About Damn Time
- About 50,000 Cook County residents who receive food stamps are going to have to find jobs next year — or risk losing their benefits.
Starting Jan. 1, food stamp recipients in Cook County who are able-bodied, under the age of 50 and not living with children or other dependents will be restricted to three months of food assistance in a three-year period unless they work at least 80 hours a month. They can also meet the requirement by participating in a work-related activity, such as job training or volunteering.
The vast majority of Illinois’ 1.8 million SNAP recipients — most of whom are either elderly, children or people with disabilities — are unaffected by the change. But it will be a huge shift in Cook County, where 50,000 of the county’s 826,000 food stamp recipients will be subject to work requirements for the first time since the federal rules went into effect in the mid-1990s.
State officials and social service groups worry people who struggle to find or keep jobs will be driven out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as SNAP or food stamps, leaving them hungry and putting pressure on food pantries. They say there isn’t enough federal funding to help connect them with jobs.
Well then, as their numbers dwindle via starvation, taxpayers will save millions.
Win Win.
Now how about dope testing? We have to pass a whiz-quiz to stay employed and pay for the terminally lazy. How about a whiz-quiz to retain benefits? We don't care if they're picking up trash on the highways, raking vacant lots, or shoveling sidewalks.
Win Win.
Now how about dope testing? We have to pass a whiz-quiz to stay employed and pay for the terminally lazy. How about a whiz-quiz to retain benefits? We don't care if they're picking up trash on the highways, raking vacant lots, or shoveling sidewalks.
Labels: good news
Thank God.
Seriously, I am going to drink to that.
Piss test...
Photo I.D.
with thumb print...
Work if you're otherwise able-bodied...
Multi-generational, mouth-breathing,
drugging/drinking/breeding layabouts
get the foot in their ass.
"y'all raycis!"
About time!
Other surrounding states forced their layabouts back to work a couple of years ago, Illinois is so behind, somehow the local democrats will blame it on President Trump.
Win win, hahahahahahaha
Biggest scam EVER!!! Anyone in law enforcement has known this for ages.
About fucking time!!
My only question is why did it take so long if this has been a federal requirement for a while. Oh! Silly me, it's the Democratic city county and state.
“They say there isn’t enough federal funding to help connect them with jobs.”
Translation: It's Trump's fault.
OMFG. You hate President Trump anyway. Get it done on your own. That'll show him!
This is the best job market in over twenty years.
They should be able to find a job.
About time, I like a lot of others are tired of carrying able bodied men and women who don't want to work and have no problem with them starving. They have brought this on themselves so no tears here, work or starve has a nice ring to it.
Just means that a whole lot of shit bags will move out of crook county.
if I’m not mistaken decades ago people receiving aid had to clean the streets using pushcarts and brooms.
Every state surrounding Illinois has had these rules in place for years, thus, driving more generational government dependents here to Illinois. Our democrats didn’t care because it meant more votes for them. The news is saying 50K have to go find jobs - hahaha - we’ll be lucky if 5 find jobs. Best job market in the last 20 years yet they all still hanging on the corner in the middle of the workday.
Work or Starve!
Not enough federal funding to connect them with jobs? These people really are deranged, their broken brains actually think employment comes from government and taxpayer funded programs. Sick.
Back when I used to put boy's on the hood, I would ask them why they had a link card.
The military aged men, in better physical condition than I, would respond that they were disabled. When I inquired about their tragic impairment, asthma and alcoholism were the typical response.
Back then probably a fifth of the guys on the police department were alcoholics and managed to show up for work every day.
"That's raaay-sssisst!!"
We Are All Replaceable
About time these RATS will have to go to work.
This effort in futility will last about 10 minutes before the protests and marches start. If that doesnt work prepare for the aggressive window shopping (looting) and the outcries of RACCCISSST! L squared and Winkleprick will find some way to spend tax dollars of the tax paying citizenry so that the people's can get their grape drank on.
How many illegal aliens are on the dole? Can I go to Mexico and set up a homestead and live off of their corrupt government, and vote in their elections?????? Didn’t think so. So why is it allowed here? So many questions, no answers from most of our corrupt politicians.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Even though this order does not affect those with kids, expect the usual suspects to start screaming about "starving children"
How am I supposed to eat now for 50 cents on the dollar?
I guess I’ll have to buy my stamps from a actual ‘‘needy person” at a higher rate.
Wait a minute..............the democraptic party approved this? Something smells fishy.
I will believe it when I see it. This wont last long if true.
Say whaaaaaa?
Didn’t Bill Clinton start this in the 90s? I think it was called The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act. You had to work if you wanted public aid benefits.
man, that's racist!!! lol
It is a bout damn time due to President Trump making America great again we have more jobs than people to fill them let them get their asses to work this would bring the crime rate down rapidly. But then again we start criminals doing things like this instead of questioning why are you a criminal and this is why they happened they will blame the security guard they will blame the food store things happen when you’re a criminal;
Suspected shoplifter dies at Lakeview Jewel after security attempted to detain him
A friend of mine is an off-duty copper works at some of the Food 4 Less stores, watched the story last night on the news he watched it also he told me he’s done as it should be you can’t do anything about the scum simple as that.
