Monday, March 16, 2020

Fire Refused

Remind us again, who has all the fancy HazMat equipment? Biosuits, respirators, oxygen tanks, decontamination training, etc (click for larger version):

We understand if it's some sort of active shooter type scenario that the CPD is equipped to handle. But we are far far from able to handle a medical-biological event that obviously is going to end in an ambulance transport by CFD.

The current situation is being handled badly enough by governor fat-ass and the politicians. Send the appropriate first responder to the appropriate emergency.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mobbed up we would say.
Bio-Bullshit-Suits and not a man to spare.

3/16/2020 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's not a police job

3/16/2020 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever sat in on the decision to not have fire be the first responder to assess the circumstances of the call first hand and instead send in cops first had their heads up their collective asses. And then codify it in a Department Directive is the ultimate insult to the Department members.

3/16/2020 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

008 car got a job “HAZMAT” on the tracks between 008 and 007 tanker leaking. Responding officers said “We will be two blocks upwind, notify Fire.” Zone bangs sergeant. Sergeant says “Make it four blocks upwind, notify Fire.”

3/16/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s why I always refer to them as “2nd responders”

3/16/2020 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont worry...JB closed all the bars and restaurants effectively putting a lot of people out of a job which of course will trickle to suppliers etc etc. But no worries to that either. They can apply for unemployment which they will not get. So now they want old people to use Grub Hub or something when they dont own a smart phone which will force them to try and grocery shop which will once again be a total clusterfuck with more and more panic setting in. Today it seemed to be a bit more normal at the stores.My wifes nephew is in the Guard and they may get called up. Is Martial Law around the corner or are they getting ready to help out a diminished police force. Tinfoil hat time.

3/16/2020 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Fire has air and opportunity to refuse and
the default response is "Make those Cops go?"

The Police essentially have nothing but dust masks
and rubber gloves as PPE?

Fuck OEMC right in their ass with this crazy shit.

Every oxygen thieving supervisory and executive ass
down at that pile o' fucking bricks ought to be fired
and made to pay bay every nickel of their undeserved
salary over this unnecessary endangerment of Police Officers.

Protect yourselves from THEM.

THEY mean YOU and YOUR FAMILIES nothing
but hurt and harm solely because you're
Police Officers.

You KNEW this shit was going to happen
when Shortshanks gave OEMC over to Trotter,
the alderfools and the make-believe glass block
cross clergy as their own personal employment center.

When actual Policemen were dispatching,
no way in hell something like this would've
been allowed to happen.

But since there are so many political constituencies
openly at war with The Police, Policing and anything
remotely resembling Public Order, Public Peace and
Public Safety, nonsense like this is becoming more
and more common and prevalent.

3/16/2020 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the CFD guys and gals, especially paramedics, they saved my life. But some of this stuff seems silly. “Person down. Not breathing, bleeding from the head, CFD not responding at this time” uhhh come again? What in the fuck would you like me to do in this situation? If there’s any doubt about what a call is or the appropriate response, just send a beat cars in as a canary and they’ll let us know what we got.

3/16/2020 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the new name. Governor fat-ass it is [by SCC decree!]

With Governor fat-ass's new rule closing eat in restaurants, and Cardinal Cupcake suspending all crowds in church, I have a question. Since there are no more weddings allowed, are folks going to have to go to the Clark gas stations to get their 72 hour drive through weekend wedding ceremony specials every few days? This has got to get resolved in the next few weeks, she's beginning to show and there ain't no bastards allowed in the 'hood. Whats a Mutha to do?


3/16/2020 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why they call us Blue Canaries

3/16/2020 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fellow blue shirts,

I’m an honest PO and I’m going to start telling the truth about SWAT especially because of the Coronavirus threat we are facing as a dept.
I’ve been here for two years and I thought this was going to be the best part of CPD. Well the truth is, a district is better organized and led. I can honestly say that SWAT is more fucked up than the rest of CPD. Many of these officers do NOT belong here. They made it through the testing process on scholarships and phone calls. That is evident on the few training days that we do get. Honestly my partner and I on tact were ten times better cops than most here.

The leaders, I can’t even use that word with a straight face. The Sgts are totally useless. Check the GPS on the take home cars, they been scamming but the blue shirts are the problem? The LT is a two time merit hack and #2 is a serious OT abuser. He should be investigated and brought up on criminal charges.

