Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Escamerit Demotion

We threw an update in a previous post, but Tony got his own article in both papers:
  • A high-ranking Chicago police official whom the city’s top watchdog once recommended for possible firing for being dishonest with investigators was demoted on Tuesday, officials said. Grand Central District Cmdr. Anthony Escamilla, whom the city’s inspector general accused of misleading investigators about directing on-duty officers under him to babysit his son with special needs, was stripped of his position.

    The move by interim Superintendent Charlie Beck comes a day after Mayor Lori Lightfoot fired Superintendent Eddie Johnson for lying to her about his conduct during an October incident in which he was discovered by officers asleep at a stop sign in his running vehicle.

    Escamilla was demoted to the rank of captain and will work as an inspector, a supervisor who ensures that officers are wearing proper uniforms and following all other department rules.
So a guy who hasn't followed rules in his entire now going to enforce the rules?
  • the only commander we know of who was taken out of a police station in handcuffs - twice
  • IAD took how many un-inventoried guns out of his locker (you want to know where the legend of the drop-gun survived, look at Escamerit)
  • partnered on the same team with the recently retired afternoon sergeant from 011 who was extorting sex from tranny hookers
  • caught banging the CAPS girl in 025, and she wasn't the only one
  • a judgement amounting to over $250,000 for disregarding the Contract in a petty squabble with an FTO
Yeah, he's going to be a big hit in the Inspection Division.

Charlie is getting bad info on this tool.

Here's the Sun Times article, too.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout Navarro being a inspector still. Triple merit hack after his demotion from ocd. That guy is another cancer to the department.

12/04/2019 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While this goof becoming an inspector is no great news, at least the people in 025 can relish in the fact that he’s finally gone. Enjoy not being oppressed anymore (or, until the next incompetent comes to the ancient Indian burial ground).

12/04/2019 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fire him already!!!!

12/04/2019 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Private Hook said...

Checkmate. So long you corrupt cocksucker. Heard you were all teary eyed in the station when you heard the news like the bitch that you are. Rest assured your legacy is set in stone. Not only as a failure with CPD but as a man.

19p squad. Nothing to see here. Just another loser with his portrait on the wall in 025.

12/04/2019 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big pos ha ha ha Tony what’s up now not north and Luna. Sir donkey said ain’t no pity in donkey city he haw he haw bye bye tony

12/04/2019 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony lands on his feet again :( . Not fired, not sent to a district on the other side of the city on 1st, given a spot with a car. Must be nice to be taken care of no matter how deep you step.

12/04/2019 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Used to be that when you got demoted you were assigned to Headquarters where they led you to an office where you were informed that you were retiring now.

12/04/2019 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

025 District 3rd Watch Alumni say "🖕🏻Tony". Good riddance motherfucker.

12/04/2019 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well apparently Charlie hasn’t heard about M.B the new acting commander of 25. I hear a whistle blower will be out this month regarding MB and also a Rule 14 on MB. Stay tuned

12/04/2019 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better late than never.

12/04/2019 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did hear from a certain pissed off Sgt. That the rumors about M.B. Are true and if so he will never be commander of 25

12/04/2019 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fto is a loser and a huge creep from what I’m told.

12/04/2019 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand this guys demotion but making him an inspector??? Wow! Beck may not be aware of what a terrible idea this is. If Beck wants to show the troops out in the field that he cares, he needs to quickly remove him from the inspector position. Not good

12/04/2019 01:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U know how many good officers and supervisors left 025 or just steered we’ll clear of bidding there solely due to escamerit. That place is long long overdue for a change. It’s about damn time. Makes u wonder why Eddie kept him as cmdr all this time. Did he have something on Eddie?

12/04/2019 01:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My pillow is on the right track, now promote more Sgt's rank order with no merit and you will have the rank and file behind you.

12/04/2019 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The timing of Escamerit's long overdue dump confirms what many of us suspected for a long time. Special 'Piece of Shit' Ed was protecting Anthony all along. The superintendent is ghetto trash. He let this ignorant, mentally unstable, narcissistic, daddy day care test study son of a bitch run roughshod over 025 and didn't do a fucking thing. Shows the respect our fearless superintendent had for his own lieutenants and Sgts. The only upside is that 025 could never get a worse stupervisor then Escamerit. LAPD Beck-Man could draw a pentagram on the floor at headquarters, conjure up a demon, and send it to the Indian Burial Ground as Commander and it would still be an improvement. The demon would probably at least know labor laws and management better then Anthony.

Coppers in 025 should still be leary of some of the white shirts still in 025 that thought it was wrong that Escamerit's family got dragged into the battle with the IG. That's about as stupid as the cops saying the Mayor was wrong for mentioning Half Dog Special Ed's family at the press conference. News Flash you pussies: Both of those two butt buddies dragged their own families into their own woes!

