Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Welcome GOP Senate!

Oh, and some guy named Rauner won the governor's race.

Now let's see if he can pull Illinois out of the hole.  Or actually, if he'll even be allowed to try.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only wish the people of Illinois would have voted for more change. But any change is good at this point.


11/05/2014 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck!
I am sure that the IL House and Senate will fall all over themselves in reforming the state.

11/05/2014 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Potato Head's people looked stunned on the TV. One of his campaign people and Anthony Beale were both bitching about PAC's and outside money deciding this election. Crying like sore losers. Apparently, they've forgotten about Obummer's George Soros money, and Rahm's various outside money from Ari, and rahm's PAC backing. Nothing better than seeing a whiny dem crying. I'd like to have seen Harry Reid's reaction tonight too.

11/05/2014 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodbye Mister Potato head! Really classy concession speech.

11/05/2014 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down...

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it odd that the RINO rauner won,
yet durbin "da TURBIN" was re-elected..
Turbin was the guy who was bad mouthing our troops in combat, because he didnt like G. Bush. Thats treason, and piss on anyone who voted for him....

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck fixing this State!

11/05/2014 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guarantee he pulls Rahm out of the hole before the rest of the State. Happy to see Quinn gone, but I think this guy is gonna fuck us on our pensions.

11/05/2014 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MR. RAUNER will come in asking for advice, NOT for permission. That's what a true leader does!..

Peace out peeps :)

11/05/2014 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner better fix Illinois quickly....or Madigan should retire.

11/05/2014 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Rivkin-Carothers get bumped?

11/05/2014 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad we couldn't shake Durbin.

11/05/2014 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"President Barack Obama says the political landscape for this midterm election tilts against Senate Democrats. He compares the states Democrats are defending to the 1958 Republican losses during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower."

It's all you, Dude. All you.

11/05/2014 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When does the great backward pimp-walk with a hard wrist crank begins for the "greedy cops" having the utter gall to expect a "cush pension and sweet early retirement?"

"Police work looks easy and you guys have the nerve to complain about having to do it for 20 to 40 years.

"Rahm & Rauner are gonna get you guys yet!"

Absolutely nothing said or done about the bastards who stole from our pension with both hands and lead this city and state to financial ruin.

But we're cops...
We're expected by the public to "eat it" graciously and without complaint. "You cops knew it was going to be like this when you signed up so we don't wanna hear shit from you guys about how the politicians stole from you. They stole from US too so we don't have much sympathy for you so eff you guys and your pensions. If you don't like it, then quit... We'll gladly take your jobs for half the pay, reduced benefits and none of the complaining..."

Or something like that...

Policing in Chicago has been intentionally reduced to
a zero sum game for the sake of naked political gamesmanship and sheer fuckery.

11/05/2014 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We as Chicago Police are fucked. Our new Governor will allow Rahm to avoid the 550 million toward our pension and you can bet Dean will go along with pension reform that will certainly not benefit us. Did anyone ever wonder why Rahm did not back Quinn. Barack, Baracks wife, and every other top Democrat rallied behind Quinn except for Rahm, why? The reason is Rahm and Rauner are friends and Rahm can work with Rauner easier then Quinn.

11/05/2014 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We're Still Waiting For the Final Results to Come in" says Quinn at

Not the double-zero in the url. How fitting.

11/05/2014 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't a wave of red, it was a tsunami.

11/05/2014 02:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any judges not get retained

11/05/2014 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous POTATOHEAD = Sore Loser said...

Obama support was your kiss of death, PotatoHead.

Show some class and gracefully concede ASAP to Governor-elect Rauner.

11/05/2014 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The arrogant Quinn initially refused to concede to Rauner despite his 100,000 plus vote lead.
I guess Quinn believes that his Democrat colleagues were not through stealing votes yet.
We shall see.

11/05/2014 04:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodby Potatohead
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

11/05/2014 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for pension reform. Allow none to collect until 63 if you want to keep pensions going.

11/05/2014 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo + Emmanuel + Rauner = Pension implosion.

Look at the buyers remorse on the FOP contract. If the FOP contract vote was redone the contract would be toast.

11/05/2014 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Black. I, like a lot of other Blacks, voted Rauner, this election.
Slowly but surely, the day Dems have long feared is approaching: The day they can no longer take the Black vote for granted.

11/05/2014 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as Madigan has a veto proof majority nothing will change. The fact that no one ran against Dart also shows that nothing is going to change. Get out while you can.

11/05/2014 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come the Democrat/Communists can run slickster conmen like BHO, Rahm and Durbin on to the highest offices and all the Republicans can bring up is gazillionaire corporate raiders like Rauner who can buy everything and everyone in sight to get the office?

A word of caution to the new governor, touch or tax those pensions except to see that they are fully funded and it's THIRD RAIL.

11/05/2014 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down..."

There's the perfect example of a Quinn voter for you.

11/05/2014 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
I only wish the people of Illinois would have voted for more change. But any change is good at this point.


11/05/2014 12:10:00 AM<<<

Oh really... Did you forget the Illinois politician who said...

"We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it."
- Barack Hussein Obama II.

11/05/2014 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for Illinois bad for our pensions . But I saw the writing on the wall when rahm didn't include the owed pension any where in the budgets.

11/05/2014 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Ghost of Policeman Past said...

Hey 12:31am.....are you that shallow? Do you think the dummycrats are our friends. Remember that they are the ones who made this mess and have been stealing from our pension for years. How about giving the guy a chance instead of throwing him under the bus before he is sworn in!

11/05/2014 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming soon Quinn returns to the Citizens Utility Board!

11/05/2014 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Our new Governor will allow Rahm to avoid the 550 million toward our pension and you can bet Dean will go along with pension reform that will certainly not benefit us>.."

If someone does not pay a bill, they get dunning letters, then collection phone calls, then sued. What will be doing if Rahm misses this payment? We have been paying our 9% every payday.

This should be front page news but Rahm burning money somewhere else will get the ink.

