Monday, July 25, 2016

Witness Getting Grief

This is what people who do the right thing have to put up with when they don't toe the line of the prevailing narrative:
  • A violent confrontation on the Near South Side that left a man dead and a police officer wounded began when a woman walking her dog became suspicious as the man sat drinking in a park.

  • [the witness] said some comments on the Internet have blamed her for Love's death.

    “It’s not my fault what happened. I just reported something that I saw that was worth being reported," she said. "That’s what police are there for. If you can’t tell them, then I don’t know what you’re supposed do."
Of course, she's not from around these parts, so she doesn't understand how dangerous it might be to go against the "community" that wants nothing to do with actual law and order:
  • [the witness] moved to Chicago last year and is working on her master’s degree in public policy at the University of Chicago. She was born and raised in Lebanon, and received a bachelor’s and master’s degree in English literature before switching career paths.

    "If you feel like you’re seeing something suspicious that could potentially put other people in danger, the way you should respond is, to get the people there out of harm’s way and report it and let professionals deal with it,” [the witness] said. “Clearly I didn’t walk up to the guy and ask him, 'Hey, why are you here? Why are you drinking?' I just made sure the park was cleared and the girls went home. And I told the cops because figured it’s their job to deal with it.”
And educated? That's a no-no among the perpetually aggrieved people. Who does she think she is?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the meadia prints her life story....How about her address and what schools her kids go to. Maybe her parents address and a list of cars she might own and where she parks them....... Leave it to the media and their big mouth.

7/25/2016 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always find blame with anyone and anything, except the asshole, as the asshole is the perpetual victim no matter what illegal act the asshole has committed. God forbid people do the Right thing.

7/25/2016 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for being a good citizen young lady.

7/25/2016 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully it will only be words and looks.

7/25/2016 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why on earth were so many details of this woman's personal life put out there in the media?!

7/25/2016 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But of course that would be using common sense and we don't use common sense in Chicago. We only use political correctness."

- Rahm

7/25/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just the kind of person that we want moving here,educated,nice,helpful,a plus to the city....and she will probably be chased off by the screaming shitheads.

7/25/2016 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

who published her name?

7/25/2016 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"And educated? That's a no-no among the perpetually aggrieved people. Who does she think she is?"

The Perpetually Aggrieved...
Those whose cause knows no pause...

The Joyful Haters.
The Willfully Ignorant.

The foot soldiers of a corrupt and corrosive agenda.

Self-Voiders of their inferred contract of
civility and decency with the rest of society.

The implication is that because of their perpetual
aggrievement with the rest of everybody else, they are exempted from standards
of conduct, decency and morality.

"For Us, By Us and Fuck All The Rest of Y'all."

Slightly O/T but relevant:

Stopped by an old Mom & Pop sandwich shop in a district we worked in
many years ago.

One of the sons was working the counter... Hadn't seen him in a few years.
The usual commentary about how we've gotten older and grayer and catching up
on family stuff.

"So, why are all these people gunning for you Coppers?"
Yes... He went down the list:


We told him the same thing we preach on this blog
at SCC's pleasure...

"They're trying to separate your Police from YOU!"

Separating an honored and storied institution like
CPD from the goodwill of the little people who pay
the disproportionate share of the freight to keep
Chicago going.

It's a "good idea" only to the itchy-minds who are pursuing it.

Everyone can clearly see it's a patently false economy too.
"We're right-sizing the department and achieving financial efficiencies"

As Grand-Daddy used to say:
"There goes some of that BULLSHIT I've been telling you kids about."

The guy at the sandwich shop was truly appalled at the notion
of these "smart people" like Rahm and POTUS using #bl(a)m/ACLU and
USDOJ as tools to pry The Police from the public good will.

He asked:
"What do they honestly hope to gain from demonizing The Police?"

...A lot, apparently.
It's like a high stakes poker game.
They're all in and calling in markers too.

What the man said when he wrapped up our sandwich?
(At a discount. At HIS pleasure. He says "F/U."
to anyone who has a problem with it.)

"We're selling and getting the fuck out.
We don't recognize this city anymore."

We can't help but wonder if Rahm, with all
his side-guys, pollsters, blog trollers/provocateurs
and propeller-head whiz kids had managed to war game
the fall-out of "sticking it in the cops ear?"

