Thursday, July 04, 2013

How Much Did This Cost?

We aren't professors. We don't hold PhD's. But somehow, this study doesn't come as a surprise:
  • The results of a University of Chicago study on preventing homicide amongst young men are a start toward solving that city’s (and other cities’) plague of violence.

    The National Bureau of Economic Research has released data from the university’s Crime Lab that shows that cognitive behavioral therapy—in which young people are taught to observe their thought patterns and change them—can prevent homicide, at least while the therapy is ongoing.

    The theory behind the study was that a large percentage of the violent acts of young people are not planned. Instead, they occur almost instantaneously, when conflict erupts and horrible reflexes (like using a knife or a gun in a moment of rage) are triggered. If, the researchers theorized, that instant could be almost frozen in time, allowing for a bit of reflection, then a kid might walk away from a beef, rather than throwing everything away to settle it.

    So the researchers, including Jens Ludwig, director of the Center, enrolled 1,400 at-risk youth, in grades seven through ten, in a 30-week program called Becoming a Man. The program used discussion groups and behavioral exercises to make the boys and young men examine how assumptions about other people and about situations and about themselves can fuel arguments and violence.

    In one exercise, for example, half of the kids were given rubber balls, and the other half of the kids were told to get the balls from them. The result: wrestling matches, chase scenes and actual fights over them. But then the instructor made his point: Why hadn’t the kids without balls simply asked the other kids to toss them the balls? Why had they assumed that their partners in the exercise would refuse? Wouldn’t it have been easier to talk about the fact that the rubber balls weren’t anything to brawl over?
Scratch any cop who's been on the job for a few years and you'll find an amateur psychiatrist. Dealing with the some of the nut jobs, crazies, and mentally deficient gives the police insight into human behavior that no laboratory could possibly recreate - and that's just co-workers, bosses and politicians. Throw in the regular Joes and you have a book that would be the envy of any tenured professor.

We've seen the words "impulse control" written here dozens, if not hundreds of times. We've typed it ourselves quite often. Another set of words - "delayed gratification." Of course, the professors have to dress it up in fancy words and publish it as some great discovery. And what was the gist of their findings?
  • What happened? Well, for about a year, the young people enrolled in the study showed a 44 percent reduction in arrests. Then, after a year, the arrest rate drifted back up—meaning, the effect of the training was temporary.

    That’s still a stunning finding, though. Because if one kind of psychotherapy can reduce arrests by 44 percent – even for a year – then the idea of using proactive counseling to prevent crime has merit.
Psychotherapy? How very droll...and expensive. What if we call it by its proper name - PARENTING.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I give you two thumbs up on your deduction: Parenting. Seems to be a dying occupation these days.

7/04/2013 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Self Soothe..."
The new crazy...

We saw that on a big-assed professionally rendered poster board at one of the many warehouses for 2nd & 3rd generation crack-babies, uhhh... home for "troubled youths" we've had the great joy of "visiting" over the years of our law enforcement sojourn...

(1st gen was usually just chalked up as "actin' a fool.")

Are any of these brilliant academics considering the possibility of the brain chemistry of these hellish children being altered in vitro?

Or the possibility that said brain chemistry alteration is now part of the DNA of a select population of individuals?

These academics have never set foot into a house full of "altereds" in which every living thing in said house with two, four, six or more legs is fucking crazy?

Motherfuckers dropping from the ceiling on your head. Literally...

Just sayin'...

As long as there are life-long, professional academic grifters (of which the University of Chicago seems a riotous, flaming whore house for the especially persistent and notorious) suckling on the government tit for funding these never-ending studies, survey and the like, "How Much Did This Cost" will ALWAYS be a question asked by the man of common sense.

Sort of like the TSSS to "prove" Police profiling of minorities being extended beyond it's original expiration date because the egg-heads in Hyde Park didn't like the preliminary results that found no active, department-wide engagement in profiling by CPD.

"We must keep it going until we achieve the results WE want."

The ivy-covered version of Compstat = Fuckery With Numbers no matter how you slice it.

Hidey-Hole academics cynically empowered by the political apparatus to dictate social and law enforcement terms and policy, has the predictable end result of people getting hurt... Usually Policemen...