11/05/2014 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you hard on's that voted for Quinn go shut up. Our pension is gonna be fine and the state should be looking up in the near future. Anything that is going to take place with regards to our pension is better then the way things are now. Because now we have a bunch of scum bag liberal politicians in charge of our pension monies. Give me all my money that I put into my pension so far, plus interest and I'll secure my own future. I have no problem going into a 401k type retirement fund or any form of retirement plan as long as politicians can't get their hands on it. Power to the people, power to be able to do with your money what you want. If your not responsible enough to secure your own retirement with your own money then shame on you. When I was young and first got on this job, having a pension was the least motivating factor. Didn't even consider taking the job for pension reasons. Rauner is a business man and understands money and how to make it work. I'll listen to him about how to secure my future then some career asshole Illinois politician any day.

11/05/2014 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the state can elect a republican and all the rest of the elections go for democrats. I am always amused that there is no choice for county offices just democrats

11/05/2014 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Non-binding Referendum Wins...

A 3% State Income Tax Surcharge on all incomes over One $Million.

I can just imaging the line at the U-Haul Store. It's for a one-way trip to Beverly Hills, please.

11/05/2014 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same shit....different pockets! Thats savior....

11/05/2014 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, let's all listen to the same folks that were crying about how we will get screwed on the police contract! Now the tune is Rauner will let Rahma Noodle get away with not paying into the pension! Wake up, because Potato Head Quinn really enforced the pension being funded the last 5 years!
I'm not listening to political advice from the typical "we're doomed" coppers, that would spend 30 minutes talking grandma out of a burglary report then just completing it in 5 minutes!

11/05/2014 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing the Il house and senate will reform is pension obligations!!

11/05/2014 07:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America finally woke up to the racist, women hater, all the scandals obama, holder, Pelosi, reed and the rest of the democRATS race pimps

11/05/2014 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not members of a union, we are members of a collective bargaining unit. A union has the right to strike.

I do not like nor trust Rauner, but anyone who thinks that Quinn and Madigan weren't getting ready to fuck us is crazy. They have been prepping for it for some time. They were waiting til after the election.

Illinois is broke, even the Democrats were going to have to make cuts. Public sector unions are not popular with the public nor do they put big money in the Democrat coffers. We were going to take the hit. They would never cut entitlements to their voting base. Cut pension benefits to the police while retaining entitlements to the poor, double victory.

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the middle class or the working man. It is the party of the unemployed/underemployed. Usually these hard nosed Republican types leave the cops/firemen alone. Let's hope this guy can get this state financially healthy again so there is money down the road to pay our pensions. Because if we are relying on our contributions alone we are really screwed.

11/05/2014 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn was bad but pretty much harmless, Rauner is a nightmare! He is not a friend of the civil worker and is going to attack our pension! He's in favor of changing existing workers pension not just new hires. That means you hair gel! I can't believe how many misguided coppers were bragging about voting for this guy. There was a reason FOP backed Quinn. Watch for a last minute save for his buddy the mayor on that 550 million next year!!

11/05/2014 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No comments on the police hater, every time they open their mouths it shows how little they really know about the job and just how ignorant they really are. no comment necessary. and by the way they could not do our job on their best day

11/05/2014 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down...

"write on!!!"

11/05/2014 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No comments on the police hater, every time they open their mouths it shows how little they really know about the job and just how ignorant they really are. no comment necessary. and by the way they could not do our job on their best day

11/05/2014 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois won't have a true chance to change unless and until the Madigans are far as Sen Reid from Nevada....if he ever figures out just where he is, and maybe one of his aides reminds him he's still alive....maybe he will know what's going on around him...

11/05/2014 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing, Quinn won't concede till all votes are counted. Still 58 precincts to be reported, all in Crook county. Amazing I tell you.

I guess the ones from the cemetery are slow in counting.

11/05/2014 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree potatoes head was a poo choice of a governor. But.......Rham and rauner are back door buddies. Rham was only quoted once that he supported Quinn and that was an example of him toting the party line. He was videoed meeting several times at the same private luncheon s and at private functions with rauner think we are going to loose a lot with these two. I'm hurting already

11/05/2014 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.
11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

Why do you need more than 1 house?

11/05/2014 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking at the results by county for Governor. Quinn only took one. Crook county.

I think it is time for that county to become the 51st state.

11/05/2014 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those who keep saying Rauner is going to allow Rahm to skip the pension obligation- enough already. The state court already ruled on this and nothing short of an act of congress is going to change that. The city has to pay or any future grants that would normally go to the city will automatically go into the pension- period. Rauner can only implement change in state employee pensions if that is his goal. Municipal pensions are another story. The state may be in a deficit, however the city is certainly not. The city would have to open their books for audits to declare bankruptcy, something they will NEVER do because they have BILLIONS in TIF funds. The city is very healthy financially and there is absolutely no reason they can give to justify diminishing their pension obligation. So to all the chicken littles out there, the sky is not falling- now give it a rest!

11/05/2014 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Quinn still waiting for results to come in"
The fact that Quinn and the demo-rats pulled out all the stops (viciously negative attack ads, campaigning by the President, first lady and Clintons, probable voter fraud and voting machines changing votes due to "calibration error") and STILL lost further solidifies that this was a MANDATE by the people of Illinois against incompetence in state government and the White House.

11/05/2014 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your pensions while they last!

11/05/2014 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical cultural denial.Now you could martyr yourself,Quinn.Go back to your phony lawn mower!

11/05/2014 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's see if I have this straight. 99% of the votes are in for the Illinois governors race, Quinn is behind by 4%, and yet Quinn still refuses to concede.


What a fucking retard. If liberals and Democrats can't do basic math like that, is it any wonder that Illinois is in a financial crisis?

Call the next case. Not a cop.

11/05/2014 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so Emmanuel grows more powerful..

11/05/2014 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people of Cook County, Illinois could not vote for more change when the Republican Party failed to file candidates for almost every state senate and house district seat in the legislature. The Republicans did not have a countywide slate for Cook County either. The Democrats won many races by default.

11/05/2014 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrat tears water my garden.....

11/05/2014 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get ready for a pension battle people!

11/05/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

72 year old Mike Madigan still runs the circus!

11/05/2014 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I only wish the people of Illinois would have voted for more change. But any change is good at this point."

Voting for "CHANGE" is what got this country into trouble six years ago.

11/05/2014 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rudy guiliani for president seiser for secretary of defense 2016 hear we come

11/05/2014 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all fine and dandy but I still have to drive over to Park Ridge or Niles to get my bottled water.

