Monday, December 30, 2019


This idea has been gaining traction in the "progressive" areas of the nation:
  • The latest call to action from some criminal-justice activists: “Abolish the police.” From the streets of Chicago to the city council of Seattle, and in the pages of academic journals ranging from the Cardozo Law Review to the Harvard Law Review and of mainstream publications from the Boston Review to Rolling Stone, advocates and activists are building a case not just to reform policing—viewed as an oppressive, violent, and racist institution—but to do away with it altogether.

    When I first heard this slogan, I assumed that it was a figure of speech, used to legitimize more expansive criminal-justice reform. But after reading the academic and activist literature, I realized that “abolish the police” is a concrete policy goal. The abolitionists want to dismantle municipal police departments and see “police officers disappearing from the streets.”
An interesting read to see what the other side is planning. But if hiring difficulties keep cropping up, they won't even have to worry about abolition - big city policing will die out on its own.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone who can legally own a firearm do so right away. The criminal element already has armed themselves. Let the criminals fear the victim. Criminals don’t fear the police anymore.

12/30/2019 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Policing is already dead. Require a masters degree, 800 credit score, drug test, prior military service, and physical fitness ex. 290 or above on old apft. Candidates would all be 28 year old superhumans. There would be a pool of 250 in America every year.

12/30/2019 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the plan is to render ineffective and replace large police departments with a federal force, just as well funded and manned as the military.
Don't worry, they will be called something other than Gestapo.
Enjoy your future.

12/30/2019 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I worked CPD from 2007 to 2014. Today I work as a Cisco Systems Admin. I make more than I would if I was still an cop. But the journey was HELL. Learning about binary, hex, computer logic, discrete math, java coding, computer organization, and networking. My God that was some difficult stuff. But just talking with some cops on the street, fuck the mess you guys are in. On the other hand, a few months ago I interviewed for good and was offered a job in California making 130. Told them, that pay for California was laughable

12/30/2019 12:37:00 AM  
Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Direct your ire at ofc_aggz for starters, you liberal cocksuckers. He’s provided enough fodder to last a while.

And ask him what’s up with the wearing of lipstick.

12/30/2019 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pull the police out of Englewood for one day and see what happens. Give them a taste of what these idiots want. Liberals are the stupidest group to walk on this planet.

12/30/2019 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Give these lunatics NOTHING to hurt you with...

Do NOTHING for them...

Let their democrat controlled urban center slave plantation
foot soldiers bka "The Free Shit Army" or better still,
"Dude Inc." have complete mastery of/on/in their white-guilt
addled SJW asses with total freedom from Police interference/

"Ban The Police"
George Soros' fingerprints
are all over this corrosive
and subversive shit...


America's democrat-controlled urban centers will devolve
into collections of hyper-violent/society-hating/death-loving
petty fiefdoms that will make -00 (aught-aught) era
Johannesburg look like a 3rd grade play.

Sure... Do it... Double-Dog dare you to.

But remember... Before you silly liberals
have a chance to live out your cherished
fantasy, The Police will always:

Point & Laugh.

12/30/2019 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.

Abolish the enforcement of laws?

Why, that would mean that, in the absence of enforcement, all laws become impotent!!

Pay your property taxes or ylu will be evicted from your property? By whom? A crack team of politicians?

Retailers don't collect sales taxes? Whom will come to shut down your business? A crack team of politicians?

Your neighbor dumps a corpse into your yard, you object, you kill your neighbor and return the corpse to your neighblrs yard and who is there to ask you what the fuck do you think you're doing??? A crack team of politicians?

I so scared now.....

12/30/2019 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But if hiring difficulties keep cropping up

Drop the college requirement and there will be no shortage of applicants!

12/30/2019 01:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a commy idea.

12/30/2019 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago student activists in/around Madison, Wisconsin were demanding that police be abolished. All this does is pave the way for a police state, a national police force, with the military as backup. Suffice it to say arm your family members and cross train them in the use of those weapons.

