Thursday, January 05, 2012

No Range for You!

Once again, the CPD Outdoor Range is in jeopardy of never being built:
  • Chicago police are still pushing to build a shooting range on the Southeast Side even though Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Gov. Pat Quinn vowed last month to preserve nearby wetlands and abandoned industrial sites for open space, wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation.

    In a last-minute plea, conservationists are urging the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District board to block the Police Department's bid for a plot across the Calumet River from Hegewisch Marsh, the centerpiece of a federal, state and local effort to turn the environmentally significant area into a tourist attraction. The elected board is scheduled to vote Thursday on a 39-year lease for the district-owned tract at 2025 E. 134th St.

Heaven forbid it's ever simple for us to get adequate equipment or training so we can do our jobs better, even in the face of studies that say a range wouldn't be an issue:
  • A city study concluded that noise from up to 40 practice shooters would barely be perceptible in the ecologically sensitive areas nearby. Any audible noise from the gun range, the report said, would be at a level similar to normal speech 3 feet away.

Good thing the conservationists and environmentalists don't have a united front:

  • "We've always envisioned there would be mixed uses in the reserve," said John Rogner, assistant director of the state Natural Resources Department and a prominent Chicago-area conservationist. "We don't see this (gun range) as incompatible with the overall plan."
There's still a chance.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sheep, which seems to be a fair amount of citizens are so full of shit.

"We want our police officers trained so that they can make good decisions when it come to use of force," they cry.

"We don't want our police officers to have the right training facilities."

What a fucked up country this is becoming. Some competent authority ought to develop a test to see if such retards should have a say in our government.

I can't wait to move to an area where people are of a more like mind to mine. And if any of these asshats move there, I would like to welcome them with my arms, my Sig Arms, that is.

Citizens and politicians can't have it both ways. The media can't keep playing their ignorant games. Eventually, the safety of the citizenry will be more and more jeopardized. Then they will look to the sheep dog to protect them, but there might be no sheep dogs around to protect them from the wolves.

1/05/2012 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's great to see the Chicago SWAT guys at the Will County Sheriff's gun range. 3rd largest city in the US has to go to ANOTHER COUNTY to find a range to use. A complete joke of poor planning and misplaced priorities.

1/05/2012 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder who these "Conservationist" call when some horny maniac murdering dope fiends are breaking into their homes. Wait...yes...THEY CALL US! Fucking hypocrites!

1/05/2012 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What they didn't tell you is that this "range " is in the middle of a landfill. During the summer you will not be able to shoot there because of the health hazards.

Oh, that maybe the reason they give us this bull#*ht place anyway

1/05/2012 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...urging the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District ..."

Isn't that department getting all set up for a Daley to take over? Yeah I think so..

BTW who needs a range when you have street lights? pop-pop-pop.

1/05/2012 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunck of idiots..

Not that I like the fbi, but heres an intersting story about thier range and the local wildlife:

Not this is at a Range that shoots a couple MILLION rounds a year. Right next door, literaly YARDS away is the Marine Corps range, where yet, another shit-ton of rounds are fired.

But things are diffent here in Chicago.

1/05/2012 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The place is a toxic waste dump, an EPA Superfund cleanup site. A short distance from a major paint factory and chemical facilities. You can grow a second head from living around there.

And some twerps are fighting an outdoor rifle range?

We, as police officers, ought to be very grateful for we won't have to worry about being contaminated by all the poison in the ground.

I am perfectly happy with using that sheriff's range out near Joliet.

Oh oh, Rahm is on the AM radio, excuse me for I have to go puke.

1/05/2012 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live the closest to the proposed range, if damn trucks on Brainaird and pile driving construction arent louder than a few gunshots I dont know what is. Never mind the endless south shore blowing its fricking useless whistle at 3 am.

1/05/2012 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put it in englehood. Nobody will notice the sound.

1/05/2012 04:10:00 AM  
Blogger Was that a SPEEDBUMP?! said...

When I worked in 007, I remember seeing coyotes and deer on the abandoned tracks at 58th/Shields. They travel the track line and the daily shooting never seemed to slow them down.

1/05/2012 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Hey, I'm Just Sayin, said...

I say just cordon off a couple of blocks of ghetto streets and use that. It would be more realistic anyway.

1/05/2012 04:56:00 AM  
Blogger chicago guy said...

If a range is built it MIGHT bother some bird. But if you aim for the center mass rather than "shoot to disarm" you WILL get "the revs." to complain about you. Sucks to be in law enforcement, I guess.

