Thursday, August 20, 2015

SCC Blog Appears at Bail Hearing

  • A reputed gang leader who won a whopping $25 million verdict just three years ago for his wrongful murder conviction was paying out $50,000 recruitment bonuses along with guns and cars to bring new members into his gang, Cook County prosecutors alleged Wednesday.

  • In urging bail be set, Jimenez's attorney, Scott Frankel, tried to tell the judge about Jimenez's wrongful conviction at 13 for murder, but prosecutors objected. Frankel then attempted to reference a post about his client on the Second City Cop blog, but prosecutors objected again and Chiampas cut him off.
Seriously? A blog post is somehow relevant to a bail hearing for a career criminal who had something like 20 arrests by the time he was 13 and convicted for murder? That's general knowledge.

That he was paying gang members to switch allegiances for ten of thousands of dollars, up to $50 grand if they got facial tattoos? You can subpoena any west side asshole with "SCR" on their faces and ask them why they got the ink.

The luxury car fetish? Ask 011, 015, 025, even 016, Niles and Park Ridge about how many times they chased his cars. Plus the suspended license.

The guns? We still haven't heard from Garry about how those were acquired - any FOID card or Concealed Carry axes to grind there Gar? Or we won't touch on the fact that criminals will always acquire the weaponry they need while private citizens cower in their homes and retreat from their streets at night and even daylight.

We didn't even touch on the private jet chartered to Miami strip clubs, but we suppose everyone has to have a hobby.

What could any of these things have to do with a bail hearing, just because they were mentioned on a blog?

Oh, maybe the lawyer meant the "he's probably safer in County than the street right now" jibe we made due to the fact that many many gang leaders want him removed from the playing field? Well that's just the price of business. We would respectfully suggest that the lawyer get paid in advance though - that's just our opinion, and completely inadmissible in a Court.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta love how these politicians think. I gues they cant figure out that residents have been paying taxes all these years to pay for all the normal services a city needs. I am in a suburb...and my village taxes cover garbage pick up. They must think you Chicago residents are stupid.

8/20/2015 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Department seems to think that contact cards can be used as currency during the apocalypse for whatever reason.

8/20/2015 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if his lawyer was as smart as he thinks he is then
he should take out a couple million dollar policy on his
mutt of a client.

Actually... We should get some of the guys in the district
together and put policies on the 100 worst, likely to get
shot in their ass m/fers?

Rahm would have a shit-fit...
"What? Coppers makin' money?

8/20/2015 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Did you set bail as well. That's rich. And tahdeus ain't no mo

8/20/2015 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"he's probably safer in County than the street right now"

Not even if he pay his rent and give up his sto every week and Maytag all day and all night and eat sittin on the flo...

25 million fucking dollars. I'd be 500, 1000 miles away, listening to the birds and the bugs, with beyond everything I ever wanted or needed and still have about 23 million left.

Bedbug can't change its spots.


8/20/2015 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we know he reads the blog, fuck you and your client Scott Frankel. Just because.

8/20/2015 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the quality of some of the attorneys the FOP is sending to represent us at IAD and IPRA? I was assigned one who stated "I don't know?" each time I asked a question.

8/20/2015 02:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's an old legal aphorism that goes, "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table."

Frankel is pounding the table.

8/20/2015 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feeellll the Looovvveee!!!!

8/20/2015 04:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judge Peggy Chiampas for U.S. Attorney General !

8/20/2015 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder which post he was talking about. If I was him I would keep quiet about the posts, it's an insignificant blog.

8/20/2015 06:52:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Maybe Peggy posts here and didn't want her stuff read.

8/20/2015 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Royals? When I was a kid they were just a bunch of grass smoking burn outs that hung out on the metra tracks at Estes and Ravenswood. RIP "Carney" you hill jack, dope shooting mullatard.

8/20/2015 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait,13 and convicted for murder? Jesus H. Christ, what was done to this guy while he was growing up? How can someone have a total lack of human emotion at that age to kill another person? Dear God! I guess I was sheltered as a kid, because I never would have thought of doing something like that.

8/20/2015 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwe they really do read you, SCC

8/20/2015 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, let me understand this...the city gives a gang member money without really fighting in court, that gang member then uses the money to increase his gangs violence and recruitment AND purchases large volumes of firearms to distribute to violent gang members, thus increasing the body count on the streets, so therefore it legal firearm owners who are to blame and not the politicians (many gang members themselves) or the sanctuary city who bankrolled the violence in the first part. Is that correct so far?
Oh, by the way, do poeese be rasist, yo.

8/20/2015 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudo to Judge Chiampas - she is one of the few Cook County Judges you can count on to do what's right, not what's popular with politicians and reverends..

