Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Careful Nickeas....

  • In the wake of the fatal shooting of two people by a Chicago police officer over the weekend, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has called on the department to re-examine its response to situations involving mental health crises.

    But the police radio traffic and 911 dispatch information available so far from the weekend shooting make no mention that the young man with a bat who prompted the call was in mental distress, and it's not clear whether any 911 caller, including the man's father, mentioned a history of mental illness.
So, as we stated, and numerous news outlets initially reported, Dad called saying he was in fear for his safety and his kid had a bat. Not a single word about any mental issue, distress, etc. Dad even directed neighbors to avoid his son, he was that dangerous.

So the coppers respond to a situation and were confronted by a bat-wielding subject. Knowing a bat to be a deadly weapon, the officers remember their training.....

Yup, hasn't changed since yesterday. Deadly Force was met with Deadly Force. That hasn't stopped the nonsense though:
  • "We must also make real changes within our police department today, and it is clear changes are needed to how officers respond to mental health crises," Emanuel said in his statement Sunday. He also directed interim police Superintendent John Escalante to meet with the new head of the Independent Police Review Authority "to review the Crisis Intervention Team training, around how officers respond to mental health crisis calls."
IPRA? Those mopes have even less training in the mentally ill than we do. How about this change - don't call the police for mentals any more?
  • It isn't a criminal matter - it's a medical emergency
Let's face it - psychiatrists and psychotherapists get YEARS of training and even they can't predict how mentally ill people will react in a given situation. Yet people expect police, who are given at most, a 40-hour block of training, either in the Academy or In-Service, to arrive at an unknown situation, take control of it (don't hurt him!), safely wrap the mentally ill person in bubble wrap (not too tight with the cuffs!), transport them to the hospital in a padded wagon fueled by unicorn farts and smelling of bubble bath....

Are you fucking nuts? What if he has a bat and is swinging it......oh wait.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Person is enraged and swinging a bat at potential victims' heads (whether they're civilians or sworn).
Mentally ill person is enraged and swinging a bat at potential victims' heads (whether they're civilians or sworn).
please explain the ways in how I should meet that deadly force differently from one case to the other.

12/29/2015 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to take a moment to congratulate Sgt M U. Congrats on your assignment to Midway Airport. You will make it through your whole career never having worked the street. If the feds wanna look at something follow her career path.

12/29/2015 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"padded wagon fueled by unicorn farts and smelling of bubble bath...."
Hahaha. That had me laughing! But you're on point again as usual, scc. And with a little sarcasm and silliness.

12/29/2015 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, mama in an interview to a news outlet told her son to not take his medication because it made him feel unhappy. The result? The son listened and the advice got him DRT. Mama knows best.

12/29/2015 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This thing is at a political level now. The police will not come out ahead here as the socialist democrats dance around their real constituents, the ignorant masses of government dependent imbeciles they created.

12/29/2015 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police should not be called to mental ill calls. Paramedics should be trained and taser certified. Police are called to deal with the mentally ill when family members have been dealing with this person for years and can't control them. How are the police expected to deal with this person in an instant , it's ridiculous. It's a family matter and the family should've dealt with it years of go. The father didn't want to deal with it so he called the police. He should have known that would probably agitate the situation more.

12/29/2015 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nickeas is one of the few of them who isn't an idiot.

12/29/2015 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nickeas is the consummate shameless suckhole. Anything to curry favor with the bosses.

12/29/2015 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

"Dad even directed neighbors to avoid his son, he was that dangerous."

Dad -- with the 2 x 4 kept ready to barricade his violent kid out -- better not order himself any monogrammed swimming pools just yet off the GL payout he sees dancing before his eyes. Family of the neighbor lady who got killed off this is gonna sue him for every penny, for harboring a known dangerous mental case and police fighter, whom they knew to be off his medication, and I wouldn't be surprised if the officer who had to put him down kicks in too for PTSD, etc., since the fambly apparently made no effort to contact the "mental health professionals" known to them to be treating their son about this ongoing problem, thus continuing and exacerbating the known and quite possibly avoidable situation until it blew.

This could get real interesting.

In Newtown, Conn., families of the kids murdered at Sandy Hook school just split 1.5 million from [deceased] mother Nancy Lanza's estate -- not much, but it indicated her degree of responsibility for allowing her totally bug-eyed, visibly crazy kid shooting practice and access to the gun safe...a precedent here...

12/29/2015 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't that long ago when the media was reporting on the use of tasers and questioning police having them. Now all of a sudden they are proclaiming we Tase everybody.

12/29/2015 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First he closed down mental health clinics and throw the mentally ill to society to deal with, now it's a police training problem...

12/29/2015 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't do anything right here. Screw it. No more police to these things.

Call taker -- "Does the person have mental problems? Oh, sorry, we aren't trained to deal with that. I will transfer you to 311 so that you may obtain 'sistance."

Let the "social workers" and "mental health professionals" handle it with their freaking clipboards.

12/29/2015 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, I can't wait to get CIT training! (Not a chance in hell am I going to volunteer for that crap now).

12/29/2015 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Fibune fights back against SCC!

Hey, SCC!
When you put this thread up, the link you provided opened the article.

We clicked just now to reference something and it's
behind their paywall!

Not bad for an "insignificant" blog eh?

We thought the Koch Boys were going to
blow into Chicago, chain the doors at the Fibune
and the Times and light them both aflame?

It would warm the cockles of our heart to see local
newsies chasing river rats to pad the pork n' beans with...

12/29/2015 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC: regarding the last sentence of your comment; answer, than you back off contain the situation, avoid confrontation and call the EMTs.

12/29/2015 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way back when, before the ACLU got involved, we had these places called mental institutions where crazy people were cared for and helped. Now thanks to the ACLU, crazy people have a right to be crazy. And no one can do anything to help them, unless they are a danger to themselves or others. So you can only help them after they try hurting or killing themselves; or they do their best to hurt others.

So guess what my police friends?!?! You, YES YOU!, get first crack at helping those that are an active "danger to others." This should be no problem, because Garry and Rahm made sure you had all those weeks of training in handling the "mentally challenged". Just like those two officers that responded Saturday Morning.

Thank you ACLU!

(And this is the same reason those crazy homeless are allowed to be crazy and homeless. They have the RIGHT to be Crazy and Homeless.)

12/29/2015 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure alll your CALEA Training prepared the officers for the encounter with the disturbed individual.

You all had that training right?

12/29/2015 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nickeas in my eyes is a good dude, he listens to the scanners and has responded to a few shitty scenes to report on and knows how the natives like to act. He's one of the last reporters on our side.

12/29/2015 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent point !!!! Mental issue is not a police matter therefore no need to have police respond . Create a specialized unit within the fire department and have them trained with tasers Chicago fire department should be responsible!!!!!.

12/29/2015 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man for all this training and education i should be making 280k a year minimum...im a cop,psychiatrist,teacher,philosopher,educator,martial artist and a cop!!!!

12/29/2015 03:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the newspaper responds by blocking the article

12/29/2015 03:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about this........

He was an asshole with a hair trigger temper you enjoyed intimidating people including his family

12/29/2015 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So after a few Mojitos Rahmulus has decreed that new policy must be formulated on various police procedures which are governed by Federal & State law as well as case law from the courts. Hey Flaming tutu, why not examine why your administration has:
Allowed manpower to shrink to an all time low.
Butchered the Detective Division to 3 areas and allowed the clearance rate to plummet.
Gerrymandered the District boundaries in order to close police stations while telling the residents that there will be no decrease in manpower
Closed lockups in several remaining stations in order to eliminate the needed staffing
Allowed Fleet Management to decimate the fleet's maintenance & repair so that squads are unsuitable or downright dangerous. Never mind the lack of functional equipment such as computers.
Permitted our SWAT unit to be as non-reactive as possible by eliminating take home vehicles and not upgrading equipment and the arsenal.

These are items which you, your gold star club, and your AlderStooges could remedy if you got your head out of your ass.

12/29/2015 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will doup all non violent mental calls to CFD from now on!

12/29/2015 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“He also directed interim police Superintendent John Escalante to meet with the new head of the Independent Police Review Authority "to review the Crisis Intervention Team training, around how officers respond to mental health crisis calls."”

Hey SSC/media. Someone needs to ask the Mayor why more officers have not been CIT trained. I know why, because he had to fulfill his campaign promise of 1000 more officers on the streets. 3/4 of the CIT trainers where removed and put back into patrol. That left only two officers. That very valuable program came to a screeching halt. Why because of the Mayor himself and his campaign promise. Don’t let him use this. Karma!!

