Monday, April 09, 2012

Voice of the People

Ignorant people that is. From the Tribune letters section:
  • If guns were outlawed, as I believe they should be, the chance encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin would not have resulted in a death. Yes, the two may have gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight, but no one would have been killed. It's as simple as that.

    — Anita Walker Field, Skokie

Yeah, because no one has ever been beaten to death in the world. Not like twice in Chicago inthe past 30 days from just hitting their head on the pavement, right?

Or this one:

  • In "Hoodie stereotype" (Voice of the People, March 30), letter writer Jerome C. Malon says, "While the hoodie never started out to mean something criminal, it has developed to just that."

    He goes on to say, "Having these pictures implanted into one's mind makes one suspicious of any young person with a hoodie up and head down."

    I am a 23-year-old female, a pale, blue-eyed Caucasian, and I wear hoodies on any given day of the week. I own more than 10 of them and substitute them for coats from March to November. I'm wearing one right now, in fact. And never, ever, have I aroused the mildest suspicion as I walk down the street. No one has followed me down the street in a car; no one has asked me what my business is on his or her block. No one has seen me in a hoodie and assumed I was in a gang or holding drugs. And no one has killed me with gunfire.

    No one can tell me that my white skin is completely irrelevant to those truths.


    — Marnie Shure, Chicago

Exactly what streets were you walking down Marnie? Location, Location, Location. Totality of the circumstances, stuff like that.

And the Tribune publishes this crap. Thank god we stopped paying for this tripe.



Anonymous Marnie Shure said...

I was walking on Pulaski Rd. near Wilcox St. about 2:30 AM yesterday.

4/09/2012 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Anita Walker Field apparently longs for the day when 'might makes right' once again; where the biggest, meanest, toughest rule the street and the less so joyfully live with the knowledge that since there are no guns, they won't die, just get beat up a bit. Or a lot. Maybe a _whole_ lot, depending on how the big mean tough is feeling. Either way at least they won't get shot, and neither will the thugs!

Such nirvana, Ms Anita Walker Field. I salute your hope for such an idyllic world.

4/09/2012 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lady from Skokie obviously has never heard the saying, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

4/09/2012 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"•If guns were outlawed, as I believe they should be, the chance encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin would not have resulted in a death. Yes, the two may have gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight, but no one would have been killed. It's as simple as that.

— Anita Walker Field, Skokie"

It was hardly a chance encounter. Zimmerman was patrolling the the neighborhood and Martin was a hood.

Sitting home in your safe little bubble in Skokie gives you a different perspective than those who don't live in such safe locations.

4/09/2012 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hoodies are being worn up and are being used to disguise the wearer. Unless you are standing directly in front of the wearer, there is no way that you can identify the wearer, and that is the object of wearer.

While we're on the subject, can anyone tell me why it shouldn't be a felony for anyone over 12 years old to wear a mask, kerchief, or anything else to conceal their identity for ANY reason?

4/09/2012 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoods wear hoodies.

4/09/2012 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race baiters are bad enough. These brain dead liberal excuse makers are the real problem.

They are so conditioned by the communist educators to destroy this country with their bullshit that they should be among the first to go to the wall.

You can tell who they are. They do and say such stupid shit that they show a dead look in their eyes. Just like zombies.

4/09/2012 03:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the Voice of The People:

4 Dead and 26 shot!


4/09/2012 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea but are you wearing your pants half way off your butt?

4/09/2012 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marnie, Marnie, Marnie -
How do you know that you have not aroused suspicion?
Now you are a mind reader.

4/09/2012 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live I Beverly. SCC are you saying that 2 white 17 yoa males walking down lets say California near 107th wearing hoodies will engender the same reaction as two black 17 yoa wearing hoodies on the same block? This girl is right. The reasons for the different reactions are another story and called for. But leave everything that happened after Zimmerman confronted him out of it for a second. I'll bet if he was white, there's no confrontation at all.

Fire away.

White guy, 26 yoj.

4/09/2012 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That woman from Skokie is just plain delusional. Not much else to say.

4/09/2012 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you must be living in neverland with michael jackson. damn these liberals are estuped

4/09/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you are the unibomber. Now go shit some rainbows with sparkle farts.

4/09/2012 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't wipe my ass with the tribune if I ran out of toilet paper. I have more respect for my shit than that.