I saw how Escamerit yelled in some of you white shirt's faces and you sat there bug eyed, scared shitless. Thankfully some good supervisors are still around in that district. Not many, but a few.

12/04/2019 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable - an Inspector? It’s like the fox guarding the hen house! The job is so screwed up!

12/04/2019 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC is required reading. I can't believe some of the stuff
I'm reading here. Tranny hookers? Drop guns. Banging
on duty? (And getting PAID for it!)
Charlie, you got serious problems with this man, and you
better do your homework.

12/04/2019 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, they finally did something. I don't think making him a Captain/Inspector is exactly how they should've handled it. Didn't Eddie decide not to fire him, against the IG's recommendation? Now Eddie is no longer in charge, so maybe Chuckie needs to look into any of the numerous accusations against this clown so he can be fired. Now he'll just have a giant chip on his shoulder, just looking for people to fuck with as an inspector. Maybe they'll keep him inside to inspect some paperwork or something, but I doubt it.

12/04/2019 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Charlie Beck is truthful about his intended tenure -
3 months - then something is Rotten In Denmark!
Cry foul and notify an outside agency NOW.
We're getting a skim job here -- the once over.
You need a YEAR, maybe more. No way should this man
walk. He proves that sometimes the biggest criminals wear
the police uniform. No wonder "da kommunity" is pissed.
This man gets enabled, enabled, and enabled over and over
again --- like the Energizer Bunny filled with a rechargeable
lithium battery.
DON'T listen to the cries of family hardship.
He's a hardened criminal using his son as a cover. And the
poor boy doesn't have a clue what's going on here. You need
child protective services to remove him from this criminal
environment. Rescue animals are treated better and with
more compassion.

12/04/2019 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Escamerit snapped yesterday when he found out he was being demoted. Beck and CPD SWAT had to drag him out of his office after he barricaded himself inside. They lobbed smoke bombs and tear gas canisters into his makeshift fort. Thankfully, Escamerit had the gas mask on backwards, and the weapon he was armed with turned out to be a squirt gun toy left over from his now defunct day care center. He was too stupid to notice the difference.

12/04/2019 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So far the only reliable source, both facts and complete
content is SCC. This is like the Cliff Notes version as to
what's going on in The Department. No wonder you got
a guy named Dave "Take Down The Blog" What's-His-Ass.
This is investigative reporting worthy of a Pulitizer.
And the Big Boys feed us canapés on this whole story.
Don't give me peas on a cracker. Give me the whole story.

12/04/2019 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous WWE Announcer Jim Ross said...

Rko! Rko! 1...2...3! He's gone!!! As God as my witness, he is broken in half!!!

12/04/2019 03:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So ironic: a uniform inspector.

12/04/2019 03:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the only commander we know of who was taken out of a police station in handcuffs - twice"

No hat trick = no real story to tell. Simple as that.

12/04/2019 04:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

caught banging the CAPS girl in 025, and she wasn't the only one


Pilot program to bang CAPS girls. Not all new ventures work out.

All above board! (or bent over it)

12/04/2019 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Awww....gone so soon Tony? Things were just really starting to get interesting in 025. We knew you were on the ropes when you started freaking out about beat tags again. The fixation on beat tags is always the tell tale sign when an Exempt is in his death throes and senses a demotion is imminent.

I'll miss Friday Fright Nights with you Tony when you would get on the air and make a fool of yourself, micromanaging and yelling like you had some authority. Seriously, we almost crashed a few times we were laughing so hard. Dispatchers would message us and ask if you had Downs Syndrome.

I find it ironic that you had lieutenants call in Sgts into the office and they would tell them that you thought they were 'weak.' I dunno Escamerit. Looks like the weakest one was you lol. I don't think the Inspector General recommended anyone else in 025 be fired did he?

Ask yourself now that you've been demoted, "Was it really worth it for me to hassle that one guy over a beat tag? He might have been the one that snitched on me to the IG?!"

I can't take credit for that or your downfall. I find very satisfying that a chauvinistic scumbag like yourself got knocked down by our Mayor, a black lesbian. A tremendous blow to your gigantic ego I'm sure. You won't be bragging about that to your imaginary friends anytime soon.

Seriously, the next time you read the children's version of The Art of War by Sun Tzu, don't think to yourself, "You know what? I think this Eskimo fella has got it all wrong. I'm going to do the exact opposite of what he says!"

I feel somewhat sorry for you now that it's all said and done. You were clearly outmatched. You weren't in Joe Curtin's league lad, and you certainly weren't in mine. However, to show you I'm a good sport, I'll give you a little tip: Make sure your taxes are squared away. You'd be amazed how easy it is for someone to tip off the IRS so that someone gets audited. I mean, I'm not going to tell them anything, but its just that you might want to cover yourself. What with that whole lieing to the Inspector General, about a secret study, citywide day care thingie, or whatever experiment it was you were working on in the CAPS laboratory.