Don’t look towards SWAT for any help when it comes to this virus. We are straight up useless. No SCBA. Old ass PPE equipment. No WMD training. No guidance at all. Isn’t this the truth Tommy and Johnny? But both you SWAT wannabes made over 250k with OT.

Remember this people.....CARTER, LAMB, and HROMA are to blame for how SWAT will not be able to respond.

3/16/2020 03:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s a dupe to fire. 19p

3/16/2020 03:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the person with the medical emergency has to call back and follow procedures she doesn't know in order to get an ambulance? And she was on the phone already but had to call back without the 3rd party on the line? Makes absolutely no sense. Typical Chicago shit.

3/16/2020 05:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So fire is going to respond to in progress calls for us... I’ll take that trade and my 3 weeks off

3/16/2020 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers, just show up on scene and tell CFD to respond....nothing more, nothing less...Fuck them, CFD WILL DO THEIR JOBS!!! Im tired of being told fire not responding...we are strapped as well and it makes me laugh when medical calls come out and say CFD asks for assist...IN WHAT??? loading the patient on the stretcher?? Fuck, we do everyone's jobs and should start getting paid for it. More and more calls of people sick are coming out and ill be damned if im going inside any place where fire is more equipped to deal with it.

3/16/2020 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was a time that fire would refuse and cpd would get the call to make a determination if fire was needed.

3/16/2020 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who wound up Responding?

3/16/2020 05:21:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

If they answered all those calls, it would interrupt their precious firehouse pinch and tickle time.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

3/16/2020 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm hard call... understand othe distraction of all the symptoms but don't lose sight it's a third-party caller for someone capable of calling themselves. I don't see a problem with this on behalf of 911 or 311 call taker

3/16/2020 06:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Officers, just show up on scene and tell CFD to respond....nothing more, nothing less...Fuck them, CFD WILL DO THEIR JOBS!!! Im tired of being told fire not responding...we are strapped as well and it makes me laugh when medical calls come out and say CFD asks for assist...IN WHAT??? loading the patient on the stretcher?? Fuck, we do everyone's jobs and should start getting paid for it. More and more calls of people sick are coming out and ill be damned if im going inside any place where fire is more equipped to deal with it.

3/16/2020 05:19:00 AM

Really? Are you new to this blog? Are you on meds? Every day this blog exposes how f’ed up CPD is. Do you really believe other city agencies are doing better?

3/16/2020 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NONE of that sounds criminal.
Request fire on scene. Don't go inside unless fire requests you.

3/16/2020 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot will announce today that anyone experiencing Covid type symptoms must call their local ward office first and the ward office will determine if emergency services are warranted based on the callers voting/contribution record of the last 10 years!

3/16/2020 06:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dispatch:"80 year old man fell and hit his head...fires not rolling".

Age, possible injury fire should roll. Plus, there's NO CRIME!
why are they tying up the shortstaffed, underpaid( no contract for 3 years), overwhelmed(numbers, numbers, lawsuit, accountability, be proactive but then we'll sue)police who are already tasked with being crisis-intervention specialist, crime fighters, crimestoppers, athletes (foot chase) NASCAR drivers (car chase), dirty Harry (why didn't they just shoot him in the hand) medical professionals (narcan,tourniquets), baby sitter(13 year old carjacked someone and momma went pick him up from the JISC), family therapist (domestic mediator),taxi cab(showing me assisting the citizen to the redline), punching bag(no weekends off in the summer, no holidays with family, cancel all your plans you belong to the city).Community kumbaya instructor ( interaction, be one with the community...raise the community's kids) There's more, but the city still thinks it ok to hand more work to the police that is not crime related. Then while I'm assisting the man down from a fall, an ambulance will still be required. So, multiple police entities because fire doesn't want to their job.

Meanwhile, backlogs: robberies, CSAs, person calling for help, car accidents, theft just occurred, shots fired. Take a stand. Sergeants should be rerouting those jobs

3/16/2020 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope none of you all responded either

3/16/2020 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:28:00 008 HAZMAT I'd like to buy that sgt a beer, great response, got some old school running through his/her veins. Best laugh I've had for days.

