Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Paul Vallas Asks Questions

From a Paul Vallas social media post:

    Complaints from the family of a 911 operator who died of complications from the Coronavirus that he and his co-workers weren’t provided adequate protective gear, among the continuing stream of concerns expressed on social media about lack of city preparedness and support for its “First Responders”, may be legitimate. This raises a number of direct questions the city needs to answer.

    1.) Police Officers are saying that they are not getting “replacements” for their used PPE Kits. Each Kit has one mask and one pair of gloves, neither of which are reusable.

    2.) Are Police and other city employees still being required to swipe in and out despite the fact that it is the complete opposite of social distancing and exposes Officers to devices that could have been touched by someone with the virus?

    3.) Are First Responders waiting as long as a week for their coronavirus test result and if so are they still requiring them to be on duty while they await the results?

    4.) Is or is there not a 14 day quarantine directive for First Responders who have been in contact with an infected colleague or citizen?

    5.) Why are cleaning services only cleaning work stations of an effective member and not the common areas, swiping machines and door handlers? In the Area 1 Detective Division, were a detective tested positive, there was no cleanup of common space, door handles, etc. A sign was simply posted at the Detectives work space telling people not to use it.

    6.) Are there 8,000 face shields donated by Ford Motor Company and Troy Design and Manufacturing, consignments of hand sanitizers donated by Malort and 125 infrared thermometers for testing for the virus that have not been distributed and if so why?

    It also needs to be stated publicly and unequivocally by the city of Chicago that active duty “First Responders” who die from Coronavirus will be classified as a “Death in the Line of Duty” with the Officers family receiving full death benefits. Prior to the Officers death there were rumors that the City was not going to go that route. In a city that annually pays many tens of millions in settle EMT’s and millions more to,private law firms to negotiate the settlements it would be the height of disrespect to discern were active duty first responders contracted the virus.
This might be the hard liquor talking, but he seems like he'd give us a fair shake.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he can run next time and jerry joyce can split the vote again so lori wins.

4/14/2020 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’d have to hope he thinks about another run, and you’d have to hope loser Fioretti doesn’t run, along with the other assortment of idiots that watered down the ballot last time.

4/14/2020 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't swiped in or out since January.

4/14/2020 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was just handed a small envelope sized packet. It was a new mask. It was marked stating it's an N95 mask. Made in China. I tried looking up www.garrygalaxy.com as stated on the package. Only to find it was a link to a distribution company for said masks and not a manufacturer. These are nowhere near being an actual N95 mask and barely meet the lower KN95 status. But!, they are masks and were provided by the Department.
In other words... Don't completely rely on these cheap knockoffs.

4/14/2020 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voted for Vallas. Would have been a hell of a mayor. Really unfortunate times we live in

4/14/2020 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did an exposure report and was subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19. They put me on Medical and not IOD. Is this wrong? Anyone?

4/14/2020 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vallas got the short end of the stick in Il.

4/14/2020 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me what the City is going to do when any active city employee brings home the virus and the family has a death from the virus?

The Pandora’s box has been wide open for weeks so let the checks be written as they should!

4/14/2020 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long retired, but I'd like to offer some advice. Bought a box of N95 masks a couple of months ago at Menards for some home clean-up projects. Have since re-purposed them for the pandemic. I've found a way to extend the life of the masks to four or five days. Put the mask in the microwave, open/face side UP, valve/outer side (with metal nose clip) DOWN on the turntable, for 30 seconds on high (my oven is 1000 watts). Unless you are a heavy smoker or eat a lot of garlic, this should freshen the mask up for re-use. I got four or five days out of a couple of them, enough to shop for groceries, cleaning supplies, etc. Good luck.

4/14/2020 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the ppe kits for LAPD

4/14/2020 02:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for him. Imagine, someone such as this, a person who was running for office, asking the RIGHT QUESTIONS. Meanwhile, the clown show we have is warming up for act three. Groot brought in the big guns from Dallas for act 3......Taserface.

4/14/2020 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame Blagojevich memorized the names and order of Presidents and won the governorship with folksy TV commercials. If Vallas hadn't lost by a couple thousand votes Illinois would be in a much better place. The same can be said for Chicago if "spoilers" hadn't entered the mayoral race. I know, coulda, woulda, shoulda, but things would have been much better with Vallas at the helmet of this and state.city

4/14/2020 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do sent someone from theach MSM ask the Little Bug Eyed Twit those questions at her next presser. Would be fun to watch her squirm and stammer and attack the questioner

4/14/2020 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, it sounds like another Vallas mayoral run ramping up.

