Thursday, August 07, 2014

Holy Shit Part II

  • An analysis of excessive-force complaints against hundreds of Chicago police officers is raising more questions about a district commander who is under investigation for allegedly assaulting an arrestee.

    The 49-page report, authored by a former Chicago chief epidemiologist, found that Harrison District Cmdr. Glenn Evans had at least 45 excessive-force complaints between January 1988 and December 2008. During those decades, according to the report, Evans had the highest number of complaints among 1,541 officers for whom the city provided data.

    The author, Dr. Steven Whitman, compiled and studied five city datasets listing 13,527 excessive-force complaints for the officers. Whitman, who died last month, finished the analysis in 2010 for a lawsuit against one of the cops. The report, obtained by WBEZ, has remained out of public view.
Bottom-feeder Flint Taylor has a number of choice comments that we'll skip because Flint is an asshole.
  • WBEZ last week revealed an April recommendation by the city’s Independent Police Review Authority that Evans be stripped of police powers. In that case, Evans allegedly jammed his police pistol into an arrestee’s mouth and threatened to kill him. A test found that DNA evidence on the gun matched the arrestee, Rickey J. Williams, 24.

    IPRA also referred the case to Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez’s office for criminal investigation.

    Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel did not respond to questions about his administration’s handling of Evans in light of the Whitman report. Last week an Emanuel spokesman said the mayor would not comment on the IPRA recommendation because that investigation was ongoing.

    A spokesman for police Supt. Garry McCarthy, questioned Monday about the Whitman report, wrote that the police department takes any allegations seriously but cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.

    The McCarthy spokesman, Martin Maloney, also lauded Evans, a 28-year department veteran. “Throughout his career, Cmdr. Glenn Evans has reduced crime and violence for the communities he has served,” Maloney wrote, crediting Evans for improvements in a South Side district he commanded until March.

    “Under Cmdr. Evans’ leadership, the 3rd District had 80 fewer shootings last year than in 2012, the second largest decline in the city,” Maloney wrote.
Rahm is in an actual election fight. He's also in contract negotiations, so everything he does is calculated to paint the Department as unreasonable, greedy, entitled, etc. The public doesn't know (and Rahm isn't telling them) that the FOP doesn't represent Sergeants (Lesner) or Lieutenants (Walsh) or Captains and that exempts like Evans aren't represented by a labor organization at all - they serve at the pleasure of the political structure (Rahm).

Logically, any misdeeds, alleged or substantiated by an investigation, must fall on the shoulders of McCarthy and Rahm. That isn't happening - yet. And Evans is being used by WBEZ as a high-ranking example of misconduct via the CR list. No distinction is being made between his alleged misbehavior and everyone else on the list, most of whom never had a Sustained finding against them.

At some point, Rahm is going to have to cut his ties to this politically damaging scandal if he's going to make any sort of showing in the west side wards.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not saying anything about this Commander but can you say "Two-Tier" System of Discipline.

Coppers without CLOUT would have been fired years ago while this Commander and many others with CLOUT do whatever they want.

Remember the SOS copper with hundreds of CR#'s that was never stripped?

I have seen the Police Board fire coppers who little to no disciplinary history on one BS CR#.

I think it is high-time that the Police Board decisions are reviewed in light of what is coming to light!

8/07/2014 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"cut his ties" for political show...

Perhaps. Evans shouldn't necessarily be publicly made to stand apart.
I'm sure no fan of this mayor. But I bet in private he wishes he could just say out loud that these are the types of cops you need if you're going to bring down gang crime.

We all know it, and the shitheads know it. But they're laughing every night knowing those days are over.

No difference between Burge and Evans.

Violent people and other types of criminals who threaten public safety should be treated like that.

One day, when the public has had enough, they will demand that level of police response to gangs and crime. And they will probably look the other way when the lawyers, politicians, and academics responsible for this current attack on law-abiding people- get a dose of what they got coming to them for this mess.

8/07/2014 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that in this day and age ANY cop would stick his service weapon into a mouth of an arrestee. His only crime was not showing the good sense to clean the weapon afterwards with a heavy dose of Hoppe's to disinfect the weapon.

8/07/2014 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The investigation is falling apart. Big rush to judgment. Every thing not what it seems. The whole story isn't out yet and what is out supports Evans.

8/07/2014 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Rahm Emanuel will not be held accountable!

Not now, not ever!

Rahm is the King of an imaginary fiefdom!

8/07/2014 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Fioretti and Lewis to blast Rahm?

8/07/2014 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evans case is being reviewed by the State's Attorney yet he's still commander of 011. Anytime a PO is under investigation he's usually sent to call back.

McA**hole lauds Evans results. Hey jagoff, if a PO steps on his dick will you bring up there accomplishments next time.

8/07/2014 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Double Standards and CLOUT Rule Chicago!

8/07/2014 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can say what you want about Gary and I'm not a fan but he has stood by every officer that has been criticized in the media. No one has been Cozzied on his watch. Granted this guy is a boss but if you read the police board ruling majority of the time he's on the officers sides also.