11/05/2014 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The governor has line item veto power along with executive orders. He can make a difference, but it will be difficult as long as Madigan runs things. Too bad Lisa was reelected . But, Daddy needs a attorney general who turns a blind eye to political corruption.

11/05/2014 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guarantee he pulls Rahm out of the hole before the rest of the State. Happy to see Quinn gone, but I think this guy is gonna fuck us on our pensions.

11/05/2014 12:40:00 AM
I see that you believe all of the democratic commercials and whispers. One thing you fail to do is use common sense.

11/05/2014 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out the picture of Rauner in the sun times.....I guess he voted no on every judge too! Haha

11/05/2014 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We as Chicago Police are fucked. Our new Governor will allow Rahm to avoid the 550 million toward our pension and you can bet Dean will go along with pension reform that will certainly not benefit us. Did anyone ever wonder why Rahm did not back Quinn. Barack, Baracks wife, and every other top Democrat rallied behind Quinn except for Rahm, why? The reason is Rahm and Rauner are friends and Rahm can work with Rauner easier then Quinn.

11/05/2014 01:50:00 AM
The governor does not have the power to disregard a state law. The city , unless the legislature changes the law, must come up with that cash. Rauner is on record saying police and fire must not be hurt in their pensions. Lets hold him to this. Don't buy the democratic hype. They are afraid of Rauner.

11/05/2014 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming soon to your TV set. Rauner & Rahm standing on a stage, holding hands in the air saying, "WE did not cause the pension problems in Illinois and Chicago, those other guys did. But WE will fix the pension problems for the children. WE have a plan. It will be difficult, it will be painful. Trust US!

11/05/2014 09:32:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Bwaaahahaha! The moonbats over at pMSNBC are in shock -- SHOCK I Tell Ya! -- that Rauner beat Potato-Head. They just don't understand how Quinn could have lost in Obama's *home state*, considering that all the 'Big Guns' came and campaigned for him.

----- IL Gov Race ‘Real Blow to President Obama’ -----

They're all so depressed it's like they're at a wake (LOL). Oh, and Rev Al Sharpton is still butchering the English language, calling Rauner, 'Rainer', friggen moron.

11/05/2014 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous GUY FAWKES said...

"Remember, remember the Fifth of November..."

Wear your masks at the City Hall bonfires tonight.

11/05/2014 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Rauner is a good businessman and realizes that ,if we want to even see pension in 10 years ,changes need to be made. I don't think it would be a change that would hurt us. I day fix the pension problem now ,if we want a pension later.

11/05/2014 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Rivkin-Carothers get bumped?

11/05/2014 12:57:00 AM

11/05/2014 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn wants all his free pens returned, they are worth $10.00 at Walmart.

11/05/2014 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see Rauner and Rev. Meeks celebrated Rauner's victory together. Rauner, Rev. Meeks and Rev. Corey Booker...the dream team.

11/05/2014 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Anita Rivkin-Carothers was RETAINED with 78.19% of the vote.

11/05/2014 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The arrogant Quinn initially refused to concede to Rauner despite his 100,000 plus vote lead.
I guess Quinn believes that his Democrat colleagues were not through stealing votes yet.
We shall see.

11/05/2014 04:38:00 AM

I didn't think it was arrogant. I thought it was sad, small, juvenile and unprofessional. (No different from the way he has behaved in office.) He made a total fool of himself last night by refusing to concede.

11/05/2014 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'd like to have seen Harry Reid's reaction tonight too."
I'm sure Harry's imaginary friend was up all night consoling him.

11/05/2014 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down...

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

Obviously a product of the Chicago Public School system.

11/05/2014 10:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it Quinn may consider run against Rahm???

11/05/2014 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was watching some of the national returns and had a good laugh when THIS popped up: "Obama making phone calls to Republican winners to foster a "new spirit" of bipartisan cooperation..."


Payback is gonna be a purple bag swingin', crown wearin', multi-tit bitch with a mouth full of teeth like broken mirror glass...


It'll be good to see the "Tan Man" and his fellow Trotskyites get some very hard push-back against the distructive agenda they've been pursuing in order to "fundamentally change" America.

Well... Push-Back WOULD be righteous. The Chicago Poot-Butt in charge is the most arrogant, tone deaf and out of touch President ever...

The result of being told your entire adult life that you're the smartest m/fer in the room?

This dude and the Chicago assholes he associates with are fucking toxic and flat out bad ju-ju on top of being incompetent in the way they're running this nation like it's the 51st Ward...

Is there anyone else who finds it galling that these people (Rahm especially) are laughing up their sleeves about the big joke that's being played and they're the only ones "smart enough" (or insulated by their personal wealth enough) to get the punch line?

Arrogance? Hubris? Chutzpah? Shit-Assery? Fuckery even?

Tried to warn your silly asses about these sinister and bad people, America!

Now what?

Maybe we need more of those $25K a plate North Shore and Gold Coast fundraisers for and by those caring people ("Hey Rahm! Don't spend that $2 Billion in TIF money on those middle class churls in Chicago... Give it to US so we can "work" it!) with such a huge stake in Chicago...

Amusing that everybody dances around the fact that the majority of these financial lick-hitters and bojank artists don't live here but they're so firmly interwoven into the financial fabric.

>Big-Assed Scissors Say: "SNIP!"<

Just like guns in Englewood and Harrison say "BANG!"
Just like a phone goes "SNATCH!" and a eye goes "SLAP!" in Wrigleyville.

Who will benefit the most from a huge financial shit being taken on the "out of control" Blue Suits?

If only the political capital expended in the propaganda war against The Police was expended against the "Catered To Constituency" and it's hyperviolent armed wing, "Dude Inc."

"GAAHH! You Cops are SO cynical, mean and full of hate! That's why you guys need to be fixed!"

Let's see how it all eventually plays out.

Until then?
Viva Hate...

11/05/2014 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MR.T for Director of ISP

11/05/2014 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to see Quinn gone, but I think this guy is gonna fuck us on our pensions.

Isn't a little late for that genius speculation?

11/05/2014 11:48:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Whoa, Nelly. Look what I just found at CNN for Governor's Race.

The Map of IL Counties that Rauner Won -- every county in Illinois is RED! -- except for C(r)ook County, naturally.

