Monday, October 23, 2017

Safety Info

Getting some information from various sources about Officer Involved Shooting from last month.
  • On 28 September, Officers in 025 were confronted by members of a well known gang. The offenders identified the police as officers they knew, drew weapons, fired and advanced while continuing to fire, retreating only after a lengthy gun battle and abandoning their weapons.
Information is sketchy but numerous people have told us the most disturbing portion of the entire incident is that the gang bangers continued to advance and fire, almost like the Dallas police killings - advance and engage, quasi-military in nature.

This type of threat isn't exactly new, but it has been (until this point) rare, at least in Chicago. Watch yourselves, your partners and realize that the subject you may be encountering may have training equal or superior to CPD's inadequate efforts.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attn millennial skinny jean police. Stop getting out of the car. It's funny that we use to make fun of hair gels wayyy back starting about 2005 and 2006 and now they are all grown up. Now, the skinny jean fools with 5 years or less are absolutely laughable.

10/23/2017 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asshole is doing his homework... not grade A material.., but effort is what counts in common core

10/23/2017 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glock has 30 round magazines for your Glock 17 and 19 models.

Available at Ray O'Herrons Police Supply.

10/23/2017 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That will all go away with body cameras.

10/23/2017 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weakness of police has created a power vacuum on the streets. Somebody is going to be in charge of day to day operations. The people will always pay a tax for protection and the only question is to whom.

10/23/2017 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rapid dissemination of critical safety information?

10/23/2017 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch your flanks and rear. Next time they might decide a cross fire is better (for them).

10/23/2017 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to NOBLE, COPA, ACLU, People Law Office, Kimesha FOXXY Lady, Hillary, Barrack Hussain Soetero Obama, Donald O, Rahm, Marxist Pope, Medill School of Journalism, Luis Gutierrez, Loevy and Loevy, CAIR, LGTBQQA+, black separatists/nationalists, liberal/progressive/communist/ whites, and other complicit political hacks the police must de-escalate instead of saying "bitch bring it".

This is the falling empire result.
Good luck in thunder dome you sheep

10/23/2017 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like boot camp for officers is coming

10/23/2017 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safety first. How about we get arms that match
or exceed that of the enemy?

10/23/2017 02:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Advancing only to abandon their weapons? Not a very good plan. Sounds fishy.

10/23/2017 04:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is information regarding this attack on police officers so vague regarding the details of the attack, such the location and time of the attack? How many officers were attacked? How many gang members were involved? What kind of firearms were used and recovered? Have any arrests been made as of yet? Are,any of Attorney General Sessions "federal officers" involved in the capture or arrest of the offenders?

10/23/2017 04:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The DOJ stated in their report that Chicago police are terribly under trained. So the idiots on this department and the politicians decide to train us on use of force, which simply put was to shift liability from the city to the officer. CPD needs actual training, in firearms and tactics. Better trained officers are less likely to use deadly force, it's a proven fact. But a liberal Democratic city would never actually do what would reduce the amount of deadly force used, instead they make documenting use of force so ridiculously over complicated that no one will do anything just to avoid having to do this idiotic report. When you have people developing the new policy who have never worked the street and faced the animal, its set up to fail from the beginning. How is it that this department is so ridiculously dysfunctional? Add the fact that special Ed is turning this department's leadership into one giant NOBLE joke, and what will we have? 1000 dead next year.
We have to stop this nonsense, officers need to be trained in tactics and firearms in order to save their lives. Since the department refuses to give you actual training, you need to seek it on your own. I know that 98% won't ever do it, but the life you save may be your own. Our unions are useless self serving assholes, they need to be paid the same as every one else. Once they make Captain's pay they stop giving a shit about you.

10/23/2017 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/23/2017 02:36:00 AM

You mean like the AR’s we have?

10/23/2017 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hope and change" - B. Obama

10/23/2017 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The black gangs have been having weapons and tactics training since the 1970's. Now after Obama, Bernie and Hilary's bullshit there's a revolutionary element surfacing. The brainwashing from the liberal school system also comes into play.

10/23/2017 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like the bangers might have a better tactics trainer then the CPD. My question is if there was a "gun battle" how many shots fired and how is it no one was hit. Why no media coverage of what could be a new threat. Could it be the administrations, police and city hall killed any reports to avoid community panic? Why no comments on SCC about what might have happened? Something is not right here.

10/23/2017 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And ding dongs still lining up to take entrance exam.

10/23/2017 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Calvin said...

