Monday, August 11, 2014

Lost Opportunity

Tsk tsk tsk. A crisis gone to waste:
  • Bud Billiken Parade organizers on Sunday bemoaned local media focus on the shooting of two teenagers at the event instead of the celebration.

    “It’s a shame to waste that time on a minor incident that occurred,” parade organizer Beverly Reed-Scott said at a news conference Sunday afternoon at the corner of 42nd Street and Martin Luther King Drive.

    The parade, an end-of-summer celebration sponsored by Chicago Defender Charities, saw its first shooting Saturday in its 85-year history.

    An 18-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were shot while standing in the 4200 block of South King Drive along the parade route. Both victims survived and at least one was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

    No arrests have been made in connection with the shooting.

    Asked if she thought the media not covering violence would make a difference, Reed-Scott said: “Absolutely.
The article has been altered at least once, with a quote from aldercreature Dowell bemoaning the violence.

But let's get this straight:
  • Allegedly, for the first time in 85 years, a shooting occurred at the Billiken parade - two wounded. We're supposed to believe in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that no violence has ever visited this joyous back-to-school parade before Saturday.

    Our comment section is alive with stories of parade related violence (recent and past), including roving groups of 100-to-200 bangers that are just looking for fights with rivals. We can recall any number of firearm related offenses occurring within sight and sound of the parade and the after parties. Someone even mentioned the infamous Anthony Porter case. But the media and parade organizers want everyone who hasn't attended this miles-long-disaster to believe it's all fun fun fun. It isn't.

    This reminds us exactly of the Taste violence - someone was killed within sight of the Taste a few years back and a tourist nearly caught a round in the head in his hotel room, but Shortshanks insisted the Taste was safe because none of this actually happened within the "boundaries."

    In any event, the parade organizers are bemoaning the media coverage of this "first ever" event. Doesn't that by definition make it newsworthy? Should people know if something happens at an event like this so they can take proper precautions or make informed decisions?
Evidently not - Beverly Reed-Scott calls this "a minor incident" and thinks that not reporting the problem will make it go away. Two people with holes in their bodies is now "minor." Rahm even got in on the act, whining on WBBM Newsradio about how two people getting shot detracted from the positive message of getting ready for school.

Ummm, didn't we just have a 14-year-old killed by her former friend over a boy, another 13-year-old dope dealer gunned down and a 13-year-old girl at a slumber party stop a stray bullet? All that was news, but people getting shot at a parade isn't supposed to be covered? What if a 10-year-old had stopped one of those rounds? A 5-year-old? An infant in a stroller? Or grandma? Or great-grandma? If Rahm could just give us a window where we can say with confidence, "We don't care if this type of person got shot," then we're sure the media would jump at the chance to not cover this.

We can't help but view this as yet another lost opportunity. There is an epidemic of violence in the black community and ignoring it isn't going to change it. That hasn't worked in 50 years - witness the south and west sides. You aren't allowed to talk about violence in the black community unless you bad-mouth guns, blame other races, demand more money, jobs, spending and completely ignore the fact that someone aimed that gun, pulled that trigger and let a bullet go with no appreciation or second thought about where the lead ended up. That isn't a gun problem - that's a problem of someone who just doesn't give a fuck about anything because they haven't been taught to give a fuck about anything.

The media reported that some parade viewers started chanting, "Put down the guns." Those are the people who might actually get it on some level. But they aren't in charge and they are hopelessly outnumbered.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the ones chanting "Put down the guns" or actually ARE putting down the guns will be tomorrows victims.

8/11/2014 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Pull The Police out of babysitting this shit-show.

2. Let the parade organizers and their corporate sponsors ante up
for security.

3. Select said security from within the "Community" since they all hate each other, hate everybody else and hate The Police anyway.

Let them have their parade, their way but without inconveniencing everybody else with their violent behavior and subsequent pity party pimping... "If y'all would just give us more of y'all money and stopped bein' all mad an' racist..."

8/11/2014 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need an example of how messed up the Bud Biliken parade is, look at the police contract. What city on earth has a provision written into its police officer's contract that stipulates officers may not take the day of THAT parade off?

Every one in Chicago OK with this parade?

8/11/2014 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "minor incident"??? I'll have to remember that the next time I get a cr# for excessive force. That shouldn't even make the scale if deadly force is minor.

8/11/2014 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC. But something is seriously wrong with this event. Time and time again, there is demonstrated violence at this event. What started out as a way to excite young African Americans to embrace the upcoming school year had turned into a drunken fest. For event organizers to attack the media for reporting the shootings is just disturbing, so the parade goes on regardless of the consequences?

This is a huge drain on police resources and needs to be reconsidered. Seriously has any other event on the city resulted in this kind of behavior and been allowed to continue? Maybe it's time the organizers become responsible for bearing the cost of CPD's efforts, then maybe those shootings won't be so minor...

8/11/2014 12:45:00 AM  
Blogger RAG said...

In all seriousness, this is one of the best commentaries ever posted here. The real concern needs to be for increasing violence and its innocent victims. Throwing money or more programs out won't necessarily change this dynamic. As a society we have become desensitized to violence -- today many bank robberies don't make the news and shootings are commonplace and taken almost for granted.