8/20/2015 08:38:00 AM  
Blogger said...

Shoot, we precipitated a gag order during the Family Secrets Trial just for offering a little commentary.

8/20/2015 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question, was the 25 million awarded by a jury?

8/20/2015 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and here is the end this character seems headed for...



Probably more like someone notices a foot sticking out of a garbage bag somewhere...

8/20/2015 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That $25 million settlement he got could have been used to shore up the pension fund . . . . but that kind of money is never found for the hard-working men and women of the CPD.

8/20/2015 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How believable is this story - then Juan Carlos Torres was not convicted .

8/20/2015 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has he made out a will or has he blown all the 25 million already? Future friends in the County might like to know.

8/20/2015 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is anybody else just sick of McCarthy ? He jumped on this case like he made the arrest at 3800 Elston. What a PUNK!

8/20/2015 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the 25 million was awarded by the jury.

8/20/2015 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about the quality of some of the attorneys the FOP is sending to represent us at IAD and IPRA? I was assigned one who stated "I don't know?" each time I asked a question.

8/20/2015 02:54:00 AM

The SECOND 'I don't know' was your cue to stop the interview and call FOP and tell them to send you a competent attorney.

8/20/2015 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This piece of shit should spend the rest of his life in jail.
Worthless gangbang want to be needs to buy everything.
I bet if the IRS looked into this scumbag they could charge him with tax crimes also.
How about it IRS ???

8/20/2015 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was once a time when you could get the truth from the media in this town. Tribune from '64-'72 pulled no punches on the domestic assault in American Cities by an element that now has control of every institution in the country. SDS and looting blacks were never looked upon with sympathy while Cops and National Guardsmen were held to a higher status for their willingness to confront snipers and well organized thugs.

Keep up the good work SCC.

8/20/2015 12:50:00 PM  
Blogger john said...

The judge is a great lady. Worked with her years ago .

old retired guy

8/20/2015 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until my dying day, I'll always say "Fuck the Royals". Everyone who ever was, is or will be a SCR is a worthless piece of rat shit. And I have proof.

8/20/2015 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is in the news again, you go girl,

8/20/2015 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
...and here is the end this character seems headed for...



Probably more like someone notices a foot sticking out of a garbage bag somewhere...

8/20/2015 10:21:00 AM


We were thinking more on the lines of a winter-time vanishing
only for two lower legs discovered sticking out of that last,
dirty, stubborn snow pile still hanging on until mid-April...

Shoes with upturned toes and possibly even on the wrong feet...

Hey... You'll be surprised how some things taken for granted
actually come undone during "duress."

Car-sized hunk of dirty ice being flat-bedded to the M.E.
so they can chisel out the dead ass encased inside.

Fuck these fools.
You'll go mad taking
them at face value so
play 'em for laughs.

Don't nod on 'em, they're
still dangerous though.

8/20/2015 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the quality of some of the attorneys the FOP is sending to represent us at IAD and IPRA? I was assigned one who stated "I don't know?" each time I asked a question.

8/20/2015 02:54:00 AM
I agree went to iad represented by a young kid, absolutely no clue what was going on, the "new kids on block" really need training Dean! Dean did you go to "lawyers R us?" to get this crew? On topic the city is burning millions giving our money away at a rapid pace why waste money on a pathetic corp counsel? If your in S@@T your basically on your own! Who will be the first copper here sacrificed to the roving hoards of welfare breeders? The new media whores who are looking under every rock to burn a Blue shirt hard working copper! "Blue lives matter" simple concept, back each other up, support police families, help taxpaying public, arrest on signed complaints only, taser taser taser if needed, practice shooting (You would not believe how many coppers during qualification shoot have a defective weapon (Clean, light oil, if you have extra clips empty and let springs release if not using keep clip empty), read SCC daily, no matter what boss says if it does not feel 110% lawful don't do it, take care of your family, go to gym religiously! I know there is more "we matter" without us total anarchy! Vote for a President with our best interests at heart! We need to change the course of this country and laws "a fish stinks from the head down!"

8/20/2015 01:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Wish I thought of it... said...

"What? Coppers makin' money? Years ago I heard some old wagon guys in 002 took out the Gerber dollar first year policies on new rug rats in Stateway and got paid twice before they retired.

8/20/2015 01:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait,13 and convicted for murder? Jesus H. Christ, what was done to this guy while he was growing up? How can someone have a total lack of human emotion at that age to kill another person? Dear God! I guess I was sheltered as a kid, because I never would have thought of doing something like that.

8/20/2015 07:36:00 AM

You never met yummy sandifor.......

