Sunday, July 08, 2012

Chicago Magazine Again

  • Of course, many factors contribute to an uptick in urban violence. But the current crime wave raises questions about the decisions made by McCarthy—an outsider who came here armed with a playbook of policing strategies he learned on the East Coast—and the man who has been his primary supporter, Mayor Emanuel. Why don’t the crime-fighting strategies that worked so effectively in New York and Newark seem to be working here? And if they aren’t working, why isn’t McCarthy changing them? If the violence continues at the same troubling rate, the city will surely demand answers, and McCarthy, who was once compared to George Washington, John Wayne, and Braveheart, could receive a much less flattering title: ex-superintendent.

The article runs four pages and covers a lot of ground. There's a bunch of self-aggrandizing BS, some decent anecdotes, some biting insight and commentary.

There's also an incidental clue to why homicides are climbing following Phil Cline's successful drive to keep the numbers under 500:

  • Even so, it’s hard to argue with the effectiveness of specialized units. Consider what happened when Cline began using them to target gangs, guns, and drugs in certain neighborhoods on the South and West Sides. Chicago went from being the murder capital of the nation in 2003, with 601 people killed, to 453 the next year (see "Murder Capital of America?"). That was the first time since the 1960s that fewer than 500 murders had been recorded.

    Homicides remained under the 500 mark until 2008. The previous fall, in the wake of ongoing scandal involving the rogue officers, Dana Starks, the interim superintendent between Cline and Weis, shelved the specialized units. Homicides began to rise. After Weis took the job, he convinced Mayor Daley in September 2008 to reinstate the units, promising that, as chief, he’d implement better training and more accountability.

Interesting. After SOS was disbanded in 2008, homicides jumped above 500. After MSF was instituted and increased in size, homicides dipped back under 500 for the 3 succeeding years.

Now in 2012, after MSF is gone and citywide units are a fading memory, guess which number is creeping toward 500 again? It's almost like having a few hundred guys and gals that you could deploy on a nightly basis to hotspots actually kept the retaliatory killings to a minimum.

There will be some comments claiming that we supported disbanding all citywide units to beef up patrol. That's not true - we supported a streamlining of the redundant functions of the citywide units. There was no need for an SOS and a TRU and a MSF and a "jump-out boys." One single unit could serve that purpose. The trouble was the politics of the job led every Chief, Deputy and other gold star wanting their own specialized unit that reported only to them doing their bidding. That was draining Patrol. Now, it's the retirements and lack of hiring.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have just suffered thru some of the hottest weather seen in this area in a century--- short fuses lead to an increase in violent crimes--- do we really have a decrease in homicides or is it a product of superior medical treatment of shooting victims--- how many people shot 10 years ago would have survived if they were shot today--- seasoned veteran police officers know the answer and it's time to face the music and hire more police--- we need more police out there bottom line--- 500 is not going to cut it--- 2000 may be a more reasonable amount....

7/08/2012 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I agree in theory, at this point any new unit created is just going to suck more police away from the few decent neighborhoods left in the city. Trying to stop Pookie from killing Ray-Ray is like trying to hold back the ocean. The only real loss is because these assclowns can't aim for shit and hit kids and bystanders etc etc.

The real solution has to involve ending the idiot policy of paying these ghetto rats to pop out kids everywhere.

7/08/2012 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on my way home tonight. I witnessed what had to be a city wide 10-1 at 87th and ashland. There had to be 30-40 cars that responded with more coming with every tick of the clock. Oh did I mention the helicopter! What caused it you ask? under aged CHILDREN at Mr'G's fighting on the street. All up and down 87th st. If the department had on duty specialized units available to respond. Districts across the city would not have to send their meager beat and rapid cars. I guess this too is the New York way. lmfao.

7/08/2012 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moblie units like SOS, Gangs, Tact, MSF etc. are a "no brainer" they work. Period.