"Self Soothe" indeed.

They're NEVER going to ask a real street Cop about this stuff SCC...

To the hidey-hole academic, The Police are the source of the problem.

7/04/2013 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Belly of the Beast said...

There is nothing in the US Constitution that says I am on the hook to pay for the education of YOUR dumbass kids, is there?

Show me where that is, please

7/04/2013 02:41:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

"The theory behind the study was that a large percentage of the violent acts of young people are not planned. Instead, they occur almost instantaneously, when conflict erupts and horrible reflexes (like using a knife or a gun in a moment of rage) are triggered. If, the researchers theorized, that instant could be almost frozen in time, allowing for a bit of reflection, then a kid might walk away from a beef, rather than throwing everything away to settle it."

Conflict Resolution skills in the ghetto are damn near non-existent.

Ditto parenting skills.

Ditto cultural assimilation skills.

Walk away from a beef? Only if you're a punk. Or a "bitch", which is the de rigueur ghetto vernacular for as long as I can recall.

"Violent acts" are ingrained in the majority of these bastards; ironically, that bastard status plays a most critical role in those violent acts.

And let's not forget to thank Political Correctness and a beat-to-shit deck of Race Cards expertly played by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Farakhan, Pfleger, et al. for the sorry state of affairs in the collective black community.

Now sprinkle in instant gratification, generations of cradle-to-grave entitlements and a hedonistic approach to everyday existence and you have the current DontGivesNoFuck Generation of 20-somethings we were warned about.

The fatherless Crack Baby, lead paintchip-eating, sleeping-on-a-filthy-mattress-on-the-floor, McDonalds-fed, raised-by-an-oblivious-Grandmama Super Predators have arrived. Approach with extreme caution.

This study is good for shit.

7/04/2013 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shock collars?

7/04/2013 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Continue good work to de-sacralize the academic priesthood.

It's time for them to go.

7/04/2013 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*** 'researchers ... enrolled 1,400 at-risk youth, in grades seven through ten..'
In ENGLISH, that means 20 year old gang-bangers

*** '.. if ... psychotherapy can reduce arrests ... even for a year then ... proactive counseling to prevent crime has merit.***'
Psychotherapy? WTF - over? I got my friggen 'psychotherapy' at home, from Mr Belt! And 'Mr Belt' worked, I still haven't shot someone for their shoes.

7/04/2013 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if we call it by its proper name - PARENTING.

You hit that nail right on the fucking head. Blame is to be squarely placed from within the community that has produced a disproportionate amount of young people that sadly the world is better off without. Secondary blame goes to the cook county dems, whose candidates (alvarez, judges) treat the criminal justice system as a goddamn McDonalds drive-through.

7/04/2013 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted Koppel once asked, " why didn't Rodney King just stop the car...(or not put up a fight)".
Nobody has asked why didn't t Trayvon Martin call the police (instead of his girlfriend).
The pattern is clear.
What does McPilgrimBlamer say?

7/04/2013 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at the jisc pilot program is necessary; and at every police station's community room.

7/04/2013 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hawthorne Effect.

They can't be changed.

7/04/2013 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just A Citizen: SCC fantastic post. 100% correct. Parenting. How can anyone be something they know nothing about? As usual, the "professionals" sit behind their desks, making laws, writing essay's, posting their theories when they haven't a clue what is really going on. The ONLY people who know what's going on are the ones in the midst of it, but as usual, who listens to them.

7/04/2013 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

article 1 subsection 8

7/04/2013 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New number one answer on FAMILY FEUD: "Show me the skittles".

7/04/2013 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Move these "kids" to the professor's neighborhood and we will see a change in strategy, theory and ideology.

7/04/2013 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got my property tax bill , it's a shocker. The the thievin politicians keep squandering our money.

7/04/2013 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im a teacher in the cps and the last day of school I heard about my high school rolling out this program. It offers "selected" (aka fuckups) student participants extra opportunities that other students don't have access to, like fencing and other shit. I heard university of chicago and I just laughed. These assholes are connected at the hip with Barry and co. And they are "experts" on everything. When they show the mayor data studies he shits money at them and implementations must happen immediately! The best is that after the program, there was no change in behavior because they reverted back. Well said scc, waste of money! They can take the bow tie and shove it up their ass.