Ta-ta for now my dear boy....


12/04/2019 04:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A quote from SCC:
partnered on the same team with the recently retired afternoon sergeant from 011 who was extorting sex from tranny hookers

A riposte from a Chicago wiseass:
Extorting the working 'girls' uh? Shameless! Money should be paid for those services rendered. Talk about ARREARAGE*! Woah!

*CPS grads, arrearage is money owed or due prior but not yet paid. Get your mind out of the Harrison sergeant style gutter.

12/04/2019 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie PUPPET!
Get The Fucking FEDS in here already.
His shit stinks to high heaven already.
Charlie, you were Conned.
Step down NOW and give it to the FBI.
Fucking Stinking Chicago! What has changed?

12/04/2019 04:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chief of Organized Fucking Crime
What a better fucking candidate!
Get The Fuck outta town you CORRUPT FUCKER

12/04/2019 04:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the CPD sent a Jackass with anger management
problems to the FBI to make connections, no less.
Somebody knew the shit was gonna hit.
Federal Government has the same fucking problem.
It's called Joe Biden and his 45-yr old "I can't make an
honest living on my own" son Hunter Biden. Spoiled to
all get out. Pampered, protected. Fuck your Kimono,
Asshole. Yeah, you DO have open that Kimono, you
fucking silver spoon prick.

12/04/2019 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sayonara, dipshit fucktard. Can't believe they're putting you in a position that you'll still be able to look over subordinates (where you'll still try to intimidate POs and subject females to your unwanted advances). This department is still lightyears away from being respectable.

12/04/2019 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the moron stating Navarro is still an inspector, he’s been retired for almost two years. Get your names and facts right.

12/04/2019 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is a fuck'n CLOWN !!!!!

12/04/2019 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FTO had a verbal agreement with the then Superintenent Eddie Johnson about Commander Escamilla.
Big transpeiry about making closed door arbitration transcripts subject to the pubic because his name is on them.
Superintendent calls FTO on his cell phone and says you will back to 25.
FTO says no shit, arbitrator made the award.
Superintendent offers promotion.
FTO denies promotion.
Superintendent further says if this goes further I will be responsible for this how can we make this work.
FTO tells him he him he could care less and Superintendent once again offers the FTO promotion again and FTO says no I want my money and only if Escamerit gets demoted.
Days pass.
Superintendent calls FTO's cell phone multiple times inviting him to breakfast, brunch and dinner.
FTO denies meeting with Johnson, but FTO requests once again Escamilla's demotion.
FTO and Superintendent do not agree.
FTO says no and conducts his own private investigation for the then Superitnedent breaking the law and his verbal agreement that leads up to his demise.

12/04/2019 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamilla never did anything bad to me. I have nothing bad to say.

12/04/2019 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need a nickname for Beck......"two buck Chuck"

12/04/2019 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now 025 gets Barz as interim commander.

Get ready for the mass transfers from 025!

12/04/2019 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Tony and his sidekick Captain D.H. can reunite and talk about how great they’re. Only in Chicago can you get demoted for (so many reasons) downing officers to babysit a special needs child, not to mention downing cars to transport said child.,then lying about it. AND then get put in a position IN CHARGE of overseeing officers are abiding by rules and regulation. Who thought this was a good Idea?

12/04/2019 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escamilla should be in jail. How much did it cost to have the CAPS office pick up his son from school everyday and baby sit Escamilla’s sone on a daily basis? Escamilla was conducting a scientific CAPS study using his own son, was his actual excuse and for some reason CPD and the Mayor are still protecting him??

He is a liar and a thief, but it’s okay, we’ll make him a captain in Inspections.

12/04/2019 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is Street Deputy Terrance Williams not fired yet? He had a Domestic in his District and they promote him to save him from himself. It was a mutiny in 002 when he was there and his whole front office left. He then divorced his PO wife and sued her for her pension. He then shacks up with the side piece Sharita Lewis who started the 002nd District mutiny and who has been involved in 4 CPD scandals and was arrested for Domestic Battery to another mental PO and now she's on to the next one. He is never at work and almost never responds when assigned. Beck check that out. Contact CPIC and look at all of the complaints about him. He was dumped before by Weis. Ask how crazy he went and the spectacle he made at headquarters. They put him 008 and he refused to do his job as a Captain and they still promote him back to Commander. He is Spar'd before he leaves for leaving his assignment continually by the 008th District Commander. Beck i can't make this stuff up.

12/04/2019 06:50:00 AM  
Anonymous No Spin Zone said...