4/09/2012 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Foreclosures,Hud Homes,Section 8 Vouchers? Coming to your Skokie town soon! Check back in two years,let us know how you feel about, Hoods,in Hoodie's...

4/09/2012 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marnie Shure said...
I was walking on Pulaski Rd. near Wilcox St. about 2:30 AM yesterday.

4/09/2012 12:15:00 AM

And what were you looking to buy sweetheart?

4/09/2012 08:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Is it true that 41st Ward Alderman Mary E. O'Connor doesn't live in the 41st Ward?

Rumor has it she might not even reside in the city.

Inquiring minds want to know.

4/09/2012 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marnie Shure, Chicago

Go walk in Englewood and let me know what happens.

4/09/2012 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont attack people unlawfully or commit crimes and you wont get shot.


4/09/2012 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am profiled every time I walk in Florida stores with my ski mask on.

4/09/2012 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why we(an on-duty p.o.) need to record what we see on a daily basis. This would be for entertaining purposes of course, but mostly to shove those brainless and inexperienced words back into the mouths of the rest of the world who contradict and who are against us. Why couldn't Chicago make it's own "COPS" edition. We would have endless material and I am pretty sure this gold mine of a show would accelerate the corrupt politicians to show their hand quicker. It could force them to change for the better or it would prove they are on their own agenda like we all know they are.

4/09/2012 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...can anyone tell me why it shouldn't be a felony for anyone over 12 years old to wear a mask, kerchief, or anything else to conceal their identity for ANY reason?"

--4/09/2012 01:02:00 AM


4/09/2012 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"While we're on the subject, can anyone tell me why it shouldn't be a felony for anyone over 12 years old to wear a mask, kerchief, or anything else to conceal their identity for ANY reason?"

There was such an ordinance and I think a state law, but they were repealed years ago.
When you see the anarchists and 'Occupy my mothers basement' crowd masked it might be a good idea to bring them back.

For most laws there was a good reason they were passed originally, just because they date from the 1920's does not mean that the conditions have changed.

4/09/2012 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would definitely stop and question you, if you were walking in my GATED /(or any)community and were walking between homes and stopping at the sides of these residents for no apparent reason. Whether you were wearing a hoodie or not. It was not the hoodie , it was the actions of the person.
And Ms. Walker, it would also be nice, if there were no thugs, or burglars or criminals of anyt kind. But, unfortunately, this is reality not some make believe world. Chicago has the most stringent gun laws in the nation (recently total ban) and it has the highest murder rate in the nation.
But again, these are facts and liberals like yourselves have no room for facts.

4/09/2012 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zzzzzz, Zzzzz, Zzzzz...( as in snoring )
TRIBUNE ! ? Even my parrot refuses to crap on it, he has class, so he uses the Times, he just loves Mitchells column.

4/09/2012 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i seem to recall some hooded youngsters gunning down a store clerk in indiana can hear a pin drop on that one.

4/09/2012 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marnie go walk around Engelwood on a Saturday night with your hoodie on and see what happens. You won't do that because you know what will happen to your dumb ass. All you liberals that talk out the side of your mouth's, I am offering you a challenge. Go take your family and go for a nice meal in Engelwood, afterward take the wife and kiddies for a walk to help digest the meal. Go on a Saturday night when the air is warm and a lovely breeze is coming off the lake. Let me know what you see or what happened to you and your family.

4/09/2012 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

have lived in downtown Chicago area for past 12 years. it's one thing to see hoodies go up so rain, winds don't screw up a hairdo. it's whole other thing to see bangers hide face under hoodie plus have that looking for trouble/hiding from trouble expression and posture. they duck under large hood and it looks shady- say for example, dope dealers leaning against a building at a busy intersection. Is this acting or coincidence? no. it's quite obvious the hood's used for hiding the face so it can't be identified before, during and after crime. the clothes make the man and in this case, the ghetto trash. whatever color your skin, if you're the type of idiot, male or female, who wants to take on that demeanor/appearance for wanna be banger fashion or role-playing kicks, you're playing with fire and deserve what comes your way.

4/09/2012 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marnie is probably from the mean streets of a western suburb. hey Marnie, your white guilt is childish and will only get you hurt. welcome to Chicago. good luck and as they say in the ring, "protect yourself at all times"

4/09/2012 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

our own police commanders march for trayvon. link;,0,7936822.story

4/09/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE will see how the liberals feel in MAY...I don't think Skokie is as dangerous as Chicago.

