Wednesday, April 02, 2014

When is a "Cut" Not a Cut?

  • Asked Tuesday how his proposal is constitutional when it cuts workers’ retirement benefits, Emanuel responded, “That’s not true.”

    “What it actually does is, nobody’s benefit gets cut, it continues to grow,” the mayor said. “It just doesn’t grow at the pace it once did.”

    Pressed on how employees weren’t losing benefits when they would be expected to pay more toward their pensions while receiving less in the future, Emanuel again argued the plan was not a cut.

    “I’ll tell you what a cut looks like, not getting a retirement check. That’s a cut,” the mayor said. “This guarantees you have a pension, and so guaranteeing you have a pension versus one that actually disappears, that’s a cut.”
Actually, that's a default Rahm. He must be jealous of all the admiration his former boss received by declaring no less than 27 recorded times "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," and then reneging on that promise.

So Rahm is doing his own local version along the lines of "If you like your pension, then....oh fuck all you peons anyway - I'm Rahm Emanuel!"

Or something like that. None of this affects police and fire pensions yet. That is the $600 million balloon payment due next year that Rahm is desperately attempting to delay in Springfield.

More reports here and here. Here too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

35 million for the Bloomingdale Trail, 60 million for the bike bridge over the river, 100 million for the river walk, 150 million for Maggie Daley Park. The message is simple and loud, if you live in the 'Magic Kingdom' along the lake you are golden otherwise you are screwed. Well there is an election in November, time to screw right back.

4/02/2014 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I mention that Obama said 7 million signed up for Obamacare.

The neat thing about liberal politicians, they can convince you that night is day, and day is night, black is white and white is actually orange, you are better off than you were five years ago, and we are rapidly frying an dying of global warming.

4/02/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all knew that this was coming, didn't we? As much as I don't like Rahm, most of this is not of his making. Daley left him with a bad hand and a huge mess. Most of the blame for this fiasco belongs to Richard M. Daley and the previous leadership of all the city unions, (not only FOP) who allowed this to happen.

4/02/2014 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“What it actually does is, nobody’s benefit gets cut, it continues to grow,” the mayor said. “It just doesn’t grow at the pace it once did.”

Sounds like when Rahm raised the fares on the CTA and said he didn't raise fares, he merely lessened the discount.

4/02/2014 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. - Na...Na...Na, Hey Hey, Good-Bye - No More Citywide Team. Good Luck to the Dean Team! No more of Donahue getting $75,000 as a lobbyist plus his pension of $75,000 a year in addition to the $7,200 a year stipend for a grand total of $157,200 at the minimum. No more of Doherity getting $160,000 plus a year. The FOP World Series is over, and Street is over next season. Good luck in 022 Bill. You are going to need it.

4/02/2014 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at your finger Rahm is that a reduction or a cut maybe not if still feels good in your ass.

4/02/2014 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if I just pay $1 more in property taxes, I'll have satisfied my obligations, right? It wouldn't be a reduction in my taxes, it would be an increase.

4/02/2014 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When IS a cut a cut?

When the Mayor cuts his finger as a teenager and goes on and on about it for the rest of his life.

Rahm Emanuel: Losing finger changed me

Rahm: How many of his hospital roommates died?

By Lynn Sweet on June 10, 2012

"WASHINGTON--While working at an Arby's roast beef fast food restaurant, Mayor Rahm Emanuel sliced off the top [of] one of his fingers when he was 17; the story--and the life lesson--made its way into Emanuel's May, 2009 George Washington University commencement address. According to an advance text released by City Hall, Emanuel was going to use it again at a Christ the King High School graduation speech on Saturday. Both accounts of a pivotal event in Emanuel's life are below.

"The only difference in the re-tellings is that in the 2009 speech five of his hospital roommates died in the bed next to him. By 2012, that number was down to three. In 2009, Emanuel said he was in the hospital eight weeks recovering; by 2012 that number was reduced to seven weeks..."

Watch it, buddy. You get just a little older and your brother Ezekiel is going to decide you've had a "complete life" and start cutting back on your medical care...

4/02/2014 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little boy to his father: "Daddy, what is Math"

Father: "I don't know, son... we're Democrats."