When you have good people like this sandwich shop
proprietor, considering doing a take-down of a 4th
generation family business because he feels unsafe
and is tired of having his pockets picked by a
North Shore carpetbagger who has no love or understanding
of this city and how it really works?

Yeah... What DOES all of this really accomplish
other than grief and aggravation?

Hey Rahm.
People are REALLY starting to not like how you act
and how you're running the city's business.

Tyrants tend not to end well.

7/25/2016 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I never work VRI. So I plan on signing up for these days. Then cancel hour before start time. Then I get suspended for 3 months. So what, I don't work it anyways.
Love this post! If only all the spots were filled with guys like you, with big balls of steel! That would be monster fuck you Rahm. Definitely needs proper planning.

7/25/2016 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Armed Man Sitting In A Dark Park Late At Night Lives Matter!

What? Too long for a t-shirt?

7/25/2016 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the moral of the story is, never, ever speak to the media.

7/25/2016 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click the link. Check out the planned photo. How N.O.B.L.E.

7/25/2016 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lady, where I live you did the right thing. You did the thing that everyone does where I live, you call the polic and report criminal activity. But you broke the cardinal rule in Chicago; no snitching. Sometimes the diversity and ethnic cultural thrill of the city you so crave will not be worth the trouble. You will find that true as you age and experience more of that culture. But I thank you. Love was looking for something to take sitting in the park drinking. Instead HE gave it up. Except for the policeman being shot (the south Loop cops are top notch go getters) and the fallout you are experiencing which I am sure is of concern, thank you again.

7/25/2016 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O/T Why Trump Will Win

Even Michael Moore that tub of a fat ass predicts that Trump will win.

7/25/2016 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just what we need - more busy bodies with nothing better to do reporting people for drinking.

7/25/2016 07:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Love!!! His death is a very good thing!! Blame? If anything she gets CREDIT!!!

7/25/2016 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic SCC...Sorry

Please do NOT forget about the Lt Exam Cheating Scandal. Many officers still have their eyes on the "alleged" cheaters involved.

1 Eddie & Fenner
2 Eugene & Ward
3 Wysinger & Hall
4 un-NOBLE & Green

We are not going to let this go away as you guilty people were hoping! The investigation will come to light.

Apology to SCC forum....

7/25/2016 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's born and raised in Lebanon?

7/25/2016 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ruling party in this city has determined that this witness is on the wrong side of history. She better stop acting like a responsible citizen or find a more right leaning city to reside in.

7/25/2016 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to thank her and give her a hug! She is a good person.

7/25/2016 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More grief another mass shooting Florida fort Myers nightclub:

Stay ready wait for back-up always put down the cell phones heads always on swivel know your partner discuss scenarios. Protect blue always and forever without us total utter anarchy kaos mayhem!

7/25/2016 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more grief another nightclub mass shooting of teens in fort Myers Florida:

This does not look to be Islamic terrorism more like child of say for example of the mothers being honored at democratic convention mothers of Michael brown etc mothers of thugs that attempted to kill police!

7/25/2016 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical she does the right thing probably preventing a shooting of innocent people a child being molested! This facebook nonsense is really pathetic! Glad the officer is ok and hope he recovers for all the time needed no rushing back!

7/25/2016 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snitches get stitches. That's how the hoodrats roll. There isn't anything logical about the way they think or live. Who gives a fuck what these assholes think or say? Fuck them.

7/25/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect from thuglife scum? then you have this great news a civilian employee of CPD in thugland shoots robbers, please don't stress out the "victim" give a reward for this job well done!

7/25/2016 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/25/2016 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job to the witness. ignore the idiots who talk trash. those are the less educated and the ones who are truly racist and try every single day to push a false narrative because they're so worthless in the real world.

7/25/2016 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to assume because the media hasn't reported it that the decedent was not black or light brown. No protests or out cries from blm or any other terrorist organizations. Perhaps they're assisting rounding up "witnesses" to this uneventful encounter.

7/25/2016 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another you know who shooting in ft myers... Black Lives Murder

7/25/2016 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

"Of course, she's not from around these parts, so she doesn't understand how dangerous it might be to go against the "community" that wants nothing to do with actual law and order."