7/08/2012 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is cute. Let's see how many of you "haters" are still applauding McPilgrim for dumping the units. It was only roughly 1 short year ago this jack ass, and 9.5 came to town and "put 1000 cops back on the street." How's that workin out for ya? The bloggers were lining up here to say how much they liked this guy and that decision. Can't wait to see how many of you are still supporting your fearless leader.

7/08/2012 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...McCarthy, who was once compared to George Washington, John Wayne, and Braveheart..."

...for about five minutes...

7/08/2012 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the numbers this year of guys pulling the pin is huge. June was the largest.
Yes bring back the youth that were in TRU and MSF. Before I retired from the "D" unit these young men saved my ass on the Southside a couple of times from the beast.
I keft this year with 35 yoj and the young bloods do their job.
They beefed like everyone with little time OTJ.
There is no differance from when I came on and today with the coppers.
The young guys got better tools but every move they make is monitored.
In regards to the brass of today's VPD......95 percent zero'. Sgt' with no balls and C/O' who are bosses thanks to surname.
All you young copper' stay sane and keep your cool. You are top shelf from what I seen.

7/08/2012 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous bratton fan said...

Interesting. I'll take your word that your primary goal was streamlining the redundancies in the various units, and that you weren't really against them. I hadn't read your posts that way, but I probably wasn't paying attention to distinctions that were important and I should have noticed.

I do remember a lot of sarcasm about crime stats, and I remember trying to push back, to point out that you can't really fake the murder rate, except maybe a percent or so that you can reclassify. The constant harangue about certain urban demographics led me to believe you sympathized with the few ignorant commenters who would claim the city's changing racial make-up was behind the murder rate decline. (Despite the fact that there was no huge increase in the suburbs at the same time; and that the city's demographics didn't really change that much in the particular year of 2003, though that was the year with the huge decline in the murder rate, which corresponded exactly with Cline's experiment on the west side, HIlliard's departure (ousting? No one in the media ever put it that way, but god, how could you not speculate) and Cline's promotion.

I'm glad to hear a frank acknowledgment here that what happened in 2003 was partly driven by changes in policing.

I've long felt Cline got scapegoated for things that were somewhat secondary, and that there might have been a better way to deal with the handful of scandals rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I feel immensely better about this blog, and frankly, about the future of the city, after reading this post. Thank you. I hope the city can relearn some of the lessons of 2003.

7/08/2012 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...retirements and lack of hiring."

We probably don't have enough officers to field such a citywide force now, without stripping the districts (again).

7/08/2012 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Problem is they can't now do what they once did.
Not enough new guys who never heard of cozzi.

7/08/2012 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got an idea the mayor should get on his hands and knees and beg phil cline to come back!

7/08/2012 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy slipped up at compost this week and called the Areas, boroughs. Come on, dude, you've been here over a year, learn the lingo.Unless you're just thinking how much you'd really like to be back in the Bronx.

7/08/2012 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Idiot dumped the working coppers in a Rahm political move, and tried to sell the "I put 1000 officers on the street!" by twisting Rahms campaign pledge!

He played the public and the police as ignorant fools!

What a mistake!!!

What he really did was STOP "1000" officers who were happily working their asses off TO STAY IN THEIR SPOTS!

Therefore ..... these new "1000" cops who were treated like dogs.... BECAME DOGS!!!

Therby reducing his working force by an extra 1000


This is the best Rahm could come up with.... WHAT A JOKE!!!

7/08/2012 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous "Me" for Supt said...

Anonymous said...
So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM


You are the type that made people laugh at the MSF. The S turned into Stroke for a reason... Mobile Stroke Farce.... Ha ha ha. Anyone in their right mind would stay away from any future made up Unit, See how they treat you? But I guess when you're dumped to 005 on 1st Watch and living in 016, not much would stop you just to get closer to home......
The City was safer with a Unit full of PO's taking two hour lunches after their 2-3 hour work outs..... At least you came out to "stare at the beast" with your 8 partners for a couple hours a night.... Thanks for all those "nickel bag arrests" and contact cards (you know, taking names as you say). Man, I hope that post was a joke!