8/07/2014 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Exempts like Evans aren't represented by a labor organization at all - they serve at the pleasure of the political structure (Rahm)."

But they collect a pension based on their appointed political rank.
Therein lies the problem.

8/07/2014 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing for sure, the rhaMEDIA is in full persecuting mode

8/07/2014 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anything in Chicago's city government and agencies that actually works as intended?

8/07/2014 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If IPRA recommended that Evans get stripped and McCarthy and Rahm ignored that recommendation then aren't they already guilty of sweeping this under the rug? Now lets see if the media holds McCarthy's feet to the fire over this. I doubt they will though.

8/07/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is the investigation flawed he has a lot of positive comments from the PUBLIC. The dna evidence is weak, There is a lot more to this story and it backs Evans.
Looks like a political witch hunt by Ervin or Brookins.

8/07/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you know when this alleged act took place he wasn't the only officer on the scene. Other people are in shit too.

8/07/2014 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, Clean your gun.

8/07/2014 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will retire.

and IAD will punt the case!

Kinda like white shirts keeping felony files at home for clouted Mayors.

Nothing happens except all the 3 areas get served with civil search warrants!

Dont worry Rahm i left some OLD files lying around in the AREA that will bring major heat so have your clouted white shirt do a nice wipe job.

8/07/2014 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Police officers of the CPD. Everyone will remember Evans is a abusive Chicago cop, not an abusive, connected, clouted, Chicago cop.

8/07/2014 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Glen when he got some of those CR#'s and he was locking up harden criminals. Most were Police fighters. Some might not like him as their boss, but he is a police man and stand up guy who lives the police job.

8/07/2014 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Innocent to proven guilty, unfounded complaints mean nothing. Glen Evans may not be the most politically correct boss on the job but, he sure is not afraid to lead by example.

8/07/2014 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again....... Does the issue of 2 tiers of discipline need to be addressed? If you or I were accused of jamming our pistol in some assholes mouth we'd be fighting for our very job and/or fighting to stay outta jail. Why is it that Cozzi can be charged with violating some drunks civil rights for a couple of well deserved cracks but removing dudes tooth enamel with your front sight keeps you comfortably in charge of ruining a district. Evans came over as a breath of fresh air but has proven himself to be just another Koolaid drinking exempt that the powers that be won't touch because of political expediancy. Every officer that catches an excessive force beef in the future or is fighting one now needs to use this bullshit double standard in their defense. And people wonder why this job is fucked.

8/07/2014 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no. Superintendent McCarthy owns this one. He stood up at a Compstat meeting and sang from the rafters that every Distict Commander was placed by him and politics played absolutely NO part in any decision made about who was placed where.

8/07/2014 02:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Maybe this will be the end of this clown of a commander. He walks past the desk everyday and berates us to no end. He needs to realize that we carry this fucking district on our backs on the desk. He needs to appreciate us more and say thanks once in a while.

8/07/2014 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just who is Evan's Chinaman? Follow the money. Follow the Clout. The Chicago Way. They will just let this guy retire.

8/07/2014 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just a decimal over 2 per year. Can someone get this man's total number of arrests for those years. No one ever gets that info out to the media. The public couldn't imagine the amount of arrests a hard working officer makes in a career. They need to know. Say an officer makes 200 arrests per year? Then take the number of complaints and the percentage is small. Now before the comments start, I am not making a statement for any type of brutal cop. I am making a statement regarding percentages of complaints vs. arrests, which a percentage of that number, are outright lies by some of the worst criminals ever, who want to sue and/or have their case thrown out. There were times that I even documented offenders threatening to sue me in a case report. I sat in federal court based on lies, as many officers on this job have. I will reserve my judgement based on many more facts.


8/07/2014 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See, this was why I was not so worried that the false complaints against good officers would be a problem. Based on the clout over competence regime, I suspected there would be one or two stories like this - sunlight disinfecting the department from its political disease.

When they start going off on the twenty-year Southside officers with eight complaints, then a lot of us civilians will have your back. Stay safe out there.

8/07/2014 04:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

011 Dist is a complete joke. These bosses are so clueless on there policing stratagies. When will it end!!

How should the bosses be then?

People need to go to jail who cares if it's only for a couple hours or a night in jail. Bottoms line people need start getting locked up. Forget about these contact cards and anovs, that they just rip up in front of our face. Officers are being told no arrest in 011. These younger kids coming on the job are being taught the hands off approach to policing. Which is totally a wrong way to police these animals.. get back to the hands on approach and locking these people up.

8/05/2014 10:58:00 AM

U are absolutely right. Bosses are to worried about number numbers numbers, getting that gold star and trying to impress one another. I love how people say Evans is the police. Why cause he messes with hypes has po's lock up drinkers, contact card people, make a scene more caotic than it already is.

8/07/2014 05:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told along time ago by someone who worked at 35th in the Supt. office that there were two piles. One pile was unclouted officers who were made an example of, and those with clout who were given a slap on the hand. This guy still works there.

8/07/2014 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just shows how much things have changed. Two beefs a year from a working copper in a busy district was never a very big deal back in the day. Another reason why I love being retired.