12/29/2015 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a cnn story about this shooting. The article quoted a former female lapd officer who said a bat is not a deadly weapon and does not require lethal force.
I could not believe what I was reading. Give me that bay and I guarantee I could kill anyone. That officer should be scalded for her idiocy.

12/29/2015 05:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The knit cap is back baby!! Sometimes common sense does prevail.

12/29/2015 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civilian here that lives in 022 who is grateful to all CPD for your brave service 24/7/365. Methinks Rahm is cutting the vacation short to get the 2 lawsuits settled quickly. Keep in mind all of Rahm's recent actions throwing police under the bus are aimed at one thing...re-election. It's all about votes for the turd. Stay safe out there.

12/29/2015 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Daddy-o called the police, does he still qualify for the ghetto lottery? Shouldn't he be ineligible?

12/29/2015 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked the wagon for most of my 30 years and this one takes me back. My partner and I often discussed just what you brought up so eloquently about dealing with mentals. Most of the time transported to hospitals with revolving doors releasing the mentals I diagnosed with my Catholic high school diploma, and hospital staff with a shitty attitude of "why are you bothering us with this guy/gal?" I thank G-d every day I never had to kill someone in self-defense, but was always ready to do so. Prayers to the coppers involved. The system is badly flawed, but don't blame us. We work with what we have, how we can.

12/29/2015 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this right...Dad calls 911 because he was being menaced by his baseball bat wielding son. Police shoot son to protect themselves from great bodily harm/death. At the scene, dad screams out to every imbecile holding a camera or a microphone that indeed his son was armed with a baseball bat AND that his son had a history of mental problems. Enter the lawyers...and all of a sudden there is NO baseball bat and NO history of mental illness. A gaggle of news media interviews the shyster in his office and the press decides they like his version of events far better than dad's account given minutes after the event. This is nuts.

12/29/2015 06:38:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Nick Nickeas taught his son well.

12/29/2015 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are all going to be assigned 01 Giant Bird Tickle Feather from the radio room each night and we will have to tickle each bad guy using are new use of force model. It will be holstered at all times when not in use and it will be signed out only by: CTTO........
"Certified Trained Tickle Officers"

Signed: Your leader Rahm

12/29/2015 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again the Police will be the Scape goats Not RHam
Do Nothing Answer your calls give codes Do Nothing

12/29/2015 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first laugh of the day goes to......SCC

12/29/2015 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JUST A CITIZEN SAYS: When is this shit going to stop with these animals? How about we switch positions and see how THEY would react if some drugged up asshole runs at them swinging a bat at their head? I have a feeling they'd shoot them. This, of course, after wasting a couple hundred rounds just trying to get their aim correct. I am sickened at what is going on in this country. I just read on Drudge that Obama is going to "squeeze" every last bit of power out his last year. What does this mean? It's gonna get 100 times worse if that's even possible. God bless this country and God bless all of you.

12/29/2015 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and don't forget who it was that closed so many of the City's mental health centers in the last several years!

12/29/2015 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the first thing that get cut from funding from these idiot politicians is for social services. In the past we already know that when social services are cut, crime goes off the roof. Seems like we are seeing that same pattern again. Cut the services, send the mental people to the street, the police have to clean it up, and you say it is the fault of the police. Not so, it is the fault of the mental and the idiot politicians who sent them out to the streets to save a buck.

12/29/2015 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the incident was first reported he was an honor student at NIU....now that it's time to file the lawsuit he has mental issues????

12/29/2015 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>psychiatrists and psychotherapists get YEARS of training<

Yeah, fat lot of good that will do you. They're all like Jennifer Melfi, encouraging the criminally insane.

There is Dr. Park Dietz, who published a youtube vid interviewing Richard Kuklinski (IceMan)the mafia assassin. Watch it, Dietz knows his stuff and there's lots to learn from it.

12/29/2015 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They think the officers should have used their batons or asps to sword fight him..

12/29/2015 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We our surely not trained to deal with mentally ill and I foresee a streaming video to train us on the mentally ill.
I think the officer the shot these two people should sue the department for not giving him/us proper training in dealing with the mentally ill.

12/29/2015 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media doesn't want to cover the truth of the situation because it doesn't fall into their agenda. They want to fan the racial flames and omitt , and flat out misrepresent the facts, to continue to push their anti police agenda.

12/29/2015 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, I'm not a PO.

Second, I'm friends with someone who is a coworker of the father (LeGrier). He's spewing all kinds of BS about how the police attacked his son. The interesting thing, according to my friend, the father is in fear of his life because family members of the lady shot by mistake (Jones) is threatening him, questioning "Why the fuck did you call the police?! You are responsible for her death!"

Not sure if that's true, but what is true is the father said this to a 911 rep: " 'X' is threatening to kill me with a baseball bat." It's not clear who 'X' is. Did he say, "My son" or "Someone". Regardless, what I tell my friends who think the police have done wrong, is "When you call the police to say someone is threatening to kill me, they take you seriously." So I ask the father, if you didn't want help from the police, what the hell were you thinking?! Why did you call and say, someone is trying to kill me with a lethal weapon if you didn't want the police to come and help you?

3rd, I think it's interesting the mother said at one point, "1 to 2 bullets would have been okay. But not 7". She is ADMITTING that the police were within their rights to shoot the crazy kid. She just doesn't agree with how many bullets were used. Someone needs to FYI her that 2 bullets can be just as deadly as 7.

12/29/2015 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the future have them call tiny dancer to respond. Hell, all of the nuts are fellow Democrats anyway.

12/29/2015 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rahm, resign now. You and Alvarez= "Official Misconduct".

12/29/2015 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot -
The gp of R&D is starting her third week of being on the payroll yet not at work nor on vacation.

Hey Escalante-we know your busy but comeon over and do us a solid. Get rid of this thief.

12/29/2015 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nightline ran a story about police response to mental illness last night. They showed the Dallas Officers responding to mom's call about her son. Son comes to door when they arrive brandishing a screwdriver in a provocative way. Son lunges at Officer 1 after repeated orders to drop it, and Officer 2 shoots him as he is lunging. Asshole anchor comments that he was shot multiple times, "TWICE IN THE BACK." The whole incident is caught on bodycam. They then weave in the Chicago story. NO WHERE IN ANY OF THESE "REPORTS" IS THERE AN EXPLANATION OF USE OF FORCE GUIDELINES. This blatant and continuous disregard of the facts and legal framework that major media outlets have been perpetuating for years, but especially since ferguson, is escalating beyond mere slanted and biased reporting, and passing negligence, it's approaching intentional criminal behavior. The modern day equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theatre, even if it is the "theatre of the absurd." It's time to revisit the civil immunity protections the media enjoys and exploits.

12/29/2015 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

delayed homicide from uptown, agg batt, now homicide. Let's see if the city hides this one, like the body that stuffed itself inside a suitcase. No charges, no victim to sign complaints!

12/29/2015 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never send LEO's on complaints involving protected minority nutters armed with a baseball bat. Send a protected minority social worker instead.

12/29/2015 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remember Police Officer Rick Francis, RIP. Yeah, that offender piece of shit was a mental that murdered him, even after numerous encounters with her, she turned on him. So the department can try and teach how to deal with these nut jobs, I will continue to deal with them accordingly, mental or not.

12/29/2015 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heed the call...Stay Fetal.

12/29/2015 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be clear here: Rahm came back from Cuba because it is a third world country and not the romantic paradise he thought it was, period.

Rahm never did anything that didn't benefit Rahm. That how he was raised. He is a megalomaniacal social deviant, he is a sociopath.

What amazes me is how many people are fooled by him. He is pretty easy to read.

12/29/2015 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the powers that be, whoever that might be, do not understand is that how can we be expected to build trust with the community when only us are accountable for our actions.. Trust can't be built one sided. People that have not had to take accountability for their whole life, in their mind, can do whatever they want with no consequences. So when encountered by police they don't believe they have to follow orders. The evidence is there: all of these Federal Civil Rights investigations are not resulting in officers being charged. Why? Because the officers are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. Ferguson, New York, Cleveland. Officers are cleared of wrongdoing. But the non accountable side doesn't want to hear that. And the politicians and the media are going along with their side of the story. Why? Because chaos is good for the media and the politicians need to save their own ass and their own jobs. But all of this is resulting in a deterioration in society right before everyone's eyes and it's easy to blame the police. So sad.

