Friday, September 06, 2019


FOP has a statement:
  • The Lodge has received many calls and questions about the proposed Time and Attendance Swiping Program. We have received a Draft Order which outlines the program.

    There are several issues within this policy which the Lodge believes are mandatory subjects of collective bargaining. Our attorneys have put the Department on notice by demanding to meet in order to negotiate those issues.

    If need be, we will explore any other legal options that may be available to us.
Which means pretty much dick. They're going to let the City steamroll them again and not even bother to file a suit that every other FOP Lodge has won in terms of being paid for the hours and required duties that make up a complete tour. And we're pretty sure that HQ and assorted special units won't be doing anything that resembles swiping in any way, shape or form.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well all I can say 15 min to checkoff...Squad hold me down overtim....I mean traffic stop going in with a tvb.....

9/06/2019 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/06/2019 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quack quack here and a quack quack there until further notice

9/06/2019 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fop could at least put up a fight. Make the city work for it. Swipe in and out AND work every holiday. I’m sure all the mon-fri fake cops will say “you signed up for this”

9/06/2019 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP is weak. Plain and simple.

9/06/2019 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets do this. Pay me 15mins after i drop off my gear radio taser camera car keys company cellphone beat tag download in car camera video

9/06/2019 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gonna be interesting for the k9 folks. They have court awarded time each day to care for their dogs at the start & finish of their tours. Cutting into this time gets them paid time and a half. So they’ll all be dropping 2 slips a day for having to go find somewhere to swipe in and out. This is just one of many caveats that Mayor Larry’s number crunchers have no clue about. Like you said SCC, this is gonna cost them more than leaving things as is.

9/06/2019 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with that bullshit.
Way to demoralize the last true believers.
Cpd is toast.

9/06/2019 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our union leadership is really inept. Look at the difference between us and the teachers. They actually turned down a 24% pay increase. Our union not only can’t gain anything, they’re can’t even maintain what we have. They are losing every battle and our work conditions have drastically decreased in the last 20 years. It’s night and day. It’s not all their fault, but shit do something. Organize something to show the city they can’t just walk all over us. It’s actually embarrassing. We have so much power and we don’t even use it. We actually can control or destroy the city with our actions. We have that much power.

9/06/2019 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would the incentive be to work tact now. Or to go out and bust your hump. There’s absolutely zero incentive to do anything beyond answer your calls. There’s no way to reward anyone anymore if this passes. You don’t get a pay increase for arrests or movers or anything, so beyond personal pride, which on the department is pretty much gone now, why would u honestly do anything proactive? U step in anything controversial and your ass is toast.

9/06/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not one “specialized” unit swipes. POs will be the only assholes doing this

9/06/2019 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a big nothing! In typical past practice and staying loyal to the “Chicago way,” only the lowly beat cop(the anus of the department)will be required to swipe in and out. Supervisors and the connected will continue as businesses as usual. The higher rank and salary equals less hours and responsibilities.

9/06/2019 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiper! No Swiping!

(apologies to Dora)

9/06/2019 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it’s not “REALLY” tied to direct payroll, then the connected and supervisors won’t have to do it. Anyone with 5 or more years on the job knows this is exactly what will happen. They only punish the nonconnected

9/06/2019 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the steel mills!

9/06/2019 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmmm.....this is the CPD. Only the pee ons will have to follow the rules. White shits go about your regular business.

9/06/2019 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kevin Graham has already lost everyone. As silent as a mouse. Another two years and and counting without a contract as though its SOP. Very sad.

9/06/2019 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not one to scream arbitration, I understand a process needs to be followed...

But FOP, come on!

We are getting jackpotted here big time. Stuff keeps getting added and lost without bargaining for it. Swiping is just the latest crap thrown at us. What are we going to do, have a Dic work from 0700hrs until 0400hrs and demand they are back at work in 3hrs?

What about how Detectives (I can only relate to their changes, but I admit we ALL are getting f-ed) are handling jobs that were handled by ET's? We have enough BS to do with ASA's "to do" lists. Buccal swabs, GSR's, photographing line ups, filling out ET. crime scene reports etc. Did we demand higher pay for more responsibility? How about how the D-unit is driving compact Mazdas without emergency equipment. I cant wait to take that mini car down an unplowed side street this winter.

What about the ridiculous proclivity for the city to cancel RDO's and time due every time there's a holiday or even regular summer weekend. I've never seen Dic's get furlough extensions cancelled because there are shenanigans going on downtown. What the hell are we going to do, especially if we work days?

How about the gigantic bump in pay from Patrolman/Detective to Sgt.? In the D-unit the Dic's we are losing have great knowledge and guys/girls want to stay, but the bump in pay is way too much to pass up. Use that as a tool for when the city cries about clearance rates. A higher pay bump may retain their service. It's their damn fault for promoting people at a trickle for 10yrs anyway.

Why are we going to ethics, taser, racial and use of force training? Shouldn't we have classes based on things detectives do?

Maybe we should hire a PR person like large corporations do in order to get our message out. You guys are not forceful enough and lack the social skills to push our agenda. We need an outsider who isn't afraid of repercussions for putting it to our elected officials and appointed brass. I believe we should ALL be in one union, but it seems the Dics are not getting proper representation.

We need help FOP and you are our out-cry witness. ACT!

9/06/2019 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Ghost of Joe Cassidy said...

How about this NOBODY swipe. We can't strike, we can never do sh☆t but take it like an unwilling Espstien victim because the city knows we can't do anything. They know any litigation will take time. This is our only way, to band together. Patrolmen, supervisors, everyone on board. What are they gonna SPAR every single copper, fire all of us. They strokes don't know the toll it takes answering calls, seeing violence. So if giving a guy an hour on the end for peace of mind will cost me a day, so be it. #STOPSWIPING

9/06/2019 02:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They better get ready for another OT SURGE. I gotta punch out at the last minute, fine here is my slip if i did not get a lunch! Here is my slip for staying 10 minutes over!

9/06/2019 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which means pretty much dick. They're going to let the City steamroll them again and not even bother to file a suit that every other FOP Lodge has won in terms of being paid for the hours and required duties that make up a complete tour. And we're pretty sure that HQ and assorted special units won't be doing anything that resembles swiping in any way, shape or form.
Labels: FOP

Rumor of the day is some at HQ and certain special units are well versed at swiping...

9/06/2019 04:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gonna be interesting for the k9 folks. They have court awarded time each day to care for their dogs at the start & finish of their tours. Cutting into this time gets them paid time and a half. So they’ll all be dropping 2 slips a day for having to go find somewhere to swipe in and out. This is just one of many caveats that Mayor Larry’s number crunchers have no clue about. Like you said SCC, this is gonna cost them more than leaving things as is.

9/06/2019 12:43:00 AM

That will just be done automatically, like the supervisor 1/2 hour.

9/06/2019 04:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ummmmm.....this is the CPD. Only the pee ons will have to follow the rules. White shits go about your regular business.

9/06/2019 01:39:00 AM

Pee ons? I hope you're joking.

9/06/2019 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would the incentive be to work tact now. Or to go out and bust your hump. There’s absolutely zero incentive to do anything beyond answer your calls. There’s no way to reward anyone anymore if this passes. You don’t get a pay increase for arrests or movers or anything, so beyond personal pride, which on the department is pretty much gone now, why would u honestly do anything proactive? U step in anything controversial and your ass is toast.