8/07/2014 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Maybe this will be the end of this clown of a commander. He walks past the desk everyday and berates us to no end. He needs to realize that we carry this fucking district on our backs on the desk. He needs to appreciate us more and say thanks once in a while.

That's quite funny Mr. house mouse...many of the citizens I've seen at the desk in 011 would describe how you treat THEM in the same manner.

8/07/2014 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone from the Media or academia should have broken the figures down. The number of complaints should not be the issue, but rather the number of Sustained Complaints, and in that regard there were few. The reality is that a very small percentage of the allegations were substantiated and those officers were disciplined. In addition it should have been noted that Complaints against an officer is a form of retaliation against an officer since it obviously mars his or her record. The fact that nobody from the Union stood up to this misrepresentation of facts against police is disgraceful.

8/07/2014 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on to your shorts, Francis!
The investigation is flawed...Evans will stay on.
That is all.

8/07/2014 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the CPD comments are sickening. Here is a guy that hasn't been convicted of anything that has been a working officer his entire career and has tried to protect workers from IPRA and you're slamming him based on a bs allegation from a gang banging pos and Ipra, both of whom aint a friend to the police.
Dna by itself means nothing.
Cr list means nothing.
48 crs most of which aren't excessive force means nothing. That averages to two a year.
Stop jumping to conclusion. Wait till all of the facts are in. We are are own worst enemy.

8/07/2014 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two tiered, Hell three tiered, discipline is alive and well huh?
If this was a lowly P.O., or even an unclouted white shirt( yes there are a few), he'd have some serious tire tracks on him from being thrown under the bus.
Fucking joke.

8/07/2014 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable that in this day and age ANY cop would stick his service weapon into a mouth of an arrestee. His only crime was not showing the good sense to clean the weapon afterwards with a heavy dose of Hoppe's to disinfect the weapon.

8/07/2014 12:24:00 AM

That's exactly the point.... it wasn't this day and age.
The time frame for the referenced CR#'s started 26 freaking years ago!
What about statute of limitations and the presumption of innocence?

8/07/2014 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The High-Ranking CPD always get off the hook when involved in criminality, just like the SOS Scandal, Marquette 10, Tarnished Star, and the rest. This is because the high-ranking CPD kick back a portion of their annual salaries to the Democrat Party. When the big bosses get in trouble, the politicians get them off the hook by paying off their "people on the inside", crooked Judges, State Attorneys, etc. The Politicians have to get these big bosses off the hook so that the big bosses don't spill the beans abou the kickbacks to the politicians. Thats why Crook County is totally corrupt in a nut-shell. This info came from a retired CPD Deputy Supt. When was the last time you saw ANY High Ranking CPD Official go to jail or Prison? When was the last time the Blue Shirt was nailed and the White Shirts all walked away, many rising to an even higher rank? They ALL Pay-to-Play, the Chicago (corruption) Way.

8/07/2014 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/07/2014 03:10:00 AM go back on the street if you are that unhappy. Dog--

8/07/2014 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nerve of the city to promote a working policeman to Commander, We must be short of Pansey-assed Office Pogues, Politicians and Reverends whores that usually get promoted,

8/07/2014 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If an officer in a ghetto district is making lots of arrests, consider also the type of people being arrested, not choirboys, we know that. They push back, they aren't afraid of throwing a punch at a cop or anything else they can get their hands on. Mere allegations of excessive force means nothing. You have to use force or else revert back to the contact card police.

8/07/2014 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Good. Maybe this will be the end of this clown of a commander. He walks past the desk everyday and berates us to no end. He needs to realize that we carry this fucking district on our backs on the desk. He needs to appreciate us more and say thanks once in a while.

8/07/2014 03:10:00 AM

Get over yourself Francis. He berates dogs and lazy coppers. If you think that 011 is being carried by the district desk, I can guess which one you are. Glenn May look like a homeless guy sometimes, but he is one of the smartest guys I have met on this job. He can and will survive this.

8/07/2014 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever CPD 'allegations' are determined to be exonerated, unfounded or not sustained they are just that...a 'claim' in which the accused officer was acquitted, the assertion found to be groundless or simply not proven.
So why then is it prejudicially publicized or used vs. a member in judgement of a future 'allegation?'
Using that theory, every criminal case should BEGIN with reading the defendants background including all the charges that were ever placed including those dropped, SOL, non-suit and found not guilty.
I can hear those liberal esquires now, "Oh the humanity!!!"

8/07/2014 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just proves Evans has always been a WORKING COPPER. That so called DNA evidence could have come from the POS spitting at the good Commander or on his holster or weapon, or even sneezing or coughing in his direction. I stand with Glen!