GoogleMe: Interim Beck decided to go in a new direction with leadership in 025

Translation: The mayor is well aware of what an idiot Commander Escamilla is. Notice how you've never seen any photos of them together? She never wanted anything to do with Escamerit and realized he was poison. Now that Ed is gone, no one is protecting him anymore and he will be banished. This is precisely why the Mayor brought Beck in so he can do the dirty work. She doesn't want to be annoyed with having to answer the phone when Escamerit goes crying to the Aldercreatures that he's sucked off over the years.

12/04/2019 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep you finally pulled a guy lying to IG out of the chair......

Then you put in another rule 14 masterbater right into the same chair!

What the hell are they drinking to be this blind?

12/04/2019 07:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he can do a study on how it feels to be bitch slapped by a 5 foot lesbian.

12/04/2019 07:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 025, unlimited overtime in exchange for lots of blue cards. Blue cards are like gold! That’s what the new commander thinks.

12/04/2019 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having worked for Fat Tony in 025, I can honestly say he was the worst commander I've ever had to deal with. He revealed himself to be a mean, narcissistic bully who reveled in making life miserable for those unfortunate enough to be outranked by him. One who not only loved the power of being a commander, but one who loved using that power to make his subordinate's work lives a living hell. In short, was just a nasty person.

I had to laugh at the post that said: "025 could never get a worse stupervisor then Escamerit. LAPD Beck-Man could draw a pentagram on the floor at headquarters, conjure up a demon, and send it to the Indian Burial Ground as Commander and it would still be an improvement" This is not hyperbole, as Tony was in fact that bad!

A little side-note to all who don't know how Fat Tony's dump actually went down. It was related that Tony got the call yesterday to go see Riccio & Waller, and immediately went downtown with the belief in his mind that he was going to be promoted. He had NO CLUE that he was going to be dumped. See, Tony really believes in his mind that he's the best commander to ever hold the rank, and it would be unfathomable for the Department not to recognize that and promote him. When they broke the news to him that he was being demoted, he was absolutely shocked and stunned. He really had no clue this was coming. Once reality soaked in and he realized what just happened, he lost his shit. He literally started screaming and crying, and had to be removed from Riccio's office. I'm personally sad. Not for Tony, but that I wasn't there to see it.

In closing, I hear this isn't the end of the downward spiral for Fat Tony. They are now looking at a Rule 14 for his lying to the Inspector General during the infamous CAPS Daycare investigation. Once that's completed, word is he may be either demoted further to Lieutenant or simply terminated via the Police Board. We'll see what happens. Karma is a MF!

12/04/2019 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"that's a man, baby"

12/04/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is redundant to say at this point, but this dept truly is a fucking joke.

And we're the fucking punchline.

12/04/2019 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should’ve sent him to 004 and made him 0490 on midnights

12/04/2019 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whose brilliant idea was that? Escamerit is probably creaming in his pants at being able to screw over the department that “screwed” him. What a moronic decision and not nearly humiliating enough. Unless, they are hoping to somehow capture and kill him with that assignment.

12/04/2019 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So he received a pp slap and that's it, HEAVY JUICE!!

12/04/2019 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Tony lands on his feet again :( . Not fired, not sent to a district on the other side of the city on 1st, given a spot with a car. Must be nice to be taken care of no matter how deep you step.
12/04/2019 12:19:00 AM

We all know who is clouted and who is not and how much. The real question is. What is the cost??

#1 Bribe?

#2 Political favor?

# Gay sex?

12/04/2019 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable - an Inspector? It’s like the fox guarding the hen house! The job is so screwed up!
12/04/2019 03:00:00 AM

No, its the NORM in policing everywhere. Common sense, logic and reasoning Cannot be applied in the police world.

12/04/2019 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s repeatedly shown the propensity for stepping on his dick.
Hopefully Charlie figures this out and launches this tool further down .

12/04/2019 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Long as Clout Babies like this continue to flourish in the ranks of CPD and get treated like spoiled children when they are caught, there will never be reform in this department.

12/04/2019 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who deserves a separate article?
The big story that slipped by yesterday is that he
told the cops at HQ he would only be staying 3 months.
That's a Groot question if I ever heard of one.
Something didn't gel here and we need to know why.
If we had an honest news media, this would be a national
story. Hey, I booked for a year but I can only give you a
quarter of that, if you're lucky.
Something is WAY wrong here. Don't give me that bull
about the California sunshine. That's just bull. It's bigger
than that.

12/04/2019 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie Beck was welcomed with open arms here.
Sure, you got that cop/military hazing that Charlie knows
is perfectly normal. It's when you DON'T hear that stuff
you start to worry. So this sudden change of plans is very

12/04/2019 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Ed protected a lot of People. There's a PO assigned to a sought after spot in one who put in his retirement notice in other words he pushed the button and was set to retire until he found out he was being considered for the spot. This Officer was able to do what no other officer is being allowed to do. His paper work was rolled back. Officers complaints fell on deaf ears now he sits in that spot like he earned it

12/04/2019 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But most inspectors are Lieutenants
So this goof is getting a desk till retirement

What a hypocrisy we have here.

