Thursday, October 31, 2019

Revamp the D-Unit?

Whoever wrote this report - and the media writing about this report - doesn't understand how Chicago works:
  • A yearlong review has found that the Chicago Police Department must overhaul the way it investigates homicides, from finding better detectives to keeping better track of their work, if it hopes to improve its dismal clearance rate and reduce violent crime.
We have some damn good detectives in Chicago.

We also have an inordinate amount of slugs, mostly a product of the "merit" system promoting people who never investigated a damn thing. We also have a huge number of supervisors in the D-unit that never spent a day as a detective, telling detectives how to investigate. They must have picked it all up via osmosis or something?

The clearance rate and reduction of violent crime however, are squarely at the feet of Crimesha and her social-justice crew. The D can only present cases to her office for charging and then her office can either move to trial or demand more investigating - which only goes so far.
  • The Police Executive Research Forum found some detectives do not even know how many cases they were assigned in the past year. It also found that the department offers nothing to witnesses who feel threatened, does not pay enough attention to shootings that are not fatal and must wait up to a year for crucial DNA test results. And it noted that homicide sergeants and lieutenants are currently not required to have experience investigating homicides.
Well, when you're overworked, undermanned and not tied to a specific investigative specialty,'s not exactly easy to remember how many cases you have. We aren't sure exactly what detectives are supposed to do with witnesses who get threatened - Crimesha won't charge intimidation cases. And with so many thousands of non-fatals, those kind of fall by the wayside. DNA? Talk to the underfunded State Crime Lab.

You can go read the entire article at the link up top. It's pretty damning and the City / Department don't know how much time or money it'll cost to fix. When no one is talking dollars and cents, you can bet they don't plan to spend a dime on any meaningful reform.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back to the old way. Means more bloated clout spots, more inside special people, more gold shields to bestow on the clueless undeserving.

10/31/2019 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty damning and the City / Department don't know how much time or money it'll cost to fix.

Doesn't matter. City and State don't have the money anyway.

10/31/2019 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All across the detective division we have sergeants that have never been detectives or investigated a serious crime. How does this happen? Who ever thought that this would be a good idea to have sergeants and lieutenants with no investigative experience supervising detectives?

10/31/2019 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you reference the chicago tribune. See it as all the innuendo that's fit to spin.

10/31/2019 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, how long, did you say, you’ve been in the business of sleuthing?
- Son of Svengali

10/31/2019 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC the report states that detectives were interviewed and that most of these findings were reported by detectives.

Okay detectives that monitor SCC, can you list training, tools, and ideas that can aide you to help raise the clearance rate. I will get it started.

Oh heck, let’s start off by providing detectives vehicles to respond to their scenes. We get assigned old tact cars after they have been abused and once we down them for service they get shit canned because it cost more money to repair them than their blue book value.

As the report stated we need desks and computers to do our reports, the RBT detectives are assigned to the districts caps office. They provide a mere 2 desks for four detectives and are getting kicked out district by district due to caps programs expanding.

Access to data bases like Vigilant, full Leads 2000, and Accurint,

No detective should be processing a scene 99 and should be paired up as partners, how quick the forget about Officer Flisk.

Attend continual training throughout the US to see how other departments investigate crimes.

Ok what are some of your thoughts?

10/31/2019 12:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D Unit needs sergeants that were once defectives.

K9 needs sergeants that were once handlers.

Narcotics need sergeants that were once buy officers. Etc etc.

Things tend to run smoother and much more proficiently when you have someone in charge that actually has done and knows the job. A detective sergeant who never locked anyone up for murder or aggravated battery? A canine sergeant afraid of dogs? A narcotics sergeant that doesn’t know what rocks or blows are? Yep..... only on the CPD.

Too many of these units have supervisors assigned there by clout, nothing more. They know little to nothing about how things work where they’re assigned. Just another reason why this job is a lost cause.

Too bad things aren’t likely to change in my lifetime.

10/31/2019 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me say this there are some, in really limited numbers, really good people out there, currently in the areas either as supervisors or dicks including BH, SC, TN, RM, TM, JF, TC BF just to name a few that have been begging for the very same things that this reports recommends. For years. The same thing. The city will do the cheap things and forget about the rest because they don't, and have never, wanted to spend the resources on investigations because for the most part the right people are getting killed. The right people being poor, uneducated, gang members, persons that don't matter. That is the reality of the situation. So if you think you are going get a new car, a desk, tablet and a competent experienced supervisor that actually knows how to run an investigation you are going to be disappointed.

10/31/2019 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cpd1: no expert on detectives, however, it might be wise to hire back in some capacity some retired dicks as "mentors."

10/31/2019 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cpd1: I think we may need a crime lab again.

10/31/2019 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Properly revamping the D-Unit would entail doing too much of
the right thing and involve the re-direction of the massive
amount of previously allocated monies stolen from the Police budget
and lavished on the free shit army/catered-to constituency/ciudad santuario
/liberal democrat progressive pandering and feel-goodery by Shortshanks
and Rahm al-Ghoul...

Why do you think the "mob" howls incessantly about
"Give US all the money that you were going to give
to The Police or else we're gonna be mad an' shit..."

Actually fixing the D-Unit would entail
putting hyper-violent, evil, death-loving
BEE-AY-DEE m/fers in prison for the multiples
of years that sentencing statutes require.

Ain't gonna happ'n cap'n.

Not with an activist Cook County State's Attorney
and compliant, soft and squishy, knee-walking surrenderist
Cook County judges.

Revamp CCSAO and the Cook County judiciary FIRST!

THEY are really what's wrong with Chicago.

10/31/2019 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is coming from Lightfoot. She bad mouthed the detectives when she first started. This is a bs report that she'll use to try (and completely fail) to change the way detectives do things and improve the clearance rate. After all is said and done, nothing will change and she'll just move on to some other pet project and screw that up too.

10/31/2019 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In most cases people who worked in units (I mean really worked and knew the job, not took up space and dogged jobs) should be returned to those units when they get promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. They know the job and can better mentor and direct people under their supervision. Defectives. ETs. K9. Swat. Traffic. Intelligence. Narcotics. If people know their job then the department should recognize this and take advantage of the institutional knowledge these people have and bring them back. Units have been the hiding place for the clouted and bosses fuck buddies for too long. It’s no wonder why supervisions on this job is horrible. How can you lead the troops if you’ve never done it yourself? Maybe CALEA and the consent decree should address this issue.

10/31/2019 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s hard to solve a homicide when members of a certain community didn’t see nuffin.

10/31/2019 01:16:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

While our Detective Division leaves a lot to be desired as a whole, this is just another conveniently timed smear job in the midst of contract negotiations.

10/31/2019 01:23:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Yet Another reform task force nonsensical report that's covered by the misinformed and gutless media of this city. Not once on any of the four networks do they point or mention the CCSAO. Why is that? It's their stupid fucking idea to have a felony review unit that doesn't have a clue what they're doing. They make detectives spend days, not hours, but days chasing their tails on idiotic to do lists. Every other city in this country has a clear path to charging a felony crime and guess what they also have? Good clearance rates. Another hatchet job by the news agencies in this city. Protect the vocal minority and screw the silent majorities.

10/31/2019 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>> We have some damn good detectives in Chicago.

That's what Jussie Smollet said, too. He was surprised at their attention to detail. He figured they would be slackers, like The United States Postal Inspection Service. It is almost like Post Office was directed to just let him off of that huge Federal Crime he committed. Weird how he is immune to prosecution.

Maybe Jussie got his teflon the same place as Ed. Some slicksters, they are.

10/31/2019 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Jack Mehoff said...

This town needs an enema.

10/31/2019 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article is all about damning the D unit/CPD to justify NOT paying more when their contract talks come around.

10/31/2019 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ets do not even have working cameras lol. That's all I'm going to say about the foresnic unit

10/31/2019 02:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Retired "Old School" Homicide Detective said...

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who've hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

"Papa" Hemingway's statement is so true. God, do I miss the hunt. It was the most fun I could have with my clothes on. Bring back the Illinois death chamber at Tamms with one change. Lethal injection is for beloved dying pets in hopeless pain. Bring back "Ol' Sparky".

10/31/2019 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basically, this report is an "un-do everything City Hall did to the D for the last 10 years" guide book. Now, the next PERF report will be a "un-do everything City Hall did to Patrol for the last 10 years" guide book. It's F'n perpetual job security for police "Executives." Just remember......CAPS......Together We Can......

10/31/2019 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to the toxic political climate in this city, few sane people would want to work as a homicide detective. Groups like the “Innocence Project” will meet with all of the murderers that you interviewed as a detective, coordinate lies of mistreatment and abuse, and bring you back to court in retirement to fight for your assets and freedom. Ask the following people about how the citizens of Chicago thanked them for their service after they solved numerous murder cases and put the murderers in prison: Reynaldo Guevara, Jon Burge, Kenneth Boudreau, Dave March. Cry me a river about your clearance rate.

10/31/2019 04:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all starts at the you fire the worthless Staples she has not got a clue, no pun intended. Accountability is totally missing in the unit. Merit is killing the CPD.