8/07/2014 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Here's my 2 cents

As far as I'm concerned about the bad situation here in Chicago aka Chirak as some or most people call it nowadays, I say f@#k it, the hell with the people and politicians this is what they wanted so I say to you brothers and sisters in blue, do nothing but the minimum just answer your calls leave some paper if needed and back your fellow P.O.'s. go home at the end of your tour and protect your own community, friends and family from these vermin coming into your own communities. This is hard to say but this is reality, the people and politicians mentioned earlier do not care about us law abiding citizens especially us in blue. The powers to be do not want us to police but rather babysit these parasites and in the process get Cr's and lawsuits and ultimately fired or thrown in jail for doing our job which is policing. For the rest of you blue-shirts that want to still make that sacrifice and difference then god bless you and keep up the good fight against these parasites.
Old Fart, been on the job for 28yrs, still don't know what I'm still here for but I'll tell all you young bloods on the job today, this is not the way we old timers used to police back in the day. It's a hands off policy today in the present and that's why crime is so out of control today. This is what the powers to be wanted, can't comprehend that myself but true. And yes never had clout unfortunately, worked almost everywhere and or position as a blue shirt so still pushing a beat car till this date. God bless you all and go home safe.....

8/07/2014 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you have it in so bad for Evans?
Geez.... give it a rest already

8/07/2014 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's just a decimal over 2 per year. Can someone get this man's total number of arrests for those years. No one ever gets that info out to the media. The public couldn't imagine the amount of arrests a hard working officer makes in a career. They need to know. Say an officer makes 200 arrests per year? Then take the number of complaints and the percentage is small. Now before the comments start, I am not making a statement for any type of brutal cop. I am making a statement regarding percentages of complaints vs. arrests, which a percentage of that number, are outright lies by some of the worst criminals ever, who want to sue and/or have their case thrown out. There were times that I even documented offenders threatening to sue me in a case report. I sat in federal court based on lies, as many officers on this job have. I will reserve my judgement based on many more facts.


8/07/2014 03:37:00 AM

Finally, someone on this subject has some sense. It is unbelievable how many morons on this blog jump to accept anything written in the media.

8/07/2014 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like Evans is the type of hands on, take no bull shit, be the police type of cop this city needs. And on top of that he is black so nobody can cry racism when he does his job.

8/07/2014 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pussification of CPD.

8/07/2014 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with Glen when he got some of those CR#'s and he was locking up harden criminals. Most were Police fighters. Some might not like him as their boss, but he is a police man and stand up guy who lives the police job.

I'm sure this is true, but there are a lot of hard working coppers at call back with allegations and zero evidence.

8/07/2014 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And history repeats itself.

Burge had high clearance rates and got the dirty job done.

. Every politician knew, Daley, Byrne, Alderman, etc...., but it was OK. It was politically OK. Telling the media the case is wrapped up, we have over 100% clearance rate and we are tough on crime wins elections. (Burge would clear up the previous years cases, that's why it was over 100%)

Is it OK now, if true? The DNA thing makes it pretty hard to believe it's not.

You see, the political asses really don't care about this department. They only care about perception. Don't do their dirty work with the, "hook or crook" mentality.

Just look at how Burge was left standing alone. Whether you agree with his tactics or not it was condoned by the poltical power of the day.

8/07/2014 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Because of that off-duty police shooting in 016 yesterday, two beat cars from 025 had to be pulled and sent over to cover two beats in that district. The lack of manpower in 016 is a sick joke.

8/07/2014 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evans is the real police. Always was.

8/07/2014 10:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really simple answer if you have clout no matter your rank you skate! No clout anything minor your persecuted by the dept then Anita and her clout crew pile on shazaam you lose the job, pension,family,freedom home!

He's a good copper that I agree but how many "good coppers" are suffering with no clout?

8/07/2014 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Innocent to proven guilty, unfounded complaints mean nothing. Glen Evans may not be the most politically correct boss on the job but, he sure is not afraid to lead by example.

8/07/2014 01:29:00 AM

Ask Glenn about his Uncle!

8/07/2014 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you know when this alleged act took place he wasn't the only officer on the scene. Other people are in shit too.

8/07/2014 12:53:00 AM

And watch the others get thrown under the bus.

8/07/2014 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I feel sorry for the poor gang and drug dealers of Chicago.

8/07/2014 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:42, you have it right. This is all because certain alderfreaks and reverends felt "dissed" by Glen.

8/07/2014 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department turned into a bunch of soft paper pushers collecting a check, we cant all work the desk or at 35th st. So what if these animal gang bangers get smacked around.

8/07/2014 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And you know when this alleged act took place he wasn't the only officer on the scene. Other people are in shit too.

8/07/2014 12:53:00 AM


Numerous pos from 003 already called in to GJ to lock in their statements and more may be in the pipeline. hopefully they didnt lie under oath to help out this loose canon. The CCSAO and Feds are also interviewing past excessive force complainants and more charges should be coming soon both for Evans and pos who made the arrests/wrote the paper on several of his encounters. This is more than the usual witchhunt especially when there is DNA evidence supporting the allegation.


8/07/2014 11:54:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Singling Commander Evans out is BULLSHIT.
--- That report is Bullshit.
--- That doctor that made it was a left wing social justice activist asshole.
--- That lawyer is a fucking commie.
--- His firm is full of commies.
--- And his cohorts at that National Lawyer Guild are all commies.
So fuck them all.

In '92 when Evens was on the street as a working copper there were 943 fucking Murders in Chicago. So 45 whopping complaints in 20 goddamn years, most working in Da Hood? Big Deal, fuck 'em!