12/04/2019 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspections is merely purgatory for the captains nobody wants. Think of the tools who have been assigned there and you'll see what I mean. Hopefully they will keep goofy Tony handcuffed to a desk so he can't take his anger out on the troops working on the street. Maybe he can do another babysitting study? Or maybe he can audit other babysitting studies? Or how about Tony just start by looking in the mirror? There's plenty to audit there.

12/04/2019 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This fat fuck is a JOKE!!!!!

12/04/2019 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the fuck do CLOWNS like Escamilla become white shirts ??????

12/04/2019 09:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’d be nice if after Groot’s bus runs over Ed she then steers towards this jag off.
He’s as dirty and slippery as they come.

12/04/2019 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beck is making good money for a short time.I think he is as happy as a clam and checking on retirement papers daily.there are countless targets.

12/04/2019 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has Chuck Goude “The man with no jaw or brain” and the no name “I Team” have to say about all this? Allan...., Bob..... Chuck....Bob.... Allan, back to you Chuck

12/04/2019 10:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspection Div seemed like a dumping ground for the many angry washed up. For some it was a pleasant stepping stone and others, an ease into retirement spot from IAD. I can think of maybe 5-6 inspectors I’ve met over the years that we’re actually human.

A bitter Escarmerit can make many yearning for the no mercy wrath of Big Bird circa 2003-5.

Sending such a ill moral, high-risk, questionable Commander/Lt toThe Inspection Div wasn’t too sharp a move even if he’s just there to hand out radios and keys. To think there’s still another merit hack taking orders from their city hall sponsor to make executive decisions to continue to protect the politically connected.
Wonder if the one who moved him over to 126 is on that Year End retirement list?

GrootLoafer might not be woke enough yet to realize all the city hall influence that moves the CPD multi-merit step program.

To the warriors that brought this corrupt idiot down...thanks for a job well done.

12/04/2019 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That fto is a loser and a huge creep from what I’m told.

12/04/2019 01:25:00 AM

From what you were told? Why don't you go look him in the eye and tell him what you were told?
You won't do that because your comment is that of a pussy.

12/04/2019 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How bout Navarro being a inspector still. Triple merit hack after his demotion from ocd. That guy is another cancer to the department.

12/04/2019 12:11:00 AM

You mean sanchez?

12/04/2019 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie Beck just lost all credibility, assigning a thief ,uninventoried guns in a locker ? Why or plant on suspects .
Breaking all rules , using on duty to pick up kids , babysitters on CPD time .
He gets punished with a take home car and now will write up police officers ?
Wow , new boss same as old boss
Clout rules on CPD , fire the merit political hack esca Merit

12/04/2019 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori , Charlie
Look into that case
IG wanted him fired , no pension
Official misconduct , ordering officers to babysit his kids
Guns taken off street in his locker
Come on , you are already a puppet for escamerits political sponsors
Look in his IAD folder

12/04/2019 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So one day on the job and Beck has already shown he’s no different than the rest.
EscaScumBag at the least should have been demoted to lieutenant, and shipped to 005.
At the most he should gave pulled a Cozzi and re-adjudicated the Pilot Program incident.

Different day, same story.

12/04/2019 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony must have dirt on Daley or Emanuel.

12/04/2019 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Soft landing.

12/04/2019 10:57:00 AM  
Blogger Baby"G" said...

Long overdue, but read between the lines. Excrement was Burke's guy, he made that clear from his days as a Sgt. at MAIU. So, was this a slap at Burke sponsored bosses?
Remember, back in the day, if you threatened to move one of Burke's "people", you would get a phone call from the Dean of the City Council himself to change your mind. Now, poor Tony has nobody to make a call for him, because his "Whack" is busy trying to stay out of jail. Oh, well; I have a feeling we will see more of Burke's "People" going down soon, unless they retire first. Stay Safe, my blue shirt brothers and sisters! Baby "G"

12/04/2019 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DD/191 for commander of 025

12/04/2019 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Go pound sand shitbag.

12/04/2019 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Beck doesn’t know how bad it is for the beat cops, to make this guy an inspector. But if he does then it’s a big “FUCK YOU” to them. Escamerit will probably be angry and vindictive. Beck could have put him anywhere else.