Attn millennial skinny jean police. Stop getting out of the car. It's funny that we use to make fun of hair gels wayyy back starting about 2005 and 2006 and now they are all grown up. Now, the skinny jean fools with 5 years or less are absolutely laughable.

10/23/2017 12:08:00 AM

You were an asshole back in 2005 and apparently have only gotten bigger. If it wasn't for us hairgels and now your so called skinny jean police no work would be getting done at all. Please refrain from typing bullshit after the bar!

So what's your solution? Talk shit don't do shit stay in the car.....working out great for us isn't it. Just because you have decided to stop being the police some 10 years ago doesn't mean everyone should follow suit.

10/23/2017 05:26:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

Firing while Advancing, and then Abandoning their weapons, is a tactic used by the Insurgents in Afghanistan under the Obama Rules of Engagement. They would fire upon U.S. Troops, then throw down their weapons, because the U.S. troops were not allowed to fire upon unarmed personnel. Is it possible that the longest military engagement in U.S. history has finally come home? If this incident occurred as described, is it perhaps a Real Possibility that some former Gang Banger, now Combat Veteran who has received Leadership and Combat training and experience exceeding what all but a few "Chosen" Chicago Police personnel have received; is assisting his former Gang. If this is the case, then Civilian Law Enforcement is in Big Trouble. Wouldn't it be ironic, if the Gangs were recruiting combat veterans, while the Police Departments are hiring Snow Flakes from the suburbs? We know as fact, that the Mexican Cartels are hiring former military. The core leadership of the "Zetas" was formed around Mexican Special Forces personnel, trained by U.S. Special Forces. As one of my dear friends from 020 Tac, Tony A. used to say: "I could never trust a cop who grew up with a driveway in front of his house." Stay safe and wait for SWAT, or a Triple Merit Exempt! Not to Worry, the ACLU and Rahm have your back!! Baby "G"

10/23/2017 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Safety first. How about we get arms that match
or exceed that of the enemy?

10/23/2017 02:36:00 AM

We do, it's called carbine training, go get it you lazy goof....

10/23/2017 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upgrade to level III body armor.

10/23/2017 07:07:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

They ran like the bitches they are.

10/23/2017 07:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could this be part of Obama's plan for a force equal to (or greater than) the Police forces in this country?
First empty the prisons, (need loyal recruits) then quit prosecuting them (don't do any good sitting in the slammer). Obama said it on national TV, appears Chicago may be experiencing it. (Maybe Russia will make nuclear weapons for them!)


10/23/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous DaveL said...

retreating only after a lengthy gun battle and abandoning their weapons

If you've abandoned your weapons, you're not retreating - you're fleeing.

10/23/2017 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This tactic by gang bangers sounds like the drug wars of South America. Quite sad.
These bastards seem to have no fear. No consequence.


10/23/2017 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Hey SCC, if you get a chance look at the background of two of the offenders involved in the Greek Town shooting. Both are on parole for Murder, both charged in 2008 and eventually convicted. Offender 1 was sentenced to 18 years and offender 2 was sentenced to 80months. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you didn't get day for day good behavior on a murder conviction? How in the world is offender 1 out of prison and how does offender 2 get 6 1/2 years on a murder?!?! Where's the outrage, where's the accountability, where's the protest? News Media, you want to know why our City's streets are lost? Start by looking here!

10/23/2017 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the fuck is Elliot Ness and the late, great FBI when you need them?

Each and every one of these gangs is a walking, talking RICO indictment waiting to be had.....the money to be had and used by these dope-
selling killers is what's making those 3000+ shootings, 500+ dead people possible.....
Build the friggin wall, stop the dope from coming in, lock up in FEDERAL custody every gun-toting, dope selling thug and maybe, just maybe
this city might survive...

The problem is NOT the's the liberal attitude that has permeated this city and country that allows this nonsense to continue.....keep refusing felony charges on crimes that are felonies, keep releasing criminals early, keep putting killers back out on the street, keep changing laws to suit the criminal.....oh, and make sure no illegal alien criminal ever gets reported to ICE, just put them back on the street.....

10/23/2017 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....never know when you're gonna need a 30
Live is too short for a short magazine
(put that check in the mail, Ray)

10/23/2017 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Attn millennial skinny jean police. Stop getting out of the car. It's funny that we use to make fun of hair gels wayyy back starting about 2005 and 2006 and now they are all grown up. Now, the skinny jean fools with 5 years or less are absolutely laughable.