9/06/2019 12:52:00 AM

to get honorables and ribbons duh

9/06/2019 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see Crazy Kim in 701 actually come to work at 0730, and have to stay 8 hrs, sorry your bed buddy can’t get you out of this

9/06/2019 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC is the Sgt in Mass Transit on afternoons the same Sgt who got caught cheating on Lt exam also the one who made up IOD report but reality was injured off duty doing karate kick at martial arts studio on southside, why has this Bruce Lee wannabe been fired

9/06/2019 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC your website did it again, the Secretary in 701 has stopped taking home a unmarked car every nite for personal use for over half a decade, see the pen is mightier than the sword

9/06/2019 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i work in narcotics. we have to swipe in and out

9/06/2019 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you all going to understand you have no options because you will not stick together. They own you. You cannot strike or have a job action. Don't understand why you keep letting the worthless FOP take your money. Unity is your only hope but in the CPD unlike the NYPD it is every man for himself. Believe this to be the result of merit. Don't need to work together because I HAVE MY CLOUT and I will be taken care of.

9/06/2019 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody swipe would work, but unfortunately your talking about the CPD. No unity at all. Enjoy the swiping tools.

9/06/2019 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no confidence in a fraternal order that would include new squad cars in a contract, like last time. So get ready to be screwed again. FOP is not an advocate for us, they are complicit with the city.

9/06/2019 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lawsuit fighting a policy to ensure everyone works 8 for 8? Good luck with that. I only hope it can be implemented city wide to eliminate the early ducks (aka theft) that rampantly occurs in the clout units.

9/06/2019 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:52 am

That is what the city wants you to do.
Answer your calls only

Wake up hard chargers. The risk to reward ratio is NOT there.

Fetal is the answer

9/06/2019 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Fair Labor Standards Act governs federal overtime policies, which say overtime hours are those an employee works beyond 40 for the week. Under the FLSA, nonexempt employees must receive overtime wages if they work the hours. Exempt employees are excluded from the act’s overtime pay provisions. So those on 9 hours day work an additional 2.5 hours a week x four= 10 by 12 =120 a year. Not including those that are on 10 hour days.. You want us to swipe out we want to be paid time & a half for anything over 40.

Oh you want a consent decree well we like our residency requirement lifted since it’s a violation of our freedom to choose where we want to live.

FOP will never fight for us!

9/06/2019 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corporatioms are using non-payroll swipng to track who's in the building and as building access/entry. Wonder if they'll add the buzzer system so you can lock out a feral? Naw too easy.

Every politirat should be required to complete multiple ride alongs and paperwork sit alongs. The piles heaped on blue are pretty stupid and unecessary

9/06/2019 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kevin Graham has already lost everyone. As silent as a mouse. Another two years and and counting without a contract as though its SOP. Very sad.

9/06/2019 01:40:00 AM

Groot is trying to divide and conquer. Do not give it to her. The city is not bargaining in good faith. While the process plays out, we are working under the old contract and we have the protections afforded by that contract. Groot wants to eliminate those protections. Let the process play out, but do not jump ship on the FOP because you would be doing exactly as she wants you to do.

9/06/2019 06:52:00 AM  
Anonymous The Chicago Way said...

The FLOPs response is all part of their negotiation plan. Stop worrying, this next contract will be like nothing we’ve never dreamed of.

9/06/2019 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked in the suburbs before coming to cpd. I noticed real fast my first few years on Cpd that our union was a joke. Anyone who thinks our fop ain’t a corrupt joke then you need your head examined. I never missed a meeting my first two years on. The difference between my old suburban union and cpd is unreal. FOP, you have how many dues paying members? Where does the money go? I can speak from experience working year after year. We keep getting steam rolled and you don’t do shit. Hey FOP, you suck!! Would love to change unions. Start making the Union for us, not the other way around!

9/06/2019 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The key to this is Illinois Labor Law. As cops we are salaried employees. Once you swipe in and out you are not. There are subtle differences for wages and benefits between the two and once again the city is attempting to screw with us.

9/06/2019 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first 8 hours 45 minutes do absolutely nothing.....then late T stop and take ur time changing your clothes and get daily OT.

9/06/2019 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OCD has been very hush hush about swiping since its inception. I'm guessing the phone call bureau, in keeping with its clout heavy nature, is exempt from swiping. Nothing ever changes on this dept. The fat get fatter, and the hungry stay hungry.

9/06/2019 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am not one to scream arbitration, I understand a process needs to be followed...

But FOP, come on!

We are getting jackpotted here big time. Stuff keeps getting added and lost without bargaining for it. Swiping is just the latest crap thrown at us. What are we going to do, have a Dic work from 0700hrs until 0400hrs and demand they are back at work in 3hrs?

What about how Detectives (I can only relate to their changes, but I admit we ALL are getting f-ed) are handling jobs that were handled by ET's? We have enough BS to do with ASA's "to do" lists. Buccal swabs, GSR's, photographing line ups, filling out ET. crime scene reports etc. Did we demand higher pay for more responsibility? How about how the D-unit is driving compact Mazdas without emergency equipment. I cant wait to take that mini car down an unplowed side street this winter.

What about the ridiculous proclivity for the city to cancel RDO's and time due every time there's a holiday or even regular summer weekend. I've never seen Dic's get furlough extensions cancelled because there are shenanigans going on downtown. What the hell are we going to do, especially if we work days?

How about the gigantic bump in pay from Patrolman/Detective to Sgt.? In the D-unit the Dic's we are losing have great knowledge and guys/girls want to stay, but the bump in pay is way too much to pass up. Use that as a tool for when the city cries about clearance rates. A higher pay bump may retain their service. It's their damn fault for promoting people at a trickle for 10yrs anyway.

Why are we going to ethics, taser, racial and use of force training? Shouldn't we have classes based on things detectives do?

Maybe we should hire a PR person like large corporations do in order to get our message out. You guys are not forceful enough and lack the social skills to push our agenda. We need an outsider who isn't afraid of repercussions for putting it to our elected officials and appointed brass. I believe we should ALL be in one union, but it seems the Dics are not getting proper representation.

We need help FOP and you are our out-cry witness. ACT!


If they think I’m coming back three hours later after fighting with the State all night they’re nuts. I guess I’ll just hit them with overtime until my scheduled start time abd then swipe out for overtime and then swipe back in immediately for my tour and then head out looking for video.

9/06/2019 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/06/2019 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty soon ya gonna have to swipe to get into
Billy Ray's BBQ and Catfish on Tulsa Route 66

9/06/2019 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Graham as a person, but I think it’s time for someone who will fight fight fight for Chicago Police Officers. We need someone to play HARD ball.

9/06/2019 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They better get ready for another OT SURGE. I gotta punch out at the last minute, fine here is my slip if i did not get a lunch! Here is my slip for staying 10 minutes over!

Lunch will be assigned to you. Take it after your TVB or that traffic crash.

9/06/2019 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about no one swipes until it is negotiated? Suspend everyone or no one. Take it to court, make the city pay and pay.....

9/06/2019 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City ought to hand out Vaseline at roll call and check off. Good luck.

9/06/2019 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what we get when we allow retired guys to work as vice presidents in fop.