4/02/2014 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AND NONe of the Affects Daley or the Aldermen's Pensions!

4/02/2014 05:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like another increase to the decrease- to pension payments, that is. This proves once again that the only requirement to being a politician is that double-speak, lying, and being an asshole only help to keep you in office, since Rahm is still there.

4/02/2014 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again the theiving politicians steal our money and its our fault.

4/02/2014 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here for the 1 billionth time."....

Let's lead by example and save money!!!

Cut the alderman in half!!!!

Let's put off Maggie Daley park?????

Let's lower taxes, and see people come back to have a business

Let's tell the laz parking company to go fly a kite. I never agreed to sell parking

4/02/2014 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Crains...The Rahmster "mispoke" I guess....

Crain’s and other outlets reported this morning that the city’s property tax levy would go up $250 million over the next five years to pay for the deal. The figure came from briefings by city officials, officials who stuck with that figure even when repeatedly challenged.

But this morning, citing “confusion” amid a flurry of announcements and briefings, a city spokeswoman conceded that, in fact, the tax hike will be $750 million over five years.

4/02/2014 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you must be in bed with Daley and Madigan because being a retired Police officer who worked 31 years for the city you never post my comments calling for Daley and Madigan to be indicted..Ive screamed this several times in your blog infact every time you bring it up. but it never gets posted..Therefore you must be a fan of these two Jagoffs. F.O.P should be spending our dues monies on getting the word out about WHO CAUSED ALL OF THIS ..AND A GRAND JURY SHOULD BE CONVIENED TO PUT THE GUILTY IN JAIL FOR CREATING THIS PONZIE SCHEME, but what am I wasting my time telling you, if it contains shit about Daley or Madigan you wont post it anyways, What ? are you afraid they"ll take your BLOG down.. Im really disapointed with your covering up for these two terrible people.Your blog should be screaming EVERY DAY about this...This comment is for You .Your welcome to reply to me but probably wont. 012 retiree

4/02/2014 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't need a pension as long as I can sleep my homeless ass in Maggie Daley Park!

It might look like a pile of rubble with just a hint of green, but work on the north end of Grant Park — what will become Maggie Daley Park — is about halfway done.

A soft opening is tentatively planned for next year. But in 2015, when planners expect the park to be officially open, visitors will be able to walk up a hill at Maggie Daley Park and get a sweeping view of Lake Michigan. The park, formerly the Daley Bicentennial Plaza, will also see: a skating rink in the shape of a ribbon; meadows; “Geofoam”-created hills, and paths for bikers and walkers to get through to the lake path.

4/02/2014 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why he is trying to delay making the balloon payment to the pensions. Let DePaul wait 5 or 6 years for their new stadium. Their attendance is awful anyways. Put Maggie Daley park and the bike trail on hold too. With the money I just saved them, they can make the "dreaded" payment.

4/02/2014 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he cutting his own benefits or the aldercreatures giving up theirs??????

4/02/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very simple----CONVERT THE TIF FUNDS!!!! There are millions,if not billions of dollars sitting around doing nothing.

A simple change of a law would allow it---Rahm is good at changing laws

4/02/2014 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When is a "Cut" Not a Cut?"
It's all in the way it's presented.

Rahm: "I did not cut my 'whole' finger."

Rahm: I cut my 'hole' finger."

You're Welcome.

4/02/2014 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is a little off track but I was at a function last night and was talking with an FOP Trustee who related to me that the word out there is that a ton of southside coppers did not vote in the run off for president, seems like it is a northside versus southside thing, and if Dougherty loses to Angelo they will be sore, too too bad, it really doesn't matter who wins, just the best person to help. Dean Angelo is clearly the best choice.!!!!!

4/02/2014 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the kicker to this story is that Rahm's propaganda office released the press release minutes into April Fool's Day.

What a taste for irony.

4/02/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go read the Sergeant's contract and the Lieutenant's Tentative Agreement.

In BOTH documents both the Sergeants AND Lieutenants have given up the legal right to sue the City for legislative pension and healthcare violations.

The Sergeant's contract gives the city the right to jack up healthcare costs for both active and retired officers and the union's only recourse is to "reopen" that part of the contract.