Another day another lawsuit they need to publish the history immediately of criminals that things happened to this isn’t the first time wonder how many times the Kimmy let this criminal run free and finally it happens the criminal guys or the criminal goes out and kill someone else or injure someone else for life.
Me to arrestee: “occupation”
Arrested person: “I get a check”
There is not one logical reason the able bodied shouldn’t perform some type of work to get public assistance. But, we are in Illinois,,very little logic emanates from local officials
I came on the job in 1977 and my first assignment after the academy was Austin. I remember watching guys playing basketball for several hours, under the streetlights, in the schoolyard for hours. Later we would wind up arresting a guy, following a lengthy foot-chase and often a struggle, after he was done shooting baskets.
The old paper arrest report had a block that asked for some cursory employment information; the answer was always, "I don't work, I'm on disability". The guy would mostly have some form of welfare identification, usually an IDPA (I Don't Pay Anything) card. Amazing for someone who appeared healthy and in good physical condition.
I was always astounded but I guess some things never change.
It will definitely not be followed in crooked democratic cook county or Chicago. Lying Lori and Preckwinkle will never allow their core constituency of dope heads, lazy baby mommas and others to be held accountable. Will blame trump and racist republicans.
Ha,ha,ha,ha. Popcorn time. Any employer that hires one of these people will wind up paying them to stay home. Better waive any drug testing for all 50,000 applicants or they will starve. LOL.
The snap program feeds many of the recipients who aren’t hungry for a job.The dependency nurturing democratic politicians want to make sure these same people vote democratic.10 dollars a month for internet access will be lost because a cable provider gives it to snap recipients because they meet the requirement to get cheap internet access by being a snap receiver of free food paid for by the working taxpayer who pays 50 plus dollars a month for internet.Good behavior gets penalized while bad behavior gets rewarded.Then all the government dependents reward Democratic politicians with their votes.see how it works yet?
If I remember right, this has been on the Feds books for a very L O N G time.....
But all we do here in this DEMONCRAT state is ignore laws. Then we add illegals to the rolls,
making the problem ten times worse (and ten times more expensive for the lowly working taxpayer.)
328 million people in USA.......123 million on the dole.
But hey, let's give them all free healthcare, education, a home, food, phone, electricity, gas, water.......
And they mean ALL.....not just legal Americans.....ALL persons "residing" in USA, legal or not.
welcome to city hiring (for your future votes) we're hiring civilians (after CPS training with focus on Burge) we need people /folks at the new CPD, CFD, OEMC admin and HR dept. Also need civilians in police stations (you laugh, only so many spots on safe passage)
Whiz quiz marijuana legal in the new year.
Hey at least the teachers got 16%. Almost 3 years without a contract and we risk our lives everyday. Ridiculous
the answer to all of the complaints of the social justice warriors and the activists who falsely claim that there are no jobs out there is to bring back the CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corp from the Great Depression. Force the lazy to do public service work. Build barracks if you have to and serve food like a chow hall and let these unemployed folks work on government projects.Streets and parks and alleys need to be cleaned and patched, trees need to be cut, public buildings cleaned, police cars and fire trucks washed. Plenty of work out there.
"First time since the law went into effect in the mid 1990's." 'nuff said right there.
able-bodied, under the age of 50 and not living with children or other dependents
Puuuuuulez. Show me one link card holder without a bay bee. I dare you. What a joke. They lie about addresses to juke the schools. They won't lie to keep Dat bread coming in?
The Democrats will say that we are punishing poor people.
Only 800,000 more to go
How about a manditory drug test
Hip hip Hooray! About damn time.
826,000 on food stamps in Crook County? After we handle the 50,000 able-bodied slugs, let's move on to analyzing the 826,000 others and figure out how many of those we can seriously wean off the Taxpayer's tit.
As for putting "more pressure on food pantry's" - well, gee Bob, are you saying that giving away free food is resource intensive and expensive? Hmmm, guess that's the point we're trying to make with forcing 50,000 able-bodied slugs out of the program and into a job.
No one said that having a job was easy - it's not. It requires WORKING hard not just at the job, but at all manner of other things necessary to KEEP and GET TO the job. Time to adult. Figure it out. Get it done, go stand in line at a church soup kitchen, or starve to death.
Anyone complaining ought to recall the signs at the National Parks: "Don't Feed The Bears"
Send them out to San Fran and let them scoop poop, pick up dirty needles and earn over $100,000 a year.
Too many professional bullshitters receiving public aid. Generation to generation. The people who need it should only get it.
Many will move away saving us millions
Many of the social economic vampires sucking off the public dole for all these years may have seek work. Gee what a shame to have to work for a living. Oh the injustices, oh the inhumanity. That terrible four letter word (work) keeps popping up all the time. Its unfair and not in line with the Democratic Socialist values in the debtor state of Illinois.