9/06/2019 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since the FOP seems to be pretty much ineffective in Chicago, why do you guys continue to pay your dues? You can opt out based on the SCOTUS ruling on public sector unions. Money always gets people's attention, and the FOP will notice if their revenue goes down.

9/06/2019 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you guys going to learn, that management will only treat you with respect, when you start slapping them with unfair labor practices?

9/06/2019 08:18:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...


9/06/2019 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP has been a disappointment to me. They care too much about David Protess and Fox News than they do our contract and working conditions. You call with an issue, you never hear back. You never hear anything about our contract. Years go by.

9/06/2019 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kids will still go out there and get the numbers for the bosses. They want that early start or whatever other perks they get for it. No unity in this department and we will continue to get steamrolled.

9/06/2019 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't we get rid of an FOP President for not meeting his obligations and duties to the membership? Why cant we do this again?

And next time we elect someone, Lets elect someone with a voice and opinion on some things and not afraid to call a press conference to do so.

9/06/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the contract the city reserves the right to set the hours of work and if we have to work the full tours of duty that is just the way it is times have changed this is The reality i we are living in. With the investigation that Ferguson has done you can bet that the same man I couldn’t find a complete room of cheating lieutenants will sacrifice some coppers and some detectives watch and see it’s coming don’t be stupid don’t be the person that the media can 24 hours a day seven days a week highlight for what you’ve done. You have no sympathy from the tax payers because we all know how much we are bastardized in the media.

9/06/2019 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Homan Square Units and the Detective Division should be the pilot programs for swiping in and out. Let’s see how it works out for them.

9/06/2019 09:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP sent the letter asking for arbitration a year ago. All that is required is for FOP to declare an impasse and demand that an arbitrator be named but Graham refuses. Why? Graham is delusional and believes that he can charm Lightfoot into giving us a great contract. Graham has no support on the board and is busy eating his way through the remaining 6 months of his term. He’s been a disaster and is solely responsible for the Consent Decree debacle. The sooner he’s gone, the better.

9/06/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Detectives drive Nissan Sentras with no emergency equipment, Homan square will soon get new cars with fleet plates so that shitheads can easily identify them then claim they didn’t know they were the police! And btw Monday thru Friday working days is awesome get some damn time on the job before you begin your crying. Stfu

9/06/2019 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't bring a badge to a swipe fight
----Apologoes to Clevon Little

9/06/2019 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is sgt’s Will be required to stay 30 mins longer each shift.. you know how they get 1/2hr each day for overtime/sgt duties. You want that extra 30 mins, guess you’re stay that 30 mins. This is really gonna affect the Sgt’s in my district all work only 5-6 hrs a day and covered 1 day a week. But the blue shirt get absolutely nothing, no ducks late lunch nothing.

9/06/2019 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Cop. Did everyone need to sign a consent for your bio-metrics? If not let FOP know it's violation. The minimum is $1,000 per person.

9/06/2019 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like always the City goes to extremes to nickel and dime you.
Probably 15 min to 30 min a tour will be “given back”.
Like negotiated hourly V-Day use versus actually tour-of-duty day off.
A day off is a day off no matter what the hours of the tour, max. 200 hours worth of V-days and having to use CU to make up the differences. That only favors the city.
Then there’s the negotiated 42 month DA requirement.
Some perks.

Swipe 10 mins early today no problem.
Swipe 1 min late tomorrow you’ll get the 15min dock.
Swipe out 16 mins after the tour will need to do some ‘splainin.

Anyone know if this swiping bs has override conditions, like for housed mice?

Expect more AntiPolice tactics and swipes to be drawn up by Team LightLoafers.
Some of the stuff that didn’t pass Rotten Rahm will get revived too, same folks still feeding Groot these ideas.

9/06/2019 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fop should swipe in and out!

9/06/2019 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue comes down to Kevin Graham, he is very weak. He thinks that if you play nice, nice with the major(who ever the major at the time) they will take care of us. Kevin Graham is being run by the old guard who are still Union Officers and on the board. He is afraid to fight like the union head in New York City. Rumor has it, that he is constantly fighting with several of the new officers and board members. He does not have the stomach to be aggressive like his counter part in New York City.

9/06/2019 11:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about how Detectives (I can only relate to their changes, but I admit we ALL are getting f-ed) are handling jobs that were handled by ET's? We have enough BS to do with ASA's "to do" lists. Buccal swabs, GSR's, photographing line ups, filling out ET. crime scene reports etc. Did we demand higher pay for more responsibility? How about how the D-unit is driving compact Mazdas without emergency equipment. I cant wait to take that mini car down an unplowed side street this winter.

You don’t expect ET’s to do ET jobs. It get promoted, go to the academy and return to ET unit to an inside job

9/06/2019 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one should be complaining about swiping in and out to get paid. What we should complain about is if the rules are only forced upon a few. The swiping has to apply to everyone regardless of rank or assignments. Unfortunately the CPD doesn’t operate fairly and there’s a huge double standard. So I’m sure we all know what will happen

9/06/2019 12:00:00 PM  
Blogger jcat said...

So the department can implement any new policy they want even if it is a contractual obligation to negotiate. If they can pick and choose when to follow or violate collective bargaining does that mean then membership can also do the same in regards to the no strike clause? Asking for a friend.....

John Catanzara 008

9/06/2019 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a problem for the Beat Officers.As pointed out many times by SCC and others,the Officers answering the calls are not receiving the perks.I do often hear Sergeants 45 minutes before check off asking the status of cars that have not entered the Station.What is their hurry?Thought they were paid that extra hour each day.

9/06/2019 12:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Any truth to the rumor that a certain Chief quietly retired recently? And will now head over and be the new boss up the 311 center?
If true, talk about feeding at the public trough. Geesh!

9/06/2019 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More and more bull shit. If it ain't one thing it's another thing. Can't wait to retire from this SHIT HOLE!

9/06/2019 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our union leadership is really inept. Look at the difference between us and the teachers. They actually turned down a 24% pay increase. Our union not only can’t gain anything, they’re can’t even maintain what we have. They are losing every battle and our work conditions have drastically decreased in the last 20 years. It’s night and day. It’s not all their fault, but shit do something. Organize something to show the city they can’t just walk all over us. It’s actually embarrassing. We have so much power and we don’t even use it. We actually can control or destroy the city with our actions. We have that much power.

9/06/2019 12:49:00 AM

FOP is useless because they're puppets for city hall. City hall takes care of these puppets and in turn they do what the city wants all the while telling the membership how hard they're working for them and they resent the members who know these truths. The city either has some dirt on them or takes care of them monetarily. That's why the FOP acts like you're wasting their time when you need one of them to help you out with something. I needed someone at the FOP to file a grievance for me a few years ago. It took probably ten minutes for this guy to help me out. I'd never filed a grievance before. But he acted agitated and upset that he had to do this for me. The point is, the FOP doesn't care about its members. Not only that, they belittle and demean you if you need them for anything.

9/06/2019 01:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghost of Joe Cassidy said...
How about this NOBODY swipe. #STOPSWIPING
Good to know there is at least one other officer with the right attitude out there!