10/31/2019 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If PERF hit on the content of detective training, standard practices and or guidelines, maybe they would of had something.

Everything stated in their review is bullshit. DNA is dependant, but doesnt take a year. Supervisors know their jobs. Detectives know their cases loads. Witness protection, that program is offered by cook county and is a joke, and so is the lack of prosecution by the ASAs office.

Even if you provided better training which is the only controllable factor, you havent peeled the onion.

Chicago's cant undo its cultural issues which have been stroked by politicians and the news media for decades. Such as the hatred for police, race baiting but most importantly the shift in the justice system from punishment to reform and now out right non-proescution. The end result is a lack of belief in the system, which leads to lack if cooperation, and or street justice.

In Chicago, CPD gets better results in prevention, like shot spotters, vri/saturation, cameras, etc.. on stemming voilence, then the impact the justice system produces.

Another factor to consider if it wasnt our great medical system these numbers could easliy be in the 1000s ever year.

There is always room for improvement, but saying that the homcide rate is a problem because Detectives dont know how many cases they have? Thats got to be a hit piece.

10/31/2019 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention any leads and breakthroughs that were coming from the boots on the ground, patrol? Yeah, that's not happening. Coppers aren't stopping and locking up people like they used to. With all this reform, police are the problem narrative and no one having their backs going on, who can blame them? Investigative alerts? Gone.

10/31/2019 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Lightfoot’s perfectly timed SMEAR THE CPD during contract negotiations. Nothing new here. Nothing will change because at the end of the day - NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT CPD.

10/31/2019 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got nuttin kid, click.

10/31/2019 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad what's become of the CPD....

10/31/2019 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you never did the job how do you tell others how to do the job? It would be like Plumbers telling Electricians how to wire a power plant. Just like the CPD some would try and think they know better than those that have done the job. Start with appointing qualified supervisors not just those with clout to jobs they no nothing about. Most of the problems in Chicago could be solved by hanging all those with clout and little else.

10/31/2019 06:37:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

More crimes were solved with a 1975 Chicago Yellow pages and a wooden baton that are being solved now.

10/31/2019 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget all the cheating. But the I.G. wouldn't be able to discover that if it bit him on the azz.

10/31/2019 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Chicago and no one cares until they are a victim of some piece of shit who will get a pass "IF" they are caught. Until then you will see them walking like zombies with their eyes glued to there phones. Brain dead but happy as long as they have wifi all is well.

10/31/2019 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In most cases people who worked in units (I mean really worked and knew the job, not took up space and dogged jobs) should be returned to those units when they get promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. They know the job and can better mentor and direct people under their supervision. Defectives. ETs. K9. Swat. Traffic. Intelligence. Narcotics. If people know their job then the department should recognize this and take advantage of the institutional knowledge these people have and bring them back. Units have been the hiding place for the clouted and bosses fuck buddies for too long. It’s no wonder why supervisions on this job is horrible. How can you lead the troops if you’ve never done it yourself? Maybe CALEA and the consent decree should address this issue.

10/31/2019 01:10:00 AM

As a newer ET why would I want a Sgt that knows about crime scenes and can maybe give me a hand or guide me along on something complex when I can have an arrogant never had a bad day Sgt who has a mean golf game instead? Watching trains for the last decade really qualifies this guy when your freedom is on the line at the next police shooting. Keep that in the back of your mind boys and girls.

10/31/2019 07:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO - " Can I make a notification?"

Det - " Anyone in custody?"

PO - "None!"

Det - " Ok, Smith # 1122, Thanks. "

10/31/2019 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to bring back the crime lab it is a disaster Over in u it 277.

10/31/2019 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell the chief of detectives has never been a detective she worked in assest forfiture. This will never work cause we gotta have spots to put unqualified clouted!

10/31/2019 07:32:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

First they fuck it up with Daley's blessing and now they want it fixed to the way it was before. Wow.

10/31/2019 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article also states that a Detective qualification test has to be offered more frequently because the last Det’s test was TEN YEARS AGO.

2016 does feel like ten years ago. Idiots

- scarred but smarter.

10/31/2019 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are interviewing some of the retired homicide detectives that actually knew what they were doing, they want to bring them back as advisers to the new kids on the block because so many of these have no clue what it takes to really do the job. However the bigger fault falls on the crook county states attorneys office who allows the felons to go free constantly that prevents a dilemma get rid of Kimmy and put somebody in there that actually respect the rule of law and you would watch crime decrease.

10/31/2019 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s just undoing the senseless damage done by McCarthy. Now open the closed stations and their lockup’s please!

10/31/2019 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“........does not pay enough attention to shootings that are not fatal “

Perhaps they should include the victim and witness cooperation percentage in that statement. At best it’s 3.5% of all non fatal shootings.

10/31/2019 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got training?

10/31/2019 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Area Central is a prime example of sgt and lots being clueless. Start with Ozzie

10/31/2019 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a "merit" detective who works in "research and development" why you ask? well he worked with the director of the unit when she was a sgt. back in the "comstat days" when McCarthy's crew was in charge,no need for a det. in this unit but maybe i'm wrong....NOT

10/31/2019 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too believe that if you were in a unit and did your job and know it then send that person back after they make rank. I am a Sergeant in SWAT and was there as a PO and did my job but we have a few dog Supervisors like the one assigned to our SWAT room and Command Van's. He was brought in by the Chief, his pal and does nothing but collect OT for jobs his never responds to

10/31/2019 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor said the city ordered 200 new police vehicles now maybe the detectives can drive police vehicles instead of the Nissan rogues they rented,and look like the police.
The d-unit definitely needs revamping and that should start with the deputies, commanders,and the white shirt mess who have no clue about the unit. If you were never a detective and are put their by merit how can you expect the underlings to do the job?

Next is to see how many detectives who the rank is not really a promotion they are patrolmen assigned as detectives and many should be demoted to where they are most qualified. This is just like the made up security specialist rank where patrolmen are paid sergeants pay and get that pension as they "protect," lol the elected elite. Now on that rant Lori you say your for saving money how about hiring private security which will cost 1/3 to drive you,and your family and friends around as your personal uber? Why also does the city clerk and city treasurer have police vehicles and so many security specialists assigned to uber them around like your unit with unlimited overtime? Hey scared news media you want to see waste foia the amount paid for these "secret squirrel," officers. Look also at the hit on the pension fund oh and how many patrolmen are paid commanders wages and pensions on these political details?

10/31/2019 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were on scene, what did you see. I didn’t see muffin, that’s the problem, the problem is all in the community.

10/31/2019 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a "merit" detective who works in "research and development" why you ask? well he worked with the director of the unit when she was a sgt. back in the "comstat days" when McCarthy's crew was in charge,no need for a det. in this unit but maybe i'm wrong....NOT

10/31/2019 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In most cases people who worked in units (I mean really worked and knew the job, not took up space and dogged jobs) should be returned to those units when they get promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. They know the job and can better mentor and direct people under their supervision. Defectives. ETs. K9. Swat. Traffic. Intelligence. Narcotics. If people know their job then the department should recognize this and take advantage of the institutional knowledge these people have and bring them back. Units have been the hiding place for the clouted and bosses fuck buddies for too long. It’s no wonder why supervisions on this job is horrible. How can you lead the troops if you’ve never done it yourself? Maybe CALEA and the consent decree should address this issue.

10/31/2019 01:10:00 AM

Of course that would make sense. Unfortunately the majority of the PO’s in those units are filled with the clouted, clueless and undeserving do-nothing son, brother, buddy, niece, nephew, wife, girlfriend of an exempt or alderman. Oh, and of course many of the superintendent’s side pieces.

10/31/2019 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would get right on those recommendations as soon as the new Police Contract is approved....

10/31/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After 38 years, some of them as a Det, the only time the city changes anything
is when a scandal hits. So far, the biggest recent D unit scandal was when Daley's
nephew punched the asshole outside a bar and asshole died. Nothing was done
about the missing files, obvious clout etc, etc.

D-Unit needs, manpower, equipment (cars, computers, internet) and training in how to effectively use
these resources. This report will fade away, like all the others. Anyone remember Together We Can?

The Dets on the Smellit case did an outstanding job, they "Knocked on the 51st Door" and got results.
Every murder should have the same energy, but when witnesses don't care, why should we.

10/31/2019 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual because the community can’t behave themselves once again it’s the fault of the police.

10/31/2019 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s some great dics that are very competent in their work. There’s also a good amount of dics that are promoted either by test or merit that never did much as patrolman. Then you have supervisors in the unit that don’t have any clue about how investigations are done. Bottom line is if you want a lack luster job, then put lack luster employees on it. Want a good job, put good people in there. I laugh at some of the people that get promoted to dic , knowing they didn’t have a clue in patrol and would never be anything as a dic. Hence, seems like that’s the problem with this job in a nutshell ! Carry on , business as usual .

10/31/2019 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meanwhile half billion given to CTU

10/31/2019 08:53:00 AM  
Blogger LOAfrom025 said...

