Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Voter Fraud Made Easy

Attorney General Eric Holder, he of the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal, insists there is no significant voter fraud that would necessitate voters presenting ID at polling places. He has sued numerous states and municipalities from enforcing Voter ID laws, despite a number of court decisions that affirm the legality of said laws.

Well, here's a simple example of how easy voter fraud is:
  • U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has declared that there is no proof that in-person voter fraud is a problem. He's about to see proof that even he can't deny.

    In a new video provided to Breitbart.com, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates why Holder should stop attacking voter ID laws--by walking into Holder’s voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s primary ballot. Literally.

    The video shows a young man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day of this year--April 3, 2012--and giving Holder’s name and address. The poll worker promptly offers the young man Holder’s ballot to vote.

    The young man then suggests that he should show his ID; the poll worker, in compliance with DC law, states: “You don’t need it. It’s all right. As long as you’re in here, you’re on our list, and that’s who you say you are, you’re okay.”

And to add insult to injury, O'Keefe send in the pastiest of white guys to pose as the black Eric Holder, and it didn't make a difference. O'Keefe spent part of this election cycle having people go into Vermont voting precincts posing as citizens on the voting rolls and actually being offered ballots - ballots of people who had been dead for years, but still eligible to vote.

We in Chicago are well aware of the dead rising to vote. Kennedy was rumored to have carried Illinois by the votes of a sizable number of cemetery denizens who cast their ballots his way. Absentee ballots are especially susceptible to fraud. There really isn't any logical reason not to have Voter ID laws on the books, especially as state governments are offering free ID's to those who can't afford them. You need ID to cash a check, rent a car, get any sort of government assistance. Why not to vote?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all legit kid!

Big City Police

4/10/2012 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always hand my id to the polling judges at Nativity of our Lord my polling place in Bridgeport, and they always refuse to look at it. I just don't understand why.

4/10/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

When I lived on the sou'west side (before the badge), my ambition was to become the precinct captain for St. Casimir's Cemetery.

4/10/2012 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thirty years ago I worked at the voters reg dept at city hall. there were 3 of us that all performed the same dutys. I only worked there while out of school for one semester so I don't remember the exact procedures but we were pulling the voters registration cards of absentee voters. I was way too young and concerned with other things to think about the validity of the peoples files I was pulling, but I clearly remember that a huge portion of the voters were in their 80's and 90's and hadn't voted in person for decades. I wonder if they are still pulling that scam there with those same names?

4/10/2012 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be nice for govt. to give free IDs, my daughter went to change her name on drivers license today. She brought her old license, Birthcertificate and marriage license and they told her she couldnt have one because she doesn't have a bill in her new name!

4/10/2012 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever I have voted I have always had my voter ID and my drivers license in hand to show the polling clerk. Sometimes I am asked for it and sometimes not. You should have some ID to show who you are. If I am willing to do it then everyone can do the same. Chicago and Crook county doesn't have a monopoly on stealing votes. Sadly it goes on all over the country.

4/10/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, I resent your casting a bad light on the Dead voting in Chicago and Crook County on election day. You have to admire good Democrats who are willing to rise up out of their graves and stumble to their former polling places to cast a ballot. The ruling jagoff politicians couldn't continue fucking us every year without the help of these loyal Democrat stiffs.

4/10/2012 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if O'Keefe and his buddy get charged with voter fraud, and conspiracy to commit voter fraud.

4/10/2012 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dumbocrats want all the illegals they can get the support of to vote for the Dumbocrat candidates.

One year voters cards with 5 hispanic names, registered to my address, arrived in my mail box. I live in a single family home.

This must be the dumbocrat machine's version of "Vote Early and Often".

"ID Card, we don need no stinkin ID Card"!!!!!

4/10/2012 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to show my ID to Cashier in Walgreens, several times, to buy a pack of cigarettes and I'm definately over 50 years old....

4/10/2012 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago sure did put Kennedy in the White House. How do you think the Daleys were able to run Chicago without interference with those pesky laws the rest of the Nation adhered to? The Democrats are still 'beholden' to the Daley crime family.