9/06/2019 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A profession with this much hostility coming to it from city hall, hate groups, politicians, media, priests, etc should have some serious representation. The FOP is not it. They do nothing to suppress it. They are useless and actually active participants in the furtherance of the demoralization of the police. We don't need to read about these people complaining about the politicians in the FOP magazine every month. We need action to be taken. Complaining about it doesn't change anything. We need people independent from city hall who are effective at furthering the membership's agenda. As long as cops represent us, we will get nothing. Cops are too easily flipped. They're a lot different when they're campaigning for your vote in the roll call rooms than they are after they get voted in.

9/06/2019 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have yet to swipe in or out. Nothing has ever happened. I’d say let’s all band together and come up with a blue flu idea. But let’s face it, we are not New York or LA. We are Chicago and we just shit on each other.

9/06/2019 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a simple scratching of the lens above your hand will fix the machine to not work.

its just an overpriced camera that will not recognize anything if lens is not clear.

have fun...........:)

9/06/2019 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Swiper! No Swiping!

(apologies to Dora)

9/06/2019 01:05:00 AM

Was gonna make this same joke, of course cops withouts kids might not get it. Then again, might be alot of cops now who watched "Dora " when they were little. God , I feel/am old.

9/06/2019 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helllllooooo. McFly!!! FOP is useless. Graham doesnt give a rats ass what is going on!!!
Election in a few months. For Christs sake get rid of him. He can’t, won’t and doesn’t know how
to lead. Seriously, this shit out of control. He is DROWNING and taking ALL of us with him.

9/06/2019 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about how Detectives (I can only relate to their changes, but I admit we ALL are getting f-ed) are handling jobs that were handled by ET's? We have enough BS to do with ASA's "to do" lists. Buccal swabs, GSR's, photographing line ups, filling out ET. crime scene reports etc. Did we demand higher pay for more responsibility? How about how the D-unit is driving compact Mazdas without emergency equipment. I cant wait to take that mini car down an unplowed side street this winter.

I was a detective for 10 years and the majority of my time was in patrol. To the above have it pretty good so don't real supervision, not tied to the radio, eat when and where you want, unlimited OT, no domestics, traffic crashes or searching nasty motherfuckers. Yea, a lot of typing but all cut and paste. Take time due whenever, change day off group, etc...... Believe me you don't have it to bad.

9/06/2019 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same ol' same ol'.

9/06/2019 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also be required to punch out for lunch.

9/06/2019 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don’t need FLOP. We file suit on our own.

9/06/2019 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s all a joke!! That’s like most of us Already swipe and entitled ones don’t! Nothing will change. We already know !

9/06/2019 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your not getting your monies 2orth quit paying. That simple. Hit them where it hurts in their till.

9/06/2019 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since the FOP seems to be pretty much ineffective in Chicago, why do you guys continue to pay your dues? You can opt out based on the SCOTUS ruling on public sector unions. Money always gets people's attention, and the FOP will notice if their revenue goes down.

9/06/2019 08:16:00 AM

And who will pay for your legal representation when you have an issue? Oh, I guess you will pay for your own.

9/06/2019 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Well guess you all qualify as stupid, as you have been paying the FOP for years and expecting different results. Good luck fools.

9/06/2019 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lawsuit fighting a policy to ensure everyone works 8 for 8? Good luck with that. I only hope it can be implemented city wide to eliminate the early ducks (aka theft) that rampantly occurs in the clout units

This isnt only in clout units. Im not even talking about caps. The bullshit goes on-on the watch. Sergeants release their favorite suckasses everyday and we’re stuck with the late arrests and domestics on their beat. FUCK YOU if you’re the asshole screwing over your coworkers!

9/06/2019 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger jcat said...
So the department can implement any new policy they want even if it is a contractual obligation to negotiate. If they can pick and choose when to follow or violate collective bargaining does that mean then membership can also do the same in regards to the no strike clause? Asking for a friend.....

John Catanzara 008

9/06/2019 12:28:00 PM

John, you are an adult and can do whatever you want. Adults should be able to read as well and know that striking not only violates the contract but is against state law for police officers. After your grievance that you file, which you do all the time, is denied because you violate the contract do not ask legal defense to cover you cause you violated state law as well.

And you want people to vote you in as president?

9/06/2019 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, if it keeps the connected few going home early all the time on 1st watch in 1 to stay and do a tour I’m all for it. That’s really the problem right? If everyone was swiping then it’s all good but that’s not gonna happen. Only the regular pos will swipe and get talked down to if they refuse.

9/06/2019 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the department can implement any new policy they want even if it is a contractual obligation to negotiate. If they can pick and choose when to follow or violate collective bargaining does that mean then membership can also do the same in regards to the no strike clause? Asking for a friend.....

John Catanzara 008

John, you've been on strike since the academy.

9/06/2019 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Cop. Did everyone need to sign a consent for your bio-metrics? If not let FOP know it's violation. The minimum is $1,000 per person.

As part of the background check/screening process to be hired, the City and police department take a full set of fingerprints. And run them through criminal files. And believe it or not, they get hits.

When you show up for each step of the written test they take a index finger print to make sure that the same person shows up for each step.

At least, that is what they did back in the 70s when I was being hired.

9/06/2019 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Any truth to the rumor that a certain Chief quietly retired recently? And will now head over and be the new boss up the 311 center?
If true, talk about feeding at the public trough. Geesh!

9/06/2019 12:55:00 PM

Old news, who cares. He’s not the first and won’t be the last with that kind of hook up. Look at old man chiczewski, retired as an ADS and landed as an assistant commissioner in the water department.

9/06/2019 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider yourself well off compared to 'American Factory.'
AF is a Netflix movie about a Chinese glass company moving
into an unused factory site in Dayton, Ohio, and profiling the
interaction of the native Daytonians vs. the Chinese workers.
To put this in perspective, Dayton used to be known as The
Gem City (Gem being General Motors). They had a Delco
Parts division there and made the S-10 pickup at one time.
So picture Kubota moving into the old Packard plant in Detroit.
So really, swiping is not all that bad. It's just an ego thing.
Trust me, things are much worse elsewhere.

9/06/2019 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Groot to give you back that 30 yr raze that Donahue graciously donated to the city years ago. That was 5%. Maybe she will give it back to show her love for the FOP.

9/06/2019 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where exactly are new recruits coming from for this job and why?

9/06/2019 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is sgt’s Will be required to stay 30 mins longer each shift.. you know how they get 1/2hr each day for overtime/sgt duties. You want that extra 30 mins, guess you’re stay that 30 mins. This is really gonna affect the Sgt’s in my district all work only 5-6 hrs a day and covered 1 day a week. But the blue shirt get absolutely nothing, no ducks late lunch nothing.

9/06/2019 10:38:00 AM

What district is this? Because where I work the sgt's are usually there until the end cleaning up the mess the blue shirts started. And as far as early ducks go, trust me kid my blue shirts get them a hell of a lot more than any of us white shirts. Then that carried for a day? Hahaha we don't have enough sgt's in the district to even think about that. So please tell me hard charger, what district is this so I can put in a par form!

9/06/2019 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a Cop. Did everyone need to sign a consent for your bio-metrics? If not let FOP know it's violation. The minimum is $1,000 per person.

Does not spy to the government... read the statute.

9/06/2019 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Homan Square Units and the Detective Division should be the pilot programs for swiping in and out. Let’s see how it works out for them.