7/08/2012 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
McCarthy slipped up at compost this week and called the Areas, boroughs. Come on, dude, you've been here over a year, learn the lingo.Unless you're just thinking how much you'd really like to be back in the Bronx.

7/08/2012 04:33:00 AM

He was referring to burros, a small donkey.

7/08/2012 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

And then got our one bagger with 6 guys on the paper and were done for the evening. GFY douchebag!

7/08/2012 06:22:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

Anonymous said...
So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM

I sure do hope you're being sarcastic!

Either way, your post should've read:

"the proof is in the manipulated statistics and over exaggerated indices of worthless, revenue-generating activity. You logical, more-seasoned officers are correct in calling us names that reflect our ignorance of and lack of experience in how CPD really works. But we hung on supervisors' nuts hard and burned out restaurants that used to give coppers a play even harder. We stood around on stops with our hands tucked into our vest covers and "took names"... which we wrote on ANOVs, contact cards and curfews. We routinely got punked-out by ghetto savages that realized we never policed the beast before having delusions of grandeur, drinking lots of Department Koolaide and then signing up to be the latest experiment gone awry. BRING BACK MSF...TO REMIND US ALL AGAIN JUST HOW WILLING COPPERS ARE TO TAKE IT IN THE ASS FROM A DEPARTMENT THAT LIES TO US AT EVERY TURN."

There. That's a much more accurate assessment of your self-importance, no?

7/08/2012 06:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assume these violent "children" are not thinking through what they are doing. Do you think they realize that their actions are going to eventually push The Finger to hire more police?
Even unengaged people are becoming very concerned about crime and how personally scary all of this could be if it happened to them. It is altering tourism, shopping and eating out which translates to tax dollars and getting citizens happy.

7/08/2012 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your manning a beat car your handcuffed to the radio and computer handling one job after another. Many of them are bs but you still have to handle them one way or another. When working tact, SOG, etc you can do just about anything you damn well please. You see more things,have better hunches that pan out, and make better arrests (usually, not the bs marijuana busts though) Bring them back bus monitor the men more closely than was done previously.

7/08/2012 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im putting my Chicago 2008 Murder Capital of the USA Coffee Mug on E bay. Any Takers?

7/08/2012 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those asking for the return of phat phil, isn't he in remission from cancer?

7/08/2012 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM


If you were serious, you are a TOOL

7/08/2012 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh great now we are going to hear the war stories " when I was in SOS".

7/08/2012 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bashing Cline is like bashing Bush, eventually most people will see that they were good leaders. Whether you liked the guy or not, crime was down and more importantly, none of us was murdered at the hands of an offender while on duty during his tenure. I seriously doubt any other Superintendent has that distinction.

7/08/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you ex- unit officers who feel that every non unit officers are a bunch of pussies ..... Get a life! Dindn't most of you get dumped into 007 and 008 ? Murder and are soring in those districts. Yes , you did such a great job that department hired had to hire off duty officers at time and a half to increase the man power because murders were climbing .

The gangs tend to go nuts about every twenty years . I worked in 007 in the early nineties . 007 had about four hundred officers assigned and district was loaded with gang unit, gun unit south and any other body they could find. From 91 till about 95 I would say that that small district had close to 400 homicides . Twenty years earlier the same held true.

I believe you men and women did a fine job in those units but the department is short a few thousand p.o.'s. we need the bodies in the districts to answer calls and back each other up. The most fuck up call or situation is giving to a beat officer. Most of all those stars you see on the wall in headquarters belonged to a district officers. Those were the men and women that answered the bullshit call that they have handled every day but with one twist.......they were killed.

Grow up officers of units past we are one department and we all carry the same load, believe it or not.