12/29/2015 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/26 with 3 days to go, let's go Chicago.

12/29/2015 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the City SHOULD handle mental health issue call to 911:

1: Transfer call to 311
2: Notify City Department of Mental Health
3: Assign them the call and let them respond.
4: If they need Police they can call them. But Police are advised that that call is THEIRS

Like this will happen

12/29/2015 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, can you look into this abit further as you have much more resources,
The CFD are compensated up to aprox 6% more salary when they take additional courses and are certified. CPR certified is additional, diving certification is additional, and other certifications add $$$ to your pay. Now heres the issue, CPD and our FOP does not offer these compensated certifications to us. Why not be CIT certified and get 2% more pay, taser certified get 2% more pay. Body cameras pay 1% pay. Bring out your personal firearm and not get additional pay? its ridiculous. If everyone would just not carry or do any of these such things, the department would have to come to us for their needs. Its common sense. If the department wants us to perform additional tasks, above our job description, like being social workers, like going in on a scene with my AR15, then pay me !! If we stood together on not doing anything more than what we were hired to do, than it could very well turn into a win situation for us. If you take on more risk, you should be compensated, stop volunteering. The CFD does it and gets paid more for it.

12/29/2015 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head, black people need to stop calling the police to raise their kids. 95% of violent offenders are "Mentally Ill." The prisons are full of "Mentally Ill" people. This bat swinging offender was under Doctors care until he stopped taking his medicine. Mommy told him to stop. The media needs to listen to all the "911" calls for a day in the black community and count how many schools call for the out of control 8 year olds and how many mothers call to kick their kids out of the house because they are out of control or "Disrespecting" their mother. It is a joke. Normal people don't call the police unless they are a victim of a crime. Police don't need more training but people living in certain communities do.

12/29/2015 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cuba. An interesting choice for Rahm to go on vacation.

A communist country. Run by a dictator.

I am the only one who sees the irony here?

Hey Rahm, when you vacation in AMERICA, then AMERICANS work!

12/29/2015 10:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just something to point out regarding the "mental health" aspect of these calls. Interesting that both this kid and the prior kid who was shot had been "wards of the state." Anybody who has worked with adolescent substance abusers in the sytem, knows that 9 times out of 10, these kids are diagnosed with shit they don't even have. It's a system that conspires to justify their inability to control, rectify, correct and manage what Mama and Daddy never did, which was setting boundaries, instilling discipline, and providing authentic spiritual guidance. In other words, parenting.

If you talk to the people who work in the fields that "manage" these kids, they will tell you the same thing. They are institutionalized children that are diagnosed to fuel the engine that keeps it all running. Money. And it all usually starts through CPS. Asthma, PTSD, "unspecified learning disorder" starts the train rolling for most of them. Then the SSI checks are sent to some shoestring relative who spends it on dope, or their rent. The great majority of these kids are just addicts. Taught from an early age how to pimp the system by "the village" that never raised them. The system that grew out of their dysfunctional family sytem doesn't work. It never has. It never will. It is simply a response to what happens when minors are allowed to roam society unsupervised. It's not a solution. And NOBODY but the individuals who created the problem should ever be held responsible, or a dime paid out, for the insanity that ensues from their destructive and chaotic lives.

Personal responsibility is the only thing that has ever corrected "less than" behavior. Yet you will not find it mentioned in any media narrative or government manual. As if it would be insulting to those who feed off the system. When the system removed shame and embarrassment for taking what you should be able to provide for yourself, it created a sickening sense of entitlement that is foisted upon every decent hard working taxpayer who has to hear it spewed on the six o'clock news. The news used to include both sides of the story.

For every copper they throw under the bus, a criminal history and timeline of the offender should be included. When you have people who have never expected anything of themselves, never worked a day in their life, never took responsibility for any child they ever had, when they are allowed to cast aspersions on others in public who have lived along the straight and narrow while a lawyer has their hand on one shoulder and a "minister" on the other something is very, very wrong in our society.

Take away the "social services" net and the ghetto lotteries that rewards criminal behavior and you would see how fast this shit would shut down.

12/29/2015 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made some high quality business cards of the SecondCityCop logo


They came out great! Internet printing services like Instaprint and overnight prints have great prices.

These business cards are a great way to spread the word that there is an honest source for crime news, police related news in our city of Chicago.

Regular citizens need not have to rely on the lying lib media the "Lugenpresse" - lying press as regular German patriots call these same liars in Germany.

Leftbehind in Hyde Park Chicago

12/29/2015 10:58:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

I was a career worker at a VA hospital. We had to deal with mental health issues all of the time. We had set procedures for dealing with violent Vet's, be it from mental issues, and/or drug abuse. First there would be a code call that brought in a team of people trained to take down these people and get them restrained. But if the Mental health professionals thought this was to dangerous the VA Police would be called in. This all takes less time than my description. The difference in the response; As a person on a take down team we where protecting this Vet from himself as much as others. The Police are charged with protecting everyone else from he violence. We had to be careful, the VA police were authorized to use violent force if necessary. But it was a mental health professional, a licensed clinician, that made the call. I happen to know the 2 VA Hospitals in Chicago have their share of problems. I am sure that if somebody asked the Doctors at these MHC facilities would be more then willing to setup training.

12/29/2015 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ive meet this reporter on a few crime scenes in the past. Always seemed like a fair hardworking guy.

12/29/2015 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the fireman/paramedic is your friend , train them , make them respond to calls of mentals . if they feel threatened and are reluctant to use an axe to protect themselves from a bat swinger , call us . yes call your heros the policeman .

12/29/2015 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more I hear about this story the more I I'm beginning to think this was a set up by them. Have the mental get into a confrontation with police with the hopes they kill him so they can cash in. Unfortunately they also involved the innocent neighbor. Really? File the lawsuit before he is even in the ground. Obviously trying to cash in while the firestorm is active with the hopes of a quick settlement. Don't think it's so far fetched.

12/29/2015 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is well said!!! Most people have no idea the calls for service what they actually entail. The unfortunate thing is for these officers they did nothing wrong but when the law suit comes down it will be city lawyers representing them

12/29/2015 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mental illness in and of itself is not evil or something to be ashamed of. This is true. However, advocates will go on to say that mentally ill people are no more likely to be violent than the general public, which can also be true, generally, IF: they are in a stable environment, compliant with their meds, compliant with other treatment modalities, and NOT using drugs or alcohol. The co-morbidity of untreated mental illness and substance abuse make an individual 5 - 10 times more likely to be violent. But, they'll say: "why didn't you approach this as a mental illness patient in crises?"

Aside from the fact that it appears there were no communications indicating there was a mental health issue in this job, at what point does it shift from a mental illness patient in crises with whom we can apply CIT, and the usual dusted/drunk/stoned violent offender with whom use of force is usually the only reasonable response option because CIT won't work with them?

One last point, given the stability criteria above, it's (always been) clear to any working copper that everyone living in the ghetto is probably crazy ( yes, it's a technical term). Given this reality, shouldn't we just assign every job to an experienced team of clinical professionals and let them respond and sort out the domestics, disturbances, etc using soothing and calming resolution techniques. Perhaps, as a start, "white coats for black lies" could put their money ( and lives ) where their mouths are and do some real good in the community.

12/29/2015 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the family called the police, it was because they were afraid of getting hurt or killed with the bat. Now, all of a sudden, they say there was never any danger. If there was none, then why didn't you handle him yourself? And, it he was in that bad of shape, why were they waiting for after the holidays to take him to the hospital. You don't wait if you want to say he was mentally ill. He obviously was NOT ill if they had that much time to wait!!

12/29/2015 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly SCC where is the FOP? Why aren't they having a press conference showing the use of force chart and explaining it to the public. Anita Alvarez and her office put up charts and explained why a p.o. was not charged. So FOP if your out there somewhere how about doing something like that.

12/29/2015 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you owe it to the uninformed to remind readers, including the softballs in the media, what Vance henry did while director of CAPS. He was the GD point man for Daley.

12/29/2015 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and the Minority Community are at fault. The Community Reverends and Community Organizers should be teaching respect to Police Officers, but everybody knows they are just lazy rabble-rousers, who just talk a good game, but seldom if ever do anything. Teach them while they are young not to have anything in their hands or be reaching for anything that may be construed as a weapon, if police arrive on scene. Try not passing the blame for laziness, disrespect, and abject stupidity, for a change.

