Thursday, February 02, 2012

La La La, I Can't Hear You!!!

  • Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn served up a State of the State speech Wednesday full of ways to spend more money on college scholarships and preschool and cut taxes on natural gas and families with children.

Spend more money? Cut taxes? Crisis over!!! Quinn has worked a miracle! That money tree he finally planted in the backyard of the governor's mansion must finally be bearing fruit. And all you bastards said it couldn't be done.

And then the small voice of sanity is heard:

  • But with Illinois unable to pay its bills and concerns rampant at the Capitol about getting control of runaway public pension and health care costs, lawmakers from both parties were left with a question: Where will the money come from?

And an even smaller voice whispers:

  • The governor left that query unanswered, pledging to provide more details in another speech that's three weeks away.

Quinn is counting on one of two things:

  1. Obama money, or
  2. a miracle
And unfortunately, "A miracle" was just seen leaving town for an appointment in California, which is in the same boat as Illinois.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And an even smaller voice whispers:

The governor left that query unanswered, pledging to provide more details in another speech that's three weeks away.



"Let me get my bullshit story together."

2/02/2012 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He promised the State will pay all bills for catastrophic injuries to participants in school sports. Nice!
Now, if he's using his OWN MONEY, I'm all for it.

2/02/2012 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Democrat. Spend, spend, spend, then tax, tax,tax. Last year, he raised the state income tax on us, because we were so broke, but then he didn't cut one penny in spending, and actually increased it instead. Keep voting Democratic, people. It's working so well, isn't it?!

2/02/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for those who didn't know Don Cornelius was a Chicago Police Officer before Soul Train. Love, Peace and Soul!!!!! RIP

2/02/2012 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

Quinn is a moron. Possibly as dumb as Todd Stoger

2/02/2012 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what? Illinois voters will elect the same idiots into office. Next. Nothing to see here.

Do you remember the rallies that Quinn had where he got people to stand there with signs that read, "Raise my Taxes?" That's who will vote him and his crew of morons back into office while they tax us out of our homes.

Anyone staying in this state who has a choice to leave is as stupid as they are.

2/02/2012 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ott.calumet cops kill the unstable child after momma calls the police because her son, who has behavior problems , etc..offender lunges towards the police ,armed with a large size kitchen knife even the uncle , the star witness , obsereved this attack, slashes the fore arm of an officer who has no time too retreat,fires once as his partner fired a second round striking the assailant , nuetralizing the imminent threat,.moma states police murdered her child, after this near deadly attack, BUT the police have been at this household 17 times in the past, even tasing him on several occasions , BECAUSE he was of his meds,causing him too act violent.well the police should have been better prepaired to deal with her sons behavior. they should not have murdered that child............. blame the police,........... not to mention ,,,, making sure he takes his medicine,maybe hide the knives before the police show up. .... but nope, no responsibility for this incident................ she gonna sue the police cause they ain't did the right thang, including the store front reverend who will be holding a candle light vigil in front of the Calumet City Police station today.... 17 times , still the fault of the police............

2/02/2012 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see, get rid of the natural gas tax (what is that for me $20 a year?) and instead enforce the use (sales tax) for out of state purchases........ hummmmmm maybe I like the gas tax better....

2/02/2012 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the speech if you looked past Quinn's shoulder you would have seen the real problem in Illinois. Two low life corrupt bastards by the name of Madigan and Cullerton. These two conniving fucks have made a fortune for themselves and their connected pals at the expense of Illinois taxpayers. This state will never be able to begin recovering from the mess created by them and their ilk until they are either in jail or voted out of office.

2/02/2012 04:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Punxsutawney Phil said...

J-FLED crawled out of his hole this morning, saw his shadow, got scared and ran away.

2/02/2012 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and how bout that mayor huh? Check it out....

WSJ Dec 19,2011


Chicago's Plan to Match Education With Jobs

BY RAHM EMANUEL -- "AAR Corp., an aviation-parts manufacturer in the Chicago area, has 600 openings for welders and mechanics but can't find skilled workers to fill them..."


WICHITA, Kan. — The Boeing Co Jan 13 2012

Boeing to close Kansas defense plant by end of 2013

The closure will cost more than 2,160 workers their jobs and end the firm's presence in an area where it has been a major employer for generations.


