Tuesday, September 05, 2017

A "Big Picture" Take

Have you ever felt that something is going on and you just couldn't put your finger on it? Some sixth sense making the hairs on the back of your neck prickle? Just thinking if you had one more piece, you might be able to see a bigger picture?
  • We've noted over the past weeks of a number of previously justified shootings being re-opened.
  • We've also heard rumors of some people being sent to Alternate Response (Callback) for some nonsense with the ISR's (still unconfirmed).
  • There's an open CR on an officer who had an allegedly offensive bumper sticker on his car.
So we did what many coppers do - we went out for a beer to catch up with some old friends. And then we heard another rumor....and the nagging thoughts suddenly seemed a lot clearer.
  • A bunch of scandals are being revisited. Large scandals.....scandals that never go away. Scandals quoted by types with axes to grind. Scandals where, even though the statute of limitations has run out on criminal charges, Official Misconduct (which doesn't have a statute of limitations) is a real possibility
And we think we've figured out at least a part of the end game:
  • COPA is going to be launched near the end of September;
  • COPA needs immediate legitimacy (the new "watchword");
  • COPA knows the fastest and easiest way to "legitimize" themselves is to completely discredit IPRA.
To do this, COPA is revisiting shootings, scandals, complaints, anything at all that has a loose end. And they will loudly proclaim to the "community"
  • "You were right all along! We are taking a second look at all of these old scandals/shootings/complaints and do you know what we are finding? Every allegation, every investigation, every so-called "justified" action taken by the police was tainted by IPRA's horrible investigations! Look at what we are going to do now!"
And do you know what they are going to do?
  • Administratively Separate dozens, maybe scores, of cops.
Why else re-open shootings where no new information has come to light, no lawsuits have been filed or paid out? Cops who have been cleared are suddenly at call-back, or the subject of witch hunts. Cops who have come out on top of investigations or hearings are suddenly targeted for bumper stickers? It's a hunting expedition and coppers' heads are the prizes. You may have been within State Law, but the Administrative side? It's built to trip you up.

Furthermore, do you think those on the periphery of some of the more notable scandals - cops who were "cleared" or saved their own skins via political means - are in the clear? We don't. Official Misconduct can cost you your career and pension upon conviction, and it is a charge that is far easier to make stick. It's a lever to compel resignations.

Watch your backs.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Currently there had to be an underlying crime to charge official misconduct

9/05/2017 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe I'm feeling marginalized.

9/05/2017 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't listen to that nonsense, they will never hurt a working copper. Now go out there and get some heads.

9/05/2017 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took a finnski from Mailbox Marilyn in 1969. I'll turn myself in tomorrow.

9/05/2017 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone describe the bumper sticker?

9/05/2017 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its called a "hit list"!

9/05/2017 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, maybe they can re-open the Lt exam cheating scandal that IAD, IPRA and the IG office blew off.
IAD was suppose to notify the IG office immediately of the cheating allegations and the tainted test, which they did not!
The sergeant and lieutenant union does not care. They are bought and sold by the mayor.

9/05/2017 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just curious. What did the bumper sticker say? We should all get it. I'll say my wife put it on our car.

9/05/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two words:

#1: Fetality

To those who are thinking about taking the December Police test:

#2: Don't.

9/05/2017 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's not the half of it. Mayor needs COPA for the next election and COPA is on an all out rampage to credit themselves and the mayor to an unknowing public by lying and throwing coppers under the bus for correct police procedures. IPRA to COPA HAS NOT CHANGED one bit. Same director, same staff but a renewed desire to screw coppers who have done their job correctly and spin incidents into their b.s. favor. COPA does not have legitimate investigators. They are people who have failed in the private sector with backgrounds in professions that have nothing to do with law enforcement, legal or proper and correct investigations. Your life is literally in the hands of accountants that can't add and sales people who couldn't make their quotas. Did you happen to notice that Lori Lightfoot has since rubber stamped sustained CR's at police board meetings? She knows you can't afford $100K to hire a lawyer for federal court. Btw, if IPRA was so bad, how come Lightfoot wasn't fired for mismanaging a civilian agency to overlook the police. Instead, she was given a promotion to director of the Police Board.

Turn that body camera on. It's going to save your life.

9/05/2017 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a lot of sewage that the clouted clowns hid. If it was only that alone.

9/05/2017 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Tac guys will still be out chasing dude for drug offenses that get dismissed in court. Keep up the good work. Without you hard charging Tac guys, there wouldn't be anything to watch on the news about cops messing up.

9/05/2017 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is in fact the trend, then look for any crime reduction by pro-active policing to be pretty much non-existent in the foreseeable future.

The liberals are sowing the seeds of de-policing at every turn and the community they swear to defend will reap the whirlwind of crime.

There is nothing a sergeant, lieutenant or watch commander can do to mitigate an action of a police officer, whether the action was by accident, omission or intentional due to confusion of understanding the law or an order. Accountability is now becoming self-preservation. Losing a few hours or even a few days has turned into losing the job or worse going to prison over bullshit. And that ain't going to happen in anyone's book.

9/05/2017 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the FOP says nothing how typical

9/05/2017 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow.. just fucking wow.. shitcongo is soooooooooooooooo jacked.

9/05/2017 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Rahm's cover for sitting on the
JVD/LMcD tape to ensure his re-election
to a 2nd and altogether undeserved term.

Rahm's political insurance policy against
even the remote possibility of a not guilty
verdict being returned against JVD.

Rahm's cover and shielding from any responsibility
for running CPD on the cheap by stripping away millions
in funding for hands-on firearms and use of force training
and using that money to pander to the Catered-To Constituencies.

Rahm is willing to destroy CPD and by extension, allow
this city to be lit on fire just to save his worthless skin.

Just imagine how bad it would have been had Hillary won?

Or perhaps it's because she lost that Rahm felt his political
aspirations were crushed by the same house that dropped out
of the sky on Hill-Dog.

The only real immediate defense is that someone in
IPRA/COPA actually has an intact conscience and
reveals what's going on behind the scenes.

Perhaps this is the "Police Reform" that Rahm
was playing so close to his vest?

9/05/2017 01:19:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

I wouldn't mind seeing all of those who've escaped scandal and stupidity courtesy of clout, nepostism and connections getting it jammed in their balloon knots balls deep.

The multi-tier CPD disciplinary system needed to be addressed since the inception of the department. Like most, I support efforts at a total overhaul of the entire system. Only we all know that the only thing COPA will target is the low hanging fruit while the connected will be allowed to repeatedly on their dicks with no repercussions. Just like always.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

It's the perfect storm complete with immpeccable timing to ruin the lives of some sacrificial lamb coppers: JVD trial in motion. 9.5 desperate for reelection. Contact negotiations progressing. Burge 'curriculum' being force-fed to CPS simpletons. A Madigan orchestrated consent decree in the making. Homegrown terrorists arriving in November. Yep... sounds like the right time to throw some more coppers under the Political Expediency Express.

You pups weaned enough to have them eyes completely opened yet?