4/09/2012 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media can suck my big toe. I hate all of them. Bias, race baiting, one way with an agenda, liberal media. When I wear my hooded (not ghetto term - hoodie)sweatshirt, it's when Im fishing, or jogging or shoveling snow. Weather has everything to do with when I wear it and why. I dont wear it to conceal my identity. I dont wear it while Im inside the car out of the elements. I dont wear it inside my house or in the grocery store, liquor store or when I walk in the bank. If a neighborhood subdivision that I was visiting had a rash of burglaries and the people that live there didnt know who I was, and I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt over my head and I was lurking around with no obvious destination, yes I would think people would think I was somewhat suspicious. Come on America, cant you see through all the media bullshit hype?

4/09/2012 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Anita, I bet I could bash your head in without getting much more than a few scratches.
Wonderful world YOU want to live in...I'll pass on it.
If someone tries to do that to my wife, she'll put numerous .357 holes in them.

4/09/2012 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But if you wear the hoodie to hide your face, your probably up to something. I've seen ghetto stores with the sign on the door, "No hoodie,No masks"

4/09/2012 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skokie is full of liberals in denial

4/09/2012 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No one can tell me that my white skin is completely irrelevant to those truths."

— Marnie Shure, Chicago

You would seem to be pretty much irrelevant to anything. Why this sudden, bizarre politicization of a piece of clothing?

It's all just shmati, rags, to the people who sell it. It contains no "truths."

Don't you have enough to concern yourself with?

It's dangerous to wear a hoodie; it cuts off so much of your peripheral vision and hearing. As with cell phone usage, headphones, etc., just because you block out your environment doesn't mean that it isn't there.

If you want to depersonalize and objectify yourself by constantly hiding your face, go ahead. It merely makes it less likely that I'll take you and your emotional overflow seriously. Like, I, uh, can't even see who you are?

Remember your impassioned polemic when something really bad happens to you in the physical world.

More potential work for first responders, emergency rooms, lawyers, morticians, etc.


Think of it as evolution in action.

4/09/2012 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, the two may have gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight, but no one would have been killed. It's as simple as that."

— Anita Walker Field, Skokie

Ever hear of David Koschman?


Here's another one --,0,5149769.story

You live in a fantasy world.

It's as simple as that.

4/09/2012 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It funny how so many people are stuck in that mentality of a five year old child.

People are suppose to develop out of that stage of life and realize what happens to them and around them doesn't mean that everyone else shares in those events and experiences.

Take Rahm and some of the city aldermen for example. They think the city streets are not owned by the gangs because their block is protected therefore everyone else's must by too. These people are so detached from reality. Making decisions about our schools, our taxes, our quality of life. We need to toss them all out into the street so they can get a taste of what the rest of us are dealing with. Replace these people. They're clueless and stuck in another world.

4/09/2012 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point in their sheltered world these same Liberal dogooders will become the victim of a crime. By the same hooded animals they are excusing now. Getting a gun stuck in your face in a holdup, getting raped at 3:00am in your own bedroom, or getting car jacked does cure these folks. At least I hope so.

4/09/2012 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not every dog that has teeth -bites. But, every biting dog has teeth. You can't expect journalists to understand simple stuff like that.

4/09/2012 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject, can anyone tell me why it shouldn't be a felony for anyone over 12 years old to wear a mask, kerchief, or anything else to conceal their identity for ANY reason?

4/09/2012 01:02:00 AM


Yup, I'll take a crack at it.

Who wants to live in a police state?

The elderly with lung and/or heart conditions ofter wear masks in the cold and to protect against pollutants as do some with severe allergies.

Many jobs in construction require dust protection. People with contagious diseases wear masks.

In Japan and some other parts of the world people with common colds wear masks as a common curtsy to their community to prevent the spread of their illness. Then there's the entire religious Muslim thing with women wearing face coverings.

Where would we draw the line next?

Sunglasses, wigs, hair dye, hats, colored contact lenses, beards, mustaches? Those things can be used to conceal ones identity. How about painted faces and makeup!

As a conservative don't we already have too much government in our lives already?

4/09/2012 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1. Introduce something obnoxious into society.

2. Label any criticism of it as "stereotyping."

3. Repeat.

4/09/2012 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... this is jaw dropping.

Is it ratings week for the News programs or something or is CNN just trying to incite a race war??