12/04/2019 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well apparently Charlie hasn’t heard about M.B the new acting commander of 25. I hear a whistle blower will be out this month regarding MB and also a Rule 14 on MB. Stay tuned

12/04/2019 12:53:00 AM

Anonymous said...
I did hear from a certain pissed off Sgt. That the rumors about M.B. Are true and if so he will never be commander of 25

12/04/2019 01:09:00 AM

Is that Barz?
That Captain is acting commander?
The guy under investigation for a rule 14 violation?
The same Captain that falsely detained, arrested and threatened two police officers while he was an IAD sergeant? The two officers that squeezed 2 million bucks and a sergeants promotion out of the city? (I hear a netflix series is in the works about that incident).
Barz-that guy that leaked information and a photo of the Finnegan/McDermott/011th district reindeer arrest picture to the media? The same guy being investigated for overtime theft and fraud while assigned to the IAD medical integrity unit?
The same Mike Barz that's being looked at for tampering with physical evidence regarding a high profile IAD /criminal matter?THAT Barz?
Sounds like Escamilla 2.0.

12/04/2019 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having this guy in inspection is like having a crackhead in charge of a methdone clinic.

12/04/2019 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Barz is every bit as dirty,inept and corrupt as everyone in the know says he is. The rule 14 investigation and his other matters will probably be squashed and swept under the rug because he has dirt on a lot of bosses, and he's plugged in with a lot of politicians.
Oh and he's been feeding media dirt under the table for years, so they won't touch him.

12/04/2019 12:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This CLOWN should be fired !!!!

12/04/2019 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Iron Joe Curtin said...

Ho! Ho! Ho! What a boner you pulled Big Tony! Even I never got demoted. You are supposed to get yourself put in charge of the inspectors like I did when I got sent packing from 025. Not become one of them!
That way you can use them as your hitmen for revenge. We all know you are too big of a milksop to go into 025 or 016 to get revenge against the miscreants that ruined your career. Don't worry, I got a seat for you at my table later down the road in the afterlife. We can play gin rummy together and eat goulash for eternity!

Ho!Ho! Ho! 30 days!!!

12/04/2019 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That fto is a loser and a huge creep from what I’m told.

12/04/2019 01:25:00 AM

Sir or madam, I will have you know that that FTO has served two tours in Iraq and has knocked out firemen at Battle of the Badges boxing. The type of tough guy that Escamerit only wishes he could be. I know sweaty Tony wishes he could have all that money that the city is going to have to pay the officer!

12/04/2019 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tony, half of the department knows about the 6 year old temper tantrum you threw in the 1st Deputy's office. And now everyone who reads the blog knows. You are such a dick.

12/04/2019 01:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any plans on a transfer/demotion party for the former Commander ?? If so will he be the quest of honor ????

12/04/2019 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Street Deputy Terry Williams should have been dumped years ago. Domestic in 002 and SPAR'd for leaving his post continually when he was in 008. He slept with half if the 002nd District. Superintendent McCarthy knew and moved him by promoting him to calm the tornado. Eddie Johnson was the Deputy Chief in Patrol then. Throw all of them away.

Deputy Chief Bill Bradley had a Domestic scandal when he worked for Fred Waller in Area South. Bradley's wife Cathy came to the Area and caused a scene with his then side chick now current girlfriend Michelle. Fred Waller still let them both work in his office even though his wife complained. They also had an incident at their house with the police. He was a Sergeant then. Fred had him promoted all the way to Deputy Chief in no time. Great Command staff Lori.

12/04/2019 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fire this turd who rode the tail of dirty and corrupt "Culbidah," made the city settle over 100k for harrassment, stole man hrs and gas fron the city, banged the euro caps chick with a bad tan who loves doing 3hr eronds to costco. created the worse district of what today is 025.

12/04/2019 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you have your beat tag when he comes a visiting. It's one of his pet peeves, lmao, you know important shit!!!

12/04/2019 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Email is your friend"

If you ever are the lowly P.O. that would get caught in a shit-storm like this start sending emails from you Chicago Police account.

As soon as you can, send emails to the I.G., COPA, IAD .. hell the FBI if you have to.

Throw all the bastard exempts who were on the scene who collected the body cameras and did NOTHING to have Johnson take a breath alcohol exam UNDER THE FUCKIN' BUS.

12/04/2019 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 025 district Tony story is far from over. I could definitely see some nice lawsuits coming from coppers and sergeants who were supervised by Bridgeport Tony. Sexual harrassment comes to mind. Also, if I'm correct, using individuals as research subjects without their expressed consent violates federal law. By his own admission, Tony was using everyone in 025 as part of a research project. That one might be a slam dunk.

12/04/2019 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now 025 gets Barz as interim commander.

Get ready for the mass transfers from 025!

Dude, we just finished 4 years with Fat Tony Escamerit... Barz is a breath of fresh air as far as I’m concerned.

12/04/2019 04:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if one of EJ’s secretaries and the new girl at city hall will lose their spots?? They are treated like royalty and have done nothing. Much like the Kardashian family.