But even in C(r)ook, Rauner got 33% of the vote, that's pretty damn good. I bet that has to do with the Black 'activists' / Rev's who are finally tired of being stuck on the democrat plantation and bolted from the dem party for Rauner.

11/05/2014 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great! Now we can get a Special Counsel in the IRS investigation into Turban Durban's Email.

11/05/2014 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Turbin was the guy who was bad mouthing our troops in combat, because he didnt like G. Bush. Thats treason, and piss on anyone who voted for him....

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM"

No that's philosophical differences, do you even know the definition of treason?
Another sawdust headed moron, no surprises there.

11/05/2014 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I held both nostrils and voted from the 3rd party candidate - just couldn't bring myself to vote for a RINO pal of Rahm's and was sure not voting for Potato Head.
Now to get rid of Madigan...or nothing changes.

--No Cop Here

11/05/2014 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The change we needed was the Madigan machine. I don't think it is a coincidence that Daley's blatant corruption keeps slipping through the cracks when Lisa Madigan is the Attorney General.

11/05/2014 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn was the only person left standing in the way of Rahm coming after your pension, but you all got your panties in a bunch over ceasefire, early release and other assorted nonsense, you want change.

You voted for Shields because you wanted new blood and didn't like Bella. How'd that work out?

Then you voted for a Angelo a lackey from the Nolan regime who's been out of the loop for 12 years with the Union and the Dept for that matter over Doherty, because you wanted change to someone new who really wasn't?

Definition of Insanity, doing the same thing over& over and achieving the same results.

11/05/2014 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down..."

@11/05/14 12:29 am - Until you learn English, no one can help you anyway....

11/05/2014 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Policing in Chicago has been intentionally reduced to
a zero sum game for the sake of naked political gamesmanship and sheer fuckery.

11/05/2014 01:46:00 AM

I don't know about policing but I agree that policing is changing for the worse. This country continues to beat down police and the middle class without also actually doing something positive and supportive for the good officers, employees, and people who work every day to pay their bills and taxes. This entire country has become a zero sum game.

The middle class hold this country up but it is a fading demographic. Everything that can be taken from the middle class continues to be taken. The winners of this election are the banks and Wall St. Now they can finally get their hands on the trillions in pension funds to enrich themselves and leave us with a meager living standard in the end. Truly is a zero sum game now.

11/05/2014 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Officer Guy Fawkes said...

Are there any tunnels beneath City Hall?

11/05/2014 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama support was your kiss of death, PotatoHead.

Show some class and gracefully concede ASAP to Governor-elect

11/05/2014 04:11:00 AM

There were many shenanigans at polls up north. I for one would like to wait to ensure my vote was counted. Do not recall such scale of polling issues in Chicago as long as I've lived here.

11/05/2014 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, It's weird that Durbin won. If Oberwiess had called him on dissing our troops during those awful debates, he might have made a better impression and gotten more votes.

11/05/2014 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

If you want to be taken halfway seriously, learn how to write better than a four year-old.

11/05/2014 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one of the clowns I've heard crying about their pensions for the last year is a dog, house mouse, utter moron who spells cat with a "K" and has something nasty to say about everyone - behind their back, of course.

You think Rauner is going to "steal" your pension?

You think Quinn was going to "save" your pension?

Yow. The level of stupidity plus the loss of common sense in this department is truly a painful combination.

11/05/2014 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many seats did Speaker aka(Governor) Madigan and President Cullerton loose last night????
Rauner's election is non consequential, you allowed the money changers back in the Temple.

11/05/2014 02:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down...

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

I can't see too many people taking the advice of someone that does not know the difference between "our" and "are", and "right" and "write".

If they didn't already assume you were an idiot from your post, they did from your choice of words.

11/05/2014 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wake up. The state constitution will be changed in order for our pension and health care benefits to be diminished. This is not hard to do. Some of the moronic and idiotic comments about how Rauner is gonna help us or are pension will still be the same just go to show how uninformed most of you are. Unless you are independently wealthy or are maxed out in deferred for your whole career you will be working til the day you die. So enjoy those of you that voted for Rauner.

11/05/2014 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every one of the clowns I've heard crying about their pensions for the last year is a dog, house mouse, utter moron who spells cat with a "K" and has something nasty to say about everyone - behind their back, of course.

You think Rauner is going to "steal" your pension?

You think Quinn was going to "save" your pension?

Yow. The level of stupidity plus the loss of common sense in this department is truly a painful combination.

It wasn't Rauner or the Republicans that didn't properly fund our pensions for the last 40 or 50 years.

11/05/2014 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quinn was the only person left standing in the way of Rahm coming after your pension, but you all got your panties in a bunch over ceasefire, early release and other assorted nonsense, you want change.

You voted for Shields because you wanted new blood and didn't like Bella. How'd that work out?

Then you voted for a Angelo a lackey from the Nolan regime who's been out of the loop for 12 years with the Union and the Dept for that matter over Doherty, because you wanted change to someone new who really wasn't?

Definition of Insanity, doing the same thing over& over and achieving the same results

Quinn was the savior of our pension plan? Don't know where you got that. What did he ever do for our pension.
Ultimately the Illinois Supreme Court will decide if our pension benefits can be diminished. That is unless our union caves and AGREES or NEGOTIATES a compromise.

11/05/2014 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rumor has it Quinn may consider run against Rahm???

11/05/2014 10:53:00 AM

Yeah, with about a minute and a half left to declare and get thousands and thousands of petition signatures.

11/05/2014 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All you hard on's that voted for Quinn go shut up. Our pension is gonna be fine and the state should be looking up in the near future. Anything that is going to take place with regards to our pension is better then the way things are now. Because now we have a bunch of scum bag liberal politicians in charge of our pension monies. Give me all my money that I put into my pension so far, plus interest and I'll secure my own future. I have no problem going into a 401k type retirement fund or any form of retirement plan as long as politicians can't get their hands on it. Power to the people, power to be able to do with your money what you want. If your not responsible enough to secure your own retirement with your own money then shame on you. When I was young and first got on this job, having a pension was the least motivating factor. Didn't even consider taking the job for pension reasons. Rauner is a business man and understands money and how to make it work. I'll listen to him about how to secure my future then some career asshole Illinois politician any day.

11/05/2014 07:21:00 AM

Get out of the union and work for minimum wage. Typically ignorant republican, they want small government but collect social security and Medicare. Their kids our as unintelligent as parent but demand special services for their kids.