----- I love that pic the S-T has of Evans. That's *the look* of Real Police. And when I was growing up in, lived and worked in Chi the good coppers I knew had *that look* too. -----

8/07/2014 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former possumhead Supt. JFed-Gotta Run Weis would call that act "egregious"' and then go overboard to obtain criminal charge and seek to separate...right?
Has the current melonheaded Command Staff made any extraordinary effort to do this?
Then why?

8/07/2014 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Joe Stein said...

The fact that they even listen to complaints from these rats is a big reason why Chicago leads the country in homicides. The people got what they wanted: total chaos. Let it burn.

8/07/2014 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the signed affidavits anyone could get a CR number on anyone for any reason. And just like in a court of law in innocent until proven guilty !

8/07/2014 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like 9.5 doesn't have any lawyers advising him

8/07/2014 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If all this was about the average lowley PO what do you think would be happening to him right now?

8/07/2014 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the people bashing Evans should get off the desk and out of the slower districts and units and deal with the savages out there in the ghetto. These people, when acting like SAVAGES, need to be dealt with like SAVAGES. Shame on any PO's bashing a man out there kicking ass like OLD SCHOOL. This has really gotten to be a pussified police department because of jagoffs like Flint Taylor and his ilk.

8/07/2014 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the fantasy CPD boss excessive beef league I wooda had "Down Town" and not the wubba wubba wubba, my career is in a lot of trouba, trouba, trouba "Down Town" I'm talkin "300 is responding"
U can never tell.

8/07/2014 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the people bashing Evans should get off the desk and out of the slower districts and units and deal with the savages out there in the ghetto. These people, when acting like SAVAGES, need to be dealt with like SAVAGES. Shame on any PO's bashing a man out there kicking ass like OLD SCHOOL. This has really gotten to be a pussified police department because of jagoffs like Flint Taylor and his ilk.

100% right... Remember if they didn't pussy up the job half the coppers couldn't do it..

8/07/2014 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boo woo... Couple of thugs gang banger terrorist welfare rat drug dealing fools got smacked around.. They should be shot!

8/07/2014 02:35:00 PM  
Blogger John Northen said...

If indeed Robinson's DNA was found on Evan's gun, there are plausible explanations other than what Robinson alleged.

Hold your head high, Glen Evans.
My original commander and your distant predecessor at Fillmo', George Sims, would be proud of your outstanding high arrest activity during your career.

As far as unrelated and unsustained, unfounded and exonerated complaints, since when does a bit of "old school" policing make a copper anything other than Chicago's Finest?

Fillmo' has a proud and legendary tradition for being "da REAL PO-leece."

8/07/2014 02:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way dna could have got on his gun is shithead and evans got into a scuffle and shithead try to remove his weapon multiple times from his holster...hey just saying or shithead kept spitting and evans making contact with the gun....this whole story sounds fishy all around...remember evans was a poster boy for Nato and many people hate him or like him!!!

8/07/2014 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to admit, Rahm knows how to wheel and deal. Perfect to conduct contract negotiations with a nice excessive force scandal in the papers.

8/07/2014 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of all officers who work hard do get multiple CRs its a known fact...does not mean officer is a reckless po. Offenders only way to get even is to complain what else do they have to loose. Granted a very few po's have gone to the darkside but most are legit real good officers and the public needs to open their eyes and see this. I dont think they realize how bad crime is and how policing people in different ways can make a difference.

8/07/2014 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fair trial here but the courts wont allow pookies background rap sheet of all offenses to be exposed here. Where is the truth behind who gets a fair trial well its obviously not the police. However offenders could have a rape conviction, murder case, robbery, a delivery case and no jury will know about it because they have rights....hey its bullshit if our Cr's are bullshit mostly all and are being exposed, then let the list of offenses and convictions to be utilized in a court of law for the jury and public to decide an offenders fate. Whats fair is fair!

8/07/2014 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought new promotees had to work in patrol for a year? Why is Sgt Pee Wee Herman from 011 going to a task force on a phone call order? Rules don't apply to beavers? Well, good riddance, kind of a weasel. Always kissing bosses asses.

8/07/2014 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone actually used the word 'PUSSIFIED?'
What does Lisa Madigan have to say about this???

8/07/2014 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else feel like Rahm is slow playing this? Think big picture: He has done nothing so far... He doesn't take a leak w/out a plan. If/When Glenn's problems blow up (closer to the election the better), Rahm can come in w/ an iron fist and get Aldermen, community activists, and the public on his side by vilifying Glenn (and the CPD) then dumping McCarthy. New supe to appease the voters and roll over Karen Lewis or Fioretti as a public corruption hero.

8/07/2014 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see the wrist bands on born again Christians, "W.W.J.D."

"W.W.J.D." = What would Jesus Do.

But the people dealing with this case it might be, "What Would Jody Do", as in Weis.

When this case is closed would he seek the same action as Weis did with Bill Cozzi.

I think not, why....

8/07/2014 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If all this was about the average lowley PO what do you think would be happening to him right now?

8/07/2014 01:07:00 PM

The poor PO would have been stripped and probably fired.