9/06/2019 09:37:00 AM

U need to get ur shit straight!!! Dicks in all the areas and Jisc are swiping in and out. The ones in certain units in OCD are not. And b4 all u 🤡 continue to make asses out of ur self u guys are complaining because ur being asked to work a tour of duty ? I get it we are not hourly employees and we are not like street and San and electric or any other unit- what about guys that have take home cars where do they swipe?

9/06/2019 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prieb is the idiot savant of the FOP. He can bloviate for hours on the Anthony Porter case, but knows nothing about the contract, police work or what the FOP does. He’s rarely in the office, doesn’t go on call outs and is pretty much useless. Why are we paying him to write his next novel?

9/06/2019 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OFF the Topic
So the Northside Food Pantry at 5151 N Ravenswood has initiated a program so the people in need of food from the pantry can order their food online. So they can't afford to feed their family but they can have a cell phone/tablet.

Or the East Coast legislature (Sen) who is calling for an investigation of the RING camera folks. Seems he doesn't like that the cameras record everything and minorities passing by are constantly filmed thus causing to feel uncomfortable. WTF!!!!

9/06/2019 07:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m a deputy at the county and 2 yrs ago we started swiping. Everything went to shit after that. Every minute of ot needs to be approved. If you’re late you’re docked or you give them time. No more leaving early without approval or time. I hope you don’t get it but I wouldn’t hold your breath. They even put gps in our vehicles and jag off Dart hired people to monitor our routes . If it happens every one of you should get late arrest or a DUI right before end of shift and kill them on ot !! Beat them at there own game! Stay safe

9/06/2019 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unit Rep mtg coming up.
Heard 5yr 5 percent raise. With a 10 percent more contribution to pension.


9/06/2019 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "bottleneck" on the comment release process
is the guy drinking from the glass beer bottle

9/06/2019 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief, I was wondering how many of your women you are taking to OEMC with you? Please take my Sergeant. We will all be celebrating.

9/06/2019 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Lt Whiskey Breath said...

You're gonna swipe in and out and you're gonna like it!

9/06/2019 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forbes: EXCLUSIVE: Feds demand Apple & Google hand
over names of 10,000+ users of a gun scope app (Obsidian 4)

9/06/2019 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take advantage of the Janus decision. This is exactly what it's there for.

9/06/2019 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is sgt’s Will be required to stay 30 mins longer each shift.. you know how they get 1/2hr each day for overtime/sgt duties. You want that extra 30 mins, guess you’re stay that 30 mins. This is really gonna affect the Sgt’s in my district all work only 5-6 hrs a day and covered 1 day a week. But the blue shirt get absolutely nothing, no ducks late lunch nothing.

The half hour for supervisors is part of the contact base pay. It is compensation that increase the pay without increasing pension contributions, the holiday rate, the overtime rate, the flsa overtime rate, or anything else. Daley gave the po's duty availability for the same reason, it was once no pensionable too.

No supervisor is required to work extra to get the "rank credit."

9/06/2019 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous mucho gracias said...

Exempt employees are excluded from the act’s overtime pay provisions. So those on 9 hours day work an additional 2.5 hours a week x four= 10 by 12 =120 a year. Not including those that are on 10 hour days.. You want us to swipe out we want to be paid time & a half for anything over 40.

Whoa! You just bl*w my freakin mind...I never thought of it like that, being salary and all. wOW

9/06/2019 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stand up and DONT SWIPE!!!
Will hundreds of coppers get written up each and every day? I don't think so.....most coppers can't stick together for shit so how about we stick it to "them" on this

9/06/2019 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a LEO,but a long time follower of this blog (3+ years) During that time the MAJOR theme has been how poorly FOP has represented you but all you talk about is electing different representatives.

A long time back I remember talk about the police going with the Teamsters ( During the time of Daley 2 or maybe even Daley 1) I am wondering why that did not happen and/or why it is never brought up again.

It is long past the time for you to get some serious and effective representation. You need an organization that will play hardball with the city.

9/06/2019 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So the department can implement any new policy they want even if it is a contractual obligation to negotiate. If they can pick and choose when to follow or violate collective bargaining does that mean then membership can also do the same in regards to the no strike clause? Asking for a friend.....

John Catanzara 008

John, you've been on strike since the academy.

9/06/2019 05:37:00 PM

Full disclosure....I don’t know John Catanzara, I’ve never met him...hell, I don’t even know where 008 is, but at least he opens his mouth. The bums at FOP don’t say a word. For the last two decades (at least), the FOO’s position has been “we’re not negotiating in the media”, playing by the rules, being the nice guys, and getting walked on by the City. How has that been working out for the last few contracts? Enough with the kinder, gentler stance. Be as abrasive as make as many waves as possible. It couldn’t hurt. Look at the unions in NYC. All on the same page, all outspoken, all say what’s on their mind. Here...not so much. At least JC is saying what no one else will say. Try a different path.

9/06/2019 10:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to swipe in and out. Fuck all you duckers. You know who you are !

9/06/2019 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GROOT and the aldermen should swipe as well!

9/06/2019 11:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where exactly are new recruits coming from for this job and why?

9/06/2019 07:01:00 PM

Chicago For the pay, benefits and pension what did you think. And no layoffs

9/06/2019 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ask Groot to give you back that 30 yr raze that Donahue graciously donated to the city years ago. That was 5%. Maybe she will give it back to show her love for the FOP.

Thought he sold it as compressed into the 25 year raise

9/06/2019 11:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the crime lab and the ET's can take back the GSR's, lineups buccals, etc

9/06/2019 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Our union leadership is really inept. Look at the difference between us and the teachers. They actually turned down a 24% pay increase. Our union not only can’t gain anything, they’re can’t even maintain what we have. They are losing every battle and our work conditions have drastically decreased in the last 20 years. It’s night and day. It’s not all their fault, but shit do something. Organize something to show the city they can’t just walk all over us. It’s actually embarrassing. We have so much power and we don’t even use it. We actually can control or destroy the city with our actions. We have that much power.

We don’t have any power and the politicians know it. FOP has no control on how it’s members vote. They can’t deliver any voting block
Unfortunately officers can’t agree on anything. Do you believe the inside peoplegroup 5 officers and officers with 2 or 3 years in spots are going to do anything to upset the Apple cart. Good luck with that

9/06/2019 11:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Any truth to the rumor that a certain Chief quietly retired recently? And will now head over and be the new boss up the 311 center?
If true, talk about feeding at the public trough. Geesh!

9/06/2019 12:55:00 PM"

He didn't retire quietly, big retirement lunch at PSHQ, yes, he's at OEMC now and everyone knows. This happens all the time to those who are connected get nice City jobs.....welcome to THEIR world.

9/06/2019 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Which means pretty much dick."

The militantly misandrist mannish-assed mayoress
blanched like a peanut when she read this.

Absolutely NOT!

The Keesing Bandit on the other hand...

9/07/2019 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What district is this? Because where I work the sgt's are usually there until the end cleaning up the mess the blue shirts started. And as far as early ducks go, trust me kid my blue shirts get them a hell of a lot more than any of us white shirts. Then that carried for a day? Hahaha we don't have enough sgt's in the district to even think about that. So please tell me hard charger, what district is this so I can put in a par form!