"She was born and raised in Lebanon." How can she be expected to understand that she has simply moved to another Beirut? Here, people in some areas still have to duck and run and dodge the local "militias" to get down the street for a loaf of bread. A lot of those vacant lots you see are merely cleared-off remnants of Chicago's Civil War Of 1968. Here, they used Molotov cocktails instead of 155mm howitzers, but the end result was about the same.

"That’s what police are there for. If you can’t tell them, then I don’t know what you’re supposed to do."

Hard to explain that she lives in a city where "activists" who want to "eliminate policing" have the Superintendent's personal phone number -- where the Mayor and local clergy write letters supporting violent agitators who punch police commanders, spit on and threaten officers, and try to snatch their guns.

As you can see, "community standards" and "cultural differences" in some areas mean that you simply let the armed perverts sit and enjoy their "beverage." No one there would have cared if one of those girls had later been found raped and strangled and discarded in a garbage tote.

No outcry, no demonstrations would have ensued -- not where "No snitchin'" is the order of the day.

Welcome To Chicago -- Rahm I. Emanuel, Mayor

7/25/2016 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry miss, they have no clue what a Lebanon is or even where it is. Ain't it that corner store on 75th and Jeffrey?

7/25/2016 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see my time tracking down this article was worth it.

7/25/2016 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to that lady for doing the right thing. May you obtain that master's in public policy and apply it in a city that still matters and has a chance of surviving into the future.

On the bright side, U-Haul should still be renting trucks out of Chicago for the next few years when you get that degree.

7/25/2016 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many shootings and or murders have occurred within a 5 mile radius of Rham's home and or O'Bama's

7/25/2016 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she'll be run outta town on a rail & she can kiss her academic hopes & academic career good-bye...the social fascist Professoriate will never ever grant her an MA degree no matter how smart/diligent etc she may be: she obviously don't "thunk" right by their lights

7/25/2016 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone see these goofs at Homan Square?

HOMAN SQUARE — The corner of Homan Avenue and Fillmore Street was mostly quiet on Sunday, but as storms raged and temperatures soared over the weekend, an occupation at the site remained.

Since Wednesday, a group of activists have stood vigil on the site, standing in opposition to a proposed new city law making that would make any attacks on police officers and firefighters hate crimes.

Though temperatures rose over 90 degrees, some 20 activists continued their occupation optimistic and undeterred.

Children painted a banner. Activists grilled hotdogs and chicken as fire bolted upward from the hot coals. Passersby pulled over in their cars or stopped as they walked down the street, asking about what the gathering was or bringing water, freeze pops and other supplies.

Volunteers handed out free water, fruit and food to onlookers and explained their reasoning for being there to recipients. With signs that read “Freedom Square” and “The Bluest Lie, The Blackest Site,” the scene from a distance looked somewhere between a cookout among friends who had camped overnight and a peaceful demonstration.

7/25/2016 11:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work VRI, but I will not do it on the designated days. To the guy who signs up and then're awesome. God bless you. I'd like to buy you a drink bud.

7/25/2016 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Rahm Emmanuel has his 9.5 fingers pressing Special Ed for writing the false narrative among the crime and disorder problem
#1. identify that witness, now!

#2. yes sir,!

7/25/2016 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New CNN National poll Trump 48 Clinton 45

7/25/2016 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All her private information for the world to see. Unbelievable Poor woman.

7/25/2016 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor thing. She actually thought America and Chicago was on the up and up. I wish someone could have told her these nut bag Liberals and shit bag Politicians have made this a gangster city with streets ran by gangsters.

7/25/2016 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Texas police sergeant killed in his home:

It says he used his radio to report prowlers around his home, in these times like always if you hear a radio call and it is police or police families this is the times balls to the walls response, you never know when it could be you or another brother/sister in blue! Prayers for this officers family sent Godspeed brother!

Hutchinson was a 32-year veteran who had planned to retire in September. Hamilton said Hutchison served as his field training officer and "taught me everything I know."

Going to retire spent his career serving and this happens!

