Saturday, March 05, 2016

Why Pensions are Broke

  • A leading government watchdog is criticizing a pension deal that’s giving the former superintendent for Lincoln-Way High School District more than $300,000 a year.

    [...] The former superintendent of District 210, Lawrence Wyllie, has the largest pension in the Illinois Teachers Retirement System.

    It’s not the only large pension. But Andy Shaw of the Better Government Association says it’s one of the causes of the state’s pension crisis and it has to stop.
Nice start Andy. Now start shining the spotlight on other pensions - you can start with various exempt members of the Chicago Police Department, hand-picked for glory....and six-digit pensions. And after retiring, headed to further government service for additional pension opportunities! Some go to other police departments. Some go to other departments that they have absolutely no knowledge of. Sometimes, they even retire, then come back as civilian hires for the same spot they just vacated! Sometimes, if they sell out the right people from the right union, they can get six-figure jobs elsewhere.

It's amazingly corrupt, but Andy Shaw is just catching on now?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dare you Andy Shaw to check out the huge city and state pensions the hand chosen favorites get for greasing their spots.

3/05/2016 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Better Government Association (BGA) in the most politically corrupt major city in the United States is an oxymoron. A potted plant would be more successful at exposing public corruption in this God forsaken city and county.

Note that they never pursue term limits, a recall referendum initiative for these pieces of shit elected by "low information" voters and the beneficiaries of political patronage (clout). Like the local media, they just go after the little guys and low-hanging fruit. They'd never go after that shamelessly corrupt Daley.

Compare the big city per capita ratio for city council members. Chicago should have no more than seventeen (17) wards/aldercreatures. The complicit local MSM and the BGA = crickets.

3/05/2016 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repeal the CPD "gold braid" pensions. It's nothing more than legalized bribery for the political hack gold stars to sell their souls for lifetime six-figure pensions.

3/05/2016 01:24:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Andy always knew. Ask his daughter.

3/05/2016 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's advisor Valarie Jarrett collects a CTA pension, and Daly collects THREE. Andy must nave missed that in his "reporting"

3/05/2016 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The term Trustee, these fucks looked the other way when daley's nephew was granted
the bread and kept the membership out of the mix!

3/05/2016 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allow only "one" pension. Not one for each job worked. Have in go into a system which averages total earnings for that one pension.

3/05/2016 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy was asleep during the daley years!

3/05/2016 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow just imagine if they ever ran a story like that

the clouted ones............

making millions from the public pension system because they are so knowledgeable or because they know someone???

3/05/2016 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that lil weasel tom byrne still working for some government agency??

my god if he isn't, i don't know how the taxpayers would get their moneys worth

3/05/2016 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget all the elected State reps who were getting pensions after serving just ONE term. You think they have contributed anything close to what they get in return. Keep digging Andy, you will find a treasure trove of corruption.

3/05/2016 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the real problem is that the state is footing the bill for many of these huge pensions so the employer just does not care. why is the local unit of government not funding their employee pension plans? why should the state pay so much as a nickle for them?

3/05/2016 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is not the only one. What about all of the Superintendants, Chiefs, Commanders and Captains. The highest level of pension anyone should get should be capped at Lt's pay. All of these people made it on political clout and not on their own. Politicians are don't know how to save money, especially when it isn't theirs.

3/05/2016 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don O'Neill!!!! Start with him, Andy Shaw. The bonus: He's a real asshole!

3/05/2016 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that is called the "Don Oneil transfer" after the man who has perpetuated the greatest scam in the city! Commander of HR on Monday, "retires" with a six figure pension on Tuesday, on Wednesday he is the Director of HR raking in ANOTHER six figure salary on the tax payers backs! And the irony? He sits there and tries to arbitrarily stop other coppers from "scamming"...look at the mirror ARE the problem!!

People like that should be in jail!

3/05/2016 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy Shaw may be driving the bus, but the road map comes from others.
There's corruption, then there is corruption. Every now and then one of their own must be sacrificed for the good of others.

3/05/2016 10:00:00 AM  
Blogger The Insane Fish said...

