Wednesday, March 27, 2013

90th Out of 90?

Kind of embarrassing, seeing as how Illinois has the strictest gun laws, yet can't be bothered to have the feds prosecute anyone:
  • Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association’s executive vice president and CEO, who appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning, asked host David Gregory why the network doesn’t focus on the poor enforcement of federal gun laws in Chicago.

    “I mean, let me give you the real sad thing, though. Let me hold up a mirror right now to the whole national news media and the White House,” the NRA official began. “I just got the track data from Syracuse University on enforcement of federal gun laws. Last time I was here, I brought it from 2011; it just came out from 2012.”

    “Do you know where Chicago ranks in terms of enforcement of the federal gun laws? Out of 90 jurisdictions in the country, they ranked 90th,” Mr. LaPierre continued.

    “Why doesn’t NBC News start with: ‘Shocking news on Chicago. Of all the jurisdictions in the country, Chicago’s dead last on enforcement of the federal gun laws?’” he asked. “Why doesn’t the national press corps, when they’re sitting down there with Jay Carney and the president and the vice president, why don’t they say, ‘Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns, felons with guns, drug dealers with guns?’”
Well obviously, Obama and Eric Holder don't care about black people. They'd rather ship a few thousand untraceable guns over the border to Mexican drug cartels than enforce federal gun laws in Chicago.



    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    World-Class baby!

    If we enforced the gun laws it would cut into the city and state budget so badly to jail the felons that we would have to skip either more pension payments or the building of Maggie Daley Memorial park.

    Guess which happens first.

    3/27/2013 12:13:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sir you are to be commended for as it stands scolding the mayor and president{his buddy}.It might make rhambo look bad and just might ruin his political career.I for one beleive it already has.It's said you can hear him swearing in Iowa at somwe point during the day. A word to the mayor, get behind conceal carry, hire more police ,get rid of that bumbling idiot you call a supt.of police, cut the aldercreatures to 25 along w/ their salaries and maybe just maybe you may get some backing.Also lighten up on the unions,and taxses.

    3/27/2013 12:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Because socialists are evil. That's why. They want a bloodbath so that they can say, "See how evil guns are?"

    But you keep on voting for that socialist machine.

    3/27/2013 12:29:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You should be telling the president to bounce holder faster than a pin ball.You have his ear, tell him he must go after that debacle across the border, fast and furious.Get behind guns conceal carry for real citizens not gangs. Dump napalitano faster than a bloomberg 16ouncer and tell pelosi to STFU! You must denounce obamacare forcefully and you might save your political life.Otherwise say goodbye to public office.

    3/27/2013 12:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mr. LaPierre- to you, Godspeed. You call it like it is. Now where is the answer to his question, Chicago media? Prove you are not the fake, mayor's ass kissing reporters you appear to be, Chicago media...

    3/27/2013 12:41:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Forbes has an article on that. Doesn't put chiraqastan in a very nice light.
    What puzzles me is how Tiny,Mc535 and the bureau of tourism don't do a thing about it. Remember way back when the huffington post had those 12,000 comments about chicago when it hit 500 homicides all negative. If anyone else was mayor they would shit. Not these guys business as usual.

    3/27/2013 12:51:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    SCC just heard 2 things down at HQ you may want to let all your readers know. The little man 91/2 blew his top over the Chicago Mag article regarding the homicide clearance rate. There will be an announcement by Friday for the HCI... Homicide Clearance Initiative. The requirements are 7 contact cards, 1 violence reduction award, and you must beat the XO and SS in a game of CLUE. Compensation will be time +3/4ths, no comp time allowed.

    One other note regarding another topic. Anita Alvarez was overheard saying she can't believe the French guy that was arrested in Philly for sneaking into an airplane cockpit was charged w/ a felony. She said there is NO WAY those charges would stick here because the keys were in the ignition. He should have been charged w/ CTTC (criminal trespass to cockpit)

    3/27/2013 12:53:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Thats bad! Now consider the sucess of the Cook County states attorneys Office on the prosecution of state charges. Its probably 1 out of 100. These offenders now get a chance to practice target shooting at the foot scarecrows when the case gets plead out. Scarecrows be careful out there!!

    3/27/2013 01:05:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    God bless Mr. LaPierre

    At least SOMEBODY in this country has the balls to speak the truth.

    Mike Shields: what is your excuse, jagoff?

    3/27/2013 01:43:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The chicago Marxist cabal...Rham, Ayers, Obama, Preckwinkle, Quinn, et al...prefer to allow "dude" to inflict violence and mayhem in the community and get a slap on the wrist for it

    It serves their purpose better if "dude" is out of prison so he can join CeaseFire and community organize the Democrat voting base

    3/27/2013 01:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Of course Obamy does not care one bit for the black people in the city of Chicago. Never did, never will. Nor does he want to be associated with Chicago in any way. The way Chicago has been run and where it is going would be a black eye for anyone. The blacks of Chicago have been used by Obamy and the democratic party.