As for me have been keeping my weapon in my gun safe now i think it goes in night stand drawer when I sleep, I believe in safety first better to be able to grab and use it than to have to open up combination! I was going to raise my police American flag on the flag pole today now it stays at half-staff! Listening to radio as I type they are outraged that clinton is having the mothers of the thugs who attempted to kill police on the stage as headliners, the radio guy si saying "what about the wife's/husbands of heroes killed by thugs" Amen to that! Another reason Trump is leading like a thoroughbred racehorse supporting police!

7/25/2016 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Barack Obama's America. Good is Bad, Black vs White, the United States is the cause of the worlds problems so we apologize and allow small cancers to grow to fatal. YET, I still hear clueless coppers celebrate his Presidency. If this demagogue isn't the Anti-Christ he's awful close. The world is on fire and he's the fuel.

7/25/2016 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the DNC tonight they are having the mothers of "Police Victim's"
Trayvon Martin? Why? Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner !! As a citizen this fucking enrages me! These useless pandering pricks will roll these four lotto winners out as victims!!!!

Please be extra vigilant this week!! Some sorry ass prick may feel for these
"VICTIMS" and attempt another Dallas or Louisiana!!

7/25/2016 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why "Policing Must Be Eliminated" --

Boy, 14, shot dead alongside high school basketball star, 18, when gunman opened fire at a Florida 'teen night' club shooting: Victims as young as 12 fighting for their lives

* Two teenage boys murdered and 16 people wounded by a gunman outside the Club Blu nightclub in Fort Myers in Florida
* Stef'an Strawder, 18, and Sean Archilles, 14, was killed in the shooting
* Strawder was a local basketball star at Lehigh Senior High School
* His sister, Sharrelle, was also shot in the leg while at the nightclub
* Archilles was standing on a corner near the club when shooting occurred
* Victims said they had to duck behind cars to avoid the hail of bullets
* Police arrested the gunman and two other people at different locations

Protest marches against the arrests are undoubtedly being organized even as we write...

7/25/2016 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at Eddie at the press conference. Tuck your shirt in, son.

7/25/2016 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is the chiefs shirt tail out in the trib picture wtf?

7/25/2016 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is what people who do the right thing have to put up with when they don't toe the line of the prevailing narrative..."

So what happened to that "It take a whole village to raise up a child" routine?

Didn't really mean it, huh?

7/25/2016 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much shenanigans continue to take place at 35th and Michigan despite the fact that the DoJ has their nose up CPD,s ass.

If you sent an application to 35th and Michigan trying to apply for a job in CPIC or anything else forget about it the fix is in.

How is it possible that crap like that continues to happen.? If anyone at 35th and Michigan sees something and says nothing they too are part of the problem

Can someonE put out a list of subject matter experts that ran study groups for Sgts and LTs ?

7/25/2016 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

OT -

Did you see that a whole string of El cars (8, 10, 12 of them?) were completely restored - inside and out - to look like they're from yesteryear. Why, you ask? Well, specifically for transporting fans from north to south and viceversa for the Crosstown Classic series.

What'd this cost the taxpayers? A few hundred thousand? Halfa Mil? More?

Meanwhile our pension still sits underfunded.


7/25/2016 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On what fucking planet did this woman do the "wrong thing?" This is exactly the mentality that has been spewed by the "leftist" media and the current D.C. administration. This woman did exactly what she was supposed to do...remember the "see something. ..say something" saying? That's exactly what she did. What if some family was at the park and dad said something to this asshole and that asshole shot dad? Or even better, dad was a C.C.Permit holder and shot asshole? The brave officer's did what they were trained to do and the "natives" want to blame the woman for saying this guy was acting erratically? This is exactly what a new Clinton administration will continue to push.

7/25/2016 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1829, Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern law enforcement, stated, “The police are the public and the public are the police.”

7/25/2016 03:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We KNOW that Tact Teams are detailed to Bud Billiken, but it's time to grow a set and send a message. Big deal you get dumped from a Tact Team. The children we seem to attract are so incredibly selfish and shortsighted. We need to play hard ball and some POOF in a backwards Sox or Cubs hat is worried he'll get dimped to a watch.