12/30/2019 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police actually protect criminals. Will abolishing the police mean that private security and mercenaries can handle criminality without the constraints of law? No, abolishing the police only makes sense when considering it will be replaced with something else. A Gestapo like entity willing to enforce brutal political policy and wealth redistribution at gunpoint. I wonder what demographic has been artificially made to feel victimized and filled with such hatred they'd be willing to obey such an order?

12/30/2019 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hadn't realized that this potential policy had been voiced yet but I have been wondering when it would happen. Seems inevitable in these days of screwier and screwier leftist policies that this idea would be broached. Would be one hell of a societal experiment. I would be interested in how it works out but only with my packing absolutely everywhere I go. How long until reason returns and people want to crack the whip on useless lawbreakers making too many people miserable? Depends on how long the leftists maintain control over the real news and can keep their altered reality as the right way. I'm no longer certain as to just how smart or dumb this nation is.
Ret'd 12 years now

12/30/2019 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police are a fairly recent thing. We got along quite well without police until the late 19th century.

But prior to that there were still entities who enforced the law.

Get rid of police and you will just have to find some other way to enforce the law.

Part of the problem with policing has been the proliferation of laws to control the populace as opposed to protecting them instead of getting rid of police try getting rid of most laws that are counterproductive at best.

Start with the most obvious ones like prohibitions on substance use, gambling, prostitution and other activities that while arguably harmful result in more harm from trying to ban them then the underlying activities.

12/30/2019 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abolish the police, abolish the courts, abolish the jails.

Establish Committees of Vigilance. It would simplify the sentencing system. You basically have only a few choices for punishment:
Fine them,
Beat them,
Exile them,
Execute them.

Why do I think the term three time loser would soon include the word deceased?

12/30/2019 02:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And so why not abolish politicians? The internet is here. No need for paid off legislative crooks. Let the people decide [eh? democraps].
Once a year we all put up propositions that the artificial intelligence screeners will put to an internet popular vote.

Democracy died because the the amount of influence money per legislator blasted thru reasonable compensation; State, Local, National. I recall the constitution required 1 representative per 20,000 population. Haven't seen the constitutional amendment that altered that. Harder to bribe 900 representatives than 300.[the progressive argument for popular senatorial elections, by the way.]

Think about perhaps its time for the 'people' to really get involved in their government. Perhaps an internet App can allow us to direct our destiny without the corrupt political intermediary?

Just a thought. Think about it or something better.

12/30/2019 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They already have reached the goal of eliminating the police. Is there anybody on the job today who was the real police (a term we don't bother using anymore) that was hired prior to 2005,who can call this policing? We have ALL been stripped of most our police powers. We have lost the effective mission at a time when it is needed more than ever.

12/30/2019 03:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/30/2019 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better yet, the anti police activists should encourage all others that are anti police including businesses to stop calling for police help. I would love to see a snowflake cashier trying to handle a robbery without calling for help from 911. Don't believe they are necessary? STOP CALLING FOR THEM!!!

12/30/2019 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And boy are we surrounded by these left wing socialist/communist/progressive Democrats in Chicago, Cook County & Illinois. Their no bonds, making crimes-no crimes, peace circle jerk off restorative justice is just the start of the movement. They control the government here with the one party system. You have no say in your “representative” government. They will force upon you what they want not what the people want. They have been doing it for years and are getting away with it. The next step is disarming the citizens so there will be no means for an uprising and next doing away with conventional law enforcement. They believe that if everything is given to the people it will turn into a utopia and the police oppressors will not be needed. It’s all coming faster than people think. Think back 10, 20, 30 years ago would you at that time have thought that some of this craziness would come to fruition?