Even putting more cops on the street won't cure this. All law enforcement can do is react to the situation that occurred and possibly deter or defer some crimes. The battle is won or lost family by family, house by house, block by block and so on.

People will get the type of community that they will tolerate. The "do gooders" need to realize that their rhetoric isn't working. A problem cannot begin to be fixed without admitting that it is there. And those who seek to be politically correct may be political but seldom correct.

8/11/2014 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ALPHA Girls and the WTA needed to be deployed to the parade. That would have curtailed any of the violence that occurred. Of course if their fearless leader would have shown up she would have stopped the violence....just sayin...

8/11/2014 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was driving when I heard that woman bleating about how it was a 'minor shooting' and it shouldn't have been reported because the PARADE was more important! Nearly rear-ended the car in front of me.
The victims were 17 and 18 years old, lady. TEENagers, lady. They have bullet holes in their bodies. Isn't it all about the 'children'?
The shooting happened within FEET of a grandma and a bunch of children, but you think a bunch of balloons and floats are more important? Rauner reportedly passed by seconds earlier, but the whole thing was too minor to warrant reporting it?
YOUR priorities are the ones that are screwed up, lady. Castigating the media for reporting the actual news, the actual FACTS, of what happened at your party is a tad misguided. One might even say it's asinine.

8/11/2014 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Who cares said...

Her News Conference was a CROCK.

Yet, ALL the stations covered it (based on the Channel Initials represented on the Mics in front of her. (WLS, WGN, etc)

I watched this cry of "let's not focus on this tenth of one percent" overshadow 99.9% of the good things happening here.

Someone should get her to subscribe to SCC or True News to find out how the "one tenth" is more like everyday happenings in her neighborhood.

After watching that, plus all the pandering commentary after by the "TV reporters" I felt "Wow, does anyone else feel this was a crock of BS they want us to believe?"

For equal time, they should interview some everyday cops (not political puppets or merit hack white shirts) who patrol Englewood and ask them straight-up questions about how safe it is in those neighborhoods and what the 'REAL problems' are?

Now THAT would be reporting the REAL news.

I know some of the media is reading this so I will tell you this - You are doing a dis-service to everyone by NOT reporting the real issues. And the sad thing you do not realize is that many people aren't even watching you anymore- you're not credible anymore.

8/11/2014 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gettin shot is a minor incident.

Now. Rub a little dirt on it and shake it off. Shake it off.

Oh, and snitched get stitches crime is down.


8/11/2014 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of the stories gave the descriptions of the alleged offenders so we must assume they were Black. If they had been White, it would have been international news, with reporters from all over the world covering the story. But because it was Black on Black crime; Rahm thinks we should ignore it. Is that Racist? Is that Prejudice; or a realization of the Ugly Reality. The Problems in the Black Community are Black. The days of Evil Hooded White men, killing Black men have past. Today if you are killed by a White man, it will be a cop or the owner of the business you are attempting to rob. Black Power is a tragic and expensive joke.

8/11/2014 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(youtube) Shooting Riots After Mike Brown Killed by Police Ferguson MO.

St Louis up for grabs

8/11/2014 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beverly Reed-Scott calls this "a minor incident"

Contextually, it IS a minor incident.

You have people killing each other left and right in the 'hood.

It would only be a "major incident" if, say, a police officer or better yet, a white police officer did the shooting.

8/11/2014 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(youtube)Ferguson looting - Protesters robs steal clothes loot DTLR Store at

8/11/2014 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were the people chanting "put down the guns", addressing youths dressed in strange bright lime colored clothing that were flinging gaudy painted rifles about?

8/11/2014 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bud Billiken Parade organizers on Sunday bemoaned local media focus on the shooting of two teenagers at the event instead of the celebration.

“It’s a shame to waste that time on a minor incident that occurred,” parade organizer Beverly Reed-Scott said at a news conference Sunday afternoon at the corner of 42nd Street and Martin Luther King Drive."

You remember that "minor incident" line when YOU or YOUR KID catch one of those bullets.

Oh, my. Then everyone will be clutching at each other and motherf__ing the cops, collapsing in front of the TV cameras, wailing "OH JESUS! OH JESUS!" to the skies.

"Asked if she thought the media not covering violence would make a difference, Reed-Scott said: “Absolutely."

OK. News blackout just to satisfy your snooty hyphenated ego.

It wasn't the police or the newspapers who came and s__t in your silver punch bowl, was it?

Cares more about the canapes at her personal glittering lawn party than about the flesh-and-blood people of her own community.

...which everyone should paradoxically keep lavishly funding and wringing their hands over at it convulsively destroys itself, every day and every night.

So this "Violence quilt" stuff, these T-shirt-hat-and-bullhorn Pfleger marches are all a bunch of crap that no one should take seriously, huh?

We had suspected as much.

8/11/2014 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The violence in the black community is never ignored by the community... With the exception of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. (what ever happened to Al moving here to stop violence? Pssh.) you guys even patrol (I'm not sure what to call it) the "stop the violence" marches, the recent basketball games to bring rival gangbangers together and everything else. I know it seems this stuff never works, but I really hate how people act like the black community just sits by and never tries to speak up or stop the epidemic of black on black violence.

8/11/2014 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reed-Scott states "if it bleeds it leads " a new Chicago slogan. Only in Chicago

8/11/2014 02:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, haven't you figured out the angle yet?