Love both the police and the fire. To each and everyone of you, my thanks. I am very dismayed at the lack of respect shown to our 1st responders from all directions.

My thanks to our military.

Thanks to our MD's and nurses. And let us not take for granted all those working in hospitals that get paid jackshit to keep the machines and lungs working. Lets all take a step back & wonder how we would get by without those tasked with the cleaning who get paid less than jackshit?

Build a house from the top down and it will fall.

3/16/2020 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for the “heros” to earn that pay check! We’re happy to secure the scene from outside the residence. We’re not trading to render aid unless your shot or stabbed and even then most of us don’t have the dept issued kits. So gear up CFD and good luck.

3/16/2020 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does that directive not exist?

3/16/2020 07:43:00 AM  
Blogger ga6 said...

Scratch a liberal and you find a totalitarian...

3/16/2020 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let the Wilding commence !!!

3/16/2020 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t look towards SWAT for any help when it comes to this virus. We are straight up useless. No SCBA. Old ass PPE equipment. No WMD training. No guidance at all. Isn’t this the truth Tommy and Johnny? But both you SWAT wannabes made over 250k with OT.

True. The SWAT SCBA tanks haven't been pressure tested in years. They can't even be filled by CFD because they are different types/makes from what CFD uses. The entire WMD response program is a Sgt and 1 PO; everyone else has little or no training. Buckle up buttercups; Armageddon is around the corner.

3/16/2020 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it’s the same fireside dispatcher in the story on the news where an out of town hotel guest was having a stroke and the fire dispatcher tells him to do himself a favor and hang up, than call back when you find out the address of the Thompson hotel! Some of those dispatchers think they are gods, just because they are someone’s sister-in-law’s cousin and can’t be touched. If they have a bad day you are fucked.
What until that lawsuit is settled $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

3/16/2020 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s some no-go policy CFD has and that for the most part get away with.
So what’s next, notify CFD again and standby until caller arrives and another a CFD on-scene transport refusal ?
No wagon should be used as a makeshift pulmotor either.

The hospitals basically have thrown in the towel too.
They don’t want anyone to show up at the E/R sloppy sick because they’ve run out of isolation rooms.
Someone is going to have to do a transport...but who and to where? (Hint: It’s going to be a CookCo No-Bid private company like the body snatchers deal.)

I think about all these Doctors Without Borders going abroad and then here in the USA they’re telling the sickly to stay home for an over-the-phone diagnosis. Apparently, the tests they’re giving are for common flu viruses and just eliminate the known ones, basically if it’s not the any of the known strains of influenza - it might/must be Covid 19. Wonder what the likelihood of false negatives.

Everyone is going to pass the buck and avoid the sickly.
Only the Police will be responsible and accountable and the lawyers are ready for LightLoafer’s uncontested settlements.

Nasty Democrat politics.
They started this panic and seem to be relishing it.

HOPE EVERYONE GETS OUT AND EARLY VOTES TODAY or show up for Primary Election Day tomorrow.

3/16/2020 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be clear...CFD didn't refuse but the call taker at OEMC (who is not a CFD employee) refused. CFD doesn't get involved in the process until they are dispatched by OEMC.

3/16/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Officers, just show up on scene and tell CFD to respond....nothing more, nothing less...Fuck them, CFD WILL DO THEIR JOBS!!! Im tired of being told fire not responding...we are strapped as well and it makes me laugh when medical calls come out and say CFD asks for assist...IN WHAT??? loading the patient on the stretcher?? Fuck, we do everyone's jobs and should start getting paid for it. More and more calls of people sick are coming out and ill be damned if im going inside any place where fire is more equipped to deal with it.

3/16/2020 05:19:00 AM

You sir are a complete asshole! I will always backup and assist CFD. They always help us whenever we need help. They handle the sick but do not handle resisters or those who fight the paramedics. I assume you hide every day on the street. Our job is to protect especially our brothers and sisters at CFD.

3/16/2020 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“House fire at 36th and seeley. Multiple calls coming in, now saying a second house has caught fire. Sounds real bad, people screaming in the back round. Anyone CIT trained? Fire not responding”

3/16/2020 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why fire refers to us as blue canaries.