12/29/2015 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
SCC: regarding the last sentence of your comment; answer, than you back off contain the situation, avoid confrontation and call the EMTs.

12/29/2015 01:48:00 AM<<<

So it would be the EMTs who get their brains bashed out. I've seen the results of that sort of thing and the ones who die are better off than the ones who live years trapped in a body that does not function. Remember the two Irish gals attacked in Bucktown a few years ago. Very sad case from a blunt instrument wielded by an asshole.

12/29/2015 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shoot somebody, they cry saying you should've tazed him.
You taze somebody, they cry saying you should've went hands on.
You go hands on, they cry police brutality.

Anybody else gettin' this?

12/29/2015 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/29/2015 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nickeas is the consummate shameless suckhole. Anything to curry favor with the bosses.

Do you have any clue as to what you are babbling about?

12/29/2015 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick Nickeas taught his son well.

Sorry, once again wrong Nickeas.

12/29/2015 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Mother and Father of this at-risk, disturbed child knowingly allowed him to stop taking his medication, why can't the Officers sue them for their emotional distress?

12/29/2015 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So somebody who doesn't listen to authority and continues to break the law is now considered a mental instead of a criminal? Quick get that criminal a perscription!!

12/29/2015 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. SouthSide said...
Nick Nickeas taught his son well.

12/29/2015 06:40:00 AM

You might want to do some fact-checking before starting rumors.

12/29/2015 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Please remember Police Officer Rick Francis, RIP. Yeah, that offender piece of shit was a mental that murdered him, even after numerous encounters with her, she turned on him. So the department can try and teach how to deal with these nut jobs, I will continue to deal with them accordingly, mental or not.

12/29/2015 10:05:00 AM

We often shared our food with her, as she camped on the chairs near the station window, or huddled under the stairwell, unwilling to come out. Yes, mental illness is a sad thing, but whether a threat comes from a 'perfectly sane' person or a mentally ill one, it has to be met with the force required to negate the threat. Once a threat to life exists, the cause of it hardly matters, but STOPPING it matters a lot.

12/29/2015 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

OT but I'm laughing here --

So what's with Rahm in Cuba? Vacation. Right. Already making "contacts" for brother Ari to set up Cubapalooza and HavanaTownRising? Caling back the spirits of Meyer Lansky and Fulgencio Batista to build up a huge Hyatt Hotel/tourist/casino complex, with Carnival running party boats back and forth 24/7? "Never let a crisis go to waste..."

Fidel is like 89 and Raul is about 83. Don't have much longer to wait until the whole thing comes apart...but people want out NOW. We will be getting still another tremendous refugee influx from the south; the streets of Panama City are right now jammed with tents of Cubans headed here in a panic, afraid that immigration rules will change before they can make it.

12/29/2015 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, mama in an interview to a news outlet told her son to not take his medication because it made him feel unhappy. The result? The son listened and the advice got him DRT. Mama knows best.

12/29/2015 12:48:00 AM


Mama be needin a new car and a Las Vegas vacation!

12/29/2015 01:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like police officers need to start taking a page from Saul Alinsky and start suing the shit out of everybody. If it works for everybody else, why not the police? Burn it down. Fuck it. Start setting some precedents.

Back 'em off the base. Pun intended.

12/29/2015 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around 12 years ago, a Mental was chasing citizens with a knife in the 20th District he walked into a liquor store at Argyle and Kenmore and plunged it into a Citizens chest killing him.

12/29/2015 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOW the "dad" who called the cops is on cnn, boohooing and forcing himself to cry with his lawyer sitting next to him, I am sure he is doing this to make sure he gets his payday.

12/29/2015 01:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to take a moment to congratulate Sgt M U. Congrats on your assignment to Midway Airport. You will make it through your whole career never having worked the street. If the feds wanna look at something follow her career path.

I saw that too. Amazing how things work in this city. A Sergeant with no time on the job gets a mgmt spot at the airport. Must be nice.

12/29/2015 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nickeas in my eyes is a good dude, he listens to the scanners and has responded to a few shitty scenes to report on and knows how the natives like to act. He's one of the last reporters on our side.

No reporters are on our side.

12/29/2015 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it comes to dealing with mental cases remember The Silence of the Lambs.

Dr. Chilton may have been a 125 pound weasel but it was 300 pound gentle giant Barney that really handled Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

I suddenly have a taste for liver, fava beans and a nice chianti, psssst....

12/29/2015 02:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep working guys!!!!! See you at you're court date....

12/29/2015 03:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one might argue that....there are two societies in America.....one that obeys the laws and believes in the rule of law, capitalism, and the traditions of this country, and....the other, who lives for and believes in handouts, who will not, and cannot, live for the rule of law and hard work....

12/29/2015 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Kind of funny even comedian Jerry Lewis realizes obama is an idiot and supports Next President Donald Trump!


12/29/2015 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same old wild behavior that has been getting worse and worse since 1964, with more than half the city rendered unusable for normal life -- "No-go zones."

Turn your back on the whole thing and instead shriek and point a finger at the police.

Anything, anything but a good long look in the mirror at the way the so-called "community" tears itself apart, day and night.

12/29/2015 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic: I received my pension statement for 2016 that shows how much less I will receive monthly as opposed to last years amount. I understand that my 3% NON-COMPOUNDING COLA will show on my Jan 31st check but guess what?:I will still be receiving less than this year.

rahm....thanks, you little cocksucker, for increasing my healthcare costs again so that my pension once again SHRINKS next year, even after including my Cost of Living DECREASE.

12/29/2015 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think that the CFD will respond to a call of "disturbance with a mental patient " without the police responding? Please. There is no way to properly handle these or for that fact any calls now. They have all become potically correct. I hope everyone can see this. First they start with potical correctness in speech etc then it filters down to everyday life. You cannot police anywhere, much less the Ghetto. Time to retreat and form a defensive line of some sort. Protect each other, the "Progressive Socialist" have the upper hand now. God willing, this will change.

12/29/2015 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the Monday morning quarterbacking job the wife abuser at the Sun-Times put out. Waxing poetic again about the trigger happy police department, one reads the repetitive slams against the Chicago Police and is reminded of the tag line on the end of the viagra commercials with the difference being his hard on for the police has lasted over a decade. Much of it surely attached to his arrest and public repentance as well as the court ordered therapy he went through. But once a drunk, always a drunk and the consequences of his actions and later his writings as attempts to obliterate his sins and point his accusatory finger at somebody else. In this case, and every other case, the Chicago police. In time, maybe he'll stumble down one of those 12 steps alcoholics goes through. Or maybe someday his erectile dysfunction will cause him to lose his everlasting hard-on. What a sorry excuse of a writer. Fuck him.

12/29/2015 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“He also directed interim police Superintendent John Escalante to meet with the new head of the Independent Police Review Authority "to review the Crisis Intervention Team training, around how officers respond to mental health crisis calls."”

Hey SSC/media. Someone needs to ask the Mayor why more officers have not been CIT trained. I know why, because he had to fulfill his campaign promise of 1000 more officers on the streets. 3/4 of the CIT trainers where removed and put back into patrol. That left only two officers. That very valuable program came to a screeching halt. Why because of the Mayor himself and his campaign promise. Don’t let him use this. Karma!!

12/29/2015 04:50:00 AM

"Very valuable training"????
Sounds like someone who got launched to the street when they down-sized the program.

12/29/2015 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would like to take a moment to congratulate Sgt M U. Congrats on your assignment to Midway Airport. You will make it through your whole career never having worked the street. If the feds wanna look at something follow her career path.

12/29/2015 12:46:00 AM

Don't think the feds are interested in how good someone may or may not be in sucking up to bosses, if that's the case.

12/29/2015 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
SCC: regarding the last sentence of your comment; answer, than you back off contain the situation, avoid confrontation and call the EMTs.
12/29/2015 01:48:00 AM

Situation to dangerous, EMT's would refuse.

12/29/2015 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

caller to 911: hello, I need help
dispatch: what's the problem?
caller: my family member is out of control, he is threatening everyone, he has a (knife/bat/pick your favorite)
dispatch: well, we are not responding
caller: why not? we need help!
dispatch: because the police are tired of being accused of using excessive force and shooting black folks......
caller: so what do I do?
dispatch: you can either handle it yourself, or call.....Al Sharpton, Ald. Ervin, or a reverend of your choosing, we can provide a list of phone numbers, or you can research those numbers at your convenience....

