Saturday, December 26, 2020

Contract in ..... 2023?

From an e-mailer of ours:

  • LL had a high level meeting this week. The topics of discussion on the sheets were:
    - CPD contract cost
    - Covid-19 relief Bill/no local assistance

    Biden promised basically every big city mayor, governor and large county executive big money to shore up pensions, ward off layoffs and the like. As of the meeting, that isn’t happening any longer. That money was to be used in conjunction with shifting allocated budget money to pay for contract raises, retro, hiring, etc.

    The money given to the firefighters for retro was $95 million. CPD retro would be easily twice that, somewhere between $250-$280 million. Several people including LL discussed the very real possibility of negotiating smaller letters of agreement and memorandums of understanding with the FOP and pushing off the contract entirely until AFTER the Mayoral election. Meaning no contract until summer 2023... 6 full years at the earliest.

    Some spoke openly against it, knowing that changes to discipline would be pushed out, but it would save a quarter of a billion in retro costs (assuming the Union doesn’t shrink retro levels in exchange for other benefits like increased furlough days). But the theory goes, if Biden can get more democrats elected to Congress, a democrat can stay governor here in IL and LL can be re-elected, she will have all the leverage.

    Also brought up was the fact that the FF contract would need to be negotiated again soon, that’s been pushed out until after the election.
The supervisors' contract will be up then, too, along with a bunch of other unions. In fact, CTU is up in 2024, and they'll threaten to strike a year early if they think they can get Groot to kiss their asses again.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then use the benefits of this contract.

12/26/2020 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arbitration now.

12/26/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Jiminy Cricket said...

Too bad arbitration would shit all over the troll’s little plan. Fuck you, pay us Groot!

12/26/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the text is written is the city can in theory never ratify the contract. Arbitration gets sent to city hall where theoretically the alderman can sit on it refusing to ratify it forever. CPD has zero leverage and it don’t matter if the FOP president is a debate captain from Harvard, don’t mean shit who’s in there. We are totally screwed.

12/26/2020 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s all moot. You declare an impass and send it to arbitration. It won’t go u til 2023. If the city told
This to the fop they would immediately file the paperwork.

12/26/2020 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scare Scare Scare. While all of this might be true it also may be false and false flags phony elections misinformation is and has been an old Democratic tactic forever. So going forward JC stick with a full retro 4 yr 3% walk out furloughs no change. Figure the rest later

12/26/2020 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Settle the dam contract already, give the officers the retro they deserve, just like everyone else got.

12/26/2020 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here's the one major problem standing in the way of this setup. Gropin Joe and CUMala aren't going to be the next President and Vice President of the United States. You're going to see things in the next 3 weeks that you never thought possible. Trump won over 400 EV's and they have the forensic evidence to prove it, just watch.

Oh, and have enough supplies on hand to get through the month of January.

12/26/2020 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh— Groot will bust open that new tax shit and tune it up to till when this comes to roost- if CTU was a raise; She will hike the income tax up a few decibels to cover what the teacher want; win re-election.

12/26/2020 12:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can wait, it's called a forced savings account. The only thing I'm going to say is that retro amount better not be negotiated.

12/26/2020 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true then JCat is just like the rest of the goofs. Mr. “I’ll get things done” Let’s go to arbitration already. We’re all still waiting for one positive benefit he’s got for us. I voted for him but not feeling so good next time around.

12/26/2020 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This might finally be the perfect storm we have all been talking about for a long time. This situation might bankrupt the city. Too much money owed at once and with everyone leaving like they currently are plus no additional money coming in via tourism conventions etc this might finally put the city at the brink.

12/26/2020 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, and you guys think that you are getting a promotional exam in March of 2021. There are not going to be any tests until at least 2023. There is nothing happening in 2021. The city might start the planning process in 2022 and make it happen in 2023.

12/26/2020 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been on job for several contracts. I’m
Not saying this of personal bias, but every contract the blue shirt is screwed over and over. Either by Dean pushing the contract down our throats or Kevin not getting the contract done years ago or shields forgetting to send the letter or the city and arbitrator says Chicago is broke. I’ve never witnessed the City treat blue shirts worse and we always get the raw tip with no lube. Sad how we get fucked while every other union has windfalls but the police on the ground get treated like crap in every damn union contract negotiation or offer

12/26/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason "retro" is a thing is because of
asshole democrats playing games in the first place.

12/26/2020 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are unappreciated! We risk our lives and no one cares. They have us doing every job humanly possible. Including combat medic. Everyone hates. I don’t care about this job any more. I have five years to make 20 and I’m out. I will take half pension, than stay in this high crime city. It is no longer a place to raise a family. There is not enough of us out there. I could go on but - no one cares.

12/26/2020 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden promised basically every big city mayor, governor and large county executive big money to shore up pensions, ward off layoffs and the like. As of the meeting, that isn’t happening any longer.


You mean a politician like Biden lied?????

12/26/2020 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beetle Juice never looked so good!

12/26/2020 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can honestly see that being the case, and I feel very not-ok about that.

At some point the city has to be FORCED to arbitration in a reasonable timeframe.

FFS if Dirtyfeet loses, then we have to start negotiations with a NEW mayor, and then go to arbitration adding 2/3 more years on top of that.

Isn’t the ability to lock-down city contracts seen as the sign of a competent mayor?
It’s not surprising at all this angry dwarf would try to punt. Doesn’t have the single bone of a leader.

12/26/2020 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget what Biden promised, view it from what President Harris will do. The average lifespan for American white males is 75 to 78 years. On the day he takes office he will be 78 yoa. Biden suffers from irregular heart beat, GERD, allergies, orthopedic problems, skin cancers and surgeries for two brain aneurysms. He presents with possible mental acuity symptoms such as malapropisms, slurred words, and misidentifying people. He uses a teleprompter with huge letters for all addresses. The stress of the Presidency is tremendous, look at how it aged former Presidents.

12/26/2020 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the arbitrator (and federal judge) orders them to shake their ass; they (the city) they will have to.

If the FOP pushes hard enough, the arbitration could be completed by late 2021 early 2022.

On the positive side.. age 55 people can get the 2% deal and age 60 can still get free insurance.