3/16/2020 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are the only workers that are left holding the bag, or in this case the virus! We are disposable. We are replaceable.

3/16/2020 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the swat p.o. at 0323. Appreciate that input. I was just wondering about the responsibilities you guys were tasked with at this time and what they wanted out of you guys. Good to know this department is a complete joke and all about putting undeserving people in these positions. I applied to swat a couple years back. They kicked me out on my first day saying my pushups and sit-ups weren’t good enough. Meanwhile I was an am still in great shape workout everyday and pass the shoot in high 90’s everytime I shoot. But because goof ball 5’5 tall in the tight green shirt and perfectly curved baseball cap says my pushups and sit-ups didn’t count to his ‘standards’ I’m still pushing a beat car on the west side. Appreciate you guys in swat that truly look at it as helping out the blue shirts who are first to these calls that’s why I wanted to get in in the first place. Too bad I’m not part of a frat or have that phone call. Be safe everyone this department does not care about you and during this pandemic they are truly proving that!

3/16/2020 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That’s why I always refer to them as “2nd responders”

Well that is priceless! Thanks for introducing this term to me. I'll be using it from now on.

And I mirror everyone's frustration with CFDs ability to refuse and put obvious medical calls on us. Never understood how they could officially refuse. Maybe we could try that with CPD...
"Units in XXX and citywide, we're getting a call of man with a gun"

" Yah, squad, can you have the caller snap a picture of the gun and text it to OEMC please...until then, beat XXXX will not be responding"

I'd love to be able to cherry pick our calls! 75% of them (at least in 011) should never have even been accepted or dispatched.
Your "11 year old refusing to go to school" should NEVER even make it past the first call taker! The community needs to be taught what they should and should not call 911 for. I guess when you create all your own problems and expect someone else to fix all of them, you can't be reasoned with.

3/16/2020 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drive by and request fire, but then again can't blame them for being scared of this virus!!

3/16/2020 01:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've got the lat/long. Let's just head over there.

3/16/2020 04:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/16/2020 06:06:00 AM

We aren’t medically certified in anything...there is a problem, fire refused a medical job.

3/16/2020 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dont worry...JB closed all the bars and restaurants effectively putting a lot of people out of a job which of course will trickle to suppliers etc etc. But no worries to that either. They can apply for unemployment which they will not get. So now they want old people to use Grub Hub or something when they dont own a smart phone which will force them to try and grocery shop which will once again be a total clusterfuck with more and more panic setting in. Today it seemed to be a bit more normal at the stores.My wifes nephew is in the Guard and they may get called up. Is Martial Law around the corner or are they getting ready to help out a diminished police force. Tinfoil hat time.

3/16/2020 1 2:36:00 AM
Tax cheat IL Gov Prickzker playing the democrat playbook, don't let a crisis to waste fat face IL gov ,will demand all guns be turned in
Notice Fat Ass Gov didn't cancel tues primary ,,he is putting millions voters at risk on Tuesday

3/16/2020 04:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) Headline:
NYC is considering everything, including curfew

Hmm a curfew? Corona is a "novel virus" which means no cure,and a curfew is "novel," if we did this here we would not just slow down or stop the virus, nope we could also slow stop and stop the bloodshed! We need the national guard called in,and lock this shit down! Watch since crook county courts are closed,the crime would drop without the savages free to roam and attack innocent people/folks!

Lori what say you??

3/16/2020 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hmm hard call... understand othe distraction of all the symptoms but don't lose sight it's a third-party caller for someone capable of calling themselves. I don't see a problem with this on behalf of 911 or 311 call taker

3/16/2020 06:06:00 AM

Absolutely. Everybody hang up. The person needing CFD calls 911. Correct address, caller info, and any other relevant info on that location appears on the screen. CFD goes. This sounds like the third party wants CFD but the person they're calling on doesn't. Maybe they should drop in and check on their sister in person.

3/16/2020 04:34:00 PM  
Blogger Seal Of Lion said...

The was a story in the NY Post about how the non-EMS NYFD will not respond to medical calls now. The paramedic/ambulance get the job with no backup. They don't sit in the firehouse waiting for a call, they are in the rig sitting at a curb. No breaks either.