In the Lieutenant's agreement not only do they also give up that legal right but they also GIVE UP THE RIGHT TO SUE THE CITY WHEN THEY PASS LEGISLATION TO INCREASE THEIR PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS.

In other words, both contracts will grant the city the right to pass legislation that:

1. Fucks active and retired employees out of insurance costs by allowing the city to jack up the rates through legislation and forcing the only recourse against it to be "renegotiating".

2. Fucks active members out of being able to legally challenge the city when they jack up our pension share to whatever they want to jack it to, because we've agreed we will "renegotiate" on the subject.

These two items clearly are intended to cut off our ability to legally challenge the city when they jack up our health insurance premiums at will and jack up our pension contribution at will.

THIS BULLSHIT BETTER NOT MAKE IT INTO OUR CONTRACT because this will fuck us all out of our legal right to sue a case that is a guaranteed winner.

Emanuel fully intends to jack up our pension share, he's already telling the media this. When yo AGREE that you will "renegotiate" the issue you effectively fuck yourself out of legal action.


Do NOT agree to a contract where you fuck yourselves out of legal recourse against your pensions and medical contracts.

THIS is why Emanuel is laughing at us all right now, because he's gotten Sergeants AND Lieutenants to AGREE to NOT BEING ABLE TO SUE THE CITY WHEN THEY LEGISLATE AWAY YOUR INSURANCE AND PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS.


4/02/2014 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a decrease in the increase (just like comstat)

4/02/2014 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like when rahm ran to Washington to work for themutt then he wants to be mayor so he said he never moved out and proof was an old suitcase he left behind in the attic as proof. The goof is a "Weasel" worst than Bobby Heenan!

4/02/2014 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you piss over my head and call it rain doesn't mean it is rain!

4/02/2014 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how Rahmie-the-commie was quoted multiple, multiple times in the Tribune that raising property taxes was simply not going to be done to solve this problem. But now it is.

Did Rahm lie? Or did he just go blonde and change his mind?

The solution vs the problem.

If Rahm had any backbone, he would come out and say that the problem is largely a result of 20-30 years of prior mayoral administrations ignoring the problem. But this would violate Rule #1 of the Democratic Party: Thou shall not speakest bad about another Democrat. Das ist verboten!

But who cares of Rahm has to bear the burden of more than his fair share. He's a dirty-kneed, cock sucking, wouldn't even give you a reach-around if he fucked you ass, and left his socks at Man Country kind of guy. Scratch that. I forgot. Rahm's a bottom.

Really sad that the best thing you can say about Rahm is that he is better than Toni Fuckwinkle.

Will the opponents lawsuit arguing that there was an unconstitutional impairment or diminshment succeed? Only Michael "The Fix Is In" Madigan knows for sure.

But be careful what you wish for. If the lawsuit succeeds, that may leave a property tax increase as the only solution.

So problem solved for coppers.

Unless of course you are a copper who owns a home in the City of Chicago.

We're all just like turds swirling in the bowl.

4/02/2014 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"35 million for the Bloomingdale Trail, 60 million for the bike bridge over the river, 100 million for the river walk, 150 million for Maggie Daley Park."

4/02/2014 12:09:00 AM

To frame it in terms of the "life lesson" the Mayor claims to have learned at Arby's so long ago --

The whole city is bleeding to death from an open wound, and Emanuel is still splashing around with the microbes in the lake like nothing's wrong.

4/02/2014 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political word games again.

When is a pension no longer a pension too eh?

Remember even the Jersey boy knows that the words you choose to use conjure up images.

However what are those images gonna look like in reality when the cities central planners have stolen the pension money under the guise of saving the pension money,

We expect to hear the much overused 'we're all in this together' speeches soon and we need to ask what that means -- are all the central planners clouted friends with city contracts and/or corporate / political partnerships 'in this together'?

This economy, with it's phoney unemployment numbers and part-time temp min-wage jobs will not and can not fund growth of the boomers ira's, 401k's, and pensions PERIOD,

The central planners have used the Federal Reserves printing of money as a cover-up for the lost production but it's not gonna last forever.

The game is rigged,

The corporate/political partnerships see the trillions of dollars that workers have stashed away and it's driving them nuts. They have to find a way to get their hands on that money,

Taxes, and inflation are the tools of choice.