7/25/2016 03:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought Bud Billiken was an imaginary character but after 8 yrs of Obama he has contributed more to my community than the first Black President. At least Bud didn't condone violence in his own community and then blame White Police Officers. At least Bud didn't underhandedly promise the moon to Black America then blame a Republican Congress for not delivering. At least Bud didn't have the most PUSSIFIED Foreign Policy since Neville Chamberlein then like the sissy he is lob bombs with remote controlled airplanes at abandoned buildings and vehicles for propoganda on the 10 O'Clock Liberal News.I am now a pariah in my own community because of the fact that I have a military background and this job,raise my children with my wife and contribute to society. Maybe we should have an eye opening day without police to show just how important we are. We are all in!

7/25/2016 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT -

Did you see that a whole string of El cars (8, 10, 12 of them?) were completely restored - inside and out - to look like they're from yesteryear. Why, you ask? Well, specifically for transporting fans from north to south and viceversa for the Crosstown Classic series.

What'd this cost the taxpayers? A few hundred thousand? Halfa Mil? More?

Meanwhile our pension still sits underfunded.


7/25/2016 02:37:00 PM

Per the CTA, all the funding for the Heritage cars and buses comes from private donations and the sale of CTA merchandise.

7/25/2016 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the DNC tonight they are having the mothers of "Police Victim's"
Trayvon Martin? Why? Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner !! As a citizen this fucking enrages me! These useless pandering pricks will roll these four lotto winners out as victims!!!!

Please be extra vigilant this week!! Some sorry ass prick may feel for these
"VICTIMS" and attempt another Dallas or Louisiana!!

7/25/2016 12:45:00 PM

Would this mother of Sandra Bland be the same loving mother who refused to provide bond money to her daughter, Sandra Bland, which would have prevented her from hanging herself inside the jail cell? THAT mother is appearing at the DNC to complain about OTHER people's actions???

7/25/2016 04:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

New CNN National poll Trump 48 Clinton 45

7/25/2016 11:44:00 AM

It'll wobble back and forth several times til the election. It'll come down to who manages to steal the most votes at the very end.

7/25/2016 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes...the lovely media and their spectacular decision making process...

7/25/2016 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want to say thank you to the 1 percent of supervisors that aren't blowhard jagoffs. Don't let these other handjobs sway you to their side.

7/25/2016 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) In japan mass causalities with knife:

Then you have teen event in great formerly great vacation location Fort Myers Florida, where the black lies murder crew shoots kills and injures many:

And again in chiraq black lies murder another good kid killed:

5 killed and 40 wounded was this in the banana republic third world? why no again chiraq how many are the usual suspects black lies murder:

abc 7 take the ride wow your war on police is front and center story after story today:

Showing that to say this especially you young and skullsfull of education but really full of mush! If your stupid enough to listen to any of the gold star goof balls and act aggressively you will be the next contestant on the worldwide show "To ruin a police officer" You will be subject to 24/7 negative coverage which will ruin you, your family and your prize will be losing your job, the grand prize lose everything and go to prison! Oh the boss "has my back" these goofs could not find dope in a drug store! Look around every go get them gold star is attached to an elected and they make their "tax payments" directly to them, and if you think that the judges are fair, i personally attended some golf outings and watched the elected and judges have at it, they are told who to put in prison and if your a copper and no clout your "it!"

You will never change the animal they ruin everything always have always will!

7/25/2016 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/25/2016 02:37:00 PM

So true! However the fresh paint can't cover up the blood left from the stabbings on the RED line. RED for Blood.

7/25/2016 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, not very far away . . . the latest and greatest statistics from:

Last Week’s Totals (7/17 – 7/23)
Total Shot: 114
Shot & Wounded: 100
Shot & Killed: 14
Total Homicides: 14

July to Date
Total Shot: 350
Shot & Wounded: 307
Shot & Killed: 43
Total Homicides: 47

Year to Date
Total Shot: 2319
Shot & Wounded: 1979
Shot & Killed: 340
Total Homicides: 378

The following are the 2016 numbers I crunched from the above stats, using only gunshot victims so far this year . . .

2016 Total Police Shootings to Date: 12
2016 LE percentage of Total Shootings: 0.517%
2016 Odds of being shot by any LE Agency: 1 in 193
2016 LE percentage of Total Shot & Wounded: 0.354%
2016 Odds of being wounded by any LE Agency: 1 in 283
2016 LE percentage of Total Shot & Killed: 1.471%
Odds of being killed by any LE Agency: 1 in 68

These numbers are only for the pool of gunshot victims. Taken as a total of city population . . .