    3/27/2013 02:26:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    First, David Gregory is part of the liberal media extreme so, not suprised on any bias or fair reporting there. Second, Rahm was the co-leader of the liberal media extreme so F-Him! Go NRA! This is the truth. What do BS stats really mean when there is no prosecution? We all know crook county is a joke with terrible judges. We have been wasting our time for many years.

    3/27/2013 02:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ouch! That sounds like a good old fashion spanking Mr. Obama!

    3/27/2013 04:51:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wayne is awesome!!! He wont back down to anyone...join the NRA today!!!!

    3/27/2013 05:35:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We just have to get through this bs the hard way. This country will need some time to heal after this clown leaves the white house. Thank you obummer and his supporters. Job security for the next generation of police officers and social workers! Go ahead illinois/cook county/ chicago, keep this chaos going! Let the animals roam wild and free. Keep the animals happy, dumb, lazy, and dreamless. Let them claim "racism". Just imagine... What if they lived on your block? Went to your church, school, grocery store, post office, bar, restaurant, or even work in your area as they smack their lips, move extra slow and drag the good foot. What if they got smart one day? Keep them happy in their "box", let nature keep course. History has shown they will not succeed.

    3/27/2013 06:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I guess Holder and the POTUS got a kickback on the gun sales. Why else would they allow "dangerous" guns to be sold at all...BWHAAAHAAAHAAA

    3/27/2013 06:50:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the federal government is too busy putting illinois politicians in jail--- putting a 78 year old man in jail is more important than going after the guy who is spraying a neighborhood with gunfire...

    3/27/2013 07:36:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And Anita Alvarez makes willy-nilly pronouncements about which Illinois laws she will uphold due to their 'unconstitutionality.' i.e. marriage = between male/female

    but she'll prosecute the hell out of a UUW won't she?

    Political hack

    3/27/2013 07:44:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    MSNBC and CNN are scared to death of telling the truth.

    The truth is gun laws are not enforced in Chicago same reason why illegal immigration laws are not enforced. Because the people committing the crimes are black and brown. Its far easier to go.after whitey in the suburbs and their assault rifles.

    If they did enforce gun laws already on the books the south and west side ghettos would be empty.

    3/27/2013 07:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Whenever these socialists begin spewing their crap, you should look at them as exactly what they are. Communism has killed about 100 million people since the Russian Revolution in 1917. When someone calls themselves a socialist or progressive, the modern code word for socialist/communist, they are stating their agreement for mass murder in the name of their cause.

    You need only give up your rights, liberties and freedom and they, your intellectual elite, will tell you how to live. If you disagree, you're a counter-revolutionary and will be executed. These are sick, dangerous people. They now call themselves democrats. Think about that when you vote.

    3/27/2013 08:09:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Always like how so amy keep saying this is Chicago, not New York. At least New York does have better pizza than that sloppy pan pizza.

    3/27/2013 08:24:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "That's where I saw a leprechaun". "He told me to burn things"................. Ralph Wiggum

    3/27/2013 08:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    3/27/2013 08:35:00 AM  
    Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

    Can't prosecute democratic voters. Their votes are needed.

    3/27/2013 08:36:00 AM  
    Anonymous TIME TO BAIL OUT said...

    Yet of the ninety districts, the Northern District of Illinois is NUMBER 1 in federal convictions for POLITICAL CORRUPTION.

    Chicago is a BROKEN city, an
    IRREPARABLE CLUSTERFUCK and the laughing stock of the nation.


    3/27/2013 08:52:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You know what I love about Wayne LaPierre.. He calls it like it is, difficult to win an argument with him, very thorough with research and because cities, states and their politicians manipulate facts it always blows up in their face. If you enjoy shooting for recreation or hunting, do your part and donate to the NRA or Illinois Rifle Association. Stand together!

    3/27/2013 09:32:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    Because socialists are evil. That's why. They want a bloodbath so that they can say, "See how evil guns are?"

    But you keep on voting for that socialist machine.
    3/27/2013 12:29:00 AM

    Something tells me that you don't know what a socialist is. People spout that word now and really cannot define it.

    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? There are more so don't worry about running out of socialist agendas to complain about.

    3/27/2013 10:03:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The reason the Federal Gun Laws are not enforced because of political corruption in our state. One example the Daley Crime family. 57.8 million for a garage that Mike Daley represented, 6 million snow removal Richard Daley, 55 million Maggie Daley Park and millions we owe for paking metters. They have to look into this corruption.