1. No more gold braid pensions.

2. Pension based upon civil service rank.

3. Meritorious promotions should not be pensionable unless you actually are up for the Lambert Tree award.

4. Top pension should be captain. Exempt ranks should put addition monies in their 457 plan if they like.

5. SWORN CHICAGO POLICE OFFICERS ONLY! No temporary outside carpetbagger superintendeants.

3/05/2016 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "gold star we give to politicians club," is in full swing! So many 6 figure pensions so many double dippers Leo,Roti,O'Grady,Dugan,Gainers,and many more! Hey Andy come on step up look into our pension fund The Chicago police pension fund, who gave approval to take care of daleys nephew and his scum friend davis who took over 60 million as the fund dries up!

Sorry at 1 time used to respect the rank not the person! Now that "See my shiny gold star" carries zero respect, seeing as how they pass out these gold badges like back in the day sheriff Richard Elrod and crew passed out deputy sheriffs badges! All the exempt class means now is that the pension huge dip, the free city car, make your own hours, act like people like you, and lastly have coppers laughing at all your stupid jokes that is all it means!

When you examine all this nonsense bosses cannot make you work and jeopardize your family! Read about Aldo brown a great tactical officer, a working copper man with a gun Aldo does his job and now is facing 2 years! Crickets from shiny badge club, deano,mayor and the 50 sheep if you need any other reason to stay fetal if you want to work your insane in this climate!

3/05/2016 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Various exempt members of the Chicago Police Department, hand-picked for glory....and six-digit pensions."

Well said. The Lodge and the Pension Board are absolutely silent about curbing this burden on the Pension. One Gold Star pension equals 3 POs Pension. So when Lappe starts flapping his jaws about Duty Disability fraud (which is miniscule) perhaps he could focus his attention on fat cat pensions draining the fund dry.

3/05/2016 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous pass the $130k pension, hold the feta said...

Everyone knows the CPD's own version of "greek fire" would never consider taking another six-figure post in the public sector upon retirement. Maybe a $15 an hour deputy chef job in greektown, but nothing more.

3/05/2016 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could be the greatest story for the media if the dig deep but they won't. How about they start with Daley's multiple pensions seeing as he was king for 22 years causing the destruction of the system. Let's talk about his wealth and income How rich is he Mr Shaw? Come on pal

3/05/2016 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Insane Fish said...
1. No more gold braid pensions.

2. Pension based upon civil service rank.

3. Meritorious promotions should not be pensionable unless you actually are up for the Lambert Tree award.


Wysinger got the Lambert Tree for shooting a TREE while trying to stop a guy with a gun during a domestic in 015 ... to say the least: IT'S RIGGED.

I have no respect for the Department Awards bullshit.

3/05/2016 01:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger The Insane Fish said...

1. No more gold braid pensions.

2. Pension based upon civil service rank.

3. Meritorious promotions should not be pensionable unless you actually are up for the Lambert Tree award.

4. Top pension should be captain. Exempt ranks should put addition monies in their 457 plan if they like.

5. SWORN CHICAGO POLICE OFFICERS ONLY! No temporary outside carpetbagger superintendeants.

3/05/2016 10:42:00 AM

Again great comment and correct! But disagree with captain as it is now exempt (Political) appointment! The top rank civil service is lieutenant, that should be top pension right Mike Lappe, Kenny hauser! Maybe we need Rauner to help out and correct this travesty! What about the gold star commander and the d-3 security specialists on rahms detail? This is all pensionable no promotion but you get sergeants pension for what carrying a jacket? Getting caught steamrolling through redlights? We know it cannot be crime prevention as the mayors own son robbed by his home and how much major crime close to mayors home? Stop this pension grab!

On the 457 plan, correct the extra money they get should not be allowed to dig into the pension fund which rahms and political friends get these promotions but yet pension fund is not given equivalent amounts from city to balance out teh "friends and family political connected pension grab!"

3/05/2016 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Social Security?
Democrats stuck it to the career civil servants, police, fire, teachers, laborer so, sanitation workers but not elected officials they will get their government pensions and social security. Our Senator Dick Durbin AKA "Durbin the Turban" and his wife are both collecting 25,000 a piece in Socisl Security right now and he collects his Senate salary and his wife is a lobbyist who ears another 130,000 a year. I wonder why anyone would hire her? Maybe because hubby is a US Senator? No conflict there any Dickie boy. The Durbin Tax report from last year disclosed a total of over 50,000 in Social Security they got while both are still working but we can only get 40% of ours cause we are the greedy cops.

3/05/2016 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cant yall arrest these 300K pension crooks, or at least put the fear of GOD in them loosers?