4/02/2014 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. - Na...Na...Na, Hey Hey, Good-Bye - No More Citywide Team. Good Luck to the Dean Team! No more of Donahue getting $75,000 as a lobbyist plus his pension of $75,000 a year in addition to the $7,200 a year stipend for a grand total of $157,200 at the minimum. No more of Doherity getting $160,000 plus a year. The FOP World Series is over, and Street is over next season. Good luck in 022 Bill. You are going to need it.

4/02/2014 01:34:00 AM

Do you have any idea of what you are talking about? First, Donahue is not going to lose his $7,200 a year stipend. He was elected a trustee and will get that. The new president has nothing to do with the elected trustees. Elected,not appointed. Second, who says he won't remain a lobbyist in Springfield? You, stranger things have happened.

4/02/2014 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“What it actually does is, nobody’s benefit gets cut, it continues to grow,” the mayor said. “It just doesn’t grow at the pace it once did.”

This is how the game works,

You create inflation via the Fed. Reserves money printing of ohh let's say ten percent inflation for example

Then you come up with a cost of living formula that throws out price increases in energy, food, and all the necessities of life and put out a number via mathematical wizardry of let's say five percent. Cost of living only increased five percent they will claim.

Well, look what happens when you do that.

Most of your entitlement programs for things like food stamps, government aid for children, etc, are all adjusted for 'cost of living -- but the cost of living number is a lie.

Many contracts for labor and for pension increases are based on those cost of living numbers -- but the cost of living numbers are a lie.

The net result is that our standard of living is lowered.

The net result is that the politicians get a big fat raise in revenue.

Higher prices means more sales tax revenue coming in. More property taxes coming in. More income taxes coming in AND...less money going out because the cost of living number lie being produces is used to tell us all that the people on social security don't need a cost of living increase that matches reality,

This tool, inflation created by the Fed Reserve combined with manipulated of the 'cost of living ' calculations is how money is transferred to the clouted political/corporate partnerships.

If inflation is pushed high enough maybe we can get y'all into the next higher income tax bracket eh.

If the 'cost of living' manipulation can be held down the difference between the two, that will come out of pensions, social security and the like, can be used to build more political monuments to the cities great leaders. so we have that /sarcasm

4/02/2014 10:49:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

What a hump.

4/02/2014 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy needs to be fed to the lions at the zoo.
What an arrogant, egotistical, double talking , condescending asshole.

4/02/2014 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have looked online but was unable to find how much the City of Chicago recieves in grant money from the State of Illinois on a yearly basis. Does anyone have an idea of that amount? One-third of that amount would be deposited by the State of Illinois, into the Police Pension Fund, once the State of Illinois Comptroller is informed by FOP that the City of Chicago didn't make their payment. If the one-third amount is less than the $600 million payment you can bet the ballerina is going to miss the payment. In subsequent years the State is lawfully mandated to pay two-thirds of grant money earmarked for the City of Chicago.

Illinois Public Act 096-1495, which is the pension reform law passed in 2011, clearly outlines this. It is the law in Illinois.

Since the ballerina wants to break the legal contract the City of Chicago has with the Police and Fire pension, why doesn't he go ahead and break the contract with the parking meter company? How long do you think it would take before the parking meter company hauled his leotard wearing ass into court?

Why not just make the payment from the available secret stash of money that is used for; projects with connected contractors, stadiums for private institutions like DePaul, corporate welfare? Better known as TIF Funds.

4/02/2014 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say this, but I would start mentally planning on NOT getting a pension so when/if you do, you can be pleasantly surprised. Less Harleys, more IRA contributions.

4/02/2014 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chech out illinois senate bill 1922 that is the framework for our reduction not cuts in benefits. This bill was already in place and is being amended by Madigan. Snakes in the grass you can't trust any of them.

4/02/2014 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Jim Padar said...