7/08/2012 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If McCarthy was so great in new York why wasn't he kept there to be the Supt???? Why didn't new jersey keep him? Guess he's our high paid problem now. By the way new York has way more police.

7/08/2012 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/08/2012 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Msf did work it saved a lot of pieces of shit in the ghetto. In the meantime the taxpayers keep getting fucked.

7/08/2012 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck trying to form another unit like those mentioned. First of all manpower is not there, and they have screwed over the last volunteers so bad, I would be surprised if anyone can be that stupid

7/08/2012 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MSF and TRU worked. I was detailed from my unit to TRU for 90 days a couple of years ago. I was impressed with the work ethic and the energy of the young coppers in the unit. I saw firsthand the benefit of saturating a particular area with the police. After what happened with SOS, everyone "threw the baby out with the bath water." We NEED units like TRU and MSF, and we NEED proper staffing in the districts. If Emmanuel is serious about stopping the homicides and random crime sprees in Chicago, bring back these units and HIRE MORE POLICE OFFICERS!!

7/08/2012 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye"

Nothing more pathetic or scary than someone who believes his own bullshit. You're in dire need of some therapy, the sooner the better.

7/08/2012 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM


Haha..a real MSFer wouldn't spout off like just trying to stir the pot again.

7/08/2012 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the Chicago way...

If it's broken...Don't Fix it, blame the Cop's and act like City Hall is doing everything they can.

7/08/2012 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous 30Sector said...

Unabashed Cline guy here. Worked for the man & would gladly do it again. In my two decades otj, he was far & away the best Sup we had. I get that some didn't like him. But name one boss of any organizaton who's liked by everyone. He doesn't exist. Besides,if at least a few people don't dislike you, you're not a good leader.

you, you're doing something wrong.

7/08/2012 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another "scientific " reason for the uptick in shootings and murders that people 'just don't talk about' is the FACT that Cook County Jail is comprised with 'minority' population. The States Atty Office has for years believed that there are way too many 'minorities' being incarcerated. Period.
The Mayor, States Atty, and the Sheriff all want to reduce the population jailed, if not just for votes but for cost cutting for patronage mismanagement.
The thugs know that there is no punishment for their crimes, the judge make this obvious, the asst states attys have no power but to follow the Leader on decisions of who gets prosecuted and which high profile case will bring the most accolade.
So why bother locking anyone up? Has the Soop GMac spoke of this? No.

And lastly : "...McCarthy, who was once compared to George Washington..."
Check again, George Washington had wooden teeth, not a wooden head. A better comparison would be to Charlie McCarthy who also was manipulated by levers and had no voice of his own.

7/08/2012 12:41:00 AM

7/08/2012 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there you have it folks. The proof is in the pudding. MSF was effective in curbing crime. You jealous types can call us all sorts of names. But we worked hard and played harder. We kicked ass and took names. We stared down at the beast on a nightly basis in some of the most dangerous streets of Chicago and didn't blink an eye. BRING BACK M.S.F.

7/08/2012 01:36:00 AM

Please tell me you were kidding. You sound like a simple minded fool with that nonsense.

The city wide units are a must. Good supervision of those units is even more important. The Sgts dropped the ball on watching the kids, or the Sgt were still kids themselves. The Lts didn't do their job of watching the Sgts.

4 hour work days were for special circumstances, but they became every day events. Long lunches, late arrivals, early ducks, no shows became standard. Every one on those teams thought they were the shit. They weren't.

This Department lacks discipline. It lacks moral. Look to the military, they have both and they do go hand in hand.