Feb 1 , 2012

American Airlines Wants To Cut 13,000 Jobs In Restructuring


What do you think boys and girls, any of those layoffs gonna have mechanics and welders?

Are the jobs going to be there when little Johnny and Susie finish their Oliver Harvey degree that Rahm sent them on a wild goose chase for? Will the company choose them over the people with the actual real life experience?


ITT Exelis trims 75 salaried workers in latest set of layoffs

Roanoke Times - 6 days ago
Those job cuts followed layoffs of 300 hourly workers earlier this month. ...

"The type of worker that they are laying off at a plant that creates the equipment made at ITT Exelis should be able to find work at alternative plants or alternative places within the region," she said.

She noted that there are several companies in the Roanoke and New River valleys that have announced upcoming expansions that could lead to jobs for people with skills as team assemblers, welders, supervisors and general operation managers. Those are among the types of jobs that she suspects have been eliminated by ITT Exelis.


Oh and this just in...

American Airlines Reportedly Preparing Layoffs; Police on Standby

KBOI - 17 hours ago

Of those cut, 2300 will be flight attendants, 4600 of them mechanics, ... American Airlines' bankrupt parent, AMR Corp. is preparing to announce layoffs. Unions...


So there you go 4,600 mechnics alone and a krap loadof welders being put on the street and we're suppose to beleive that AAR corp can't find people!!

Yeah you know what.. Some might conclude that the mayor wants to see a glut of unemployed welders for his sewer projects eh...whatcha think?

Political propaganda like the speed trap cameras are not for generating cash and like the cities crime rate is down. Book it!

What do you think boys and girls

2/02/2012 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and Quinn must be re ellected for the sake of "the childrens". Typical neo democratic bs. The government is just a cash cow horn of plenty that will somehow keep giving and giving. The economy cannot be restored with that mindset. Change is coming alright. And by the way rahms media honneymoon is coming to a screetching halt. This crime is down nonsense is laughable. And the Solyndra scandal will be of epic proportions.

2/02/2012 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The political apparatus will be banging the drums hard today about:

Chrysler to announce 1,600 jobs in Illinois

But let me point out a little detail that you will not hear them talk about..

"...Last week, Chrysler confirmed that it plans to hire 400 to 500 part-time and temporary workers at the plant..."


...News of the plans to hire a total of 1,600 was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

"...Chrysler is advertising on the Web for part-time hourly workers and full-time, temporary workers at"


Ha..part-time and temps! They'll be lucky to hold a position until after the election.

So let me ask many of these jobs are going to be full time?

I'll bet most people when they hear this news are thinking about 1,600 full time 40 hour per week positions woo-hoo eh? What if it's 1,500 part time positions working 10 hours a week? What if they're full time positions but they only last for a month?

The door is wide open on interpretation this political propaganda b.s. as you'll note in that link above all that is said is that there are part-time and temporary positions and there are full time temporary positions. You don't see the word permanent or career or long term anywhere do you?

Since they're temporary and part time how do you think that affects the union wages and benefits?

2/02/2012 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's an election year. Of coarse this jag will lower taxes to buy votes. Then after the election in November, taxes will be doubled or tripled in 2013 to make up for lost revenue from 2012..

Buying votes. The Chicago way

2/02/2012 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn is the ultimate socialist. He wants nothing more than to take your money and the money of any other working stiff and give it to someone who is not working. Redistribute income as seen fit by the government is his mantra. Anyone who has ever been in a police station or around law enforcement knows cops are the softest touches around. They donate to everything and everybody. No one wants to see people who are genuinely unfortunate suffer. But secular progressives like Quinn make no distinction between the truly needy and those in self inflicted poverty because they are lazy or have no self control and discipline. The average taxpayer and business in Illinois is drained dry. The politicians have mismanaged the money they take in tax levies and have wasted it on foolish projects, a bloated bureaucracy and wrongfully allowed politically connected union thugs and others to participate in the pension system causing it to become insolvent. The State has lost and is continuing to lose population at an alarming rate. People who can move are moving away. Businesse are relocating. Indiana just passed a right to work law. Amidst all of this, Quinn gives a State of the State speech vowing more spending and taxes. Will the last one to leave Illinos please turn out the lights.