8/20/2015 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$50,000 to get an scr gang tattoo? How much for a heart with Mother in the banner?

8/20/2015 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A department who treats it officers like kids will get officers who act like it! Stupid leaders

8/20/2015 03:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's amazing about this is everyone knew the sick story about this thug and the violent empire he built with millions from the city. From the suburbs to Chicago. Even the ASA's knew. Why wasn't he a top priority for OCD or the Feds? You would think McCarthy would want him "obliterated" like the other thug gangs.

8/20/2015 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we know he reads the blog, fuck you and your client Scott Frankel. Just because.

8/20/2015 02:18:00 AM

In order to defend this strain on humanity you would have to be without a conscience, incredibly naïve, incredibly stupid or a criminal yourself.

So which is it?

8/20/2015 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps if the police would just leave him alone, he would meet his own criminal demise...

8/20/2015 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --


Jamyla Bolden, 9, shot dead in Ferguson

August 20, 2015

"A crowd gathered Wednesday evening to protest the shooting of an armed suspect by Missouri cops, but no mention was made of the 9-year-old girl who had been shot dead by an unknown assailant just seven miles away the night before.

"Jamyla Bolden was killed doing homework on her mom’s bed and her mother was also wounded when someone began firing into their Ferguson home around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday night, according to Fox2Now.

"Bolden had just returned from a birthday party when shots rang out. Jamyla’s mom, who was released from a hospital Wednesday morning, was wounded in the leg. Jamyla suffered more serious injuries. Her grandmother embraced her, imploring her to continue breathing as police tried in vain to save her..."

...and, of course...

Teen killed by St. Louis police was in wrong place at wrong time, not a criminal: fambly

August 20, 2015, 1:47 PM

"The St. Louis teen whose death by police sparked violent protests Wednesday night was supposed to start college soon and was a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, his family and friends said.

"Mansur Ball-Bey, 18, was shot after police say he tried to run during the execution of a search warrant and pointed a stolen gun with an extended magazine at two cops.

"Officers said they found crack cocaine and stolen guns at the scene in a crime-riddled neighborhood. A teen who was with Ball-Bey escaped.

"The distraught family said they could not believe the police account because Ball-Bey, who went by Man Man, was not capable of those crimes: he had just graduated from high school, held a steady job and was heading to college."

Standard-issue honor-student photos in graduation mortarboard and gown here --

8/20/2015 04:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the cocaine this mush could have bought? And he pays idiots to get TATS on their faces?

I hope he bought his mama a little house on all that cash he had.

You can't teach a goof how to be a BIZness man.

8/20/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't that prick afford Loevy anymore?

8/20/2015 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Does anyone else suspect that the new "Super Lice" epidemic that is currently in 25+ states so far is related to Obama's so-called "Unaccompanied Children" being permitted to cross our southern border and dispersed throughout the U.S.?

8/20/2015 07:07:00 PM  
Blogger The Exterminator said...

What do the bangers get tattooed, "Laugh Now. Cry Later."

Someone better give T.J. a box of tissues.

Karma is a fucking bitch! Ha. Ha.

8/20/2015 07:09:00 PM  
Blogger rosco said...

Ah. The return of the Simon City Royals.... Now will the old Gaylords appear to battle them once again....

8/20/2015 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Northwestern and Loevy & Loevy for enabling this piece of work.

8/20/2015 07:50:00 PM  
Blogger leomemorial said...

Seriously? A blog post is somehow relevant to a bail hearing for a career criminal who had something like 20 arrests by the time he was 13 and convicted for murder? That's general knowledge.

After this horrific week, this was the best laugh I've needed!!! thank you SCC


8/20/2015 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well at least you had one lawyer who was a fan.

8/20/2015 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I saw the Royals was around Addison and Greenview, but that was 35 years ago. I wish I had bought a building there when Lakeview was a different beast.

8/20/2015 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about the quality of some of the attorneys the FOP is sending to represent us at IAD and IPRA? I was assigned one who stated "I don't know?" each time I asked a question.

8/20/2015 02:54:00 AM


U can hire any lawyer u want as long as he/she/it agrees to the fop rate structure.

8/20/2015 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"OT: Does anyone else suspect that the new "Super Lice" epidemic that is currently in 25+ states so far is related to Obama's so-called "Unaccompanied Children" being permitted to cross our southern border and dispersed throughout the U.S.?"

8/20/2015 07:07:00 PM

Along with that tremendous respiratory-virus thing that spread through so many of our schools like lightning?

Not a chance.


8/21/2015 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We were thinking more on the lines of a winter-time vanishing
only for two lower legs discovered sticking out of that last,
dirty, stubborn snow pile still hanging on until mid-April...