First McCarthy, now this.


I guess it's time to blame the killing, the shooting, the zero-fucking-responsibility, the lack of morals and the gun violence on the MEDIA!

What the hell, why not? The Media is pretty much useless anyway.

8/11/2014 02:32:00 AM  
Blogger bobby said...

"The media reported that some parade viewers started chanting, "Put down the guns." "

That was the media doing the chanting.

They were yelling at all the new concealed-carriers.

8/11/2014 03:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Non violent event??? Must have been my imagination that police are not allowed to take that day off, that all tact, gang,swat, teams city wide are sent to that event. That each man power shorted district city wide sends multiple officers and cars to it. That huge amounts of overtime are spent on this unorganized non violent event.

Actually it's a perfect example of what the ghetto society has become and celebrates. It's about gangs drugs and chants of fuck the police. It is never reported or shown on mainstream news outlets. Don't know why? But if it is what it is, it won't ever go away until legit people have enough.

8/11/2014 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kept hearing (even from raccoon eyes) that this minor shooting should not take away from this celebration of our children. So when did shootings become minor events? Should shootings be coded out? Next compstat should the bosses tell the super that the minor shootings in their districts should not take away from the wonderful work the officers do in the districts and not to worry?

8/11/2014 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares??? You will never see my name on that CR list. Just pretend it don't happen and when u can't. Have a stop the violence march.... Lol!

8/11/2014 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can recall a number of times that I had to work this parade, the constant calls of ongoing violence. I even recall the parade being stopped midway when a unstable individual threatened to jump from a nearby church along the parade route. This parade has outlived its intent a long time ago.

8/11/2014 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mama said stupid is as stupid does

8/11/2014 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there... it was my second time. It was great. Nine out of ten people that walked past you spit to the ground. Many would flash gang symbols at you. You would get looked at with total disgust. But I will say this, one Sr Citizen did say thank you. What the media needs to do is outfit each Officer with a a Go Pro working the parade. The video footage would be amazing. Its amazing. The lies and cover ups just continue on and on.

8/11/2014 06:14:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

No responsibility.
No accountability.
No penalties.

Money keeps coming.
Children keep being born.
No visible fathers.

What can go wrong?

8/11/2014 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a minor incident to them, and that is the problem

8/11/2014 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media is the problem is the new mantra from the city spin doctors. Mcstreetlights started it at the city council last week and this woman and the aldercreatures have quickly gotten on board. The media will be hammered until the few reporters who do report on the violence are ordered to cool it. The bodies will still be collected but unless you are on scene, the public at large will never know it happened. Crime is down.

8/11/2014 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who work the parade from the inside- we know that "parade organizers" show up at the breakfast to meet and kiss ass (I mean greet) with the politicians and then they go to the safety of their homes, never to be seen again! They want security but are not willing to pay for it. These "organizers" don't even live in the neighborhood with the people they profess to love. As a person of color, I wouldn't bring my child or grandchild to an event in Chicago ever. None of the backtalk about crime is down, by those with blinders on fools me or anyone else that I know!

8/11/2014 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO! Let some Commander say that crap to McSpasm at compstat. They would be re-assigned before they could get back to their seat.

Anonymous said...
I kept hearing (even from raccoon eyes) that this minor shooting should not take away from this celebration of our children. So when did shootings become minor events? Should shootings be coded out? Next compstat should the bosses tell the super that the minor shootings in their districts should not take away from the wonderful work the officers do in the districts and not to worry?

8/11/2014 05:27:00 AM

8/11/2014 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TV footage showed streams of people walking from a liquor store carrying bottles of alcohol, and in some cases protesters stood atop police cars or taunted officers who stood stoic, some carrying shields and batons. Video posted online by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch showed a convenience store on fire.

Witnesses reported seeing people vandalize police cars and kick in windows. Television footage showed windows busted out of a TV station van.

Police struggled to catch any looters because crimes were happening at several locations in Ferguson and spilling into neighboring communities, Mayor James Knowles told KTVI-TV. It wasn't immediately clear how many arrests were made. Authorities set up blockades to keep people from the most looted areas.

CPD should buy some hi def camcorders and ensue the looting is at least documented when it happens if arrests cannot be made

8/11/2014 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two different normal, the other a in America

8/11/2014 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great commentary piece, SCC. You're a very wise man and a very succint writer. I'd actually buy the paper you wrote for (with tha little exception of animal welfare issues we don't agree on..)

8/11/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC.....what a great post. You can't so much as fart at the SSI parade without the media, and I use that term loosely, jumping on the bullshit story bandwagon. Great Job SCC

8/11/2014 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To: 8/11/2014 01:01:00 AM - give it a rest with the Alpha Girls already. Obviously they rejected you in some manner and you still haven't gotten over it. Move on to something a little more current.

8/11/2014 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

organizers and their businesses should be paying for the shit fest...pull the police out and let them get THEIR own security

8/11/2014 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Mt Greenwood Hillbilly said...

My sister, who is a flaming liberal, thinks the South Side Irish Parade is more dangerous and should be banned, while this is just an "isolated" incident that wasn't related to the BB parade.

Who's crazier? The liars or those who believe them?