If there is any doubt the current states attorney needs to be replaced, based on her indifference and more importantly her incompetence, please read the following:

10/31/2019 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former CPD detective I found the press conference pretty funny. So Johnson and the Chief of Detectives get up there and tell the public that they were aware of some of the problems ( really) and surprised by others. They will work to fix the problems. Where were the past 3-4 years when they were in charge and could have " fixed" things? There is nothing new in that PERF report that has not been around for decades, but got much worse with the arrival of Richard M. The police department is no different then any other city department; rife with patronage, cronyism, nepotism and outright racial politics. The department has been run on the cheap for decades, poor facilities, lack of functional equipment, lack of training, lack of manpower, supervisors who are political hacks , supervisors who never should be assigned to the detective division and political influence in politically sensitive investigations. I was a defense investigator for a few years after retirement and sat at depositions on criminal cases. It was very clear that most investigations did not have any supervision and the sergeants and lieutenants signing off on reports were merely performing a functionary task and did not even read the reports with no supervisor assigned to an investigation from start to finish. Will things change? That remains to be seen for this is Chicago and these reform reports tend to be pushed into the bottom drawer.

10/31/2019 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would want to be a detective in this city and this time! Find a nice spot in patrol and ride it! The leadership of this dept is so uneducated!

10/31/2019 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having worked in the D for over a decade, I can tell you that the current environment in the detective division is overall PATHETIC. Yes, there are some, but they’re a small group, of very good detectives. There’s an even smaller group of competent supervisors. The detective division suffered greatly when Rham and McCarthy downsized and consolidated the areas. The BIGGEST problem has been getting all the newer detectives up to speed and thorough on their investigations because there are not enough veteran detectives to learn from. So what does Staples and Co. do? She brings in hacks and clout supervisors. Supervisors that were never detectives or had very limited experience in an investigative capacity. All the crying about cars and computers takes a back seat to the individual investigative skills that a detective MUST fine tune. THAT fine-tuning can only happen with experience and competence. There are detectives I see that don’t know the restrictions and laws put in place. They don’t know how to interview, take thorough notes, or ask the important questions from victims, witnesses and offenders. They don’t know when they have probable cause. They don’t know how to put together a photo spread, much less a physical line-up. They don’t even know how to advise the bad guy of his Miranda Warnings! These are just some of the BASIC investigative responsibilities that crybaby detectives haven’t learned in their first 5 YEARS!!! Now you throw a hack supervisor in the mix and what do you turn out? More Mediocrity and Incompetence. You expect there to be better homicide investigations with this shit sandwich???

10/31/2019 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
The article is all about damning the D unit/CPD to justify NOT paying more when their contract talks come around.

10/31/2019 01:44:00 AM

I think that you are really wrong in your judgement. This report outlines everything that has happened in the past 25 years.

10/31/2019 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple. If the game is rigged, don't play.

10/31/2019 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may be one of the many reasons Special ed has taken up drinking again, he may resort to crack and then graduate to meth use if the curmudgeon allows him...

10/31/2019 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s not like the failed judiciary is going to do anything so why investigate.

10/31/2019 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"from finding better detectives to keeping better track of their work" and "Detectives did not know how many cases they were assigned in the past year"

Better Detectives are trained, not found. When I was a Detective in Old Area 1, I was regularly assigned an average of 10-12 cases almost every day I worked. A light day might have been around 10 cases. I worked in property crimes (now RBT) I was pasted with cases and could have plastered a room with them in a very short time.

I never had time to keep track of my work, that's what the CHRIS system did, and it didn't really matter anyways. We had 10-20 days to turn in reports before a supervisor began breathing down our necks about status reports. I have never felt so "Overworked, or Under Appreciated" in my life. I was gone by the time they closed down 2 Areas. Most of my Supervisors had an Average of six weeks on as a detective, while they were waiting to be called for the Sergeants classes. And they were dictating how things should be done all the while relating "their Experience" as a detective. One supervisor who would not approve an open, and shut case simply because it was "too short" rejected my report. I said it's all in there. He told me, and I quote "to add more fluff" to the report. (True Story!) So, I described the weather on the day of occurrence, and then described the victims building in detail, and turned it back in.

I would like to find some better supervisors and reporters and keep track of their work.

10/31/2019 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's talk it over.
Waiter, table for six, up front please.
Coke on the rocks with straws all around.
Over 120 plasma TV's, 5 party rooms.
Joe's on Weed Street
(Disclaimer: Joe's on Weed is not affiliated with SCC)

10/31/2019 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to lower the homicide rate, do like you have done with other crimes, change the way they are counted. If not stone cold dead at the exact time of incident not a homicide. Problem solved. Crime down. Next problem.

10/31/2019 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the proposal to re-hire retired dicks as overseeing consultants. U know, the guys who never paid any attention to bosses, knew how to handle the SAO incompetence and wrote paper that withstood trials. U know, the guys that had 25-30 yrs experience and knew how to actually put a bad guy in prison???

10/31/2019 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They forgot the part of the Commander or Commanders who never had D Unit experience running the show. The clearance rate can't be blamed on the Crimeesha, that solely lies on the victim and or witness cooperating, or the case is that damn hard to solve. The Area North Commander is more concerned with swiping than anything else.

10/31/2019 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never happens. Larry will make some window dressing changes, but in the long run it will be bidness as usual.
Chicago isn’s ready for change.

10/31/2019 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you want to clear these homicides? The bean counters will say it's racist, the revrunds will say you're disrupting the lives of the offenders by putting them in prison, The Northwestern Center for Wrongful convictions will say you pressured witnesses to talk, or offenders to confess. The mother's of the victims will say you were mean to them and the media will agree with all of it. Do something wrong and the Mayor will hold you under the bus while stepping on your head. Hook up with a shakey case where one detective does something hinky and you will be mired in civil lawsuits well into your retirement years. So, hey, good luck with all that.

10/31/2019 10:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So they want better detectives? Does that mean dropping the merit to 10%? Is the city ready for a non-diverse detective division?

10/31/2019 10:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of a person who made detective on "merit" on the last test. This person hardly worked the streets in the relatively short period of time on the job, and thus wasn't knowledgeable and in my opinion, didn't possess the skills to perform the job of patrolman, let alone a detective. I was on the bubble when the list was taken down, so some political hack took a spot that some other deserving officer should have filled, and there are many others in the same situation as me, victimized by an unfair process.
When I see stories in the media about the dismal clearance rate of homicides, and some of the horror stories of clueless, lazy detectives, in my heart, I know the reason why this is so. The department has screwed itself with merit promotions, as it weakens itself by inserting unqualified individuals into vital spots, and it destroys the motivation of the qualified people passed over by those undeserving individuals whose only qualification, was knowing the right person. This one policy has played a major role in the decline of the department, and the erosion of the morale of "once dedicated" officers.

10/31/2019 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

........No detective should be processing a scene 99 and should be paired up as partners, how quick the forget about Officer Flisk. ......

Years ago I was canvasing for a homicide that occurred in Austin. I was by my self. I go knocking on a door. No answer, off to the next door. A few days later I learned that that door was were the offender lived. What would be in killers mind with a detective at the door? DO NOT CANVASS BY YOURSELF!

10/31/2019 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m pretty sure you need an airtight case for the state to go forward. No gray area at all. Lack evidence or crappy, reluctant witnesses. Our wonderful SA office. This is the way the rules and game is set up. I knew and know some excellent detectives. But, I knew some people that never liked court, never arrested anyone and never had a clue what a 101 sheet was.... become detectives.

10/31/2019 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet they are more worried about “pointing incidents”.

10/31/2019 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Due to the toxic political climate in this city, few sane people would want to work as a homicide detective. Groups like the “Innocence Project” will meet with all of the murderers that you interviewed as a detective, coordinate lies of mistreatment and abuse, and bring you back to court in retirement to fight for your assets and freedom. Ask the following people about how the citizens of Chicago thanked them for their service after they solved numerous murder cases and put the murderers in prison: Reynaldo Guevara, Jon Burge, Kenneth Boudreau, Dave March. Cry me a river about your clearance rate.

10/31/2019 04:09:00 AM

People will still do it because there’s a treasure of overtime to be made. That’s all they care about. Ask anyone.

10/31/2019 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Chicago and it is administered by corrupt and truly incompetent people who get voted in by citizens because of race, gender, sexual preference, political affiliation/ideology, poor police leadership, and what the politico's desire. They allow themselves to be fooled every four years in expecting something better but know they will get the same. The citizens voted. They get what they voted for and what they deserve.

The Chicago Police Dept. under Daley and Rahm have consistently mismanaged and corrupted the PD over the years. The current Mayor is no different than her predecessors. The political Merry-go-round continues, the city spends more money on useless studies and clout and merit ensures mediocrity. It contracts and expands police units routinely praising themselves as they manipulates Dept. resources and personnel to create an image of reform and progress. It all takes us to where we are today. Another study, no contract, manipulation of Dept. stats, and chaos, murder and mayhem. All this equals more crime victims. Apparently the citizens want the status quo. They deserve it.