    3/27/2013 10:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

    Rahm screaming, crying, cursing and pleading on the phone with his BFF, POTUS Sparklefarts...

    >AAAAAAAAIIIIIIEEEE!< (Unfortunate staffer getting THEIR hair pulled out by the roots. A shit-ass would NEVER harm himself by choice. It's in the Articles of Fuckery - The Shit-Ass Creed.) BARRY! GOD-D@&%MIT! HIT THE FUCKING INTERNET KILL SWITCH FOR CHRISSAKE! YOU'RE KILLIN' MY CHANCES FOR MORE HERE!

    Look! I'm fuckin' SORRY already for swearing at Michelle... Uhhh, The FIRST LADY (said through gritted teeth) and Val, ALRIGHT?

    Just cut the bullshit and turn these blogs fuckin' OFF! ESPECIALLY THAT ONE WHERE THOSE DUMB FUCKIN' COPPERS ARE ALWAYS LAUGHING AT ME!

    You know I don't like to be made fun of!*


    Yeah... That sounds plausible.

    This sounds plausible too...

    Federal prosecution of gun crimes by the felonious gang-banging, dope dealing, child-killing members of the armed forces of "The Catered to Constituency" and other assorted really and verifiably bad, evil, super high-performance hard-head m/fers; is fraught with sho' nuff political peril to the yellow-pinky, Trotskyite socialist-democrats actually running the political plantation in Chicago.

    Alderfools, rev'runs and the reliably noisy "community activists" have the real power of those styrofoam heads in the store front windows all around Madison & Pulaski.

    It's also perilous to their Lincoln Park/Gold Coast and North Shore big money corporate contributors & phony charity money launderers, kick-back artistes extraordinaires and the expert, life-long, left-wing grant writing grifters hiding behind ivy walls in academia...

    Of course, the vile and venal picture would be incomplete with out the morally and ethically "flexible" whores of the liking it up the coal chute while doing a back-bend, reeking and leaking local media...

    Heh... Yet the Civil War against The Police will continue with much vigor and energy in spite of the overwhelming evidence that the cannons are pointed the wrong fucking way...

    For some odd reason in their rattling minds, they figure that "breaking" The "out of control" Police will somehow go a long way toward "fixing" the myriad problems at hand.

    Or perhaps they figure that The Police, with their long memories and fighting spirit, will not stand with THEM (image and perception are everything to the shit-asses of the world) when they succeed in breaking things in this city to the least common denominator so that it can be re-booted to whatever they envision it to be?

    Or totally fucking destroy it and move on?

    What. IS. Their end game?

    3/27/2013 10:39:00 AM  
    Blogger John Northen said...

    Cross-referenced on THEE RANT.

    CLICK ON CHICAGO Dead Last in Fed Firearms Prosecutions



    3/27/2013 10:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    same Holder that would not do anything about the black panthers outside polling place, 1st pres. election.

    3/27/2013 10:54:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Guys,I would appreciate an answer on this.A UUW Charge,from 1st appearance to trial,what is the average lenght of time,months in Cook ?

    3/27/2013 11:13:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If they charged the savages with federal laws,they would not be back out before your shift finished.But that would bring out the revs.and the race card !

    3/27/2013 11:32:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Because the Federal Agents work 9 to 5 weekends off. And there on the golf course by 2 pm.

    3/27/2013 12:10:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    show the stats for the cook county courts. sickening

    3/27/2013 12:16:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    90 out of 90, dam that's a perfect score, nothing to see here move along.

    3/27/2013 01:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And, uh, let's ask why we're 90th out of 90.

    Where do the bread-and-butter federal gun cases come from? Your department. Yes, ATF does some reverse stings but for the most part these cases are coming out of the state's attorney's office, which refers them to the feds after you guys seize a gun and the offender is an armed career criminal or otherwise would face a stiffer sentence if prosecuted federally.

    So -- are you the coppers seizing fewer guns and making fewer gun arrests, for whatever reason (I keep hearing that some of you don't want to put yourselves on the line because you aren't treated well enough or you're afraid of picking up a beef, or whatever.) Anybody here got the answer? Because if your department is putting fewer gun cases into the pipeline, there would be fewer cases referred.

    Is it that the USAO guidelines are too stringent? A lot of UUW cases stay UUW even if they are federal section 922 violations. Do some of you think the feds have balked at cases of yours that should have gone federal?

    Anybody know what the stats are for the raw numbers of 922 and ACC prosecutions the Office has done over the past several years?

    Stupid LaPierre the rhetorical idiot is good at throwing the study around but not so good at understanding what might lie beneath it. This isn't about the media, and it isn't about Obama. It's about not enough police. (Or too many chickenshit police, but I've never bought that.) But you don't see old Wayne out there calling for the tax increases it would take to hire and retain the number of cops needed to get the job done. No, read my lips, no new taxes, we'll just sequester everything. Hey, maybe we don't have the money, and this place will just go to hell. Or some parts of it that nobody cares about.