2/02/2012 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Runaway public pension????...
Oh he means politicians double or triple dipping into them when they didn't actually earn them. Maybe he means the politicians who take millions of dollars of loans from our pensions but never seam to pay then back. I know I know he means the politicians who never seam to pay into our pension but say were bleeding the state dry.
Where does our money go?
Follow the money?
Unions fought for what people expect at job nowadays pay...overtime ....5 day 8 hour work week...PENSIONS! !!!!

2/02/2012 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Mayor Rahm Emanuel respect our laws?

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has no idea how to handle Chicago's "Rooftop Reverend," Pastor Corey Brooks. For the last 10 weeks, Brooks has been living in a dark green tent atop the now-shuttered Super Motel at the corner of 66th and King Drive.

It sure is one city and two different worlds.

A city where the politicians pick and choose who wins and who loses.

It has nothing to do with education, talent, who has the higher math and science scores, who works harder, etc..the politicians pick and choose. Maybe it has something to do with campaign contributions I don't know?

Here we have the leader of CPD preaching about "broken windows" crime methodology and how we need to sweat the little stuff to set an example, a message that laws matter and then you have this roof top reverend throwing it all in your face by camping on a roof FOR OVER 70 DAYS NOW!!

What happened to the law is the law and must be enforced.

The Grant park protestors can't get away with camping out what makes the reverend special?

In fact why weren't the people that were celebrating Obama's victory in Grant park well into the night pass the park curfew cited and charged and handcuffed and booked?

Is it about enforcing the laws or picking and choosing for personal political gains?

When is the reverend going to be thrown to the ground and hog tied and booked Mr. mayor?

70 days and counting. You're f--king up our broken windows.

2/02/2012 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Madigan is evil incarnate.

2/02/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Madigan is evil incarnate.

2/02/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Gov Potato Head decided not to run for reelection.

2/02/2012 07:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is like, when someone in court asks a question during a trial they know will objected to, but it's still heard by the jury of the offender's "peers".
Well Quinn's secret message of love, however realistic or not, reached his "jury".

2/02/2012 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: I called social security and found out that I would not receive any social security when I retire. When I took this job I had enough credits and have statements that say I was to receive over a $1,000 each month. Because of our pension, I will not get social security.

We must stand together to keep our pensions as they are. No reduction and no additional contributions should be made.

2/02/2012 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess everyone here can't see the writing on the wall.

These scumbags are trying to INCREASE the damage THEY have foist upon the taxpayers to a level so outrageous as to make bankruptcy a slam dunk in any court.

Rather than attempt to fix it, they fully intend to make it so bad that no court in the land would deny them a bankruptcy and then put it all on the backs of the workers to pay off, meaning trying to use bankruptcy to destroy pensions without having to fight that case in supreme court.

Open your eyes people.

2/02/2012 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't Miracle a horse?

Should we now refer to Quinn as Governor Comicus - aka, a "bullshit artist"?

Gov Comicus must've seen one too many Mel Brooks movies.

2/02/2012 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This man is truly an idiot.
And guess what else? A Liberal DemocRAT , of course.

2/02/2012 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Invest in lead and brass.

2/02/2012 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will have no pension when this is all over. Just watch and see

2/02/2012 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous CrookCountyJustice said...

I don't expect reality or responsibility from the section of the minority population that doesn't work and lives their lives on entitlement handout. They aren't capable of understanding that nothing is free and they are being supported by us that work and don't "deserve" that situation.

However, I cannot cease to be amazed by the stupidity of the other democratic voters, the middle class worker that votes against sanity and self interest, the liberal guilt voter that votes to keep an enslaved underclass so they can assuage their own unfounded guilt, and the filth-encrusted slime at the top, the hedge-funders, politicians, elitist educators, media/entertainment whores and trial lawyers that are like swollen, fat, disgusting leeches sucking on the blood of the nation, taking us to ruin and enslaving generations just to keep their lifestyle and importance. Like leeches, they have no concept of what will happen when the host is drained and cannot survive and their is no other victim to attach their foul mouths to.

Fuck you maggots. May you please someday reap what you sow.

2/02/2012 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time for the people of Illinios to dump all democRATs and maybe things can change.