12/29/2015 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize to Chicago Tribune reporter Peter Nickeas for my 12:56 AM post. I had a female with the same last name in mind.

12/29/2015 04:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not only does the Fibune tries to fight back against
SCC, they quietly raised the price of the daily paper
to $1.99!

Maybe we don't need to hope for the Koch Boys to
blow into Chicago and stride the newsroom floor
at the Fibune and Scum-Times while shit-talking the newsies
about how they're gonna have to learn how to bleed while
getting it stuck in their ears...


We vaguely remember that very same shit-talk being tried
somewhere... Anybody recall?

12/29/2015 04:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If the Mother and Father of this at-risk, disturbed child knowingly allowed him to stop taking his medication, why can't the Officers sue them for their emotional distress?"

They should. They could actually have a case, and it would prove how nefarious these people are.

In other news, Rahm's friends are waiting for him to get back from Cuba. If anything good will come of this, it's that maybe, just maybe the little sociopath will actually get tossed out of office. Self-serving spineless prick. Never had this much disdain for a politician in my life. White, Black, Brown...doesn't matter. Rahm is a little dick, and he's proven to be dangerous to all people of this city (White, Black, Brown)...Nobody likes him. He needs to go, now!


12/29/2015 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowadays, a lot of criminal behavior is explained away as mental illness. I guess it pays to act crazy in some segments of society, as it is a win-win situation. Avoid jail and get a bigger check from Social Security.

12/29/2015 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

OT --

Latest off news radio -- some "activist" stating that blm, etc., etc., is going to shut down Chicago's financial district on Jan. 18, MLK Day...

Stop people from shopping, too...it won't so much as spill a glass of water up in the executive offices of some mega-big-box store. Hurt sales enough, and the first to be laid off will be the struggling min-wage workers who punch cash registers, stock shelves, mop floors, and haul shopping carts back out of the parking lot.


Detroit, here we come. Welcome to the "urban prairie."

12/29/2015 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

OT --

Where In The World Is Bruce Rauner?

December 23, 2015 9:26 PM

"CHICAGO (AP) — Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner left the country for the holidays, but his staff won’t say where he went or even why they don’t want to disclose his whereabouts.

"The wealthy businessman-turned-governor left the U.S. last weekend for a two-week vacation with family, spokeswoman Catherine Kelly said Wednesday. She said he is paying for the trip himself and plans to return to Illinois on Jan. 3, but she declined to comment further.

"Rauner’s staff has made clear they don’t believe his schedule is public information, despite pre-election pledges of transparency. Since he became governor in January, his office has released only limited information about his public appearances, typically hours before they begin — a policy that has prompted a legal fight.

"David Melton, executive director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, called it “a little odd” for a chief executive who’s away for an extended period.

"It’s...possible Rauner and his staff are concerned about the [appearance] of the governor — who owns multiple homes...vacationing in a foreign country when Illinois is in the midst of a budget crisis that has hit the state’s poorest residents particularly hard..."


Always looks better when they try to hide it and we inevitably find out...

12/29/2015 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw this on a different post.Gotta say it sounds like a great idea......Can we have little police figure signs like the No Gun stickers made? We can have CAPS n CpS hand them out to those who feel the PO PO are only out to kill them and violate their rights...This way the Big Bad Police know they are not needed to respond for anything at those homes...

12/29/2015 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just something to point out regarding the "mental health" aspect of these calls. Interesting that both this kid and the prior kid who was shot had been "wards of the state." Anybody who has worked with adolescent substance abusers in the sytem, knows that 9 times out of 10, these kids are diagnosed with shit they don't even have. It's a system that conspires to justify their inability to control, rectify, correct and manage what Mama and Daddy never did, which was setting boundaries, instilling discipline, and providing authentic spiritual guidance. In other words, parenting.

If you talk to the people who work in the fields that "manage" these kids, they will tell you the same thing. They are institutionalized children that are diagnosed to fuel the engine that keeps it all running. Money. And it all usually starts through CPS. Asthma, PTSD, "unspecified learning disorder" starts the train rolling for most of them. Then the SSI checks are sent to some shoestring relative who spends it on dope, or their rent. The great majority of these kids are just addicts. Taught from an early age how to pimp the system by "the village" that never raised them. The system that grew out of their dysfunctional family sytem doesn't work. It never has. It never will. It is simply a response to what happens when minors are allowed to roam society unsupervised. It's not a solution. And NOBODY but the individuals who created the problem should ever be held responsible, or a dime paid out, for the insanity that ensues from their destructive and chaotic lives.

Personal responsibility is the only thing that has ever corrected "less than" behavior. Yet you will not find it mentioned in any media narrative or government manual. As if it would be insulting to those who feed off the system. When the system removed shame and embarrassment for taking what you should be able to provide for yourself, it created a sickening sense of entitlement that is foisted upon every decent hard working taxpayer who has to hear it spewed on the six o'clock news. The news used to include both sides of the story.

For every copper they throw under the bus, a criminal history and timeline of the offender should be included. When you have people who have never expected anything of themselves, never worked a day in their life, never took responsibility for any child they ever had, when they are allowed to cast aspersions on others in public who have lived along the straight and narrow while a lawyer has their hand on one shoulder and a "minister" on the other something is very, very wrong in our society.

Take away the "social services" net and the ghetto lotteries that rewards criminal behavior and you would see how fast this shit would shut down.

12/29/2015 10:40:00 AM

Sir, in a few articulate paragraphs, you have managed to explain the cause of the decline of this nation, and expose what our politicians and media have foisted on the rest of us hard working citizens with their "Great Society" experiment started by a president Lyndon Johnson, ( who by the way knew what the result would be when he said blacks would be voting democratic for the next 100 years, only he didn't use the word blacks.)
It is people who think like you that need to be running this country.

12/29/2015 05:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the day Orange Crush demonstrated some of the finest mental health control tactics at Stateville that should be borrowed by CPD and it did not involve a taser. Have mighty oak club shall travel!

12/29/2015 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back in the Day, when we had a mental, we'd call 4 a WAGON, 2 large Police Officer's would come, drama over!

12/29/2015 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick Nickeas taught his son well.

12/29/2015 06:40:00 AM

The reporter is not from the Police family.

12/29/2015 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The father and his lawyer did a live interview today on CNN.It was about 2 pm,you should have watched all of the phony ass alligator tears ! Not only that but you listen and twice he contradicted himself.This tape will be important for the lawsuit.

12/29/2015 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue the parents...BWAAAHHHHa, Mr. Plaintiff, yes, you have won your law suit and now are entitled to the dilapidated property located at such and such. I'm sorry to say that the defendants have no bank accounts and have been living off the Government their entire lives.

12/29/2015 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The officers involved in the shooting should sue the parents for millions for having him get off his meds, which caused his violent attack. When the city pays the family, the officer can then collect.

12/29/2015 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous DUPE IT TO FIRE said...

I've said it here before, mental calls should be handled by Fire. Mental illness is a medical condition, therefore it should be handled by medical professionals. They can treat and transport the "sick individual" to any number of authorized mental health treatment facilities that have been authorized by the City and sign the sick individual in. Whenever you get a mental disturbance call, immediately tell the dispatcher to send an ambulance and we'll meet them there in the even THEY need assistance. We should not let any ambulance crew be in danger or leave their asses hanging, we need to be there to ensure they are safe but the job is there's. In any event we will have two professional witnesses (Or more if they send another fire truck to an ambulance job due to the City's shortage of ambulances).

12/29/2015 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for "the ghoul pool".

The last murder of 2015 will occur in the ______ district.

The first murder of 2016 will occur in the ______ district.

12/29/2015 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the city put their obligation into the Pension Fund?

12/29/2015 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole argument is false and hides ulterior motives (call it a perverse form of reflexive tribal loyalty) - the fact is if the people shot were white, no one would think anything about it. The fact is, even though many and most mentally ill people are harmless, a violent person who is also mentally ill is especially dangerous - justifying a greater degree of lethal force, certainly not a lesser degree.

12/29/2015 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's like the sheep purposely turn a blind eye to the extraordinarily violent behavior of the poor black population. Are they not paying attention? The shootings, the murders, the rapes, the robberies, carjackings, the beatings, the chopping up of 3 year olds, the assassination of a 9 year old. The rape and murder of a pregnant woman, the mass melees in malls. The examples are endless. How does 5% of the population account for over 43% of the violent crime in this country, and that was last year. This year's statistics will be explosive, unless Obamination has the DOJ compstat the numbers.

