shot spotter." They had a system up at the CPIC that would chime everytime a shot was heard. They guy would look over, see nothing and continue the word puzzle. At times he would use the radio to reach the zone and let them know a "noise" was heard and approx area. That was the whole system.

11/08/2011 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was working in CPIC and they were "testing" one system. I have to say that the system worked pretty well. It triangulated the origin of the shots and was equipped with learning software to help train the program to not respond to car backfires CTA rail cars etc.

The problem is you need a lot of sensors and they are expensive. So unless the system is owned by Daley, Walsh, Mell of Vanenko you won't be seeing these.

Maybe they should just add wilding detectors to the cameras to locate the packs instead.

11/08/2011 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another pricey abortion, just like the wonderful Vista video conferencing system that gave us the capability to make faces at each other between District roll call rooms. Install some speed cameras at the Academy, maybe they can track the rate of the tumbleweeds blowing down the hallways...

11/08/2011 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Separate system, not related to the cameras. Not too expensive, we just didn't use it properly."

At one point there was a system linked to the camera, and at least one shooting where the camera correctly detected the gun shots and panned, tilted, and focused on the shooters. I don't know what happened, but then the new cameras came out without the gunshot detectors.

11/08/2011 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My partner and I had the best gun shot detectors on the West Side, Our Ears !!!!!!!!!

11/08/2011 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Virginian said...

In defense of these systems, or something like them, DC shootings went way down once a system like this was put in place with federal funds. There were one or two instances where the system put out information for shootings involving the police well before the officers could.

Imagine Chicago screwed it up with clouted contracting the way they did everything else.

11/08/2011 04:51:00 AM

Prepare to flame........
The Shotspotter System was in use here for several years. It is based on proven technology and was used quite a bit to get cars rolling to scenes several minutes before the first radio calls were dispatched. The accuracy was incredible, able to identify specific locations on a standard Chicago lot, down to about 21 feet. There are also several other features on the system that shouldn't be discussed here. Why did we have a problem with it when most other places that use it are happy? Manpower on the street, CPD reporting procedures, and attitudes. The system can only say where the acoustic signature of a gunshot was heard. Not is anything or one was hit Has anyone ever heard the response and tone of the officer and even the dispatcher when the shotspotter call was put out? It sounded like some one ran over their puppy. You could hear the disgust in their voice. The car would then show up on scene and if no one was bleeding or complaining about the obvious bullet holes, it was a 19-Paul or 5-Boy and on to the next stacked job. We didn't document the incidents like most other agencies did. With that in mind, our success ratio was much lower than everywhere else using the system. Did it work? Yes. There was one scene where the shotspotter activated and the call was put out. The victim of the shooting then struck a POD camera pole with his car before he died. Everything was put out over the air before the first call came out through 911. These systems cant catch the offenders. They are there to help US catch the offenders and build a case. That's all.

11/08/2011 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen this system work in other Cites and it's amazing. It's patented technology that would require Chicago to purchase a license. Of course they didn't. Ron Huberfreejobeverywhere just put a mic on top of pod cameras. Ah, doesn't work that way. Our system is useless.

11/08/2011 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11th dist King said...

I ripped a fart in my squad car and got a call of shots fired. Does tbat count?

11/08/2011 12:06:00 AM

only if you felt it.

11/08/2011 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait till Rahm gets the speeding cameras running. He "only cares about safety, not the money. Yeah right! And it's already proven that the latest child deaths by automobiles wouldn't have even been recorded on the new cameras. What can regular people do to stop this monster?

11/08/2011 12:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SMOKE & MIRRORS, all a political snowjob to the public sheeple to believe, like they believe all TV police shows. bullshit. Even if I fire off a gunshot as an offender, does the ultra-stupid CPD Heirarchy think I'd be dumb enough to stand around with a gun and await for officers to arrive and arrest me ?

11/08/2011 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...In defense of these systems, or something like them, DC shootings went way down once a system like this was put in place with federal fund.."


How do we know that? How? How do we know that the numbers are right. I have no trust in them.

With regard to the speed cameras.

I don't think we can believe anything from these people anymore can we?

Just look at Mac and these speed trap cameras.

He was running around boasting how Chicago's pedestrian deaths from speeding were way higher then NYC's and as it turns out he wasn't even comparing apples to apples.

Is there anyone actually fact checking any data being put out by these people? I doubt it.

The Illinois legislature voted for the speed camera's using the false percentages and I didn't hear one of them question the NYC to Chicago comparison.

Are they even reading these bills? It's widespread.


Would speed cameras really save lives?

Ticketing may bring in revenue, but statistics show city's proposed 'safety zones' are not where most kids are killed by speeders


Testifying before the Senate Transportation Committee, Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy punctuated his call for quick action on speed cameras with a chilling statistic: the rate of pedestrian fatalities in Chicago was 68 percent higher than in New York.

That assertion, however, contradicts the city's own recently released analysis of pedestrian crashes that found the pedestrian fatality rate here lower than in New York and many other large municipalities. It concluded that "relatively speaking, Chicago has a safe pedestrian environment given the volume of traffic."