4/14/2020 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry Joyce loves CPD and CFD. He shouldn't be blamed for Vallas' and Daley's losses. 😁

4/14/2020 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. A bit off topic, but I was just wondering about the multi million dollar hospital set up in McCormick Place. How many patients are being treated at the facility?

4/14/2020 05:37:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

No one will ask Mayor BugEyes those questions. None of our lapdog media want her disapproval to a question, i.e. Haircut.

4/14/2020 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Christ, Vallas?, I went to hear him speak a few times, he'd let you have his wife for a couple hours if he thought he could get you to vote for him. The reality? Chicago lost its tax base about 25 years ago after Dan Rostenkowski got caught trading in his postage stamps while chairman of the House Ways & Means committee. He got convicted and all the federal money he sent back to Chicago dried up. End of story. Nothing but pretenders and give-aways to socialists ever since.

4/14/2020 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the city is considering Covid related deaths as line of duty deaths, why is the medical section not doing the same? They are classifying theses incidents as sickness instead of iod.

4/14/2020 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Vallas always was a supporter of law enforcement. I believe he has a son or a brother that is an officer somewhere but not in Chicago. Would have been a very successful mayor but Richie Daley torpedoed his career in Chicago.

4/14/2020 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You live in a failed city, run by corrupt and incompetent politicians. This isn't news to anyone reading this blog.

I'm sure they told you at the academy, "You are responsible for your safety".

Same goes with the 'rona.

No disposable PPE? Make your own. cloth masks and rubber work gloves. Put a rag saturated in Denatured Alcohol (paint department) in a Tupperware - now you have a re-usable sanitizing wipe to carry in your car and clean your car & rubber gloves with.

If the house mouse won't wipe down the station, do it yourself. 1/2 cup Clorox to the gallon of water will kill anything (but it's bad for the uniform) stick with denature alcohol for keyboards, door knobs and handles.

If the corrupt bastards hoarded bullets and didn't give you any, you wouldn't walk the streets with empty guns...

4/14/2020 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Vallas finally realizes he is a DINO his world will change.

4/14/2020 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Vallas
Knew he was the best choice

4/14/2020 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish paul was our mayor

4/14/2020 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vallas for Mayor

4/14/2020 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another little handy trick......coffee filters are another way to help re-use your mask, or
to put inside a double-cloth face mask for family. The coffee filter has greater ability to “filter”
any germs that may get through the cloth......fold in half and stick in between layers of cloth
where your nose and mouth will be. In the N95’s, stick one or two in there as best you can
( you can cut to size if too big).....I held mine in with two paper clips at the end (near my ears).
God speed, guys and gals.

4/14/2020 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the piss bums and homeless still camping out in the lobby??

I haven't seen anything in the local news.

4/14/2020 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are these district commanders still letting the homeless sleep in the stations at night? This retired guy would like to know. I will never forget the homeless sleeping each night in 006 and 002. The stink, the snoring and the pissing up the washrooms. Nothing like stepping over piss bums each night ( and I don't mean the desk crew in 002).

4/14/2020 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The logic of democrat demented domains:

1. No one with any sense whatsoever would seek elected public office within what is effectively a bastion of stupid.

2. Thus, anyone seeking elected public office within said bastions is presumed an idiot.

3. So, idiots are the standard within said bastion.





4/14/2020 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
Vallas got the short end of the stick in Il.

4/14/2020 12:55:00 AM

He should have been elected governor of Illinois, but Madigan was against it and spent a lot of money in the southern counties to defeat him. We got Blago instead.

4/14/2020 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did an exposure report and was subsequently diagnosed with Covid-19. They put me on Medical and not IOD. Is this wrong? Anyone?


4/14/2020 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not a single case of Preparedness whatsoever can be cited, it’s all been reactive and slow at that.
Safety first alway goes to Sanctuary inhabitant.

Police stations are still open, wide open to the public, including those needing a spot to sleep 24/7.
People don’t need to come to a police station. It’s why there’s a $5 surcharge on cellphones. It’s why there’s free WiFi.

For example...
People don’t go to unemployment offices to file reports. They don’t go to the gas company to report a strong odor. They don’t go to city hall to report a pothole, a cracked sidewalk or dead skunk. They certainly don't go to the fire station to report their garage was damaged by fire.
Now JB is eager closing Polling Places...because 1 judge got sick and died, possibly not confirmed, infecting maybe 100 more ....ALMOST A MONTH AGO.