(video)- CNN on Tulsa shootings - (warning contains offensive language)

4/09/2012 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are both racist! And I can prove it.

Neither one lives in the west side or in Englewood. Ask them why. They'll say because of the crime rate. And who is committing that crime in those areas? Guys in hoodies.

Until I see those people moving into the ghetto, they are racist. And when I do see them move in, I'll call them stupid.

4/09/2012 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a bank here in the suburbs that has a sign at the door saying that people in hoodies and sun glasses are forbidden from entering!

4/09/2012 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously occuturds wrote those comments in the papers. Living in their little bubble world where all is well, crime is down, they sing khumbiya and they drink the koolaid. Demoturd libtards. Go hug a tree and invest in windmills, why dontcha.

4/09/2012 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to point out to Ms. Ms. Anita Walker Field the case of Derrick King, who beat Jennifer Hall on her 36th birthday outside a Jewel store in the South Loop in August 2008. She lost 20 teeth and suffered a brain injury.

Derrick King could have just as well kicked in the 20+ teeth of Ms. Anita Walker Field and I'd doubt after that she'd be so anti-firearm after that experience.

This to me is one of the best examples why Illinoisans and all Americans should be allowed to carry concealed.

4/09/2012 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a 23-year-old female, a pale, blue-eyed Caucasian, and I wear hoodies on any given day of the week. I own more than 10 of them and substitute them for coats from March to November. I'm wearing one right now, in fact. And never, ever, have I aroused the mildest suspicion as I walk down the street.

Most folks will never know how stupid you are untill you open your mouth or write letters the Trib.

DUHHH !!!!!!!

4/09/2012 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"•If guns were outlawed, as I believe they should be, the chance encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin would not have resulted in a death. Yes, the two may have gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight, but no one would have been killed. It's as simple as that.

— Anita Walker Field, Skokie"

What do you think, if guns were outlawed as you say that criminals would just say aw shucks and turn them in to the nearest police station? Never happen. Chicago tried. Supreme Court says that it is illegal.

When fund are outlawed it will be because some wimp has pried it from my cold dead hands.

4/09/2012 04:57:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

I live I Beverly. SCC are you saying that 2 white 17 yoa males walking down lets say California near 107th wearing hoodies will engender the same reaction as two black 17 yoa wearing hoodies on the same block? This girl is right. The reasons for the different reactions are another story and called for. But leave everything that happened after Zimmerman confronted him out of it for a second. I'll bet if he was white, there's no confrontation at all.

Fire away.

White guy, 26 yoj.

Um, duh? That was exactly our point. Location makes the difference.

She doesn't list what streets she's walking down. If she's in the middle of Lincoln Park with her hoodie and there's a brisk wind off the lake, no one looks twice. In fact, no one looks twice if it's a black guy walking the same street either.

If she's at 79th and Ashland, everyone's looking and assuming she's a hype looking to score.

We fail to see your point as you've just reiterated our side of the argument.

4/09/2012 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey 26 yoj in beverly. where did you live before? why did you move?

4/09/2012 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita Walker Field:

How's the weather in Lollipop Land?

4/09/2012 06:46:00 PM  
Blogger sharky said...

I live I Beverly. SCC are you saying that 2 white 17 yoa males walking down lets say California near 107th wearing hoodies will engender the same reaction as two black 17 yoa wearing hoodies on the same block? This girl is right. The reasons for the different reactions are another story and called for. But leave everything that happened after Zimmerman confronted him out of it for a second. I'll bet if he was white, there's no confrontation at all.

Fire away.

White guy, 26 yoj.


OK, I'll bite. Yes, 2 white kids wearing hoodies should get stopped at 107 and California, mattering on a couple of circumstances:
1. Were they on Beverly CC property? Crime.
2. What was temperature? Is wearing hoody freasonable in that aspect?
3. Are they from the neighborhood? People there know each other, and are rather well off financially. If they dont belong there, usually there is a reason. There's more white burglars in that area than people want to believe.
4. Are they walking in a continuous fashion, ie straight path, or are they checking out cars/property repeatedly as they walk? LOTS of kids stealing from cars lately throughout Mt Greenwood/Beverly.

Hoodies by themselves on someone, no, no stop. Look at everything around you, and if you can enunciate reasonable suspicion, then yes, they should get stopped.

Fire Back.

4/09/2012 06:55:00 PM  
Blogger sharky said...