Yes! please I’m in this hair gel group as it’s been called. Don’t call these new guys hairgels it’s an insult to hairgels. Now we are bald with two bars on the sleeve and we see what was trying to be conveyed to us.

I propose a new name I like skinny jean police, Facebook police, selfie police are also good too. I know we are more original than just calling them hairgels.

10/23/2017 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of.....CPD on viewed a shooting, offenders turn to go back to their waiting vehicle and CPD approaches from their rear. Dudes turn, see CPD, and fire before they exit the vehicle. CPD returns fire from their vehicle and dudes flee, leaving their vehicle and eventually ditching their weapons.

10/23/2017 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

If the gang bangers are being trained, it won’t be long before they learn to set up L shaped ambushes. The CPD should train patrol officers how to defend against fire and move and L shaped ambushes and other methods which can be employed by the bad guys. Having the information CPD now has, it would be irresponsible not to train the patrol officers.

10/23/2017 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the god damn shotguns. Is this department fucking nuts or what......................

10/23/2017 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does sound right. Need more details to believe this one

10/23/2017 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva la 025 has become the competitive territory of the Brighton Park Cartel.
The sanctuary barrio has been rapidly expanding N-NW since 1990.

Stay fetal - Can't stop what's coming.

10/23/2017 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boys and girls do not wait for the Dept to arm you it ain’t gonna happen. Arm your self.

10/23/2017 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Nice to have a singer who is obviously pro-police great job thank you Taylor Swift:

Taylor Swift sent flowers to female officer shot in Las Vegas shooting

Very nice excerpt: Talk about a class act! @taylorswift sent multiple bouquets of flowers and plants to our station, as one of our officers was shot in Las Vegas last night. This is one of the smaller arrangements. Beautiful flowers can bring a smile to anyone’s face. Much respect,” Binder wrote in the caption of a picture of a bouquet.

Nice to hear and see, with the thugs anti-police the sickening nfl which by the way have so many empty seats for their cowardly anti-police,anti-military,anti-flag behavior, you would never a rapper doing anything like this, or the black lies matter goofs!

When she comes to town hope she gets first class treatment, hey Leo you escort buses full of the thugs blocking expressways with lights and sirens how about doing Taylor Swift a solid you know lights and sirens from airports and ISP security! I know the nfl pays a pittance so "just do it,and dont be scared!"

10/23/2017 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for more Carbines in squad cars. And the proper racks to secure same. No only for dealing with the usual shitheads but also if some nut goes off his meds and has access to a rifle. A guy with a deer gun 30-30 lever or even 30 06 bolt gun can do untold damage very quickly due to high velocity rounds. Shame on the current administration for not doing better in this area.

10/23/2017 01:32:00 PM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

Let me raise a few more points here, because this is a Very Serious Issue. 1. The single incident where the largest number of FBI agents were killed and wounded, in a single situation, was the Miami Massacre in April, of 1986. Two Agents killed and five agents wounded, by a couple of bank robbers armed with Ruger Mini-14, .223 cal. rifles. The bank robbers were former military trained, though they did not have combat experience. If I am not mistaken they were Airborne. (Paratroopers) The FBI was not prepared for criminals who were trained to move forward towards the FBI while shooting! One of the offenders was actually shot in the heart by an agent, yet he was still able to fire on the Agents, even though he was dead, but not yet brain dead. The FBI actually measured that he pumped out three more seconds of blood, and kept shooting. One of the Agents was actually shot by a dead man! 2. Unemployed Gang Bangers have a lot of spare time on their hands to play violent video games! There are several books on how violent video games influence violent acts in young people. And some of these games teach specific military tactics. Remember, the U.S. military itself uses video type games to train military personnel. So is it difficult to believe, that Gangbangers are using it to train themselves? Baby "G"

10/23/2017 02:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The failing empire quote is pretty accurate

10/23/2017 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give the department Benelli shotguns like the Marines are using. Lay down a wall of lead at these punks. end of story.

10/23/2017 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby G - You nailed it down tight there partner.

This is, ironically, the exact same attitude that leftist liberals HERE employ.
You you you can't fire on a fleeing criminal who you caught trying to break into your car or your house. He is fleeeeeeeing and you CAN'T fire at "unarmed fleeing" people because just them fleeing shows they are no threat to you! You know, just like them trying to flee in there cars isn't a threat cuz cuz cuz cars aren't weapons..and stuff.

Yeah, support some more gun control.
Support some more democrats.
Support that idiocy across the board.

Enjoy the Chicago that support for that stuff built.