Poor John Brown—A Fairy Tale by Jim Padar
In many ways, John Brown was a model citizen. He worked his entire adult life, married well, raised his children while at the same time planning and saving for their college education.
Along the way, he purchased a home for his family and took a thirty year mortgage with Big Bank. He made his monthly payments faithfully, having them deducted directly from his paycheck. His payment was never late, never short. He looked forward to having his mortgage paid in full as he approached the Golden Years. That was a very important element of his financial planning.
But alas, when he made the final mortgage payment, Big Bank told him that they had not been managing his payments properly and in fact Big Bank was in trouble and could not declare his home debt-free until poor John Brown paid more.
Big Bank’s shareholders were incensed.
“This will cost us money,” they cried
“But I made all my payments!” lamented poor John Brown. “I had a contract; surely there must be laws that protect me.”
“Yes there are laws,” said Big Bank. “But this is a huge problem that has developed over many decades of our mismanagement. In order to solve it everybody must give something. The laws will be ignored.”
“How can you do that?” asked John. “Don’t you have to follow the law?”
“No we don’t,” they answered. “We are Big Bank.”
But this is only a fairy tale—it’s not true—unless you replace some words. Use “pension” instead of “mortgage.” Use “government” in place of “Big Bank.” And use “taxpayers” in place of “shareholders.” Then, it is all true.
Chicago Police Officer John Brown stood, smoldering in his rage.

4/02/2014 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and now that midget clown wants to make milwaukee ave in jefferson park one lane each direction and get rid of parking on both sides..for what??? a cruncher bike lane!!! unreal

4/02/2014 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm almost getting tired of saying this, almost.
F**K you Rahm.

4/02/2014 12:35:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To 012 retiree:

If you're the one posting in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, then go to the main page and read the rules on the right hand side - Rule #1: ALL CAPS GETS YOU DELETED.

You want to rip Daley and Madigan, fine, rip away. You want to advocate violence on behalf of the citizenry against public officials, well, we're going to delete that out-of-hand. It contributes nothing to the discussion and is quite frankly, immature at best, actionable at worst.

We aren't a "fan" of any member of the Illinois combine - stop using leftist ad hominem tactics lest someone mistake you for a fan of the socialists.

4/02/2014 12:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But why is it our problem that the City failed to meet its pension obligation? He wants every taxpayer to blame Police & Fire for their decades of blatant neglect. By the way, how are the elected officials pensions doing? Will they see hikes and cuts?
Rahm wants to circumvent the IL Constitution and needs Rauners help. Rauner will get Rahm his extension.
- Just pay what you owe Mr Mayor, then we'll talk about the reforms in 2023.

4/02/2014 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Effective immediately: ALL CPD members above the rank of Sgt. (or ANY member with less than a combined total of 50 hrs. court time and,or not sustained CR numbers) will authorize a direct deposit of %50 of each payroll check into a SPECIAL Morale/Pension Guarantee Fund for the benefit of all members of the CPD. Per the mayor,this shall not be construed as a pay cut and will be repaid to those members once the pensions are fully funded in according with the current law. Retroactive 18 months to all Gold Braid pension checks, with above exceptions. Per the mayor, this is not a diminuation of any vested pension.

4/02/2014 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dem doublespeak. The total annuity award includes the relevant COLA. Any decrease in either the base annuity or the awarded COLA is a cut. Compare with McStreetlight's proclamation that a decrease in the increase of murders is, in fact, a cut in crime. Can't be both

4/02/2014 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is Donahue. Gave away our pension money and is now representing us with a nice fat salary. Have to love it.

4/02/2014 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stems from the arrogant administration view that cops could not do as well financially if they had to compete in the private sector. Therefore, the thinking goes, they'll take what we give them and STFU

4/02/2014 02:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

– Mayor Rahm Emanuel today dismissed a state task force report that called for one mega mass transit agency combining the CTA, Metra and PACE as written by "propeller heads."
The characterization came today when the mayor was asked if the single transit agency is a good idea.
“No, and in capital letters. Let me just be really clear: This is what happens when you lock up a lot of propeller heads in a room for a short period of time. First they say we have an unaccountable, nameless, faceless bureaucracy..."
THE SAME 50 PROPELLER HEADS that voted to sell parking meters and will vote with Rahm to reduce our pension.

4/02/2014 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I don't need a pension as long as I can sleep my homeless ass in Maggie Daley Park!

It might look like a pile of rubble with just a hint of green, but work on the north end of Grant Park — what will become Maggie Daley Park — is about halfway done.