Once the new contract is in place IT WILL BE:
AGE 55 - 3.5%
AGE 60 - 1.5%
AGE 63 - still free

12/26/2020 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contract negotiations with that evil leftist shill are a waste of time. Since you don't have a contract, Lightfoot should not have a security detail. Would that not be part of any contract? Pull her detail. Ignore her calls for service when the party starts in front of her house again. If every officer assigned to her detail were suddenly stricken with Covid symptoms, what can she do? "That Covids is goins around Mayor, cough, cough!"

12/26/2020 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shopuld still be here for Beetle Juices re election bid and the only people that could run against her, off the top of my head, that would make me vote for Groot is Kim Foxxx or that communist prick, Rosas-Ramizez. Chicago has no shortage of absolutely worthless piles of shit politicians. Hell, Illinois has no shortage of useless assholes.

12/26/2020 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fiscal perspective of "kicking the can down the road" will probably be that the City delays negotiations, and potentially arbitration knowing that it will budget CPD retroactive monies for 2022. This could spur a bond issue. A fallacy exists that the City saves monies for this kind of situation.

Inevidently some form of federal assistance will come to big cities. However, those newfound monies in Chicago may begin the "municipal budgeting shell game" of robbing Peter to pay Paul. One of FOP's greatest moves during contract negotiations was to enlist Paul Vallas as an advisor. Vallas has intricate knowledge of the "budgeting shell game" and its impact on bonding. Make no mistake when governmental entities float bonds, they are a back-door tax increase.

12/26/2020 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Middle of 2023? This is total bullshit. The FOP would never let this thing drag out for another 2 1/2 years. The FOP elected officials would like to get re-elected and waiting a total of 6 years for a contract is not going to get them re-elected. Full disclosure, I like this Catanzara, don’t know him but like him. He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who will let the city get away with not giving the police a contract for 6 years. If that’s the city’s position, the FOP would go to arbitration. I say this is fake news.

12/26/2020 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biden LIED. The big city mayors delivered the vote then
got screwed by China Joe. LL has no place in DC, even
in the Dwarf Museum.

12/26/2020 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Country Joe and the Fish lied to his followers.
He's a fucking Crime Boss. Something will happen that
Hunter gets caught real dirty and the truth will come out.

12/26/2020 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to have a new required minimum on retro. We screw ourselves every time.. FOP should require the minimum fixed interest rate that nationwide would give us on deferred comp like 4% for every year without a contract .
. we miss the opportunity to invest that money and earn that compound interest!! 2 % is just to cover inflation !! I earned 19.6% ytd this year alone!! Time value of money TMV!!

12/26/2020 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all bullshit with these politicians...there was supposed to be an order in which these shots were taken, now all of a sudden politicians, alderSCUM, and everyone else is getting these doses before first responders?? Especially since both sides like FF and CPD had actually have suffered losses from the virus!! Name me 1 priest that died from Covid? Bishop? Cardinal? Pope? Name me a City Mayor or Governor that died from it.....Still havent seen any first responders get it though but WE continuously worked through the tough times when everyone stayed home and still got paid!!!!!

12/26/2020 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets keep paying non-essential workers who dont even go to work in these Covid days!!! This Bitch has NO clue as to what she is doing. Start trimming the fat Bug Eyes instead of fucking raising taxes and prices. Keep up the great job of killing the middle class and watching residents leave the City and State by the truck load!!! Have to keep thinking just two more years, two more years...Cant come fast enough.

12/26/2020 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If she would only realize she is digging herself a deeper hole.

12/26/2020 03:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u think that this same crew is going to pay u, u must of voted 4 this crew, "China Joe"
and the demo-rats have ruined the entire country along with the fuckin teacher's, stand by
they will start the the same bull-shit, if they don't get there way!

12/26/2020 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Told you so several months ago. Bet she is angling for a pay cut instead of raise that way no retro checks.

12/26/2020 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So she gives you a 1% raise. You vote not to accept, She tells everyone that is best city can do because of Covid without raising more taxes. Who Wins? You best not be making any plans for spending a big retro check.

12/26/2020 05:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It actually makes sense for ll, she slow plays the contract whereby causing causing frustration and chaos for the union and also buying time to shore up finances to pay for enormous retro via covid bailouts. By also slow playing it, often times union are desperate to except any terms to settle. This also causes the most pain to all involved officers which is the ultimate win for her.

12/26/2020 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That big meeting will be to find out who is leaking info. Lie detector tests for all involved.

12/26/2020 05:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You my friends are powerless. You can't strike. Why should she even negotiate with someone she Hates? Exactly what leverage do you Have? The MSM is firmly on her side the citizens don't want more taxes so basically your appealing to her sense of fair play. Good luck with that. Her real play will be negotiating Tehran size of the pay cut. Covid has changed everything.

12/26/2020 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next round of talks will revolve around the level of staffing cuts the CPD is willing to make to secure a contract. City knows that conventions, tourism and tax revenues will be way way down for at least the next two or three years so cuts have to be made. She will offer you a raise and retro in return for 20-25% in manpower. Her goal is to have CPD at 8000-9000. Question is will you be willing to sell out for that deal. Of course you would since the CPD is all about everyman for himself. One thing to consider is with several thousand fewer paying into pension fund and thousands more drawing pensions how long before it too is broke. Perfect storm could be rapidly approaching. That can going down the road is about all kicked out. Fair warning people have a plan B.

12/26/2020 05:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pension funding is all that matters.

12/26/2020 05:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better get to the arbitration table ASAP. Your not going to get anything from her. Take the hit and hope for a change at next election. Maybe then you will have someone with a sense of fair play. Doubt it but anything is better than the hater sitting on the 5th floor now. But know this Policing as you once knew it is dead and about to buried. Predict that in a couple of years you will not be allowed to carry a weapon. Think I am kidding, look at West coast where they just made a munch of hard drugs legal. Democrats hate laws and especially hate law enforcers. Your news vests will come complete with a target on the back and front.

12/26/2020 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck the socialist ctu these asshats give unions a bad name useless overpaid underworked sloths who would not last a day in the real world

12/26/2020 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are almost no words. Frightfoot keeps up her charade, meanwhile violent crime will skyrocket. Every neighborhood will go to shit. Anyone that can leave will, coppers and their families are stuck. Only answer will be to move your family out and get that police pad. We thought Rahm was soulless. This GrinchBitch tops em all.