10/23/2017 05:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sort of.....CPD on viewed a shooting, offenders turn to go back to their waiting vehicle and CPD approaches from their rear. Dudes turn, see CPD, and fire before they exit the vehicle. CPD returns fire from their vehicle and dudes flee, leaving their vehicle and eventually ditching their weapons.

So it was all BS about firing and advancing on the officer. They fired at police fled and left their vehicle and weapons behind. A far cry from military trained men with superior weapons attacking the police. They ran

10/23/2017 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Advancing only to abandon their weapons? Not a very good plan. Sounds fishy.


No, retard, it's called dropping evidence (weapons) when they ran out of ammo. Some people (you) are too stupid to reason with.

10/23/2017 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DaveL said...

retreating only after a lengthy gun battle and abandoning their weapons

If you've abandoned your weapons, you're not retreating - you're fleeing.

10/23/2017 07:58:00 AM

"I didn't flee like a coward...
I ran bravely and with great honor!"

A funny ha-ha told by a high school classmate
whose father was a member of the famous
442nd Regimental Combat Team
-The Nisei Battalion-

"Go For Broke"

10/23/2017 05:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of what you said was true, but not the part of being shot in the heart and getting shots off after he was dead
The end of the gunfight happened after both offenders jumped into a car and tried to flee. One FBI agent walked up to the car and shot both offenders who were sitting in the car. He didn't shoot either in the heart and they never returned fire and didn't shoot an agent after that. Wikipedia has a great story about the whole incident, injuries, guns used, etc. a remarkable story. Your info may have come from the movie based on the shootout
If you are interested in a great story click on the Wikipedia link below

10/23/2017 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Training? What training? 30 rounds a year? Every Superintendent with the exception of Weis should be thrown in jail for allowing that to happen. You want the truth. Weis was the best Supt in Chicago

10/23/2017 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fbi made a training film of the miami incident. Some of the main points were... Don't have a pistol in your hand when in a moving vehicle as it will get lost in a crash. Have a backup gun. If you wear glasses to see, teather them to your head. If there's a good chance you will run into well armed bad guys, have long arms accessible in the vehicle. I Think there's more but I saw the film too long ago.

10/23/2017 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not even close to being true guys. First off a car was on patrol and on-viewed a shooting. The mopes doing the shooting turned and were running back to the get away car. The coppers seeing this were now moving in the direction of the offenders (who were running in the coppers direction back to their own vehicle) and spotted the coppers. bad guys take a few shots at the cops as they are getting out of their car. before the coppers can shoot back they are already running away from the scene and ditch the car. somewhere after the shooting they recover the guns that they were using. So no, this was not an ambush. The guys were originally shooting at someone else and the cops rolled up on it and surprised the bad guys not some tactically planned ambush. I hate how guys blow things out of proportion so much.

10/23/2017 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safety first. How about we get arms that match
or exceed that of the enemy?

10/23/2017 02:36:00 AM

Why getting approved for the carbine course would take an act of congress.

10/23/2017 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Training? What training? 30 rounds a year? Every Superintendent with the exception of Weis should be thrown in jail for allowing that to happen. You want the truth. Weis was the best Supt in Chicago
10/23/2017 06:23:00 PM

No, Jody.
You weren't.
Get off the blog.

10/23/2017 11:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jackass..
your version is the least factual of what actually took place. Nothing was mentioned about a tactically planned ambush.
Advancing as they fired says the criminal element has no fear, and the chance of this occuring more frequently is a strong possibility,
Dallas was used as an example of what a horrific ending when a tactically trained subject advances in a gun battle instead of retreating.
could the offenders in this have been trained, sure it's possible, who knows.. as someone said, even F'n video games today show tactics during a shooting.
What was and is known is that alot of rounds were fired and it wasn't as the bad guys were running away..they saw the coppers pulling up from on viewing shots fired, they then began firing and advancing at their vehicle as the did, they fled then scene from either not expecting return fire that quickly from the PO's or no more ammo.
These are 2 very lucky coppers who handled a potential deadly situation with split second decisions, professionalism and bravery.
but by your post your also the type where if they (police) got hit, it would be all criticism from your mouth.
You also take your statement of how guys blow things out of proportion... and stop by 025, they'd be glad to show where you could put those words.
Were all taking a guess what unit your in, so you can even wear your olive green uniform when or if (big) if you decide to stop in.
BD and JR.... glad your both ok

10/23/2017 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Advancing only to abandon their weapons? Not a very good plan. Sounds fishy.