9/05/2017 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are correct. These are not investigations or hearings. These are hunts to fulfill their anti police agenda. In their convoluted minds they are using "restorative justice" to make up for perceived past injustices, never letting facts, evidence, or the truth get in their way. The deck is now completely stacked against the police in Chicago. The democratic party has merged with black lies matter. Do what they demand NOTHING. It hurts me to say that, but it is the only way to survive until sanity is restored to our leadership. AG Sessions please drain the Chicago Swamp.

9/05/2017 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC you are so right about COPA bragging to "the community"
This political witch hunt is orchestrated by Rahm's never ending placating/pandering to "the community"

Ever since Rahm panicked that he might be found out that he sat on the McDonald video for political gain he began obsessively pandering to "the community". It's his way of hoping to distract "the community" so they'll forget about Rahm's cover up.

From Rahm's perspective he couldn't care less how many coppers are railroaded nor how many careers and families will suffer due to his
ordering of all these political witch hunts.
Rahm truly despises us so he has absolutely no problem throwing as many of us under his bus as possible.
In his eyes it simply keeps "the community" at bay.

Also don't think for a second that Rahm isn't also enjoying the timing of all this bullshit..... during very contentious contract negotiations.
He'll have his lapdog media sullying up CPD every chance they get to further turn the public against CPD.
Rahm will enjoy painting CPD as incorrigible ...... and then he'll say we're being greedy because we won't "be part of the solution" of being "fiscally responsible"

Rahm is lower than a snake. Karma is a motherfucker Rahm.
There'll be a special place in Hell for you.

9/05/2017 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good shooting is a good shooting no matter how many times it's reopened. Some of us are more concern than others.

9/05/2017 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA is the new NAZI.
Revisit cases long cleared. Late night hate
sessions, private, closed deliberation. You're
not being paranoid if you think this group of
vigilantes has not cherry picked cases in the
search for the Holy Grail, the Caucasian case.
Why even bother to incriminate themselves by
putting a "c" on case files when the whole damn
operation is a big capital "C."

9/05/2017 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch your COPA

9/05/2017 03:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet with all these warning signs these under 4 year wonders still run chase and get involved in nonsense.

9/05/2017 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh!!! It was obvious that they were going to take a second look at some cases even if the officer was cleared of any wrong doing. IPRA has now a really bad reputation and COPA wants to be seen as the one who caught the bad cops and obviously our mayor will take credit for something like that

9/05/2017 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess the first round in my weapon will be a snap cap.

9/05/2017 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do nothing.

9/05/2017 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you young officers if you've ever been reading this blog for any length of time you know what's going on but yet you continue to listen to the big bosses the idiots that control what goes on in your race out there like a maniac and try to do the job and then years later this happens again and again please be fetal! This is been said many times if you want to keep your house keep your health keep your freedom keep your family stay fetal protect blue it is as simple as that. When The boss laughs you laugh when the boss tells you to do something you say sure boss but you do what you have to do to protect yourself and your family now and in the future!


9/05/2017 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm is behind dusting up these old cases. It's his snake way of 're-positioning' his brand name to the minority community as their 'crusader.' Anything to pander to their votes.

9/05/2017 07:07:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Will they take down the white shirts as well.

9/05/2017 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justify your existence.

9/05/2017 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not saying thier isn't a witch hunt but to charge official misconduct you need another charges. Official misconduct is not a stand alone charge. The dumbass with the bumper sticker is just that a dumbass. You can't fix stupid. Now is copa trying to screw officers. Yes, the FOP better be ready to battle and better be ready to go to the courts to protect due process. What's more important POs better start reading orders and doing the job the way the order says. COPA doesn't give a damn if something else works better or is easier deviate from the order and you are screwed. Give every caller a report go get a CtA check, get an event number at a park on your beat and sit there for a few minutes. Get through the tour

9/05/2017 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Currently there had to be an underlying crime to charge official misconduct

9/05/2017 12:14:00 AM

And said "crime(s)" being defined as such and by who/whom?

Chicago has been allowed to carve-out and re-define
that which criminal and that which is not, and how
what is alleged to be criminal conduct is applied
to which "demographic subset."

...First, they hijacked the language and subverted
that which is universally accepted and understood
to be in the realm of the common sense and universally


That which you're seeing, is disbelieved
by everybody else.

Or vice versa.

Making war against The Police in the name
of naked, cynical and venal politics and calling
it "Reform."



No wonder Chicago has been seen as
a truly hellified place.

So much about it defies common decency
and common sense.

"The Police are the problem.
Once we fix THEM, everything else
will fall into place."

9/05/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely off topic but in 015 four officers just got stripped because their ISR's video did not match up with the narrative.

9/05/2017 07:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The isr to call back is a bad rumor, didn't happen. Only shootings reopened are ones that were bad to begin with that caused a death with no weapon found. I agree do nothing but you are getting a lot of guys worked up over misinformation and theories.

9/05/2017 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the pieces have to be in place first and thats happening. New Use of Force Policy, New ISR protocol, and New TRR procedures. These are all modified to ensure COPA and the City will be able to discharge any Officer they wish. Any incident with the most remote chance of "political damage" to the Mayor will be handled with immediate suspension and separation. The time is now for self preservation.

9/05/2017 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous get her out of my heart said...

Damn, good thing my clout put me at Division/State writing DOPW anovs......

Only 17 out from making SGT ! LOL !!!

9/05/2017 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good shooting is a good shooting no matter how many times it's reopened. Some of us are more concern than others.

9/05/2017 03:33:00 AM

I hope you are trying your hand at sarcasm. If not, you are dangerously naive.

9/05/2017 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And that's not the half of it. Mayor needs COPA for the next election and COPA is on an all out rampage to credit themselves and the mayor to an unknowing public by lying and throwing coppers under the bus for correct police procedures. IPRA to COPA HAS NOT CHANGED one bit. Same director, same staff but a renewed desire to screw coppers who have done their job correctly and spin incidents into their b.s. favor. COPA does not have legitimate investigators. They are people who have failed in the private sector with backgrounds in professions that have nothing to do with law enforcement, legal or proper and correct investigations. Your life is literally in the hands of accountants that can't add and sales people who couldn't make their quotas. Did you happen to notice that Lori Lightfoot has since rubber stamped sustained CR's at police board meetings? She knows you can't afford $100K to hire a lawyer for federal court. Btw, if IPRA was so bad, how come Lightfoot wasn't fired for mismanaging a civilian agency to overlook the police. Instead, she was given a promotion to director of the Police Board.

Turn that body camera on. It's going to save your life.

9/05/2017 12:55:00 AM

A few things... yes, it's the same boss, but not the same investigators. Only a handful of IPRA was rehired. A majority of the new investigators have legal backgrounds or law enforcement or were investigators elsewhere. IPRA was lacking in a lot of ways and too quick to make cases not sustained, or just never close them. A fair and thorough investigation benefits the department and the city. It's not a witch hunt. Turning on your camera will save your job, but why not just do what you're supposed to do in the first place.

9/05/2017 08:30:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

They are weenee people.

They get no keeses.

