Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Money Tree Blooms Again

  • Mayor Rahm Emanuel agreed Tuesday to cover up to $80 million in security costs for the Chicago Public Schools and predicted that he could assume that annual burden “without a citywide tax increase.”
This must be the savings realized by cutting off retiree and widow health care.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm doesn't have money problems.
Rahm's got an ass backward priority problem.

9/06/2017 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't Complain.

Rahm did fully fund the Chicago Police Department Pension Fund, didn't he?


9/06/2017 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many CPD are going to be hired to protect the little kiddies?

9/06/2017 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Fuck Rahm.

HIS elderly parents have no insurance
and health care worries putting a
damper on their golden years.

Our honorably serving, 38 year CPD retiree
Father, went to his grave terminally ill
and worried to the point of grief about
how an afflicted little prancing and preening
North Shore Shit-Ass was trying to strip
him of what he worked for because some
political war gamers said it was a good

Never in the history of municipal governance
has a mayor so maliciously mis-fit his office.

Not everybody has the good fortune to back
their way into stealing however many millions
of dollars by insider trading, Rahm.

And you put on airs like it was by your
intellect and hard work?

>Smartest Man In Any Room
He Deigns To Be In<

Keep believing your own toxic hype.

You are a damned thief who has never put in
a day of real work to earn anything.

You hurt decent people Rahm.
Our parents and many other decent, hard working,
law abiding people were "Dreamers" too, you bastard.

Hey Rahm...
No matter how hard you wish to insulate
yourself and your family from life's
hard knocks, YOU will pay for the vile
way you play.

No you little false-flagging sissy...
This is by no means a threat.

But by God... When the screws holding
your miserable, misbegotten life finally
work themselves free and the life you so
artfully crafted spontaneously self-disassembles,
the decent, much put upon and maligned people you
and yours laugh up your sleeves at, will behold your
coming undone with some sense of satisfaction.

Police Like You Have No Friends.
Protect Yourselves From THEM.

9/06/2017 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always plenty of taxpayer money for those who refuse to follow the rules.

9/06/2017 03:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's asking the city council to chip in 10% of their bribe money to cover the cost.

9/06/2017 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see which connected security firm gets the nod. What politically active individual who is a threat to rahmbos re-election could it be? Maybe its a good old boy demodonor? How long before taxes get raised to pay for this? I know I know rahmbo said no new taxes....the democrat mantra.

9/06/2017 05:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little fucking Svengouli, that Rahm. Hope he lands a great stage in Atlantic City when he is done as our Mayor.

9/06/2017 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the money coming from? 80 million pulled out of his ass or from shoe boxes in his closet? It's for the kids the same kids that wreck the classrooms and run wild. Perhaps we should just give it to the worst students California style. Pay them to go to school and behave in class it might be cheaper to pay them off.

9/06/2017 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you listening FOP? Well are you listening?

Eighty million and Rham McScrooge doesn't bat an eye. PAY our pension or pay us a raise and he starts convulsing and spewing more lies that the city is broke. What about us as dreamers. We dream for our retirement and a decent wage to support our selves and our families who are here legally. Instead it's been a nightmare that after thirty years of service our healthcare benefits are the subject of a letter in which he brags about screwing us over. Listen up FOP and you better be taking notes and sound bites to confront this.

9/06/2017 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There goes this months payment into the pension fund.

9/06/2017 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Department of justice ever come here? The mayor constantly find millions upon millions of dollars for his pet projects which are nothing more than an attempt to get reelected again and again. This man will waste taxpayers money just to keep the power! $80 million worth of went along way in keeping the police retirees health care program alive, these men and women sacrificed everything for the citizens of the city of Chicago and Had theirhealthcare ripped away Buy a vengeful spiteful man! How you can pander to illegal citizens and others and take away from the people that put their lives on the line The blood sweat and tears of these officers and then to do this this is a disgrace a pathetic attempt have more pandering God bless the police!

9/06/2017 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't really understand why taxpayers pay for hundreds of security guards at public schools and hundreds of people to stand on corners before and after school and you still need full time officers in the schools. Maybe if certain parents raised their children right we could save a boatload of money.

9/06/2017 07:23:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Good Lord, that man is a worm.

9/06/2017 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

80 million for security costs, what friend of Rahm gets this money of ethical behavior only allowed for the elite elected crooks of the city. Waste of money, remember Rahms kids can do no wrong, so any security measure enforced will go by punishment to the security personnel. They will get fired and sent to jail so why would we spend money on something that is not enforceable other than someone rahm knows is getting the money.

9/06/2017 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democommies think nothing will stop common core socialist indoctrination and revisionist history, and the enrichment of union elites. Quality education has nothing to do with it. Good socialist drones will be cranked out by the machine for the benefit of the elite. Unless they run out of other peoples money. Ask anyone who lived in the workers paradise. You can't vote them out, they rig the elections, and anyone who sez they don't is delusional. What to do, what to do?

9/06/2017 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This must be the savings realized by cutting off retiree and widow health care.

There's a small stool in the corner awaiting the twerp murder mayor in hell...

9/06/2017 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't Complain.

Rahm did fully fund the Chicago Police Department Pension Fund, didn't he?


9/06/2017 01:08:00 AM

Hello hauser-lappe-graham will it be funded? Think about how rahm was sending emails and got congratulated on viciously ripping away coppers who toiled with blood sweat and tears, serving the citizens of this once great city, how mean can he be? This guy along with the rest of the democrats spend billions of "our money" buying influence and votes! We are the "forgotten men and women" of Chicago with no end in sight!

9/06/2017 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Don't Complain.

Rahm did fully fund the Chicago Police Department Pension Fund, didn't he?


9/06/2017 01:08:00 AM
That should be issue #1 on the contract correct Kevin (pull away from the buffet) Graham? On that note why are you so quiet Kevin, did rahm put big baby in the corner? Even "boisterous bella" is completely silent what happened? Why not sell the fop building which is worth so much cash, move into a small building, you have all those floors empty why waste our money? You could move into a double wide, and next time get parking spaces it is ridiculous trying to go to the gift shop! The meter maids are all over there as they are rahms hit squad the anti-police group!

9/06/2017 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can any city, even a city the size of Chicago, hike up property taxes, and tax the shit out of everything else, when they have so many millions of dollars just laying around for whatever the Mayor decides to spend it on?

Not a dime for obligations required by law, but millions, perhaps billions for everything else. This city administration needs to answer some hard questions and account for every taxpayer dime they've collected.

The Mayor is not a king and I'd bet most of the citizens of Chicago don't feel like subjects to the "King".


9/06/2017 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mayor, don't spend to much of that money, the Retiree Health Care court case is still alive and well. Just a thought, its important that we all support this effort. Damn, I almost forgot, Fuck YOU 9.5 fingers.

9/06/2017 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy "finds" billions everywhere let's hope when the doj gets here eventually there will still be some money not squandered by rahm!

9/06/2017 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, make the teachers' union pay for it! Why the hell should the citizens be responsible?
Fuck Swan Lake.

--No Cop Here

9/06/2017 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote his ass out of office case closed that is why I pay $1295.00 for my insurance retired police officer per month !

9/06/2017 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/06/2017 07:13:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don't really understand why taxpayers pay for hundreds of security guards at public schools and hundreds of people to stand on corners before and after school and you still need full time officers in the schools. Maybe if certain parents raised their children right we could save a boatload of money.

9/06/2017 07:23:00 AM

Shouldn't the cost of the police officers working in the schools be paid by the CPS budget. Why should that come out of our budget. That money could pay for additional CPD officers working the streets

9/07/2017 05:31:00 PM  

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