Groot is still battling with the CTU and they are kicking her ass rather well. Our time is coming and we should observe carefully how these negotiations are finally resolved. We know CTU has greater lee-way than we do but we should marshal our resources and be ready for our time at the table. "Nuts" to them.

10/31/2019 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is another Lori deal perpetrated by her sycophant pro criminal, scum at the tribune. She was elected by Rahm’s media and is using Rahm’s media ass kissers like fold, Gorner and the rest to get her way to help and blame crime on everyone but the permanent victim class. What more will she give the free shit army?

10/31/2019 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starting with Senator BHO, everything to come out of Springfield, City Hall, or 35th Street has IMPEDED our ability to do the job. Its the equivalent of robbing a carpenter of his tools, leaving him with only a 1x6 Pine board and a marking pencil and then getting shitty w/him when he can't build an Oak spindle back chair for you. I am a long time VC Detective. I was interviewed. I threw Mgmt, CCSAO and Politicians under the bus. The interviewers were appalled at our working conditions and lack of basic resources. i.e.- Police radios, vehicles, computers, software, etc. Much like The Donald's speech, I don't interpret this as an attack on 9165's. Rather, its a long overdue criticism of the current State of affairs, brought upon us by the Democratic ilk who have raped this once Great Department.
But hey, as long as its just blacks killing other blacks, it will be business as usual, right?SMH. Nowadays, infant, (truly innocent) teen and Senior Citizen murders, which used to be "must solves" are a blip on the radar screen. From above, few GAF. I see a lot of raw talent and eagerness in many, many new Dicks, but they have absolutely no tools to work with. I pray that they remain optimistic t/o their time as Detectives. For them, I can no longer refer to it as a Detective career.

10/31/2019 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I prefer this:

10/31/2019 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Ret. Sgt R F Rewers said...

God I don't know where to begin, Let's see, 1) man power has been reduced, 1968 104 Detectives assigned homicide alone. Robbery, burglary and general assignments all were basically individual units. Change came around 1980 creating Violent & Property crimes to reduce number of supervisors. Complete failure combining units.. Vast difference in a homicide and robbery investigations. I had a commander call me into his office and he wanted to know why homicide reports were so long. Just an example, I was called to testify in a 1980 homicide 2 years ago... When merge occurred I was teamed with a very good robbery detective and he said he didn't like handling homicides because he couldn't interview the victim. His reports were written is such a way to allow victims leeway in their statements. He also had extensive offender files. Homicide completely different detail is everything. Sorry for venting. So much more could be said.

10/31/2019 10:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ever notice that slightly (just slightly) oversized
gold star on the left side of Eddie's dress uniform?
Looks almost comical in proportion. Yet he wears
it proudly. Reminds me of Captain Kangaroo.

10/31/2019 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In most cases people who worked in units (I mean really worked and knew the job, not took up space and dogged jobs) should be returned to those units when they get promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. They know the job and can better mentor and direct people under their supervision. Defectives. ETs. K9. Swat. Traffic. Intelligence. Narcotics. If people know their job then the department should recognize this and take advantage of the institutional knowledge these people have and bring them back. Units have been the hiding place for the clouted and bosses fuck buddies for too long. It’s no wonder why supervisions on this job is horrible. How can you lead the troops if you’ve never done it yourself? Maybe CALEA and the consent decree should address this issue.

Well written. That being said, this is the CPD. A phone call will still get you to where you want to go. Phone call still trumps all the reforms

10/31/2019 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retired "Old School" Homicide Detective said...
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who've hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway
"Papa" Hemingway's statement is so true. God, do I miss the hunt. It was the most fun I could have with my clothes on. Bring back the Illinois death chamber at Tamms with one change. Lethal injection is for beloved dying pets in hopeless pain. Bring back "Ol' Sparky".

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” —L.K., Dallas

10/31/2019 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean the city will be filling the ranks of FIs?

10/31/2019 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY why don't KIMESHA charge THUGS INC with a count of Aggravated Battery for each bullet wound, and allow the Po Po to use hearsay and word on da street to convict?

Its almost to the point that murder has become a viable option to resolve any and all conflicts with out fear of repercussion. Some people just can't wait. Big Thank You and shout to the LEFTISTS!

10/31/2019 11:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some genuine insights here, especially "hard to solve crime when the community didn't see nuffin" and rightly lays blame on the State's Atty's office and Cook Co. judges. No reason to just home in on D's when the other parts of the system are horribly broken!

10/31/2019 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the honorable T Mac has said on numerous occasions, if you weren’t a detective then you shouldn’t be a supervisor in the Det Division.
He has a point and someone agrees with him

10/31/2019 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been going on for years, The D Unit always had unqualified supervisors. These supervisors “approve” submitted reports that should be disapproved for various reasons. A supervisor should guide those supervised and be knowledgeable on all aspects of an investigation. More often the supervisor doesn’t have the knowledge, rubber stamps an approval on a poorly written or poorly investigated case. It’s just pushing papers thru to get off the late list.

10/31/2019 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only one I would ask anything is Dave March. Class guy and great Det. The others are Narcissists and completely full of shit. Not to mention JB is dead.
Little advice to KB, maybe you forgot what you learned with CPD. Don’t talk to the media, especially on camera. They are not your friends, never have been. Or maybe you are just smarter than everyone else. If so, carry on.

10/31/2019 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back LT DW and use his Michigan arrest pic for his new police ID.
He’ll, he knew everything anyway.

10/31/2019 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PERF had to have been a paid very well to conduct the study. They’ve been around since 1976 and only found its way into CPD some 43 years later by way of IL Consent Decree of course, real 21st Century Tack Force stuff.
So all these years or more recently, all these stooges, these merit hacks coming and going have been doing it wrong?
Supts agreeing to the closing of 2 Areas because Rahm was bamboozaled into some cost saving scheme, didn’t think it was a bad idea and never lodged any disagreements.
It’s City Halls authority to run the CPD and no matter what or who says there needs to be reorganization, it’s not going to come from the City-Owned Merit Exempts appointed to manage (ha-ha) the haphazard multitasked detectives.

Pathetic, incompetent, pickled Jugghaid SpecialEd gets up to the podium and said “this has been a well known problem for years”.
Again, he’s been The Right Man for the Right Time™️ for over 3-1/2 years and DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT.
Not a peep.
He’s looking to make this Det Div overhaul and Area 4-5 redux his legacy...based on someone else’s work.
What a slack assed rummy Slump.

No doubt there are way too many Merits, many of which never spent a full week on the streets writing case reports.
That’s the first thing that needs to be changed, limit Merits to 5% and that from a pool of verifiable street investigative skills.
Had a Ride-A-Long detail years ago with a gal from a European metro department that was a sergeant being promoted to Detective.
Likely a very stringent process to make Sergeant too and not just awarded the scholarship.
You can see where CPD gets it wrong.
Can’t be very effective investigating if one never spent any time investigating.

Nonetheless, this is Cook County where jumping through 20 tenets of Restorative Justice for just the initial Felony approval is sometimes just not enough.

Did the PERF review figure out and recommend that Slumpy McDoneEnuff should have been dumped or is that report still being reviewed?

10/31/2019 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No merit promotions to detective!

10/31/2019 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me a witness who will freely and voluntarily positively identify an offender, and I'll give you a cleared murder.
But then I read 04:09:00 and realized it's not worth it.
-Unit 610, 3rd Watch

10/31/2019 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody cares!

10/31/2019 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back the Brazilian death squads... It worked for them!

10/31/2019 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I have noticed, the D Unit like all other units take the connected and plug them right into positions they have no business in.

10/31/2019 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

High numbers aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Lump the overdoses in with them and you can see how the city is slowly cleansing itself. Sure poor victims”, but things will never change. It will always give politicians a talking point just to get elected for their turn at the trough.
Just keep doing your thing on the streets and in the alleys. Don’t take this crap home or it’ll eat you up. Look at your options if you’re sick of the way things are.

Politicians will continue to get indicted, but just not fast enough. Keep your nose clean so they don’t jam you up. Call the DOJ if you have helpful info but don’t use a city owned cell phone. Fight fire with fire.

Fuck You Lightfoot and Fuck You big Ed

10/31/2019 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know people are quick to bad mouth the detectives for the low clearance rate but when the State won’t charge things until an unrealistic burden of proof is met and the “victims” don’t want to assist there is only so much that can be done.

10/31/2019 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

posted abive: Bring back the Illinois death chamber at Tamms with one change. Lethal injection is for beloved dying pets in hopeless pain. Bring back "Ol' Sparky".

Death is a proven deterrent to recividism. 9/10 criminals put to death will not repeat offend.

But that is not the goal today. Violent criminals are to be encouraged, coddled, released. It is like the cattle rancher who raises wolves as a hobby.

Detectives need: vehicles, equipment, efficient systems and access to databases. Deny all those things and divert the funding in order to undermine Society. Give the money to TIFs to put lipstick on the pig.

10/31/2019 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giant Giggle.....

