Monday, July 15, 2013

Time to Ban 72-Year-Olds

  • Four people have been killed and at least 10 others — including four teenagers and a 72-year-old woman — wounded in shootings across the city since Friday night.
That's the second 72-two-year old woman shot in the past 10 days, the other catching a round over in 011 when nine people got shot in a drive-by.

Four dead and 10 maimed - just about average for the weekend. July continues on pace.



Anonymous W.H. Thompson said...

July now stands at 30 which puts us on pace for 60.

If you're keeping score at home, 60 is not "crime is down":
July 2012: 49
July 2011: 58
July 2010: 42

No worries though, the year to date total will be the least since the 1820s when Fort Dearborn had a total population of 2,493.

Illustrating Chicago's Murders, Homicides, Violence and Idiocy at

7/15/2013 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah this is where the famous McWeasel spin, comes in.if those nine people were shot at the same place all nine will count as " one" Also if it's a graze wound it's not "really being shot"
( this, of course is arbitrary depending on if you ask mccluess or the individual who was shot)
Puncture wounds only please

7/15/2013 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Article yesterday says homicides down all across the United States, down big. Linked it to two huge spikes in lead exposure. Says we are on the downside of one of those spikes. Funny, COMPSTAT was never mentioned though.

7/15/2013 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet nobody marches for these people but they will march and complain about the Zimmerman trial. They can't accept the verdict because they were all on scene when Travon was shot but none of them would come forward to give thier eyewitness testamony. These people are a joke!!

7/15/2013 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another one....A 72-year-old man was shot in a robbery at a dry cleaner shop in the Park Manor neighborhood this afternoon, police said.,0,6706862.story

7/15/2013 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to love Texas!

Texas Says It's OK to Shoot an Escort If She Won't Have Sex With You

A jury in Bexar County, Texas just acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of charges that he murdered a 23-year-old Craigslist escort—agreeing that because he was attempting to retrieve the $150 he'd paid to Lenora Ivie Frago, who wouldn't have sex with him, his actions were justified.

Gilbert had admitted to shooting Frago in the neck on Christmas Eve 2009, when she accepted $150 from Gilbert and left his home without having sex with him. Frago, who was paralyzed by the shooting, died several months later.

Gilbert's defense argued that the shooting wasn't meant to kill, and that Gilbert's actions were justified, because he believed that sex was included as part of the fee. Texas law allows people "to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft."

The 30-year-old hugged his defense attorneys after the "not guilty" verdict was read by the judge. If convicted, he could have faced life in prison. He thanked God, his lawyers, and the jury for being able to "see what wasn't the truth."

7/15/2013 05:02:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

If they stuck around to 72, they are way ahead of the game.

7/15/2013 06:40:00 PM  
Blogger bobby said...

"That's the second 72-two-year old woman shot in the past 10 days . . ."

It was inevitable once they formed their own grannie-gang and started flashing and banging and representing right through the middle of the Kings' turf.

But they didn't all hit their seventies by being stupid, so word on the street is, if you're out and you notice that there's a lot more really old ladies than usual just sort of chillin' on the corner, bug out, 'cuz it turns out one of them has a great-grandson who buys weapons for the Marines, and now they're all armed and looking for trouble.

7/15/2013 11:41:00 PM  

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