3/05/2016 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the very least douple dipping should be outlawed. If you're collecting a pension from one government job you've retired from, you should be banned from collecting a paycheck from another government job.

John Boyd had it right when it came to double dipping, it's a total ripoff of the taxpayers. And those school superintendent pensions are unbelievable.

3/05/2016 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duty Disability Fraud is miniscule> ? Paying someone 80k a year for 20 or 25 years is minuscule? Then, multiply by how many that do not deserve it- say for arguments sake-50. Totals about 80 million dollars. Miniscule?

3/05/2016 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC but significant as it has made the news.
OJ'S Knife may still be out there.
When the crime lab (unit 177) was out there "looking" for the knife
a startling revelation came to light: the batteries in the metal detector were weak or missing, and the bosses knew this, but the dog and donkey show had to get underway. Any comments to refute this?

3/05/2016 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I had to laugh at the O'Neil comment above. I called him recently and his voice mail said "You have reached CMDR Dan O'Neil..." I was like "Cmdr? They told me he was a civilian." This was before I was aware of his history.

3/05/2016 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....Commander of HR on Monday, "retires" with a six figure pension on Tuesday, on Wednesday he is the Director of HR

Still nowhere near the scam of retire as a Sgt come back as an exempt/ Director....cough cough - two in R and D

3/05/2016 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Various exempt members of the Chicago Police Department, hand-picked for glory....and six-digit pensions."

Well said. The Lodge and the Pension Board are absolutely silent about curbing this burden on the Pension. One Gold Star pension equals 3 POs Pension. So when Lappe starts flapping his jaws about Duty Disability fraud (which is miniscule) perhaps he could focus his attention on fat cat pensions draining the fund dry.

Duty Disability Fraud is much more prevalent than you think

3/05/2016 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several years ago, I was at a discussion where Andy Shaw was a participant. I asked him why the media has been so easy on Rich Daley. He denied the Media was easy on Daley, but gave me a look that could kill. To paraphrase Mike Ditka, Andy Shaw "who you crapping"

3/05/2016 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously how do you justify a pension which is more then any salary you've ever earned? You wonder why tax payers hate the pension system. Pensions were created for your retirement not to make you rich. Fricken greedy ass politicians and connected people. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. Nobody earns or deserves a pension higher the their salary.

3/05/2016 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha... And the crazy thing is.... This bullshit is all legal. Go figure that one tac guys with your $10 pinches. Real crookedry is in plan site

3/05/2016 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don Oneil was never the police. Stroke from day one

3/05/2016 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6 digit CPD Gold Braid Pension for the big Bosses, so they secretly kick back a chunk of it to City Hall and the Demo-CROOK Party. Been goin on for Decades. Yup.

3/05/2016 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the double and triple CTA, CPS, police and park district dipping also. Huberman has a few and so will Claypool.

3/05/2016 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand, with pensions with so much unfunded liability, why those people who got few promotions have not sued the funds or the government body, for the way benefits are calculated.

Who except government gives pensions based on the last 4 or last 5 years of salary? Social Security is based on 35 years of earnings, and the worker gets ZERO credit for those years when he/she was not working.

And Social Security is skewed to give more benefits to the lower-paid, probably on the theory that the big earners can put something away for themselves. But teachers, and so many other government employees give bigger pensions to people who made larger salaries even while working (maybe) jobs that were not as dangerous, or difficult as their underlings had.

I would think that the street officers, the classroom teachers, the library clerks, would all have standing to file a lawsuit charging that calculating pensions on the last few years salaries instead of the entire career violates equal protection of the law.

3/05/2016 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much does the former AD at the U of I make? Hint it's North of 600k per year.....

3/05/2016 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

theyre dendin kickbacks to the Democrat Party & City Hall as part of the Gold Braid Pension Deal. Decades long Scam.

3/05/2016 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ever happen to being in a job for 20 years before a pension is earned.

3/05/2016 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all you political hack gold stars, both active and retired:

You have neither credibility nor respect.

Go fuck yourselves and take your so-called "merit" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Sell-out scum whores.

3/06/2016 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking Forest Claypool will end up with AT LEAST 3 pensions as well. Talks alot of shit about the average teacher getting a pension

3/06/2016 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every so often, the rats shove one of their own into the light; it distracts the cat for a while, as the rest of the rat pack sneaks away to another rat hole.

It's the 'I only have to run faster than you' hungry bear in the woods strategy.