9/05/2017 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the FOP says nothing how typical

I love the person who writes this all the time. Do you actively go to FOP meetings and express your concerns because I don't see a lot of people going to the meetings. I do see a bunch of coppers on her bitch like children and can't take an hour a month out of their schedule to go to a meeting.

9/05/2017 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been saying for years that our union with the support of accused officers need to start going after our accusers and need to especially start going after COPA regarding these reversed findings, by filing law suits this will be the way to keep them and citizens from becoming reckless with their allegations and findings against us. WHY ARE WE NOT DOING THIS, STOP THE EXCUSES UNION TIME TO PLAY HARDBALL.

9/05/2017 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

September 2017 the month arrived to put in for my retirement in 2018!

See Yeah!

9/05/2017 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happens to us because we are not organized and strong and we are certainly not aggressive. We need to put an end to this.

9/05/2017 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous The son Obama never had said...

Can't wait to go out and get a gun today.

9/05/2017 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's laughable that Lori Lightfoot was fired for incompetence from OPS and now she heads up the police board. Oh she has no ax to grind with the police.

9/05/2017 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT....FYI....The superintendent is "recovering" at home and trust me he is "reading the blog" so SCC and whoever,you will have his "undivided attention" ....

9/05/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm a cabana (He formed the Copa) (to the tune of Copacabana song)

His name was Rahm, he was the mayor
With 50 thieves in his lair and taxes up to there
he would legislate and do the TIF funds
And while he tried to be a star
Madigan always tended bar
Across the crowded city, they stole without pity
They always asked for more!!

He formed the copa, To screw the Coppers
The crookedest spot of all , next to city hall
Where Lying with a passion is always the fashion
At the copa.... Rahm lost his police

His name was Van Dyke
He wore a Star
He responded to a call, he saw Laqan dancing there
And when he saw the knife, he yelled drop it or your life.
But Van Dyke went a bit to far
He should have stayed in the car
And then the bullets flew and Laqan was smashed in two
There was Cop and 16 gun shots
Rahm Knew who shot who
But he lied to you

He formed the copa, To screw the Coppers
The crookedest spot of all , next to city hall
Where Lying with a passion is always the fashion
At the copa.... Rahm lost his police

His name is Rahm, he was a mayor
But that was many years ago, when he used to have a show
Now it's a Black lives matter, but not for rahm
Still in suit he used to wear
The thieves have fled his lair
he sits there so refined, and drinks himself half-blind
he lost his teachers and he lost his cops
Now he's lost his mind
At the copa... don't lose your job
Don't vote for Rahm

9/05/2017 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still going to shoot the mother fucker pointing a gun at me, so there COPA.

9/05/2017 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another point in this reopening thing to think about, to all you taser nuts, COPA is looking at excessive use of the taser.

9/05/2017 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the bumper sticker:

Picture a supervisor going through the parking lot.

Now picture that supervisor seeing your legally parked vehicle.

Now imagine that vehicle has a few FOP sticker etc.

The supervisor looks at you vehicle and then proclaims they are offended by a sticker on your privately owned vehicle which may be your spouses.

NOW the kicker

That supervisor types in your license plate into the LEADS system for a non police matter?
Is any rule broken?
Can anyone just run plates all day in the parking lot? may be to get a state attorney address? A judges info? A tact officer home address? COPA's investigator info?
So let me know if the rule has changed because the last time i took that long leads test it did not say anything about violating 1st amendment rights of free speech on a privately owned vehicle.

Get a lawyer officer Dont be a cheapo!

9/05/2017 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You Tac guys will still be out chasing dude for drug offenses that get dismissed in court. Keep up the good work. Without you hard charging Tac guys, there wouldn't be anything to watch on the news about cops messing up.
9/05/2017 01:06:00 AM

Why do you care so much about what we tactical teams do?

9/05/2017 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm will be contacting the Sacremento Democrats to see how their new extortion payments to gang members will work.

Special ED has the list ready to go, of gang members already that would be eligible for the payoffs not to shoot people.

Sacramento approves $1.5 million to tackle gun violence (Pay gangs not to shoot)
ABC 10 News ^ | 9-1-2017 | Jennifer Cruz


9/05/2017 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's stop talking and start "doing" make em sweat. Wouldn't be too hard to compile a list of all the COPA investigators addresses , names, prior jobs before becoming a police misconduct investigator , their social media accounts and groups they belong to, etc, and then post it for everyone to see...

9/05/2017 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA's budget is about twice as big as IPRA's was.

9/05/2017 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Tac guys will still be out chasing dude for drug offenses that get dismissed in court. Keep up the good work. Without you hard charging Tac guys, there wouldn't be anything to watch on the news about cops messing up.

9/05/2017 01:06:00 AM
And what about the Units not needing body Cams ? They don't get into shootings or take enforcement action ? Just waiting for the next shit show to happen and then we all get painted with the same brush, untrustworthy police !

9/05/2017 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless these clowns go after the clouted officers, then I'll be unimpressed and bored.

9/05/2017 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thoughts? Stay fetal? No, stay embryonic ! Offensive bumper sticker? What? Trump 2016?

9/05/2017 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start suing copa investigators personally.

9/05/2017 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...•There's an open CR on an officer who had an allegedly offensive bumper sticker on his car. "

"his car", his squad car or his personal car? Makes a world of difference and a potential 1st Amendment violation by the city. Always check your department vehicle before starting your tour.

I'd like to know what that bumper sticker said and where it was. You don't want to do anything that will make you or you car a target driving to work through the hood.

9/05/2017 10:59:00 AM  
Blogger RICH said...

The fifty thieves should wear body cameras 24 seven as should 9.5. The I.G. can not even investigate them. A much higher percentage of alder creatures go to prison than any other professional.

9/05/2017 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been going on for decades, a political witch hunt against the Police at every Democrat run city.
That's what pawns are for, someone has to be the racist and why not the Police.
This is not about restoring, maintaining or preserving law and order.
I hope the remaining hard chargers soon figure that out.

COPA is getting millions of dollars and it has to prove to the folks that it's as effective as promised at any cost.
Just about every politician here is counting on it. If they can't find recent or current examples, they (already) have been preparing many old cases and right out of the chute COPA will come out swinging.

A majority of blue shirts are going to be sacrificed as usual and the witch hunt will go on for about two years to prove their point that the Police are the problem.

Avoid ghetto affairs or be prepared to defend yourself.
Rahm gave away and opened up files of internal documents to a biased ragtag citizen review board.
No CB/ISR (past or future) is safe from being twisted by The Rahm Emanuel Geheime Staatspolizei.

9/05/2017 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you washed your hands reeeeeeealy well after handling that finnski.

9/05/2017 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/05/2017 04:46:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Guess the first round in my weapon will be a snap cap.

9/05/2017 05:31:00 AM

Make it a clown gun. You pull the trigger and a flag that says BANG unfurls from the barrel.

9/05/2017 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it was the 1600s these assholes would be running around with torches looking for witches to burn. Liberals are nothing but modern day Puritans: paranoid fanatics (with a religion of Marxism/progressivism) with a pathological loathing of anyone who isn't a part of their demented cause.

