Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Supporting Fraud?

  • Another attempt to fight fraud by putting ID photos on Illinois’ food stamp cards looks doomed, but not because of political opposition inside the Capitol.

    The Illinois Retail Merchants Association is making it clear to lawmakers that the gas stations, grocery stores, local shops don’t want to deal with the headaches or possible legal nightmare that might be created by adding pictures to LINK cards.

    “Federal regulations require that stores treat SNAP customers no different than anyone else,” Robb Carr the executive vice president with the retail merchants said.

    SNAP is the federal food assistance program, in Illinois SNAP recipients use a LINK card to buy their groceries.

    “If you require a photo ID for a LINK card, then clerks across the state have to ask for ID anytime anyone wants to buy almost anything,” Carr added.
Too many shady retail outlets "buy" link money, charging fifty-cents on the dollar so crackheads have cash for their dope. Walk into any ghetto corner store and the check out the rows and rows of chips and pop - nothing else. Then do a little research and pull their sales figures. Some of these stores do more LINK business per capita than established chains like Jewel or Dominicks. We know of at least one investigation that tracked literally hundreds of thousands of Illinois tax dollars being funneled overseas from one single store.

And guess who isn't supporting this obvious (and simple) protection against fraud? Chicago democrats? Good guess!
  • Senate Human Service Committee Chairwoman, state Sen. Mattie Hunter, D-Chicago, said Rose’s plan will eventually get a hearing. But she is clear she won’t support the plan.

    “I don’t like the idea, a person is likely already embarrassed that they must accept food stamps,” Hunter said adding their picture is an attempt to shame LINK card holders.

    Hunter also questions how much money it would cost the state to add pictures to LINK cards. U.S. Department of Agriculture numbers from October of 2012 show over 2 million people in Illinois received SNAP benefits.
Gee, we have a Costco card, has our picture right on the back, simple little dot-matrix computer image. Probably cost all of two-cents to do. Wonder how much LINK money senator Hunter is collecting on her end.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those ignorant mutts on link aren't embarrassed about anything.

3/13/2013 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about putting a name on the card. All the link cards I come across do not have names on them.

3/13/2013 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least they admitted that the person might be embarrassed about being on food stamps. That shows that there IS something wrong with it. People should do for themselves instead of asking the rest of the country to do for them. Outside of dire situations, these programs should not exist. The are too full of abuses.

3/13/2013 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm...whose face are they using to buy the food? Humiliate??? Holy crap!! The stupidity of these demean never ceases to amaze me.

3/13/2013 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The national election scandal that got squashed is that in places where no ID was required to vote Obama and the Democrats won with sometimes 125-135% of the registered vote.

3/13/2013 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course socialists support fraud. How else would they make money and destroy the country at the same time?

3/13/2013 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am often asked to show an ID when making a credit/debit card purchase. How is it acceptable to demand an ID of a customer spending his own money and not of a parasite spending the taxpayer's money? Lets be careful not to offend the democratic voter base. Especially considering each link card holder is worth at least three votes.

3/13/2013 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Embarrassed? What LINK card holders is the lady talking about. The ghetto mutts I have seen are proud of it.

"Gibs me my paycheck"

If shame is an emotion these people have the ability to experience, i have not yet observed it

3/13/2013 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t like the idea, a person is likely already embarrassed that they must accept food stamps,” Hunter said adding their picture is an attempt to shame LINK card holders.
Do they think the five or so generations/"cousins" were embarressed as well. Wake up. These leaches could give less thana shit,as long as it is "FREE"

3/13/2013 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should add that most of that money going oversees funds terrorism. We are paying to kill ourslves.

3/13/2013 05:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DRUG TEST THEM!u fail you gone!next...

3/13/2013 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is massive fraud in the LINK card program. People buy liquor and they ring it up as candy. Or the sell it on the street for cash to buy drugs.

So you could say LINK is technically subsidizing the Illegal drug market.

LINK needs to be tied to job training courses or something. LINK is part reason why Illinois is drowning in debt.

3/13/2013 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More importantly is you keep voting DEMOCRAT.

3/13/2013 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Costco takes link card too. You should see what is bought with the link, then try realize they over spent and go right to the service counter for a refund.

3/13/2013 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not their money they are using its the taxpayers money they spend every month. Due to wide spread abuse of the current system I don't see any reason officials can't try to fix the problem. If placing a picture on the card helps to solve the problem I see no problem with that. This left sided state needs to start fixing problems like this instead of saying its not fair! It's a privilege to have a link card not a right

3/13/2013 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous W.H. Thompson said...

Local D's don't want IDs because this is their voter base. The point is to keep everyone on the plantation and dependent and IDs make that harder to do.

Speaking of Costco, they don't take LINK cards do they? Must be the photo IDs and that fee. :-)

Illustrating Chicago's Murders, Homicides, Violence and Idiocy at

3/13/2013 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fraud prevention for welfare? No way. Racist.