Here is the deal, the department can blame the commander for a few incidents of excessive force and leave the Commander out to dry.

With a pattern of these incidents, however, the department is going to be on the hook for big bucks.

The moral of the story is that unless you are heavily connected, you cannot afford to "Kick ass like OLD SCHOOL."

8/07/2014 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told along time ago by someone who worked at 35th in the Supt. office that there were two piles. One pile was unclouted officers who were made an example of, and those with clout who were given a slap on the hand. This guy still works there.

8/07/2014 06:17:00 AM

Hurry, Buckingham Fountain is for sale. Did you hear, the moon is made from cheese in case we run out here.

8/07/2014 05:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it odd that the Commander had a fight with an Alderman and Barb West and all of a sudden these pos are complaining about him? I would check their ties to the Alderman and Barb West

8/07/2014 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to being under the bus!

One day your the best Commander in the city the next you are a rogue corrupt pistol whipping thug.


At one time this was a calling now it is a job.
Watch dat ass no fundraisers will help you when the city buries you.

8/07/2014 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever. I worked with Glen in Public Housing South. Am I surprised to hear he may have done this? No. Am I the least bit sympathetic to the shithead it may have happened to? FUCK NO!
Sometimes, real, hardcore street policing, is like the making of sausage: The public doesn't really want to know how it's done. They only want the end result.

8/07/2014 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sick of seeing police attacked by the media, by the crooks, by lawyers, by judges, by alderman, mayors and Superintendents and now we attack each other. High alcohol and suicide rate and who REALLY cares ? An impossible job in this miserable city . Good luck boss.

8/07/2014 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

****** this is not TRU

Numerous pos from 003 already called in to GJ to lock in their statements and more may be in the pipeline. hopefully they didnt lie under oath to help out this loose canon. The CCSAO and Feds are also interviewing past excessive force complainants and more charges should be coming soon both for Evans and pos who made the arrests/wrote the paper on several of his encounters. This is more than the usual witchhunt especially when there is DNA evidence supporting the allegation.

8/07/2014 09:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Obama,you authorized air strikes in Iraq...what about the innocent citizens that will be killed in Iraq like Israel did with pelosies hammas in fucked up the USA and the world

8/07/2014 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^5 to joe steins comment

8/07/2014 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Before the signed affidavits anyone could get a CR number on anyone for any reason. And just like in a court of law in innocent until proven guilty !

8/07/2014 12:14:00 PM

The affidavits are bullshit. I was an accused where the affiant lied through he teeth against eight police officers. total bullshit. CPD found all charges against PO's were Exonerated or Unfounded. CCSA refused charges. We sued and lost. Appellate judge said people can lie about the police and it isn't illegal when making a complaint. Go figure. I didn't have the funds to go to the supreme court and FOP would not fund it any more.

It sounded nice at first but you can wipe your ass with those complaint affidavits. I do not believe anyone has ever been successfully prosecuted for lying. Another dog and pony show.

8/07/2014 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The nerve of the city to promote a working policeman to Commander, We must be short of Pansey-assed Office Pogues, Politicians and Reverends whores that usually get promoted,

8/07/2014 08:24


8/07/2014 10:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares about politics , an old school copper. Have we forgotten the real police, in exchange for what we have become thanks to politics.

8/07/2014 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sounds to me like Evans is the type of hands on, take no bull shit, be the police type of cop this city needs. And on top of that he is black so nobody can cry racism when he does his job.

8/07/2014 09:32:00 AM

Bullcrap. I'm black and obviously so by appearance. Got told "yall racist. yall don't do the white people like this" just recently by a male black. I just grew tired of hearing him and told him its because we like white people and don't like black people...and that I wish I was white. He looked a little caught off guard by that one but it was FUNNY!

8/07/2014 10:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck is GJ??????

8/07/2014 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was driving around w/Glen back in the day and he said some crazy shit. He said "one day The CPD won't B run from the inside." I always wood tease him for that cuz it was so crazy, but look now.
He be on point

8/07/2014 10:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

****** this is not TRU

Numerous pos from 003 already called in to GJ to lock in their statements and more may be in the pipeline. hopefully they didnt lie under oath to help out this loose canon. The CCSAO and Feds are also interviewing past excessive force complainants and more charges should be coming soon both for Evans and pos who made the arrests/wrote the paper on several of his encounters. This is more than the usual witchhunt especially when there is DNA evidence supporting the allegation.

8/07/2014 09:11:00 PM

Not sure about the fed part of it but the part about people from 003 going to the grand jury is 100 pct. I know as I was who had to go. We were notified by regular ole court notification. Sorry boss but I ain't lieing I have a family to feed.

8/07/2014 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"""Perhaps the people bashing Evans should get off the desk and out of the slower districts and units and deal with the savages out there in the ghetto. These people, when acting like SAVAGES, need to be dealt with like SAVAGES. Shame on any PO's bashing a man out there kicking ass like OLD SCHOOL. This has really gotten to be a pussified police department because of jagoffs like Flint Taylor and his ilk.""""