A city spokesman said McCarthy appeared to have garbled the findings of a different study that said the rate of fatalities in all traffic accidents, not just those involving pedestrians, was higher here than in New York.


Was it an accidental "garbling" of the data? If so why is it acceptable! We pay these people six figure salaries and place them on pedestals like they can do no wrong and I expect better. After all how many times do they throw in our faces how they are "the best and the brightest".

They also hire six figure assistants who are the best and the brightest so we are told and this is what we get...and just because it comes out of the mouth of someone in a nice suit we are suppose to accept whatever they are saying as fact!?

No, not anymore.

11/08/2011 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police State.

Chicago should turn it's public schools into boarding school prisons with ten foot security fences, razor wire at the top, cameras, guards and K-9 patrols.

Nobody in, nobody out!

That would "Save the Children" and put a stop to these pedestrian traffic fatalities!

The shootings would fall dramatically too. Get the kids off the streets.

Shouldn't we do that? I mean after all...if it save just one child....than isn't it worth it?

That will make kids safer.

11/08/2011 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fusion center was in charge of monitoring it (shot spotter) but it was constantly going off from road plates slamming after being drove on, cta trains, etc. the system was supposed to learn from its errors, by the fusion center staff entering the correction, so it would learn that the sound it heard was a train, etc. However city had stopped paying for system, as usual they committed to the short term, probably so someone could make a quick buck.
myth was that the system was tied in with the pods and that when it heard a gunshot cameras would turn to shots fired, never happened.

11/08/2011 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The news reported today that the traffic cameras being used for speed around schools and parks will work up to 8 miles away, really, students walk that far and it will issue a ticket for 6 miles over the limit and operate 6 am till 10 pm. Unbelievable where is the citizens outrage? It is suppose to save lives, however the study stated only 10% of pedestrians hit was because of speed and most occurred within 1/8th of a mile from school. So WTF? Don't the judges throw out tickets up to 10 mph over the limit?

11/08/2011 03:47:00 AM

Another waste of Taxpayers Dollars that would be far better off used to hire Fulltime CPD Officers. Watch for the connected Company that gets this Contract, and the kickback will go right back to the CROOKago/CROOK County Democommunist Party.

11/08/2011 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these fucking things even work? More cops in the district would detect gunshots a lot better than some expensive bullshit detectors.

11/08/2011 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked "where is the outrage" over the Racoons complete disregard for the citizens of this town. This fuck head wants ro jack up every fee we have. Your water bill will double in 4 years! What! How many out here in this cesspool city are having a hard time paying their present water bill? Lots! This fucking multi-millionaire skunk has no concept of what it means to make ends meet each month. Many are living paycheck to paycheck. The outrage is on the way folks. When it comes by join in.

11/08/2011 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Don't the judges throw out tickets up to 10 mph over the limit?"

Judges might, but the apparatchik "administrative law judges" (or whatever the "hearing officer" is called, isn't even a judge. He's a city employee whose job depends on findings in favor of the city.

11/08/2011 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Red-light cameras generated $69 million for the city in 2010, and speed cameras likely would grow that number considerably.

On Monday, Emanuel said he cares only about safety, not money."

Well then Rahm will be happy to use that money to fund public safety pensions, right?

11/08/2011 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why did we have a problem with it when most other places that use it are happy? Manpower on the street, CPD reporting procedures, and attitudes."

So in it's application here, it didn't work.

Until you can fix the preceding issues, this is an inefficient use of money.

11/08/2011 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that a Watch Commander, on days in the 22nd District, is taking 30days for falsifying the A&A worksheets. It seems they have been covering up extra desk people and a watch secretary by listing them on the A&A worksheets as working review and foot posts. Anyone care to comment?

I don't think so, The Lt. brings his knee pads to work everyday and polishes the commander after he takes two hours working out in the gym on company time. He shorts the street of officers but no one cares.

11/08/2011 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, the reason why we don't use or have access to the gunshot detectors is because....wait for it...ugh,ugh,ugh...THEY DON'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The echo factor throwing off the direction of anything even remotely sounding like a gunshot was driving the system crazy, it was completely ineffective, and was scrapped probably about 2 years ago. Where U been?

11/08/2011 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shotspotter was a free pilot. The problem w/shotspotter was the gunshots it didn't detect. Only 6 gunshots detected on New Years eve? In 011? It was unreliable. Also, the guys at OEMC would just mute the computer so they couldn't hear the alarms. Wasn't worth the $$$.

No city that buys this crap is going to say they wasted the taxpayer's money. They are going to say it works great. Just ask them.

11/08/2011 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT - Be careful. The danger you face isn't only from inside City Hall/35th Street:

A Southern California jury on Monday convicted a man of attempted murder in a string of bizarre attacks on police that included improvised booby traps and the firing of a World War II-era bazooka at a police station.


11/08/2011 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is it a beat car sitting on 51st 24hours a day with lights on?"

Because McCockSucker wants it there.

11/09/2011 01:21:00 AM  

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