2/02/2012 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote! Here in Illinois we don't vote for those yokels and overlords, we pat them on the back
and renew their non-negotiable contracts. And needless to say, the
contracts are written in their
favor so they can't be sued unless
the Feds get wind of it and take
over the investigation:
Ref: Gov. Grumpy and Gov. Deadmeat.

2/02/2012 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the money that Illinois & Chicago gets for its "shovel ready" public works projects a good portion gets funneled back to the DNC - 4 More Years - Hope n' Change - Fairness n' Equality campaign of that Bum in the White the same contractors/unions that routinely get the contracts.
Somebody send a lead abatement crew over to the State Capitol, Quinn must be eating the same paint chips as Blagojevich.
Meanwhile, Madigan doesnt 'know nuttin' until its Pension reform time.

2/02/2012 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous who posted
that Illinois financial problems
are the fault of Mike Madigan and
John Cullerton, the "de-facto"
governor and his lieutenant gov.
They are the two who really call
the shots in the Springfield General Assembly.

2/02/2012 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. lifetime politicians are the most corrupt. Term limits.. but that wouldn't work really because they would keep jumping from one job to another like when they lose an election

2/02/2012 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another insane, dillusional Democommunist. Pay to Play as usual, while the taxpayers get fucked again as usual.

2/02/2012 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Kill All The Politicians! said...

Anonymous said...
So what? Illinois voters will elect the same idiots into office.

2/02/2012 01:29:00 AM

It takes a special kind of asshole to be a politician/criminal.

What is needed is a DECENT candidate to run against him. Unfortunately, that candidate does not exist. It boils down to which asshole will be in charge.

That is why we just keep getting more of the same assholes, and why many in the "silent majority" no longer vote.

Simple as that!

I started voting in 1970 and, between then and now, I can count on one hand the number of elections that I've failed to vote in. It's sad how many times I did my homework and REALLY checked out the backgrounds of the candidates, including the judges, and voted for the better candidate, regardless of political affiliation, only to watch the lesser morons claim victory on election eve coverage. This isn't likely to change either, since the younger generation doesn't seem to want to be bothered by civic responsibility.

I liken what has happened to the CPD in the same vein as Illinois politics. When Daley II became mayor, he began pulling shit with the promotions in the CPD. We were ALREADY under a Federal watch as lawsuits claimed a bias against minority promotions. Judge Prentiss Marshall therefore had to approve promotional lists and there was a stretch of years after a Sgts exam where he disagreed with the City's final list. Marshall finally forced the city to produce a minority "weighted" list of promotees, essentially awarding extra "weight" to the scores of test takers simply because they were NOT white males. When a promotion was ready to occur in Nov of 1988, it was stopped because, then Alderman Tim Evans did not think the group had enough minorities. An additional 10 minority promotees were added in order to get the city council to approve the list as acceptable.

A subsequent lawsuit was filed complaining that THIS process was basically a SECOND advantage for minority candidates ie their exam scores being "weighted" to move them up the list, AND including what was essentially a "quota" benefiting ONLY minorities to ALSO promote them over more qualified candidates. The courts agreed.

Daley didn't like it, so he later decided to add a merit component to a later list for Lieutenants. Problem was, he didn't add the merit component until AFTER he saw the results of the exam. A lawsuit against this practice was filed and a judge agreed, but ONLY because it wasn't included PRIOR to the beginning of the exam process. Thus the merit component was born.

The lawsuits not only stop the pols from pulling the illegal things that they tend to do, they ALSO find out from the courts how they could do it and get away with it.

The results are that the politicians gain TOTAL control over the CPD and can politicize it to the max, and they can do the same with every process in society by controlling every aspect of political district mapping, setting their own salaries and pensions, disallowing investigations into their practices by law enforcement, etc.

2/02/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get ready for social and economic collapse!!

2/02/2012 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Survival And Prosperity said...

California looks to be sinking faster. The MSM is reporting that the state is on track to run out of money next month. From Tuesday night:

"California needs to come up with more than $3 billion to avoid burning through its cash by March, according to the state controller, who urged borrowing and delaying some payments."

2/02/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

During the speech if you looked past Quinn's shoulder you would have seen the real problem in Illinois. Two low life corrupt bastards by the name of Madigan and Cullerton. These two conniving fucks have made a fortune for themselves and their connected pals at the expense of Illinois taxpayers. This state will never be able to begin recovering from the mess created by them and their ilk until they are either in jail or voted out of office.