12/26/2020 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha.....Letters of Understanding, Memorandums,and Letters of Agreement. The last Letter of Understanding is going to destroy the pension through attrition. A special thanks to all the greedy dipshits working rdos, doublebacks, and tour extensions. Way to be a team player Brah. Can't wait to pack up and leave this garbage.

12/26/2020 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Old Guy said...

Thanks SCC for giving me the “lovely” thought of some butt being kissed by Groot aaaaarrrggggghhhh. I just upchucked my breakfast.

12/26/2020 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FURLO DAYS make sure it's a full tour of duty day like it used to be 16yrs ago not this only 8 hrs a day and you make up the difference. 25 DAYS OF FURLO DAYS OFF S/EQUALL 25 DAYS OFF & NOT 23.5 AND BURN THE DIFFERENCE IN C.U.
F U Larry & Fat Ass

12/26/2020 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Get off the watch
2. If stuck on the watch bring in ZERO’s
3. Find inside spot- bid or no bid-many 2 year wonders have them
4. Retire
5. Medical
6. Blinders
7. Checkoff


12/26/2020 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love when I hear police say Mr. Lightloafer “ can’t do that , we’ll go to arbitration”. She will do what she wants . There is nothing we can do about it . Wake up people . This state is managed by Democrats in every aspect of government . With the proposed pay raise we hear about , we will still be in the hole . What needs to be done is retire when you can . 20 and out . The city and police department are doomed and with 4 years of Biden and Harris , it will most definitely get worse. Light foot does not need to settle our contract . We have nothing to hold against her . We cannot have a blue flu ... it would hurt us even more . All we can do as an organization is stop pro active policing . Do not arrest anyone except on signed complaints , no traffic stops , no Parker’s , not a piece of activity . The department cannot put everyone on midnights . We stand together on this and we win. 1-2 months of nothing and she will cave . We ALL must stick together . The new officers need to learn this lesson . The city does not care about its police force . We must all stick together . In every war there are a few casualties , part of reality . Midnights to get our contract and benefits is worth it . Remember newbies ... you are supposed to be on midnights with 2 years on the job anyway ! We all took our turn . WE MUST SICK TOGETHER IN ORDER TO WIN .

12/26/2020 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frogpuss was ready to pay the rank and file a raise plus retro, just like the supervisors and cfd received. What happened is anyone's guess. She wanted the money off the books. Maybe jcat wrinkled her slimy frog skin a little bit and she folded.

12/26/2020 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stupid white liberals will still vote for her. I hoped they all get carjacked. The Christmas spirit has left me early this year. That's what they get for closing churches and taverns especially taverns.

12/26/2020 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The longer this witch waits to give CPD the money they deserve, the deeper the hole gets...they simply won't be able to pay. New recruits and new hires will get shut out. It's pathetic such a noble and necessary profession gets horribly abused.

12/26/2020 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CTU is a cancer on Chicago. I/we should support their destruction with glee.

12/26/2020 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city is fucked. All those contacts coming up and LL thinks she will win Pritzger will win and more Democrats will be elected so feds will bail everyone out? Fucking idiot. I got it let’s do the Fair Tax thing only bigger that will work. God help us no one else will

12/26/2020 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is tottaly unacceptable.
What will the economic landscape be in 2023?
The lockdowns have done serious damage to the city, county, state and national economies that will be fully apparent by then. No one will be getting a raise in 2023 hell,they will be lucky to have a job.
Fuck the police seems to be the order of the day.
Can you imagine CTU's response if this were their situation ?

12/26/2020 08:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will never have a contract!

Time for a "Blue Flu" Pandemic

Give these liberals the kind of un policed shithole city they deserve.

They fucked it up let them worry about crime!

12/26/2020 08:11:00 AM  
Blogger froggy said...

Yeah, elect more democrats, that's the answer. They're going to negotiate your retro down then buy you off. Forget the retro, it doesn't exist. Negotiate forward, not backward. Get it in guaranteed future increases on larger base salaries.

Or, drink the koolaid and go all in with the lefty democrats and flush. Accept that Soros picks the winners, put your arms around Kimm Foxx & Co. Just stay the fuck out of whichever city & state I move to to get away from this shit.

12/26/2020 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the love of God go to Arbitration NOW!!

12/26/2020 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BULL We Need a Contract and RETRO NOW!

12/26/2020 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the Brexit deal.

The will of the people ignored, delay after delay until your will is broken and you become willing to accept anything because its better than nothing. You have no power. What are ya gonna do vote them out via crooked rigged elections by voting? hahaha. People voted for a Brexit do you really think they'll get it? Trump was re-elected you think he Free s'll prevail?

How 'bout those constitutional rights eh? Free speech censored by tech oligarchs. Freedom to assemble and freedom of religion denied by state governors and mayors edicts. Why have a union and pay dues when you don't have a contract what are you paying money for? Why have a police department when criminals are put right back on the streets bye crooked judges, state attorn8es and d.o.j? What are we paying taxes for? Why are we paying for business licenses, liquor licenses, etc while being forced to remain closed privileges allegedly authorized denied. More taxes for the illegal immigrants defined as "those most in need" in the transfer of wealth. Hospitals being jammed up with free healthcare for all the illegal immigrants with fake news propaganda campaigns that taxpayers need to pay more to support all this.

The US Constitution has been made as meaningless as your union contract. The crisis gimmick to be used as a tool for the next election. No-no not this one the next one, and the one after that. Re-elect me we have much more to do as the sayings go. If the election promises are kept what the hell will we used for re-election to campaign on?

Add to the famous list of lies. The check's in the mail. I'll call you in the morning. Yeah of course I'm wearing one can't you feel it and these things take time we're working on it!

12/26/2020 08:33:00 AM  
Anonymous the Virginian said...

On the prospect of Biden getting more Ds into Congress in 2022, no.

The census this year is hands-down likely to result in redistribution of seats away from blue states. IL, NY, CA and more are each almost certain to lose a House seat. Something like 6 or 8 total if I'm right.

Between that and typical midterm trends, a Biden presidency will not be seeing a big influx of new Dems in the House in 2022.