Well if you’re in a place cleaning up after blue shirts then you’re a new sgt working out west or south. And I’ll bet a coffee I have more time otj then you white shirt. You wouldn’t have to clean up the mess of blue shirts if you kept them from getting into shit in the first place. Enjoy staying later each night to get that extra 45mins

9/07/2019 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i worked for another city dept. when i started we were pretty much results based. everyone was runnin to get the job done. start early off the clock in summer to beat the heat, work thru lunch and break, get our quota done and some extra for the bank. then it was adios! after a very large scandal and house cleaning and depts reorganization we started swiping. everyone was there 8 for 8 but work slowed to a standstill in every venue. because of the antiquated way the city does everything a lot of things couldnt get delivered or started after certain times so city crews would just be sitting for hours out in the public way. they also wouldnt let us come in early to protect the bosses in the yards. we also had a hard time getting paid for pop up overtime and breakdowns and traffic and bullshit at certain times when the mayor had issued a no overtime order. get a flat tire on heavy equip on the way in? bosses would abandon you. the system is punative and the results will be the opposite of what they desire. the politicians have never worked a real job and dont get the carrot and stick deal, only the stick. good luck with all that. i took an eary retirement and went back to the contractors and doubled my pay due to my most excellant real union. when you work for someone who is spending their own money they only care about results not some timeclock. knock out the jobs and go home, your work is done here, good job. politicians will never get it, just another nail in the coffin of the once great cpd. get out if you can and let the city burn, they deserve the govt they get.

9/07/2019 01:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“A lawsuit fighting a policy to ensure everyone works 8 for 8? Good luck with that. I only hope it can be implemented city wide to eliminate the early ducks (aka theft) that rampantly occurs in the clout units”

“This isnt only in clout units. Im not even talking about caps. The bullshit goes on-on the watch. Sergeants release their favorite suckasses everyday and we’re stuck with the late arrests and domestics on their beat. FUCK YOU if you’re the asshole screwing over your coworkers!”

A couple of cry babies up here. Quit bitching like you’ve never got an early duck because you work midnights and have court in the morning or training and it’s a slow winter night. Or you have to watch the kids. Or you’re leaving for vacation and asked your sgt if you could dip a little early to avoid traffic. Or for whatever endless reasons. This happens on the watch too all the time not just units so stop. Maybe you guys never got ducks because you were a couple of miserable jag offs the Sgt’s didn’t want to deal with. It’s a lot like the shit heads on the street, we have discretion, and it’s used on those who deserve it. Guy driving on a suspended and is acting like a jag the entire time, fuck’em. If he’s cool and acts like a normal guy, sure I can cut him a break. Same thing, copper is a good dude, doesn’t cause me head aches, takes care of his business and I don’t need to worry about him, cut out a little early, copper is a pain in the ass, never does what he’s told, is a miserable human being and unfriendly, nah fuck off. NO DUCKS FOR YOU!!!! We need to talk, it’s not me, it’s you.

9/07/2019 04:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Groot to give you back that 30 yr raze that Donahue graciously donated to the city years ago. That was 5%. Maybe she will give it back to show her love for the FOP.

Thought he sold it as compressed into the 25 year raise


Nope. They just took a scissors and cut off the 30 year raise part of the pay scale. It wasn't "compressed" into anything. Look it up.

Probably the biggest give-back in history of Lodge 7

9/07/2019 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
“A lawsuit fighting a policy to ensure everyone works 8 for 8? Good luck with that. I only hope it can be implemented city wide to eliminate the early ducks (aka theft) that rampantly occurs in the clout units”

“This isnt only in clout units. Im not even talking about caps. The bullshit goes on-on the watch. Sergeants release their favorite suckasses everyday and we’re stuck with the late arrests and domestics on their beat. FUCK YOU if you’re the asshole screwing over your coworkers!”

A couple of cry babies up here. Quit bitching like you’ve never got an early duck because you work midnights and have court in the morning or training and it’s a slow winter night. Or you have to watch the kids. Or you’re leaving for vacation and asked your sgt if you could dip a little early to avoid traffic. Or for whatever endless reasons. This happens on the watch too all the time not just units so stop. Maybe you guys never got ducks because you were a couple of miserable jag offs the Sgt’s didn’t want to deal with. It’s a lot like the shit heads on the street, we have discretion, and it’s used on those who deserve it. Guy driving on a suspended and is acting like a jag the entire time, fuck’em. If he’s cool and acts like a normal guy, sure I can cut him a break. Same thing, copper is a good dude, doesn’t cause me head aches, takes care of his business and I don’t need to worry about him, cut out a little early, copper is a pain in the ass, never does what he’s told, is a miserable human being and unfriendly, nah fuck off. NO DUCKS FOR YOU!!!! We need to talk, it’s not me, it’s you.
9/07/2019 04:18:00 AM

***The ones who cry and bitch the most ARE the lazy fuck dogs!!!!!

9/07/2019 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mucho gracias said...
Exempt employees are excluded from the act’s overtime pay provisions. So those on 9 hours day work an additional 2.5 hours a week x four= 10 by 12 =120 a year. Not including those that are on 10 hour days.. You want us to swipe out we want to be paid time & a half for anything over 40.

You are not an exempt employee. Exempt means Exempt from FLSA and any thing else that may violate labor laws. You are a salaried employee that IS subject to getting paid to any overtime that is in excess of 171 hours per cycle.

9/07/2019 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“A lawsuit fighting a policy to ensure everyone works 8 for 8? Good luck with that. I only hope it can be implemented city wide to eliminate the early ducks (aka theft) that rampantly occurs in the clout units”

“This isnt only in clout units. Im not even talking about caps. The bullshit goes on-on the watch. Sergeants release their favorite suckasses everyday and we’re stuck with the late arrests and domestics on their beat. FUCK YOU if you’re the asshole screwing over your coworkers!”

A couple of cry babies up here. Quit bitching like you’ve never got an early duck because you work midnights and have court in the morning or training and it’s a slow winter night. Or you have to watch the kids. Or you’re leaving for vacation and asked your sgt if you could dip a little early to avoid traffic. Or for whatever endless reasons. This happens on the watch too all the time not just units so stop. Maybe you guys never got ducks because you were a couple of miserable jag offs the Sgt’s didn’t want to deal with. It’s a lot like the shit heads on the street, we have discretion, and it’s used on those who deserve it. Guy driving on a suspended and is acting like a jag the entire time, fuck’em. If he’s cool and acts like a normal guy, sure I can cut him a break. Same thing, copper is a good dude, doesn’t cause me head aches, takes care of his business and I don’t need to worry about him, cut out a little early, copper is a pain in the ass, never does what he’s told, is a miserable human being and unfriendly, nah fuck off. NO DUCKS FOR YOU!!!! We need to talk, it’s not me, it’s you.

9/07/2019 04:18:00 AM

How about all the thefts from the foot units who work barely 6 hours every single day. Come 8n an hour late and leave before the early cars check off. And don't get me started on the tact teams, boy what a fucking waste.

9/07/2019 07:14:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I never blanch like a peanut when it comes to the slang version of Richard.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/07/2019 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it was the 10 or 15 year step raise that got eliminated, and the rest slid over. Those were about 3.5 % each. The 30 year raise (now 25 year), is a lower percentage.

9/07/2019 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exempt employees are excluded from the act’s overtime pay provisions. So those on 9 hours day work an additional 2.5 hours a week x four= 10 by 12 =120 a year. Not including those that are on 10 hour days.. You want us to swipe out we want to be paid time & a half for anything over 40.