10/31/2019 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My home is surrounded by retired coppers...Next door, across the street, down the block. One thing I noticed over the last few years is that they NEVER ask about the job, what's new in the dept. etc. I initially found it odd because "why wouldn't you want to hear the latest greatest about the career you spent 20+ years"...Nowadays I get it. Fuck this job, this city, the bosses, the ungrateful citizenry, everything. It ONCE was fun, exciting, you could "do stuff" You could play police and be applauded for it, I dare say "make a difference". I now know why they have no desire to discuss this career. It sucks the life out of your soul. They've probably regained some semblance of humanity and freedom being retired so why taint that by talking about CPD. To all you retired posters who claim "Best job ever" or "30 years of Vaudeville.." blah blah.. Maybe once upon a time. With all the anti police focus, policy changes, enhanced scrutiny, jury's waiting to hang us, etc. this career is shit. Would NEVER recommend CPD to anybody. Gladly, have a few years left. Will slowly traverse the thin ice until retirement, then hopefully I will never discuss this dept and city ever again as well.

10/31/2019 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The D unit can be salvaged, but the city will never devote the money or bodies to fix it. Plus, the Illinois state crime lab has to get their shot together too. There are far too few ballistic and dna matches (I know it’s not tv), but i suspect there are errors in their testing procedures. The ASA’s also have to be more flexible. They refuse to even come out u less ALL victims and witnesses are present.

Plus, you need detectives that are still willing to kill their bodies and personal lives without anymore incentives to do so. Fuck that.

10/31/2019 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you change the top management all the revamping in the world will not change a thing. You need someone to hold the whole unit accountable, do the job or get of the D unit.

10/31/2019 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and, by the way, Nobody outside the City no longer cares, and are tired of hearing about the broken record that is the City of Chicago.

10/31/2019 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Police Executive Research Forum have any input on how to get a slumped-over-the-wheel 4x merit hack to fork over his drivers license through a one inch crack of a Dept vehicle?

10/31/2019 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PERF, the Democratic group that gets millions from Democratic office holders.

When Emmanuel was Mayor, this Democrat told McCarthy to close 2 Areas.

Emmanuel also had PERF go to CPS to do a big dog and pony report worth millions.

Now Democrat Lightfoot has PERF come in and reverse McCarthy and Emmanuel for more million dollar reports.

The head of PERF, Chuck Wexler was NEVER a sworn Police Officer.

It’s all a big mega million scam.

10/31/2019 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. The D-Unit is a dead-end position now anyways. The base salary of a CPS teacher is higher than a CPD detective. It’s Clown World...{honk honk}...but it’s not funny anymore.

10/31/2019 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic here, it’s warmer in Alaska than Chicago right now....

10/31/2019 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the actual study?

i see alot of nice 4 paragraph articles about very generic description of homicide cases.
So where is the study is it on
in the CLEAR section of Police dept?
DOes so called top investigator FERGUSON have it on the inspector general page?

Yet i always can find the latest consent decree links quickly why is that?

How about we stop wasting time
on bullshit missing
processing youth who dont spend a minute in a cell
MISD domestic that almost seem like choking
stolen cars
ID theft (run those stat at financial crime if you really want to laugh)
Phone threats
Fake rapes with kits of multiple sperms
Gangbanger shooting themselves in leg and foot
NO more search warrant phone/computer on silly shit (domestic/Misd battery)

Victim dont show up case closed!!!
Company refuses to give video and they are victim closed case.
Bank teller dont show up for photo spread closed.

NO MORE CI's on nonsense

Change tact to Misdemeanor dicks in training they could then make silly arrest and not worry anout weed pinches.

10/31/2019 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It all starts at the you fire the worthless Staples she has not got a clue, no pun intended. Accountability is totally missing in the unit. Merit is killing the CPD.

10/31/2019 05:06:00 AM
Every press conference like a deer in the headlights confused, in coherent terrible leadership she fits right in have some drinks with Otis Eddie.

10/31/2019 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got people who made detective with 3-4 years on and barely spent time working the streets. They make dick and don’t even know the basics of police work. It’s hard to teach them or mentor them when they don’t understand what you are talking about. It’s a lose lose for everyone. You can make dick with 3 year on but can’t apply to OCD unless you have 5 years on.

10/31/2019 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of fucking MERIT!

10/31/2019 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In 1995 there was over 1000 detective and hundreds of youth investigators plus almost 100 gang specialists.

Now detectives and youth are one. There's less than 1000 total. Do the math!

10/31/2019 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how the everyone attacks merit promotions. Hiding inside and studying doesn’t make it much better. Passing an exam doesn’t translate to good leader or a great cop/detective. There hasn’t been an exam to display the ability to lead, talk to people, control a hostile scene, and gather information. We have leadership that can pass and exam but can’t solve any crime. We have leadership who received merit based phone calls, instead of police work, like solving crime.

10/31/2019 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget this goof who with clout skated away protected daleys family lost files pos:

10/31/2019 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh the D Unit.... some real good detective work went into that Koschman case.

10/31/2019 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Police Executive Research Forum have any input on how to get a slumped-over-the-wheel 4x merit hack to fork over his drivers license through a one inch crack of a Dept vehicle?
what law would require him to open it up any farther?

10/31/2019 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one gives you everything sometimes it takes a lot of work. Something the Homicide crew is not used to, much easier to fall back on excuses to cover their failures.

10/31/2019 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People cry about lack of prosecutions but later cry and shout even louder when the handcuffs come out. So what's a justice system to do?

10/31/2019 05:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago Way prevails in the D unit. Not WHAT you know but WHO you know.

10/31/2019 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to say but area 1 would have dozens more closed homicide cases if Dan Gallagher hadn’t been railroaded. Great detective and great Sgt.


10/31/2019 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am dated myself but I was a homicide detective when Joe DeLianardi was the City Wide Homicide Commander. I got promoted and he came to our class and remember him saying, "You want to be a good detective, well here is where you start. You might have to knock on 100 doors and after knocking on 100 doors you can't not find a witness. What do you do? do you turn around and give up? Hell no, you knock on that 101 door." In other words keep on canvassing. When I first made detective I turned in my original supplementary report on the homicide. I listed 12 people that I canvassed. My Lieutenant at the time kicked the report back to me stating," You didn't do a canvass" I responded with, Yes I did I talked to 12 people. He said 12 people ain't shit, go out there and do a canvass. I learned my lesson. Now I am not going to say that the detectives should go out and interview 100 people but I neve came back on a original supplementary with less that 18-20.

10/31/2019 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori Light L just thanked Chicago teachers
for going back to work on Friday. Notice how they solved
that so they would return AFTER Halloween? So many
costumes, so many parties.

10/31/2019 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side, the Commies got their contract

10/31/2019 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Area central Homicide was offered a quarter of the old court side of building.
(and they would have their own washroom)

They said NO we dont want it? THE reason? we dont like the desk.
Then the clouted Civilian building GAL retired and left that side of building unfinished ! Phone lines aint up computer not installed chairs? large monitors, copier, fax,....

But again these are GROOTs people and they wont say a damn thing until it hits the news or a lawsuit happens.

BUT the force mitigation kids continue to spy on all those TRR reports right at Area Central . They dont generate reports on who and what they watch! And most have under 5 years of experience on the street.

10/31/2019 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumorville. Heard Mc501 coming back as a consultant to re-open Areas 4 and 5.

10/31/2019 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Detective in R & D (TJ) was ordered by Riccio to go back to an Area, I am sure that he is unaware that Conway ignored his directive while the other Detectives were reassigned.

10/31/2019 06:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

partners, how quick the forget about Officer Flisk.

Attend continual training throughout the US to see how other departments investigate crimes.

Ok what are some of your thoughts?

10/31/2019 12:30:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
D Unit needs sergeants that were once defectives.

K9 needs sergeants that were once handlers.

Narcotics need sergeants that were once buy officers. Etc etc.

Things tend to run smoother and much more proficiently when you have someone in charge that actually has done and knows the job. A detective sergeant who never locked anyone up for murder or aggravated battery? A canine sergeant afraid of dogs? A narcotics sergeant that doesn’t know what rocks or blows are? Yep..... only on the CPD.

Too many of these units have supervisors assigned there by clout, nothing more. They know little to nothing about how things work where they’re assigned. Just another reason why this job is a lost cause.

Too bad things aren’t likely to change in my lifetime.

10/31/2019 12:31:00 AM

City needs a mayor who was once a “ CHICAGO POLICE OFFICER “

10/31/2019 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I'm not a detective, but I can say from my years in patrol that I've come across some really great ones. For every ten good ones, there's one horrible one. Same ratio of POs in patrol. However, one thing I've come across recently is the newbie dics that made it with just barely the minimum requirement of years. Sorry, but the minimum qualification needs to be raised. You have people with just a few years on from slow districts that have maybe seen a handful of murders/robberies/csas etc. And it shows when you have to deal with them. I know the d unit deals with a lot of bullshit that makes their job often seem impossible, just like patrol. But if you don't have enough street experience to understand how the culture of violence works in Chicago, you shouldn't be doing investigations. When you're in patrol and have to notify the dics, you learn how to write better paper, and what NOT to do at crime scenes etc, to help build a case for prosecution. Also, why can't there be a separate test for sgts that want to be d unit supervisors? Sure, there'd be cheating and merit bullshit, but at least you'd get a higher percentage of people who may be slightly qualified.