2/02/2012 04:59:00 AM
I agree,those bastards help cut up the Chicago wards! They moved "push over" zalewski all the way to 67th and kedzie! How does that represent the White taxpayers? Just like taxation without representation first Bob molaro sold out the area now zalewski! Now it will be hello eddie burk,and madigan all the way to harlem! All the shit together destroying it all for the greedy bunch!

2/02/2012 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't quinn give Zalewskis daughter in law a big job paying over $130,000 per year,a 24 year old kid but he could not find anyone else with more experience? Lets see zalewski got his family son a state rep and extra money for bullshit committees,his daughter another big job and then he let the ward be taken apart by the madigan/burke/mell cabal! What kind of big job with mike zalewsji get for selling his soul??

2/02/2012 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blago was a disaster. At least his madness, at times, offered some comic relief. Thia man is totally out of touch with the reality of the many crisis before him.
He thinks he can camouflage his incompetence, with his support of our brave military. Why I commend him for this, it does not solve the problems.
In my opinion, he has done more for criminals, welfare freeloaders, and the like, than he has done for the citizens of this state.
PS: Have A Nice Day

2/02/2012 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - You're great at cop blogging, but not so super-duper at economics. Just because you don't like a person doesn't mean their economic ideas are unsound. In this particular area you're a bit out of your league. It's actually easy -- REALLY easy. Econ 101: Governments must spend more money, not less, or we're all more deeply fucked than you can imagine. DEEPLY fucked.

2/02/2012 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dems cant do anything. Any entitlement cuts would piss off the do nothing class that they created.

2/02/2012 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorryfor the Cal. City POs.
The family wants them to save us from junior. Then, when Junior stabs a copper, they drop him. Now, the family says, "what you did that fo?" These mopes want the Police to be babysitters for every kind of nutcase. Take your beating-you's the police. But don't hurt little Leroy. He's a good kid when he takes his meds...Bullshit!

2/02/2012 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois is 2nd worst state to retire in!

2/02/2012 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn is a goof and a little delirious. Let's just hope he slaps down Rahm's money grabbing speed camera bill.
For the children my ass!
If it's not truly about the revenue then why isn't Rahm offering to donate all revenue generated by the cameras to a worthwhile charity.?

2/02/2012 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Off Topic: I called social security and found out that I would not receive any social security when I retire. When I took this job I had enough credits and have statements that say I was to receive over a $1,000 each month. Because of our pension, I will not get social security.

We must stand together to keep our pensions as they are. No reduction and no additional contributions should be made.

2/02/2012 08:07:00 AM

Something is not right here (above)
IF you are eligible for SS, then as receiving a gov't pension, (thank you Rostenkowski) you are entitled to a minimum of 40% of what you would normally get.
Exception: If you qualify with 25+ years of what SS determined to be an annual 'substantial income' (not to be confused with qualifying income)you may be eligible for percentages above 40%.

2/02/2012 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical Democrat...delusional!!

2/02/2012 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC - You're great at cop blogging, but not so super-duper at economics. Just because you don't like a person doesn't mean their economic ideas are unsound. In this particular area you're a bit out of your league. It's actually easy -- REALLY easy. Econ 101: Governments must spend more money, not less, or we're all more deeply fucked than you can imagine. DEEPLY fucked.

2/02/2012 01:26:00 PM


Srsly?? wow, man are you brainwashed.

The only way government could ever spend more, more, more into perpetuity is if they borrow more, more, more or tax more, more, more. Where's the money going to come from?

If you believe in the concept of being responsible and paying off your debts we are already fucked. All of us and the next generation too. That said. it's why we seeing an ever growing number of people turning out in street marches as they don't like the future they of indentured servitude working a meaningless job as assembly line welders and mechanics and various other shovel-ready part-time temporary min-wage food stamp qualifying positions.

It's gonna take a college grade 40 years, an entire lifetime just to pay off their six-figure student loans IF... THAT IS...they put off saving any money for their own retirement. The politicians will ridicule them as living beyond their Wal-Mart shoppingcart-herder wage means in the end..