12/29/2015 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took the CIT course when it first came out. It is not all touchy and feely but gives you real options for someone going thru severe mental crisis. That said they also stress the need for a plan "B" if the CIT training does not work or is not appropriate for the situation. One would thing after the $22.5 mil settlement in the Eilman case (from 2nd district) that the city would learn, but the clout / political management never does. Blame the blue shirt.

12/29/2015 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hire all the Mental Health Technicians who were laid off when Gov. Quinn closed state mental health centers.

12/29/2015 09:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how Rahm doesn't gather all pertinent information before throwing us under the bus again and pandering to the "community"?

12/29/2015 10:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just something to point out regarding the "mental health" aspect of these calls. Interesting that both this kid and the prior kid who was shot had been "wards of the state." Anybody who has worked with adolescent substance abusers in the sytem, knows that 9 times out of 10, these kids are diagnosed with shit they don't even have. It's a system that conspires to justify their inability to control, rectify, correct and manage what Mama and Daddy never did, which was setting boundaries, instilling discipline, and providing authentic spiritual guidance. In other words, parenting.

If you talk to the people who work in the fields that "manage" these kids, they will tell you the same thing. They are institutionalized children that are diagnosed to fuel the engine that keeps it all running. Money. And it all usually starts through CPS. Asthma, PTSD, "unspecified learning disorder" starts the train rolling for most of them. Then the SSI checks are sent to some shoestring relative who spends it on dope, or their rent. The great majority of these kids are just addicts. Taught from an early age how to pimp the system by "the village" that never raised them. The system that grew out of their dysfunctional family sytem doesn't work. It never has. It never will. It is simply a response to what happens when minors are allowed to roam society unsupervised. It's not a solution. And NOBODY but the individuals who created the problem should ever be held responsible, or a dime paid out, for the insanity that ensues from their destructive and chaotic lives.

Personal responsibility is the only thing that has ever corrected "less than" behavior. Yet you will not find it mentioned in any media narrative or government manual. As if it would be insulting to those who feed off the system. When the system removed shame and embarrassment for taking what you should be able to provide for yourself, it created a sickening sense of entitlement that is foisted upon every decent hard working taxpayer who has to hear it spewed on the six o'clock news. The news used to include both sides of the story.

For every copper they throw under the bus, a criminal history and timeline of the offender should be included. When you have people who have never expected anything of themselves, never worked a day in their life, never took responsibility for any child they ever had, when they are allowed to cast aspersions on others in public who have lived along the straight and narrow while a lawyer has their hand on one shoulder and a "minister" on the other something is very, very wrong in our society.

Take away the "social services" net and the ghetto lotteries that rewards criminal behavior and you would see how fast this shit would shut down.

12/29/2015 10:40:00 AM

Superb observations and commentary. Thank you.

12/29/2015 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad the family wasn't strung up by their ankles then junior could have given them the pinata treatment.

12/29/2015 10:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any police officer still doing work should be diagnosed with a mental disorder.

12/29/2015 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take a report call an ambulance for injured parties and nothing more.

12/29/2015 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC I am proud to be a Chicago Police officer because of police officers like Martin Preib. Thank you for telling the truth in this crooked city. You are upholding truth and justice in you're writings. Thank you for doing this.


Sgt Anargyros "AK" Kereakes

12/29/2015 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2/19, 2 days to go, let's go Chicago!

12/29/2015 11:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the family called the police, it was because they were afraid of getting hurt or killed with the bat. Now, all of a sudden, they say there was never any danger. If there was none, then why didn't you handle him yourself? And, it he was in that bad of shape, why were they waiting for after the holidays to take him to the hospital. You don't wait if you want to say he was mentally ill. He obviously was NOT ill if they had that much time to wait!!

They set him up because they were sick of his mental outbursts and called in the cops to put an end to their problem child and now they're acting like the police overreacted taking the same narrative every other black family takes when one of theirs is shot by the cops and now are looking for a payday. They said they were in fear for their lives and the man was armed and after the fact are acting like the cops shouldn't have done anything. It's par for the course and cops should be on the lookout for this. Everybody is looking to get paid by suing the police. People are gonna be setting up their plans just like this guy did so they can end up on CNN with fake tears in their eyes. It was all a ruse to get the cops to kill this guy and claim police brutality and then get $$$$$$$

12/29/2015 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we responded to a mental hospital receiving millions in public funds and also designated as having a "fully secure psychiatric rehabilitation treatment facility" for patients who are finishing their time from prison because their "mental health needs" are better served in the care of professionals rather than prison.

Seems that as soon as his time was served but he was still remanded to remain in the facility, the 'patient' stopped taking his meds, knowing he could not be forced to take them, and was intimidating everyone from the doctors to nurses and other patients. They wanted us to "take him away."

We said, "take him where? he's only going to be sent here." turns out they did away with the big scary dudes in white coats a long time ago so as to not seem too scary to the patients.

They continue to bill the state and keep taking clients that are too dangerous and seem to think we're just going to make them disappear from time to time.

12/29/2015 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
When the incident was first reported he was an honor student at NIU....now that it's time to file the lawsuit he has mental issues????

Actually, those two things are not mutually exclusive.Many intelligent, high-functioning people battle depression, bi-polar disorder and other conditions.I was a high school honor roll student but was close to suicide a few years ago before I got help.When Robin Williams hung himself, I don't think many people saw that coming.You just never know.

That being said, when someone is swinging a Louisville slugger and threatening murder then deadly force is an appropriate response.I know that this civilian is in no position to judge otherwise.Prayers of safety and well-being to all the men and women of CPD.

12/29/2015 11:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from another thread but scary if true...(?)

for those who said DOJ can not and will not violate terms of our contract, you are way wrong.

The 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act gave the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice an extraordinary mandate. One of the law’s provisions empowered the government to sue police agencies anywhere in the country if they exhibited a “pattern and practice” of using excessive force and/or violating people’s civil rights—and compel them, under what’s known as a “consent decree,” to change those practices.

Currently about 20 cities have entered into consent decrees or “memos of understanding” with the Department of Justice (DOJ), usually under threat of civil rights lawsuits filed by the DOJ if they refused.

In some cases, it has taken more than a decade. In Oakland, for example, anger over the decree among veteran officers grew so extreme that after nine years of non-compliance, a federal judge temporarily ordered the department placed under a receiver who had total control over the department.

It took seven years for Cincinnati cops to finally come into compliance.

in Seattle, nearly 125 officers sued the DOJ in protest over that city’s consent decree, charging that it had caused, as the Seattle Times reported, “’a bold, new disregard for police authority in the streets of Seattle,” and a “hesitation and paralysis” among officers taking action on the streets.

It's not going to go away this time. It will take many years, but once the feds have latched on, the feds will get their way. They may even wait out the older set, but once resistance fades, the union will see the writing on the wall, and for that consent decree to be lifted, the only way back to a new contract will be a contract that abides by the reforms.

12/30/2015 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If the Mother and Father of this at-risk, disturbed child knowingly allowed him to stop taking his medication, why can't the Officers sue them for their emotional distress?"

They should. They could actually have a case, and it would prove how nefarious these people are.

I would hire your own private attorney. Don't trust the lawyers who work for the FOP. I believe the FOP has to pay your lawyer whatever the FOP lawyer would be getting, then you have to cover any additional costs. I agree the cops should sue and should get more involved in defending themselves. If they can prove that the mother knew that telling him to go off his meds would cause a breakdown they might have something. For instance, if he started taking the meds when he was a juvenile then I'm sure she was told by the doctor that he not abruptly stop taking the meds because of the effects it would cause, or at least she was present when the doctor said this to her son proving that she had knowledge. I know there will be naysayers about what I said but fuck it its worth looking into at least.

12/30/2015 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

Latest off news radio -- some "activist" stating that blm, etc., etc., is going to shut down Chicago's financial district on Jan. 18, MLK Day...

Stop people from shopping, too...it won't so much as spill a glass of water up in the executive offices of some mega-big-box store. Hurt sales enough, and the first to be laid off will be the struggling min-wage workers who punch cash registers, stock shelves, mop floors, and haul shopping carts back out of the parking lot.


Detroit, here we come. Welcome to the "urban prairie."

12/29/2015 05:11:00 PM
Idiots. Financial District is closed for MLK Day.

12/30/2015 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone in the media ask John Escalante when he last recieved training in dealing with threatening mentally ill people? Or when he last attended a department mandated 1st Aid Refresher Course? He might say that it was some time ago, but he will probably be referring to his Academy Days some 30 years ago.