Larri doesn’t think, she reacts, even if it’s a day or week later it’s still without thought. Don’t forget she had protestors arrested for staging by her office door. CitynHall is closed to the public even though many public services are conducted there.
It’s time to limit open access to police stations and it’s not just for passing viruses.

Paul Vallas is not a politician, though spent many decades working in the public sector as an accomplished reformer and has the credentials to prove his worth. His policies and strategies saved money, cut waste and improved conditions on many levels. He never was just a guy that new a guy who of a big donor.
When Paul Vallas started rocking the boat he was vilified by ShortShanks Inc.

The biggest regret for Illinois was not electing Quinn-Vallas in 2014, biggest mistake for Chicago was not electing Vallas for mayor.
It’s too bad many never bothered to give Vallas a look over, instead opting for career political hacks.

That said, Larri & JB must be now satisfied shutting down local business for health sakes, with not needing ventilators, hotel beds, hospital rooms, PPE’s, both are now going all out for mail-in only voting.

4/14/2020 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the FOP have a press liaison who would attend Groot's pressers to ask the important questions ?????

Get in the game..........

4/14/2020 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t let your guard down with Vallas he’s still a progressive democrat. ♠️

4/14/2020 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vallas-run for Sheriff!

4/14/2020 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

file a grievance with the appropriate union to be made IOD. Force your union to handle it for you You can give all the info via email

4/14/2020 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your exposure report does not guarentee a duty related illness classification. The exposure report should be a stand alone document that explaines in detail how you were exposed. The medical section will read and evaluate if your exposure could equate with virus transmission.

The classification can be changed by the medical section. Your watch commander has to put you on the medical, it is not his or her decision what is IOD unless it is a known specific injury, i.e. foot chase and sprained ankle, gunshot wound or knife injury etc, but illness is always a medical classification until the Medical Section determines if it is duty related.

4/14/2020 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

003 still requires you to swipe out

4/14/2020 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Vallas seems like a decent guy. Too bad he and the other 631 mostly-sane mayoral candidates didn't do some horse trading.

4/14/2020 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I don't agree with Paul Vallas on everything I voted for him mainly because he was the best chance we had of saving our pensions. Actual financial guy and not just another Political Hack. This just reinforces the fact that I cast the right vote. To all you Joyce voters. The Joyce', Sheehan's and Hynes families and there kids are well What have they ever done for you.

4/14/2020 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vallas was the best option for mayor, but laziness among the working people in Chicago, cpd included, got us the 14% mayor. Winning the election isn't about campaigning, its about getting the employed people to take the time to vote. Imagine if every cop and firefighter, and their families, voted. There would be no Fox, Preckwinkle, no JB, certainly not a liberal pandering mayor who hires a cop killers father for superintendent.

4/14/2020 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been asking about the swipe machines for weeks and all I get from everyone is that it's an administrative issue not a medical issue. How the hell is it not a medical issue if we can spread the disease by swiping? The level of incompetence in this state, city and department is mind blowing. You have some bosses telling their people not to swipe becauseits too risky, then you get sgt stupid haircut in swat telling everyone they have too. He got to swat on a phone call, can we get rid of him with one too?

4/14/2020 02:59:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

As a CFD medic, we are to reuse our N95 mask shift after shift after shift. We are suppose to
Place the mask in a brown paper bag and take it with us. We are now required to wear a surgical mask over the N95. This city tge Fire Department and police department have lost their minds. Can you imagine if 9/11 happened here? Where did all the grant money go to for all the supplies we need in case of a terrorist attack? Glad I’m a short timer.

4/14/2020 03:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Long retired, but I'd like to offer some advice. Bought a box of N95...I've found a way to extend the life of the masks to four or five days. Put the mask in the microwave...for 30 seconds on high...got four or five days out of a couple of them...Good luck.” @ 4/14/2020 01:23:00 AM

– I’ve been doing that with my frozen veggies, underwear and socks. Never thought about doing it for an 3M N95. Ever put a guayabera shirt in a pizza oven?

4/14/2020 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We got Blago instead.

4/14/2020 09:02:00 AM

It is not nice to speak ill of the recently released.

Norm Crosby

4/14/2020 05:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unsafe to swipe , stations have not been deep cleaned , Mayor lied to news media .
Little Village was hit with coal dust storm , thanks to Little Lori

4/14/2020 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can reuse masks if you follow approved procedures for disinfecting.

4/15/2020 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have MORE questions than ANSWERS !!!!!

4/16/2020 08:00:00 PM  

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