Chicago is a cancer.

4/10/2012 05:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video:


4/10/2012 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The libs will NEVER admit it's needed. The fact is my 12 year old gets a photo ID for school.

4/10/2012 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if O'Keefe and his buddy get charged with voter fraud, and conspiracy to commit voter fraud.


Wouldn't it be funny if you actually read the article or watched the attached video and saw it was impossible to charge either with anything instead of acting like a sanctimonious asshole?

They didn't vote and they didn't purport to be Eric Holder. He walked into a polling place and asked "Do you have an Eric Holder as such and such an address?" and they offered him the ballot. He never accepted it.

4/10/2012 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In most countries. U must be fingerprinted to vote one time! Remember Iraq citizens with purple ink on their index finger to prove they voted! Yet in this country u can vote many times and no one gives a damn!

Nothing wrong with showing ur free Identification, that the states provide for bustouts, to prove who u are.

I pull out my identification for a lousy credit card all the time!

Something as important as voting and people are allowed to lie about who they really are! This country is shit!

4/10/2012 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out here in DuPage I attempted to show my DL, the women got all excited and told me to put it away as they would be breaking the law if they asked for it which they didn't and did not want to see it. What the hell is this country coming too??????

4/10/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would have been great to pull a Republican Primary Ballot in Holder's name and cast a vote for Newt or Santorum.

4/10/2012 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wondering if the pols mentioned in article about contributions, have filled out their conflict of interest forms? different strokes for different folks.

4/10/2012 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hidden camera in MN voting registration. We are Doomed as a Nation....

Do we need voter ID?????? Watch this!

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!


4/10/2012 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arrest Holder for Murder and Treason.

4/10/2012 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amount of vote fraud that would be eliminated by requiring ID is not real high. The real problem is other types of vote fraud and that is a tougher nut to crack without a lot of honest election judges and they are very tough to come by in Cook County.

Remember back in 60s or 70s when newspapers would have someone sit outside precincts and count voters going in and there were routinely more votes cast than voters that actually showed up to vote. ID will not change that any.

Nor will it change the midnight voting after the election is over that is routine in Cook County.

Or the vote counting fraud that goes on.

ID is a small step on its own that is still worth doing, but it won't "fix" the problem.

4/10/2012 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listened to the audio in the car. Before the guy leaves the polling place to get his I.D. he tells the guy "I'll be back faster then you can say furious". As in the failed justice dept. operation "Fast & Furious". Spit my coffee all over the car I laughed so hard!

4/10/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you guys mean about this stuff.

My wife's name is Carly - yet somehow, two years ago, we started getting stuff in the mail from politicians for Carlos, Carla, Carlie, C., Karly, Karlie, etc.

We checked her credit records, nothing on their under any of those aliases. Yet here we are again in this cycle, getting all that same stuff - as well as numerous voter registration cards (the ones that spell out which district, precint, alderperson, etc, we live in) in those aliases names.

I called my alderman about this - his secretary seemed to pretend to care, promised to have this investigated, yet I've never heard back from them & it's been over a month. I guess they are counting on Carlos, et al's, votes.

4/10/2012 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I will be back faster than you can say furious." Best backhanded comment so far of 2012.

4/10/2012 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous KMA said...

I was waiting for a flight at O`Hare two weeks ago and sat down at a bar for a quick beer. The bartender asked for an ID. I`m sixty three years old. I looked at him and told him adios and walked away. Of course I don`t ned to show ID to vote.

4/10/2012 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because Obama knows he is skating on thin ice in his re-election bid because he has not accomplished any meaningful legislation to benefit the electorate and needs all the help he can get so he is trying to make it possible to let the illegal aliens in the U.S.
vote without being challenged. Just give them a card with his photo and ballot number on it and let them do the rest.

4/10/2012 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

overhere in the 24th Ward the precinct captains don't even bother to come around and solicit our votes anymore.

