Order here: UPDATE: this is the link. Right here. Click it:

Fun times from an old blogger with the naughty name.

Fun times from an old blogger with the naughty name.
Labels: general
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
Labels: general
FU Beetle Juice would be a winner, also. Maybe one with a picture of that dried up old fool Bobby with, "Where's my popcorn" might be popular. Mayor Beetle Juice will provide lots of opportunities for snotty t shirts regarding her stoopid actions. It's time for those of us of a conservative bent ridicule these brainless progressives.
I need it in a Jersey t
Be very careful where you wear anything like this and who you say what do on this job. There are a lot of rats that will do anything to be in the good graces of their leadership looking for a promotion, like lieutenant princess lay-a in 002.
Watch your back !!!
She was on CNN with three other mayors and wasn't the brightest bulb in the hardware store.
Did the academy 45 years ago. Happily retired. But despite all the bullshit going on now I have to think like the stock market: when some cut their losses and run others see opportunity. There will be changes in law enforcement, period, and we can circle the wagons and piss and moan but that won't do squat. We need to be part of the conversation. People need to know how fucked up law enforcement is. People hired who never should have been, promoted who never should have been and kept around when they never should have been. Why? Because law enforcement management is too damn stupid to think. Not much better than the wackos on the street. Oh, yeah, defund police -- wait until the bill for social experiments comes in. Or you could have Baltimore where guys just gave up because of the bullshit. It's a perfect storm but, hey, if someone wants to clean house I'll sell brooms.
Send one to Booby. I think he wears a girls small.
Where can I buy? Also do you have it in black?
Is this legit, because if so, I sure-as-hell will be ordering one?!?!
PLease...let us know where we can buy one....let the profits go the the memorial fund!!!
Going to make one I like that shirt!.
Just when you think it can’t get any crazier then it is now, several BLM factions are demanding that the Haymarket Square Police Statue
be removed from the parking lot at Headquarters. They interpret that the statue is a police officer giving a Nazi Sig Heil to the troops and
is visible to the community from 35th St.. So much for the motto “In The Name Of The People Of Illinois, I Command Peace”
I want to place my order for 10 shirts. Who do I contact?
Now that is creative ordering one right now.
love how the banner ads at the top of the order page are all blm shirts. thanks for the laugh ebay
We need to do a march on City Hall. All of us. Thousands of us. In this shirt.
Just ordered me a shirt
I miss him. I thought he was going to get an overseas server and continue. Boy would his blog be popular right about now.
Just bought 3 !
They will make lovely gifts
Big “T” from 11 will call groot.
“ Send one to Booby. I think he wears a girls small.”@ 6/16/2020 03:31:00 AM
– ha-ha good one. That skinny fool was the liquor store runner for hamptons crew on Monroe. He had the physique of a pirates dream...a sunken chest.
Giving a shoutout to 'Ol Shaved. Glad he's still around and watching out. Thanks for all those years of fun reading. Still have one of my old Chalky tees.
That is awesome!
OT I'm hearing that the nationwide t-mobile outage yesterday has something to do with them implementing CONTACT TRACING. Illegal surveillance is coming soon to a smartphone near you.
Make one where the front says "YOU GO HOME"
and the back says "wit yo bald head ass" and I'll buy a few.
I wonder if there’s a place to buy one of those inflatable Crying Temper Trantrum Poopy Diaper Wearing Baby Larri GrootLoafer blimps, the kind that could be filled with helium and float around, say at a peaceful protest gathering?
Maybe the same outfit that makes those inflatable rodents, I think he’s known as Scabby?
Oops, did I just answer my own question....
Love it. Be careful though because groot is the name of a company and character. Both maybe trademarked or have a copyright
Lightgroot would be safer.
Go CPD. 70 sold already. Send one to Pres trump.
If a popcorn one is created Would love to see booby As the name instead of Bobby. Plus references to his evil past.
There are a lot of rats that will do anything to be in the good graces of their leadership looking for a promotion, like lieutenant princess lay-a in 002.
Well I bought one, hope it is in large size,
Need T Shirts for following: DA Fox, Preckwinkle, and JayBee The Hutt!
Boy, she's made one hell of an impression in a very short time - and every day some new overflow to worsen things.
Top of the charts for Most Hated Mayor In Chicago History.
Well I bought one, hope it is in large size,
6/16/2020 05:12:00 PM
If you could read, you would see that you need to send a message specifying your size. For $30, no thank you. This asshole is making at least $10 per shirt. Get yourself a little profit, but fuck you if you're trying to get rich off our backs.
OT I'm hearing that the nationwide t-mobile outage yesterday has something to do with them implementing CONTACT TRACING. Illegal surveillance is coming soon to a smartphone near you.
6/16/2020 01:16:00 PM
It was a DDOS attack. Holster your conspiracy theories.
Make one where the front says "YOU GO HOME"
and the back says "wit yo bald head ass" and I'll buy a few.
6/16/2020 02:38:00 PM
Or you could get one in English instead of uneducated ghetto speak. When did this shit become acceptable? Learn the language or choose another. Ebonics isn't a language.
6/16/2020 2:38:00 PM
Hahaha, I would buy 1 also. Classic!
What's with the body shaming. 4X and 5X people need love too....Not all of us wear our 9 year old's T-shirts to make us look like we have muscles........Nor do we take our uniform pants to some taylor to have the inside leg seams tapered to look lime we are wearing skinny jeans...........just saying
Anonymous Anonymous said...
“ Send one to Booby. I think he wears a girls small.”@ 6/16/2020 03:31:00 AM
– ha-ha good one. That skinny fool was the liquor store runner for hamptons crew on Monroe. He had the physique of a pirates dream...a sunken chest.
6/16/2020 10:33:00 AM
He certainly has no need for a jock strap.
If you could read, you would see that you need to send a message specifying your size. For $30, no thank you. This asshole is making at least $10 per shirt. Get yourself a little profit, but fuck you if you're trying to get rich off our backs.
6/17/2020 03:26:00 AM
You're a cheap-ass...I made 5 stacks in OT off this broad already in the last 2 weeks...I can afford a $30 t-shirt. If $30 is gonna break you, then you need to re-evaluate your financial decisions. I blow that much on lunch everyday...and still have 6 figures in the bank.
Received mine today in the mail. Great quality. I love it!!!!
and the back says "wit yo bald head ass" and I'll buy a few.
6/16/2020 02:38:00 PM
Or you could get one in English instead of uneducated ghetto speak. When did this shit become acceptable? Learn the language or choose another. Ebonics isn't a language.
6/17/2020 03:47:00 AM
That's what the kid in the playground said to her when she tried to flex.
And yes, ebonics is now a language, try looking in the dictionary and you'll see it.
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