Additionally, the Senate is staggered more-or-less at 1/3rd every 2 years. All here will remember how the number of R incumbents up in 2020 vastly outnumbered the number of D incumbents, and that means R incumbents up for reelection in 2022 and 2024 will be significantly underweighted. That suggests the Dems in the Senate will be on the defensive in 2022 and 2024 too.

And all of that above doesn't matter if Trump pulls this off in the Electoral college. All he needs is three states to decertify electors before January 6 or so, whether by the courts or, more likely, by the statehouses. If that happens and this goes to the House, Biden ain't the next President. Its not strong odds, but its not zero either.

12/26/2020 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pension cuts will be sold as the noble lie of we are trying to save the pensions.

The crisis is not large enough yet for y'all to beg for the cuts so as not to lose it all

12/26/2020 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Fox news is running a Chicago year in review that can be more accurately described as the Groot blooper real showing this shut down and that shut down.

Curfews to stop looting, orders for senior centers covid solitary confinement as prisoners are turned loose, historic statues removed. increases in taxes, fines and fees to help fund schools "FOR THE CHILDREN" HAHAHA.

The laughing stock of the world

12/26/2020 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coppers have to stop running thru these ghetto districts trying to stop the crime. Forget it, just get into your squad and do nothing but answer your radio calls and assist calls. Screw proactive police work. It will get you into trouble. The city won't back you and I really don't know if you want to lose your home, cars etc to a lawsuit when they don't pay punitive damages. It is for real and this job doesn't care about you.

12/26/2020 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some time in the future Law Enforcement will be fed up all the bullshit that all these liberal asshat have been dishing out in large metropolitan cities against the police and turn the cities over to liberal left and go out on strike. The police will have nothing to lose because they lost it already and the so called young generation will get there ways and have told control of local government and fuck everything up and have no one else to blame but themselves

12/26/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discipline??? They do what ever they want right now !!!
and your left with fighting for your job back so I don’t see
how that matters .

12/26/2020 09:16:00 AM  
Blogger jcat said...

2023? Your "inside guy" is clueless apparently to how negotiations work. Seems they just want to see their words in print. Bravo, mission accomplished.

If they do not start negotiating in better faith, full arbitration is coming sooner rather than later.

No need for second and third hand rumors. That crap does no good for our members.

John Catanzara
FOP President Lodge 7 Chicago

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those of us who are more concerned about how much retro we get now and are failing to understand the gravity of the underfunded pension are looking at the shiny thing in the hand while remaining unaware of the monster looming over your shoulder. NOTHING is more important than making sure your retirement income is provided for once you no longer have the ability to work.

12/26/2020 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont expect any payday from Groot/directed towards the police, even if Biden bails her out.. Groot is the most inept person ever to run a big city govt. and her whole platform is police reform, ie defund the police, groot hates the police.. If you want to get paid, start organzing now around a pro-police candidate for mayor, atleast start having the conversaion with you coworkers and friends about getting invovled because thats what its gonna take or we go on strike like the teachers no matter what was prevously agreed upon, because groot for damn sure is gonna screw us in the end.

12/26/2020 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll except no retro on one condition. We all line up in two rows. The midget walks down the middle and we get to use the paddle. It would definitely be worth it.

12/26/2020 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The decisions by Graham to delay going to arbitration and then Catanzara to abandon it altogether were disastrous. We should have gone to arbitration ASAP. We would have a contract by now. Former Field Rep Bob Bartlett was advocating this all along and he was right. This is a big Catanzara screw up.

12/26/2020 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep working and giving them what they want. We are truly appreciated. I will never understand why we will not stand together and force their hand.

12/26/2020 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The fiscal perspective of "kicking the can down the road" will probably be that the City delays negotiations, and potentially arbitration knowing that it will budget CPD retroactive monies for 2022. This could spur a bond issue. A fallacy exists that the City saves monies for this kind of situation.

Inevidently some form of federal assistance will come to big cities. However, those newfound monies in Chicago may begin the "municipal budgeting shell game" of robbing Peter to pay Paul. One of FOP's greatest moves during contract negotiations was to enlist Paul Vallas as an advisor. Vallas has intricate knowledge of the "budgeting shell game" and its impact on bonding. Make no mistake when governmental entities float bonds, they are a back-door tax increase.

12/26/2020 01:42:00 AM

Yeah lot of good bringing Paul Vallas in did. Lightfoot said FU at the last minute of the deadline.

12/26/2020 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
We need to have a new required minimum on retro. We screw ourselves every time.. FOP should require the minimum fixed interest rate that nationwide would give us on deferred comp like 4% for every year without a contract .
. we miss the opportunity to invest that money and earn that compound interest!! 2 % is just to cover inflation !! I earned 19.6% ytd this year alone!! Time value of money TMV!!

12/26/2020 02:28:00 AM

You are correct. Now stop with the knowledge. It will only upset up. Ignorance is bliss. That’s the command staffs motto. And how do I parlay my high level of incompetence into another position somewhere.

12/26/2020 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you take retro pay chitchat out of the conversation, perhaps the membership will vote on the actual contract, rather than selling their soul for a retro check. You have a good paying job with so many opportunities to make money. If a retro check is what's going to make or break you then you have made some catastrophic financial errors.
Worry about your future, not your present

12/26/2020 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What leverage do we have? We can not strike. Look at the CTU, they can strike and they get almost everything they ask for. The mayor wants to break the union. She wants the protection clauses in our contract removed. The longer she stretches' the contract negotiations out the longer she does not have to agree to a contract. She will go into arbitration and plead the city is broke. She is hoping for a arbitrator who will side with the cities position and tell us we get little or nothing at all. As far as President Harris is concerned she hates the police so no help there. Watch Kim Foxx runs against her with the backing of county board chairman TP and George Soras.

12/26/2020 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pension is being absolutely decimated, the elephant in the room the mayor is not properly funding it all she does is constantly go after the police look what you just did with that police raid how she had to tape and she’s not being called out for she should’ve got her to resign just like a manual did with the other McDonald’s video they had everything democratic liars no accountability. The only accountability you have is if you’re a hard-working police officer, they go after you the main stream media 24 hours a day seven days a week along with the structure of the exempt rank for the Chicago Police Department which is a total disgrace! The silence from the fraternal order of police and a pension issue is completely Deafening.