Their narrative is utterly illogical and cannot be defended by any data or rational thinking. This infuriates them because it threatens the future existence of their ideology. If enough people wake up, they're toast and they know it. There are few things worse than a crazy person backed into a corner, and the liberals are crazy. Their lies are coming home to roost, they are losing control, the cracks are becoming too apparent too hide or cover up with talk and promises. A sacrifice is required to keep the masses on board, through fear or sheer bloodlust. That sacrifice would be you.

Best bet is to get out of Dodge. They can't be reasoned with, and they won't be happy until they see the witches burn.

9/05/2017 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, everybody is missing the big picture. Evidence being some of the comments mentioned above. It doesn't matter if your 100% in the right. Ipra/Copa has all the power now. They can sustain any CR without any evidence to back it up. The Supt can disagree with their finding but he no longer has the final say so. Your case goes in front of the police board(Lori Lighfoot). Good luck. Here is the biggest issue that is going on now. Ipra unfairly has the final say on cases now, but their making decisions on cases back when the Supt had the final say so. Now that the rules are on their side they can go after old cases that they know the Supt would have ruled in favor of the officer. A class action lawsuit should be brought for any case that Supt non concurred and said case happened when the Supt had final say so. Ipra is playing with rules when it benefits their agenda. FOP asleep at the wheel.

9/05/2017 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is their answer to the lack a of consent decree. And then RAhM can say to the socialist workers party "we did something".

9/05/2017 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fly on the Wall. I have not posted anything in several months due to various circumstances. However, I have to go back to some of my post from earlier in the year.
#1 Rahm pick Farley and told her sustain as many cases as she can
#2 Rahm wants a quota on sustained cases. Every investigator will be pressured to
sustain as many cases as possible
#3 What happened in the McDonald shooting is a prelude to what is going to happen
in the future in regards to partners. Partners will be accused of Rule 14 if
there is any type of discrepancies of the reporting of the facts
#4 Rahm has ordered Farley to "get" any officer no matter what.
#5 Rahm wants to do away with the requirement regarding Affidavits
#6 Rahm wants to do away with partners discussing their actions. In other words
the first supervisor on the scene will separate partners.
#7 Rahm wants any FOP Shooting Representative (after shooting adviser)
discussions to be part of COPA's Investigation. This however does not
pertain if a PO converses with a Attorney. There is Supreme Case law
regarding these discussions however Rahm wants end run this law
What SSc posted regarding COPA to discredit IPRA is true. The reviews of previous shootings are based on any shooting that were marginal. Next up are going to review allegations of excessive force complaints where the ""Victims were seriously Injured"". COPA is now reviewing these cases where there were serious injuries.

9/05/2017 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want to break FOP too, the financial cost of representation will be hefty. In house council won't be sufficient.

9/05/2017 12:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found out that bumper sticker was, it was a rahm for mayor bumper sticker

9/05/2017 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we all know copa reads this blog so I think every morning I will say hi copa reading anything interesting on this blog.

9/05/2017 12:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

same person in charge
foia all ipra/copa directors emails , texts from personal and private telephones for the last 6 years since rahm was mayor
let the world see how independent they are , total BS
ballerina may not be manly , does control strings of the puppets he appoints

9/05/2017 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since Antifa & other nazicrat Hitler Youth groups which all comprise the nazicrat paramilitary wing to impose terror upon the innocent public are not subject to job/Pension blackmail, the CPD is the prime candidate to replace the current unreliable paramilitarists in the Partei. You all however have job, career & pension to be used as leverage over you, you will be reliable lest your family be destroyed & you grow old,poor & pensionless.

After you have accepted your ultimate & total political subjugation to the (very clever) Alinskyite Rahmista's, you will obey: you will break the heads you're told to break. You will shoot who your are told to shoot when you are told to shoot them down. You will arrest who you are told to arrest on the charges you are told to arrest them on

The holy & sacred community will be secured against your new enemy: evil, middle class folks of the palest of pale tones

Good luck expecting anything from the FOP. Unions are traditionally & totally in the back pockets of our newly mutated & metasized nazicrat political forces

9/05/2017 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger Been there said...

And it all starts with ghetto rats.

9/05/2017 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about that 002 tact team that's still in plain clothes after their Sgt. and teammate got locked up?. Shoot, one of them was even made meritorious Sgt.

9/05/2017 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard Sup got canned anyone verify ?

9/05/2017 02:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is COPA going to finally investigate davina Ward as IPRA told Ferguson to do months ago? Will the lieutenant scandal be reopened?

9/05/2017 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Guess the first round in my weapon will be a snap cap.

9/05/2017 05:31:00 AM

Guess again, of all the stupid things I have heard cops say or write that is in the top five. You would rather be carried by six than judged by twelve.

I remember when you couldn't carry a live round in the chamber of a secondary semi-automatic handgun, like a Colt 1911 or Browning Hi-Power. I always had a round in the chamber, except during weapon inspections.

9/05/2017 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question is, what are you gonna do about it? The FOP is becoming widely known now to the members to be compromised. So, forget the FOP. They aren't going to fight for you when they have contempt for the members and look down on you. Any activist groups marching for you? Ha, nice try. You gonna help each other? Might want to stop talking behind each other's backs spreading BS rumors about another cop just because of your own unresolved issues. You gonna stay down on that parker for an hour so another cop gets stuck with that domestic on your beat? Stop breeding resentment toward each other and you might have a chance to stand together against any group that's coming after you. Right now, COPA is like a rock python patiently waiting for its prey to come too close to the brush. It's GAME OVER. And all you can do is add this to your list of shit to complain about. Complaining about it isn't gonna do a damn thing. You might as well pour some salt and ketchup all over yourself before you go to work because you're about to be COPA's lunch.

9/05/2017 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sanctity Of Life"

...Is not inclusive of Police Officers.

And then there's this...

Police Like You Have No Friends.

9/05/2017 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Due Process"

Is anathema to
"Police Reform.

Police Like You Have No Friends.

9/05/2017 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Rahm go all in and say that
Chicago is going to invoke the nth degree
of "Home Rule" and all that it implies?

City of Chicago Municipal Code
is allowed to take precedence
over state and federal law in
order to support the agenda.

9/05/2017 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm will be going full bore against the police just in time for contract negotiations. We need to counter him, keep his holding the McDonald video until after the election in everyone's mind. Out his patronage spending. And really just keep reminding everyone what an incredible asshole he is. Only the Democratic party could have a guy that like in office. The left needs to be flushed down the toilet.

9/05/2017 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quit.

9/05/2017 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Only shootings reopened are ones that were bad to begin with that caused a death with no weapon found. I agree do nothing but you are getting a lot of guys worked up over misinformation and theories.

9/05/2017 08:02:00 AM

Couldn't be more wrong. Speaking from personal experience.

9/05/2017 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The isr to call back is a bad rumor, didn't happen. Only shootings reopened are ones that were bad to begin with that caused a death with no weapon found. I agree do nothing but you are getting a lot of guys worked up over misinformation and theories.

9/05/2017 08:02:00 AM
The Supt was involved in 4 shootings, 2 with a weapon recovered and 2 without.....