As I have said before, I dont trust any of the press, both liberal and conservative, to report anything accurately. Too many encounters personally with stories from both sides that got twisted around. Dont let personal opinions concerning Martin/Zimmerman case cloud your better judgement. Feds are working on it, they generally dont prosecute unless they have a rock solid case. They do get their pound of flesh by letting things drag on forever if they cant piece together a solid case, but they dont prosecute unless they have a fairly certain winner.

4/09/2012 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Walt Kowalski said...


You should invest in a police scanner and actually hear how many crimes are committed by a male black teen wearing a hoodie. Now go back to the suburbs, ya champagne liberal!

4/09/2012 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Anonymous said... "•If guns were outlawed, as I believe they should be, the chance encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin would not have resulted in a death. Yes, the two may have gotten into a knock-down, drag-out fistfight, but no one would have been killed. It's as simple as that.

—Anita Walker Field, Skokie" ---

What do you think, if guns were outlawed as you say that criminals would just say aw shucks and turn them in to the nearest police station? Never happen. Chicago tried. Supreme Court says that it is illegal.

When fund are outlawed it will be because some wimp has pried it from my cold dead hands.

The "Right to bear arms" is more to keep the current Government under control. It seems, this Country has morphed into something that gave everyone opportunity to a Country where the ultra rich decide policy and keep the working man down. Love my Country...hate the politics.

Signed: a veteran and a public servant

4/09/2012 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Is it true that 41st Ward Alderman Mary E. O'Connor doesn't live in the 41st Ward?

Rumor has it she might not even reside in the city.

Inquiring minds want to know.

4/09/2012 09:32:00 AM

Give it up here. No one cares you have an ax to grind w/ O'Connor.

And to the white guy 26 yoj.. 26 years on the job and still this stupid? How dumb were you when you started?

4/09/2012 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a PO I responded toa call of A robbery in progress. Female victim got tuned up pretty bad. The offender was caught, was on parole for robbery and the victim did not want press charges. Once a liberal, always a liberal.

As a dick had another woman struck inthe head with a baseball bat so hard she thought she had been shot. She lost and eye and did not want to prosecute either.

4/09/2012 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm just terrified of skinny white girls in hoodies! Another empty headed blond heard from. But, but, no one is intimidated by me in Northfield...

4/09/2012 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh what a wonderful world it will be when dirty rotten guns are outlawed. Then people won't be able to kill each other. With guns at least. Then we will have to ban swords, axes, hatchets, knives, bows and arrows and frying pans too. Oh my!

By jove I've got it! Let's ban murder instead! Jolly good! Then men can marry men, women can marry women and abortions can be had at any Wal-Mart! Oh, and of course pot would be legal too! And free health care! Oh my, I am about to faint at the thought!

4/09/2012 10:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Is it true that 41st Ward Alderman Mary E. O'Connor doesn't live in the 41st Ward?

Rumor has it she might not even reside in the city.

Inquiring minds want to know.

4/09/2012 09:32:00 AM

Give it up here. No one cares you have an ax to grind w/ O'Connor.

Ax or no ax, now you've got me wondering.

Aldermen have to live in the ward that they represent.

Where DOES she live?

4/09/2012 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bite. Yes, 2 white kids wearing hoodies should get stopped at 107 and California, mattering on a couple of circumstances:

1. Were they on Beverly CC property? Crime.

4/09/2012 06:55:00 PM

Were they on Ridge CC or MG Cemetery property? Beverly CC is from 83rd Street to 87th Street.

4/10/2012 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

White guilt. Look where it has gotten this country so far. We are headed for a civil war. And believe me Ms/Mr white liberal, they are much much better armed than you.

4/10/2012 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then when this stupid girl is robbed and raped by some criminal, and she describes a man with a hoodie, the PO should tell her that its not going in the report, and we cant look for someone wearing a hoodie because its racist. Then stupid girl, you tell me after that if your arent suspicious of someone wearing a hoodie. OH, but that probably wouldnt happen to her anyways because she only goes out in her hoodie at 3pm from her Lakeview apt which daddy pays for...Stupid girl.

4/10/2012 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live I Beverly. SCC are you saying that 2 white 17 yoa males walking down lets say California near 107th wearing hoodies will engender the same reaction as two black 17 yoa wearing hoodies on the same block? This girl is right. The reasons for the different reactions are another story and called for. But leave everything that happened after Zimmerman confronted him out of it for a second. I'll bet if he was white, there's no confrontation at all.