12/26/2020 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The fiscal perspective of "kicking the can down the road" will probably be that the City delays negotiations, and potentially arbitration knowing that it will budget CPD retroactive monies for 2022. This could spur a bond issue. A fallacy exists that the City saves monies for this kind of situation.

Inevidently some form of federal assistance will come to big cities. However, those newfound monies in Chicago may begin the "municipal budgeting shell game" of robbing Peter to pay Paul. One of FOP's greatest moves during contract negotiations was to enlist Paul Vallas as an advisor. Vallas has intricate knowledge of the "budgeting shell game" and its impact on bonding. Make no mistake when governmental entities float bonds, they are a back-door tax increase.

12/26/2020 01:42:00 AM

I know several of the retired trustees. They said Vallas pointed out in the budget where they have the money sitting for our raises if we get what the fireman got. The city already budgeted for the same as the fireman. He also pointed out that medical cost are down not up. The younger workforce is not in the hospital with gall stones, kidney stones, prostate problems yet (thou tattoo removals are up but not covered by our medical). Hospital are mostly closed to elective procedures. The only thing holding up the contract is trying to ram the discipline overhaul down our throats and trying to get more money from us for the medical w/o justification.

12/26/2020 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lyin’Larri making promises or threats?
Did Larri just catch on and is now seeding some of her own phony, instigating leaks? Too paranoid I think to leak out anything that can’t give her image a much needed boost. The Defund Movement is/was a time sensitive campaign strategy worth bringing up last month, it failed and public wasn’t keen on the idea. AngryToad Larri is always a day late to the tag-a-long. But again, her bottom feeding bullhead stubbornness still gets in the way. Remember when the short-fused wombat said she was going to be careful with her words, listen and understand? That lasted what, a month and that was back in Feb or March. Larri’s public relations team gone rogue or an entrenched spy is still pushing her buttons.
Loo, here’s the deal...
No Fed bailout money is going to be destined for any Police Dept anywhere, it’s definitely not going to be for current wages, benefits, promises unless it’s “reform”related training or 21st Century hiring campaigns and promoting. If a Covids Relief LEO bailout is granted, it can be manipulated and spent solely on community based organizations with Be the Change flyers and ambassadorship job fairs ...due to inequalities in the rollout of Covid treatments. Plus, I doubt there will be hiring in 2021, maybe all through until late 2022. Depleting that pension fund is a big part of the diabolical vindictive Lyin’Larri Plan.

The best Contact we have is the current one.
It would take years in corrupt court to get the City to pay up and it will be without an penalty, just like retroactive owed pay. No interest, no fee, no penalty on that withheld obligation like you would get when you’re late paying the water bill ot city sticker.

Batshit crazy Larri has just over two years, actually 25 months left to destroy what’s left of the City, much less is needed to retool and reimagine the CPD by forced attrition one way or another. Either way, she has no friends in high places and won’t be getting much help from the Dems in 2023 for her lockdown participation. She’s just that unlikeable, but a useful fool. No re-election for her, indictment for O’Hare corruption maybe, and then an abrupt departure for family reasons depending on who the Party has on tap to replace her.

12/26/2020 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who ever is getting this info better be careful. This sounds to me like a set up to ferret out the “rat” in her circle. Give out certain info to certain groups and see what comes out. She’s not above it if what is being said about her is true, that she gets incensed when her orders come out via a mole and gets posted on this blog. Jus sayin!

12/26/2020 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Forget what Biden promised, view it from what President Harris will do. The average lifespan for American white males is 75 to 78 years. On the day he takes office he will be 78 yoa. Biden suffers from irregular heart beat, GERD, allergies, orthopedic problems, skin cancers and surgeries for two brain aneurysms. He presents with possible mental acuity symptoms such as malapropisms, slurred words, and misidentifying people. He uses a teleprompter with huge letters for all addresses. The stress of the Presidency is tremendous, look at how it aged former Presidents.

This band of idiots are being handled by Obama. He is the puppet master behind Joe and B.J. Harris. Neither has the power to do anything that could lead a cub scout parade. Obama was asked not long ago if he would think about another run for President. He said the only way he would do it, was if there was a figurehead man or woman who would have an ear piece and he was in his basement with the microphone in his sweats calling the play.
The Dems and the MSM (sorry one in the same) accused Orange Man of wanting to be President for life. Remember they accuse you of what they are doing.

We know the Dem leadership knows Joe will last about 5-6 months, Joe even admitted to it that if he stumbled and made mistakes, he would resign. Many times during the campaign Joe mentioned it was the Harris/Biden ticket. He also said they had developed the largest and best election fraud group ever????? So, now we have a person (Harris) who could not garner 4% of the vote in the Dems primary, running the country, I don't think so. Look at the appointments Joe is making for his cabinet and advisors, a rerun of Obama's cabal.

Obama has stepped out front since Joe "won" the primary. He says A.O.C. has some great positions, HMMMM! Looks like the "Dem Centrists" will be left behind and the more radical Obama will be moving had left because there are no restrictions. So far 75,000 new registered voters in Georgia. What does that tell you.

These 2 stumble bums couldn't find the front door. Obama's 3rd reign.

12/26/2020 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We knew before she got elected the first time she wasn't going to touch our contract. The last time she spoke publicly she said "The police contract needs to reflect Chicago values." I have no idea what that means. She will not have to settle. Periwinkle will run again and win. Periwinkle's focus of her campaign will be the botched protests that destroyed downtown. Periwinkle is well aware of the Georges' plan to let them march on LSD and allow final assembly into grant park. Lori ordered Georges' out of the plan and let March all over downtown. And you know the result of that was.

Go back to Ohio Lori and take your corupt mentor Daley with you.

12/26/2020 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suburban cop here---I don't know how you guys do it. 4+ years and no contract. I wouldn't be leaving the station/car for anything. Good luck.

12/26/2020 11:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has tons of money for all her pet projects. She gave the teachers everything they wanted. It's her fault and JB's for unnecessarily closing everything and literally shutting the city down for COVID. She cowered and failed to save the city (twice) with the riots and destruction. Lori is a disgusting, racist, police hating, incompetent, horrible person and 1 term mayor. Give the police a decent contract and give it to them NOW. These far leaning progressive democrat politicians are ruining cities all across the country.