Voter ID laws? NOOO! Racist!

Food stamp ID requirement? Racist!

Illegal aliens getting driver's licenses and handouts? Sure!

But I, as a working/law-abiding/tax-paying citizen want a CCW permit so I have a half a chance to fight my way out of a bad situation and save my family's lives? Oh hell no.

3/13/2013 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote Democratic, well that's what you're paying for so quit 'yo bitching.

3/13/2013 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can be sure that those south and west side grocery stores are contributing to their Alderman's "campaign". They see it as the cost of doing business. Once the alderman is on board, it's smooth sailing. Dept. of Revenue and Dept of Business Affairs are all bark. The objective is to continuously write violations on these stores for a steady stream of income for the City. The City wants these stores open - keep those store owners happy.

3/13/2013 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Embarrassed? Most people I see pull out the purple credit card consider it a badge of honor. The way they fill their carts with groceries tells me they don't care! Put the pictures on the card. It's a start!

3/13/2013 08:52:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I don't blame the store owners. Who wants to look at those faces in person then on a card also?

3/13/2013 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been calling the 800 line to report some
Link Card fraud for over a month. I get a recording
That all operators are busy and then get disconnected ,

Next I tried emailing my complaints, 20 times so
Far and no one has contacted me.

Next up was calls to Lisa Madigans office and
Shuttled from voice mail to voicemail .
There's a systematic problem here costing tax
Payers millions and no one is willing to stop it!

3/13/2013 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would think in the dire straits our city,county, state, country is in financially that our elected officials would WANT to find ways to eliminate fraud and waste. Imagine how much money it would free up to fix roads, create jobs. Nope, not in this fucked up country.

3/13/2013 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merchants also fought putting photos on credit cards. They dont care if their is fraud or theft, they get a sale and that is all they care about.

3/13/2013 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Senate Human Service Committee Chairwoman, state Sen. Mattie Hunter, D-Chicago, said Rose’s plan will eventually get a hearing. But she is clear she won’t support the plan.

“I don’t like the idea, a person is likely already embarrassed that they must accept food stamps,” Hunter said adding their picture is an attempt to shame LINK card holders.

Hunter also questions how much money it would cost the state to add pictures to LINK cards. U.S. Department of Agriculture numbers from October of 2012 show over 2 million people in Illinois received SNAP benefits.

These people must be SO embarrassed when they continue to use the cards for years on end.

Oh, Ms. Hunter, these people don't have to use them.

3/13/2013 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, let me read about the Illinois constitution, courts and laws that will protect the pension. They will take from us to give to their voting base. Legalities have nothing to do with it. It has not for a long time. " The rule of law" is a joke.

3/13/2013 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is massive fraud in the LINK card program. People buy liquor and they ring it up as candy."

3/13/2013 06:51:00 AM

Only in little ghetto shitbox stores, the ones with the "rose tubes" and the Mason jars of oxycontin tablets $8.00 each behind the counter with the nail clippers.

All major chains -- and that is so vastly many more stores today -- very carefully follow the rules of the program. Also smaller independent businesses who want the continuing business.

If you have a purchase of food, and you also grab a gallon of bleach, that instantly rings up as "non-food item," that item to be paid in cash.

"Costco takes link card too. You should see what is bought with the link, then try realize they over spent and go right to the service counter for a refund."

3/13/2013 07:19:00 AM

If someone overspends their LINK card, the FOOD will be paid down to $0.00, then additional items ring as cash and the person can pay cash for them if he wants.

The balance remaining on the card can be checked at any time, and also shows up on every printed store receipt, so anyone at least has the opportunity to see what they have on there. Like with anything else, some think, some don't.

Non-food items are not covered, period. Cash always must be paid.

A refund -- say someone was overcharged for an item -- can only be issued by adding the amount back to the amount on the LINK card. It cannot be given in cash.

That is where money was paid out as an overcharge. A straight return of an unwanted item is just a cancellation off the slate. No money of any kind changes hands, either physically or electronically. "That transaction voided."

You want problems with this, go to south/west sides where most of the other problems are. This is very tightly and correctly administered in most stores; in any decent area, there are more checkout-line screwups and delays from people arguing over "did my coupons expire," "is this sale date over," from overdrawn checkbooks, fancy credit cards, etc. than from this, by a long shot.

3/13/2013 03:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the government is so concerned about obesity and Let's Move, then don't allow LINK in these corner stores with all the abuses. Those stores hardly sell wholesome food for people (not that many people who go to these stores would go for spinach anyway). Or will the government want to keep LINK in these places due to "food deserts."

--No Cop Here

3/14/2013 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in line two weeks ago at Target behind a couple who bought a cart full of groceries using the Link card. As I left the store, I saw them putting the groceries into the trunk of a fairly new BENTLEY!

3/17/2013 08:43:00 PM  

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