9/05/2017 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The union has actually been lying for several years to members. Read all the years past newsletters on the website. If your patient enough you should read all past newsletters over the years and see with your own eyes the massive shift in tone with all labor issues and pension issues. The union is totally on same side of the city and for last several years always had a great relationship with Don O'Neill. Look at health care for retirees.
Officers our Union Needs to get back to basics with addressing core principles and real enforcement of the obligations of the city. Many secrets are slowly getting out about the union and its silent pattern ship with the city. Some officers CBA rights have and continued to be blatantly violated by the city. I know a officer who was injured in the line of duty never released to return to work by CPD doctors or any doctor and a judge stated as well the officer is disabled yet the union does nothing for personal resentment to the officer. This copper is in bad bad shape and the department just continues withholding back his legal entitled disability income and no health insurance. This cop has nothing plus recently got a 25 k bill for his work injurys from 2009.

Our pensions and rights are being violated and the union does nothing but sit back .

9/05/2017 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More to come.

17 People Pepper Sprayed In 2008 During Obama Victory Party To Get $395K


9/05/2017 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you care so much about what we tactical teams do?

Maybe because your always calling for a paper car when you screw something up (I guess wearing jeans makes you forget your still under 9161) and don't want to deal with it anymore. Like the many cars your wreck chasing a "man with a gun"

9/05/2017 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take this from a recently retired guy, it is the best thing you will ever do! My blood pressure is now "normal" my stress level is way down,picked up a part-time job 1 day a week for extra mad money, retired from airport lots of overtime but like everywhere else just not worth it anymore! Every extra hour you spend working brings you closer to lossing everything, being the next 24/7 dishonest Chicago media star!

When your sitting on that cold dank stand in the courtroom and the state/feds come up and say "officer state your assets and liabilities," look at the mirror and keep repeating "its over" look at your spouse as they are crying, your children are scared all because you wanted to be the "real police" and you listened to the jagoff bosses who surprisingly to you are not at your hearing! They are with the wine and cheese club rahms people laughing like hyenas as you lose everything! Is it worth it?

9/05/2017 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA gonna look into Bubblehead's vast history of money beefs?
They'd be justified as all hell going after him. No loose ends. No witch hunt. They could hang him on facts.
It would be a big statement to nail a commander of the CPD to let the public know they mean business.

9/05/2017 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And the FOP says nothing how typical

I love the person who writes this all the time. Do you actively go to FOP meetings and express your concerns because I don't see a lot of people going to the meetings. I do see a bunch of coppers on her bitch like children and can't take an hour a month out of their schedule to go to a meeting.

9/05/2017 08:34:00 AM

And why would anyone want to sit around a bunch of blowhards who think they know everything and don't give a shit about any of your concerns? Are you kidding me? The FOP laughs at its members and so do the other opinionated 'superior' cops.

9/05/2017 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard they're re-opening the investigation of the John Dillinger shooting!

9/05/2017 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless You CPD! Please be careful and always remember you are only good as your last shift. Administration does not care about you.Chiefs talk about Lieutenants, lieutenants talk about sergeant, sergeants talk about the grunts and are tasked to screw over them! Embrace Martial Science not the arts and learn how to control your energy. You owe it to yourself! I am employed as a waste management specialist who has to deal with the waste you bring me and it always smell!

9/05/2017 07:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's not forget Lisa Madigan's petition to get Federal oversight on the department. It isn't just about legitimizing COPA.

9/05/2017 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely off topic but in 015 four officers just got stripped because their ISR's video did not match up with the narrative.


9/05/2017 08:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw an episode of the TV series AMERICAN GREED. In this one New Orleans mayor C. Ray Nagin was arrested, tried and convicted and sentenced to 10 years for scams committed after hurricane Katrina.

Why the hell can't they fid the proof to convict Richie Daley and Rahm?

9/05/2017 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gotta waste that taxpayer $ somehow right?

Working for the god damn government you would have a protected class shoveling sand in the desert for 120k and benefits.

Fuckin idiots

9/05/2017 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ray did not do it for the children , he did it for his chocolate friends in the chocolate city

9/05/2017 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COPA lost me when we discovered they were hell bent
on dismantling institutions of society put in place to protect
the innocent and helpless at the expense of low paid
public servents putting their lives on the line every day in
exchange for food and shelter for themselves and their families.
Who are you to judge us? Revisionist justice, now currently en vogue.
I want HeyJackass (an independent agency) to keep track of COPA
shootings, stabbings, deaths, carjacking, vandalism, robberies, burglaries,
rapes, acid washes, arson, and explosions.

9/05/2017 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Copa?........Copa. Wasn't that the name of Ricky Ricardo's night club?

9/05/2017 10:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have clout.

9/05/2017 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed the Dems here are blocking the us attorneys appointment, and a few others. Maybe the don't want prosecutors they don't own.

9/05/2017 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll add my two cents to this post.
I took the Use of Force class today. It was given by two Sgt's and a Lt.
They kept harping on how We lowly P.O's are not educated enough on our General orders regarding the Use OF Force. How we are afraid to do our job because we don't take the time to educate ourselves.
The Lt kept harping on how we could do almost anything to the shitheads and still do our job by just articulating what was done by us to the offender.
Blah, Blah Blah....
Basically they want us to bring in heads and everything will be alright and nothing can happen to us if we only articulate everything we needed to do to put hands on people.
During the class they want you to critique the actions of some poor officers caught on their body cameras.
All in all it is a feeble attempt to get us to bring in more heads at our expense.
I will continue to Only answer my calls for service, back up coppers and generate paper for the citizens.
Squad can I get an Event number for a positive citizen interaction. Have a nice Day.

9/05/2017 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fly on the Wall. I have not posted anything in several months due to various circumstances. However, I have to go back to some of my post from earlier in the year.
#1 Rahm pick Farley and told her sustain as many cases as she can
#2 Rahm wants a quota on sustained cases. Every investigator will be pressured to
sustain as many cases as possible
#3 What happened in the McDonald shooting is a prelude to what is going to happen
in the future in regards to partners. Partners will be accused of Rule 14 if
there is any type of discrepancies of the reporting of the facts
#4 Rahm has ordered Farley to "get" any officer no matter what.
#5 Rahm wants to do away with the requirement regarding Affidavits
#6 Rahm wants to do away with partners discussing their actions. In other words
the first supervisor on the scene will separate partners.
#7 Rahm wants any FOP Shooting Representative (after shooting adviser)
discussions to be part of COPA's Investigation. This however does not
pertain if a PO converses with a Attorney. There is Supreme Case law
regarding these discussions however Rahm wants end run this law
What SSc posted regarding COPA to discredit IPRA is true. The reviews of previous shootings are based on any shooting that were marginal. Next up are going to review allegations of excessive force complaints where the ""Victims were seriously Injured"". COPA is now reviewing these cases where there were serious injuries.

And you, personally, heard this, read this, or saw this? Ok...

9/05/2017 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why cant they Convict,They are Madigans Friends...Gold Coast Capone Circle.

9/05/2017 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He'll be among friends

9/05/2017 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

completely off topic but in 015 four officers just got stripped because their ISR's video did not match up with the narrative.


wow. what planet do you live on? Not even close to the truth and is as false as it comes. Stop spreading misinformation.

