Of Course Rahm Likes This Idea
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel should be free to install Eddie Johnson as his permanent police superintendent without the “dog-and-pony show” of a second Police Board search, influential aldermen said Wednesday, and the mayor agreed.
After rejecting the Police Board’s three finalists and anointing Johnson as interim superintendent, Emanuel said he expected the board to take a “normal deep breath” before conducting a second nationwide search as required by an ordinance put in place 50 years ago after the cops-as-robbers scandal in the Summerdale District.
On Wednesday, Emanuel changed his tune.
People who crave power always allow themselves to be persuaded to be given more power. And lick-spittles, brown-nosers and spineless followers (like aldercreatures) crave to be led by a strong-man who relieves them of any responsibility of actually making difficult decisions that might anger contributors.
In the colonial days, they were known as Tories and Americans chased them back to England.
In the colonial days, they were known as Tories and Americans chased them back to England.
Labels: city politics
New GO effective 30 March!!!! Must read officer involved deaths. Body camera in car cameras rules, IPRA, statements that are public safety. PO must render medical attention "request medical attention for the injured, and also offer immediate medical aid commensurate with their training, experience, and available equipment." prior to securing scene!!!!!
"In the colonial days, they were known as Tories and Americans chased them back to England."
And if they didn't leave and were found to be fighting for the Crown, they were shot.
But we are all too civilized now.
We need a strong leader!
He will make the CTA run on time!
Lori "Take Me & The Process Seriously Rahm!" Lightfoot
got chumped good and hard by Rahm.
Ain't it funny when dyed-in-the-wool
Progressives and similar such other
rotten m/fers reveal their true nature
and colors when they shank each other
dead center between the shoulder blades?
Now all we need is for Rahm's inner
sanctum of progressive whiz-kid advisers
to start turning on each other.
Chit-chat is that it's happening already
and they're having a poop-fling royale
about who is going to be designated as
the Robert Sorich of the Emanuel
Text Msg:
"I am SOOO NOT going to prison for you bitchez!
One good shove from an unexpected direction and...
Sure why not? Look at all the great picks he's made one in jail one going and an egomaniacal jerk from NYC among others.
Rahm is almost king like in his decisions. He is truly a great man and leader.
This fucker didn't even have residency in the city when he ran for mayor and that was overlooked so as crooked and rigged as this is it should come as no surprise from that slimeball.
If I was that Lori Lightfoot I'd give Rahm the finger and resign. He's made a farce out of her and her board.... and she was his handpicked person for that job just a few short months ago.
The men and women of colonial times are so removed from today's society it is frightening. Contrary to what some might proudly think, we have devolved as a people and nation. Technological advances are no substitute for ethics, morality, courage, etc.
Rahm could care less about the rule of law, his chimp brained Corporation Counsel's office advanced an argument in the pension heist lawsuit that the Illinois Supreme Court described as "absurd and unjust". Police Board really needs to stand up to this manling
Last week at this time the Hispanic Caucus was outraged that Escalante was not even being considered. This week, they are fine with Rahm going around the law to appoint his guy and Escalante isn't even interim Supe anymore.....follow the money. I wonder what was promised to them? Any investigative reporters out there?
Rahmbo, why, oh why, do we still have 50 aldercreatures draining money from the city budget. Helloooooooooooo . . . . Rhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam . . . . .
Is Lori Lightfoot going to be our First Black LGBT Mayor? Rahm has put her in a position where she must either stand up with righteous indignation, or Chump Along as another Democrat Flunky. If she stands up to Rahm now; she has a better chance of being Mayor after the next election than Rahm. Remember Rahm's favorite quote: "Never let a crisis go to waste." She is young, bright, an attorney; and far more Macho than Tiny Dancer. Watch what Lightfoot does in all this. If it came down to a "Cat Fight", my money is on Lori to Bitch Slap Rahm down! Baby"G"
If you don't think she didn't already know this was gonna happen
Then maybe you don't pay attention to Chicago politics very well
Or maybe your not from around here! Rahmbo , I'm sure gave her
A call and let her know this was gonna happen ,way before anyone else
Was let in on it .you see it eases the blow ,she gets to keep her 6 figure
Job, has time to prepare a little dance routine for the masses and if
She's really lucky she will be given a spot making in the high 6 figures
Somewhere else for being a good sport you no kinda like all the big bosses
Who spend 30 years as police men retire and then get the high paying job
Of running streets and San and don't know shit about garbage and get to have two
Big pensions from the city kinda like that !!!!!