A soft opening is tentatively planned for next year. But in 2015, when planners expect the park to be officially open, visitors will be able to walk up a hill at Maggie Daley Park and get a sweeping view of Lake Michigan. The park, formerly the Daley Bicentennial Plaza, will also see: a skating rink in the shape of a ribbon; meadows; “Geofoam”-created hills, and paths for bikers and walkers to get through to the lake path.

4/02/2014 07:45:00 AM

Daley Bicentennial Plaza??? Why does every goddamn thing have to be a memorial to one or another bastard member of the Daley Crime Family?

When does idiot son Patrick have a saloon's pisser named after him? How about John Daley School for the mentally retarded? Unreal. The miserable goddam family ruins the city and they get every damned thing named for themselves.

4/02/2014 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The goof is a "Weasel" worst than Bobby Heenan!"

4/02/2014 09:34:00 AM

Flashback to black-and-white TV!

Oh, man! I think we're going back a long ways here!

You mean the guy who managed The Crusher and The Bruiser?

I say "Bring in clean-living Verne Gagne to t'row da whole mess outa da ring."


You made my day.

4/02/2014 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to negotiate.

If not, he will get his extension and it may be too late then.

Remember, 75% of Zero is Zero.

4/02/2014 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and now that midget clown wants to make milwaukee ave in jefferson park one lane each direction and get rid of parking on both sides..for what??? a cruncher bike lane!!! unreal."

4/02/2014 11:59:00 AM

You gotta be kidding. They just "facade-rebated" a lot of dead businesses -- dead, but new windows and doors on our dime. They just "streetscaped" it with all-new paving and trees and iron grilles for the scrappers to steal and stupid banners on the phony-antique light poles.

Now they want to shut off traffic to kill the remaining businesses -- lesson from State Street Mall not learned.

Tear it out, replace it, tear it out again, rearrange it, tear it out again...

...and the concrete trucks line up yellin "Lemme pour! I got a hot load and I can't put no more water in here!"

$$$ Ka-ching! $$$ Ka-ching!

4/02/2014 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another taxpayer here. What Rahm is not saying is how much our property tax is going to increase when he adds in police, fire and teachers to the mix. He's just testing the waters with these first two unions. The taxpayers and unions did not cause this mess. The previous mayor and his minions did. Rahm needs to stop spending money on the stadium for DePaul, Maggie Daley Park and things like the Navy Pier flyover. All projects like that should be put on hold and the money applied to the pension payment that the city should have been making. When normal people can't afford things they don't get them. HELLO CITY HALL STOP SPENDING MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE! And while you're at let's decrease the number of worthless aldermen out there. We still see way to much waste in city government and things better start changing quickly because the citizens are sick of this.

4/02/2014 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your FOP org needs to start telling your side of the pension story in more detail to the taxpayers. A lot of folks don't realize that city employees do not collect social security at retirement. That your city pension is it and it's not right to change the rules this far into the game. Same thing goes for the big corporations that are dropping pension, healthcare and such for employees close to retirement or already retired. The city should have to honor their commitment and do it in a more fiscally responsible way other than socking the employees and taxpayers.

4/02/2014 04:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"...and now that midget clown wants to make milwaukee ave in jefferson park one lane each direction and get rid of parking on both sides..for what??? a cruncher bike lane!!! unreal."

4/02/2014 11:59:00 AM

You gotta be kidding. They just "facade-rebated" a lot of dead businesses -- dead, but new windows and doors on our dime. They just "streetscaped" it with all-new paving and trees and iron grilles for the scrappers to steal and stupid banners on the phony-antique light poles.

Now they want to shut off traffic to kill the remaining businesses -- lesson from State Street Mall not learned.

Tear it out, replace it, tear it out again, rearrange it, tear it out again...

...and the concrete trucks line up yellin "Lemme pour! I got a hot load and I can't put no more water in here!"

$$$ Ka-ching! $$$ Ka-ching!

4/02/2014 03:22:00 PM

But it's for the children! My mom says she's so sick of hearing everything's 'for the children' she's recruiting all her senior friends NOT to vote for Emanuel again.
Seriously, we're going to destroy Milwaukee Avenue businesses for a handful of bike-riders who don't live in or vote in our city. Spend it like it's somebody else's money, Rahm -- because it IS. It's OURS, you spoiled, rich, entitled, arrogant ass. STOP SQUANDERING IT.