8/11/2014 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO: 8/11/2014 05:18:00 AM

"Actually it's a perfect example of what the ghetto society has become and celebrates. It's about gangs drugs and chants of fuck the police. It is never reported or shown on mainstream news outlets. Don't know why? But if it is what it is, it won't ever go away until legit people have enough."

Could not agree more. I have 29 years on and this parade has been like this since I came on this job. Why hasn't the Biliken chaos ever been reported? Or would that be racist?

8/11/2014 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Within sight and sound of the parade is NOT the parade. Just like when booboo gets shot a half a block from a safe passage route and u can see the yellow signs it's still not safe passage. Yes, numerous shootings have happened after the parade and a block or two from the parade but not during it on the route. First I've seen in 32 years. But have seen a ton of violence related to the parade

8/11/2014 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there - parade is way too long - 300 plus floats. Too many gaps (4-5) blocks long that dragged this thing on and on. My question is - if it's a parade about back to school - why did they have a float with people holding up signs with pictures of "people murdered by police" and shouting on bull horns. " stop police brutality?"

8/11/2014 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC - You say it how it is. Your post should be reported on in the Trib, Sun Times, Chicago Tonight, etc.

8/11/2014 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony Cumia of Siriusxm's "Opie and Anthony" was fired, because he said there's a violence problem in the African-American community. He used no slurs or anything derogatory. He spoke the truth after he was assaulted by a black woman in New York City. Again, he said no derogatory terms. He was fired for voicing his opinion, which happens to be the truth.

8/11/2014 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No responsibility for the negative issues in this community---if there is a problem, confront it, and don't pretend it's not happening.
Pretending is exactly the problem. If I pretend I don't see the shooting, don't tell the police, then it didn't happen. oooppss...until it's my child and I am on TV crying and moaning about who shot my child?

8/11/2014 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about banning the south side irish parade.

8/11/2014 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Private Security was running Halsted Street For Gay Market Days Why not for the Bilikin too

8/11/2014 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day, [70's-80,s] Bud Biliken Day was also an up for grabs melee in the park after the parade. Hundreds of "lost" kids being baby sat by the police while the parents partied and hundreds of roving bands of thugs reeking havoc. But there were also the beers and bar-b-q discretely eaten that were offered to you by the families who were just trying to have a festive day in the park.
But one day stands out in my mind.

8:00 a.m., running down three flights of truly rickety wooden back stairs while trying to breathe life into a SIDS infant, just to get him to the ambulance faster.

The bar-b-q in the park had an off taste that day.

Funny, the things you remember.

8/11/2014 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get yourself jammed up big time by doing movers anymore. The law changed yesterday and it states that we no longer take a persons license as bond. They sign the ticket and go on their way. But no one told us, not the law department, not the CO book in roll call. Take someone's license and you're fucked. Remember ignorance is not a defense when you get sued.

Senate bill 2583 went into effect 10Aug14 and it states "Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Repeals the Section concerning license as bail. Provides that residents of this State and residents of any other state which is a member of the Nonresident Violator Compact of 1977 who are cited by a police officer for violating a traffic law or ordinance shall have the option of (1) being taken without unnecessary delay before a court of jurisdiction or (2) executing a written promise to comply with the terms of the citation by signing at least one copy of a Uniform Traffic Ticket prepared by the police officer. Provides that the Secretary of State shall suspend the driving privileges of a resident who fails to comply with the executed written promise to comply with the original terms of the citation until the Secretary receives notification by the court of jurisdiction that the person has appeared or otherwise executed the written promise to comply with the terms of the original citation. Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Removes a provision allowing the Supreme Court to include deposit of a chauffeur's or operator's license in the bail schedule for traffic cases. Makes corresponding changes in other portions of the Code."

8/11/2014 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of "Party Pimping", they were all there, the elected whores of Illinois, Rahm, Quinn, Durbin. And lets not forget McCarthy in plain clothes. Hey, is pandering still on the books as a crime?

8/11/2014 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Reed-Scott states "if it bleeds it leads " a new Chicago slogan. Only in Chicago

8/11/2014 02:10:00 AM

Uh, that's been a tv news maxim for over fifty years. It's not new.

8/11/2014 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minor incident , sounds like nothing unless the police or neighborhood watch person shoots offender in self defense . Then that be something .

8/11/2014 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: you've hit the nail on the head..couldn't be much clearer. And is Rahm that ignorant as to be part of trying to stifle the media in order to not get notification of crimes out to the public?? Now, that too is a problem.

8/11/2014 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that black kids don't count anymore, just ask Beverly Reed-Scott. If they are not getting more handouts for the "community organizers" they asre just a bothetr to the community

8/11/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ssc as a working cop who is a veteran of three bud buliken parades, it was a minor event , shooting, gang ,fights, it was a long 12 hr day full of a lot drama, laughs and a couple of arrest, maybe somebody can explain why this doesnt happen at the columbus day parade.

8/11/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Nineteen David said...

Not my parade, not my kid, not my community, not my worry. Keep it south and west, and rahm, the hag running it, and the revruns, and media can keep their heads in the sand for all I care.

8/11/2014 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dad was a CPD Traffic Sgt who worked this parade for many years. And every year there was no end of summer vacation cause he had to be there. So our family sacrificed for the good of the children. Bud Billiken was a household name in our house. Still is. And not for any good reason. Not the balloons and butterflies event it is currently being cast as. Not by a long shot.