1/05/2012 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just build it in Englewood. The sound of gunfire is already common-place there.

1/05/2012 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Hegewisch.
I have yet to encounter anyone who is not in favor of the police firing range, although I'm pretty sure the shitheads on 134 block of Brandon or the Section 8 shitheads on Baltimore would be opposed.

1/05/2012 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that not the same area that has a underground fire that has been burning for over 30 years? Some guy named Steve Martel< maybe bad spell....Was the reason for the fire. I learned about it in the training div back in 1981. As far as I know that Chem fire is stilll burning...And they worry about birds? WTF

1/05/2012 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous INSANE FISH I/F said...

"I think it's great to see the Chicago SWAT guys at the Will County Sheriff's gun range".

Because of that dickhead daley retired officers also have to use the Will County Sheriff's gun range to qualify once year. It is really not that bad, except for the hour drive. The people there at the Sheriff’s range are great. I would, however, like the opportunity to mingle with the CPD once in a while. Well two lessons to be learned: 1- Take care of your active duty police officers first 2- It’s good to be retired.

1/05/2012 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't buy the whole noise issue. If the FAA has millions of dollars to give away to the school districts surrounding O'Hare to soundproof and air-condition their buildings, then there ought to be some money to build a decent range. Tell Kirk and DICK Durbin to find the money for Chicago.

1/05/2012 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To solve all the city problems......Airsoft! We just have to keep the batteries charged.

1/05/2012 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outdoor range, why? How about opening up the area 4 range? I guess in time we'll just use some kind of video range game to qualify. Thus, sving the city $$$ on not having to purchase ammo.

1/05/2012 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous CHALKIE said...

The entire city is my range.......

1/05/2012 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

benson vs chicago

1/05/2012 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Tired of Chitcago said...

Fuck all of that. Build it in downtown Chicago with all of it's available real estate. Our people in blue can have an easier time instead of having to drive to some wastes site. Be safe and G_d bless the CPD!

1/05/2012 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Gov. Pat Quinn vowed last month to preserve nearby wetlands and abandoned industrial sites for open space, wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation.

That is Chicago-speak for: ...or until I cam sell that vacant lot for $1 to my cousin

1/05/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, SCC....wasn't Merit-promoted Lt. RayRay appointed by our recently departed J-Fled to get this
'project' off the ground? After RayRay was promoted
to Lt. by RayRay (package created by Bob Roman), wasn't RayRay assigned 'on paper' to 003, kept his
Dept. car, and continued to 'work on this?' So what
the fuck happened? Why is this proposed outdoor range now in danger of not happening? I guess we
can't just go and ask RayRay now, since he took a
LOA and went to go sit under his pal 3M's desk at
the County in his new position as Deputy Director
of Homeland Security under 3M, now can we?
What a crock of shit. They only good thing about
this is, all three of those hacks (Roman, 3M and RayRay) are no longer sucking the life out of the CPD
budget with their inflated salaries for doing largely

1/05/2012 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Navy offered up theri services to build the range for free. That's right folks...FREE!!! The SeaBees would do the excavating, burm building, any additional structures needed as there reserve weekend/duty. FREE! The city said no thank you. No one benefits from free.

1/05/2012 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DONT NEED IT!do more with move along my necessary evil servants!MAYBE U SHOULD ORGANIZE AND VOTE!!

1/05/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sensitive??? Haaaaaa. The activitists have never been out there. The Trib and its reporters who regurgitate the story have never been out there, could not find the location if they tried, and do not know the history of the area either in general or the proposed site in particular. Eighty plus years of fall out from blast furnaces, coke ovens , Sherwin Williams paint, the ore boats, illegal dumping there since before the turn of the last century. The wild life and plant life living there are now immune to almost anything. Lead bullets captured in a backstop, an a bit of gunpowder will damage nothing. As for the sound of gunfire from two miles away, when the wind in right the east side residents can hear the gun fire from Gresham, South Shore, Avalon Park, and Pill Hill. Phoney Phoney, Phoney…

1/05/2012 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conservationists are being used by the developers to mask the true issue. They want to build there. Wait and see.

1/05/2012 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of land that is not being used....

What ever happened to all the empty lots around Washington Pk that he Chicago clique gobbled up right before the failed NOlympic bid?

Did Obama hand out some Obama bucks to his pals to bail them out? Where *are* the Obama Bucks for Chicago? I know *I* did not get any.....

Feds??? Anyone??? Election???

1/05/2012 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how many Indiana preserves have gun ranges on them.

1/05/2012 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh whine - let's think of the environment - whine.