Dude I realize you just made 5 years but this isnt fucking Bolivia and you just cant do this shit anymore.

I doubt you know a thing about "old school ass kicking" cause you were just a stain on the mattress when we were doing it.

Times have changed guys. Do what you have to do to keep your job and then go home. Follow the rules cause this society will ram it up your ass if you dont. Most of all if you aint got no juice.

Its beyond your control if entire communities want to commit suicide. Its sad and I wish we could stop it but we cant.

And all us street coppers are nothing but pawns in The Game Of Thrones. Fucking wise up. Find a nice Gal and start a nice family. Thats all that matters cause the city dont give a shit about you.

8/07/2014 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

----- I love that pic the S-T has of Evans. That's *the look* of Real Police. And when I was growing up in, lived and worked in Chi the good coppers I knew had *that look* too. -----

8/07/2014 11:57:00 AM

That ol' school CPD "Muthafuckah Do You Wanna Die?" stare...

An angry cobra peering out of it's hole...

Be careful... The bleeding hearts and yups get really bent out of shape when you flash that ugly glare at them for being stupid. Funny when people start crying when you give them a taste of "Murderous Intent" when you're tired of their relentless jaw-jacking on your scene.

Phones ring at district desks about "how that officer looked at me."

The tender children complaining must not have had an old time Dad or Grand-Dad to give them that look.

"Why are you guys so mean and hateful?"

Do THIS in the ghetto for more than 20 years and you'll learn everything you need to know about meanness and hatred...

8/08/2014 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's proven that the gun in question ended up in a suspect's mouth, then he needs to be fired. You can't defend that. Anyone who doesn't have clout would be doing jail time for that shit. And any copper who defends putting a gun in a person's mouth is full of shit.

The CR #'s is a bit subjective. Show me a cop who makes tons of arrests that stick who gets some CRs. That you can defend. A cop who doesn't run the streets and gets CRs? Those are not the ones who I want carrying a weapon.

8/08/2014 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:29a.m., you got that right, having worked with and for Glenn I can honestly second what you said.

8/08/2014 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GJ = Grand Jury dummy.

Do you have any time on the job at all?

It means someone is going to trial and most likely prison. Grand Jury is for slam-dunk cases.

8/08/2014 04:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Cr's does the commander of 16 have...the ole traffic specialist RB???

8/08/2014 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey Obama,you authorized air strikes in Iraq...what about the innocent citizens that will be killed in Iraq like Israel did with pelosies hammas in fucked up the USA and the world

8/07/2014 09:22:00 PM

Collateral Damage. F*ck them and you.

8/08/2014 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think anyone ever said Glenn was a bad cop or that he has clout-before Garry anyway- but he is a loose cannon and sometimes acts before he thinks. That may not be a good quality in a commander,

8/08/2014 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grand Jury is for shit cases. You can get an indictment against a ham sandwich there.

8/08/2014 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leave the man alone. He is dedicated to his job, and is trying to fight a battle that is unwinnable. I dont know the guy personally, but he is doing a service to his community. I dont have a problem with roughing up thugs. They need it. I support him and all you assholes throwing him under the bus are just as bad as the ungrateful citizens out there.

8/08/2014 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always liked Glen as a person but wrong is wrong. You CAN be the working police without going over the edge. McCarthy should have to pay for this one- Glen was his golden boy to do something that could have been done by Stevie Wonder.

8/08/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

How long ago did this happen?

8/08/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The proof that CPD is fucked up is the attitudes about Evans. One minute he's the old school, real police, love the guy hero to all. The next he's the out of control goof who can't lead a horse to water and is fucking up 011 and fucked up 003. Make up your mind people? These confusing beliefs are the reason you can't get 4 cops at roll call to decide on where to have lunch.

8/08/2014 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
GJ = Grand Jury dummy.

Do you have any time on the job at all?

It means someone is going to trial and most likely prison. Grand Jury is for slam-dunk cases.

8/08/2014 04:09:00 AM

Do you have any time on the job dummy? The ASA uses the GJ to indict weak cases along with strong ones. There is no judge to find no probable cause. As the old saying goes "you can indict a ham sandwich"

8/08/2014 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Four Oh Six Emp said...

Anonymous said...
GJ = Grand Jury dummy.

Do you have any time on the job at all?

It means someone is going to trial and most likely prison. Grand Jury is for slam-dunk cases.

8/08/2014 04:09:00 AM

Bad news. True Bill on more than one count. CCSAO supervisors now doing post True Bill review, interviewing jurors and double checking jury pool questionnaires/packets for relationships, completeness etc. Members of city's law department and your CPD brass to meet with Alvarez in the next week to 2 weeks to proceed further.

8/08/2014 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The affidavits are bullshit. I was an accused where the affiant lied through he teeth against eight police officers. total bullshit. CPD found all charges against PO's were Exonerated or Unfounded. CCSA refused charges. We sued and lost. Appellate judge said people can lie about the police and it isn't illegal when making a complaint. Go figure. I didn't have the funds to go to the supreme court and FOP would not fund it any more.

Think of the money that the city could save if 9.5 got that decision overturned. Enough to afford real lawyers to run with it

8/08/2014 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
GJ = Grand Jury dummy.