8/11/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

400 homicides a year and a few thousand minor incidents in the African American neighborhoods .
Sounds like a good campaign slogan .
What say you community activists and rev run jackass ?
Black kids shot , minor incidents ?

8/11/2014 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to think the south side Irish parade was cancelled because people drank to much.

8/11/2014 10:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the family watching the parade on the edge of the crime scene tape. Don't let violence get in the way of a good time. More portrays acceptance than anger. Gotta love the ghetto.

8/11/2014 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you all may want to pray for the Ferguson Officer.By the time the
democratic prosecutor in St Louis
county get done with him,He will
lucky to ever see the light of day.
were is all the cell phone
you all know,there is usually a ton of

8/11/2014 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just A Citizen Says: Hubby and I just returned to Chicago from CA to help with family matters. Have a condo (since the 90's) near Chgo/Mich. Had to go to Walgreens around 7:00 p.m. and everywhere I looked was ugly-ness. Walgreens and sidewalks full of "two steps away from being a felon" types. How the leaders of Chiraq refuse to comment on the elephants in the room is a joke. Nobody dares say that the black urban youths and their hatred/anger/jealousy are the cause of the problems. Are facts racist? Are statistics racist? Are you a racist just because you tell the truth? What kind of bullshit is going on around here? I am NOT a liberal, but where are all of their comments commending these honor students? Are their heads that far up their rose-colored asses? I hate every single second I am outside of the condo. Makes me appreciate the weirdness of CA. All of us adults now had great childhoods and a great life. Future generations? Not so much. Stay safe all you Officers..

8/11/2014 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at 42/Calumet as the shooting occurred. I saw lots of families leave right after this 'minor' event. I wish Reed-Scott was on scene to tell everyone to hang around and enjoy the rest of the parade.

8/11/2014 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bang Bang...Stay low!!!

8/11/2014 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will someone have the guts to tell these politicians that they are the problem and are the ones with no courage to discuss race?

How is it acceptable for Rahm or anyone in public office to say that a shooting shouldn't be reported? Does lying about it change anything? These socialist liars calling themselves democrats are the biggest racist assholes ever.

8/11/2014 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shootings are minor events. The numbers should reflect that.


8/11/2014 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shootings and crime are minor events that should not be reported. All socialist programs should be shown in the best light.

The Communist Propaganda Manual

8/11/2014 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, if a copper would of shot the man with the weapon how minor would that of been?

8/11/2014 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud Billiken Parade organizers get held to a different standard then let's say St. Patrick's day parade goers.

Racist mayor.

8/11/2014 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said SCC. But something is seriously wrong with this event. Time and time again, there is demonstrated violence at this event. What started out as a way to excite young African Americans to embrace the upcoming school year had turned into a drunken fest. For event organizers to attack the media for reporting the shootings is just disturbing, so the parade goes on regardless of the consequences?

This is a huge drain on police resources and needs to be reconsidered. Seriously has any other event on the city resulted in this kind of behavior and been allowed to continue? Maybe it's time the organizers become responsible for bearing the cost of CPD's efforts, then maybe those shootings won't be so minor...
8/11/2014 12:45:00 AM
Yes gay pride. Gay pride is completely out of control and is a huge burden on the police and the taxpayers. 5 people shot this year, a squad car completely destroyed and over 40 arrests at gay pride related events and yet as we speak the parade has yet to be altered or cancelled. The arrest totals could have easily been in the triple digits if it wasn't for officers using extreme discretion. I hate to say it but as bad as Bud Bilikin is gay pride is worse. Two events that will be protected no matter how bad they get.

8/11/2014 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m from out of town. Who was Bud Billiken anyway?

8/11/2014 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud Billiken is all about getting children back in school securing federal school attendance money. You would think the parent or guardian collecting checks would realize that a good education is essential for success in this new 21st Century economy with all that new job talk from D.C. & Springfield. This parade is more about the political candidate’s aspirations through exposure in a campaign agenda rather than the real issue of the quality of publically funded education. The poorest performing schools are in the areas which most serve those in attendance at this parade. For those who attended this political pep rally who don’t need to be reminded to send your children to school, thank you for taking an interest and nurturing your children. You just do what’s right and what is expected of you. Parades are for fun, not agendas and gunfire in a shooting gallery for that matter.

8/11/2014 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC,that was a beautifully written editorial. Thank you.

8/11/2014 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The newest assigned ATF agents were dispatched to the parade after hearing the VFW will be marching in the parade with ceremonial rifles and waving American flags. The battle of the bands got so heated up this year that rifle teams were assigned to provide protection from the local gangs for the drum bangers, the horn blowers and the dancing aerobatic cartwheel gals swinging their batons adorned in their representative colors. The new agents were assigned to get the guns off the streets. Its funny how opportunities just present themselves.

8/11/2014 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent was livid on the shooting. He concocted a public relations strategy. He would use his federally funded Project Safe Neighborhoods gun teams to confiscate the marching band’s ceremonial rifles. He could then advance the notion he is getting guns out of the schools and re-educating children. Shopping carts full of recovered potential “crime” guns recovered from performances in the parade which would have ended up in the schools can be displayed as props in his anti 2nd Admendment agenda driven press conference. He can then add these numbers for propaganda purposes to boost his gun eradication efforts and validate the need for more "common sense" restrictive firearm legislation in light of the courts re-affirming citizen rights to bear arms.