Good choice though.
CPD Stats........ lmao!
Sounds a lot like a certain bubble headed commander of 12. Fucker talks down to everybody including white shirts and wants everybody to kiss his ass. Enjoy your last days as commander of a district you miserable prick. Hopefully Eddie shows you the door
Anonymous Anonymous said...
New GO effective 30 March!!!! Must read officer involved deaths. Body camera in car cameras rules, IPRA, statements that are public safety. PO must render medical attention "request medical attention for the injured, and also offer immediate medical aid commensurate with their training, experience, and available equipment." prior to securing scene!!!!!
3/31/2016 12:27:00 AM
That is clearly written to appease "the community" and hang coppers.
This department is so fucked up.
Better to be the fucker than the fuckee, right Lori?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
New GO effective 30 March!!!! Must read officer involved deaths. Body camera in car cameras rules, IPRA, statements that are public safety. PO must render medical attention "request medical attention for the injured, and also offer immediate medical aid commensurate with their training, experience, and available equipment." prior to securing scene!!!!!
3/31/2016 12:27:00 AM
And Rahm wonders about/ is concerned with low morale??
It's shit like this order that'll keep coppers fetal and doing as little as possible.
I just want to know who is the dog and who is the pony in this drama.
My take - he made his choice so that if (IF) crime actually decreases (REALLY decreases) Swan Lake will take all the credit so he can be re-elected. Fucker.
--No Cop Here
God save the King!
New GO effective 30 March!!!! Must read officer involved deaths. Body camera in car cameras rules, IPRA, statements that are public safety. PO must render medical attention "request medical attention for the injured, and also offer immediate medical aid commensurate with their training, experience, and available equipment." prior to securing scene!!!!!
We are suppose to shoot till the threat is eliminated. 1 or 16 times.
Eddie Johnson is a hand pecking boss, the mayor a rude joke, the citizens are fools, the aldermen are corrupt, the governor a rich ahole, the city sucks! Two more years till retirement and this city can burn!!!
Lori conducted herself admirably and should be rewarded for those "listening tours". The anti-Rahm assholes who turned the open hearings into chaos are to blame - it became clear that there was no way to work with these groups or their designated inside person, Eugene Williams, who was also involved in a brewing scandal, and no way for the outsiders to catch on quickly enough with the summer approaching. Sometimes you give people enough rope to hang themselves and these people did.
“If we're trying to restore any kind of credibility in the neighborhood and bridge that gap between police and the community it's not a good look,” said Officer Joseph Shaw.
Officer Shaw, a 23 year veteran of the Chicago Police department who's applying for the superintendent's job, says it is just not a good idea for the Fraternal Order of Police to be hiring Jason Van Dyke with the current climate in the city."
Is that Shaw related to the infamous Democrat crooks, the Shaw brothers?
Who ever believed Rahm was a fair guy and followed the laws and Contracts?
He wasn't even a resident of Chicago when he was first ran for mayor.
He cheats. A sniveling liar. Perfect running mate for HilLIARy, he can be President when she's impeached.
But I digress.
So what does a male white patrol officer have to strive for on this job...maybe a Fourth or Fifth in Command spot?
This is a huge slap in the face.
Not even a Fair Promotion based on ranking Score is going to help you get started as Lieutenant.
Eddie may have been a fine beat officer, had great career opportunities, so certainly he earned and deserves a crack at Superintendent.
But what's in your future?
Keep up on those ISR's and CB's, you too can become a Deputy Chief one day...or a Janitor at FOP.
Why don't you liberal pukes just put a crown on his head and get it over with. He was just about to leave the office when the protesters stopped raising hell. He paid off the revs and things are back to normal. Fuck Rahm Emanual.
Rhams is a criminal and should be sent to prison
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rahm is almost king like in his decisions. He is truly a great man and leader.
3/31/2016 02:31:00 AM
Fortune Magazine explains why Emanuel is one of the WORLD's 19 most 'disappointing' leaders.
OT. Good luck with the Officer Involved Death Investigation G.O. They cite the State Statute verbatim in section B (2)(b) last paragraph: No investigator involved in the investigation may be employed by the law enforcement agency that employs the officer in the officer involved death. Translation : CPD detectives can't be involved in the investigation of death caused by CPD officer because we are employed by the same agency.