12/30/2019 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Enforcement of law is pretty much non existent in Chicago now.Yes theres a cleanup crew after crimes are committed but very little to nothing to prevent the crime from happening and no punishment for it when it does.A gang of piece of shit savages can beat someone and steal their property with cameras everywhere putting the Victim in Hospital without even a description of the scumbags given to the Public.A person going to work or taking their child to school turns on red and all hell breaks out.Lights,sirens ticket book,Fine.It makes no sense to keep animals locked in cages in the Zoo when savage criminals and lawlessness are ruling the streets being encouraged by the government.

12/30/2019 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/30/2019 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
But if hiring difficulties keep cropping up

Drop the college requirement and there will be no shortage of applicants!

12/30/2019 01:02:00 AM

Yeah keep dropping requirements and see what kinda employee you will get— already the police gig has turn from career to a job in between jobs. Don’t you think that every requirement you drop you give up something. Insurance for retirees has already been given up. What else do you guys want to give up— didn’t at one point the city give recruits money for uniforms and some jags signed off to remove that with a contract

12/30/2019 05:33:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Looney Tunes Time.

Elmer stutters:

That's all folks.......

12/30/2019 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police are a fairly recent thing. We got along quite well without police until the late 19th century.

But prior to that there were still entities who enforced the law. 

Get rid of police and you will just have to find some other way to enforce the law.

Part of the problem with policing has been the proliferation of laws to control the populace as opposed to protecting them instead of getting rid of police try getting rid of most laws that are counterproductive at best.

Start with the most obvious ones like prohibitions on substance use, gambling, prostitution and other activities that while arguably harmful result in more harm from trying to ban them then the underlying activities.

12/30/2019 01:50:00 AM

This is the dumbest shit I've seen on here in years. Literally none of the problems with our society are due to prohibitions on any of that shit. The police overall have minimal involvement in enforcing any of those things. Give us just one of your ideas for how to have a law-abiding citizenry without the police. I'll try to stop myself from laughing uncontrollably until your idiotic idea is posted.

12/30/2019 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seattle would be a great test city, its one of the nicer cities with a good tax base. Excellent coffee and a ton of hipsters. The weather could be a problem but they'll figure it out. I would even pay an extra stipend on my taxes for 1 way plane tickets for anyone who would want to go.

12/30/2019 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And so why not abolish politicians? The internet is here. No need for paid off legislative crooks. Let the people decide [eh? democraps].
Once a year we all put up propositions that the artificial intelligence screeners will put to an internet popular vote.

Democracy died because the the amount of influence money per legislator blasted thru reasonable compensation; State, Local, National. I recall the constitution required 1 representative per 20,000 population. Haven't seen the constitutional amendment that altered that. Harder to bribe 900 representatives than 300.[the progressive argument for popular senatorial elections, by the way.]

Think about perhaps its time for the 'people' to really get involved in their government. Perhaps an internet App can allow us to direct our destiny without the corrupt political intermediary?

Just a thought. Think about it or something better.

RESPONSE: H Ross Perot brought forth that idea and the Demo-gangsters "Jesse-James'ed" him by going after his daughter and his running mate (a vet who had his ear drums punctured with a pencil while a POW). He threatened their BS gangster kingdom

12/30/2019 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The radical liberal does not even believe in the existence of evil, conservatives definitely do. How can one objectively state evil does not exist? They can't, they are lying. Untruthfulness, I have ALWAYS said, is at the heart of the progressive movement. They are liars, that's what it boils down to. I can see reducing the role of police, that's fair enough - you think search warrants for cannabis are too risky, fine, prohibit them. You don't want lack of seatbelts to be a reason for a traffic stop? Fine, prohibit that. But to say we want a Hobbesian 'state of nature' in a metropolis of 3 Million is beyond naive. When policing began in England the police were only allowed to 'prevent disorder' (start the Daley jokes now) and the populace was scared to death to allow the police to investigate. Now, of course, they can investigate. It is as if a complete 180 was done, as now the people are more comfortable with the 'investigate' part and not the prevention of the disorder.

12/30/2019 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Abolish the police, abolish the courts, abolish the jails.