10/31/2019 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Off topic here, it’s warmer in Alaska than Chicago right now....

10/31/2019 03:56:00 PM

See how climate change has affected Chicago Earth is heating up at a record pace

10/31/2019 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Be safe and stay warm. Looks like the miscreant's mischief levels may thankfully be low due to weather. God sent us all a blessing today.

Thsnk you boys and girls in blue.

10/31/2019 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

despite the short work day and short school year the teachers actually work more hours than the average Dick. hope that swiping will change that but the early ducks have been the modus apprandi in the D unit for years.

10/31/2019 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another thing people forget is in about 2005, we all became detectives. That eliminated youth investigators and gang crime specialists. This allowed the department to say we still have XXXXXX amount of detectives, when in reality, they eliminated about 2000 spots doing the jobs that detectives do now. just another example of figures lie and liars figure.

10/31/2019 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work all night then be expected to swipe back in. No sleep, no catching up with the family. Not worth it.

10/31/2019 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is another classic example of what’s really wrong with our department. Every shitty exempt rank. Our own people don’t stick up for us. It’s all about the Benjamin’s. Staples should gather the last 50 cases that Det’s got denied by felony review. Go in front of the cameras and tell the public the truth. Won’t happen. Doesn’t fit the narrative. Exempts sold their souls for the promotions.

10/31/2019 06:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many detectives THAT DON’T DO ANYTHING and supervisors WHO DON’T CARE.
Losers are the citizens of Chicago.

Retired, 32 year/15 as a detective

10/31/2019 07:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Meh. The D-Unit is a dead-end position now anyways. The base salary of a CPS teacher is higher than a CPD detective. It’s Clown World...{honk honk}...but it’s not funny anymore.

10/31/2019 03:39:00 PM

Haha hahahaha!!!! Yea it’s a terrible position. Riding a beat car in below zero weather is a much better spot.

10/31/2019 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the haters. Not all merit detectives are bad at their job. Some are damn good, earned and deserve their spot. In the same breath, many who made it off a list are scammers and do nothings. Just saying.

10/31/2019 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK...there used to be a Homicide Unit....a Robbery Unit......a Property Crimes Unit......and, Oh Yes...the Youth Division working in Six Area Stations.
That begat the Homicide Sex Unit...the Robbery Unit (Burglaries and Thefts included)...and Oh Yes...The Youth Division.
That begat the Violent Crimes Unit (Sex Crimes Included)...The Property Crimes Unit (Robberies and Burglaries and Thefts included)...and Oh Yes...The Special Victim’s Unit (formerly the Youth Division).
That begat a Homicide Sex Unit...a Robbery Unit (Detectives assigned to Districts)...a Property Crimes Unit (Burglaries and Thefts)...and Oh Yes...The Special Victim’s Unit (which also handles thousands of Missing Persons cases) working in Three Area Stations.
Now somewhere in there, Youth Officers became Investigators and later were re-branded Detectives. There were also Gang Crime Specialists who were later re-branded as Detectives.
Sounds Confusing doesn’t it?
Well....What’s in a name anyway?
(I think this is pretty accurate...but Im getting feel free to correct this).

10/31/2019 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Due to the toxic political climate in this city, few sane people would want to work as a homicide detective. Groups like the “Innocence Project” will meet with all of the murderers that you interviewed as a detective, coordinate lies of mistreatment and abuse, and bring you back to court in retirement to fight for your assets and freedom. Ask the following people about how the citizens of Chicago thanked them for their service after they solved numerous murder cases and put the murderers in prison: Reynaldo Guevara, Jon Burge, Kenneth Boudreau, Dave March. Cry me a river about your clearance rate.

This should be posted in every roll call room, every academy classroom, and every tac office as a reminder about working. One of the best statements i have ever read on here since the climate took a turn for the worst.

10/31/2019 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh. The D-Unit is a DEAD and DEADER END position now anyways. The base salary of a CPS teacher is higher than a CPD detective. It’s Clown World...{honk honk}...but it’s not funny anymore.

10/31/2019 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I know of a person who made detective on "merit" on the last test. This person hardly worked the streets in the relatively short period of time on the job, and thus wasn't knowledgeable and in my opinion, didn't possess the skills to perform the job of patrolman, let alone a detectitve. I was on the bubble when the list was taken down, so some political hack took a spot that some other deserving officer should have filled, and there are many others in the same situation as me, victimized by an unfair process.
When I see stories in the media about the dismal clearance rate of homicides, and some of the horror stories of clueless, lazy detectives, in my heart, I know the reason why this is so. The department has screwed itself with merit promotions, as it weakens itself by inserting unqualified individuals into vital spots, and it destroys the motivation of the qualified people passed over by those undeserving individuals whose only qualification, was knowing the right person. This one policy has played a major role in the decline of the department, and the erosion of the morale of "once dedicated" officers." Nothing prevents you from solving a crime yourself if you want to. You have the exact same tools at your disposal detectives do.

10/31/2019 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was an inspector for several years. One night, I did the unthinkable for an inspector, I arrived up at the old Area 2 (now Area South) to see what the detectives were doing on the midnight shift. To my surprise, not one detective assigned to the midnight shift that evening was even in the building. The on duty sergeant explained to me that they were "all available by cell phone" if any new cases were called in that needed their attention.
I had to ask the on duty sergeant, "if you've got your ass here on time, why aren't your detectives here in the building on time?" He could not supply me with a credible answer.
Perhaps the city needs to start there first; make sure that the detectives assigned to their particular watches actually are at work and on time. Swiping should solve most of this, but only if the dept. gigs those who fail to either swipe in or swipe out. If they're not at work ready to handle their business, it's not going to get handled.

10/31/2019 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Lori Light L just thanked Chicago teachers
for going back to work on Friday. Notice how they solved
that so they would return AFTER Halloween? So many
costumes, so many parties.

10/31/2019 06:04:00 PM
No the reality is they came back because health insurance as cancelled effective November 1st.

10/31/2019 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Another thing people forget is in about 2005, we all became detectives. That eliminated youth investigators and gang crime specialists. This allowed the department to say we still have XXXXXX amount of detectives, when in reality, they eliminated about 2000 spots doing the jobs that detectives do now. just another example of figures lie and liars figure.

10/31/2019 06:43:00 PM

Most of what you said is true, but the 2,000 spots is way, way off. Not even close. There weren’t many gang specialists or anywhere near that number of youth officers

10/31/2019 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Anonymous said...

"City needs a mayor who was once a

10/31/2019 06:27:00 PM

According to the prevailing narration?

"That's RACIST!"

The liberals, the SJWs, tha' communerty and local/national media
WOULD NEVER peacefully/amicably countenance a Chicago, a preeminent
cosmopolitan progressive crown jewel, having a mayor who was The Police.

They would violently lose their shit if that were to ever happen.

With that being said...

They MIGHT tolerate a drunken, half literate, meat-headed,
ball-less and willfully ignorant, slave-to-his-baser-urges
"Chumley" like Ed Johnson to be mayor and that would be
the closest ANYONE wearing a CPD costume would be allowed
to get near the mayoral throne in this God-Forsaken town.


A Potemkin Village built on top
of a forgotten cemetery dug out
of a long lost fever swamp.

...Chicago is.

How else can one account for all
the ghastly grinners that seem to
percolate out of the ground of their
own volition?

Point & Laugh.

10/31/2019 10:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scc, off topic Sheriff Dart wants to transfer Electronic Monitoring program to Chief Judge. Top story in Trib.

10/31/2019 10:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there a possibility of one or two more glasses off the sgts and detective lists before any new test are scored?

10/31/2019 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a Det for 30 yrs. I saw many of these so called detectives come and go. Numerous in every area and units were gifts from some merit clueless boss. Also numerous Dets would do everything they could to blow the job off so they could go work out,drink and go to the girl friends house.They would work harder to blow the job off when in half the time it could have been done. I've see guys take a baby furlough just to blow a homicide off on to other Dets or gang crime guys in hopes that its solved when they get back. Also numerous gifts to the detective division and patrol from good old I can't get a Dollie unless I promote them Phil. Numerous worthless choices all over this department.Like Phil did Just move robbery from violent to property to cut the stats as his theory was its only property taken during a robbery so it belongs in property crimes.When I left in 2010 there was a memo from 35th st that there were 300 death investigations that were open for years.About 2005 they asked numerous new detectives who wanted to volunteer to learn how to do homicides and police shooting. Hard chargers volunteering:ZERO There answer was to much work. As we all know the department is run by merit clouted zeros and that's what it will always be. Also its the community and CCSAO that's not clearing the homicides and shootings not the detectives. Be safe,fetal and employed. God bless CPD.