7/08/2012 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one single unit could not handle the job hence tru was formed in conjunction with sos and thats when the murder numbers went down from 500 and remained down until starks started fucking with deployment. even when sos was disbanded and msf was formed the numbers remained down until as i stated above starks started fucking with deployment and merit hacks where put in charge. all n all you need two strong citywide units to quell this shit. hq cant admit they made a mistake disbanding the units cause politics ala "im putting a 1000 cops on the streets" was the only way the illusion of more police on the streets could be obtained and we all know those in charge from the mayor on down to hq dont know squat about policing the streets especially when you never worked the streets.
So you put more cops on the streets, cough, cough, and murders along with aggravated batteries w/firearm are going up since you made that move........NOW WHAT!!

7/08/2012 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moblie units like SOS, Gangs, Tact, MSF etc. are a "no brainer" they work. Period.

As long as they follow the rules too. Problem is, people that get called "special" eventually think they actually are.

7/08/2012 11:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If specialized units were reinstituted today patrol would be devastated and those working the watches would never be able to take time off!

7/08/2012 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By not being able to see the difference between a cop with 3 to 13 years on the job and 13 to 23 years on the job, McJO set this Dept back 10 years, just so they could lie to the press. Thousand cops on the street, right.

7/08/2012 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy slipped up at compost this week and called the Areas, boroughs. Come on, dude, you've been here over a year, learn the lingo.Unless you're just thinking how much you'd really like to be back in the Bronx.

7/08/2012 04:33:00 AM

-Of course he'd really like to back in New York. That's all he EVER talks about. Problem is, they know his sorry act there and they don't want him back.

7/08/2012 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is up in the districts. Crime is up in the Loop. Crime is up on the CTA. Crime is up on the Gold Coast. Crime is up at the beaches. Crime is up at the airports. Crime is up in the public schools. So Rahm, what have you done for us lately? We really can't take much more of your enlightened administration.

7/08/2012 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...McCarthy, who was once compared to George Washington, John Wayne, and Braveheart..."

...for about five minutes...

7/08/2012 12:41:00 AM

And ONLY by the media.

7/08/2012 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Cozzi comment rings true, thanks to another shitty superintendent.

7/08/2012 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:16 A.M.

Exactly, I bet that if you could factor in the advances in trauma care over the last twenty years, kinda of like in financial terms, adjusting for inflation. The true measure is not homicide, but gunshot wounds.

7/08/2012 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never go back to MSF. After the way they treated us....FUCK YOU. Gary said maybe when you go back to the districts some of the hard work ethic will rub off on those cops on the watch....well Gary..I do my job, answer calls, lock people up on signed complaints. Reactive police work. Proactive is to make you look better. No thanks.

7/08/2012 02:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC. Did you just conduct a study of the problem and make some observations? Did you even draw a conclusion? You should hit the government up for some grant money. Oh, wait. That's not for the likes of us. That's just for the left wing schools and the gang bangers. Carry on.

7/08/2012 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is that when a young copper gets into a specialized unit, well he thinks he can walk on water and forgets that when he is out there working that he has an obligation to help out his fellow coppers who are stuck working a bullshit beat car, listen to that radio and roll by a job, make sure that copper is OK. another problem is whe n young boys and girls get on a Tact Team, well the first thing he or she does is get big muscles, then the Baseball cap gets worn backwards, hands get inter- laced into the gun belt while on a traffic stop, and instead of keeping an eye on dude while his partner is searching the car, he is too busy making sure everyone drving by sees how COOL he or she looks. It is a miracle we don't have more coppers hurt, Coppers new to Tact Teams should have to p[ass a survival coarse first, just like a mini SWAT Team.

7/08/2012 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WSIDN hits a homer..........

"the proof is in the manipulated statistics and over exaggerated indices of worthless, revenue-generating activity. You logical, more-seasoned officers are correct in calling us names that reflect our ignorance of and lack of experience in how CPD really works. But we hung on supervisors' nuts hard and burned out restaurants that used to give coppers a play even harder. We stood around on stops with our hands tucked into our vest covers and "took names"... which we wrote on ANOVs, contact cards and curfews. We routinely got punked-out by ghetto savages that realized we never policed the beast before having delusions of grandeur, drinking lots of Department Koolaide and then signing up to be the latest experiment gone awry. BRING BACK MSF...TO REMIND US ALL AGAIN JUST HOW WILLING COPPERS ARE TO TAKE IT IN THE ASS FROM A DEPARTMENT THAT LIES TO US AT EVERY TURN."