Establish Committees of Vigilance. It would simplify the sentencing system. You basically have only a few choices for punishment:
Fine them,
Beat them,
Exile them,
Execute them.


That's pretty much correct. Some form of control will have to fill the vacuum. That's what these absolutely retarded liberals are missing. There will be punishment, the only change that will take place is that the accused will no longer have due process/ a jury of their peers to determine guilt. These radicals are brain dead. The police are just the first part of a pretty good system. No police = no lawyers = no constitutional protections = no court protections = no reals of evidence, etc. The police are not the entire system.

12/30/2019 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

big city policing is dying out as an active occupation. Officers are really prohibited from taking aggressive actions and reduced to report takers ( if they are smart that is).Lets see: no street stops, no vehicle pursuits, no pointing a gun ant anyone, can't shoot first, beg people not to attack them, must endure minor assaults like water tossed on them or spit on or having loud speakers in their face and repeated insults and threats and not the least, the democrats turned the police departments into their own private patronage army. Nice job this has turned out to be

12/30/2019 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start with the most obvious ones like prohibitions on substance use, gambling, prostitution and other activities that while arguably harmful result in more harm from trying to ban them then the underlying activities.

12/30/2019 01:50:00 AM

You sir, are ignorant of history and its effects on society. You seem to have no real idea of the hellholes the cities were prior to the rollout police. There are no " victimless crimes", but arrest and incarceration is not the answer, but placing them in certain areas can be. One of the problems is the police have been used by the political class as fund raisers.

12/30/2019 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool then the military can police the streets and shot to kill.

12/30/2019 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's already happening. The police - even right here in Chicago - are being forced more into the roles of social workers and tax collectors (enforcing revenue laws and writing tickets), and being punished when they do traditional police work.

The problem with the communities that want to eliminate police is that the ensuing problems that invariably result are blamed on perceived and invented historical complaints that are masked demands for subsidies, since those communities are unable to stand on their own.

If you told people they could have police-free cities but that no dollars from the rest of the taxpaying public would be used to prop them up, you might be surprised at the number of civilized, tax-paying citizens would cheer the idea.

12/30/2019 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The second post in a row that's an advertisers to people who make rifles and hand guns. Democrats are nuts if they think people won't want to arm themselves after implementing policy like this. I can tell you which neighborhood I'd live in and I'd carry in case there was some "carry over" from the police free zones.

12/30/2019 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Revolution is closer than you think.

12/30/2019 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since it seems as though we have neutered our police by all these new “refusal to prosecute crime” activist politicians
and states attorneys, no jailing violent offenders by letting them walk out on signature bonds, and bands of rolling, menacing
thieves brazenly stealing all they can carry out of high-end stores, not to mention the illegal consent degree forced on the CPD
by Madigan and Rahm......
Problem is, though, Chicago residents have NO IDEA how widespread crime is in this city. The liberal Democratic owned
MSM (newspapers, internet sites, television stations, etc) are all of one mind in denying truth being told......
What will it take to wake the citizenry up???

12/30/2019 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/30/2019 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lock and load!

12/30/2019 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As others suggested, anyone who wants to live that way, show the rest of the world how that works. Conduct a social experiment. I say pull out of 007, 011, 015, etc. See how that ends up in a year. Hey, why have a police force for any inner city college? - you know the places where all the teachers espouse left wing politics/policies. Do us all a favor & show us that the police are really the cause of all your problems.

12/30/2019 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do they expect will confiscate all of those guns when the government declares firearm ownership illegal?

12/30/2019 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a book about when the Boston Police went on strike. Calvin Coolidge started the MA State Police. There was chaos and crime everywhere

12/30/2019 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The abolish the police sentiment probably goes hand in hand with abolishing police pensions. Sure, gun owners could be the new police, but victim's will go after your assets and there won't be a gov't to back you up. Your house will be on the line at every robbery. At that point even if gunowner's insurance isn't mandated it would be the smart thing to do.