7/04/2013 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Only Mama Knows said...

Whatever happened to "count to 10 before you do anything foolish?"

7/04/2013 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can have all the studies, programs, and marches they want. The democrats have created a permanent underclass that blindly votes for them. The blood is on their hands. Things will never change with democrats in charge.

7/04/2013 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to get away from bad behavior, you need to get well behaved friends. If you hang out with assholes, you will continue to act like an asshole. So, if you want to change your life for the better, get a job (you'll have less hours available for acting like an asshole)and hang out with the "boring fucks" that don't have brushes with the law and thugs.

7/04/2013 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conflict Resolution skills in the ghetto are damn near non-existent.

7/04/2013 04:38:00 AM

i resolve conflicts in the ghetto all the time.



7/04/2013 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"at the jisc pilot program is necessary; and at every police station's community room.

7/04/2013 09:30:00 AM"

Been there lately?That Pilot program is going on 8 years & has been an abysmal failure on all levels.

7/04/2013 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
at the jisc pilot program is necessary; and at every police station's community room.

7/04/2013 09:30:00 AM

We don't share a common language, do we? Please translate.

7/04/2013 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Mommy and Daddy are supposed to teach Junior to ask himself whether the juice is worth the squeeze before he starts squeezing?

Ain't nobody got time for that.

7/04/2013 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Mama Knows said...

Whatever happened to "count to 10 before you do anything foolish?"

7/04/2013 11:54:00 AM

that only works if:

a) you can count to 10


b) you are capable of thinking of something other than remembering how to count to 10 while you're counting to 10


c) being capable, you actually think of something, while counting to 10, other than exactly what you were thinking when you began counting to 10.

presuming, of course, that you are an offspring who listens to your mother, respects your mother and heeds her advice and guidance.

7/04/2013 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, Mommy and Daddy are supposed to teach Junior to ask himself whether the juice is worth the squeeze before he starts squeezing?

Ain't nobody got time for that.

7/04/2013 10:07:00 PM

"In one exercise, for example, half of the kids were given rubber balls, and the other half of the kids were told to get the balls from them.

The result: wrestling matches, chase scenes and actual fights over them.

But then the instructor made his point: Why hadn’t the kids without balls simply asked the other kids to toss them the balls? Why had they assumed that their partners in the exercise would refuse?"

the truly ridiculous part of this highly educated strategy is the omission of the concept of 'earning'.

the rocket scientists begin by setting the stage with:

a) some have been given


b) some have not been given

then proceed to instruct those who have not been given to 'get' the 'something' they have not been given from those to whom the 'something' has been given.

nary a word about 'earning', neither to those who were given 'something', nor to those who were not given 'something' and were instructed to get that 'something', by whatever means popped into their little minds.

and the "instructor's" point is?

1. ask and you should be given?


2. what you receive in exchange for doing nothing you should give to another do-nothing when requested?


3. having and keeping are two entirely different things?


4. what is given is soon taken, so you might as well give it up without a struggle?


5. there is an explanation for why, occasionally, a child objects to having it's dookie removed from it's diaper?


6. ?????????

this 'highly educated' nonsense reminds me of the story of the monkey and the banana in the jar.

7/05/2013 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The citizens are a reflection of their leaders. Almost all of the politicians on the west side are violent, woman haters, cowards, etc and their constituents follow their lead.

7/05/2013 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The citizens are a reflection of their leaders. Almost all of the politicians on the west side are violent, woman haters, cowards, etc and their constituents follow their lead.

7/05/2013 07:05:00 PM

you've got this backwards.

if they didn't agree with them, they wouldn't elect, and keep reelecting, these so-called 'leaders'.

7/07/2013 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the Clint Eastwood movie "The Enforcer"? The part where the woman suggests some kind of focus group for violent criminals? Anyway, Clint said that's very "stylish". I think carjackers, smash and grabbers, rapists, and murderers need a little bit more than cognitive therapy. I suggest cognitive flogging on prime time tv. Excellent viewing and think of all the ad dollars.

7/07/2013 09:36:00 PM  

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