4/10/2012 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's over! We are in the next phase of American existance. "The calm before the storm."

4/10/2012 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few years ago a study by some university was published that indicated most statewide elections in Illinois would have been different without voter fraud. The democrats do not want voter ID. I am not sure of the reason. It might be fear of having a national ID card which smacks of George Orwell. Voter fraud makes not diffence in national elections because of the electorial college, but it can make a difference in local and state wide elections. And, now the democrats want to scrap the electorial college and go with vote totals.

4/10/2012 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fact there is a polling place in the internment chapel of St. Bonaface Cemetery at Lawrence & Clark. Makes it easier for those buried there. They don't have to cross busy Clark Street and maybe end up getting killed . . . LOL

4/10/2012 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Viewed the video...
Read some of the comments...

Are people starting to get wise as to the tremendous peril this nation is in?

Yeah... Voter fraud made easy.

Eric Holder will stutter, stammer and green-shit on himself just like he did when hard pointy questions about Fast & Furious came up...

Hellooooo Sanctuary City?

Hellooooo Mayor's Office of New Americans?

Hellooooo leaving the southern border unguarded?

Yellow-Pinky liberal Trotskyite pandering to swell the Democratic voter rolls with a catered to constituency to keep the yellow-pinkies in power.

Europe is ruined by the unholy alliance of islamofascists and the liberals...

Know Your World History!

The islamofascists have said repeatedly that they would take Europe and not have to fire a single shot.

Europeans aren't replacing themselves (birthrate) and the islamists are essentially doubling themselves everytime someone looks up...


The day is coming when those who played by the rules, did what was right, worked like dogs to have something to pass on to THEIR children will be forced to take on a standard of living not seen since the dawn of the industrial age.

The working man has become a slave to the catered to constituents and the Fakir of Fuckery and his trusty lieutenants (holder, flaming tutu et al.) are all in to make it so.

Hmmmm... Destroying any hope the people may have as far as elected representative government of their chosing.

Democrats are dishonorable...

Republicans lack of true north on their moral compass is causing the needle to spin madly...

The REAL people WILL have to take matters into their own hands.

4/10/2012 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric holder must have been too busy prosecuting the black panthers making death threats in sanford florida or investigating voter intimidation in Philly in 2008. They are after all "his people".

4/10/2012 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I live in the 13th ward. Two unoccupied properties on my block, where elderly owners have recently died, had Madigan signs. I bet they voted for him too.

4/10/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a simple biometric?

4/10/2012 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whaaa...? Hey! They ask me for my id everytime I vote and even made me sign an affidavit this last time because they thought my signature might be a forgery. I was almost late to work trying to early vote! I wanted to say do I look like I'd come in here at 0840 in my work clothes to forge a ballot...I almost demanded my id back and walked out on them.

4/10/2012 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should be mandatory that every American citizen vote. If you do not like any of the candidates write someone else in. I have to show up for jury duty , if not I could be prosecuted under the; Delinquent Juror Prosecution Program to prosecute those jurors who unlawfully: fail to respond to a jury summons; respond to the summons but then fail to appear at the courthouse as scheduled, or; fail to fully complete juror service. Voting is a lot easier then going for jury duty.

4/10/2012 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who is against voter id laws is a traitor. Seriously.

4/10/2012 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way Alfred E. Neuman wins again is with massive voter fraud, and illegals allowed to vote.

4/10/2012 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excusssssssssssseeeee Meeeeeeee


Wouldn't it be funny if you actually read the article or watched the attached video and saw it was impossible to charge either with anything instead of acting like a sanctimonious asshole?

They didn't vote and they didn't purport to be Eric Holder. He walked into a polling place and asked "Do you have an Eric Holder as such and such an address?" and they offered him the ballot. He never accepted it.

4/10/2012 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --
Is Chicago the Next Atlanta?

Published: April 9, 2012

By Steve Cook Real Estate Economy Watch

"Will Chicago be the next big city to witness its housing market implode, virtually without warning?

