Sunday, November 06, 2011

More Shootings

  • Four people were injured in a single shooting near Ashland Avenue and Division Street this morning, one of several overnight shootings on the North Side, authorities said.

    An off-duty police officer witnessed a car pull up and saw someone inside open fire, striking three males standing on a sidewalk outside La Pasadita restaurant about 3:48 a.m. in the 1100 block of North Ashland Avenue in the East Ukrainian Village neighborhood
The off-duty fired a couple rounds in this shootings and someone turned up at Stroger with holes in them, but no word if it was related.
  • In other overnight violence, one person was shot about 3:45 a.m. at Augusta Boulevard and Milwaukee Avenue in the Noble Square neighborhood on the North Side
  • A 22-year-old man and a 23-year-old woman were shot in the 1300 block of South Troy Street on the city's west side
  • Another man, whose age wasn't immediately available, was shot in his shoulder about 1:13 a.m. on the 4600 block of North Monticello Avenue in the Albany Park neighborhood on the Northwest Side
  • A 32-year-old man was shot multiple times in the 1700 block of Juneway Terrace in the Rogers Park neighborhood
  • A 16-year-old boy was shot in his leg Friday afternoon in the South Chicago neighborhood
Btu hey, crime is still down. We all deserve raises!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is way down!

(down south)

11/06/2011 12:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is everyone on this site so suprised that there are shootings?? This is the city of chicago. There have been multiple shootings in this city forever. This is not some new thing just popping up in the past few years. for gods sake, there use to be dozens shot per night every night in the 70s and 80s. Yes, crime is down. There are shootings now, there were shootings then and there will always be shootings in the future. some people on this job are drama queens who want to portray that things are just so wild and out of control... welcome to chicago rookie!!! Ive worked in almost every neighborhood in this city throughout my 35 years on this job, thugs now are not what gangsters use to be. They are soft. an old school gangster wouldnt just shoot at ya... he would shoot at ya, kill ya, shoot ya more then show up to the funeral home and shoot your corpse in the casket and shoot your brother for good measure. ahahahah, the good ol days. relax everyone, people shot is nothing new.

11/06/2011 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Chaz McGibbons said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!

11/06/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/06/2011 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th dist King said...

You tell lies all lies. Crime is down.

11/06/2011 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

La Pasadita??!?!
Is nothing sacred?

11/06/2011 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

La Pasadita shooting happened within minutes of the shooting at Milwaukee/Augusta…maybe related? Thank God McFart says closing 013 will be GOOD for the community. I still can't carry concealed, my kids go to school near there, and there've been at least 4 armed robberies within 5 blocks of there in the past 10 days.

What a frigging DOGASS this McFart is…and do NOT get me started on Mayor FingerFucker!!!

11/06/2011 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm will hold a news conference tomorrow to announce that crime is down another 20%!
Kool-aid will be served before, during and after this conference, free of charge, but a " fair share -deficit reduction "tax will be collected.

11/06/2011 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Sounds like it's once again time for a Gun Turn-In Program.

Where else but in the Sanctuary City can a gang banging, convicted felon, piece of shit walk into a police station to dispose of one of his shittier pistols (bought on the street for $50 and used to acquire untold ill-gotten gains) for a cool $100 Visa Gift Card?

Worse yet, a reliable source familiar with the turn-in programs of past let me in on a dirty little secret: batches of these guns (she estimates in the 100's) WERE NEVER SENT TO THE CRIME LAB FOR BALLISTIC TESTING. They were immediately sent to the foundry that was contracted by the city to melt them down. Seems that some exempt was more worried about some "going missing" than possibly linking them to crimes. While not too far-fetched thinking on the exempt's part, one would think chain of custody could've been maintained until all weapons were tested, right?

Any of you useless media whores trolling this site for your next big CPD scandal care to take a poke at this travesty? Or how about the related fact that a few out-of-state people (Indianans, were they?) anonymously admitted to bringing in several decayed/inoperable hunks of shit firearms, then used the $1,000 or more in gift cards to buy themselves one or two brand new firearms including, but not limited to, assault rifles.

Babysteps, people. Expose this gaffe and then maybe you'll be motivated to move onto bigger and better things - like LINK card fraud, just for starters (I'm not holding my breath).

Tick, tock! Time's a wastin', all you cub reporters looking to cut your teeth.

11/06/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey gmac looks like we don't need any police on the north side huh?

11/06/2011 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just close more stations down and call in a air strike. Broken arrow!

11/06/2011 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get a kick out of the headlines:
"4 hurt in officer-involved shooting on North Side" When in reality only one person "may" have been shot in this officer involved shooting. The other 3 got hurt when they stumbled into bullets that were fired from a passing car.The officer had nothing to do with them getting "hurt"

11/06/2011 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're doing more with less!

11/06/2011 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Ukranians!

11/06/2011 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it lights up every night, let the corrupt politicians create their socialist utopia.

Keep ushering in the ILLEGAL ALIENS, let the convicts out to roam and devour what is not theirs, let the animals loose upon the hardworking taxpayers.