2016 estimated population is 2.6 MILLION people within the city limits, with some 9.5 Million in the Metro area. I'll just do the City numbers.

Shootings in general . . .
2016 Percentage of population shot: 0.0856%
2016 Odds of being shot in general: 1 in 1121
2016 Percentage of population wounded:0.073%
2016 Odds of being wounded in general: 1 in 1314
2016 Percentage of population wounded: 0.0125%
2016 Odds of being killed in general: 1 in 7634

Now, crunch some numbers of LE Agency shooting by City population . . .

2016 LE Agency shootings of total population: 0.0004615%
2016 Odds of being shot by LE in Chicago: 1 in 216,685
2016 LE Agency woundings of total population:0.0002692%
2016 Odds of being wounded by LE in Chicago: 1 in 371,471
2016 LE Agency killings of total population:0.000192%
2016 Odds of being killed by LE in Chicago: 1 in 520,833

Obviously, the stats don't support the media narrative.

Note to SCC: I am currently crunching lots of data from HJ,, and the DOJ Unicorn Crime Reports to tell a Tale of Two Cities. I should be finished by this weekend and will email a copy to you, if you are interested. Data is being formatted in the form of Excel spreadsheets for easy enough comparison. (Also to allow for easy updating as the stats change.) The two cities are within 12% of each other in terms of land based geographic area, as well as PD staffing to civilian population. Other variables were chosen to be widely spaced to illustrate the point.

7/25/2016 06:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the bright side, U-Haul should still be renting trucks out of Chicago for the next few years when you get that degree.

7/25/2016 10:59:00 AM

From the story, I'd have to say the exodus has begun . . .


After years of financial woes, Lindsey Yates and her husband had to at last address the nagging question: Should they stay or should they go?

The young couple's continued residency in Chicago was threatened by new obstacles every few months. First came the rising property taxes, then the stress of finding a decent school for their 2-year-old son in a neighborhood they could afford.

Three weeks ago, Yates and her family hit the road, leaving the South Loop and successful careers in the rearview mirror as they headed toward their new house in a Denver suburb.

"The thing that boggles my mind: How is it that a dentist and a business professional and their one young son" can't make it work financially? Yates asked from the road, at a pit stop in Nebraska, where her in-laws are living. "If we can't make it work, who can?" she asked.


The article quotes several other former area residents, most of whom have nothing but contempt for the status quo in Illinois. Interesting read, even though it's from 4 months ago.

7/25/2016 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 5 news reporter Rosati warns of armed robbery offenders near north business description two men in their 30's Armed she says call police if you see them Are they Amish , Asian , Caucasian Mexican Cuban or none of the above
Oops I forgot they think everybody knows most violent crimes are committed by African Americans sorry terrible to think
Like that. If bad guy is not black channel 5 will tell us

7/25/2016 06:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but why would some people protest a law that says it is a hate crime if first responders are attacked?

7/25/2016 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
O/T Why Trump Will Win

Even Michael Moore that tub of a fat ass predicts that Trump will win.

7/25/2016 06:56:00 AM

He's a sneaky bastard. He knows that young liberals and millennials don't vote so he wants to scare them by saying Trump will win. This is a very smart effort to try and get their supporters off the couch and into the polling booths. The simple fact is that unless Trump can get some minority voters, he can't win. Trump knows this too, so look out for him trying to coax the minorities over to his side in the coming months. California, New Jersey, New York and Illinois have a lot of electoral college votes between them. 118 to be exact. A candidate only needs 270 to win the election, so Trump has an uphill battle ahead of him.

7/25/2016 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SunTimes is running a story about Englewood charged with the Murder on N. Clark St just south of W. Division St the reporter identified the witness by name, sex race and the fact where he resides and on which floor, can't get anymore witness bashing for snitching!

7/25/2016 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Conservative African American Police Officer I have seen my share of racism and hatred on both sides, but I have NEVER seen Plantation Politics like today's Democratic Party. The Democrats cheaply think they can buy our votes for throwing politicians t-shirts or candy at the most obnoxious and humiliating event in Chicago BUD BILLIKEN. My family avoided this day like the plague and the embarrassment of being exploited for cheap votes and the heartbreaking and humiliating sight of absentee parents allowing their children to run wild and gyrate like strippers. Having worked numerous other moronic events in past i.e. (Southside Irish Moron Parade)I wholeheartedly agree that to radically throw a shot across the bow of the corrupt Democratic Machine and sit this one out would be an avenue for change and clarity from our elected officials. It's time to stick together and demand change,respect and HIRING!