12/26/2020 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump will still be President. Take that to the bank.

12/26/2020 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the Massillon Midget is pushing for a record 6 years w/o a police contract. So she wants the full 6 years with basic police services for the Community and for the Department stats to be the number "zero". This will be the Depts. hall mark for the remaining years of a no contract. Great resume stuff for the Dummy from Dallas.

With nearly 800 murders for the year and over 4100 shootings of compliant and complicit folks on the political plantation, ensures Groot's title of the Murder Queen. The Midget is assured she will be ensconced in Shitcago's political and criminal fool's gallery of folklore forever.


12/26/2020 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Groot told teachers no money for a raise and they must pay fair share of pension. She came through , raised our taxes

On the positive side.. age 55 people can get the 2% deal and age 60 can still get free insurance.

Once the new contract is in place IT WILL BE:
AGE 55 - 3.5%
AGE 60 - 1.5%
AGE 63 - still free .
Raise mandatory retirement age to 66 years of age. . People will stay .

12/26/2020 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Next round of talks will revolve around the level of staffing cuts the CPD is willing to make to secure a contract. City knows that conventions, tourism and tax revenues will be way way down for at least the next two or three years so cuts have to be made. She will offer you a raise and retro in return for 20-25% in manpower. Her goal is to have CPD at 8000-9000. Question is will you be willing to sell out for that deal. Of course you would since the CPD is all about everyman for himself. One thing to consider is with several thousand fewer paying into pension fund and thousands more drawing pensions how long before it too is broke. Perfect storm could be rapidly approaching. That can going down the road is about all kicked out. Fair warning people have a plan B.

I don’t think the FOP has anything to say about the number of police. That’s determined by the city budget. I don’t recall Rahm asking the FOP’s permission to reduce the number of police by over 1,000 when he did it.

12/26/2020 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t see anyway she cannot give us what the supervisors and CFD received. They received raises and retro so will we

12/26/2020 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/26/2020 05:23:00 AM

Eliminate the 5 hour working tact teams and the non full tour working community safety teams we probably could work with those numbers.

12/26/2020 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If the arbitrator (and federal judge) orders them to shake their ass; they (the city) they will have to.

If the FOP pushes hard enough, the arbitration could be completed by late 2021 early 2022.

It’s not federal case so no federal judge can order them to do anything. If arbitrator wanted to or could it would have been done already. Not sure if it’s even possible for an arbitrator to speed the process up considering one hasn’t even been chosen

12/26/2020 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can any one tell when just 1 contract was settled on time or even under 1 year !!!!
This mayor is just like the others

12/26/2020 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD wives should band together , meet at Fu larri's house, to protest no contract

12/26/2020 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CTU on stricke september 2019 , failed to make up strike days during Christmas break 2019 ,teachers n, students din't participate . Covid 19 , teachers close down schools for cps. received full pay , with big raises while. working from suburban home , vacation homes in Florida , lake Geneva .
real héros , no contract , days off cancelled , working 12 hour shifts , no contract , no bonus just criticism from our commie socialist he/shee mayor and hateful news media .
now dementia Joe and bj camelatoe to destroy America

12/26/2020 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The way the text is written is the city can in theory never ratify the contract. Arbitration gets sent to city hall where theoretically the alderman can sit on it refusing to ratify it forever. CPD has zero leverage and it don’t matter if the FOP president is a debate captain from Harvard, don’t mean shit who’s in there. We are totally screwed.

12/26/2020 12:08:00 AM

800 kilz and over 4000 near kilz, car jackings and other misc. matters provides some degree of leverage. Who knows, 900 kilz for next year. Remember China Joe said we are entering the "dark times". Was the old senile buffoon talking about shitcago.

Groot the "reformer", has been exposed as a fraud and fool. She knows it and we know it too. FULL

12/26/2020 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC, how did you convince Amy to plant that bug in Groot's shoe lifts?

12/26/2020 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but too many LEO will sell out for an easy detail or early quit. Next riot, have a blue flu. Go to arbitration and demand the same percentage that the teachers got, if not more. You show up to work and can't strike. The teachers stay home, strike get paid and have a contract.

12/26/2020 01:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You my friends are powerless. You can't strike. Why should she even negotiate with someone she Hates? Exactly what leverage do you Have? The MSM is firmly on her side the citizens don't want more taxes so basically your appealing to her sense of fair play. Good luck with that. Her real play will be negotiating Tehran size of the pay cut. Covid has changed everything.

It won’t change the Teachers Contract one bit

12/26/2020 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until the VRI lawsuit hits the news cycle.

12/26/2020 02:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if we wouldn't see a contract until 2025 the 5yr wonders will still be trying to bring in activity... morons

12/26/2020 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be nice to be sleeping with SGT TO in MassTransit. His girl with two years on the job can come in and work with the Tact guys on some BS mission on Christmas Day when officers with more time have to come in and work. Sgt TO I hope you bring down the Commander too. I will give you a handy for Monday off!

12/26/2020 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone is getting pay raises (CPS Jackson 30K or 40K gurl) and more and more jobs are being created (CPS new hires to watch kids while teachers teach (ha) fron home) and how many others

Dont he fooled by lies and bullshit a k.a. smoke & mirrors

12/26/2020 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats lose the house and will not regain it or the senate for at least 8 years after the next cycle. Republicans control over 30 state legislators and will be drawing the new maps.

12/26/2020 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the cuts on unnecessary Liberal spending such as morning meals in public schools even if students are on remote learning, financial assistance for Illegal Aliens, financial aid for DACA, unnecessary promotions, and just about everything that's always mentioned with "POC","disproportionate", "marginalized", "targeted", and "victim".

12/26/2020 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catanzara thought he could negotiate with her , he was a fool. We should not have been taken out of arbitration in the first place. We should immediately be put back in arbitration. No way , no how is she getting out of giving us OUR retro. Nonnegotiable

12/26/2020 03:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LL can’t stop the arbitration process. She knew the retro was a problem the day she took office and this is problem she can’t push away. That is all.

12/26/2020 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So yes this was pitched to some of the alderman and here’s the rub. Agree on a multitude of things except pay. The part that is tantalizing for us is the city said if the FOP holds out they will give us 18 percent over 6 years which is 3 percent a year. Immediatly afterwards though we would be back I. Retro as the new contract would have to be talked about. This contract would end June 30,2023 and the new one would be retro as of July 1 2023. 6 years of retro at 18 percent??? Yes please.