Let it all burn up, this is what the libs want, let them enjoy it!

11/06/2011 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest another gun turnin. I have some worthless garbage that I could use a $100 a pop on. $50 doesn't cut it though.

11/06/2011 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let us march again for STOP THE VIOLENCE. father PFLEIGER, pull the community together, call ACLU, poor police response.wait tillMNAY G8 conference etc......aew qw ewDY FOR SOME FLASH MOBS...............?

11/06/2011 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

La Pasadita?! Are you kidding me?! WTF! I just cant do Taco Bell after a drunkin stuper. Dangit!

"Mayor FingerFucker"...pretty funny.

11/06/2011 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure the citizens know that within 3 months of the districts closure, at least half of their former 013 officers will be reassigned away from the new 012 Mega-District to points further south and west.

The yuppie Rahm lovers will grow used to the soon to be daily carnage in Ukrainian Village.

Wake up!

11/06/2011 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous bobbo said...

Uh, the city could save money by returning the DOA removal to the police. Why pay over $900 a body for removal, when the police did it for mere sgt's pay for the day?

11/06/2011 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the north side slowly turning into garbage. There are numerous pockets in the north and northwest side that are turning into garbage. Lawrence and Sheridan, Wilson and Broadway, Lawrence and Pulaski, Foster and Sheridan, parts of 017, 019, 020 and 024. To the police officers on this website can you please explain what is happening?
Signed, Joe Citizen Six Pack who lives on the north side of Chicago.

11/06/2011 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm la pasadita good steak tacos and burritos

11/06/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11th dist King said...

You tell lies all lies. Crime is down.

11/06/2011 12:26:00 AM

aka 'Baby Snooks'?

11/06/2011 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Ukranians!

11/06/2011 02:29:00 AM

careful, now, these Ukies don't play.

11/06/2011 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let it all burn up, this is what the libs want, let them enjoy it!

11/06/2011 03:00:00 AM

may i take your order, sir?


11/06/2011 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If McNutty wasn't muzzled by Rahm I'm sure he'd be repeating the mantra: Crime is down( thanks to him and his ideas) and we don't need more police we just need to utilize them more efficiently.
It's just a matter of time before a fed up public starts revolting against these thieving,ppolitical hacks.

11/06/2011 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's the economy

11/06/2011 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone on this site so suprised that there are shootings?? This is the city of chicago. There have been multiple shootings in this city forever. This is not some new thing just popping up in the past few years. for gods sake, there use to be dozens shot per night every night in the 70s and 80s. Yes, crime is down. There are shootings now, there were shootings then and there will always be shootings in the future. some people on this job are drama queens who want to portray that things are just so wild and out of control... welcome to chicago rookie!!! Ive worked in almost every neighborhood in this city throughout my 35 years on this job, thugs now are not what gangsters use to be. They are soft. an old school gangster wouldnt just shoot at ya... he would shoot at ya, kill ya, shoot ya more then show up to the funeral home and shoot your corpse in the casket and shoot your brother for good measure. ahahahah, the good ol days. relax everyone, people shot is nothing new.

Hey Jackass
For your information Ive been around for quite some time in Chitcago and all over the world and I definitely grew up during the 70's and 80's in Chitcago, Ive also been on the CPD job for 19 yrs. Just from what rock did you just get out from because, yes there were shootings back then and there will be shootings in the present and future, but the violence is much worse now then it was back then. Thanks to our beloved politicians our ranks have diminished and our respect is gone from the public especially your so called gangsters. Don't deny it, back in the day the public and gangsters either respected us or feared us in blue, now were nothing but a joke. Especially the new so called rookies are coming on to this job thinking that there shit don't stink, up and till they get there first lawsuit. It's over after that for many of us know a days. These young POS's don't respect anybody especially us, because they know the justice system is crap and yes the justice system was a hell of a lot better
back in the day. Anyway I think you must have a cush spot to talk on good behalf of the powers to be, because the point of this blog is to let people know that the criminals know that our ranks are diminished and our authority is gone.
007th district ranger, 14yrs.

11/06/2011 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you Rahm Emmanuel

11/06/2011 01:55:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

got to get those shootings in before the cold hits and everyone hibernates--- then the blood bath will renew itself next spring--- just remember to get those contact cards and event numbers, that will solve everything....

11/06/2011 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LINK fraud is out of the billions, but no one bats an eye (i.e.feds)
Your tax dollars at work, just keep on paying through the nose and out the ass.

11/06/2011 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clark St. was up for grabs last nite, with an extra hour to drink and act like fools! Yet, the City thinks it's okay to close 019 District and ship manpower to South and West side Police hating Districts!

Bunch of 019 District coppers ain't gonna make it to 023! Most would rather retire and move away from Shitcago!

11/06/2011 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but the police are out of control!

11/06/2011 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please be sure to stop by 4228 N Hermitage (Rahms house) and exercise your right to a peaceful assembly. Rahm must not forget he is a Public Servant...

11/06/2011 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Sixpack. Those locations you cited have been high crime areas for almost 40 years. Where have you been?