12/30/2015 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

Latest off news radio -- some "activist" stating that blm, etc., etc., is going to shut down Chicago's financial district on Jan. 18, MLK Day...

Let them. It's a holiday. Most financial institutions are probably closed anyways. They're too stupid to figure it out.

12/30/2015 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM<<<

You are definitely not a cop. I am not sure what but definitely not a cop.

12/30/2015 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sue the parents...BWAAAHHHHa, Mr. Plaintiff, yes, you have won your law suit and now are entitled to the dilapidated property located at such and such. I'm sorry to say that the defendants have no bank accounts and have been living off the Government their entire lives.

12/29/2015 07:43:00 PM

Take what little they have but if a judgment is on the books and they do cash the Ghetto Lottery tickets or some granny dies and leaves them a three flat then you grab that.

12/30/2015 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why keep showing this use of force model if the media, lawyers, judges, etc...etc...etc... Don't obey and enforce what's the levels of justified enforcement. Maybe courts and its judges need to also be responsible for the criminals still being on the streets after being multiple dangerous offenders, its not rocket science!!

12/30/2015 03:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ACLU and reverend Jesse Jack@$$ should respond to domestic disturbances involving mental illness, hell maybe why not respond to all calls since they got the answers for everything but 2500 plus shooting and 500 homicides!!!

12/30/2015 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/29/2015 08:45:00 AM Anonymous said...
First, I'm not a PO.

Second, I'm friends with someone who is a coworker of the father (LeGrier). He's spewing all kinds of BS about how the police attacked his son. The interesting thing, according to my friend, the father is in fear of his life because family members of the lady shot by mistake (Jones) is threatening him, questioning "Why the fuck did you call the police?! You are responsible for her death!"

Not sure if that's true, but what is true is the father said this to a 911 rep: " 'X' is threatening to kill me with a baseball bat." It's not clear who 'X' is. Did he say, "My son" or "Someone". Regardless, what I tell my friends who think the police have done wrong, is "When you call the police to say someone is threatening to kill me, they take you seriously." So I ask the father, if you didn't want help from the police, what the hell were you thinking?! Why did you call and say, someone is trying to kill me with a lethal weapon if you didn't want the police to come and help you?

3rd, I think it's interesting the mother said at one point, "1 to 2 bullets would have been okay. But not 7". She is ADMITTING that the police were within their rights to shoot the crazy kid. She just doesn't agree with how many bullets were used. Someone needs to FYI her that 2 bullets can be just as deadly as 7.

- - -

In reading comments, felt this was important enough to be worth re-posting.

Also, don't forget that the family encouraged him to stop taking his medication.

12/30/2015 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you owe it to the uninformed to remind readers, including the softballs in the media, what Vance henry did while director of CAPS. He was the GD point man for Daley.
Vance Henry was NEVER a member of the GDs, or any other street gang. You don't like the guy or his position in Rahm's little fiefdom, fine, but don't post lies in print here. There are quite enough of them posted here already.

12/30/2015 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one might argue that....there are two societies in America.....one that obeys the laws and believes in the rule of law, capitalism, and the traditions of this country, and....the other, who lives for and believes in handouts, who will not, and cannot, live for the rule of law and hard work....

What you've posted here cuts across every segment of society here in America, regardless of race or ethnicity. You don't think VRI is a handout?

12/30/2015 03:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Who cares said...

.........the socialist democrats dance around their real constituents, the ignorant masses of government dependent imbeciles they created.


This should be the beginning of EVERY FOP speech in front of the cameras.

Oh, wait a minute, FOP doesn't seem to go out and defend any copper actions. You never see them at any news conference giving a balanced view.

Why do you maintain the FOP?

12/30/2015 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was treated for depression and never had the police called for any reason. My doctor probably thought I was paranoid, describing my city job and conspiracy theories........until the clout list came out. I was more intuitive than paranoid. My treatment ended several years ago after my sleep problems were resolved.

The overwhelming majority of people being treated for depression are not violent assholes who act out.

People who pull a weapon on police, whether mentally ill or not, put themselves in the line of fire. The fine men and women on the CPD and other LEO's have the right to protect themselves from physical harm.

Protect yourselves Officers because these craven politicians only care about themselves and their concubines.

God Bless all of you and have a safe and Happy New Year 2016.

12/30/2015 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out the family is taking legal action again Louisville the bat manufactor. Will the family be charged for having a unregistered bat?

12/30/2015 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM

You are a moron of the highest order. You clearly have NO experience with firearms and have been brainwashed by Hollywood. It would do no good to explain what happens to human beings during deadly encounters or the difficulty of precision marksmanship at such times. Now go fetch your shine box, you damned fool. It's all you'll ever be good for.

12/30/2015 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Policemen are being threatened with bodily harm,the offender's state of mind is irrelevant.

Policemen are not punching bags.

Don't attack the Police and you won't get hurt.

12/30/2015 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM

Yeah, you do that. Maybe you should think of another line of work. God help your partner.

12/30/2015 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just something to point out regarding the "mental health" aspect of these calls. Interesting that both this kid and the prior kid who was shot had been "wards of the state." Anybody who has worked with adolescent substance abusers in the sytem, knows that 9 times out of 10, these kids are diagnosed with shit they don't even have. It's a system that conspires to justify their inability to control, rectify, correct and manage what Mama and Daddy never did, which was setting boundaries, instilling discipline, and providing authentic spiritual guidance. In other words, parenting. 

If you talk to the people who work in the fields that "manage" these kids, they will tell you the same thing. They are institutionalized children that are diagnosed to fuel the engine that keeps it all running. Money. And it all usually starts through CPS. Asthma, PTSD, "unspecified learning disorder" starts the train rolling for most of them. Then the SSI checks are sent to some shoestring relative who spends it on dope, or their rent. The great majority of these kids are just addicts. Taught from an early age how to pimp the system by "the village" that never raised them. The system that grew out of their dysfunctional family sytem doesn't work. It never has. It never will. It is simply a response to what happens when minors are allowed to roam society unsupervised. It's not a solution. And NOBODY but the individuals who created the problem should ever be held responsible, or a dime paid out, for the insanity that ensues from their destructive and chaotic lives.

Personal responsibility is the only thing that has ever corrected "less than" behavior. Yet you will not find it mentioned in any media narrative or government manual. As if it would be insulting to those who feed off the system. When the system removed shame and embarrassment for taking what you should be able to provide for yourself, it created a sickening sense of entitlement that is foisted upon every decent hard working taxpayer who has to hear it spewed on the six o'clock news. The news used to include both sides of the story. 

For every copper they throw under the bus, a criminal history and timeline of the offender should be included. When you have people who have never expected anything of themselves, never worked a day in their life, never took responsibility for any child they ever had, when they are allowed to cast aspersions on others in public who have lived along the straight and narrow while a lawyer has their hand on one shoulder and a "minister" on the other something is very, very wrong in our society.

Take away the "social services" net and the ghetto lotteries that rewards criminal behavior and you would see how fast this shit would shut down.

12/29/2015 10:40:00 AM

This comment hits it right on the nail......

12/30/2015 09:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sooner we start doing the bear minimum , the sooner the City will realize they need us more than we ned them.

12/30/2015 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back Wedgies and Noogies.♠️

12/30/2015 09:40:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

We have the ACLU to thank for so much of this. At the VA, like all of you Coppers out there we have to deal with activist lawyers looking out for the rights of these mental cases. It is a Catch 22 situation. They get violent start hurting those around them. I have seen to many battered wifes, and have hide crying children at my desk frighten wondering why their dad was so violent. We would involuntarily admit them, get them back on their med's and they where fine so we could not hold them any longer, but once out they would stop taking their med's. There is nothing we can do about this. They wind up back in and it starts all over again. This circle jerk goes on until he, sometimes she, dies at the hands of others, hurts, or kills somebody, perhaps commits Police assisted suicide, winds up in prison, or ironically in a mental health institution where this person should have been committed to begin with. Activist lawyers have protected the right of the deranged and the expense of everyone else, and the Fed's pay them to do this. You can't win.

12/30/2015 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

your a fucking idiot, if you ARE a cop, retire immediately for the sake of your family...or take out a LARGE life insurance policy on yourself... classic victim officer or liberal know nothing.