    3/27/2013 01:34:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    SCC, please write about this:

    3/27/2013 02:19:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A conversation with a rock is more informative than a conversation with a democrat

    3/27/2013 02:34:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Enforcing federal gun laws is racist. End of discussion.

    3/27/2013 03:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous GreenEggsNSamm said...

    Didn't you see? Chicago can't enforce the gun laws because there's not a law TELLING them they have to enforce the gun laws!

    Between this and the latest vote to make it illegal to go to a tanning salon if you're under 18, our reps priorities are really screwed up.

    3/27/2013 03:46:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    3/27/2013 01:34:00 PM

    Are you blind, delusional or a straight up goof?

    Are you SERIOUSLY trying to blame the lack of federal prosecutions on The Police?

    You ARE a fucking clown!

    The FEDS move at their OWN pace according to THEIR whims.

    Where do you get the idea that the feds are so wedded to what CPD is doing that as CPD makes gun arrests or not, will prompt the feds to move or sit on their hands?

    You must be a City Hall or one of McCarthy's New Yuck trolls or God forbid, an actual fed.

    OK smart guy... Have it your way.
    Give us a number so we can call a federal prosecutor directly at 3am on a phone recommendation to put on a gun case.


    If you have a "beef" with Chicago being 90th of 90 in federal gun prosecutions, take it up with Anita Alvarez.

    Chicago Coppers have their hands more than full and you stick your fucking foot out as they're walking by.

    Classless M/Fer!

    Your "smarter than you" condescension reeks even through a computer screen.

    That and your cute shots about "picking up beefs" and "chickenshit police" give you away.

    So... You're pissed because Chicago Coppers aren't willing to do gray area Policing in this era of big punitives on a whim?

    It's so easy to lead with somebody else's chin when YOU'RE not in any danger of being knocked the fuck out with no share of the purse after the 10 count?

    Lead the way tough guy!
    Show us how YOU would do it if YOU were in charge.

    3/27/2013 04:58:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ot: Does anyone else automatically skip over anything the Boxchevyphantom posts?

    3/27/2013 05:19:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ...putting a 78 year old man in jail is more important than going after the guy who is spraying a neighborhood with gunfire...

    3/27/2013 07:36:00 AM

    yeah, let's just forget that this old man has been a reliable cog in the machine for decades.

    3/27/2013 05:22:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And, uh, let's ask why we're 90th out of 90.

    Where do the bread-and-butter federal gun cases come from? Your department. Yes, ATF does some reverse stings but for the most part these cases are coming out of the state's attorney's office, which refers them to the feds after you guys seize a gun and the offender is an armed career criminal or otherwise would face a stiffer sentence if prosecuted federally.

    So -- are you the coppers seizing fewer guns and making fewer gun arrests, for whatever reason (I keep hearing that some of you don't want to put yourselves on the line because you aren't treated well enough or you're afraid of picking up a beef, or whatever.) Anybody here got the answer? Because if your department is putting fewer gun cases into the pipeline, there would be fewer cases referred.

    Is it that the USAO guidelines are too stringent? A lot of UUW cases stay UUW even if they are federal section 922 violations. Do some of you think the feds have balked at cases of yours that should have gone federal?

    Anybody know what the stats are for the raw numbers of 922 and ACC prosecutions the Office has done over the past several years?

    Stupid LaPierre the rhetorical idiot is good at throwing the study around but not so good at understanding what might lie beneath it. This isn't about the media, and it isn't about Obama. It's about not enough police. (Or too many chickenshit police, but I've never bought that.) But you don't see old Wayne out there calling for the tax increases it would take to hire and retain the number of cops needed to get the job done. No, read my lips, no new taxes, we'll just sequester everything. Hey, maybe we don't have the money, and this place will just go to hell. Or some parts of it that nobody cares about.

    3/27/2013 01:34:00 PM

    perfect response:

    A conversation with a rock is more informative than a conversation with a democrat

    3/27/2013 02:34:00 PM

    3/27/2013 05:27:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    There may be several reasons why federal prosecutions are so few in Chicago; investigative techniques, interview techniques, etc. are among them.

    What we do here may not fly in federal court, or any court outside of Cook County, for that matter.

    "Never trust a fed" is a phrase frequently seen on this blog.

    It's also possible that the city/CPD brass are generally uncooperative with the feds.

    You know, putting too many black & brown people in jail.


    3/27/2013 05:52:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    One other note regarding another topic. Anita Alvarez was overheard saying she can't believe the French guy that was arrested in Philly for sneaking into an airplane cockpit was charged w/ a felony. She said there is NO WAY those charges would stick here because the keys were in the ignition. He should have been charged w/ CTTC (criminal trespass to cockpit)

    Good one!!!!!