12/30/2019 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the long range goals of the Obama regime was the complete destruction of local police departments and replacing them with a national police force. Civil rights activists have long branded the locals as racist, corrupt, brutal fascists. America is well on its way to seeing their plan being realized behind the legacy of Holder, Lynch, Soros Et al. Carrie Austin has been pushing this on a local level for years with her Special Police Force, owned by her and Chester, which she forced on us in 022 and 005,

12/30/2019 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are the ideas our society deals with from the cloistered, upper middle-class SJWs, and academics trying to make names for themselves. They also come from the predator nation looking for a pass on all of the misery and profit they can gain by such policies.

12/30/2019 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pull the police out of Englewood for one day and see what happens. Give them a taste of what these idiots want. Liberals are the stupidest group to walk on this planet.

Well said, this is probably the reason that we can’t strike just because south side and west side can operate without police, they can’t even manage to deal with their 13 year old children .

12/30/2019 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember what "Sparklefarts" said just after his first election as president: "We will have a federal civilian police force that will be larger than our military". It's coming!

12/30/2019 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m in.

12/30/2019 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first heard this slogan, I assumed that it was a figure of speech, used to legitimize more expansive criminal-justice reform. But after reading the academic and activist literature, I realized that “abolish the police” is a concrete policy goal. The abolitionists want to dismantle municipal police departments and see “police officers disappearing from the streets.”

Badges? We don't need no stinking badges...

12/30/2019 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/30/2019 03:39:00 AM

Maybe you all should read Conspirators Hierarchy by John Coleman......Everything is becoming true in that book....Over 10yrs ago me and a friend was discussing how the UN is training for URBAN patrols but now its kinda believable..maybe not the UN but a New law enforcement force...maybe not now but in 50yrs..they have to dismantle whats in place now.....Laugh if you want!

12/30/2019 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there will be no police we will have vigilantes. There is no society without crime and since the beginning of humanity there was always someone to watch over weak. These fuc... libtards have no clue.

12/30/2019 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“Police are a fairly recent thing. We got along quite well without police until the late 19th century.”

Hahahahaha, how do you know? Go get some Starbucks with five expresso shots cause you need to wake up.

12/30/2019 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unit of Robocops running and gunning across the city!! Dead or alive you're coming with me!!

12/30/2019 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long before tech takes over the role of the LEO?

Drones, retinal recognition, AI and robotics, in addition to video and audio monitoring and surveillance, all forms of tracking, predictive technologies all in place now. Chicago is the most wired city in the U.S. and the national model of Big Brother.

Technology doesn't need recruiting, training, promotions, beefs, pensions, healthcare, politics, lawsuits or political clout. It will work 24/7. It's just a matter of time and Chicago will be at the forefront.

Robots don't work well now but with the data from body cams, cell phones, analytics, predictive algorithms, and spot on identifying software they are learning.

Terrifying, actually.

12/30/2019 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You only need one law
Hammurabi’s Law!

12/30/2019 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’d say make “ the communities” a 6 month pilot program.
Start around April n go until Oct......... they get no CPD resources in those 6 months cause police have been “abolished”.
See how that works out for them

12/30/2019 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think the plan is to render ineffective and replace large police departments with a federal force, just as well funded and manned as the military.
Don't worry, they will be called something other than Gestapo.
Enjoy your future.

12/30/2019 12:36:00 AM
I'm afraid you're correct! Anyone remember when jagoff Barack brought that very thing up??? Clean and lubricate your weapons, have adequate ammo, medical supplies and canned goods... Don't forget the water!!!

12/30/2019 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vigilantes might be way more eff ective than police. Public lynchings could clean up the community real quick.

12/30/2019 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First your guns and takers, then your jobs. Mark my words theyARE COMING for you. If Democrat elected to replace Trump will happen in first term or early second.