11/05/2014 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..two more years and this bizarre experiment at the white house will finally be over.

11/05/2014 05:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Potato Head's people looked stunned on the TV. One of his campaign people and Anthony Beale were both bitching about PAC's and outside money deciding this election. Crying like sore losers. Apparently, they've forgotten about Obummer's George Soros money, and Rahm's various outside money from Ari, and rahm's PAC backing. Nothing better than seeing a whiny dem crying. I'd like to have seen Harry Reid's reaction tonight too.

11/05/2014 12:24:00 AM

The scumbag democrats do the same thing and maybe even on a larger scale. Don't forget all the Hollywood money, Pritzgers, etc. etc. Funny thing is the dems played the race and women cards and the first female black republican got elected along with male black republican. Also numerous women elected. The democrats are the true racists.

11/05/2014 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"After midterm rout, Obama says he got nation’s message

President Obama said Wednesday that he accepts the American public’s message in the midterm elections that Washington needs to break its political gridlock..."

Obviously he DID NOT get the message. If simply breaking the political gridlock were the goal, more Democrats would've been elected.

The goal here was clearly to stop Obama.

11/05/2014 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner won because of the despise for the Obola administration and their crooked cronies, scum arrogant king Rahm, and the overall foolery of the Illinois demorats!

11/05/2014 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Potato head was just on the radio conceding. He wants to raise the minimum wage so families don’t have to live in poverty. Hey asshole potato head and your democrat ilk, have you ever calculated the cost of your war on American families through your excessive taxation and redistribution economics? Try lowering taxes, curbing the spending spree with your cronies in Springfield and stop epidemic growing deficits which will infect generations to come

11/05/2014 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think Rauner is a good businessman and realizes that ,if we want to even see pension in 10 years ,changes need to be made. I don't think it would be a change that would hurt us. I day fix the pension problem now ,if we want a pension later.

11/05/2014 09:40:00 AM

Agreed, but our pension problem isn't his issue or the states. It's chicago's issue that was created by chicago politicians mainly daley. They spent money on everything under the sun except our pension. The stole/borrowed and invested poorly. Now the bill has come due and they need to be held accountable.

11/05/2014 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Heartless Taxpayer said...

Will ALL you stop whining about your pensions and blaming Rauner?

The guy hasn't even taken office and he is already the Bogey Man????

WAKE UP - all of you who think you are so smart.

Your pensions have been fucked for YEARS from annual shortfalls and yet you still voted the same ASSHOLES in to "take care of you" even though you knew the pensions were growing in multi-million dollar shortfalls to now multi-BILLION dollar shortfalls yearly.

AND WHERE WAS FOP? Where were all the "watchdogs" supposedly guarding your pensions? They were off being given their own "premium" bone while they looked the other way.

So don't try to stick "the new guy" with the blame.

Put the blame squarely on those who FUCKED you for the last 10-20 years. It's the same gang you kept voting for.

I am so tired about reading all your whining. WAKE UP- at least blame those who have been in office for the last 10-20 years.

You had your chance to vote them out, but you bought off on the promise for "mo' gubbermint cheese". Oh, the promise to you was more like, "We'll get you BIG pensions." Different rhetoric - but the same "vote-buying" BS.

I voted for Rauner and if he doesn't come through, I'll vote him out.

How many of you voted again for incompetent Quinn? He didn't deliver anything and now he is going to deliver?

You DON'T reward incompetence no matter what party it comes from.

11/05/2014 05:51:00 PM  
Blogger The Song Remains The Same said...

Anonymous said...
Rauner gonna let RAHM not pay are pension money he owes in exchange for backing against Madigan.

Keep thinking a republican is gonna save you.

If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.

We may also see RAHM pull a deal for the casino and have it run by the city with no oversight as a payoff also.

Right it down...

11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM
Nice writing skills.
Please tell me you're no older than 10.

11/05/2014 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.
11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

Why do you need more than 1 house?

11/05/2014 08:26:00 AM

It all depends on what it is and where the 2nd house is located.

Sand between your toes and a lake to wash off the sand on your tootsies is a very good reason.

11/05/2014 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We as police have no pension problem we put our money in every
1st and 16th the City has the pension problem they have not kept up their part of the bargain. Stop the free school breakfast, lunches, backpacks, ipads, bus rides, safe passage routes, Maggie Daley park, Depaul stadium, Obama library, over run costs on construction etc, etc.

11/05/2014 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

contract approved by city council today wheres my $$$

11/05/2014 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner claimed, on election night, that he himself called Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton. This was reported on all media outlets. Rauner said HE made two very important calls on election night after he claimed victory and pledged to work together with Cullerton and Madigan.

Just now (745pm) Rick Pearson on WGN radio said he called both Madigan's and Cullerton's offices and their staff denied Rauner called either of them. The only call they had logged was a Rauner staffer who spoke with a Cullerton staffer. Madigan's staff denied any call was received.

This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Every one of the clowns I've heard crying about their pensions for the last year is a dog, house mouse, utter moron who spells cat with a "K" and has something nasty to say about everyone - behind their back, of course.

You think Rauner is going to "steal" your pension?


You think Quinn was going to "save" your pension?


Yow. The level of stupidity plus the loss of common sense in this department is truly a painful combination.

11/05/2014 02:00:00 PM

11/05/2014 08:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Officer Guy Fawkes said...
Are there any tunnels beneath City Hall?

11/05/2014 01:03:00 PM

Yes, the old freight tunnels. The fishies were swimming down there when the Loop flooded on Matt Rodriguez's first day as Supe. Good old Lake Michigan perch. Real good with some cornmeal breading and fried up nice and crisp. Mmmmm. Old man Daley would have been happy as shit. He would have snatched a fishing pole and gone fishing in the sub basement!

11/05/2014 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regardless of who you voted for in the last 20 years you all have to admit the state, county, and especially the fucking city are screwed up.

Yet the Democrats get relected time after time. And you all bitch about things getting worse and then vote the same assholes back in office. That is just fucking stupid.

Even NYC voted in republican.

Who are the real idiots? The Democratic politicians who have had complete and uncheked power for decades and have completely screwed everything or the dumb fuckers who vote them in every year.