    3/27/2013 06:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Always like how so amy keep saying this is Chicago, not New York. At least New York does have better pizza than that sloppy pan pizza.

    Seriously? That cardboard crap that they have to fold up to eat. It's something different, but not better.

    3/27/2013 06:02:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Something tells me that you don't know what a socialist is. People spout that word now and really cannot define it.

    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? There are more so don't worry about running out of socialist agendas to complain about."

    socialism: Noun

    A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated...
    (in Marxist theory) A transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

    Now, having said that, look at the 19 billion dollar waste book (federal government waste):

    -- Though NASA has no plans or budget for any manned spaceflights to Mars, the agency spends about $1 million each year on developing "the Mars menu." It's an effort to come up with a variety of food that humans could eat one day on Mars.

    -- A $325,000 grant for the development of "Robosquirrel" - a robotic rodent designed to test the interaction between rattlesnakes and squirrels.

    -- The report spotlights widespread abuse of the food stamp system -- including an exotic dancer who earned more than $85,000 a year in tips, but also collected nearly $1,000 a month in food stamps while spending $9,000 during that time period on "cosmetic enhancements."

    and how about $100,000 to study why lesbians are overweight?

    now, social security, medicare, the VA, and unemployment? keep, but and section 8, CUT; free cell phones and school lunches, eliminate....and that's for starters

    3/27/2013 06:11:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    They should FOIA the cook county states attorney felony review files.

    How many cases over the last five years are in CI limbo.

    Look it up fat chuck Goudie i will not do your work for you pricky!

    3/27/2013 06:21:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Rock?democrat? Ever talk to Geiger?

    3/27/2013 06:44:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    >>> Stupid LaPierre the rhetorical idiot is good at throwing the study around but not so good at understanding what might lie beneath it. This isn't about the media, and it isn't about Obama. It's about not enough police. (Or too many chickenshit police, but I've never bought that.) But you don't see old Wayne out there calling for the tax increases it would take to hire and retain the number of cops needed to get the job done. No, read my lips,>>> no new taxes, we'll just sequester everything. Hey, maybe we don't have the money, <<<and this place will just go to hell. Or some parts of it that nobody cares about.

    3/27/2013 01:34:00 PM<<<

    I do not agree with everything that La Pierre and the NRA stands for but who else is standing up for our rights to defend ourselves from street thugs and an increasingly Communistic, you-have-no-rights, confiscate and spread out your earned wealth government.

    No new taxes, well there are dozens if not hundreds of new taxes coming and not for just the "wealthy". We have the money for all the police we need and for the pensions and the equipment. All we need to do is stop wasting it on the "forever needy" and make them work for a living.

    3/27/2013 07:22:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    In reality it is the republicans that started this mess we find ourselves in. The simple truth is that bankers run this country and no one gets to be president without their backing.

    "In 1999, Democrats led by President Bill Clinton and Republicans led by Sen. Phil Gramm joined forces to repeal Glass-Steagall at the behest of the big banks. What happened over the next eight years was an almost exact replay of the Roaring Twenties. Once again, banks originated fraudulent loans and once again they sold them to their customers in the form of securities. The bubble peaked in 2007 and collapsed in 2008. The hard-earned knowledge of 1933 had been lost in the arrogance of 1999."

    This has happened before, it's happen now, and it will happen again.

    3/27/2013 07:25:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey are spewing the liberal talking points. So you can read what they put in front of you. Trying to make Wayne look like an old out of touch man is what mayor Bloomie was pushing. Why don't you go Barack to New York and suck on a big gulp.

    3/27/2013 07:35:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Anonymous said...
    A conversation with a rock is more informative than a conversation with a democrat

    3/27/2013 02:34:00 PM"

    As a Geologist I often have intense conversations with rocks.

    Where did you come from? A volcanic eruption or a glacial morain?

    How old are you?

    Are you sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous?

    There really is something to be said about getting your rocks off.

    3/27/2013 07:36:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Since most gun arrests are just tossed out in Cook County, I would say you are looking at about a minute and a half. Two minutes tops,

    3/27/2013 09:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So here I am, eating breakfast at Sally's on Harlem this morning having my usual apple slice with bacon when I spot a nice looking, cute elderly couple sitting across from me. I notice that she has a laptop and I can't help but notice the SCC blue from the opening page. I look a little closer and sure enough she is reading Second City Cop. I mean these two had to be in their mid to late sixties. Living proof that everyone, even senior citizens go to SCC for their news.