3/06/2016 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don o neil----cmdr of HR then comes back as a civilian director of Human resources.

James Rousell --cmdr of 024....retires and comes bsck as chief of staff for superintendent

Both are tools. Fukking clowns

3/06/2016 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roti's wife has a clouted spot at the airport. Jessica Roti is "Special Assistant to the Commissioner" at the Trades Facilities building at O'Hare.

Little Miss Muffet, sit's on her tuffet, and tries to look intelligent.

3/06/2016 06:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fire Department has stopped gold braid pensions, police cant cause we have too many clouted exempts! We soon will be broke cause of these clouted know nothings!

3/06/2016 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Liz, I am a civilian employee of LA City, a lawyer who represents LAPD. I also serve as an active employee representative on the Pension board. I am thrilled to talk about pensions. In my humble opinion single largest problem you face in Illinois is not brass figuring how to get larger pensions - it is that your employers to not contribute their share. That is not only a violation of your employment contract, it is wage theft and a breech of the public trust. Your pension boards have been amazing in that they have managed to pay generations of pensions on your contributions and returns while the plans hover at 40% funded. But your pension boards have been complicit in the wage theft by not suing the State/Municipality and demanding their portion of the payment. Your pensions will forever be in trouble until that issue is addressed.

3/06/2016 02:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"LOL I had to laugh at the O'Neil comment above. I called him recently and his voice mail said "You have reached CMDR Dan O'Neil..." I was like "Cmdr? They told me he was a civilian." This was before I was aware of his history."

How come he struts shuts around with a gun being just a civilian? Concealed carry is one thing but that means CONCEALED!

3/06/2016 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Liz, I am a civilian employee of LA City, a lawyer who represents LAPD. I also serve as an active employee representative on the Pension board. I am thrilled to talk about pensions. In my humble opinion single largest problem you face in Illinois is not brass figuring how to get larger pensions - it is that your employers to not contribute their share. That is not only a violation of your employment contract, it is wage theft and a breech of the public trust. Your pension boards have been amazing in that they have managed to pay generations of pensions on your contributions and returns while the plans hover at 40% funded. But your pension boards have been complicit in the wage theft by not suing the State/Municipality and demanding their portion of the payment. Your pensions will forever be in trouble until that issue is addressed.

Thank you for the advise counselor but the reason why the city has not contributed more to our pension was because the pension legislation did not require the city to do so. The law stated that the city had to contribute double our contribution and nothing more. There was no provision requiring it to pay more because city hall has great influence in Springfield our state Capitol. The pension board therefore could not sue the city because the city was complying with the law. That has changed with the latest incarnation of the law where by the city now has 25 years to fund our pension to 90 percent of unfunded liability. So theoretically starting this year and for the next 25 years the city has to pay an additional 600 million dollars into the fund. I say theoretically because the city still has great sway with the legislature and is currently trying to rework what it is required by law to do. My best guess is they will extend the amortization out to 40 or 50 years to lessen its payment. Chicago is the most corrupt city in the most corrupt state in the USA.

3/07/2016 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't the city workers who get paid on the 7th and 22nd get paid today? Banks are open. Doesn't the law state that if the pay date falls on a holiday they must be paid the day before. Complete BS. Another day they can make money off our money.

3/07/2016 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They use 2 say back in the day "Dick Daley b 4 he dick's u"? He dicked us really

3/07/2016 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Duty Disability Fraud is much more prevalent than you think

3/05/2016 06:08:00 PM"

Keep on perpetuating the lie. It is nowhere near the drain on the Pension fund as over 150 Retired exempts draw 6 figure pensions, and their numbers keep on growing.

3/07/2016 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Leo returns as the superintendent will he be eligible for another pension?

3/08/2016 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When Leo returns as the superintendent will he be eligible for another pension?

3/08/2016 08:41:00 AM

No. Feel better now?

3/08/2016 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been a complaint for years. A suggestion over 10 years ago was to pension off the gold stars at their earned rank ,that being a lieutenant, not a rank handed to them. We all remember the gold stars that were handed out like candy by a few superintendence to their buddies, some would say amounts to theft . Remember the Goldstar that was at home when he died and was pensioned off as in the line of duty, how many of us would that happen to?

3/08/2016 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

considering the other diversity choices leo would not be a bad choice.

3/08/2016 04:31:00 PM  

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