9/07/2019 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP is a big joke....problem is the joke is on us.

9/07/2019 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What would the incentive be to work tact now. Or to go out and bust your hump. There’s absolutely zero incentive to do anything beyond answer your calls. There’s no way to reward anyone anymore if this passes. You don’t get a pay increase for arrests or movers or anything, so beyond personal pride, which on the department is pretty much gone now, why would u honestly do anything proactive? U step in anything controversial and your ass is toast.

9/06/2019 12:52:00 AM

You are just now waking up to doing nothing proactive? Proactive work has been done with for years. Where have you been? Must be brand new.

9/07/2019 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP is like the republican party here in Illinois. They go along to get along.

But really they have no balls and get fucked over at every turn. Grow a set FOP or get out of the way for guys or a bargaining unit that will not go along and will not play nice.

9/07/2019 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What would the incentive be to work tact now. Or to go out and bust your hump. There’s absolutely zero incentive to do anything beyond answer your calls. There’s no way to reward anyone anymore if this passes. You don’t get a pay increase for arrests or movers or anything, so beyond personal pride, which on the department is pretty much gone now, why would u honestly do anything proactive? U step in anything controversial and your ass is toast.

9/06/2019 12:52:00 AM
Incentive to work tact? Some guys with small egos need this boost. Wearing skinny jeans and baseball caps backwards makes the feel important. It separates them from the blue. Plus the gang bangers think they are detectives which furthermore boosts the ego. I have never heard them correct a banger when he calls one a detective.

9/07/2019 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Ghost of Joe Cassidy said...
How about this NOBODY swipe. We can't strike, we can never do sh☆t but take it like an unwilling Espstien victim because the city knows we can't do anything. They know any litigation will take time. This is our only way, to band together. Patrolmen, supervisors, everyone on board. What are they gonna SPAR every single copper, fire all of us. They strokes don't know the toll it takes answering calls, seeing violence. So if giving a guy an hour on the end for peace of mind will cost me a day, so be it. #STOPSWIPING

9/06/2019 02:20:00 AM

9/07/2019 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will the alderman start swiping? they only work 3 days a month.

9/07/2019 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you all worried about? Rulers of Totalitarian Regimes will always buy off the enforcers of their edicts and ungodly laws.

9/07/2019 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since the FOP seems to be pretty much ineffective in Chicago, why do you guys continue to pay your dues? You can opt out based on the SCOTUS ruling on public sector unions. Money always gets people's attention, and the FOP will notice if their revenue goes down.

9/06/2019 08:16:00 AM

And who will pay for your legal representation when you have an issue? Oh, I guess you will pay for your own.

9/06/2019 04:31:00 PM

If the only thing we are paying for is legal representation, then why do we need to pay the salaries of a bunch of bureaucrats who do nothing else except organize golf outings? It would be cheaper to keep contract and criminal attorneys on retainer. No sense in paying a bloated administration that is nothing more than a paper tiger in terms of protecting police officers against corrupt city politicians.

9/07/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Take advantage of the Janus decision. This is exactly what it's there for.

9/06/2019 08:56:00 PM

Just be prepared to pay for your own legal defense.

9/07/2019 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a Cop. Did everyone need to sign a consent for your bio-metrics? If not let FOP know it's violation. The minimum is $1,000 per person.

Does not spy to the government... read the statute.

9/06/2019 07:06:00 PM

You're obviously not a cop or you would know that all our biometrics are on file since day one.

9/07/2019 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never swiped in or out and I never will.

9/07/2019 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swiping. What a joke! Thank God I was able to retire this year. For those of you who can, retirement has greatly relieved my stress and ended my detest for the department bosses.

9/07/2019 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

25th district is effed talk about stealing from city same cars getting early ducks everyday and talk about sgts and their favorite pets, been here few weeks and already can't believe this

9/07/2019 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Groot to give you back that 30 yr raze that Donahue graciously donated to the city years ago. That was 5%. Maybe she will give it back to show her love for the FOP.

Thought he sold it as compressed into the 25 year raise


Nope. They just took a scissors and cut off the 30 year raise part of the pay scale. It wasn't "compressed" into anything. Look it up.

Probably the biggest give-back in history of Lodge 7

I was being sarcastic. Notice I said they “sold” as being compressed. It just disappeared after a certain date

9/07/2019 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

couple of cry babies up here. Quit bitching like you’ve never got an early duck because you work midnights and have court in the morning or training and it’s a slow winter night. Or you have to watch the kids. Or you’re leaving for vacation and asked your sgt if you could dip a little early to avoid traffic. Or for whatever endless reasons. This happens on the watch too all the time not just units so stop. Maybe you guys never got ducks because you were a couple of miserable jag offs the Sgt’s didn’t want to deal with. It’s a lot like the shit heads on the street, we have discretion, and it’s used on those who deserve it. Guy driving on a suspended and is acting like a jag the entire time, fuck’em. If he’s cool and acts like a normal guy, sure I can cut him a break. Same thing, copper is a good dude, doesn’t cause me head aches, takes care of his business and I don’t need to worry about him, cut out a little early, copper is a pain in the ass, never does what he’s told, is a miserable human being and unfriendly, nah fuck off. NO DUCKS FOR YOU!!!! We need to talk, it’s not me, it’s you.

9/07/2019 04:18:00 AM

Absolutely this.

I question how many people are actually CPD on here. You'd have to be a complete asshole not to get an early duck. Everyone plays the game some way. If you're not, you're doing it wrong.

9/07/2019 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a detective for 10 years and the majority of my time was in patrol. To the above have it pretty good so don't real supervision, not tied to the radio, eat when and where you want, unlimited OT, no domestics, traffic crashes or searching nasty motherfuckers. Yea, a lot of typing but all cut and paste. Take time due whenever, change day off group, etc...... Believe me you don't have it to bad.

9/06/2019 02:47:00 PM

He just got done telling you they cant take time due whenever and furlough extensions are getting cut.

Also, because the penis thats banging the Detectives ass is smaller than the one thats banging patrols, they should just bite their pillow and take it?

You must be the guy at the Area everyone goes to for advice.

9/07/2019 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not a LEO,but a long time follower of this blog (3+ years) During that time the MAJOR theme has been how poorly FOP has represented you but all you talk about is electing different representatives.

A long time back I remember talk about the police going with the Teamsters ( During the time of Daley 2 or maybe even Daley 1) I am wondering why that did not happen and/or why it is never brought up again.

It is long past the time for you to get some serious and effective representation. You need an organization that will play hardball with the city.

9/06/2019 10:48:00 PM

Teamsters are worse nothing but concessions and give backs they bribe you with a $1000 sign on bonus you can hide from your spouse to ratify contract.

9/07/2019 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Vice President Clown handling this??
Did they tell the city to knock it off and that they really, really mean it this time?

9/07/2019 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a sergeant on the job, I often gave officers an early release because of personal issues and I did not care if they were "favorites" or not. I felt it was the right thing to do as long as it was not abused. People had a particular rough night, or child care problems, or feeling ill, sometimes because they did an outstanding job that night. I had more then a few single parents on my watch/team and I had empathy for them, at times. And, yes, I took advantage of that on occasion myself. I would hate to see that go away

9/07/2019 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not a Cop. Did everyone need to sign a consent for your bio-metrics? If not let FOP know it's violation. The minimum is $1,000 per person.