    3/27/2013 09:13:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What's up with Shore Galleries? Are they going out of business? I went there this morning and was shocked at what I saw. First off, I was able to find a parking place right out front which I found very unusual. Then I go inside to checkout a pistol only to discover that he didn't have a single one on display. I addition the usual police equipment was very sparse, not much at all. I was astounded. The only people that were there was me and the three other sales clerks. Sgt. George Papagianis rest his soul, would be devistated. What gives?

    3/27/2013 09:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "But you don't see old Wayne out there calling for the tax increases it would take to hire and retain the number of cops needed to get the job done. No, read my lips, no new taxes, we'll just sequester everything. Hey, maybe we don't have the money, and this place will just go to hell. Or some parts of it that nobody cares about."

    Who needs a tax increase to fund more coppers? Totally unnecessary. Just stop the thieving politicians from stealing the tax money or wasting it on a Maggie Daley Park. How many cops could be hired for $55 million bucks? And how about them bike lanes? How many millions of dollars wasted on another stupid, stupid project that no one wants, but will end up lining the pockets of some connected contractor? More potential cops could be hired. In case you don't realize it after reading the above, I'm here to tell you that the mayor of this shithole doesn't want to hire more cops. He hates cops. Isn't it obvious by now? Tax increase my ass!

    3/27/2013 09:27:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism"

    I disagree. Social Security and Medicare is funded by working taxpayers with their own money that is deducted from their checks. VA benefits are earned by serving the country in the military, and unemployment insurance is a federal-state program jointly financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes. Everyone is not entitled to these programs. The closest examples of socialist programs are welfare where recipients don't have to do anything to get the benefits, and didn't earn them some way.

    3/27/2013 09:44:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    3/27/2013 05:19:00 PM

    hey! you're the same hand-job always looking for a co-sign for your piss and moan about "skipping" a post that gets YOUR panties in a bunch - we're all adults so soothe yourself and skip what YOU don't like and stop your belly-achin'for cryin' out loud - everybody just basically skips what YOU post because you don't contribute anything constructive.

    3/27/2013 11:15:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "What's up with Shore Galleries? Are they going out of business?"

    Lincolnwood denied their bid to move to a larger location and open a range...maybe they're preparing to move to a more friendly environment.

    I hope so.


    3/28/2013 12:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Living proof that everyone, even senior citizens go to SCC for their news."

    But J-Fed described SCC as "insignificant"!


    3/28/2013 12:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "CUT; free cell phones..."

    By law, all cellphones must be able to call 9-1-1, even if they aren't assigned to an account.

    If these phones are truly for "emergencies" why are we paying for phones that allow monthly minutes and text messaging?

    3/28/2013 12:36:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    "How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism"

    I disagree. Social Security and Medicare is funded by working taxpayers with their own money that is deducted from their checks. VA benefits are earned by serving the country in the military, and unemployment insurance is a federal-state program jointly financed through federal and state employer payroll taxes. Everyone is not entitled to these programs. The closest examples of socialist programs are welfare where recipients don't have to do anything to get the benefits, and didn't earn them some way.

    3/27/2013 09:44:00 PM

    So your argument is with freebeism, giving handouts to the do-nothings of this society. Well, me too, I absolutely hate free rent, free cards that spit money, free food cards, free cell phones and on and on.

    I am on social security now and I guarantee you that what I put in since I was 17 is in no way paying for what I now take out. Same with pensions etc. The funds that pay for these programs will go broke in the not too distant future because they give away much more than they take in. My police pension will give me more than I put in by year 4. After that and I am living off the fat of the land.

    3/28/2013 01:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What's up with Shore Galleries? Are they going out of business? I went there this morning and was shocked at what I saw. First off, I was able to find a parking place right out front which I found very unusual. Then I go inside to checkout a pistol only to discover that he didn't have a single one on display. I addition the usual police equipment was very sparse, not much at all. I was astounded. The only people that were there was me and the three other sales clerks. Sgt. George Papagianis rest his soul, would be devistated. What gives?

    Wouldnt be suprised if they were. And i for one would be glad to see it. It would be just desert for those pompous assholes behind the counter. You treat customers like shit and talk down to them they usually dont come back. heard many copper talke about how badly they treat customers so to shores i say good riddence.

    3/28/2013 01:28:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    the federal government is too busy putting illinois politicians in jail--- putting a 78 year old man in jail is more important than going after the guy who is spraying a neighborhood with gunfire...

    Please don't forget it is guys such as the above bloggers reference why we are in this debacle in the first place. Guys like the 78 year old man are the same guys who neglected these laws for as many years just so they can stay in office and continue to steal. The states attorney should indict everysingle corrupt politicians and all of the ilk too.

    3/28/2013 02:42:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    They do care about black people. Just ask the Black Panthers in Philly.

    You know, the ones that Holder refused to prosecute for voter intimidation.