"Friday the Treasury Department set off alarms in the Windy City when it spotlighted Chicago's housing market in its monthly Housing Scorecard, describing its condition as "continued fragility."

""Fragile" is not a word Chicagoans like to hear others use to describe their homes. Within hours of the release of the Treasury Scorecard the Chicago Tribune carried a report on it, noting that it "shines a national spotlight on Chicago and paints a somber picture of President Barack Obama's hometown."

"In fact, Chicago has been encountering a rising tide foreclosures over the past year, and they've had their impact on prices. The greater Chicago market's foreclosure count is up 43 percent over a year ago; one in every 302 housing units is a foreclosure, ranking it fourth in the nation, according to RealtyTrac. With an REO saturation level of 35.7 percent compared to 29 percent nationally and it ranks 13th among Clear Capital's lowest performing markets, with a median 4.4 percent year-over-year price decline. Moreover, foreclosure processing in Illinois, a judicial state, takes an average of 575 days which means distressed mortgages in Chicago remain unresolved in the foreclosure pipeline 50 percent longer on average than in other cities, the Treasury report said...."


4/10/2012 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hell, bring back literacy testing.

4/10/2012 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Had to show my ID to Cashier in Walgreens, several times, to buy a pack of cigarettes and I'm definately over 50 years old...."

--4/10/2012 04:13:00 AM

Just buy a loosie from the nine-year-old hangin outside the "L" stop...

4/10/2012 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to offer my ID while voting in the primary (23rd ward). They didn't accept it. I was told I don't need it. When I sad we all have to show IDs to vote,I was told, "Don't worry, eventually it will come to that" like it was a bad thing.

4/10/2012 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Went to vote this year, walked in like I have for the last 37 years said, "HI" like normal told them my name, address. No Problem. signed the form was given a ballot, as I was walking to booth a judge tells me "One of the judges is questionong your signature, you have to show an ID". Again no problem. Voted left and as I was Driving home I began to wonder are they doing this to everybody. Not Just City Wide but County Wide, and State wide. I dont have a problem with it if is done fairly. I think you should have to show an ID. No ID No vote

4/10/2012 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need ID to cash a check, rent a car, get any sort of government assistance. Why not to vote?

Because voting is a constitutionally guaranteed right, those other things aren't.


4/10/2012 05:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a silly thing for an insignificant blog to say! just silly!

4/10/2012 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ID is a small step on its own that is still worth doing, but it won't "fix" the problem.
But it's a start and we should start there since we know it's a problem.

4/10/2012 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""I pull out my identification for a lousy credit card all the time! ""

Try not showing it to them. Part of their merchant agreement states they cannot ask for ID -- If your signature matches the signature on the card, they have to take it. Minimum purchases are also against their rules.

4/10/2012 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ald Mary Oconner had to show her I'd all the years she voted out of her business instead of a residence.Incidentlally she did in fact commit several felonies by doing so.Well I guess when you didn't live in the city,where else are you going to vote from.

4/10/2012 11:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically when the polls close the curtain is drawn and some people are chosen to vote even though they never came to the polls. this is cook county.

4/11/2012 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This year was the first time I recall that I was not asked for my ID (although I had it ready to show to them). Thought it was strange. Then I had to reply "yes" three times when they confirmed that I wanted a Republican ballot-had to bite my lip to keeping from asking if they wanted me to spell it for them. Geez.

--No Cop Here

4/11/2012 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

having been born and raised in Chicago I can tell you it's NOT just the dead voting it's the fact that the voters records are NOT updated.. I moved to Joliet 8 summers ago.. I was previously registered to vote in the McKinley park area of Chicago.. I registered to vote in my new location immediately.. they asked my previous address so the state should have taken my OFF the voters rolls in CHICAGO but alas 5 years later I was still on them at my old address while being registered and voting in my new location..My mother passed away 2 years ago bet she's still on the Chicago voters rolls to..

4/11/2012 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that here in Shitcago, if you walk in with your property tax bill you should get 5 ballots.

4/14/2012 03:32:00 PM  

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