3/16/2020 04:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We’re there when you need us. 🤔

3/16/2020 04:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn’t SWAT have a WMD component like CFD’s Hazz Unit? Isn’t SWAT responsible for all persons who are quarantined? Now your telling

us that you don’t have those capabilities? What the fuck do you ass clowns do everyday? Look cool on Rush street or sleep at Cubs


3/16/2020 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is business at the open air ghetto drug markets doing.

3/16/2020 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Gov. Fat Ass closed all the Hyatt Hotels in Illinois yet? Hmmmm.

3/16/2020 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! We just got a similar call today in 012, “assist EMS” in a call about a woman with fever, coughing, and having a hard time breathing in the 1000 block of west Huron. Luckily the sergeant monitoring the radio told the officers to stop, and then instructed them not to go inside the building and to have Fire handle it. Kudos to the sergeant for being on top of it and not letting the officers get exposed. This is absurd how the department and the city will risk officers” lives. How about they send out instructions about precautionary measures and give officers something more than just gloves and (1) PPE for two officers. Officers get exposed and then they bring that back to the districts, and then eventually their homes. Don’t risk yourselves, especially for unnecessary BS.

3/16/2020 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Has Gov. Fat Ass closed all the Hyatt Hotels in Illinois yet? Hmmmm.

3/16/2020 09:14:00 PM
That and the weed places open, get your recreational weed at dispensary, share the virus and stay at the Hyatt now that’s change we can believe in. He won’t close either he’s getting paid!

3/16/2020 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to be able to cherry pick our calls! 75% of them (at least in 011) should never have even been accepted or dispatched.
Your "11 year old refusing to go to school" should NEVER even make it past the first call taker! The community needs to be taught what they should and should not call 911 for. I guess when you create all your own problems and expect someone else to fix all of them, you can't be reasoned with.
3/16/2020 11:50:00 AM

Not long ago we had real bosses that could monitor the radio calls for jobs and routine district work and would tell dispatch to refuse those calls we weren't going not police matter! too bad can't do it nowadays

3/16/2020 11:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably a bullshit call. They screen a lot like that.

3/17/2020 12:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Scratch a liberal..."

No thanks. I'm straight.

3/17/2020 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s why I always refer to them as “2nd responders”

hahaha... I love it, though I also love the huge firetruck on my scene blocking traffic, I'm torn!

3/17/2020 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s why I always refer to them as “2nd responders”

hahaha... I love it, though I also love the huge firetruck on my scene blocking traffic, I'm torn!

I remember years ago they called me to a scene, women overheated at some block party / summerfest something or other. They have two trucks, traffic blocked, tell me to get my squad car out of the way. Yep. My car, not your trucks ,blocking traffic. Meantime they do not even get this poor woman ice or water.

3/17/2020 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guiding rule in any EMS situation is 'BSI scene safe'. The scene must not be something that responding personnel will endanger themselves beyond the PPE available. So if CFD won't respond, then anyone else doing so is perhaps foolish, but certainly violating proper procedure. This kind of thing is just like running into a burning building without air or fireproof clothing; a toxic environment must be respected. Rushing into a quarantine situation without NBC gear is never acceptable, especially with a transmittable contagion. Again, if the 'experts' don't bite, then don't be a hero. The odds are things won't work out well.

3/18/2020 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adding an EMS component to the academy would seem a needed investment. It would help personnel in their decisions as to what might be beyond their ability to remain safe to not only themselves, but those that work with them. Triage is an important aspect of primary care; we need to stop and realize the risks involved with going beyond the call of duty. Being a hero is well and good, but in today's environment expecting the Police to deal with sick and/or contaminated individuals without additional training, equipment and most importantly backing is naive at best and more often highly irresponsible.

3/18/2020 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sir are a complete asshole! I will always backup and assist CFD. They always help us whenever we need help. They handle the sick but do not handle resisters or those who fight the paramedics. I assume you hide every day on the street. Our job is to protect especially our brothers and sisters at CFD.

I think the poster was concerned about exposure to Covid 19, not saying they would not back up CFD. Let's not can each other names. I cack up CFD and do my best tk get along, which is not always easy, some of these guys and gals are salty, and I am sure I am occasionally salty too. But, they are more trained than we are to handle this. At least I hope so.

3/18/2020 10:33:00 PM  

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