10/31/2019 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There needs to be a rank of Detective Sergeant who investigates and owns all homicides cases, he would have a team of detectives under him. This would work

10/31/2019 11:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the haters. Not all merit detectives are bad at their job. Some are damn good, earned and deserve their spot. In the same breath, many who made it off a list are scammers and do nothings. Just saying.

Yeah, this makes complete sense... Now go put on your knee pads you fool!

10/31/2019 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should adopt the NYPD policy for detectives. And to be a good detective there’s one important factor; you need to care. I DONT CARE. I don’t care about neighborhoods that despise me. Politicians thats ridicule me. A city that will
never back me up and fire me. So take your clearance rate and go fuck yourself Lighthead.

10/31/2019 11:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, maybe in 40-50 years, the city and all other big cities can have police that will stop crime and lock up the parasites. Nothing will change mid-century, as the usual sociopaths of today will still be terrorizing all hardworking citizens.
The commie democrats have slowly killed law enforcement since the day Barry was elected. His hate of police caused the untold numbers of officers to die LOD cause he preached hate of LE.
President Trump getting elected just put a band-aid on the real issues of the same old crime element.
God bless the future detectives of our nation's investigators and the great CPD. Sadly, many of us retired and current copper' will never see the change for the good!

11/01/2019 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: Rumorville. Heard Mc501 coming back as a consultant to re-open Areas 4 and 5.

What could go wrong, especially because asshole was the one that said we didn't need 5 areas

11/01/2019 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else hear about a civilian director being hired to revamp the detective division? Likely, an outsider or someone from out of state who doesn't know anything about Chicago and it's problems. Another sweetheart patronage job for Littlefoot to hand out. This is still the city that works. (for those who are connected) Probably a high 6 figure job in the works here.

11/01/2019 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Timmy C said...

Hey 0300. I heard dat Brother!

11/01/2019 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
It all starts at the you fire the worthless Staples she has not got a clue, no pun intended. Accountability is totally missing in the unit. Merit is killing the CPD.

10/31/2019 05:06:00 AM
Every press conference like a deer in the headlights confused, in coherent terrible leadership she fits right in have some drinks with Otis Eddie.

10/31/2019 04:16:00 P-
Melissa was always cool, hilarious, and razor-sharp when in Area 4. She well knows that the D unit died some years ago. So now, she just goes along with the total bull shit knowing she has zero voice in positive things she can do. She never jack-potted any copper and she came to the defense of many since she was a Sgt. She well knows the gold stars at headquarters and other units are useless and all are on scholarships making the big bucks.
Soon, she will pull the plug without notice.
Ed is worthless and his band of misfits that stand behind him are equally clowns of the CPD and would have never been hired with their sub-intelligence. Affirmative action and entitlement at its best.

11/01/2019 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples rocking the boat you got to be kidding. She is part of the problem not the solution she is nothing but a Machine Merit hack. Go along to get along is her Moto.

11/01/2019 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Standards raised? Not the Chicago Way at all. Standards ignored is the Chicago Way. That is how things have gotten to the point they are today. Elimination of all merit promotions and testing of past merit promoters would fix many problem but will never be allowed to happen. Too much clout at City Hall to allow that to happen.

11/01/2019 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D Unit needs sergeants that were once defectives.

Then maybe someone in the highest position shouldn’t block Sgt’s who were once detectives from going to a area.

11/01/2019 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the haters. Not all merit detectives are bad at their job. Some are damn good, earned and deserve their spot. In the same breath, many who made it off a list are scammers and do nothings. Just saying.

Unless you were severely injured or did something truly heroic then you shouldn’t be promoted to anything. Merit is a scam and your the biggest scammer.

11/01/2019 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no way in hell that I'm dragging one of these knuckle dragging neanderthal raggedy ann lookin spongehead smokehounds into court and putting them in front of a judge as a witness to anything. Two things will be obvious, this fuckhead is retarded and is about as believable as pinnochio. That is why you have a clearance rate in the gutter.

11/01/2019 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got people who made detective with 3-4 years on and barely spent time working the streets. They make dick and don’t even know the basics of police work. It’s hard to teach them or mentor them when they don’t understand what you are talking about. It’s a lose lose for everyone. You can make dick with 3 year on but can’t apply to OCD unless you have 5 years on.

That's BS .....It all depends on the Officer who gets promoted. Is he willing to seek out the more experienced Detectives and learn what to do. Don't be afraid to ask questions because you're afraid you'll look like you don't know what your doing. Don't take it personnel when someone tells you a better way to do something. Realize you don't know everything and accept assistance (lose the ego). If your a good Officer , you can be a good detective at any time. The real problem now is with all this new rules when documenting your contact with civilians, new officers don't get the chance to perfect their trade with the criminal element.

11/01/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
D Unit needs sergeants that were once defectives.

K9 needs sergeants that were once handlers.

Narcotics need sergeants that were once buy officers. Etc etc.

Things tend to run smoother and much more proficiently when you have someone in charge that actually has done and knows the job. A detective sergeant who never locked anyone up for murder or aggravated battery? A canine sergeant afraid of dogs? A narcotics sergeant that doesn’t know what rocks or blows are? Yep..... only on the CPD.

Too many of these units have supervisors assigned there by clout, nothing more. They know little to nothing about how things work where they’re assigned. Just another reason why this job is a lost cause.

Too bad things aren’t likely to change in my lifetime.

10/31/2019 12:31:00 AM

Staples, Chief of Detectives, never a Detective, yet leading the entire Detective Division. I wonder what qualified her for this very important position. It must have been her extensive street experience.

11/01/2019 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, it’s the same banana in the tailpipe with the cheating scandal for the Lt. Test

11/01/2019 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this shows just how screwed up CPD is. Again, the dept. is reactive to a story, report, finding, decree, etc. All along no one asks that important question: Why, as a leadership of the dept., you didn't first identify these problems and work to solve them? Why? Well the answer is that CPD always waits for something to happen then tries to come up with a way to repair it. If problems such as these kept occurring in private industry there would be a whole lot of people fired.

11/01/2019 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was an inspector for several years. One night, I did the unthinkable for an inspector, I arrived up at the old Area 2 (now Area South) to see what the detectives were doing on the midnight shift. To my surprise, not one detective assigned to the midnight shift that evening was even in the building. The on duty sergeant explained to me that they were "all available by cell phone" if any new cases were called in that needed their attention.
I had to ask the on duty sergeant, "if you've got your ass here on time, why aren't your detectives here in the building on time?" He could not supply me with a credible answer.
Perhaps the city needs to start there first; make sure that the detectives assigned to their particular watches actually are at work and on time. Swiping should solve most of this, but only if the dept. gigs those who fail to either swipe in or swipe out. If they're not at work ready to handle their business, it's not going to get handled.

10/31/2019 09:43:00 PM

Show up at any of the Areas now and you’ll experience the same thing. The majority of midnight Dets are poor examples of what a detective should be. Prior to swiping they barely worked a half day and often split the shift or the complete tour with the other Dets. Swiping won’t work either, why is it once the second watch arrives the first watch is nowhere to be found?

I welcome an inspector to see it for themselves. Show the detectives they too are accountable.

11/01/2019 09:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone else hear about a civilian director being hired to revamp the detective division? Likely, an outsider or someone from out of state who doesn't know anything about Chicago and it's problems. Another sweetheart patronage job for Littlefoot to hand out. This is still the city that works. (for those who are connected) Probably a high 6 figure job in the works here.
11/01/2019 12:38:00 AM


Judging from the news conferences and the teachers strike she'd better get some more diversity in her posse.

11/01/2019 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Lori Light L just thanked Chicago teachers
for going back to work on Friday. Notice how they solved
that so they would return AFTER Halloween? So many
costumes, so many parties.

10/31/2019 06:04:00 PM
No the reality is they came back because health insurance as cancelled effective November 1st.

10/31/2019 09:49:00 PM


True dat. I heard a wekk ago they'd be back Nov 1. I didn't know why until now. Fucking communists Lori should open up a roster of potential teacher hires from around the state just to keep in her back pokcet for the next round of talks - and them fire them all!

11/01/2019 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know people are quick to bad mouth the detectives for the low clearance rate but when the State won’t charge things until an unrealistic burden of proof is met and the “victims” don’t want to assist there is only so much that can be done.

10/31/2019 12:41:00 PM


ya, for the life of me I don't know why you'd want to clear a murder and take a perfectly good murderer off the street for 18 mos.

11/01/2019 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

........No detective should be processing a scene 99 and should be paired up as partners, how quick the forget about Officer Flisk. ......

Years ago I was canvasing for a homicide that occurred in Austin. I was by my self. I go knocking on a door. No answer, off to the next door. A few days later I learned that that door was were the offender lived. What would be in killers mind with a detective at the door? DO NOT CANVASS BY YOURSELF!

10/31/2019 10:10:00 AM


Why are you telling us? Why don't you slap a sticky note on your forehead your the one that did it.

11/01/2019 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can remember the worthless midnight crew in Area5. My partner and I were veteran cops with over 20 years each and knew when we needed a dick to process an arrest. After waiting about 3 hours on OT and the Dick Sgt. Not being able to raise a dick the asshole came in half liquored up and said, " what bullshit case you bothering me with KID" Well after he was denied some air flow while I had my big hands around his neck his Sergeant reassigned the case to another guy.