12/26/2020 04:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to that $300 million balloon payment the city had to make a couple of years ago what’s the pension which was mandated by the court?

12/26/2020 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all the people yelling Retro Retro now... You may have forgotten or not on the job when the arbitrator ruled the economy is bad, so I’m ruling with the city and give basically nothing, But next contract I’m suggesting the city pays more........ And guess What, next contract the P.O. Didn’t get shit again.. so keep yelling for Retro Right away, I’m sure it won’t happen again.

12/26/2020 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you take retro pay chitchat out of the conversation, perhaps the membership will vote on the actual contract, rather than selling their soul for a retro check. You have a good paying job with so many opportunities to make money. If a retro check is what's going to make or break you then you have made some catastrophic financial errors.
Worry about your future, not your present

12/26/2020 10:18:00 AM

It isn’t about the retro check buddy. It’s about not getting a raise for the last 5 years while the COL has skyrocketed around us. It’s long overdue that the police are given a small raise just like all the other city workers got. Even the CPD supervisors CFD and dispatchers got one. What other city job risks everything? The police are long overdue to be compensated for each year the city let the contract expire.

12/26/2020 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LL 'Bean' better get her ass back to Massilon.

12/26/2020 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pension is being absolutely decimated, the elephant in the room the mayor is not properly funding it all she does is constantly go after the police look what you just did with that police raid how she had to tape and she’s not being called out for she should’ve got her to resign just like a manual did with the other McDonald’s video they had everything democratic liars no accountability. The only accountability you have is if you’re a hard-working police officer, they go after you the main stream media 24 hours a day seven days a week along with the structure of the exempt rank for the Chicago Police Department which is a total disgrace! The silence from the fraternal order of police and a pension issue is completely Deafening.

I spoke with Lappe. City has made all of the 579m payment owed to it this year.
We are holding steady at 22%. Quit your bullshit.

12/26/2020 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think would be worse for her. Not being able to settle a contract in your whole term as mayor while we are out of contract going in? Come on, that’s a real reach.

12/26/2020 07:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to have a new required minimum on retro. We screw ourselves every time.. FOP should require the minimum fixed interest rate that nationwide would give us on deferred comp like 4% for every year without a contract............
the city should invest in nationwide I been getting 15% t0 17% every year. no Mayors son taking no pay back loans. wake the up pension board

12/26/2020 07:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If you take retro pay chitchat out of the conversation, perhaps the membership will vote on the actual contract, rather than selling their soul for a retro check. You have a good paying job with so many opportunities to make money. If a retro check is what's going to make or break you then you have made some catastrophic financial errors.
Worry about your future, not your present

12/26/2020 10:18:00 AM

It isn’t about the retro check buddy. It’s about not getting a raise for the last 5 years while the COL has skyrocketed around us. It’s long overdue that the police are given a small raise just like all the other city workers got. Even the CPD supervisors CFD and dispatchers got one. What other city job risks everything? The police are long overdue to be compensated for each year the city let the contract expire.

12/26/2020 06:11:00 PM

It is about the retro checks too. Why should the supervisors and firemen get retro checks and the guys on the ground not get. There is no reason to take retro out of the conversation and would be stupid

12/26/2020 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whatever happened to that $300 million balloon payment the city had to make a couple of years ago what’s the pension which was mandated by the court?

They spent it on pension payments. That’s what is there for

12/26/2020 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if we wouldn't see a contract until 2025 the 5yr wonders will still be trying to bring in activity... morons


Yeah and 10-year wonders gonna suck the toes of their prisoners...

And 30-year wonders gonna be caught passed out behind the wheel after a tryst with a co-worker...

Yeah, morons...

12/26/2020 09:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the text is written is the city can in theory never ratify the contract. Arbitration gets sent to city hall where theoretically the alderman can sit on it refusing to ratify it forever. CPD has zero leverage and it don’t matter if the FOP president is a debate captain from Harvard, don’t mean shit who’s in there. We are totally screwed.

After having read your response, it’s pretty obvious you didn’t go to Harvard.

12/26/2020 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No retro ? Then lower the age give us insurance !!!!

12/26/2020 10:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait until the VRI lawsuit hits the news cycle.

Don't give them ideas. The judgment slapped the city down every last count. The city might have to redo 8-years of timecards by hand.

12/26/2020 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once the new contract is in place IT WILL BE:
AGE 55 - 3.5%
AGE 60 - 1.5%
AGE 63 - still free .
Raise mandatory retirement age to 66 years of age. . People will stay .

12/26/2020 12:36:00 PM

only a brain dead moron would stay

12/26/2020 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/26/2020 11:32:00 AM

You too could be an FTO in 022

12/26/2020 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger jcat said...
2023? Your "inside guy" is clueless apparently to how negotiations work. Seems they just want to see their words in print. Bravo, mission accomplished.

If they do not start negotiating in better faith, full arbitration is coming sooner rather than later.

No need for second and third hand rumors. That crap does no good for our members.

John Catanzara
FOP President Lodge 7 Chicago

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM

“Better faith?” It sounds more like Lightfoot has been negotiating in “no faith” As In ZERO! She waited until the last minute to say no. I don’t think the city could purposely drag their feet any slower. However, I didn’t believe whoever said 2023. That was BS

12/26/2020 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop all revenue generating activity. Respond to radio calls only. No proactive police work. When will cops learn how to create leverage.

12/26/2020 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked with Tom in the past. Nice guy horrible supervisor, never around to supervise other Sgts had to do his work. His team will love him, the Commander will hate him always on a scam.

12/27/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So yes this was pitched to some of the alderman and here’s the rub. Agree on a multitude of things except pay. The part that is tantalizing for us is the city said if the FOP holds out they will give us 18 percent over 6 years which is 3 percent a year. Immediatly afterwards though we would be back I. Retro as the new contract would have to be talked about. This contract would end June 30,2023 and the new one would be retro as of July 1 2023. 6 years of retro at 18 percent??? Yes please.

12/26/2020 04:33:00 PM

3 weeks after it was passed the state legislature quietly changed the requirements and 70% of that money was diverted to the teachers’ pension fund.