Do you have any time on the job at all?

It means someone is going to trial and most likely prison. Grand Jury is for slam-dunk cases.

8/08/2014 04:09:00 AM

The most powerful tool the ASAs have is to indict. Thousands have been indicted, includung PO's, just to prove a point and so they can flex there muscle. Fuck the state.

8/08/2014 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

grand jury is for "slam dunk cases"????

You must not have been to room 406 much in your career. there is a saying in the ASA's office...."you can indict a rock".

8/08/2014 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this dipshit wasn't a minority he'd be in prison . Guy is a moron . I'm the first to advocate old school police work but this guy is a shitstain and embarrassment . Just look at the numbers district is a laughing stock .

He isn't the only one either . The writings on the wall . There are cops from this city with PhDs , street smarts Discipline and a proactive philosophy . Let us do our jobs and give us bosses we can behind and look up to .

Just my perspective

8/08/2014 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the thing. When Evans came to 011, he made it clear that he wasn't going to take bullshit from people on the street, or big fat aldermen as the case may be. He won a lot of p/os respect for that. However, everyone has been left baffled by the current method of "policing" that is being pushed in the district. All that matters is contact cards and ANOVs. Literally. They don't want the tact teams making arrests. They don't care if beat guys' arrests are good. They want everyone to justify why they aren't bringing in whatever the expected number of contact cards is. P/Os are literally asked each week to justify their number of contact cards. Arrests, movers, parkers etc don't matter. The argument can be made that contact cards serve some purpose. But as anyone who has spent time on the street knows, they don't prevent crime. Evans knows that.

There are also way too many missions going on every night. More than half of the beat cars are in boxes for hours at a time. There are "mission" teams with guys with less than two years on them. Doing what? Nobody knows for sure.

Then you have this captain. He has no street experience and thinks that bullying people from behind a desk is the way to make them work harder. All of these policies aren't cutting it. 011 leads the city in homicides since these two took over. It's time to re-evaluate things. Being the "real police" doesn't always mean you're going to make the best leader. The "real police" today understand that there is a time and a way to get things done as they need to be, but to also do it while making sure your ass is covered. Nobody on this job is safe from being thrown under the bus and we all know it.

So nobody really doubts that Evans knows how to get the job done. We all just want to know why he is allowing himself to be pressured into passing off this ineffective bullshit to the p/os on the street. And why the hell he is letting the paper pushing captain fuck everything else up so badly, both inside the station and with the guys on the street. 011 has imploded. Time to admit that the current methods aren't working, and start rebuilding. If Evans can do that, maybe there's hope....for the p/os anyway. 011 has always been a fairly young district. These p/os don't have a whole lot of time on and want to get out there, run around and experience everything. There has never really been a need for extra coddling or motivation. But berating everyone and telling them they are never doing enough only lessens their desire to get their hands dirty.

8/09/2014 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to respond to the most recent post that talks about 011's problems. First I want to agree, but 011 is not the only district that wants nothing from its cops but contact cards. They all do. There are some guys who are questioned by bosses why they are bringing in an arrest. You see, McDoofus thinks that everything should be handled on the street with either an ANOV or contact cards. That keeps the cops on the street and the mere presence of police on the streets will prevent crime. We all know that is a bullshit philosophy. But it is what he believes. And worst of all is that he's instilled that in the command staff. They're all eunuchs and just pass on whatever he tells them without question. Those who have questioned him are gone. They all fled the sinking ship.

Glenn should still be a patrolman. He's a great street cop but couldn't manage or supervise a 1 person lemonade stand. That's why he has the paper tiger Lemmer. Ask the guys in the old 023 when Lemmer was there. All he knew was to run missions, use his laptop to develop all kinds of his own databases that he kept on everyone, and push paper. That's all he knows how to do. He was great in R&D because that's where he belongs - writing reports about various things. He probably can't even double lock a set of cuffs. Now you have these 2 guys working together - and 011 becomes really fucked up. One want to play policeman; the other wants to play boss. And they are both operating in their own little worlds.

As I first said, it's not only 011. I'm sure other districts are just the same. We've heard on this blog a lot about 019 and 010 being screwed up too. I'm sure there are others. And everything that's fucked up leads to one person: McCarthy. Can you hear us now Rahm?

8/09/2014 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the fuck is GJ??????

8/07/2014 10:57:00 PM

Gene & Jude's my favorite hot dog stand since back it was originally located at Polk & Western.

8/09/2014 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

grand jury is for "slam dunk cases"????

You must not have been to room 406 much in your career. there is a saying in the ASA's office...."you can indict a rock".

Uhh, I believe it's actually "the grand jury will indict a ham sandwich"

8/09/2014 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Leave the man alone. He is dedicated to his job, and is trying to fight a battle that is unwinnable. I dont know the guy personally, but he is doing a service to his community. I dont have a problem with roughing up thugs. They need it. I support him and all you assholes throwing him under the bus are just as bad as the ungrateful citizens out there.
Shut up Bitch.........

8/13/2014 11:17:00 AM  

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