Does not spy to the government... read the statute.

9/06/2019 07:06:00 PM

They’re correct.
An employer needs to get employees to sign off on biometrics being used of the employer can be jammed up big time.
Wake up FOP. Hire a decent employment lawyer.

9/07/2019 12:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I have yet to swipe in or out. Nothing has ever happened. I’d say let’s all band together and come up with a blue flu idea. But let’s face it, we are not New York or LA. We are Chicago and we just shit on each other.
9/06/2019 01:32:00 PM

You are right all around brother. CPD will not band together and watch each others backs for the better good. It's all "me,me,me, what can I get?" I have spoken to LEOs in other areas/states and while they have some assholes, they don't seem to have the shitty every man for himself mentality and asshole gossips we have.

9/07/2019 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Organize something to show the city they can’t just walk all over us. It’s actually embarrassing. We have so much power and we don’t even use it. We actually can control or destroy the city with our actions. We have that much power.

9/06/2019 11:40:00 PM

What is it you want them to do? Organize something? Announce a city hall protest? Then 15 retired guys show and 3 active-duty members show. That is more embarrassing than just leaving it alone.

9/07/2019 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Any truth to the rumor that a certain Chief quietly retired recently? And will now head over and be the new boss up the 311 center?
If true, talk about feeding at the public trough. Geesh!
9/06/2019 12:55:00 PM

Ok first of all, this shit happens with the higher bosses almost every time they retire. If you are surprised so much you need to get your head out of the sand, he's apparently a guy you just don't like, personally or because he got the job. I hate that shit too but we have no control, it's a done deal every time get over it.
Secondly, why do you idiots always interject these comments that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand? That's like the I heard that so and so blah blah blah comment. You bravehearts need to stop posting your bs anonymously. It gets annoying filtering out these weaselly girly gossipy crap comments. No offense ladies!!!
---rant over---

9/07/2019 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to swipe. Its about time. No more duckers. Yes!!!!!

9/07/2019 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey MR. "some of us deserve it"

Why don't you just STFU, and suck some of my huevos (BALLS). I bet you're one of those less than 5 yr wonders who know it all and be bringing in TVV's all day so you won't get stuck with a real job. And some of these clueless sgt's love these guys because they did the same thing for 5yrs. before getting that merit promotion. Just glad this shit show is almost over. 2 more fucking years......................

9/07/2019 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

"...I don't even know where 008 is..."

Obviously never worked with men.

9/07/2019 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parker or a in-progress A1, same priority to me. If the tact don’t come up for the A1 then you don't get much from me either. Same response time as a parker. Just pay me and swallow those tears. Now pay me again. Rinse and repeat till the end, my end or city’s.

Have a good day alls.

9/07/2019 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/06/2019 12:52:00 AM
Incentive to work tact? Some guys with small egos need this boost. Wearing skinny jeans and baseball caps backwards makes the feel important. It separates them from the blue. Plus the gang bangers think they are detectives which furthermore boosts the ego. I have never heard them correct a banger when he calls one a detective.

9/07/2019 07:48:00 AM

Should I correct them when they call unmarked police vehicles transformers? I mean I’m not actually driving an autobot.

9/07/2019 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I question how many people are actually CPD on here. You'd have to be a complete asshole not to get an early duck. Everyone plays the game some way. If you're not, you're doing it wrong.

9/07/2019 11:54:00 AM

Fewer and fewer. Just don't bite easily and ignore the trolls. They're actually pretty easy to spot.

9/07/2019 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously the answer is quite simple, if your union leadership is only providing 1/2 the service just provided 1/2 the due’s ! If you hit them in the pocket book you will get their attention!

9/07/2019 06:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I don't even know where 008 is..."

Obviously never worked with men.

9/07/2019 04:04:00 PM

Well I work in 002 and we have real men here. You can find them in the parking lot.

9/07/2019 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, at the risk of being the company man here, so many of you have rushed to state what is or is not happening in places you have never worked or are currently not working. How the fuck do you know what someone else is doing in their house?

“Oh man OCD is doing this, K9 is doing that, dics do this, 35th St is doing that, white shirts are doing this, Tact is doing that, Fop isn’t doing shit” etc...

Everyone’s answer is to turn on each other, instead of facing the real problems.
The political regime is trying to divide and conquer and the union can only do so much!!! Sometimes in Union issues they can only fight for things when there is an actual victim. Us cops should be able to relate to that, our hands are tied when victims won’t sign complaints or witnesses won’t come to court.

So here is a clue beat cops you get shit on anyway why not grieve when certain OT days don’t get approved in time even when you submitted it way before the cut off date? Or how about making sure to go down on a personal and lunch everyday. If you get denied fill out an “overtime report”

Review your contract, anytime you get screwed grieve it!

If they want to play games the door swings both ways. Regardless of our “duty availability” if the city wants to mandatory cancel days off for bid officers other than a case of an extreme emergency there are notice requirements. That has been happening a lot lately but now they are bitching about overtime. That might be something that requires a complainant if they were short on notice?

Any city employee can file a law suit over the residency requirement it doesn’t have to be the union!

9/08/2019 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing the FOP is going to do is send a LETTER. The only thing that they could do. While they say screw everyone else.

9/08/2019 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/08/2019 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to swipe 3x/day just to keep my boss happy!

9/08/2019 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are NO biometrics Swiping needs two parts the breaking of the light is part 2
Other city depts have a biometric type part 2 but CPD machines do not
too expensive and too many variables

9/08/2019 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

headquarters is the pilot but not all of it

9/08/2019 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey , mandatory swiping in , dock those police officers that arrive 15 minutes late everyday .
Triple time for any day off cancelled .
Minimum four hours for court .
Take home cars for all police officers working a beat car .
Shift differential for 1st and 3rd watch , make it pensionable, end duty availability.
Make uniform allowance part of salary , pensionable .
All tests must be graded on sight , no pass fail , score counts , promotions in rank order .
Merit in rank order , no more merits that are not in top 1,000 .
No more pass , fail part Of exams

9/08/2019 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dora: Swiper! No swiping!

Swiper: Oh man!

9/08/2019 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...'s about time!!!!!

9/08/2019 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He just got done telling you they cant take time due whenever and furlough extensions are getting cut.

Also, because the penis thats banging the Detectives ass is smaller than the one thats banging patrols, they should just bite their pillow and take it?

You must be the guy at the Area everyone goes to for advice.

And by you choice of diction you must be that guy from the parking lot of 002.

9/09/2019 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our union leadership is really inept. Look at the difference between us and the teachers. They actually turned down a 24% pay increase. Our union not only can’t gain anything, they’re can’t even maintain what we have. They are losing every battle and our work conditions have drastically decreased in the last 20 years.

When YOU get off your ass and vote for union Leadership/representation maybe the city will take notice. The numbers are extremely piss poor and the city views this correctly as weakness. Losers from the onset. If the same percentage FOP members participated in their union's elections as CTU members...........?

9/09/2019 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did we demand higher pay for more responsibility? How about how the D-unit is driving compact Mazdas without emergency equipment.

Better stop for the Indiana state Police!

9/09/2019 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you work in 002 and don't know where 008 is, you are going to vote for Kamala.

9/09/2019 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
headquarters is the pilot but not all of it

Why not all of it?

9/09/2019 12:17:00 PM  

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