11/06/2011 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Six-Pack, the 16th and 17th District have been stripped of police officers and are out there on a wing and a prayer, hoping to go home safe each night. Carloads of south-side and west-side gangbangers regularly prowl the area. Probably too many cops in their hood, so they are going where it is unprotected. Crying shame.

11/06/2011 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyway I think you must have a cush spot to talk on good behalf of the powers to be, because the point of this blog is to let people know that the criminals know that our ranks are diminished and our authority is gone.
007th district ranger, 14yrs.

so which is it superstar?? have you been on for 14 years as it says at the end of your post or 19 years like you say at the beginning of your post? Listen YOUNGSTER... just because you have a whoollleee 14 years on the job and "grew up" in the 70s and 80s doesnt all of a sudden make you an expert on being DA POLICE. Now your a big bad englewood ranger for a whole 14 years... in the 70s I came on this job(when you were "growing up"... in the 80s I got to englewood. I was in 011 when crack hit the street(most violent period in the cities history for homicides and gang violence). U want to claim I was in a Cush spot?? hahaha, yeah.. 007, 011 and working the buildings when they were up on housing west and housing south were Cush spots... yeah ok superstar. hey kid, ive never had a "cush" spot in my life. i now 38 years on this job. As I prepare to retire in april I see the difference of people on this job like you claim... the only problem is it all started about the time you claim you came on.... I wouldnt knock the "so called rookies" coming on this job who think "their shit dont stink" because real coppers stopped coming on this job around 1990... Many who came on after that were a bunch of pre maddona whiners who wanted this job because of all the union protections WE fought for back in the day.. they wanted it because of the union, not to be the police. This job in the early 90s became "just a job" and not a career. We came on to be the police. The whiners came on and acted like idiots and frat kids, abused powers and turned the public against us through their actions. the reasons we had things taken away is because some idiot with 4 years on would kill people in a dui, shoot their gun off outside the bar, punch a copper and be blantant assh*les while in public and flaunt they were the police... back in the day you told NOBODY you were the police when off duty. the guys who came on after the union stuff did it because they thought they were cool and were the nerds in highschool. this job has not killed itself, the politicos havent killed it, we have killed it. finnegan and crew caused us to have in car cameras and gps. the idiots in 011 back in 97 caused us to not chase anymore because they wanted to be shady and not tell the truth and killed two kids and got slammed in the media after they were caught lying.. the dics in 99 in a/5 were the reason we have video taped confessions. 2003, 2006, 2008 the multiple fatalities in duis now have us blow off duty. the three guys with all less than 6 years on the job who each unloaded 16 rounds from their newly approved beretta 92 FS Double single hanguns pumped over 40 rounds into the guy who was unarmed in the robert taylor homes....that caused double singles to be banned for new hires... the list goes on and on. WE kill this job and only us. before the union we had little pay and benefits, after the union guys were coming on for all the benefits and pay not to be the police. they felt they were indestructable because they were protected and they acted like fools.... I love our union but YOU KIDS who only have 14 or 19 years on(im not sure your telling the truth) have killed this department from your reckless behavior infront of the public on and off duty. If you need me I wont be in a cush spot, ill be putting on a uniform as I have every day of my career... still arresting bad guys, writing paper and helping out my fellow officers for the next few months... then, hello arizona.

11/06/2011 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is the north side slowly turning into garbage. There are numerous pockets in the north and northwest side that are turning into garbage. Lawrence and Sheridan, Wilson and Broadway, Lawrence and Pulaski, Foster and Sheridan, parts of 017, 019, 020 and 024. To the police officers on this website can you please explain what is happening?
Signed, Joe Citizen Six Pack who lives on the north side of Chicago.

11/06/2011 07:39:00 AM


Housing market collapse, unemployment = people have to rent out their condos, homes, etc. so not to get foreclosed on + no more CHA projects + more section 8 housing vouchers = GHETTO NEXT DOOR TO YOU AND ME.

11/06/2011 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the police officers on this website can you please explain what is happening?
The 016th and 017th Districts have only 2/3rd of the manpower they had 10 years ago. There really aren't enough of us to go around anymore. But the areas you metion have always been trouble spots.

11/06/2011 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Dept. is pulling some Shit on the figures, Last Weekend they said that from Friday night until monday morning, 2 dead, 17 shot, Bullshit there were 5 dead, tell it like it is, our Supt. says crime is down because he is in charge. BULLSHIT

11/06/2011 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, the city could save money by returning the DOA removal to the police. Why pay over $900 a body for removal, when the police did it for mere sgt's pay for the day?

11/06/2011 07:21:00 AM

Uh, maybe because it's not a function of LAW enforcement.

I don't want or need additional exposure to AIDS, TB, swine flu, bird flu, scabies, lice, etc.

11/07/2011 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

016 and 017 are turning into garbage because the manpower has been reduced to dangerously low levels--- dangerous for citizens and officers alike--- 017 has had some trouble spots for years now with the occasional flare up--- the s/e end of 016 is shot and portage park is turning into a shithole--- send more police to zone 1 before the whole place collapses....

11/07/2011 12:40:00 PM  

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