12/30/2019 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just the leftie-loons recycling what the Libertarians have been preaching for years - If all laws and police ceases to exist, there will be 'spontaneous order'.

Unfortunately, all it takes is one wackaloon to prove their theory wrong...and the first liberal you meet fills the bill.

12/30/2019 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the cops is a great idea. HEYJACKASS.COM would blow up their calculators keeping track of the ghetto violence. It would be like a self cleaning oven getting rid of the grease. Police only areas where the real taxpayers live

12/30/2019 04:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
First your guns and takers, then your jobs. Mark my words theyARE COMING for you. If Democrat elected to replace Trump will happen in first term or early second.
12/30/2019 03:16:00 PM

There is already a defacto gun ban in Illinois still waiting for my FOID card 3 months now can't buy any guns or ammo! Every time I call the State Police number just goes to voicemail never return my calls. Called State Rep and State Senator to complain they don't care.

12/30/2019 05:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's called "Police Reform..."

None of what The Left is trying to
accomplish should be surprising.

The Blog-Meister and the stalwart cast of characters
who populate this blog have been screaming for the
"Silent Majority" to awaken from their slumber and
start doing something.


The "Silent Majority" stood by and allowed THEIR
Police to be driven to "holding church under a
bushel basket."

12/30/2019 05:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
But if hiring difficulties keep cropping up

Drop the college requirement and there will be no shortage of applicants!

12/30/2019 01:02:00 AM

Yeah keep dropping requirements and see what kinda employee you will get— already the police gig has turn from career to a job in between jobs. Don’t you think that every requirement you drop you give up something. Insurance for retirees has already been given up. What else do you guys want to give up— didn’t at one point the city give recruits money for uniforms and some jags signed off to remove that with a contract
12/30/2019 05:33:00 AM

We are not getting street smart Officers college types are not getting the job done never been in fights before no contact sports some are leading themselves to slaughter.

12/30/2019 05:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Policing is already dead. Require a masters degree, 800 credit score, drug test, prior military service, and physical fitness ex. 290 or above on old apft. Candidates would all be 28 year old superhumans. There would be a pool of 250 in America every year." All those 'superhumans' would quit after a year of working with Kim Fox as states attorney and one law suit in this city...this job sucks.

12/30/2019 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here’s another seriously item, I live by the dispensary that’s what is a medical dispensary Midway Dispensery and Archer Avenue now they are going to recreational so myself and a couple people went over to talk to them and we find out that is the residents that live here had no say in what they’re doing now with all the break-ins were having now it’s only gonna get worse and the funny thing is the people that run is Dispensery not really funny they don’t shit where they live no they don’t they all live in the suburbs. They say the mayor that there for social equity well I am a Hispanic minority yet all the people that own a dispensary they’re all white suburban nights. Some of the neighbors and I are banding together we are going to put their feet to the fire let them know this is not acceptable we don’t want the potheads all over our neighborhood we don’t want all of our parking space is taken up by these drug addicts.

Just watching something on channel 2 news now they’re talking about from the doctors perspective how powerful that the shit is that these people are going to be putting into their bodies and how many more people are going to be rushed to the hospitals but then they have one of the growers another rich dude from the suburbs obviously who says nothing to worry about yeah OK just keep fucking up the city right thank you Mayor for allowing this you’re just a typical Democrat destroy destroy destroy anything that is lawful get rid of it right. Why do you think it was medical marijuana because it’s medicine it’s not the same as alcohol as some people say it is very powerful very strong what are your child your children start eating the shit the candies,

Watch the movie reefer madness kind of a crazy movie and maybe we can keep playing that song everyone must be stoned, from giving our kids Ridellan and other things to calm them down go to the doctor they fill the prescriptions, friend of mine is a pharmacist he told me that the beginning of the school year they’re filling hundreds of prescriptions for this and now we can just dump them up with marijuana now I know why the snowflakes are out of control and have no clue what’s going on it’s all the prescription meds now they’ll all be taken his marijuana shit it’s medication what part of that do people not understand?