12/30/2015 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol.. Great article. Hey I have an idea let CFD ambulances handle the mental calls and arm them with tasers so they can render medical aid after they tase the mental to control him to be able to transport. Hmmm sounds like CIT training will be mandatory.. I never wanted to take it.. Remember officers shit rolls downhill so the brass don't care about us. Especially the mentally ill exempts.

12/30/2015 01:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They re all mental and when arrested... They all play sick and wanna spend their time at a hospital. Getting treated like royalty and waiting for an I bond.... How much $ does this cost the city?

12/30/2015 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teenager nearly kills his brother by smashing his skull with a baseball bat after argument over SWEATPANTS

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3378670/Teenager-nearly-kills-brother-smashing-skull-baseball-bat-argument-SWEATPANTS.html#ixzz3vqJcOQiR

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

12/30/2015 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bring back Wedgies and Noogies.♠️

12/30/2015 09:40:00 AM


They went away?

12/30/2015 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a mental being chased by the neighborhood like a scene out of Frankenstein. He stopped, tried to pick up a rock as a weapon but it was too heavy so he grabbed a movie worthy broken beer bottle and advanced at me. I told him to drop it but he kept onna comin'. I told him again and he said for me to drop what was in my hand. It was a tire iron I took from one of the chasing hoard. Didn't mean anything to me so I dropped it. He dropped his bottle and I told him"get over here so we can take you away from your neighbors who want to kill you" and, so he did and we did.

Worst part was as I was cuffing his hands behind his back, the copper I was working with that night, while standing face to face with the nutjob, said "hey, say it, don't spray it!" and I cringed as the words came out of his mouth. Sure enough, Mr. Mental spit right in his face. Lotsa people standing around still. He had to take one for the team but I bet he never uttered those same words again.

This in no way is criticism of shooting the bat swinging moron who got what he deserved. I would have shot him too. I hope it shows the good citizens that things work out well a whole lot of the times but are never reported. A lot more often than they would ever guess. It also shows that even when cooperating, a mental is still a mental and you can't trust what, or guess what, their actions will be from second to second.

There are no rules that can be written to cover the million and one tiger dens that coppers get tossed into each and every day.

12/30/2015 04:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM

Yeah, you do that. Maybe you should think of another line of work. God help your partner.

12/30/2015 09:05:00 AM

Yeah, you do that. Maybe you should think of another line of work. God help your partner.

12/30/2015 09:05:00 AM


The first poster has to be a troll and not a cop.

12/30/2015 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

any mental calls , stay in car
request complainant to come to car and request a supervisor

12/30/2015 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic...here is a decent article that's on the Tribune website but behind their paywall.


12/30/2015 05:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... T he'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM
Great idea! ever been involved in a tactical (real) shoot? Yep we know NO! But I have a laser on my Glock hidden as ejector rod, it is extremely accurate you light it , the hits on target, that being said we are not allowed this why don't know maybe Johnny could implement this?

12/30/2015 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the City SHOULD handle mental health issue call to 911:

1: Transfer call to 311
2: Notify City Department of Mental Health
3: Assign them the call and let them respond.
4: If they need Police they can call them. But Police are advised that that call is THEIRS

Like this will happen

Why ?!? They will assign the job to the mental health dept and they will request a police ride along so we will get the job anyway

12/30/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few points:

1) What happened to the FOP? Maybe some coppers need to beef to the FOP National office?

2) For independent legal representation, check out the Illinois Council of Police (ICOPS) Legal Plan. (www.icops.org). Covers support/nonsworn employees also.

3) Shoot to wound? Fearing for your safety, or another's, you shoot to stop the threat, and that requires center-mass or head shots. If they are no longer a threat you stop shooting. Anybody have a current copy of the 40 hour firearms training guide the Training Board provides; ya might want to review it.

4) Suing families would put them on notice, even if they could never pay judgments. Breaking the cycle of "cheaper to settle" by municipalities/agencies is a lot harder, since the copper has no control or even input in that decision.

12/30/2015 05:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's what I say too, shot to wound, so when you have a whole bunch of thugs limping around with fucked up knees and legs or messed up shoulders from gunshot wounds from the police, they will not be able to run away fast or shoot strait at the police, they are gonna collect from the city anyways, but at least you will brand them and when they are limping down the street, people will know they are criminals, just like in the Middle East, thieves get their hands chopped off.

12/30/2015 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

Already making "contacts" for brother Ari to set up Cubapalooza and HavanaTownRising? Caling back the spirits of Meyer Lansky and Fulgencio Batista to build up a huge Hyatt Hotel/tourist/casino complex, with Carnival running party boats back and forth 24/7? "Never let a crisis go to waste..."

12/29/2015 01:01:00 PM

...not to mention "Cuber" ride-sharing services. All them old '53 Packards with VW engines and Russian "Zil" transmissions aren't going to last much longer.

...and how about Redstarbucks? McChe's burger chain?

The mind boggles.

Triumph Of The Red Proletariat! >snicker<

12/30/2015 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Dam it... Start practicing WOUNDING... If you got 15 seconds Shoot to Wound, you can always put second round in da asshole!!!
If You got a chance to Wound & you go for the kill zone you fucked yourself.... The'll Prove the kill bad shoot 95% of the time!
Please wise up for you futures & families if you can't bale off the job yesterday.... My two-bits
Learn to Wound "if you can"

12/29/2015 10:41:00 PM

Better yet... shoot backwards using a mirror to align your sights, Annie (or Andy) Oakley. Goof.

12/30/2015 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous The media is our friend said...

I for one would like to shake this Nickeas's hand.

12/30/2015 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VRI is killing this department. Once everyone realizes this then we can band together.
The money is great now, but what about later. Pension money is not coming in when we work these overtime days. They are not hiring more cops. Remember every cop that retires they are supposed to hire 2 more. Well guys, hope you paid off those jet skis, and catholic education (NOT KNOCKING IT) and bought that BMW. Cause when you turn 50 and retire well thank VRI for no pension money. Happy new year

12/30/2015 10:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What you've posted here cuts across every segment of society here in America, regardless of race or ethnicity. You don't think VRI is a handout?"

Spoken like a true fool. A "handout" is something free. For example, sitting on my ass and having my girlfriend buy me food, a cellphone, computer and pay for my rent, medical/dental and some extra spending money...well, that's a handout. Getting dressed in a uniform and reporting to a security company for a 9-5 day job watching security screens in a cozy office...well, that's work. Officers sitting in a squad car in the ghetto on their off day til 2/3am and being a visible deterrent while being at risk of violence...well, one just might consider that work as well. Please, wise one, tell me how VRI is no less work than any other job. Take an economics class and when you park your blue and white on a ghetto spot tell me how much violent crime (not attention-seekers) occurs right there.

12/30/2015 11:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sooner we start doing the bear minimum , the sooner the City will realize they need us more than we ned them.

12/30/2015 09:19:00 AM

Yep. When Garbage men go on strike after being denied a fair raise people say " who needs them, let em go". After about 2 weeks of stinking garbage piled up all over they finally realize how valuable garbage men are and, beg them to come back to work.

12/31/2015 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Studied the hell out of that cit order for the Lt.'s test, I wish someone from noble would have told me that it was on the test. Rats! Still praying

12/31/2015 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no more satisfying experience than living in the moment, even when that moment is your last.

Here it comes.......


1/01/2016 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that ISIS bombed the unicorn fart factory and they can't get fuel for the padded bubble bath wagons?

Can anyone confirm?

1/01/2016 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: blocked by paywall

Try disabling java on you browser. Then reload page.

1/01/2016 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A few points:

1) What happened to the FOP? Maybe some coppers need to beef to the FOP National office?


If you went to the last meeting you would have heard how the national fop president went with dean to the justice department. You would have also seen the national 1st vp at the December meeting discussing what happen to Cleveland during their justice department review. The national 1st vp is the Ohio State President.

If your really interested you should have watched the video of the last meeting at the fop site under members only section.

Stay safe, back each other up, and do everything the right way. That will lead to no cars available.

1/01/2016 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Cause when you turn 50 and retire well thank VRI for no pension money. Happy new year"

i agree with a bit of reservation.no one with a family will be able to retire at 50 without another gig lined up.i mean no one.health care, if its even offered, will cost you well over 1/2 of your pension check in monthly premiums from the city or choose obamacare which is just as expensive.i dont care how much deferred comp/vri $$ you got stock piled, you will not make it.trust me.you need to stick it out.and yes, Happy & Safe new year.

1/02/2016 06:05:00 PM  

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