More Shortfalls
- Chicago water bill payments are down $20 million this year, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s administration said months after the mayor announced the city would stop shutting off households’ water because of unpaid bills.
The administration provided the data after far South Side Ald. Anthony Beale hammered the mayor’s budget team this week for what he said was a misguided policy at a time the city desperately needs new sources of revenue.
While Beale charged during a Tuesday hearing on the mayor’s 2020 budget plan that water payments were down $165 million in 2019, Finance Department spokeswoman Kristen Cabanban said the shortfall is actually $20 million.
Even Groot's own people can't tell how much less the city is collecting in fines and fees. All they know is it's less.
And it's probably the fault of the police. Somehow.
And it's probably the fault of the police. Somehow.
Labels: money questions
F-this city. I used to bring in 10+ parkers a shift like a moron. This year I wrote a total of ZERO. Next year it’ll be ZERO ISR’s and hopefully less than 10 unavoidable arrests. If the Sargent or LT. don’t like it they can go out there and ticket the overtaxed taxpayers themselves.
1st and 16th.
Just raise the bills on who’s paying... it will all work out— it’s Chicago
.....and just what the fuck did you THINK would happen??????
If I could get free water....I would. No consequences ? Ok .
Ineluctably lurching towards Detroit.
The city is sinking and the water is rising. All do to mismanagement. Here is the city voters wanted.
I can’t wait to leave:)
I just let the hose run and fill my garbage cans to the top.........
Heap of lies no matter how ya cut it
Tax theft is less because intelligent money makers are heading out.
bag yo self another paid holiday.........................
Being a "Social Justice Warrior", and actually being in charge, are two different things. Wishing all the best to our mayor, in her new role.
PS: Have a nice day ?
Heard to save money the drinking water will now come from the Chicago river instead of Lake Michigan.
Fuck you.
These fuckers don’t have to pay for a fucking thing anymore.
This place really sucks.
Everything in this city is now free for the do-nothings. No mo’ library fines, no mo’ paying traffic bills, no mo’ payin’ water bills, shoplift & steal whatever you feel like...
Lets call this for what it is. Englewoodians and Austinites won't have to worry about their water bills and property taxes (if they ever did) and the rest of us will take a fucking (again) to subsidize them. Why don't they just call this a white privilege tax?
So “the under-served community” doesn’t pay for water, or parking fines, or boot fees and pretty soon the “community” will have free Uber.
That seems like a lot of service for the “under-served”.
Too bad first responders would be the first to get shut off and suspended for not paying while everyone gets a pass
Why would anyone pay? And, don't forget the suburbs. This will turn into a giant shortfall that will affect every taxpayer.
Oh look! Another freebie from the city for the folk.
One of the most valuable traits a person can possess— is the ability to understand that things have changed. The next step is find a place to live that is more in line with your values and culture.
11/23/2019 05:30:00 AM? Do what I did. Move out and head south. Don't even bother to look in the rear view mirror. I still pay taxes, but don't have to worry about freeloaders jumping on my back.
11/23/2019 12:24:00 AM? If you can't even spell sergeant, the only way you'll have stripes is by merit. Biggest scam for the P.O.s ever.
Nothing is FREE, someone is paying. Why work if you can get everything free. This is the problem with the Democratic Party. This how they buy votes. God Bless America
Just who are the smart ones in Chicago. Those that get up everyday goto a job they hate o they can pay their FAIR share of taxes, or, those that party every night paying for the booze and drugs with the FREE money gives them. Oh that second group os not paying ANY taxes on their earnings, because they choose to party instead of work. Question of the day is which group is doing the right thing?
Not paying your water bill? The city might not shut off your water, but they will put a lean on your house and when it is sold they will collect that over due water bill plus interest and penalties. Detroit tried not shutting off water for unpaid bills. It sure did not work out for them. They went back to the old way
How come they are short? My water bill with each bill is going up. And I don’t have meter. As always honest, hardworking residents gets f...d in the asssssssss.
No kidding? You dont say? You are aware that money doesn't grow on trees Larry?
Save Money - Install a Water Meter !
Shortshanks promoted the going green thing effort of conserving water, get water lower rates and save on bills.
Biggest scam since the LAZ parking meter deal.
These are dire budget and climate changing times!
Aside from just raising the water rates, the scheme was/is to make the water a lucrative commodity in order to sell the rights.
Shanks had it in the works to privatize water filtration and it still is. The more water meters the better the gauge of usage. Before ShortShanks sold of the parking meters (if anyone was paying attention) thousands of mechanical meters were purchased and installed where none ever existed.
Now mechanical meters are obsolete and a new pay box vendor opportunity was created.
GrootLoafer says clean free water is a basic right, except if you’re tied to a meter, or a building owner of course.
Meters may become mandatory just as soon as the bullshit lead issue an be suddenly cured. That ‘you got lead in the water’ didn’t happen over night, and the only way the City can afford the expense to change out every foot of water line is to cut a deal by selling the water rights.
The chosen equal opportunity bidder will pay to dig out the old lead feed lines, replace with something inferior again and be allowed to charge whatever they want and recoup installation costs by way of surcharges. Just like People’s Gas, ComEd, ATT, ComCast does with their service line upgrades.
This is a Zip Code way of gouging for revenue. Of course “churches” will be exempt.
creating a whole new wave of deadbeats scofflaws and malcontents.
just step right on up for the free ride.
congratulations are in order groot for brains.
When the community doesn't pay their bills ..the working Chicago taxpayers will.....truly Chicago Clown Mayor no more water shutoffs....will the Chicago shutoff water crew of over 50, be laid off?..
Lori a reformer more like a friend of the "bronx bullshitter," nothing but lies and sjw stupidity! All the money she is freely giving away thought chiraq was broke, will she do the rahm and treasure hunt to find more hidden billions for her own friends and family spending plans?
"...If the Sargent..."
CPS graduate?
Don’t pay the water bill, cut their cable tv 📺.
Actually it's 38 - 20 in unpaid bills and 18 in lower usage.
The money amount lost to Chicago ,by nonpayers of their water bills will skyrocket ,after spring of next year ..Chicago Water dept. is prevented from shutting off water ,when temperatures were under 32 degrees ,,but why pay when water will not be shutoff, in warm months..Of course ,larry lightweight is lying ...the 2020 budget loss for nonpayers of their water bills ,will be closer to $65-75 Million. loss...just in one year...
This is the largest pandering scheme since Blago was issuing all those freebie bus passes to senior citizens. Somebody has to pay for this, guess who. Can't wait til the black caucus starts talking about reparations.
"after the mayor announced the city would stop shutting off households’ water because of unpaid bills."
Cause, meet your old pal - EFFECT!
what beale said was not that unpaid water bills cost $165 million but that Lightfoot's budget presumed that the Feds would actually give the city %165 million to cover EMT services - an assumption that is very shaky at the moment.
And he said that as he and the department predicted water bill payments were already down by $20 mill - doon't know that he estimated what the year total would be.
Let’s toast “water for everybody”.
did chiraq ever collect the $20,000,000 from south suburbs for over due water bills
GROOT said in her Chicago Address Speech that Chicago is in dire financial crisis. Why not file for bankruptcy?
For starters, collect the owed money from certain suburbs and start charging churches' preachers. The Bible never exempted preachers from taxes.
If only the police would stop serving drug search warrants! Then the dealers could stop flushing everything down the toilet and decrease their water usage!
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