12/30/2019 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you all should read Conspirators Hierarchy by John Coleman......Everything is becoming true in that book....Over 10yrs ago me and a friend was discussing how the UN is training for URBAN patrols but now its kinda believable..maybe not the UN but a New law enforcement force...maybe not now but in 50yrs..they have to dismantle whats in place now.....Laugh if you want!

12/30/2019 11:58:00 AM

Whoever wrote this has never had the opportunity and privilege to serve alongside out UN brethren. Those turd world assholes couldn't hold a porta potty let alone an urban environment. The UN is the least of our worries

12/30/2019 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1145 y9u called it]

12/30/2019 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I say let's do it. Let's begin in Chicago where the police are the least appreciated, the south and west sides. But in order to properly protect them from the evil police, we should build a wall around both communities. And no law enforcement is allowed in. This is a great idea, let's do this right away.

12/30/2019 07:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While there at it, ban the teachers, solves the property tax issue almost completely.

12/30/2019 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escape from NY is not far away as it might seem. Wall off Englewood, Austin and a few others and sit back and watch. Calling Snake, we need you.

12/30/2019 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the LIBS know everything. Instead of running rampant through the mag mile, run through the Slum Times, The Slibune. After that, go to the Archdiocese, and have 3000 illegals camp out in the the Archbishops Residence. I hear weekly at Mass how I'm a racist as I am not welcoming to illegals. (There's a big wall at the Vatican.) They talk more on "climate change" vs the Gospel! In the bulletin they have talked of police brutality. (I hope every officer/family never used envelopes again. I stopped.)

After that, go where the LIBS live. They oppose this, that and everything else from their gated communities. They ("the educated") know what is best for the commoners, peons! They all fill up the papers & TV channels and say "thank God I can go home."

If you get rid of the police (and I heard this argument in the 1960's after the riots) you have the Wild West!
Then, lets get rid of taxes, steal our food, take the gasoline, kill, rape and you have chaos.
These people are clueless, but, they have wrecked marriage/killed the family, taken God out of our society, dumbed down future generations, feminized men (Gillette) and so on, so forth.

The police/law will still be here/needed, but even when I will watch an old Western, there were SOB judges, the law was hated (only by the lawless,) and there were rotten politicians. Kinda like today. Some things never change.


12/30/2019 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no clue what’s going on it’s all the prescription meds now they’ll all be taken his marijuana shit it’s medication what part of that do people not understand?

12/30/2019 06:13:00 PM


At 12:01 a.m. 01/01/20, every TV station will show assholes lighting up in Chicago.

12/30/2019 10:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anther shooting on Irving Park today. Male black in his 20's shot the store clerk. Commander Bigane is sure doing a bang up job in 16,I can see she has Superintendent qualifications.

12/31/2019 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this idea. I am gonna buy a horse, a hat, wear my H&K collection and play sheriff. West Wild it is.
I am gonna be more efficient than Dart, that's for sure

12/31/2019 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/30/2019 09:16:00 PM

not sure what church you attend, but I am a regular at Sunday mass and I have never heard a priest mention police brutality or call anyone a racist for not welcoming illegals in this country or community. I do hear about helping the homeless and hungry and I do volunteer at food banks and shelters. So, I suspect that you are not a regular at mass and probably never have been. You just need an excuse to do what you always have done.

12/31/2019 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is already a defacto gun ban in Illinois still waiting for my FOID card 3 months now can't buy any guns or ammo! Every time I call the State Police number just goes to voicemail never return my calls. Called State Rep and State Senator to complain they don't care.

12/30/2019 05:28:00 PM

You are not alone in this. I have heard people waiting six months. No democratic elected official will help you. They want to make the card renewable every 5 years and fingerprints and a $100 fee.

12/31/2019 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame the Dum-mo-crats for these progressive policy initiatives! Vote Republican Straight ticket!

