Friday, November 22, 2019


  • McDonald’s Corp. was accused Thursday of opening the door to an “epidemic of violence” against its Chicago-area employees with mandatory store redesigns and late-hours without adequate training or security.

    Seventeen McDonald’s employees filed a lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court accusing the fast-food giant of failing to protect workers from risks it was aware of and chose to ignore. They work at 13 different stores in Chicago, including the showcase restaurant at McDonald’s global headquarters in the West Loop.

    Three workers claim they were assaulted or sexually harassed by customers while cleaning restrooms that are a “magnet for crime” because 90 percent of restrooms are isolated and “not in the line of sight of the main customer service area.”

    The lawsuit also contends McDonald’s dictated a store redesign tied to its so-called “Experience of the Future” program that split counters, allowing unruly customers and would-be assailants to walk through the opening and attack workers.
Hey, it could be worse. At least there isn't shit dripping from the ceilings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC said...

...Hey, it could be worse. At least there isn't
shit dripping from the ceilings."

McDonald's will settle/make corrections...

Meanwhile... CPD facilities have shit dripping from
the ceilings in addition to being known, open and notorious
cancer and upper respiratory ailment clusters that have
sickened and killed countless Policemen over the years
and nary a swinging dick/dangling tit at ANY local, state
or federal health and/or regulatory entity has bothered
to take up The Policeman's cause for safe work places.

They ALL point at each other and shrug their shoulders.

And because they ALL shrug their shoulders and refuse to
own up to their institutional abdication of responsibility,
there is no redress or injunctive relief to be found via
local or state court.

And because of that, the federal courts won't get involved.

Grievances and OSHA complaints galore over the last several
decades and the sum total of action to correct toxic CPD
work places is equivalent to dick-all...

"You Cops knew it would be like this when you
signed up so quit bitchin' and go generate
some activity."

In the corporate world... CEOs and corporate boards would be imprisoned
and companies sued into financial ruin if employees were subjected to
the working conditions Chicago Policemen have to endure.

Nothing said when entire district desks and lock-up
crews have been killed by various cancers and upper
respiratory ailments.

Heh... Maybe Rahm had other ulterior motive
for snatching retiree health insurance away?

The records at the Medical Section are no doubt a
damning treasure trove/indictment of ongoing
City Hall malfeasance.


But back to Rahm.

That the nasty-assed little pansy had the
audacity to brag about it though...

"Y'all can just go on Obama-Care right?"

Or is it:
"Haven't you guys had a union for all these years?"

>Awkward & Painful Silence<

For context...

Mc-Fucking-Donald's employees are able to have their
workplace safety concerns brought forth in open court
while Policemen are expected to STFU and hold still?

We aren't begrudging them at all.


11/22/2019 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief. Its McDonalds snowflakes. Quit.

11/22/2019 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing how this isn't a problem with open 24 hours a day Mickey D's in out state Minnesotans, even though most of the customers are beer swilling Germans and hard drinking Scandihooligans.

11/22/2019 01:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, ok, talk thru the microphone and put their order on the turntable after they pay for it and put the bathrooms right up front by the front counter so the precious babies can stare into the johns between customers. These damn lawyers and cash rich targets.

11/22/2019 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Mayor McCheese said...

They brought back the McRib! What else could you ask for?

11/22/2019 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you vote Left/Liberal you get higher taxes and more violence. If you turn a blind eye towards what you have done you get the "animals" running the zoo. bye bye

11/22/2019 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off topic. the family of the young girl shot first at mercy hospital is sueing the hospital because security didnt do anything. as reported here many times they did what management told them to do and went into deep hiding. i hope the kids family breaks it off deep in the butt of this hospital. hospitals are over run with membas of the munnity robbin and stealin and actin the fool but they double down on their crazy anti gun stance even as far as trying to disarm on duty officers answering calls at said hospital. sue the shit out of them, beat them down, make it hurt. idiot demigods. oh and move the corp suite with the executives to the e r waiting room so theyre first in the line of fire. maybe then they will get the memo.

11/22/2019 03:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe McDonalds can put even more kiosks so that they will need only one employee in front. Keep fighting for fifteen....

11/22/2019 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When they close the McDs in "dangerous" locations, guess who's going to bitch? When they replace most of these disgruntled employees and 15 an hours with kiosks and robots, guess who's going to bitch? Progress marches on.

11/22/2019 04:47:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Shit dropping from the ceiling may improve the taste of the food.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

11/22/2019 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have called it a McLawsuit.
I'll take some fries with my McLawsuit.
They should be suing Kimmy instead.

11/22/2019 06:20:00 AM  
Blogger stash the polski guy said...

don't worry. the wonks that run it will simply automate.

mickey d drones will be as cute as the little buggers right out of 'batteries not included'.

11/22/2019 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago’s unruly neighborhoods will shut down a Micky D’s faster than Superman stops a bus. MacDonalds could thrive in the Mojave Desert. But not on the West Side.

11/22/2019 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, this lawsuit is warranted. Same issue occurs at many Starbucks, where folks are overdosing in the johns and making a mess of things. So, okay, you're slinging burgers and mixing lattes. But these employees are also stuck doing janitorial clean-up in toilet rooms mandated to be open and free to anyone, which means junkies, bums, perverts, et al.