Well said and funny as hell.

7/08/2012 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous AND IN OTHER NEWS... said...


Rahm Emanuel will be interviewed about Chicago's violence and murders by Scott Pelly on the nationally televised CBS Evening News tomorrow night at 5:30 PM (1730 hrs) on Channel 2.

7/08/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again we all start bashing each other. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck. Who cares if some guy wants to be in msf, tru or whatever the fuck they create next. Worry about yourself and the guy next to you and try and fucking help every copper you can out on the street whether its bullshit or not. I don't care what you're wearing, we are all on the same sinking ship....together.... Feeble minded are always so easy to conquer.

7/08/2012 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh there will be another city wide unit sometime before this year is over. Why do you think they are hiring 200-500 new officers? It isn't for retirement, it's to make another new unit.

7/08/2012 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous usetobeaworker said...

The days of specialized units are dead for a number of reasons. The workers who truly enjoy the job and the hunt for dope and guns cannot possibly do their job due to a) retaliation by the far left ie: loevy and loevy and the likes of, b) improper tools and support by inept bosses, and probably the most important c) working in that gray area that has gotten many in trouble because although any real worker knows thats the area to work in, you get HUNG OUT TO DRY!
So what if you get some guns , dope, or even a murderer or two, you failed to cross that t or dot that i. Sorry cant help you gotta keep my gold and take home ride. And of course finally when the beef gets investigated by a goof who sports an attendance award and a physical fitness award and ok I will go out on a limb and say maybe a democratic convention award, YOU GET SCREWED!
Damn thats kinda funny but real frickn sad cause its 110% a damn fact!

7/08/2012 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never go back to MSF. After the way they treated us....FUCK YOU. Gary said maybe when you go back to the districts some of the hard work ethic will rub off on those cops on the watch....well Gary..I do my job, answer calls, lock people up on signed complaints. Reactive police work. Proactive is to make you look better. No thanks.

ACTUALLY. proactive police work is for you, and the majority of the upstnding citizens, it's called work ethic. Some of us came on the job to help and be the thin blue line, not to impress bosses, don't ever forget that, it may save you or your family one day.

7/08/2012 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


He & Obama are two of the BEST gun salesmen in history!

Because of fear that they'll keep trying to ban guns & ammo, sales of both are maintaining a brisk pace!

7/09/2012 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Unless you're just thinking how much you'd really like to be back in the Bronx."

Or how much Rahm will like to launch you back to the east coast should the homicide numbers not go down.

7/09/2012 02:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Gone. Never to return.

At least not under THAT name.

McCarthy will have to call it something else to show:

a) It's a "new" strategy
b) It was his idea and
c) Disbanding the previous units was the right thing to do

7/09/2012 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calls himself "Gun Magnet" in the article, as in his initials, G.M.

Not much more to say on this guy...

7/09/2012 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY. proactive police work is for you, and the majority of the upstnding citizens, it's called work ethic. Some of us came on the job to help and be the thin blue line, not to impress bosses, don't ever forget that, it may save you or your family one day.

7/08/2012 11:15:00 PM

Thanks for the pep talk McDouche.

7/09/2012 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear SCC. I feel the same. One good citywide unit is what we need. We do not need MSF, TRU, GEU, SAT, etc all doing the same thing under a myriad numbers of useless leaders.

7/09/2012 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There wasn't any thought in disbanding MSF, just like SOS. It was any easy way to SAY they were putting more police on the street. And now they are dealing with the fallout rise in crime, proven.

7/10/2012 06:42:00 AM  

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