    3/28/2013 05:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Shocking news on Chicago"? There is nothing shocking about Chicago. Just when you have thought you heard the utmost worst thing in civilized society, we ring the bell on something else. We all know in the big picture, laws do not solve problems, they merely define conduct as illegal. But when the genious class makes so many laws that you only enforce a small percentage and problems are not solved, you know there is no will to solve whatever problem you are attempting to mitigate. Nothing to see here, move along.

    3/28/2013 05:27:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ot: Does anyone else automatically skip over anything the Boxchevyphantom posts?

    3/27/2013 05:19:00 PM

    Yes, and 11th Dist King's too.

    3/28/2013 05:43:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ot: Does anyone else automatically skip over anything the Boxchevyphantom posts?

    3/27/2013 05:19:00 PM

    why do you ask?

    are you looking for a soul mate?

    3/28/2013 05:55:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Something tells me that you don't know what a socialist is. People spout that word now and really cannot define it.

    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? There are more so don't worry about running out of socialist agendas to complain about.

    3/27/2013 10:03:00 AM

    Moron. I know exactly what socialism and communism are. Social security is a socialist ponzi scheme set up by the socialist FDR. Yes, I would like to see it go, especially since we cops won't be getting out of it what we put into it working other jobs and the military before coming here.

    Since my family escaped from a socialist country, we know exactly what it is. You, however, are a subversive dickhead or a socialist yourself. So take your commie propaganda and shove it up your red ass. Americans are talking here.

    3/28/2013 08:45:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Stupid LaPierre the rhetorical idiot is good at throwing the study around but not so good at understanding what might lie beneath it. This isn't about the media, and it isn't about Obama. It's about not enough police. (Or too many chickenshit police, but I've never bought that.) But you don't see old Wayne out there calling for the tax increases it would take to hire and retain the number of cops needed to get the job done. No, read my lips, no new taxes, we'll just sequester everything. Hey, maybe we don't have the money, and this place will just go to hell. Or some parts of it that nobody cares about.

    3/27/2013 01:34:00 PM

    Signed, a democrat. Enough said.

    3/28/2013 08:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Egyptian government is stable and safe.

    Law abiding gun owners: unstable and dangerous.

    Sell F16 fighters to Egypt: safe

    Law abiding gun owners, must take their guns...and make them safe.

    Remember, a radical government with new F16s can cause less damage than an AR15s

    Vote DEMOCRAT.

    3/28/2013 08:49:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is 1:34 again. I know of what I speak because I have prosecuted your gun cases federally. I know how the Office does gun cases. And I also said I don't buy in to the theory that you aren't being aggressive enough. Something else is going on. I think it's fewer police, thus fewer ACC cases and a smaller pool from which the feds can select. It's a pretty good theory that nobody here has refuted.

    As for how we'd get more police, I don't have the answers and if you think it can be done without taxes, all of that is fine, but I still don't see big dumb Wayne advocating for any of that, and yes, I think he's a jagoff.

    I'm sorry I offended some of you with my "chickenshit police" remark because I did say I didn't believe in that theory. But you all read this blog, and you all have seen posters say that kind of thing, encouraging others not to be productive, why should you, it's not worth it, etc. Many of you have chided them yourselves.

    Have a good day. BTW I had a great experience with all of the CPD coppers I worked with on my gun and drug cases. Stay safe all of you.

    3/28/2013 10:13:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    These are sick, dangerous people. They now call themselves democrats. Think about that when you vote.

    3/27/2013 08:09:00 AM

    You are 100% correct friend. The CP used to run their own candidates for office. Not any more.

    The 1960s "New Left" has found it easier to co-opt a mainstream political party. As such, they now control the Democrat party.

    3/28/2013 12:41:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Ot: Does anyone else automatically skip over anything the Boxchevyphantom posts?"


    3/28/2013 12:42:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? ...

    3/27/2013 10:03:00 AM

    All of them. Socialist Security is a ponzi scheme. Give me and everyone else back what we put into it and let us invest for our own retirement

    3/28/2013 12:44:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No Fed School Zone filing here:

    Regarding the Wisconsin lady who left her purse in a school in Harvard IL, with a gun in it.

    McHenry County
    CASE ID 12CF000826

    9/4/12 CRIMINAL FELONY 720-5/24-1(a)(4) possess firearm in school

    3/6/13 Dismissed superceded by Grand Jury Inditement

    9/26/12. Added charge: 720-5/24-1(A)(10) Possess Firearm in public place

    3/6/13 Judgement-conviction reduced to Misd.
    18 months Cond Discharge
    $1070.00 Fine
    100 Hrs Public Service

    3/28/2013 02:47:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Aside from the negative, as a PO having worked quite a few of these cases I will say that it is a different animal, and PSN cases are how all UUW by Felon cases should be handled, i.e. 98.5% or so conviction rate, with sentencing ranges in the 15 year + range at 85%, out of state getting to fight with new shitbags at an unfamiliar prison. One other factor for the low number of cases worked by the USA is that they are very busy with our 'political' representatives at virtually ever level of IL government, at any rate hope to see more it is the closest to justice you will see in this sewer.