No, retard, it's called dropping evidence (weapons) when they ran out of ammo. Some people (you) are too stupid to reason with.

And some people call others retards and stupid before they know they know the true story. Dropping evidence , yea real smart like you. They drop guns that they use to shoot at police with their fingerprints on the weapon. They are as smart as you. They are giving the police the evidence with both fingerprints and DNA evidence on the weapons

10/24/2017 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So again when 22nd Dist is blowing up with crime! Including a shooting on 95th Street while kids are walking home frome school in Beverly! Bids have been closed and man power is at ultimate low!!! This is a police residential district but the commander doesnt live here! So roll calls are threats about comstat and “them” getting launtched if “numbers” dont increase and “they” don’t care about low man power and back logs! While threats every day to “split these cars up” because ISR s are not enough. Maybe ACLU and DOJ should visit roll calls and the Comstat meetings!!!! I hope Scc makes this a post not just comment! This has been since September EVERY DAY!

10/24/2017 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Anonymous said...
If the gang bangers are being trained, it won’t be long before they learn to set up L shaped ambushes. The CPD should train patrol officers how to defend against fire and move and L shaped ambushes and other methods which can be employed by the bad guys. Having the information CPD now has, it would be irresponsible not to train the patrol officers.

10/23/2017 11:00:00 AM

Irresponsibility and City Hall go hand in hand.

10/24/2017 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this 025th dist. story is NOT true because every true story told in 025 had at least one mention of Curtin.

10/24/2017 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police should be armed better, but the old 12 ga. shotgun is not the answer, not if you're going to use 00 Buck. The shotgun has been around for, God only knows how long. An Officer is responsible for every one of those nine 00 pellets, and in a city, that's not good.

Police Officers today ought to be armed with a military style, semi-auto, rifle. An Officer should not be armed "as well" as the bad guys, an Officer should be armed better than the bad guys and have the training and knowledge to use all his available weapons.

But good luck getting anything in a liberal democrat controlled sanctuary city. With the proper weapons, training and experience, you might save taxpayers instead of voters.


10/24/2017 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote local politicians out of office
Morgan Park ,Beverly ,Mount Greenwood are not patrolled like Englewood , Austin
we need 15 beat cars , 3 paddy wagons , sector cars in 22

10/24/2017 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Advancing only to abandon their weapons? Not a very good plan. Sounds fishy.


No, retard, it's called dropping evidence (weapons) when they ran out of ammo. Some people (you) are too stupid to reason with.

And some people call others retards and stupid before they know they know the true story. Dropping evidence , yea real smart like you. They drop guns that they use to shoot at police with their fingerprints on the weapon. They are as smart as you. They are giving the police the evidence with both fingerprints and DNA evidence on the weapons

10/24/2017 12:27:00 AM

Look stupid. Would you rather get caught with the guns? Or take the 1 in 10 chance that they can get a print or cultivate DNA? It's a simple choice. DNA and prints from guns are a low probability event. Even more so when compared to getting caught with it.

10/24/2017 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Police should be armed better, but the old 12 ga. shotgun is not the answer, not if you're going to use 00 Buck. The shotgun has been around for, God only knows how long. An Officer is responsible for every one of those nine 00 pellets, and in a city, that's not good.

Police Officers today ought to be armed with a military style, semi-auto, rifle. An Officer should not be armed "as well" as the bad guys, an Officer should be armed better than the bad guys and have the training and knowledge to use all his available weapons.

Some police officers should be armed with the semi automatic rifle and others should not be let anywhere near a semi automatic rifle or shotgun

10/24/2017 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are plenty of us "good ol' boys" on the job, who grew up with shotguns, and can make just as good a grouping as those with the AR's...given the distances we are allowed to engage from.
How about the dept allow us officers to chose which weapon we are most comfortable with?

10/24/2017 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So again when 22nd Dist is blowing up with crime! Including a shooting on 95th Street while kids are walking home frome school in Beverly! Bids have been closed and man power is at ultimate low!!! This is a police residential district but the commander doesnt live here! So roll calls are threats about comstat and “them” getting launtched if “numbers” dont increase and “they” don’t care about low man power and back logs! While threats every day to “split these cars up” because ISR s are not enough. Maybe ACLU and DOJ should visit roll calls and the Comstat meetings!!!! I hope Scc makes this a post not just comment! This has been since September EVERY DAY!