9/05/2017 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you care so much about what we tactical teams do?

Maybe because your always calling for a paper car when you screw something up (I guess wearing jeans makes you forget your still under 9161) and don't want to deal with it anymore. Like the many cars your wreck chasing a "man with a gun"

well kinda correct. Not that anyone is better than anyone else but when you work harder then yes you get a few more perks. So in short, next time a tac car wrecks for doing police work or whatever they need you are still going to do it... But you will just act hard on the blog. So do us all a favor, don't forget to fill in all the boxes and be sure to clear promptly when finished so as to not screw the other guys on the watch with your jobs pooch!

9/05/2017 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help. Dept owes it to these police officers not to be treated in this abusive manner.

9/05/2017 11:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
COPA gonna look into Bubblehead's vast history of money beefs?
They'd be justified as all hell going after him. No loose ends. No witch hunt. They could hang him on facts.
It would be a big statement to nail a commander of the CPD to let the public know they mean business.

They don't go after bosses and the public could care less if it's a commander. The just want the police and a po is more likely to shoot or kill a citizen than a n exempt

9/05/2017 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, maybe they can re-open the Lt exam cheating scandal that IAD, IPRA and the IG office blew off.
IAD was suppose to notify the IG office immediately of the cheating allegations and the tainted test, which they did not!
The sergeant and lieutenant union does not care. They are bought and sold by the mayor.

9/05/2017 12:26:00 AM

Don't forget the blatant cheating during swat school. Several of us that didn't "pass" are getting together at the FOP hall in the near future. Hopefully SCC will help us get the word out since there were two swat schools and many of us saw the same favoritism of certain individuals.

Not cool ass wipes.

9/05/2017 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

End of law enforcement. Just what that non mayor wants fucking traitor. We have a perfect city under my watch fuck you traitor.

9/05/2017 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
COPA gonna look into Bubblehead's vast history of money beefs?
They'd be justified as all hell going after him. No loose ends. No witch hunt. They could hang him on facts.
It would be a big statement to nail a commander of the CPD to let the public know they mean business.

9/05/2017 06:40:00 PM

This would be fantastic. But did anyone ever file a formal complaint about him that was unsustained or was he protected by his buddy Phat Phil?

9/05/2017 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Latest COPA is doing now: All officers who were on disability and caught working. Most were given job back and no punishment at all are now going to be fired for fraudulent behavior. COPA says this will
Save millions for chicago taxpayers and pension funds because all who will be fired will be told the bad news prior to 20
Years active duty! All better get another IOD and do it right!!!!

9/06/2017 12:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because this is Chicago where voters and the media take pride in not asking any of the hard questions of its politicians.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just saw an episode of the TV series AMERICAN GREED. In this one New Orleans mayor C. Ray Nagin was arrested, tried and convicted and sentenced to 10 years for scams committed after hurricane Katrina.

Why the hell can't they fid the proof to convict Richie Daley and Rahm?

9/06/2017 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few things... yes, it's the same boss, but not the same investigators. Only a handful of IPRA was rehired. A majority of the new investigators have legal backgrounds or law enforcement or were investigators elsewhere. IPRA was lacking in a lot of ways and too quick to make cases not sustained, or just never close them. A fair and thorough investigation benefits the department and the city. It's not a witch hunt. Turning on your camera will save your job, but why not just do what you're supposed to do in the first place.

Some one drank Rahm's cool aide Go pet your unicorn and see if the Tooth fairy left you a quarter under your pillow, because you live in dreamland

9/06/2017 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bottom line is did the city and the dept train its officers for every situation, law, rules, and clearly define what an officer can and can't do in every situation. Most likely not 90% of what officers face and have to make decisions on every day. Looks to me that the dept and city is liable to its officers for not adequately training them from from the harm the elected officials are putting them in. The FOP should be hiring a shit load of heavy hitting lawyers to protect its members. The officers need to start suing and start receiving those large payouts that are being given to the criminals. Backwards

9/06/2017 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOS Scandal has been re-opened, and additional Officers & Supervisors being looked at.

9/06/2017 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD Tact is a seriously outdated concept.

9/06/2017 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help. Dept owes it to these police officers not to be treated in this abusive manner.


Should have been stripped years ago. Danger to himself and others. Ask the academy about him. STALKER

9/06/2017 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just saw an episode of the TV series AMERICAN GREED. In this one New Orleans mayor C. Ray Nagin was arrested, tried and convicted and sentenced to 10 years for scams committed after hurricane Katrina.

Why the hell can't they fid the proof to convict Richie Daley and Rahm?

9/06/2017 04:34:00 AM
That fruit is low hanging but yet Sessions has still not eben here, only hope is he is training thousands to scour this corruption filled county,city,state hope they arrive soon the SS chicaongo is sinking quickly!

9/06/2017 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Latest COPA is doing now: All officers who were on disability and caught working. Most were given job back and no punishment at all are now going to be fired for fraudulent behavior. COPA says this will
Save millions for chicago taxpayers and pension funds because all who will be fired will be told the bad news prior to 20
Years active duty! All better get another IOD and do it right!!!!

9/06/2017 12:29:00 AM

Wait a minute...you feel sorry for someone scamming? They're claiming they can't even work inside for the CPD answering phones or doing paperwork but they can go work somewhere else with no issues? Are you kidding? Disability means you can't work right? Screw them!!! They are part of the problem. Good bye!

9/06/2017 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let's stop talking and start "doing" make em sweat. Wouldn't be too hard to compile a list of all the COPA investigators addresses , names, prior jobs before becoming a police misconduct investigator , their social media accounts and groups they belong to, etc, and then post it for everyone to see...

9/05/2017 09:34:00 AM
Anonymous Anonym

In the works, but more people should help. Now its becoming interesting, so lets have some fun.

9/06/2017 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well kinda correct. Not that anyone is better than anyone else but when you work harder then yes you get a few more perks.

Go get me another guy pissing in the alley.

9/06/2017 02:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did COPA hire the investigator who said it's on the up-and-up that Wheezie scored on the Lt exam like Olga Korbut at the 1972 Olympics?

9/06/2017 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well kinda correct. Not that anyone is better than anyone else but when you work harder then yes you get a few more perks. So in short, next time a tac car wrecks for doing police work or whatever they need you are still going to do it... But you will just act hard on the blog. So do us all a favor, don't forget to fill in all the boxes and be sure to clear promptly when finished so as to not screw the other guys on the watch with your jobs pooch!

9/05/2017 11:03:00 PM
You might want another tac loser to write reports for you. See if I write your report, I'll be sure to use buzz words like car chase, general order and violation! I'll also be sure to check all the boxes. Oh and far as the other guys on the watch, you might want to kiss some ass so they will buy a ticket for your benifit. Dumbass

9/06/2017 04:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We as PO'S deserve everything negative happening to us, we sit there and take it like sheep to the slaughter. No wonder the left and Rahm think we are so stupid. And the Fraternal Order of Police. they are paid by the city and sleep with Rahm.