11/05/2014 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago, Cook County and Illinois all owe billions of dollars towards pensions. Under the current tax structure, there is not enough money to make the pension payments AND pay all the teachers, cops and firemens wages. Yet all three groups just got raises in the past three years.

The state, county and city can tax the citizens more BUT they are already paying some of the highest rates in the country. This will cause more people to leave Chicago, Cook County and Illinois, reducing the revenue AND quickening the death spiral.

Rahm has reduced police staffing, causing increased crime ( as all you VRI hungry cops know) and closed schools. This has made Chicago more unliveable.

So something has to give. Taxes will be raised, services will be decreased (layoffs or attrition) because it is an easier sell for union leadership than higher staffing levels witbout a raise AND pensions will take a hit. In short, everybody loses because the DEMS robbed us blind and the unions went along with it because they were on the take. Who knows how bad it will get in Chicago before it is all over.

The alternative is a complete meltdown like Detroit.

Either way, pensions will take a hit.

11/05/2014 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rauner claimed, on election night, that he himself called Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton. This was reported on all media outlets. Rauner said HE made two very important calls on election night after he claimed victory and pledged to work together with Cullerton and Madigan.

Just now (745pm) Rick Pearson on WGN radio said he called both Madigan's and Cullerton's offices and their staff denied Rauner called either of them. The only call they had logged was a Rauner staffer who spoke with a Cullerton staffer. Madigan's staff denied any call was received.

This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM

Rauner said two calls were made, not that he spoke with either of those slugs.

11/05/2014 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
If you work for the city you our barely middle class. That includes only owning 1 house.
11/05/2014 12:31:00 AM

Why do you need more than 1 house?

11/05/2014 08:26:00 AM

It all depends on what it is and where the 2nd house is located.

Sand between your toes and a lake to wash off the sand on your tootsies is a very good reason.

11/05/2014 06:01:00 PM

And that's the difference between 'need' a second house and 'want' a second house.

11/05/2014 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I think Rauner is a good businessman and realizes that ,if we want to even see pension in 10 years ,changes need to be made. I don't think it would be a change that would hurt us. I day fix the pension problem now ,if we want a pension later.

11/05/2014 09:40:00 AM

"I don't think it would be a change that would hurt us."

You're kidding,right?

11/05/2014 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope and change baby. Yea, right.

11/05/2014 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

To those who keep saying Rauner is going to allow Rahm to skip the pension obligation- enough already. The state court already ruled on this and nothing short of an act of congress is going to change that. The city has to pay or any future grants that would normally go to the city will automatically go into the pension- period. Rauner can only implement change in state employee pensions if that is his goal. Municipal pensions are another story. The state may be in a deficit, however the city is certainly not. The city would have to open their books for audits to declare bankruptcy, something they will NEVER do because they have BILLIONS in TIF funds. The city is very healthy financially and there is absolutely no reason they can give to justify diminishing their pension obligation. So to all the chicken littles out there, the sky is not falling- now give it a rest!

11/05/2014 08:30 AM Dead Wrong..State law mandates city must begin ARC payments in 2015. Do not think for a moment the gov will or cannot grant, waive or amend the PENALTY, not change the law but the consequence. Rauner is a win / win for Rahm in the end. City in all likely hood will not lose state tax portion nor will state contribute to funds.

11/05/2014 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont forget that easy. Our pension problem was caused by city and state. The city went to the state legislature in order to not make the payments and they were allowed by state government. Then the state decided to do the same for themselves.

11/05/2014 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember "This isnt your father's Oldsmobile", well this isnt your father Democaratic party either.
Its not for us, the middle class, families, the backbone of society, its for the a-hole you lock up for the upmteenth time, the drunk illegal we extricate from a wreck and the welfare queen who's vermin infested abode is rocking with fire everywhere at 2AM.

Regardless of what Quinn and the Dems promised for our pensions, when the state borrows and spends until its tits up, then what? Go ask a Detroit firefighter how that 10 cents on the dollar pension is sustaining him. Quinn was an idiot driving us over the financial cliff.

In both our jobs you have the workers, and then you have duckers, hiders and as you refer to them, house mice. Take note Gov. Rauner. If municipal pension reform is anything but us receiving what what was promised in return for a lifetime of physical and mental beatings that usually results in poor health post retirement and an earlier death than the norm, the workers (this one anyway) WILL STOP. We can be paid the same just for showing up, not giving a damn and doing the bare minimum.

Both Daley's knew this ( at least he had the decency to fuck things up behind our backs, 9.5 would love to fuck us right in the face). Our current guy is too egotistical to believe it. Mess with the pension, THE WORK STOPS!

11/06/2014 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to talk about fat and lazy pensions, it would be more truthful to examine the generous pay and benefits doled out to our (part-time) legislators, elected officials and judges. How many other systems award full benefits for eight to ten years of service?

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't Illinois legislators the highest paid in the USA?

11/06/2014 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you need more than 1 house?

11/05/2014 08:26:00 AM
What business is it of YOURS what someone owns? A person most likely doesn't "need" two houses, but if you can afford it, why not? Back to the original point, mr. democrat, socialist, why would you care and how about, mind your own business.

I thought I was living in the USA, I guess I'm in some socialist utopia now.

11/06/2014 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really want to know why the Chicago Police Pension Fund is in trouble. Let me list some of the reasons why:
1. The City of Chicago failed to fund it sufficiently. The city just made the minimum payments and failed to increase payments as necessary according to actuarial requirements.

2. The Fund was mismanaged. Bad investments and poor money managers whittled away at the Fund.

3. The mandatory retirement age was lowered to 63.

4. The wage compression, eliminating the 30 year step increase.

5. The 55 and out with free health insurance.

Numbers 4 and 5 are pension sweeteners that had the effect of taking members off the city payroll and putting them on the pension roll. The city wanted senior members to retire so that they could hire lowered payed recruits in an effort to reduce labor costs. The city did this with total disregard to how it would effect the Fund. The city should have increased the multiplier but did not.

The Fund was identified as being in trouble since the 1980's and the city did nothing. They kept on paying the minimum. The Fund has never been funded greater than 61% , it is now at 31%.

Wage compression and 55 and out were negotiated by the FOP as benefits for its members but the hit to Fund was not even considered. Pension sweeteners need to be adequately funded or the affected pension fund will take a hit as ours did. The city got what they wanted which was reduced payroll costs at the expense of our Fund.