Citizens hide your wallet. The Socialists running the State, County and City government will not allow this to continue. It hurts the guaranteed votes that keeps the Machine running and allows the corruption to continue and flourish. More taxation around the corner.
This ain't a win, sorry. These recipients are going to be angry and resentful -- and preparing your food. I've been brown bagging it for 2.5 years now after getting a good look at some of the people preparing food around downtown. Good luck.
To the poster of this comment:
" About fucking time!!
My only question is why did it take so long if this has been a federal requirement for a while. Oh! Silly me, it's the Democratic city county and state."
Uh, they have someone else to blame it on, the Republican president...
My cousin rehabs homes and then rents through Section 8 program. All bills are paid, rent, utilities, auto deposited into his bank every month from the gov. He tells me the people in the program would need to find a job that clears $70k AFTER TAXES to equal what they get in assistance. Most of his renters are good people, keep the homes in good order. And almost everyone of them do some kind of work that pays them cash.
Keep voting democrat and paying your taxes.
Hopefully there’s more of this to come.
I know that there are people in unfortunate situations who temporarily need public aid to survive.
Then there are plenty of leeches and oxygen thieves that have gamed the system , often for generations. Those are the bastards they need to go after.
Oh Snap!
Talk about buying votes and suppression.
Dems been ignoring the law, no surprise.
What’s the going rate at the corner store to SNAP swap goods for cash, still 50¢ on the solid dollar?
Since the mid ‘90’s...will there be any attempt collect those entitlemints back from the freeloaders who shouldn’t have received them?
Maybe docking them $10 a month on the SSDI ?
Now they’ll have to re-define “able-bodied” to exclude two functional hands, legs, eyeballs and a free CTA bus pass.
Don't think for one second that just because a person is medically declared "disabled" that indeed they are unable to work or that they are indeed actually "disabled". There is a lot of fraud and abuse within the medical system.
I guess the retirement age is now 50???
I see these people in the grocery store using their Snap card wearing expensive clothing and shoes !!!!
I know all of us who've been in LE for a hot minute has seen the extreme abuse that goes own with food stamps, wic, snap or whatever the flavor of the day is.
I know everyone here feels the same way, but why in the hell do recipients NOT have to pass a drug test to get the free handouts?
We have to pass a drug test to earn a living and pay taxes to GIVE OUR MONEY AWAY to these "recipients" but theres no drug test top get FREE MONEY???
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but WTF???
Whiz quiz?
They’re getting cannabis distribution licenses
Liberals will cry racism !!!
Time to get off the city and governments nipple.
A win win.
And what might happen to all that money saved? My bet is it will finds it's way to some connected/crooked string pullers who only give a damn about themselves.
AND if they ain't got babies, they will be making them on the quick so they still won't have to do a damn thing some more.
P.S. playing scratch offs and selling loosies is not a job.
"They can also meet the requirement by participating in a work-related activity, such as job training or volunteering."
Endless online only training is forthcoming to keep them on the dole. That or some make work jobs in the new 2020 Illinois weed industry.
Oh SNAP! No more...
@11/21/2019 06:13:00 PM
That just means it is a day which ends in 'y'...
(Vape)Smoke and mirrors. Not a damn thing will change.
ive been working for 55 years. not once did the feds connect me with a job. even back in cave man times it was pretty easy to find out who was hiring. you work your way up title to title job to job as needed. never bounced a check, never late on a payment. all blue collar schmuck work. random drug tests since 1990. we always had about 5% of the pop scamming but now it seems 60% of the pop is in the wagon and 40% are pulling it. not going to be pretty when this ponzi scheme collapses and leaves the useless out in the cold. think the m f ers are angry now?
My babies still need Free breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner at their CPS Academy of High Learning!
Endless online only training is forthcoming to keep them on the dole. That or some make work jobs in the new 2020 Illinois weed industry.
Weed tester.
ive been working for 55 years. not once did the feds connect me with a job. even back in cave man times it was pretty easy to find out who was hiring. you work your way up title to title job to job as needed. never bounced a check, never late on a payment. all blue collar schmuck work. random drug tests since 1990. we always had about 5% of the pop scamming but now it seems 60% of the pop is in the wagon and 40% are pulling it. not going to be pretty when this ponzi scheme collapses and leaves the useless out in the cold. think the m f ers are angry now?
11/22/2019 02:19:00 AM
You are not a schmuck, people like you are the backbone of this country. When it all collapses, we will be out in the cold too, and just as pissed off, if not more so than the gibs me dat element. The difference is many of us schmucks are ready for the collapse, and will be waiting on the zombies to start appearing.
Anonymous said...
Endless online only training is forthcoming to keep them on the dole. That or some make work jobs in the new 2020 Illinois weed industry.
Weed tester.
11/22/2019 05:09:00 PM
Toke Tech?
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