8/11/2014 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/11/2014 01:08:00 AM

Very well said!

The hypocrisy of the people feeding off this show has no bounds. This all about the organizers and money! The kids are just the props. The guys that got shot 17 and 18 year old teenagers.

These 2 teenagers are minor incidents? Isn't the Bud MILKem supposed to represent hope for these gang banging lost youth. Has the black community given up on them at the age of 17 and 18?

What a bunch of hypocrites and a farce.

The Bud MILKEM high and dry.

The Teacher

8/11/2014 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bud biliken parade has been a gang banger convention for years. Tue media is just now catching on to the violence going on?

8/11/2014 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These ghetto assholes are beyond help. Seriously. Why anybody in their right mind goes the extra mile for these savages is beyond me. I never had a problem going the extra mile for the truly innocent child or elderly victim, but when one of their own trivializes two (probably deserving) people shot because it distracted from a violent cesspool called a parade, its time to leave them to their own devices. No more CPD as armed babysitters for this event. Let Beverly Reed-Scott figure out private security and private ambulances to clean up the mess her people create.

And then jagoff extraordinaire Tiny Dancer echoes that sentiment for the whole world to hear. THE MAYOR OF THE MOST VIOLENT CITY IN THE USA BASICALLY SAID TWO TEENS GETTING SHOT WAS COLLATERAL DAMAGE OF THE PARADE.

Everyone with 1/2 a brain knows this parade is a flaming shit show. Any kind of positive message is overshadowed by drunkenness, ignorance and illegal activity.

As an earlier poster stated this problem will never be fixed because the savages don't want it fixed. As a whole they truly are beyond help. And the politicians know this otherwise they would not continue to throw good money after bad at them to keep them pacified. And they sure as shit won't cut off the supply of money because they know what the result would be.

Officers need to be reminded that we will never be able to save these people from themselves. All we need to be concerned with is coming in after the fact and documenting it on a report and maybe with an arrest. Pick up the pieces after they're done and definitely do not get in the middle of anything that's going to leave you unable to return home to your family in the same condition that you came to work.

This failed social experiment needs to be defunded immediately.

8/11/2014 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess to some people a gun violence is a minor issue

8/11/2014 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in my Gang Crimes Days they would make us patrol the streets all around the parade, these savages have been acting like animals all around this parade for years, after the parade somebody usually gets shot or stabbed in Washington Park, The parade organizers are just trying to down play all the Gang Banging that the local politicians are afraid to address, when was the last time any of us have observed just 1 of these aldercreatures or the Revs out in the hood. This parade is there to make the people think all is well. Year after year it is becoming a problem parade. Just keep it where it is.

8/11/2014 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with them. Two shot at an event like that in that community is really nothing to get in a wad over.

As tax payers we should be celebrating over only having to pay for two to put back together.

8/11/2014 01:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 people shot at Bud Parade and the organizers are pissed that the media made a big deal out of it and it took the glory away from the news making a big deal out of Buddy Day!!!!. PS. to all of you people, Bud Billekin is just a made up person.

8/11/2014 01:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT kind'a...But the media is ramping up to tee-off on the po-po regarding the Ferguson Mo. police shooting. The haters are NOT missing the opportunity to stoke this Bonfire of the Vanities (homage to Mr. Wolfe.) Don Lemmon on CNN just displayed his anti-police plumage in all it's bright colors. Speaking of bright colors; why do all the pix of the deceased, as broadcast on the news, show him wearing Red and making gang-like hand signs? Was he leading a 'High Risk' Gangsta' lifestyle? Oh that's right, I'm supposed to overlook his acts and focus on how the white devil made all these bad things happen. Let the games begin...

8/11/2014 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let that lovely parade go on next year but with ZERO CPD presence. When it ends, it will really end.
The next day or a couple days later POs will be bidding into that place.
Imagine patrolling an area where there are no people. They'll cancel each other out. We'll employ people to clean it up and just kinda view it as wash.
After that we can simply cancel the pride parade.
For now on let's limit the parades for The Cubs. That's safe cuz that team won't win The National League let alone The World Series.

8/11/2014 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a picture of Chalkie's float? Was it pulled by a ME's wagon?

8/11/2014 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm controls the media specifically jay Levine and Spielman. The entire scum times is in his pocket . He knows he's toast on the violence and just doesn't want it reported.

8/11/2014 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No reason this event is allowed to last for as long as it is.

8/11/2014 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never been to the Bud growing up, mom was never really a parade going type of lady, but I always assumed there had to be some type of violence. But if she mentioned this is the first shooting, wouldn't she be right(that's a legit question)? I mean, she never stated there was never any violence, just never a shooting. She's out of her mind for calling it "minor" though. There's hundreds, maybe thousands of people who attend the parade to have a good time, hundreds of children, but it's "minor"? There is also a video of dozens of teenage GDs marching through the streets chanting their "hood nicknames" and acting foolish, from a few years ago on YouTube. I don't know if that happened on the parade route, but that probably ended in violence.

8/11/2014 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why other races do not have a "back to school" parade???

-No Cop Here

8/11/2014 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does the looting begin?