10/24/2017 03:10:00 AM

Stop being a f'in crybaby!
You're right, the commander doesn't live in 022, but you don't think he'd love to have 70 more bodies???
You must be on 3rd watch cuz I know the other watches aren't making the threats you're implying.
I love all you young studs bitching about the job but i bet you tell all the fat girls at the bar that you're the real police and are running & gunning every night.
Do your job in a smart way and you'll be fine.
If you're that disgruntled, find another job!

10/24/2017 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look stupid. Would you rather get caught with the guns? Or take the 1 in 10 chance that they can get a print or cultivate DNA? It's a simple choice. DNA and prints from guns are a low probability event. Even more so when compared to getting caught with it.

Why have a gun if you are worried about getting caught with it. according to your theory every time a badguy does anything he drops the rifle because he doesn't want to get caught with it. Do you realize how stupid that sounds. Shoot at someone , then drop it so you don't get caught with it
As far as the DNA and fingerprints on a gun if you shoot a po or shoot at him and they recover the gun, the crime lab will pull DNA and fingerprints off it. Not on a normal recovery but in these cases they will

10/25/2017 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Troops SURE that came from white shirt. WE are NOT STUPID! And you know how low we are in manpower??!! Hmmm? ?! And about the threats to 3rd watch??!! Think it’s funny when bosses make confessions on line!! THANKS! So transparent!

10/25/2017 02:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are plenty of us "good ol' boys" on the job, who grew up with shotguns, and can make just as good a grouping as those with the AR's...given the distances we are allowed to engage from.
How about the dept allow us officers to chose which weapon we are most comfortable with?

10/24/2017 06:03:00 PM""

Outside of range staff and training Ive known like 3. This is Chicago, very few grow up hunting nowdays. And the city is far more interested in hiring minorities, females, he/she's...ect They dont give a shit if you know anything about guns.

10/25/2017 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look stupid. Would you rather get caught with the guns? Or take the 1 in 10 chance that they can get a print or cultivate DNA? It's a simple choice. DNA and prints from guns are a low probability event. Even more so when compared to getting caught with it.

Why have a gun if you are worried about getting caught with it. according to your theory every time a badguy does anything he drops the rifle because he doesn't want to get caught with it. Do you realize how stupid that sounds. Shoot at someone , then drop it so you don't get caught with it
As far as the DNA and fingerprints on a gun if you shoot a po or shoot at him and they recover the gun, the crime lab will pull DNA and fingerprints off it. Not on a normal recovery but in these cases they will

10/25/2017 12:22:00 AM

You are truly retarded.

People drop guns and dope all the time when being chased by the police and after they kill people or try to kill people.

To use your dense logic, why drop if you're NOT worried about being caught with it???
Please tell me its because you ran out ammo that cost what in compared to a gun???
Or is the weight of an empty firearm slowing them down???

I see you really fleshed out your theory.

If your IQ is below room temperature it's not bad work, not so much if your on the right side of the bell curve.

One more thing, using the word "will" implies it will happen. It most likely WILL NOT happen, hence "low probability event." I'll explain more explicitly because you need it. Yes, an ET will come out, but prints or other DNA will most likely not be cultivated from the firearm because they simply can't be obtained.

You've been excused, you may fall back asleep sir, you most certainly seem intelligent that way.

10/25/2017 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

give the department Benelli shotguns like the Marines are using. Lay down a wall of lead at these punks. end of story.

10/23/2017 04:32:00 PM

The question is, why aren't they??

10/26/2017 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to ditch the 5.56 and go with .308 rifles. Every car ought to be equipped with a shotgun, battle rifle, medical kit, and extra magazines and ammo. but i digress.

10/26/2017 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
time to ditch the 5.56 and go with .308 rifles. Every car ought to be equipped with a shotgun, battle rifle, medical kit, and extra magazines and ammo. but i digress.

10/26/2017 03:14:00 PM

It's good to hear an old gunfighters thoughts, takes one to know one.

10/26/2017 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be interesting for a lot of the people with their negatives about the 12ga. shotgun, to look at what the Germans said during world war one about the Americans using a shotgun. Just a hint, it was murderously devastating.

10/26/2017 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

give the department Benelli shotguns like the Marines are using. Lay down a wall of lead at these punks. end of story.

10/23/2017 04:32:00 PM

The question is, why aren't they??

10/26/2017 11:19:00 AM

Simple, merit personnel that are not the police.

10/26/2017 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this 025th dist. story is NOT true because every true story told in 025 had at least one mention of Curtin.

10/24/2017 09:33:00 AM

What a sick motherfucker.........

10/26/2017 09:34:00 PM  

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