11/01/2019 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Basically, this report is an "un-do everything City Hall did to the D for the last 10 years" guide book. Now, the next PERF report will be a "un-do everything City Hall did to Patrol for the last 10 years" guide book. It's F'n perpetual job security for police "Executives." Just remember......CAPS......Together We Can......

10/31/2019 03:38:00 AM


right. but basically it is saying GET THE CRIME LAB IN ORDER. There's no reason DNA and prints should take a whole year to come back. It's ridiculous. You put the fucking prints in a machine what does that take half hour? COme on now. And add to that, I can't believe the state would even approve charges on someone when there are prints and DNA outstanding.

11/01/2019 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was an inspector for several years

So mr inspector how long did you spend on the streets before becoming a house mouse.
Inspector is one of the biggest waste of man power. Go do a real job or get in a beat car.

11/01/2019 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really: Melissa was always cool, hilarious, and razor-sharp when in Area 4. She well knows that the D unit died some years ago. So now, she just goes along with the total bull shit knowing she has zero voice in positive things she can do. She never jack-potted any copper and she came to the defense of many since she was a Sgt. She well knows the gold stars at headquarters and other units are useless and all are on scholarships making the big bucks.
Soon, she will pull the plug without notice.
Ed is worthless and his band of misfits that stand behind him are equally clowns of the CPD and would have never been hired with their sub-intelligence. Affirmative action and entitlement at its best.

11/01/2019 03:03:00 AM

Please-- Melissa is on here guys... She never did anything. she got her merit promotion to sgt (never Detective) because she was Miriam Santos' Driver... How many Drivers get promoted to Chief of Detectives. She was funny to hang with and the male bosses promoted her to LT meritoriously. she went to Area 4 and rode the coat tails of a bunch of great Detectives... then they promoted her to commander. Too late to teach her anything... ZERO VOICE??? She is calling shots for D unit as the SS DD heads for the Iceberg... Oh those clowns behind EJ- look who was right there... At least she is loyal to her guy

11/01/2019 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the flirtatious female detective and career retail theft queen Cheri Hendricks who snuggled up and rubbed up to bosses to get good assignments. Other dicks in area 4 had to take jobs but she was too busy shopping or shoplifting on company time. Thank God she was fired

11/01/2019 02:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Another thing people forget is in about 2005, we all became detectives. That eliminated youth investigators and gang crime specialists. This allowed the department to say we still have XXXXXX amount of detectives, when in reality, they eliminated about 2000 spots doing the jobs that detectives do now. just another example of figures lie and liars figure.

10/31/2019 06:43:00 PM

Most of what you said is true, but the 2,000 spots is way, way off. Not even close. There weren’t many gang specialists or anywhere near that number of youth officers

Hey!!!! it was Youth Investigators,,,,,,not officers,,,get it right kid,,,,

11/01/2019 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staples, Chief of Detectives, never a Detective, yet leading the entire Detective Division. I wonder what qualified her for this very important position. It must have been her extensive street experience.

11/01/2019 08:49:00 AM

Terry Hillard never was a detective and yet, was made the Chief. He got caught up in some depositions about a murder investigation that went bad in 007. He was made a fool in those depositions. The police department is a political hack animal. Nothing has or will ever change.

11/01/2019 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the city needs to start there first; make sure that the detectives assigned to their particular watches actually are at work and on time. Swiping should solve most of this, but only if the dept. gigs those who fail to either swipe in or swipe out. If they're not at work ready to handle their business, it's not going to get handled.

10/31/2019 09:43:00 PM

The midnight shift could not find Donald Duck in Orlando.

11/01/2019 04:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
To the haters. Not all merit detectives are bad at their job. Some are damn good, earned and deserve their spot. In the same breath, many who made it off a list are scammers and do nothings. Just saying.

10/31/2019 07:24:00 P

very, very few and you know it. And, nothing happens to those who do nothing so nothing will change.

11/01/2019 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was an inspector for several years"

So mr inspector how long did you spend on the streets before becoming a house mouse.
Inspector is one of the biggest waste of man power. Go do a real job or get in a beat car.

-Relax, superhero. We are one of the most unprofessional looking departments in the world. We actually need to be looked over every once and a while. Don't wear your stupid baseball hat backwards like a d-bag, and shave your face every once in a while and you'll be fine. Now grow up and stop bitching about nonsense.

11/01/2019 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do these people know they are in Chicago? Fix things? Have people who are qualified to do the job? Yeah right. Pull my left nut and it plays jingle bells.

11/01/2019 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are one of the most unprofessional looking departments in the world. We actually need to be looked over every once and a while.

Lt should be doing that not paying someone to basically do nothing. Waste of man power

And again another phone call spot.

11/02/2019 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous 601 (Ret.) said...

When I made dic in '95, there were 1400 dics, a couple hundred youth officers and about 150 gang specs. When I retired 6 years ago it was down to about 700 total.
When I made dic, there were Sgt's in the Area that knew just about every open case, and every day, they would ask you when you came in, at the end of day, what was going on with these cases. AS a new dic, there was also a wealth of experience to draw from the guys with 15,20,25 years in the Area. If you were an active patrolman on the street, you need 3-5 years as a dic to become proficient at handling any case they can throw at you.
That all went by the wayside over the years, last boss that actually monitored and knew what was happening with open cases was Farrell. Then they offered the 55 free health insurance to get rid of us old timers to "change the culture of the department." And guess what? It worked.

11/02/2019 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For better results you would first have to move Staples to a nice fuzzy position. She’s the nicest gold star you’d ever meet, she doesn’t have a clue about cracking the whip. She never worked as a detective, therefore, she can only rely on the opinions of those around her.

11/02/2019 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What about the flirtatious female detective and career retail theft queen Cheri Hendricks who snuggled up and rubbed up to bosses to get good assignments. Other dicks in area 4 had to take jobs but she was too busy shopping or shoplifting on company time. Thank God she was fired

11/01/2019 02:31:00 PM

Not so quick. She's using for her job back.

11/02/2019 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I welcome an inspector to see it for themselves. Show the detectives they too are accountable.

11/01/2019 09:32:00

You or the inspector don't know what the hell is going on... Being a detective is not sitting behind a desk for 8.5hrs waiting for a phone to ring....The ex-inspector sounds like he should not even been promoted past a blue shirt and you should never been hired to this job.....Idiots! (CPD lower standard hire)

11/02/2019 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry the truth is CPD is currently loaded with very young and very stupid people. It will never get better.

11/02/2019 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I welcome an inspector to see it for themselves. Show the detectives they too are accountable.

11/01/2019 09:32:00

You or the inspector don't know what the hell is going on... Being a detective is not sitting behind a desk for 8.5hrs waiting for a phone to ring....The ex-inspector sounds like he should not even been promoted past a blue shirt and you should never been hired to this job.....Idiots! (CPD lower standard hire)

11/02/2019 02:12:00 PM


Hold on a second, you’re saying not coming into work on time is cool because the rest of the dept and HQ don’t understand what you as a detective do? You’re that amazing? You’re clearing all the big cases? The city sees you as the “go to” detective? Ha! You’re the reason the detective areas are screwed up. You’re not that great and the department caught onto your smoke and mirrors bullshit. See ya at the swipe machine...

11/02/2019 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
For better results you would first have to move Staples to a nice fuzzy position. She’s the nicest gold star you’d ever meet, she doesn’t have a clue about cracking the whip. She never worked as a detective, therefore, she can only rely on the opinions of those around her.

11/02/2019 08:08:00 AM

Lateral to chief of hacks and clout babies. With a splash of whiners and crybabies. Or chief of caps and well-being checks of her copper friends. Or just retire already. Next goof, please.

11/02/2019 09:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I was an inspector for several years. One night, I did the unthinkable for an inspector, I arrived up at the old Area 2 (now Area South) to see what the detectives were doing on the midnight shift. To my surprise, not one detective assigned to the midnight shift that evening was even in the building. The on duty sergeant explained to me that they were "all available by cell phone" if any new cases were called in that needed their attention.
I had to ask the on duty sergeant, "if you've got your ass here on time, why aren't your detectives here in the building on time?" He could not supply me with a credible answer.
Perhaps the city needs to start there first; make sure that the detectives assigned to their particular watches actually are at work and on time. Swiping should solve most of this, but only if the dept. gigs those who fail to either swipe in or swipe out. If they're not at work ready to handle their business, it's not going to get handled.

10/31/2019 09:43:00 PM

Were you one of the several that were regularly half drunk on duty, twirling your squad car keys around in your fingers, while at your hideout southwest side tavern ? Fingerpoint some more, and names will come out.

11/04/2019 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Never forget this goof who with clout skated away protected daleys family lost files pos:

10/31/2019 05:09:00 PM

Another sterling example of the Good Old Boy, Clout and Nepotism Club, in Action..

11/04/2019 10:02:00 AM  

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