Other than by the Chicago, Crook County politicians I mean.

8/11/2014 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were paying top dollar to attend St. Louis University I would demand they change their school mascot to something less racist. From, for example, the Billiken's to the redskins or warriors.

8/11/2014 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please refresh my memory. How many people were shot before they cancelled the southside irish parade?

8/11/2014 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is media racist .? Black shoots black is a minor incident . Black attacks police or a armed citizen that is forced to
Use deadly force to protect himself . That my friend is a major incident .

8/11/2014 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
TV footage showed streams of people walking from a liquor store carrying bottles of alcohol, and in some cases protesters stood atop police cars or taunted officers who stood stoic, some carrying shields and batons. Video posted online by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch showed a convenience store on fire.

Witnesses reported seeing people vandalize police cars and kick in windows. Television footage showed windows busted out of a TV station van.

Police struggled to catch any looters because crimes were happening at several locations in Ferguson and spilling into neighboring communities, Mayor James Knowles told KTVI-TV. It wasn't immediately clear how many arrests were made. Authorities set up blockades to keep people from the most looted areas.

Wow wtf a copper gets into a schuffle with a pos punk who attempts to take the coppers gun copper kills the assailant the animals run wild, now they are saying tonight they will revile coppers name hope before they do that that pathetic mayor makes sure the coppers home and property are protected! Why not use the Feds give copper new identity new home new location for him/her and their family? They give these animals free link housing cash phones health care etc!!

Coppers are really less than citizens than all the illegals crossing into this country bringing diseases gangs drugs etc. I'm praying for that copper if you work in the savage areas screw it let the animals do what they do keep them herded in their pens if they kill each other saves taxpayers money and grief!

8/11/2014 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was there - parade is way too long - 300 plus floats. Too many gaps (4-5) blocks long that dragged this thing on and on. My question is - if it's a parade about back to school - why did they have a float with people holding up signs with pictures of "people murdered by police" and shouting on bull horns. " stop police brutality?"

8/11/2014 08:52:00 AM

If you would've looked a little further down on the side of that float, in FinePrint, you would've seen that that message was directed solely at commander Glen Evans.

8/11/2014 06:09:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

And for all you media types and inquisitive civilians, THIS is exactly how mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration and the "leadership" of the Chicago Police Department under Superintendent Gary McCarthy buffalo all you unsuspecting dolts into believing the crime statistics they've been feeding you. Same goes for the manpower numbers of the Chicago Police Department.

In a nutshell, this is exactly what CompStat is.

8/11/2014 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ALPHA Girls and the WTA needed to be deployed to the parade........

Wow, move on. Haven't heard about this for years. Sounds like your issue or insecurity

8/11/2014 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked a double murder that happened after the parade. Post parade celebration.

8/11/2014 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No minor incidents at the Polish,Italian parades , just good times , few brewskis ,Polish Italian sausages .
Both usually have baby mama and baby daddie around.

8/11/2014 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
2 people shot at Bud Parade and the organizers are pissed that the media made a big deal out of it and it took the glory away from the news making a big deal out of Buddy Day!!!!. PS. to all of you people, Bud Billekin is just a made up person.

8/11/2014 01:48:00 PM

Whaaa? Next you will tell me that kwaanza is a made up make believe phony baloney holiday.

8/11/2014 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a minor incident in the ghetto. ....and his mama cried....

8/11/2014 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get yourself jammed up big time by doing movers anymore. The law changed yesterday and it states that we no longer take a persons license as bond.

This exact thing was tried and failed back in the 80's....just another stupid stunt by the lemonhead governor...
Watch the License Suspensions and Revocations start to rise in about 4 months. Oh, and the Warrants issued too.

Smart move guv.

But then think of the alternative. Rauner a multi-millionaire spents a few million of his own money to run for Governor. What's that job pay? $250-$300k?? Oh, and health insurance, dn't forget that.
Now if you had that kind of money-would you really gives a shit about...anything?
Or even want to live in this area?

8/11/2014 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The parade organizer was on WBEZ today blaming the media for "sensationalizing" this event. Even for a liberal media outlet I was stunned that the host was not engaging in anything close to a real discussion. One of the more outrageous segments of the interview was when Ms. Reed-Scott contended that the kids who March in the parade are owed this parade & attention since they are not given attention. It might be a good idea to look at the home as a pla e to start and ask why some in a community consider two shot "minor."

8/11/2014 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...But then think of the alternative. Rauner a multi-millionaire spents a few million of his own money to run for Governor. What's that job pay? $250-$300k?? Oh, and health insurance, dn't forget that.
Now if you had that kind of money-would you really gives a shit about...anything?..."

I don't even think it's that much. I think it's about $170-180k.

8/11/2014 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister, who is a flaming liberal, thinks the South Side Irish Parade is more dangerous and should be banned, while this is just an "isolated" incident that wasn't related to the BB parade.

Who's crazier? The liars or those who believe them?

Let me guess. She's been to the South Side Irish Parade, but never to Bud Billiken.

8/11/2014 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois, Cook County and Chicago are all upside down! Right is wrong and wrong is right!