12/04/2019 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So one day on the job and Beck has already shown he’s no different than the rest.
EscaScumBag at the least should have been demoted to lieutenant, and shipped to 005.
At the most he should gave pulled a Cozzi and re-adjudicated the Pilot Program incident.

Different day, same story.

12/04/2019 10:38:00 AM

Captain is his civil service rank. That is as low as he can go.

12/04/2019 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is Excrement’s rank Captain? There hasn’t been a civil service Captain in about 20 years.
However, it’s funny as hell that he now out ranks Fathead Ed.

12/04/2019 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
But most inspectors are Lieutenants
So this goof is getting a desk till retirement

What a hypocrisy we have here.

12/04/2019 09:19:00 AM
WRONG. Since 2012 the captains contract said that field inspectors had to be captains. They got that out of the city to ensure numbers in their rank. There was on one inspector who was a lieutenant but he was doing audits. He retired a couple of months ago and there are now no lieutenants in inspections.

12/04/2019 06:04:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Barz is the best thing to happen to 025. Where do I get a Par Form? Any day spots?

12/04/2019 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same Barz with an open CR# for his multiple mishandlings of cases in IAD. Not to mention active lawsuits and suspicious promotions? I thought things were going to be on the up and up? Same as usual!

12/04/2019 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Use caution 025th District Indian Burial Ground Warriors.Acting District Commander BARZ is by far the most corrupt and dirtiest Caucasian Man left on this Department.His transgressions and IAD associates are on a higher level then Fat Tony,s Mickey Mouse exploits.Your interesting times and stories will continue during his tenure.Do your research brothers and sisters.

12/04/2019 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a legendary Ham up in New England who
drove a Crown Vic and actually had a spare in his back
yard for parts. He used to bitch on the air about going
to buy new oil & air filters and complaining they were
marked "Made in Mexico."
Yeah, you can still drive a Clown Vic but it's getting
harder everyday.

12/04/2019 07:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That fto is a loser and a huge creep from what I’m told.

12/04/2019 01:25:00 AM

Sir or madam, I will have you know that that FTO has served two tours in Iraq and has knocked out firemen at Battle of the Badges boxing. The type of tough guy that Escamerit only wishes he could be. I know sweaty Tony wishes he could have all that money that the city is going to have to pay the officer!

12/04/2019 01:37:00 PM

And what the fuck does anything you just posted have to do with the FTO being a creep? Fucking goof

12/04/2019 07:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people will bust their asses trying to score well on a Lt’s Exam. I’m supposed to dry me eyes on the count of this mad man making the money he’ll make on demotion. He’ll be a dick if he’s nice fresh attacking a midnight Watch that’s beat to death.
The CPD Inspector is placed in a shooting fish in a barrel situation, but, as you know, the Fish are hardworking Police.
Dropping him to the Inspector’s gig when History screams “Learn From Me” is just another disaster.
Bad News

12/04/2019 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are merely filling in one outhouse hole and starting another

12/04/2019 07:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barz, the one that left IAD with a room full of bungled SOS cases. The same guy that falsified interviews and ignored witnesses that gave credible info? WOW!
What a lying stroke.

12/04/2019 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So will the CAPS office be allowed to remove the romper room section?

12/04/2019 08:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
But most inspectors are Lieutenants
So this goof is getting a desk till retirement

What a hypocrisy we have here.

12/04/2019 09:19:00 AM

Do you even work for CPD?

12/04/2019 08:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why assign a captain merit escamerit tony to inspection division
Years ago Inspectors were all lieutenants
Fire the bum like the IG recommended
Special Ed saved him
Charlie don’t embarrass CPD by putting a crook in charge of inspecting hard working police officers

12/04/2019 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspectors is the rank you go to die. It’s a slap in his face knowing his career is over. Nobody wants you and your stuck there. Basically says retire or waste away here.

12/04/2019 10:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Street Deputy Terry Williams should have been dumped years ago. Domestic in 002 and SPAR'd for leaving his post continually when he was in 008. He slept with half if the 002nd District. Superintendent McCarthy knew and moved him by promoting him to calm the tornado. Eddie Johnson was the Deputy Chief in Patrol then. Throw all of them away.

Deputy Chief Bill Bradley had a Domestic scandal when he worked for Fred Waller in Area South. Bradley's wife Cathy came to the Area and caused a scene with his then side chick now current girlfriend Michelle. Fred Waller still let them both work in his office even though his wife complained. They also had an incident at their house with the police. He was a Sergeant then. Fred had him promoted all the way to Deputy Chief in no time. Great Command staff Lori.