9/06/2017 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are entitled to know the identity of each and every
COPA member, background, income from COPA, walking
around money from COPA.
We can find the rest, just like for any other citizen, actor,
or criminal. Level the playing field. Sue their asses off
for loss of career and wages.

9/06/2017 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well kinda correct. Not that anyone is better than anyone else but when you work harder then yes you get a few more perks. So in short, next time a tac car wrecks for doing police work or whatever they need you are still going to do it... But you will just act hard on the blog. So do us all a favor, don't forget to fill in all the boxes and be sure to clear promptly when finished so as to not screw the other guys on the watch with your jobs pooch!

I'll write your crash report and I will also include you as being the at fault vehicle for violating G.O. which we all know you have done. Better start calling for your warrior tact bros to write up things for you because the rest of us aren't about to get fired for your B.S.

9/06/2017 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous In the know, or NOT said...

"SOS Scandal has been re-opened, and additional Officers & Supervisors being looked at"...TRUE, VERY TRUE.

A very good Lt. (018) was just forced to retire because the SOS scandal is being re-opened. Boys-n-girls, the Mayor wants all the old bones outta the closet before he announces his re-election campaign. AND, if some of those old bones "end up" in Indictments/Rule 14 violations/firings that 9.5 can claim were from a previous administration & overlooked by IPRA BUT discovered by his "new" COPA - its a win-win scenario. POOF, instant proof that his mandated changes are producing fruit & are transparent.

IAD Chief EW is on his last leg and IAD Commander is putting in his papers in October. Look for Chief M.S. to takeover IAD. Chief of D's is still up in the air at this point...but D Unit Commander B.D. will get a bump to Deputy Chief of D's by end of year.

9/07/2017 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Latest COPA is doing now: All officers who were on disability and caught working. Most were given job back and no punishment at all are now going to be fired for fraudulent behavior. COPA says this will
Save millions for chicago taxpayers and pension funds because all who will be fired will be told the bad news prior to 20
Years active duty! All better get another IOD and do it right!!!!

9/06/2017 12:29:00 AM

Don't know where you heard this, but there is no rule against working another job when you are on duty disability. How can they be punished for not breaking a rule

9/07/2017 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

Guess the bosses were too busy harassing the beat men for activity

9/07/2017 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bottom line is did the city and the dept train its officers for every situation, law, rules, and clearly define what an officer can and can't do in every situation. Most likely not 90% of what officers face and have to make decisions on every day. Looks to me that the dept and city is liable to its officers for not adequately training them from from the harm the elected officials are putting them in. The FOP should be hiring a shit load of heavy hitting lawyers to protect its members. The officers need to start suing and start receiving those large payouts that are being given to the criminals. Backwards

It is impossible for any city to train its officers for every situation. Each and every job is unique and when when you think you have seen or heard everything a new situation arrives

9/07/2017 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help. Dept owes it to these police officers not to be treated in this abusive manner.

Can't be try. Only the brightest and the best get into SWAT

9/07/2017 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, maybe they can re-open the Lt exam cheating scandal that IAD, IPRA and the IG office blew off.
IAD was suppose to notify the IG office immediately of the cheating allegations and the tainted test, which they did not!
The sergeant and lieutenant union does not care. They are bought and sold by the mayor.

9/05/2017 12:26:00 AM

Don't forget the blatant cheating during swat school. Several of us that didn't "pass" are getting together at the FOP hall in the near future. Hopefully SCC will help us get the word out since there were two swat schools and many of us saw the same favoritism of certain individuals.

Not cool ass wipes.

All roads lead back to Rome. Blame the goofy red head sergeant. Swat was legit till crossover Tommy put him in charge of the process. Now only "Friends of Matt" make the team. He's a disease on the team with a self serving agenda. He has caused serious division of the team. The Lt and other Sgts are scared to stand up to him.

Leave the team ML. You are an embarrassment.

9/07/2017 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help. Dept owes it to these police officers not to be treated in this abusive manner.


Should have been stripped years ago. Danger to himself and others. Ask the academy about him. STALKER

Psycho does not accurately describe him. His ex-wife is a great gal and fantastic firearms instructor. He screwed her over by

banging a recruit that she was training, Now he comes around and harasses his ex and others at the academy. Total nut job!! Shouldn't

be on the job, let alone at swat. He's making a lot of officers nervous at the academy with his craziness. We got your back Lisa!!!

9/07/2017 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, maybe they can re-open the Lt exam cheating scandal that IAD, IPRA and the IG office blew off.
IAD was suppose to notify the IG office immediately of the cheating allegations and the tainted test, which they did not!
The sergeant and lieutenant union does not care. They are bought and sold by the mayor.

9/05/2017 12:26:00 AM

Don't forget the blatant cheating during swat school. Several of us that didn't "pass" are getting together at the FOP hall in the near future. Hopefully SCC will help us get the word out since there were two swat schools and many of us saw the same favoritism of certain individuals.

Not cool ass wipes.

All roads lead back to Rome. Blame the goofy red head sergeant. Swat was legit till crossover Tommy put him in charge of the process. Now only "Friends of Matt" make the team. He's a disease on the team with a self serving agenda. He has caused serious division of the team. The Lt and other Sgts are scared to stand up to him.

Leave the team ML. You are an embarrassment.

Little birdie told me he's not gonna be around much longer.......and it's not because he's going to make Lt.

9/07/2017 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help. Dept owes it to these police officers not to be treated in this abusive manner.


Should have been stripped years ago. Danger to himself and others. Ask the academy about him. STALKER

Psycho does not accurately describe him. His ex-wife is a great gal and fantastic firearms instructor. He screwed her over by

banging a recruit that she was training, Now he comes around and harasses his ex and others at the academy. Total nut job!! Shouldn't

be on the job, let alone at swat. He's making a lot of officers nervous at the academy with his craziness. We got your back Lisa!!!

Blame CPD for covering up the investigation. Lifetime movie in the making.

9/07/2017 07:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did copa reopen case of sexual abuse by a sergeant caught on security camera at wgn parking lot heard that was a big cover up look at emails between mayor , mayors security , ipra , ops , iad , states attorney office
what a shit storm that would cause

9/07/2017 09:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/07/2017 11:11:00 AM

He's been doing this for years and always getting away with inappropriate behavior towards women. He was bothering my partner's wife

after she rejected his ass. The w/c told him to stay away from her and made sure he wasn't her supervisor any more.

They would see him driving around their south side house when he was off duty. Real creep even though he lived on the northside.

We would refer to him as stranger danger. Glad to know he's now on SWAT.


9/07/2017 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wacky Sgt on swat whose had a pattern of harassment and domestic violent CR #s with several different women are being re-opened. His abusive and sometimes violent behavior has continued even till today and includes intimidating other police officers who work with his ex wife. You can take that to the bank he should be fired. This time some serious allegations involving many victims. CPD ignored this whacko for over 20 years!! This is a major fuck up on CPD 's part for allowing this treatment of women on the job by this psycho. The abuse was not properly investigated. Blame the victim not the rapist mentality. Scandal equal to women in the military being physically and mentally abused and harassed.