8/11/2014 10:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on te parade route across from the reviewing stand when a herd of wildabeast about 125 strong male and female passed the porta potties going south. All of a sudden the herd turned north and ran smashing a few tents and know king over families. Ms Reed-Scott was on the mic saying thing like "why are you kids running, the police aren't going to chase you"
This is same 100 plus that ran in packs all day long. Finally two platoons boxed them in at 52/King drive at which time car 200 announced "break them in into smaller groups". Something that we were doing ALL DAY LONG

8/11/2014 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you would've looked a little further down on the side of that float, in FinePrint, you would've seen that that message was directed solely at commander Glen Evans.

8/11/2014 06:09:00 PM

And that has exactly WHAT to do with encouraging children to go back to school?

8/12/2014 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not long now until the Notting Hill Carnival in London.
We barely keep it under control, every year we have shootings,stabbings,rape and robbery.
We search gang members houses beforehand under warrant, we actively pursue gang members wanted on warrant,we arrange for drugs dogs to be at all entrances and we search as many attendees as we can.
Every year I returned home tired and occasionally a little injured and every year the lying media state it was the most peaceful carnival ever.
Crime figures are fiddled , if it didn't happen within the carnival footprint it's not a carnival crime.
So glad I'm now retired after 30 years.

8/12/2014 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the floats representing the coming school year.

8/12/2014 03:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sparky ya got it all wrong " Anonymous said...
I guess to some people a gun violence is a minor issue

8/11/2014 01:33:00 PM

It's not gun violence, It's gang violence and until somebody , anybody admits this is the real problem it will never be solved

8/12/2014 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for that "We need to sit down and have a serious discussion about race" baloney that the Left keeps spouting.

Yep, blame everyone but themselves.

8/12/2014 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can someone tell me why other races do not have a "back to school" parade???

-No Cop Here

8/11/2014 04:39:00 PM

Because they actually go to school and want to make something of themselves.

8/12/2014 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey she's just trying to help us out with our numbers. She just downgraded 2 agg batts to 1 minor/misc incident. We should be all good come Comp Stat. Thanks Bev! Our district dogs are green with envy.

8/12/2014 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The parade organizer was on WBEZ today blaming the media for "sensationalizing" this event. Even for a liberal media outlet I was stunned that the host was not engaging in anything close to a real discussion. One of the more outrageous segments of the interview was when Ms. Reed-Scott contended that the kids who March in the parade are owed this parade & attention since they are not given attention. It might be a good idea to look at the home as a pla e to start and ask why some in a community consider two shot "minor."

8/11/2014 09:52:00 PM

Did you also hear the part where Reed-Scott complained that the media doesn't report when a black kid does something outstanding, like save a puppy, help a cat out of a tree. But a white person, whoa Nellie! She said that every day some black kid does something fantastic and the media lets it alone because they be racist.

And that mope running the show, jeez what a moron, just agreeing with everything she said. The only counter point at all was from a black guy. I had to turn the channel to static, easier to listen to.

8/12/2014 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I tend to agree with them. Two shot at an event like that in that community is really nothing to get in a wad over.

As tax payers we should be celebrating over only having to pay for two to put back together.

8/11/2014 01:46:00 PM

It's sort of like only two shot in Baghdad. No big deal.

8/12/2014 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder....was there any directive to arrest any and all drinkers at this event?

I am guessing...NOT.

8/12/2014 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our little Mayor thinks that he is going to skate to re-election, well I have news, trhe black community is all up in arms with him closing schools, and this beastly Karen Lewis may just beat him, but she is as ignorant as they come regarding politics so I would bet Jessie would run the city from the back room,. beware of what all of us northsiders wish for, You could de-value your real estate quickly. as bond issues slide down, JUST LIKE DEEEETROIT

8/12/2014 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To MountGreenwoodHillbilly:

Maybe your sister just really likes the anaconda.

8/12/2014 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other school system has to make phone alls , go door to door passing out school supplies to parents . Most parents , not baby mama know what date and time school starts , school supplies are purchased , those parents do not have tattoo , nose ,ear rings , weaves that they cannot afford .

8/12/2014 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"every day some black kid does something fantastic"


Check dat box off the talking point list

8/12/2014 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Can someone tell me why other races do not have a "back to school" parade???

-No Cop Here

8/11/2014 04:39:00 PM

They do. It's called The Labor Day Parade. You have to have a job and work ethic to know about that one. They have cookouts, burn some hot dogs and hamburgers. And generally behave themselves because they have to go to work and school the next day, not go out night clubbin'.

Typically, there are no shootings. I don't know why that is. Maybe some sociologist can tell us why.

8/12/2014 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a "minor" incident because the media's thinking goes back the old journalism saying "Dog bites man, that's not news but man bites dog, now that's news!"

8/13/2014 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

organizer was on WBEZ today blaming the media for "sensationalizing" this event. Even for a liberal media outlet I was stunned that the host was not engaging in anything close to a real discussion. One of the more outrageous segments of the interview was when Ms. Reed-Scott contended that the kids who March in the parade are owed this parade & attention since they are not given attention. It might be a good idea to look at the home as a pla e to start and ask why some in a community consider two shot "minor."

Who the hell would listen to that lib-tard pos station for anything?

8/13/2014 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC ya NAILED IT!!!!!!! People who don't giva a fuck about ANYTHING or ANYBODY 'cause they were never taught/learned to give a FUCK 'bout anything!!!!

8/13/2014 08:25:00 PM  

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