This Makes Perfect Sense
- Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno (1st) said Tuesday he wants to turn a hulking Humboldt Park building that once housed two of the record 50 Chicago Public Schools closed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel into, among other things, a new elementary school.
Moreno wants a new school for up to 400 neighborhood students to be part of a massive, nonprofit development in the three-story behemoth of a building at 2620 W. Hirsch that once housed De Duprey and Von Humboldt elementary schools. CPS announced on Friday its intention to sell the building and two others that were shuttered in 2013, but its request for proposals didn’t mention a new school.
Someone is going to try to make a shitload of money reopening some of these places. We should have guessed.
Labels: dumb ideas
This is a good thing. American entrepreneurship is alive and well. Go capitalism.
Someone is going to try to make a shitload of money reopening some of these places. We should have guessed
Yeah, his wife and his father in-law Paul Roldan.
Paul builds low income and
public housing with Federal money.
All the projects are a NO BID contract done by his for profit company (tropic construction)
They all bunch of thieves along with Jose Lopez and Maldonado.
No kidding? Corruption? No kidding?
Moreno is a snake who is the sponsor of the "reparations" for Burge "victims". And he's got a DV issue.
Let them sell the property so condos can be built. Moreno is worried about more yuppies moving in and pushing his constituents out. He only won by 80 votes and he cant afford to lose anymore Latinos.
"It's all bullshit."
Dig deep Proco.
I smell UNO horning in here, building its Hispanic-controlled empire on other people's tax money.
There is another proposal to turn an unused school into exclusive -- I'm sure below-market-rate/subsidized -- housing for current and retired CPS teachers!
The cornerstone for another empire is laid...
When will the U.S. attorney be allowed to unleash the fury that has obviously built up,along with the FBI to get all these criminals? Republican President will let U.S. attorney Zach Fardon build on the legacy of Pat Fitzgerald, just hope its done soon, the thieves at the top are taking the store and even the buildings, cleaning house with with our money!
Just what 21st century students need. A 100 year old building.
Substandard schools in old substandard buildings. Sounds like a great way to rip=off the system.
Yuppies taking over 1st ward, yeeeehhhaaaawww, so glad I bought propety there back in the day, suck it joe !
"CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett has said she didn’t want schools — especially charters — going into buildings closed for lack of children...."
So if I'm reading this right, there would be a non-CPS elementary school that might actually produce some results ? Such as kids who can actually read and write ?
Will this be a charter school? There have been articles about that in the Chicago Reader.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just what 21st century students need. A 100 year old building.
3/18/2015 01:27:00 PM
Because 21st century wire and lightbulbs are allergic to hundred year old buildings? Tell that to the owners of those $400,000 lofts downtown.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I smell UNO horning in here, building its Hispanic-controlled empire on other people's tax money.
There is another proposal to turn an unused school into exclusive -- I'm sure below-market-rate/subsidized -- housing for current and retired CPS teachers!
The cornerstone for another empire is laid...
3/18/2015 12:18:00 PM
Uno? Decertified.
"Yeah, his wife and his father in-law Paul Roldan.
Paul builds low income and
public housing with Federal money.
All the projects are a NO BID contract done by his for profit company (tropic construction)
They all bunch of thieves along with Jose Lopez and Maldonado."
3/18/2015 06:19:00 AM
Oh ho. Watch and see who gets the no-bid to convert schools into special housing for working and retired CPS teachers (only).
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Yeah, his wife and his father in-law Paul Roldan.
Paul builds low income and
public housing with Federal money.
All the projects are a NO BID contract done by his for profit company (tropic construction)
They all bunch of thieves along with Jose Lopez and Maldonado."
3/18/2015 06:19:00 AM
Wow, this post explains a lot of what goes on in this neighborhood! Thanks for the insight.
I know for a fact that this clown took a bribe to remove a citation/ticket issued by 014 precinct for illegal activity that occurred in early-January at a local business in the 1st ward. I FOIA'd for information about the citation because I was a patron in the establishment at the time of the raid/citation and saw the owner given multiple citations, but my FOIA request turned up no record being found of a citation/ticket even though I had the correct date and time of the incident. I did some further digging and found out he had that citation from 014 removed for the owner. Fuck this scumbag. Also, if anyone knows where I can find a missing citation, let me know.
Moena has a lot of issues and is a total thief. Too bad his father in law doesn't really know what's he into.
So if I'm reading this right, there would be a non-CPS elementary school that might actually produce some results ? Such as kids who can actually read and write ?
You're right that private sector rocks for most enterprises. But urban schools don't suck because they're public, dummy. They suck because of the families and communities of the students they educate.
05:29 pm posting.
The father in-law is part of the scam...get them together and the rob you blind.
Paul Roldan,is the biggest crook there is in Shit-cago.
He does not only have the for profit construction company (Tropic construction) but also has a utility company that provides utilities to all his projects.
All the scams under one UMBRELLA.
That's the Roldan's umbrella.
Him,Maldonado and Billy "the clown" Ocasio are involved on the next multi-million project in Humboldt Park.
The are building a NO BID 48 Units Veterans building at 46 MILLION DOLLARS with tax payers money.
If you don't believe, you can Google it.
It's all legit,right?
Who cares? We save a crapload of money closing those significantly underutilized dumps.
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