2/02/2012 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Off Topic: I called social security and found out that I would not receive any social security when I retire. When I took this job I had enough credits and have statements that say I was to receive over a $1,000 each month. Because of our pension, I will not get social security.

We must stand together to keep our pensions as they are. No reduction and no additional contributions should be made.

2/02/2012 08:07:00 AM

Check again. This time, ask if you are not entitled to social security because you don't have enough RECENT quarters. I'm betting that's the issue, not our pension. You have to find some job that contributes to SSI and get a few current quarters under your belt.

Of course, thanks to Rostenkowski, you won't get anything near what you were entitled to before coming on this job, but you should still be getting that 40% the other poster quoted to you.

2/02/2012 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn is a goof and a little delirious. Let's just hope he slaps down Rahm's money grabbing speed camera bill.
For the children my ass!
If it's not truly about the revenue then why isn't Rahm offering to donate all revenue generated by the cameras to a worthwhile charity.?

2/02/2012 03:56:00 PM

Are you insane? If revenue is generated by the City, why on earth would you even suggest it be donated to some charity when we are in such a financial hole?
Oh, I get it; you work for After School Matters!

2/02/2012 11:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

United got the ball rolling when they had money problems. They went into bankruptcy court with high priced lawyers finding a way to keep all their planes flying. TV commercials continued airing while employees pay slashed, contracts voided and pensions legally robbed from past employees.
Lo and behold they become solvent, giving the board of directors a 21 million dollar bonus for their efforts.
Now American will follow the same game plan.
Why that judge did not rule that the business failed and should have sold their assets to pay its obligations (PENSIONERS) is a mystery to me.
Isn't anything legit anymore?
What the hell is in store for us?

2/02/2012 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/03/2012 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Don Cornelius or did anyone ever work with him on the job? What district did he work? Alot of people are saying that he was CPD at one time but somehow I think that is urban myth like Mary Worth

2/03/2012 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the state has already spent $34 million buying land for an airport in Peotone that the airlines have said they won't fly to, not to mention the money spent on the demolition of the stuctures on that land. And that's for less than 1/3 of the property they need to buy!
What's with that? Oh, yeah--the airport would be in Jesse Jr.'s district, and he has Quinn in his back pocket.
Quinn is a jellyfish.

2/03/2012 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Didn't quinn give Zalewskis daughter in law a big job paying over $130,000 per year,a 24 year old kid but he could not find anyone else with more experience? Lets see zalewski got his family son a state rep and extra money for bullshit committees,his daughter another big job and then he let the ward be taken apart by the madigan/burke/mell cabal! What kind of big job with mike zalewsji get for selling his soul??

2/02/2012 11:56:00 AM

Now all you see all over the ward is signs for Madigan.

One of his lackeys came knocking on my door with some BS petition about property taxes.
I told him that Madigan was the problem not the solution and that he did not need my signature rather all his "boss" had to do was to gather a bunch of his cronies in Springfield and put it to a vote.

Term limits with no benefits!!!!!!

2/03/2012 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That money tree he finally planted in the backyard of the governor's mansion must finally be bearing fruit."

The one he's got at his house in Oak Park must be doing OK, too. Rehm Park playground remodeling, $250,000 budgeted according to the sign on the construction fence.

That's just a small part of this park; looks like they spent around a half-mil or more just a couple of years ago.

See if they can get a water fountain that works this time. Best kind is a concrete block with a spout which water comes from; all those Art-Moderne, brightly-colored metal things clog up with sticks, kiddie sand, etc.

2/03/2012 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Don Cornelius or did anyone ever work with him on the job? What district did he work? Alot of people are saying that he was CPD at one time but somehow I think that is urban myth like Mary Worth

2/03/2012 11:15:00 AM
All the biographies state he was CPD in the mid 1960's. Maybe that will help jog somebody's memory?

2/03/2012 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn was on Chicago Tonight yesterday. He sounded nervous. He was ranting and babbling about stuff they weren't asking him about. When asked point-blank where the money would come from for all the programs and tax breaks he's proposing, he said that would be addressed in the budget, in a few weeks, but this/today was the 'state of the State' message. WHAT?!

He also said he still has to 'study' the red light camera bill before he decides whether to sign it.

2/03/2012 05:45:00 PM  

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