A healthy pension fund is one that is funded at least 80%. Ideally a pension fund should be funded at 100% which means that if everyone retired at once, the fund would be able to sustain it. But typically with large funds such as ours, it is unlikely every member of the fund will retire or be disabled simultaneously. The State of Illinois has passed a law requiring all municipalities to make actuarial payments to the pension funds under their control in order to increase the funded liability to 90% by 2040. This is the only way our Fund will kept from insolvency.

Our fund currently is like Ponzi scheme, in that it is dependent on members and the city making regular payments. Our membership has been reduced by 1500 members with senior members retiring in droves. The city has the right to reduce labor costs by reducing manpower and enticing senior members to retire but it has the fiduciary responsibility of adequately funding our Fund. I can only hope that the State does not allow the city to kick this can down the road again because we are just one Wall Street created financial calamity away from insolvency.

11/06/2014 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner won because of the despise for the Obola administration and their crooked cronies, scum arrogant king Rahm, and the overall foolery of the Illinois demorats!

11/05/2014 05:16:00 PM

Yessir. A new era of political tomfoolery awaits. Until then, gotta run, mom says it's time for sleepy. Big day tomorrow, going to see shrink. If new meds work, I'll be back working the wagon next week.

11/06/2014 03:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you really think that anyone who runs for public office does it because they really want to save the people. They do it because they have their own agenda whatever it may be. That's why some spend millions of their own money to get there. Once there they have to throw the people a bone now and then to stay there but as far as it goes they don't give a rats ass about us.

11/06/2014 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Fund was identified as being in trouble since the 1980's and the city did nothing. They kept on paying the minimum. The Fund has never been funded greater than 61% , it is now at 31%."

The Pension fund (Police) was in great shape when Miriam Santos was City Treasurer. It was then at 77%. That is when Daley tried to gain control over all City Pension funds on the "promise" the City would pay all pensions. Santos prevented this and was set up and went to jail because she stood up to mumbles.

11/06/2014 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rauner claimed, on election night, that he himself called Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton. This was reported on all media outlets. Rauner said HE made two very important calls on election night after he claimed victory and pledged to work together with Cullerton and Madigan.

Just now (745pm) Rick Pearson on WGN radio said he called both Madigan's and Cullerton's offices and their staff denied Rauner called either of them. The only call they had logged was a Rauner staffer who spoke with a Cullerton staffer. Madigan's staff denied any call was received.

This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM

Rauner said two calls were made, not that he spoke with either of those slugs.

11/05/2014 10:58:00 PM

By Doug Finke
State Capitol Bureau
Posted Nov. 5, 2014 @ 4:55 pm
Updated at 10:12 PM

On election night, Republican Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner told supporters he called House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton and said to them it was a chance to work together to solve the state’s problems.
On Wednesday, though, spokesmen for the two Chicago Democrats said there were no conversations between Rauner and the leaders. A Madigan spokesman also said there was no evidence of a phone call being placed to Madigan.
The Rauner campaign maintained it had reached out to both Cullerton and Madigan.
Late Tuesday night, Rauner spoke to a crowd of supporters at a victory celebration in Chicago. He called it a “historic time” in Illinois and that voters had chosen a divided government, one that does not have just one party in control of all branches.
“The voters have chosen to have a divided government, not so we can fight, not so we can bicker, not so we can get angry with each other, but to find solutions, bipartisan solutions to solve the problems of Illinois,” he said.
Rauner said he’d already taken steps in that direction.
“Just a few minutes ago, I placed two very important phone calls,” he said. “I called Speaker Madigan. I called President Cullerton and I said to them this is an opportunity for us to work together. This is an opportunity to work together on a bipartisan basis to solve the problems, the challenges, facing families in Illinois.”
However, Cullerton and Madigan said through spokesmen that those comments weren’t made directly to them. A Cullerton spokesman said a Rauner campaign staffer contacted a member of Cullerton’s staff, but Rauner and Cullerton did not speak directly to each other.
Madigan spokesman Steve Brown went further. Not only did Madigan and Rauner not speak to each other, he said, but there’s not “any indication that any phone associated with Mike Madigan got a call. So that never happened from our end of it.”
Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf stuck by Rauner’s statements.
“He left the speaker a voicemail and called the Senate president,” Schrimpf said.
Schrimpf added that he was in the room when the call was placed to Madigan.
He did not address why Rauner indicated in his remarks that he had spoken to both Cullerton and Madigan when he had not.

Read more:

Springfield State Journal-Register link

11/06/2014 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner won because of the despise for the Obola administration and their crooked cronies, scum arrogant king Rahm, and the overall foolery of the Illinois demorats!

11/05/2014 05:16:00

Rauner won because Rahm didn't back him. When I went to the polling place,not one sign or precinct worker in front. Thats not Chicago. Usually signs are out for a block and it looks like a political convention with all the workers hanging out in front and passing out the crib sheet

11/06/2014 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

contract approved by city council today wheres my $$$

Dont be stupid. If you read the contract was approved, then you read where it said the city has 75 days to get the checks out.

11/06/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM
Gov. Quinn, stop posting on this blog. You are a sore loser

11/06/2014 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wake up. The state constitution will be changed in order for our pension and health care benefits to be diminished. This is not hard to do. Some of the moronic and idiotic comments about how Rauner is gonna help us or are pension will still be the same just go to show how uninformed most of you are. Unless you are independently wealthy or are maxed out in deferred for your whole career you will be working til the day you die. So enjoy those of you that voted for Rauner.

11/05/2014 04:11:00 PM
Now here comes a comment from someone who calls others idiots, morons and ill informed. The Illinois State constitution can be changed on a 2/3 vote by the legislature for certain issues, but not for pensions. That takes a constitutional convention and can only happen every 20 years.

11/06/2014 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading the comments here leaves me shaking my head. Some posters have the facts and information to qualify as "informed." But most haven't a clue. These are the same ones who have spent a lifetime voting for anyone with a (D) behind their names and now can't understand why there's a problem.

You ought to be looking at the map of Illinois counties and asking why is Crook the only dot of blue in an ocean of red? (Hint: It's not because Crook voters have special wisdom.)