12/31/2019 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the long range goals of the Obama regime was the complete destruction of local police departments and replacing them with a national police force.


Hey, I'm no fan of Obama but just stop with this stupid bullshit no one believes you.

12/31/2019 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Personally I worked CPD from 2007 to 2014. Today I work as a Cisco Systems Admin. I make more than I would if I was still an cop. But the journey was HELL. Learning about binary, hex, computer logic, discrete math, java coding, computer organization, and networking. My God that was some difficult stuff. But just talking with some cops on the street, fuck the mess you guys are in. On the other hand, a few months ago I interviewed for good and was offered a job in California making 130. Told them, that pay for California was laughable

12/30/2019 12:37:00 AM

should've stayed here, that's what I make

12/31/2019 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster at 6:13pm, keep voting democrat. The legalized pot game is only intended to help the permanent victim class stay stoned and continue to vote Democrat. And already Lori, Pritzker, ahole Toi Hutchinson have botched the launch so badly that legitimate medical marijuana users are rationed so the people and folks can get their pot. This will only end with the end of democrats rule permanently. We have legal pot but no casino and no sports betting. why?

12/31/2019 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
big city policing is dying out as an active occupation. Officers are really prohibited from taking aggressive actions and reduced to report takers ( if they are smart that is).Lets see: no street stops, no vehicle pursuits, no pointing a gun ant anyone, can't shoot first, beg people not to attack them, must endure minor assaults like water tossed on them or spit on or having loud speakers in their face and repeated insults and threats and not the least, the democrats turned the police departments into their own private patronage army. Nice job this has turned out to be

12/30/2019 07:42:00 AM

The good citizens are truly sorry for all the crap you have to deal with in trying to keep order. Happy New Year CPD and Stay Safe. Thank you.

12/31/2019 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not getting street smart Officers college types are not getting the job done never been in fights before no contact sports some are leading themselves to slaughter.
12/30/2019 05:38:00 PM

Recruits at the Academy are afraid to take showers together how are they going to fight criminals were in trouble!

12/31/2019 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD officers should all get sick for a week and give them a taste of what they want.

12/31/2019 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Blame the Dum-mo-crats for these progressive policy initiatives! Vote Republican Straight ticket!
12/31/2019 08:23:00 AM

Vote for most centrist Democrat in the primary and then vote Republican straight ticket in the general election.

12/31/2019 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Policing is already dead. Require a masters degree, 800 credit score, drug test, prior military service, and physical fitness ex. 290 or above on old apft. Candidates would all be 28 year old superhumans. There would be a pool of 250 in America every year." All those 'superhumans' would quit after a year of working with Kim Fox as states attorney and one law suit in this city...this job sucks.

12/30/2019 05:47:00 PM

38 when I entered the academy and had all of those qualifications. Retired, 20 and out, over a decade ago now. Life was good then and is better now. Oh, pack every penny you can, and more in your 457, then you can do the same.

HEY! I must be a superhuman!

P.S. Stay fetal and safe tonight.

12/31/2019 06:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Video: Suspect sucker punches NY cop on camera. Is immediately released by judge

12/31/2019 07:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kill the murderers, rapists and drug dealers, which can be accomplished by the public, law enforcement and military.

1/01/2020 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And when Anarchy happens as it surely will, these same sheep will scream, cry, beg, demand, and expect protection from the sameb body they want to eradicate, they should be left to their own devices. Like Orwell said a long time ago, "people sleep safe in their warm beds at nightbecause rough men stand at the ready to do violence on their behalf". Let them stand for themselves...they don't want us.

1/02/2020 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...I'm no fan of Obama..."

He did say he wanted a national police force, as well armed as our military. It is on YouTube.

1/06/2020 06:44:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

"...Recruits at the Academy are afraid to take showers together..."

I can help with that issue. I will handle the male recruits and help them get over that phobia. Someone else can help with the icky girls.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

1/06/2020 06:49:00 AM  

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