    3/28/2013 06:26:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? ...

    3/27/2013 10:03:00 AM

    All of them. Socialist Security is a ponzi scheme. Give me and everyone else back what we put into it and let us invest for our own retirement

    3/28/2013 12:44:00 PM

    The check is in the mail. Really. No, really. Oops, and then along came pension reform. Well, the check was in the mail, really. Just kidding.

    After I retired and the guvment got through with the windfall elimination and figuring all they had to figure my social security payment was calculated to be $292 a month instead of $730.

    That $292 monthly is still better than if they simply gave me my money back. I will get all my money back in less than 5 years. There is no way I could have invested that $17,500 and gotten a return of $292 a month for life with COLA every year. Not unless I had purchased Microsoft or Apple stock in 1980 and let it ride.

    3/28/2013 09:09:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Something tells me that you don't know what a socialist is. People spout that word now and really cannot define it.

    How about Social Security? socialism
    Medicare? socialism
    VA Hospital and medical care? socialism
    Unemployment payments? socialism

    Now which one of those socialist institutions would you like to see destroyed first? There are more so don't worry about running out of socialist agendas to complain about.

    3/27/2013 10:03:00 AM

    Moron. I know exactly what socialism and communism are. Social security is a socialist ponzi scheme set up by the socialist FDR. Yes, I would like to see it go, especially since we cops won't be getting out of it what we put into it working other jobs and the military before coming here.

    Since my family escaped from a socialist country, we know exactly what it is. You, however, are a subversive dickhead or a socialist yourself. So take your commie propaganda and shove it up your red ass. Americans are talking here.

    3/28/2013 08:45:00 AM

    The only true Americans do have red asses, the Native Americans and since by your own admission you are not native to here that means you are an immigrant. Stop listening to Rush, it rots your brain. Social Security was set up because old folks often had nothing in old age. Nothing. So a system was conceived of witholding a small amount of dough to put away so that the old retired folks would at least be eligible for a few bucks to ward off starvation when they could no longer work.

    Like everything else conceived with good intentions the system became subverted along the way and now includes acoholics, drug addicts, nut jobs and pays or tries to pay for much more than originally intended.

    And there is no upper end cutoff for people of means who do not need it. If kept as it was intended, as a simple stipend to help with the food bills for low income seniors, I see no problem with it. People had roughly 7% taken out of their paychecks during their working lifetime.

    But now any alcoholic piece of shit gets a check for a thousand or more a month, same with drug addicts and nut jobs and people who do not need it.

    And then there are the ill informed and poorly informed who spout like a broken tape recorder "socialism, socialism, arghhh, ughhh, ooohhh, socialism, socialism, moron, nincompoop, sig erp blip socialism" without any real idea of what they are talking about. They think they do but they are typically quite wrong.

    3/28/2013 09:22:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Chicago #2!

    More than 300,000 homes are foreclosed "zombies," study says

    ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - A national survey found 301,874 "zombie" properties dotting the U.S. landscape in which homeowners in foreclosure have moved out, leaving vacant property susceptible to vandalism and degradation.

    Illinois and California ranked second and third with 31,668 and 28,821 zombie properties respectively on the list.

    3/28/2013 11:20:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And then there are the ill informed and poorly informed who spout like a broken tape recorder "socialism, socialism, arghhh, ughhh, ooohhh, socialism, socialism, moron, nincompoop, sig erp blip socialism" without any real idea of what they are talking about. They think they do but they are typically quite wrong.

    3/28/2013 09:22:00 PM

    thank you for your excellent example of your last sentence.

    3/29/2013 09:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When they instituted the new protocol of Det's calling in UUW's we were to notify ATF and apprise them of the arrest so they could talk with dude and, get info on the bigger fish and pursue federal charges. They came out a couple times, After about 2 weeks they stopped answering the phones don't even bother with them anymore

    3/29/2013 02:20:00 PM  
    Blogger bobby said...

    "Why is Chicago dead last in enforcement of the gun laws against gangs with guns, felons with guns, drug dealers with guns?"
    - - -

    Obama gave 'em an enforcement waiver. They get to do whatever they want vis a vis that crime stuff, and they promise to Obama that they'll stay completely away from D.C. until 2017.

    3/29/2013 03:00:00 PM  
    Blogger I Voted For Obama said...

    Nobody skips over my posts. That would be racist.

    5/20/2013 04:44:00 PM  

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