4/02/2014 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever after today it shall be --

Rahm "Propeller Head" Emanuel.

4/02/2014 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not about social security.
Police Officers paid into a fund , promised a pension .
Did city pay into fund every pay day ?
City pays teachers portion of pension , not ours .
A court ruled city has to make a balloon payment for police and firefighters . Put all the BS , new parks, library,furniture for board of Ed , on hold. .
Privatize city services to save money .
The city has money , but not for 1st responders.
Reduce alderman from 50 to 20 , cut all the phony commissioners , expense accounts for alderman etc.

4/02/2014 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4/02/2014 04:03:00 I couldn't agree with you more. FOP and the other city worker unions need to get our pension message out to those who want to listen. Hopefully this is something that Dean Angelo can work on.

4/02/2014 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“I’ll tell you what a cut looks like, not getting a retirement check. That’s a cut,” the mayor said. “This guarantees you have a pension, and so guaranteeing you have a pension versus one that actually disappears, that’s a cut.”

Something I've figured out about police bosses and politicians alike: "If you don't have an answer to the question, belittle the person asking"

4/02/2014 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Mr. Flashback: But remember who spoke after Verne Gagne? That's right..Lynn Burton for Burt Wyman Ford cause there's action on Ashland!

4/03/2014 02:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is a little malignant, missing half a digit North Shore Shit-Ass, not a little malignant, missing half a digit North Shore Shit-Ass?

4/03/2014 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i called the pension board to find out what was going to happen to my current pension if this insane mess passsed .i was told instead of getting my componded 3% raise i would only get the firat amount i got for a raise which was 70 dollars and it would never be increased then in 2017 i think thru 2019 i wouldnt get any thing then i wouldnt get any more raises until every 2 years had passed but it would neverr be more than my first raise i got years agao which is 70 that rate it would take years for me to get a decent pension because taxes take 30 dollars so ill recieve 40 dollars every 2 years raise for the rest of
my life .this is so sick and it has already passsed part of the house in just 4 or 5 days .what a bad deal for us

4/03/2014 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i called the pension board to find out what was going to happen to my current pension if this insane mess passsed .i was told instead of getting my componded 3% raise i would only get the firat amount i got for a raise which was 70 dollars and it would never be increased then in 2017 i think thru 2019 i wouldnt get any thing then i wouldnt get any more raises until every 2 years had passed but it would neverr be more than my first raise i got years agao which is 70 that rate it would take years for me to get a decent pension because taxes take 30 dollars so ill recieve 40 dollars every 2 years raise for the rest of
my life .this is so sick and it has already passsed part of the house in just 4 or 5 days .what a bad deal for us

4/03/2014 03:27:00 PM

This particular legislation doesn't cover police or fire. We have NO idea what will be inflicted on us.

4/03/2014 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i called the pension board to find out what was going to happen to my current pension if this insane mess passsed .i was told instead of getting my componded 3% raise i would only get the firat amount i got for a raise which was 70 dollars and it would never be increased then in 2017 i think thru 2019 i wouldnt get any thing then i wouldnt get any more raises until every 2 years had passed but it would neverr be more than my first raise i got years agao which is 70 that rate it would take years for me to get a decent pension because taxes take 30 dollars so ill recieve 40 dollars every 2 years raise for the rest of
my life .this is so sick and it has already passsed part of the house in just 4 or 5 days .what a bad deal for us

4/03/2014 03:27:00 PM

Why call the pension board? It doesn't affect the CPD or the CFD.
It pertains to other pensions,not ours, so they shouldn't be telling you anything.

4/03/2014 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Blonde wood Motorola TV Pilot said...

"To Mr. Flashback: But remember who spoke after Verne Gagne? That's right..Lynn Burton for Burt Wyman Ford cause there's action on Ashland!"

4/03/2014 02:53:00 AM

Didn't Heenan also run a pair a guys in black hoods, "The Assassins," so we'd have someone to REALLY boo?

Guts hangin out, looked like they never saw the sun.

Boy o boy. Thanks so much.

4/04/2014 02:06:00 AM  

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