How about all the gas I burn driving out to Waterman to shoot?

1/05/2012 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why bother.......

1/05/2012 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's cares why do we need another range. work on my pension!!!
signed 8 year wonder

1/05/2012 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a range? Most Police Officers can bearly shoot.......

1/05/2012 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I really hear that a commissioner stated he wanted the police to have the opportunity to train at this range, so he voted for it? Wow. Someone who gets it?

Hurdle #1 behind us. Several more public meetings are scheduled.

1/05/2012 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I Correct In Saying The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District is filled with political hacks ? Is it not a place where, connected politicians find do nothing, know nothing jobs, for friends and relatives ?
PS: Have A Nice Day ?

1/05/2012 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who the fuck needs an outdoor range anyway. bla bla bla I swear 95 percent of us will never use our 9mm and you've got officers spending every spare cent on additional firearms. Are they expecting the chinese to invade? With nukes that threat is over my friends.

1/05/2012 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder what boss killed the idea of a free range from the feds.
Needless to say, he's still in power

1/05/2012 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't worry guys. if you get into a shooting, and miss, but hit something else, just blame the city. blame the city for not allowing us to practice by having broken lights, almost no ventilation, broken target stand, minimal supply of bullets, and overall lack of training. Compared to other PD's CPD has standards of that who is a security guard. Also we only have a limited amount of rifle ranges and to quality with a rifle you have to shoot at a target which is not moving and shoot in a controlled setting. just saying when all new shooting advocates are saying that's ancient, our city says it's "tactical".

1/05/2012 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a range? Most Police Officers can bearly shoot.......

1/05/2012 02:30:00 PM

And even more can BARELY SPELL!

1/05/2012 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Navy offered up theri services to build the range for free. That's right folks...FREE!!! The SeaBees would do the excavating, burm building, any additional structures needed as there reserve weekend/duty. FREE! The city said no thank you. No one benefits from free.

1/05/2012 10:00:00 AM

A TRUE and fucked up story...

1/05/2012 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a range? Most Police Officers can bearly shoot.......

1/05/2012 02:30:00 PM
Thats why we need one.

1/05/2012 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It passed today. its a go...

1/05/2012 09:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Who needs a range? Most Police Officers can bearly shoot......."

Or spell.

1/05/2012 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who the fuck needs an outdoor range anyway. bla bla bla I swear 95 percent of us will never use our 9mm and you've got officers spending every spare cent on additional firearms. Are they expecting the chinese to invade? With nukes that threat is over my friends.

1/05/2012 04:59:00 PM

who do you think you're kidding?

you have no friends.

1/05/2012 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a range? Most Police Officers can bearly shoot.......

1/05/2012 02:30:00 PM

and we're smarter than the average.....

1/05/2012 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I KNOW! MOVE the range site a mile west to altguild gardens and let the officers open fire on moving targets. There's no complaint there.

1/06/2012 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

who the fuck needs an outdoor range anyway. bla bla bla I swear 95 percent of us will never use our 9mm and you've got officers spending every spare cent on additional firearms. Are they expecting the chinese to invade? With nukes that threat is over my friends.

1/05/2012 04:59:00 PM
Well, now we're heard from the Mensa Members among us.

Just because you "might not ever shoot it" is absolutely one of the stupidest things I've heard this month. A copper might only need his pistol once in his career, and if he, as always is reacting to a threat, without some trigger time, he might not survive the encounter. I bet you don't exercise ever, also. Most of us never get into fights, so why exercise? I could go on, but who wants to read a 9 paragraph rant?

1/06/2012 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if people are gonna complain about bullets than I'm gonna complain about midways planes taking off........and other departments would also be able to use the range. Wow that would be great to say....however we are the 3rd largest department in the USA and we barely use ours.....

1/06/2012 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reply to 6:32:00

The man's name is Steve Martell. Here's a Chicago Tribune link to that story you speak of:

1/06/2012 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Navy offered up theri services to build the range for free. That's right folks...FREE!!! The
((Wasn't Ray hamilton in tyhe Navy?

1/06/2012 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, SCC....wasn't Merit-promoted Lt. RayRay appointed by our recently departed J-Fled to get this
'project' off the ground? After RayRay was promoted
to Lt. by RayRay (package created by Bob Roman)

Ray Ray was promoted by that mongoloid wies, not Roman. Ray Ray is too busy chasin 3M's ass at homeland security dealing with the g-8/nato to be worried about a range.

1/06/2012 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the range is REALLY fucked:

2/09/2012 09:11:00 AM  

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