"Bought the lies." "Drank the kool-aid." Call it whatever you want. But the truth is you kept voting for politicians who made fools of you for generations. And all it took was a string of empty promises, a few trinkets and a couple of beads. And You. Let. Them. Get. Away. With. It.

Nothing will change unless you force it to in the voting booth. For a mental exercise, just imagine what would happen if every incumbent in Crook was voted out? Do you think that would get someone's attention? What message would that send?

But no. You'll keep on putting the same old band of crooks back into office, and then bitch about the results.

11/06/2014 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rauner claimed, on election night, that he himself called Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton. This was reported on all media outlets. Rauner said HE made two very important calls on election night after he claimed victory and pledged to work together with Cullerton and Madigan.

Just now (745pm) Rick Pearson on WGN radio said he called both Madigan's and Cullerton's offices and their staff denied Rauner called either of them. The only call they had logged was a Rauner staffer who spoke with a Cullerton staffer. Madigan's staff denied any call was received.

This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM

Rauner said two calls were made, not that he spoke with either of those slugs.

11/05/2014 10:58:00 PM

See? He even speaks like Rahm

11/06/2014 12:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi CPD Officers,

My name is Ashley and I am with a Chicago-based production company.

First of all, thank you to all CPD Officers and staff for helping make Chicago a better place - we truly appreciate all you do on a daily basis to keep Chicago safe and maintain its reputation as the best city in the world!

We are at the beginning stages of developing a new TV series revolving around the beat cop's favorite eateries: hot dog stands, pizza places, Italian beef and more. We would like to shoot a demo reel within the next two months with active CPD officers.

The shoot will be at a Chicago location, take no more than half a day, and will include good conversation with fellow CPD Officers and a free meal at a popular Chicago cop eatery.

If you are a Chicago policeman interested in this opportunity and available to shoot in your off-hours, please send a response to with the following details:

- Age
- Number of years in the CPD
- Photo/headshot
- Rank, beat or department location
- Contact information
- Availability

If we find that you are the right fit, we will reach out to you with more details.

Thank you in advance for your interest and thank you once again for all of your hard work!



11/06/2014 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Public Employee Pensions will end by 2016. No more pension payments in any state for any public employee.

11/06/2014 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/06/2014 10:35:00 AM

This one gets it.

Proof of the problem?

Did anyone bother to look at the large number of Democrats in the County and State that ran unopposed on Tuesday?

Or the fact that certain judges didn't have a yes/no retention option?

And that 99% of the unopposed were Democrats?

Or the fact that while the state voted for a Republican Gov, morons still voted for Madigan.

I am envious of those in their 25+ year with this city.

I got to deal with this shit for 20 more years.

11/06/2014 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice he put Ron Huberman on his Transition team?

11/06/2014 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pension issue is fucked up because all the people with their "Proud Union Family" signs on their front lawn think the rat=democrats are the looking out whats best for this country and state.
Gov. Edgar was the last governor who had a balanced budget. George let the criminals out of Jail did the same but was a theft.
So all you UNION members....go change a light bulb as an skilled laborer and union guy. For how long, when the city kicks your ass out and hires 11 dollar an hour mutt who will do your job better.

11/06/2014 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Potato Head for Mayor
He could beat rahmmie eye , he's for the working man
Ballerina boy close friends with Rainer ,
Rev dullto

11/06/2014 09:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Did anyone notice he put Ron Huberman on his Transition team?

11/06/2014 07:15:00 PM

He surfaced? What, did the statute of limitations run out?

11/06/2014 10:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow,that really sounds familiar. A little like what's been happening through out this President's entire term.

11/06/2014 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Public Employee Pensions will end by 2016. No more pension payments in any state for any public employee.

11/06/2014 04:34:00 PM

As long as I get a few virgins when I get to heaven.

11/06/2014 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a reason pensions no longer exist in the private sector. They're simply an unsustainable and bad businesses decision for companies.

11/06/2014 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The pension issue is fucked up because all the people with their "Proud Union Family" signs on their front lawn think the rat=democrats are the looking out whats best for this country and state.
Gov. Edgar was the last governor who had a balanced budget. George let the criminals out of Jail did the same but was a theft.
So all you UNION members....go change a light bulb as an skilled laborer and union guy. For how long, when the city kicks your ass out and hires 11 dollar an hour mutt who will do your job better.

11/06/2014 07:45:00 PM

Hey FOP member, the City could hire someone for $25 an hour who would be overjoyed to be making that much. No need to pay you over $40 an hour. They would do their job better than you and probably not complain near as much. They would love a 1A paid vacation, on any watch too.

11/07/2014 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I request that the mods not publish comments including vulgar curse words, especial the "F word".

In particular, police officers entrusted with upholding laws, codes of decent conduct should not use vulgar curse words.

Civilization depends on things like standards.

Council of Conservative Chicagoans

11/07/2014 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I request that the mods not publish comments including vulgar curse words, especial the "F word".

In particular, police officers entrusted with upholding laws, codes of decent conduct should not use vulgar curse words.

Civilization depends on things like standards.

Council of Conservative Chicagoans

11/07/2014 09:05:00 AM

...or what?

11/07/2014 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
11/06/2014 10:35:00 AM

Did anyone bother to look at the large number of Democrats in the County and State that ran unopposed on Tuesday?

Or the fact that certain judges didn't have a yes/no retention option?

Or the fact that while the state voted for a Republican Gov, morons still voted for Madigan.

11/06/2014 05:12:00 PM

The judges that did not have a yes/no option were NOT running for retention; they were running for an open judicial post, often unopposed.

Madigan ran for the position of State Representative in the Illinois General Assembly in the 22nd District. He ran unopposed and thus received 100% of the vote by default.

20 more years? Get a good hobby and make certain you are completely maxed out in Deferred Comp from this moment forward. Select Vanguard Index fund if available.

Remember this, elections are much too important to be trusted to voters. If God wanted you to vote he would have provided candidates.

11/07/2014 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Pat Quinn said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is the beginning of Rauner's administration. I hope you love your new governor, people of Illinois.

11/05/2014 08:04:00 PM
Gov. Quinn, stop posting on this blog. You are a sore loser

11/06/2014 09:20:00 AM

Just wait. You will be wishing I had won in the not too distant future.

--Pat Quinn

11/07/2014 05:36:00 PM  

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