City knows they will pay out after looking at thousands of pages concerning past investigations and cover ups. Has a new gf on the job that is a recruit and she has no clue how sick and crazy this swat sgt is. Hope they get her and his other victims some help.

Why should the tax payers pay out money for this asshole? Fire his ass and the ones who covered it up. As a tax payer I'm sick of paying for rogue psycho cops!

9/07/2017 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/07/2017 11:11:00 AM

He's been doing this for years and always getting away with inappropriate behavior towards women. He was bothering my partner's wife

after she rejected his ass. The w/c told him to stay away from her and made sure he wasn't her supervisor any more.

They would see him driving around their south side house when he was off duty. Real creep even though he lived on the northside.

We would refer to him as stranger danger. Glad to know he's now on SWAT.


Stranger Danger. LMAO!! Or Carrot Top

9/08/2017 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, maybe they can re-open the Lt exam cheating scandal that IAD, IPRA and the IG office blew off.
IAD was suppose to notify the IG office immediately of the cheating allegations and the tainted test, which they did not!
The sergeant and lieutenant union does not care. They are bought and sold by the mayor.

9/05/2017 12:26:00 AM

Don't forget the blatant cheating during swat school. Several of us that didn't "pass" are getting together at the FOP hall in the near future. Hopefully SCC will help us get the word out since there were two swat schools and many of us saw the same favoritism of certain individuals.

Not cool ass wipes.

All roads lead back to Rome. Blame the goofy red head sergeant. Swat was legit till crossover Tommy put him in charge of the process. Now only "Friends of Matt" make the team. He's a disease on the team with a self serving agenda. He has caused serious division of the team. The Lt and other Sgts are scared to stand up to him.

Leave the team ML. You are an embarrassment.

Little birdie told me he's not gonna be around much longer.......and it's not because he's going to make Lt.

Technically he didn't pass the testing for swat. He failed. Double merit hacks, Lt MM and Lt TL decided to put him on the team against the judgement of the cadre. Now we are stuck with this nut job.

A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist, that is, someone with a psychological disorder with symptoms like delusions of grandeur and an obsession with power. We also use the word megalomaniac more informally for people who behave as if they're convinced of their absolute power and greatness. Your garden-variety egomaniac might be self-centered and overconfident but he's a little softy compared with the megalomaniac who wants to control the world.

9/08/2017 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this one Sgt can intimidate most of the CPD and has police intimidated at the academy and nothing's being done?

9/08/2017 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/07/2017 11:11:00 AM

He's been doing this for years and always getting away with inappropriate behavior towards women. He was bothering my partner's wife

after she rejected his ass. The w/c told him to stay away from her and made sure he wasn't her supervisor any more.

They would see him driving around their south side house when he was off duty. Real creep even though he lived on the northside.

We would refer to him as stranger danger. Glad to know he's now on SWAT.


But if a civilian came in with the same complaint she would walk out after the WC got a CR. If the accused was a po you can bet the situation would be handled a lot different

9/08/2017 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this one Sgt can intimidate most of the CPD and has police intimidated at the academy and nothing's being done?

9/08/2017 04:02:00 PM

Bosses at the academy are scared of their shadow. They want to keep things hushed up so they look the other way.

About a month ago, this nut job from swat, demanded the LT from the academy to kick out the x-wife from an exercise at Soldier Field. Instead of standing up for her, the Deputy and Lt ordered the ex wife to leave. She's a class act and did what she was told, even though we thought it was BS. The bosses are scarced of him snapping!! So they empower this nut and treat her like shit.

9/08/2017 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/07/2017 11:11:00 AM

He's been doing this for years and always getting away with inappropriate behavior towards women. He was bothering my partner's wife

after she rejected his ass. The w/c told him to stay away from her and made sure he wasn't her supervisor any more.

They would see him driving around their south side house when he was off duty. Real creep even though he lived on the northside.

We would refer to him as stranger danger. Glad to know he's now on SWAT.


Stranger Danger. LMAO!! Or carrot top.
9/08/2017 10:36:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said

Lol. That was his nickname in SWAT school. Carrot Top or Juice Head.

9/08/2017 10:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So this one Sgt can intimidate most of the CPD and has police intimidated at the academy and nothing's being done?

9/08/2017 04:02:00 PM

Bosses at the academy are scared of their shadow. They want to keep things hushed up so they look the other way. W
About a month ago, this nut job from swat, demanded the LT from the academy to kick out the x-wife from an exercise at Soldier Field. Instead of standing up for her, the Deputy and Lt ordered the ex wife to leave. She's a class act and did what she was told, even though we thought it was BS. The bosses are scarced of him snapping!! So they empower this nut and treat her like shit.

True true I was there. This ginger pumpkin head SWAT sgt was getting ready to have an episode because his ex wife was there. Get this.......She was assigned to this exercise by the academy. Very disrespectful that pumpkin head psycho sgt talked to the higher ranking bosses in that manner and tone. They were worried about him snapping right there. Zero concern about this goof banging a recruit that his wife was training. No balls to stop him from harassing other coppers at her work place. Cowardly leadership.

9/08/2017 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this one Sgt can intimidate most of the CPD and has police intimidated at the academy and nothing's being done?

9/08/2017 04:02:00 PM

Bosses at the academy are scared of their shadow. They want to keep things hushed up so they look the other way.

About a month ago, this nut job from swat, demanded the LT from the academy to kick out the x-wife from an exercise at Soldier Field. Instead of standing up for her, the Deputy and Lt ordered the ex wife to leave. She's a class act and did what she was told, even though we thought it was BS. The bosses are scarced of him snapping!! So they empower this nut and treat her like shit.

He didn't last long in SOS. Fred bounced him on a phone order after he was caught lying about a car accident. This nut job decided to take a squad car and go confront his gf who was a PPO and her FTO. Think it happened at a hospital. Doctors and nurses had to jump in and separate all three of them. On the way there or back he gets into an accident. Lies to the Sgt about it and gets busted. Gone in a day. Late 90s or early 2000? Can't remember exactly. Goof balls like him didn't last in SOS.

9/09/2017 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True true I was there. This ginger pumpkin head SWAT sgt was getting ready to have an episode because his ex wife was there. Get this.......She was assigned to this exercise by the academy. Very disrespectful that pumpkin head psycho sgt talked to the higher ranking bosses in that manner and tone. They were worried about him snapping right there. Zero concern about this goof banging a recruit that his wife was training. No balls to stop him from harassing other coppers at her work place. Cowardly leadership.

So sgts can't get psych'd? No personal concerns? No order of protection, she can go to court for one

9/09/2017 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't last long in SOS. Fred bounced him on a phone order after he was caught lying about a car accident. This nut job decided to take a squad car and go confront his gf who was a PPO and her FTO. Think it happened at a hospital. Doctors and nurses had to jump in and separate all three of them. On the way there or back he gets into an accident. Lies to the Sgt about it and gets busted. Gone in a day. Late 90s or early 2000? Can't remember exactly. Goof balls like him didn't last in SOS.

Fred didn't put up with nonsense like that. Those were the good all days.

9/09/2017 10:56:00 PM  

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