Fire away.

White guy, 26 yoj.

4/09/2012 07:16:00 AM


You stupid man...Of course, from Beverly, have you ever been a victim of anything other than a sheep for your college professors?
Anyone concealing their identity is suspicious. You go walk around in Edison Park or on 63rd and Union with a hoodie up at 3am, and lets see not only who questions you, but where you come out alive. You will get looks in both neighborhoods. Face it dummy, there are white neighborhoods and black ones, and someone who isnt recognized by the residents will be noticed. Its the way of the world. Ask yourself, why do you live in Beverly? If you moved where would it be to? Me thinks a white neighborhood. You want to change things? Then you move to Englewood and start a movement, see how that works out for you...Ill even buy you a new hoodie.

4/10/2012 03:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a PO I responded toa call of A robbery in progress. Female victim got tuned up pretty bad. The offender was caught, was on parole for robbery and the victim did not want press charges. Once a liberal, always a liberal.

As a dick had another woman struck inthe head with a baseball bat so hard she thought she had been shot. She lost and eye and did not want to prosecute either.

4/09/2012 09:22:00 PM

Hate to say it, but these are the same types of people who give money to a crack head and think they are helping society

4/10/2012 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walt Kowalski said...

You should invest in a police scanner and actually hear how many crimes are committed ...
4/09/2012 07:03:00 PM

There is an app for that

4/10/2012 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Marnie, shure doesn't know her subject matter!

Shoot from the lip with no street experience beyond her own zip!

4/10/2012 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta love all these "enlightened" people who think they are so progressive in their thinking - they are too impressed with themselves. As many have asked, "where do they live?", the answer is inevitably in middle to affluent white neighborhoods. There should be a mandatory field trip to the ghetto for these fools, so they can really see how the other half live. But what do you expect from those who have been spoon fed every idea in their existence? There are too many people so willing to accept what they hear and see on national news as the gospel. The truth is not always a convenient and palatable one, therefore the media will always stir a story with something that the public will swallow more easily- in the trayvon case, it's racism. The story of a white/hispanic man defending himself would not be as popular or favored. To those who continue to make excuses for all the trayvons in the world, I repeat an old quote from Robert Kennedy: "society gets the kind of criminal it deserves".

4/10/2012 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M. Anita Walker Field is a dumb idiot. If guns were outlawed, and completely unavailable - people would still find a way to kill each other. As they had for millenia BEFORE guns were invented. As they have in prison where guns are unavailable. And in the UK where guns have been banned (for the law-abiding) where the thugs use knives, bats, pipes, shanks, etc...

Unfortunately, until someone comes up and cuts her ass with a knife or a broken bottle, or a rolled up newspaper - she won't get her head out of her ass...

4/10/2012 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Revenge of The Hoody People...

Coming soon to a theater near you.

4/10/2012 06:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a new stop being added to the Skokie Swift (Yellow Line) train at Oakton Street. It will be a perfect jumping off point for the upstanding honor roll students of Rogers Park to to "explore". It will be interesting to seem crime stats in the area before and after the opening of this stop.

4/10/2012 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember years ago at a CAPS meeting in a North side District there was a speaker talking about rehabbing a building in the area and having section 8 live there. He went on about how it was good for the community and what a plus it would be for everyone involved. Someone in the audience asked the speaker where he lived. He stated, I believe, Wilmette. They then asked how is the section 8 program working in his neighborhood. He stuttered that they do not have it in his neighborhood. When pressed why he could not come up with answer. The good citizen then said, "So what you are saying its OK for us to take in section 8 people but too good for your neighborhood."

The meeting ended shortly thereafter.

Remember the term NIMBY when it comes to liberals.

4/10/2012 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There's a new stop being added to the Skokie Swift (Yellow Line) train at Oakton Street. It will be a perfect jumping off point for the upstanding honor roll students of Rogers Park to to "explore". It will be interesting to seem crime stats in the area before and after the opening of this stop."

--4/10/2012 06:26:00 PM

They know what's going to happen. A lot of people fought it for years -- handicapped by the liberal need to not be seen as fighting it.

Can't remember -- is there a McDonald's nearby?

Might take some of the pressure off Chicago and State.


4/10/2012 09:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be a smartass here but most residents of Skokie may agree with me when I say if it weren't for firearms we might be goose-stepping a different song today.

4/13/2012 09:07:00 PM  

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