11/22/2019 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like it could become a high paying side job..just saying

11/22/2019 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tough shit. Get a real job.

11/22/2019 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 11th Ward Daley scum hurls owns the security company that failed at mercy hospital causing the death of two innocent people and a brave CPD Officer. Figures, but the democratic machine judge will surely rule in favor of the Daley ass kisser Huels.

11/22/2019 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corporate America's lawyers tell their employers "Use a no-resistance policy; it reduces liability". Until your employees and/or franchisees get sued because your employees get beat or worse. The panecea of "no right to protect oneself from harm while working" sounds good, just like unicorns.

11/22/2019 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why hasn't anyone filed an OSHA complaint in the district leaking shit through the ceilings?

11/22/2019 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shitter rooms at the McD's on the corner of Adams and Wabash are literal heroin dens. Calls galore there for CFD and CPD to come pick up the latest miscreant to fall out with a needle sticking out of his arm.

11/22/2019 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McDonalds just following the example of the democratic Chicago police department buildings by allowing the public free access to everything. It would be called racists to protect the workers in the building don't ya know. Any bets fadder flaker has more security then any McDonalds worker

11/22/2019 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put everything behind plexiglas like everything else in the ghetto.

11/22/2019 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am afraid that nothing "public" works in a city/town with a large underclass. We can't have any nice, clean public things like a nice, clean public school, public library or even a public bathroom at a fast food restaurant. I don't see many viable solutions, improvements other than working in ways to move the population to someplace else. When this destructive population continues to be this way over many generations, it takes on a permanent status like the Shudra caste in Hindu India. The Shudra caste are "the untouchables" and condemned for their lowest position in life for past sins in former lives - until very recently this Shudra caste was strictly prohibited from interacting with higher castes, banned from using the same drinking wells, bathrooms etc.

Left behind in Chicago

11/22/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nationwide problem my ass

11/22/2019 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Demonstrating the reason to hate lawyers.

11/22/2019 10:29:00 AM  
Blogger said...

Simple correction close down all Mc Donalds in high crime areas

11/22/2019 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Citizen Richard said...

Some of us older folk will remember.
Beware, THE Hamburglar!

11/22/2019 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago, one of the Mcdonalds was going to be rebuilt with bullet proof glass and other safety features. The reverends went nuts with the racial bullshit. So the idea went nowhere and because of political correctness, many of the employees and customers have been hurt, threatened and robbed.

11/22/2019 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only thing to do is close the stores in impoverished areas and ones with high community traffic, and fire all the workers of those stores if they cannot be transferred.
how many are corporate stores and how many are franchises is anybody's guess.
They may be suing the wrong entity.

11/22/2019 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ice cream machine still don't work.

11/22/2019 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cry me a don't hear the Popeyes gang whining and they are going to war every day,since they introduced the clucker sandwich.

11/22/2019 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lawsuit should start with Cook Co public defenders...citizens Toenail PrickWrinkles, KmmmFxxxUp and Tim Evans.
It’s their personal opinions that both juvenile and adult justice system is being bastardized.
The laws and sentencing are still existent.
Their very own sentiments allow violent crime to flourish and has done nothing to calm the wild uncontrollable feral from invading, pillaging and plundering.

But I expect MacDonalds to cave in with $54 million.
Make that $55 mil to upstage Uber’s community offer.

11/22/2019 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Mayor McCheese said...
They brought back the McRib! What else could you ask for?

11/22/2019 01:50:00 AM

Come on Mayor McCheese, McRibs suck, they taste like hotdogs with barbecue sauce. Now if you bring back the Beefsteak sandwich, that would be something.

11/22/2019 07:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mickey D's of today is nothing like it was back in the psychedelic 60's. Go to McDonalds while tripping on acid.
Groovy Mc Donalds commercial

11/22/2019 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching these junkies is like watching an episode of The Walking Dead.

Those shit burgers are what they live on, that on honey buns when they can't get a decent Jab, and the shitters are custom made to shoot up in during the cold winter months. Then you have the feral yute gangs, the gangster's with their bling armed by the Indiana farmers on the Crimesha program...

Pity the decent kid trying to make an honest buck while trying to get the fuck out of those hoods.

11/22/2019 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McD's should just pay out the claims. Call it a ghetto tax.

11/22/2019 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see where all future fast food joints will have nothing but self serve kiosks. Workers will be safe behind a wall in the kitchen. Or robots will churn out the food. No cash- strictly online payments.

11/23/2019 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea to move the HQ from Oakbrook to the old Harpo in West Loop. Good call guys.

11/23/2019 02:00:00 PM  
Blogger Refugee said...

In the 70s, my red-headed, pasty white, ultra liberal sister wanted to work at a McDonald's on 79th street. My Dad was furious but she insisted. Damn Hippy. A few days later, she watched a guy shoot the security guard in the forehead before robbing the place at gunpoint. Times haven't changed a bit, have they?

11/23/2019 04:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief. Its McDonalds snowflakes.

I disagree. I think all workplaces that are not safe, I cluding CPD,( with the bad plumbing, leaking ceilings,etc.) Should sue. Thatay be the only way things change.

11/27/2019 07:43:00 AM  

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