"Shoes with upturned toes and possibly even on the wrong feet...

Car-sized hunk of dirty ice being flat-bedded to the M.E.
so they can chisel out the dead ass encased inside."

8/20/2015 01:40:00 PM

Blue tarp over it, with serious black nylon come-along straps holding it down like it was some kind of failed aircraft engine, or a Formula I car that took a turn too fast, and now for the investigation...

Yo, over in the far corner of the megastore parking lot where the flashing-yellow-lights rent-a-plows ram and ram and pack that "Polar Vortex" night after night, week after week, until it's a homogeneous mass piled fifteen feet high up into the corner of the Cyclone fencing...

GAAA ha.

Love ya, my man. Stay safe.

8/21/2015 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah. The return of the Simon City Royals.... Now will the old Gaylords appear to battle them once again....

8/20/2015 07:26:00 PM

Maybe the Drakes will get in on the action.

8/21/2015 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Car-sized hunk of dirty ice being flat-bedded to the M.E.
so they can chisel out the dead ass encased inside."

8/20/2015 01:40:00 PM

...and as they earnestly work away at it, tap tap tap, nothing comes up but torn-off bumpers and dead car batteries and half-frozen, half-dripping aluminum catering pans of spoiled quinceanera delicacies, blown-bead hi-press tires and tons of disposable diapers and smashed fluorescent-plastic Kids 'R' Us toys at the end of their one-week life cycle...

Two pickups a week in Bel-Cragin 025 to try to keep the rats down, and still it comes to this...

Forensic archaeologist, be frustrated. Be very frustrated.


8/21/2015 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ah. The return of the simon city royals.... Now will the old gaylords appear to battle them once again...."

8/20/2015 07:26:00 PM

gl visiting card stuck in now-torn-out pay phone SE corner Grand/Narragansett several years ago..

8/21/2015 02:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@7:36:00 AM What do you mean what happened to him? he was raised to be a murderer just like the thousands out in the hood. The blood is on him AND on the parents that continue to be anti police, child abusers, government dependent, idiots that will not grow up. Murderers are raised and groomed to be just that. There is no big mystery - put a White - Hispanic - Chinese or Amish baby to be raised with the same lack of respect for anything good and decent, no parent accountability and bullshit these kids are raised with and they too would be possible killers. The parents are never held accountable so why would the kid think he has to be? The government blames everyone BUT the parent..and all of you my blue friends are the #1 scapegoats of America. Keep God with you it's the only way to survive the crazy of this world..Just a citizen who appreciates you and sees how upside down this world is.

8/21/2015 06:40:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Since we know he reads the blog, fuck you and your client Scott Frankel. Just because.

I hope when the devil take you and your client, he shoves a pineapple up you ass every day and night without Vaseline. And then makes you eat it you piece of shit excuse for a human. Oh that's not for TJ, that's for the lawyer. As for TJ, well he gonna get dealt with in prison and become someone's bitch.

8/21/2015 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is amazing, $50k for a face tattoo, making it all the easier to ID the little turds as criminals. Morons! (good)

Good thing these turds haven't figured out to clean up and start ID theft rings.

8/21/2015 08:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"gl visiting card stuck in now-torn-out pay phone SE corner Grand/Narragansett several years ago.."

8/21/2015 02:01:00 AM

Oops. Make that "Grand/Harlem."

Like it matters...

8/21/2015 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous DezNuts said...

We need more judges like Chiampas. Fair and tough!!

8/21/2015 03:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC blog appeared there? Nice could we make this great blog go on a nationwide tour, would be a sellout crowd! Lets interview SCC:

1) SCC how many hits a day? Thousands
2) SCC How many coppers read this blog? Many
3) SCC Who are you? The heart and soul of many hard working police officers without
a voice, a place to have a cup a coffee maybe a alcoholic beverage after a hard
tour where officers have seen mayhem,murder, abuse, been relegated to duties by
bosses who have no business advising anyone, this is a place to relax maybe shed
a tear, smile, laugh, tell others what is really going on in this city.
4) SCC where do you get your information? Ahh yes information, who is the "Great OZ?" the man or woman "behind the curtain?" Second City Cop is many things the "spirits of the air" sometimes, information is power and think if SCC published even half the information the "spirits" receive how much anarchy and havoc would ensue!

Thank You SCC for all your hard work, dedication, and corage to publish this great blog, as we hold our glasses up cheers to you sir-maam-robot God Bless You!

8/21/2015 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OA...orchestra albany....brown/yellow colors---like demented bumblebees

8/21/2015 09:15:00 PM  

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