7/25/2016 09:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because they want to bottle you or brick you at the next street protest they know you are forbidden from wearing helmets

7/25/2016 09:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic, but why would some people protest a law that says it is a hate crime if first responders are attacked?
Why do some people think some lives are worth more than others?

Or that the reason for a crime makes it more heinous?

7/25/2016 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Boy, 14, shot dead alongside high school basketball star, 18, when gunman opened fire at a Florida 'teen night' club shooting: Victims as young as 12 fighting for their lives"

7/25/2016 01:22:00 PM

The 12-year-old was reportedly hanging in the parking lot outside the club at 12:30 AM.

What is this deal -- a prep school for when real booze gets hosed out and "adults" begin killing each other?

Doesn't Ft. Myers have a curfew?

7/25/2016 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Either Willies shirt is untucked, or he just did a presser without his pants.

7/25/2016 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do some people think some lives are worth more than others?

Or that the reason for a crime makes it more heinous?
Because it's a DOG EAT DOG WORLD and I have bigger teeth than YOU!

Its called intent, an element of the offense, in this thing called the LAW. There's a big book with a lot of these things called LAWS.

Now go back to your tent outside Homan Square protesting the Police, while a few blocks away a shitload of like minded people like you are deciding who's lives are worthless and putting lots of holes in them. Maybe some will swing by with an extended clip and spread the unlove around, you worthless troll.

7/25/2016 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/25/2016 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from a revolutionary presidential candidate that was knocked off by the dnc to a with her boot licker , pant suit presser
he sold out his supporters , they are pissed and will not vote for her

7/25/2016 11:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont worry just go get MORE blue cards, it will solve everything!

7/26/2016 12:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/26/2016 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, witness/citizen, for being a responsible citizen. Apologies that our city sucks. Not enough of us (like you) out there.

7/26/2016 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the bright side, U-Haul should still be renting trucks out of Chicago for the next few years when you get that degree.

7/25/2016 10:59:00 AM

Spent the weekend with the family at the Porter County, Indiana fair. Cheap gas, lower taxes on food & hotel, etc. Billboards all over touting Indiana's multi-year balanced budget, AAA bond rating, etc.

Spent a weekend in Minnesota a couple weeks before that. Same story.

Screw Chicago, Cook County and Illinois. I'll spend as little money as possible here.

7/26/2016 01:54:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Per the CTA, all the funding for the Heritage cars and buses comes from private donations and the sale of CTA merchandise.

7/25/2016 04:52:00 PM

If completely accurate, I stand corrected.

That said, I stand by the portion of my original post that says:


7/26/2016 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Boy, 14, shot dead alongside high school basketball star, 18, when gunman opened fire at a Florida 'teen night' club shooting: Victims as young as 12 fighting for their lives"

7/25/2016 01:22:00 PM

The 12-year-old was reportedly hanging in the parking lot outside the club at 12:30 AM.

What is this deal -- a prep school for when real booze gets hosed out and "adults" begin killing each other?

Doesn't Ft. Myers have a curfew?

7/25/2016 09:48:00 PM

And seems to me it gets enforced there as much as the Minor Curfew does here.

7/26/2016 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Would this mother of Sandra Bland be the same loving mother who refused to provide bond money to her daughter, Sandra Bland, which would have prevented her from hanging herself inside the jail cell? THAT mother is appearing at the DNC to complain about OTHER people's actions???"

7/25/2016 04:56:00 PM

Yes -- the whole fambly between them wouldn't come up with $500, I believe it was, at the time, but now they are major players in the GL. Street named after someone who would have gotten off with a warning if they hadn't kicked a cop in the first place.

...and what was that about Bland's obtaining and using marijuana from other inmates in the lockup?

Speaking of which -- anyone got the tox screen on Hadiya Pendleton?

Never mind. Martyrs, all of them. Saints. Heroes.

7/26/2016 07:59:00 AM  

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