12/04/2019 03:23:00 PM

This is juicy but let me add:
Terry Williams and his wife had a clash in 002 and he ran clean out the station like a bitch
His GF not was cornered by his wife and in her face. He is not a good example because he is hot and cold
Crazy MF

Michelle wants so bad to be Bills wife but she need to know bill is a 2 time loser. WTH does a woman want with a man that’s been married 2 times already. He’s a cornball and need to follow Fred out the door like he been doing . Take her useless over promoted ass too

12/04/2019 10:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly what does a merit , cannot pass a test , Captain Inspector do for 8 hours
Never see one on a in progress call , do they hide inside , looking over paper work
Do they ever write up Commanders that have on duty police officers Baby sitting
Banging females in office
Getting a bj in a city car

12/04/2019 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My only question is, when is Wodnicki going to receive HIS comeuppance???

12/04/2019 11:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Use caution 025th District Indian Burial Ground Warriors.Acting District Commander BARZ is by far the most corrupt and dirtiest Caucasian Man left on this Department.His transgressions and IAD associates are on a higher level then Fat Tony,s Mickey Mouse exploits.Your interesting times and stories will continue during his tenure.Do your research brothers and sisters.

12/04/2019 06:46:00 PM

Yeah, I know enough about him. He's more of a snake politician then a dumb bully like Escamerit. Tony's biggest weakness was he couldn't recognize an enemy's strengths. He just thought everyone was weak and he was powerful because he was a Commander. He learned the hard way how wrong he was. Trust me, I'll be cordial with Barz but won't be telling him any dark secrets of mine just because he seems 'cool.' Barz, if you read this, don't bother me, and I won't bother you. Be smart and follow this policy. Otherwise you could end up like poor Anthony.

12/04/2019 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was the xo in 014 for a few months before commander of 025. In those few months he put dietara in check for third watch. On the other side he promised the late cars on third watch to check into manpower issues but he never got back to them because he was subservient to buslik.

12/05/2019 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
How is Excrement’s rank Captain? There hasn’t been a civil service Captain in about 20 years.
However, it’s funny as hell that he now out ranks Fathead Ed.

12/04/2019 05:48:00 PM

In the funny and strange way the CPD operates, the captain rank is appointed and is exempt. But, it is also protected by a union contract which makes demotion a very hard thing to do. I suppose the city, if they wanted, could make a case on Escamerit and demote him to lieutenant, but I also suspect that he will retire shortly. If they try to demote him again, then the just cause doctrine comes into play.

12/05/2019 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ta-ta for now my dear boy....
12/04/2019 04:31:00 AM

Your're an amatuer or just a talker. Real revenge seekers don't say a dam thing , they just do it. And talkers just talk.(All talk no action). (Put your money where your mouth is) etc.

Little hint, from Army command,- If the soldiers are grumbling, don't worry about it, soldiers always grumble. It is when they stop grumbling, when you should get worried.

12/05/2019 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, All please remember when Barz was a sergeant in internal affairs he was chosen to handle the lieutenant cheating scandal case against Chief E.W. et al. Barz did as expected and closed the case as Unfounded. Remarkably, he was meritoriously promoted in the next lieutenants class. TRUE STORY.

12/05/2019 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Inspectors is the rank you go to die. It’s a slap in his face knowing his career is over. Nobody wants you and your stuck there. Basically says retire or waste away here.

12/04/2019 10:15:00 PM

Waste away? Still a captain getting captains pay A city makes own hours. Wish wasted away like that

12/05/2019 12:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspectors are/is a rank for individuals that are not fit to command !!!!!!!!!!

12/05/2019 02:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

SCC, All please remember when Barz was a sergeant in internal affairs he was chosen to handle the lieutenant cheating scandal case against Chief E.W. et al. Barz did as expected and closed the case as Unfounded. Remarkably, he was meritoriously promoted in the next lieutenants class. TRUE STORY.

12/05/2019 12:17:00 PM

You have the wrong MB. Matt Brown had that investigation. He's since retired.

12/05/2019 05:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the funny and strange way the CPD operates, the captain rank is appointed and is exempt.

Not quite. They are career service versus civil service for all ranks below that. Captains are not exempt. Career service slots in between the two. Check the orders, explains it all.

12/05/2019 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

onymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ta-ta for now my dear boy....
12/04/2019 04:31:00 AM

Your're an amatuer or just a talker. Real revenge seekers don't say a dam thing , they just do it. And talkers just talk.(All talk no action). (Put your money where your mouth is) etc.

Little hint, from Army command,- If the soldiers are grumbling, don't worry about it, soldiers always grumble. It is when they stop grumbling, when you should get worried.

12/05/2019 09:02:00 AM

And you don't know much about antagonizing an enemy that reads the blog my foolish friend. And remember, just because you were in the military, it doesn't mean you are smart. It just means that they taught you how to think. Napoleon was ovverrated comrad.

12/05/2019 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only real victory will be when he is promoted to customer.

12/05/2019 08:00:00 PM  

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