Now you are getting IPRA personnel "Trained as Lead Homicide investigators" with absolutley no years or decades of experience of ever handling a murder investigation or police involved shooting. Good God are you guys fucked and your futures are going to be in the hands of people who took a 40 hour training course and dont have experience or a clue.
Keep being proactive cowboys and cowgirls. Only yourself to blame when shit goes sideways and you are left with inexperienced pin heads to put it together.
TH got the job for the new guy. Amusing. Bet they go to the same church or something similar.
So as I just got home,retrieved my mail and whats this a letter from "Department of police-city of Chicago legal affairs departemnt" now what:
Hard chargers pay close attention, in the letter the department is releasing all CR numbers to the DOJ, just when you think your done your pulled back in, yes even retired coppers are getting these same letters! That and with the other thread on FBI visiting officers homes,meeting them at various locations and if your not fetal you better open your eyes!
Then I turn out sports radio to hear thugfest football picks are coming here the best part "The city of Chicago has decided to forgo the million dollar payment required by pro football owners as the mayors office says we will make plenty of money!" You know a million here a million there now your talking real money. Million dollars could hire about 20 coppers, buy 35 explorers but then again it's not their money, wait this is Chicago wonder if the envelopes were passed out at the city council meeting? Wait again doj your here going after coppers for a witch hunt when the elected are so easy to pick from to make a name for yourselves!
Just remember if the Police Board ever has to Judge you...
It is rigged you will be a the mercy of the RAHMUlin.
No clout fired!
Letter from father FAKER verbal warning.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
New GO effective 30 March!!!! Must read officer involved deaths. Body camera in car cameras rules, IPRA, statements that are public safety. PO must render medical attention "request medical attention for the injured, and also offer immediate medical aid commensurate with their training, experience, and available equipment." prior to securing scene!!!!!
We are suppose to shoot till the threat is eliminated. 1 or 16 times.
3/31/2016 09:47:00 AM
True and the only person with that judgement is God or you doesn't matter how many shots looking at complete situation training and your thoughts he did nothing wrong your armed gun knife bat a weapon could be anything as Chris rock says in video "obey the police" follow the laws not hard to do everyone going home safely!
Every bit of this shit is directly the fault of the touchy-feely liberal/progressives who don't bother to think - they operate based on how it makes them feeeeeel. When the summer really kicks in, the shit heads from the south and west garden spots will be looking to expand their territories and north Boul Mich will look fat, and ripe and juicy. BO would never have been elected without these jagoffs and their day of reckoning is coming. The savages will turn on them and they'll be bleating like the sheep that they truly are and BO will tell them to "check their white privilege". Kinda looking forward to saying I told you so.
Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely -- Lord Acton
Eddie is not going to last to long. He does not look healthy.
In regards to the new Officer Involved Death G.O. that came out 31 March.
You guys are completely screwed now if you shoot someone fatally.
The department will no longer have the experienced homicide/police shooting detectives handling the case, making sense of it all and explaining the course of events that lead up to and during the shooting. Now you get inexperience IPRA people that took a bullshit 40 course with no investigative experience under the law to put it together. You are all now fucked. They will miss a lot of evidence.and other circumstances of an officer's actions that will now get you charged criminally and fired.
Good luck you knuckle heads. Keep being proactive and listening to your lane brain supervisors.demanding ISR and arrest activity to keep a.spot or make them look good. It doesnt mean shit when you put your self in a situation facing prison time after trying to be the hard charger. The "working police" days are now OVER.!!!! Get it ?!?!?!. I understand things happened out there in a split second and you have to protect your life, your partners and fellow officers as well.
Wheres Little guy Hiram with all his committee member's who were going to turn the PD around. How about Ramsey where has he been.More political hacks draining the system. Nothing is going to change.As they say meet the new bosses same as the old one's. Hey Lori you had enough yet. Rahm just kicked you down the road telling you the picks you made are crap.All had baggage. Didn't the committee google these mooks.Sail on Lori back to your law firm and LiL Hi go hide in your gated condo in Park Ridge and stare at your vehicle with your ego plate from your good friend Jessie who also gave your unqualified daughter a job running the undocumented citizens driver's license program. Like no one else in the SOS office would have been able to do that job.
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