12/27/2020 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things I was really hoping Trump would do was bust up national unions and their juiced-up pensions by doing away with the National Labor Relations Board. But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

12/27/2020 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of don't even understand basic contract negotiation guidelines, The 1st agreement that is signed by both parties (City & FOP) before talks begin that they both understand a raise is not guaranteed i.e RETRO. Many of you should come to more meetings and ask more questions!

12/27/2020 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jcat said...
2023? Your "inside guy" is clueless apparently to how negotiations work. Seems they just want to see their words in print. Bravo, mission accomplished.

If they do not start negotiating in better faith, full arbitration is coming sooner rather than later.

No need for second and third hand rumors. That crap does no good for our members.

John Catanzara
FOP President Lodge 7 Chicago

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM

**WE have been hearing this "SOONER" than later crap for yrs already, we will believe it when we see it!!

12/27/2020 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This mayor is a total rectum.

12/27/2020 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jcat said...
2023? Your "inside guy" is clueless apparently to how negotiations work. Seems they just want to see their words in print. Bravo, mission accomplished.

If they do not start negotiating in better faith, full arbitration is coming sooner rather than later.

No need for second and third hand rumors. That crap does no good for our members.

John Catanzara
FOP President Lodge 7 Chicago

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM

**WE have been hearing this "SOONER" than later crap for yrs already, we will believe it when we see it!!

12/27/2020 03:24:00 AM

Arbitration should have started a year ago.

12/27/2020 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:13 A.M.

50 3.5%

12/27/2020 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I earned one of those merit spots. Now get out there and give me some arrests and tickets. One, two, three, GO!

12/27/2020 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Retiree with 10 years of experience.

I know that the retro was always a big part of the contract settlement. Don't be in such a hurry to grab some cash that you let slip away other important things.

Like legal rights.
In these police hostile times officers need to hold onto their rights totally. Lessening legal rights should be a nonstarter. No matter how big the money is.

Not that your legal protection is all that great now.

Your Garrity rights have been substantially diminished.

If you're accused, COPA will investigate and find you guilty of something and recommend firing.

The spineless Superintendent (whoever) will agree.
The liberal anti police Police Board will conduct a little theater act and find you guilty. And fire you.

So you appeal to the Crook County Court. And almost invariably lose. Because the firing was done under the Administrative Procedure act. Cities only have to be reasonable and have to be proven not. A tough job.

12/27/2020 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering that we have a no strike clause the ONLY VIABLE solution is to completely STOP any police activity. Respond to jobs only and back each other up but stop all proactive efforts. If tickets , anovs and arrests decline this is the best way to get back at this midget mayor and we need every citizen on our side to get our contract settled. Think of what would happen if we had garbage men on strike ? They would settle within a week !

12/27/2020 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love when I hear police say Mr. Lightloafer “ can’t do that , we’ll go to arbitration”. She will do what she wants . There is nothing we can do about it . Wake up people . This state is managed by Democrats in every aspect of government . With the proposed pay raise we hear about , we will still be in the hole . What needs to be done is retire when you can . 20 and out . The city and police department are doomed and with 4 years of Biden and Harris , it will most definitely get worse. Light foot does not need to settle our contract . We have nothing to hold against her . We cannot have a blue flu ... it would hurt us even more . All we can do as an organization is stop pro active policing . Do not arrest anyone except on signed complaints , no traffic stops , no Parker’s , not a piece of activity . The department cannot put everyone on midnights . We stand together on this and we win. 1-2 months of nothing and she will cave . We ALL must stick together . The new officers need to learn this lesson . The city does not care about its police force . We must all stick together . In every war there are a few casualties , part of reality . Midnights to get our contract and benefits is worth it . Remember newbies ... you are supposed to be on midnights with 2 years on the job anyway ! We all took our turn . WE MUST SICK TOGETHER IN ORDER TO WIN .”

Oh no, now they will go straight to the seargant telling him that they don’t want to work with you because you are lazy. They don’t need you, they are superheroes in unmarked cars.

12/27/2020 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn’t about the retro check buddy. It’s about not getting a raise for the last 5 years while the COL has skyrocketed around us. It’s long overdue that the police are given a small raise just like all the other city workers got. Even the CPD supervisors CFD and dispatchers got one. What other city job risks everything? The police are long overdue to be compensated for each year the city let the contract expire.

12/26/2020 06:11:00 PM

Cost of living has hardly "skyrocketed" over the past 5 yr. Since 2016 2.1, 2.1, 1.9,2.3, 1.2. It is certainly more than the 5 yrs prior (with the exception of 2011 when it was 3) but not skyrocketing.

12/27/2020 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After having read your response, it’s pretty obvious you didn’t go to Harvard.

12/26/2020 09:44:00 PM

Lol ! And you did ?

12/27/2020 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps a march into city hall or every car in the street blaring the sirens at noon and midnight in lieu of strike. This is getting old here.

12/27/2020 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It isn’t about the retro check buddy. It’s about not getting a raise for the last 5 years while the COL has skyrocketed around us. It’s long overdue that the police are given a small raise just like all the other city workers got. Even the CPD supervisors CFD and dispatchers got one. What other city job risks everything? The police are long overdue to be compensated for each year the city let the contract expire.

12/26/2020 06:11:00 PM

Cost of living has hardly "skyrocketed" over the past 5 yr. Since 2016 2.1, 2.1, 1.9,2.3, 1.2. It is certainly more than the 5 yrs prior (with the exception of 2011 when it was 3) but not skyrocketing.

12/27/2020 10:56:00 AM

As a forced Chicago resident it’s gone up a lot more than that. Water and sewer bill has more than tripled. Property tax up, city sticker up, registration stickers up, gas tax up, etc etc. We can’t escape this due to forced residency.

12/27/2020 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contract, we don’t need no stinking contract- the CST teams, will still keep bringing in plenty of activity

12/27/2020 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s time for proactive policing to come to an end. Wake up people.

12/27/2020 10:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the raise, lock me in today’s rate and
Lift the residency rule. Make it an option for
Those with families or
Want a

12/28/2020 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Keep the raise, lock me in today’s rate and
Lift the residency rule. Make it an option for
Those with families or
Want a

12/28/2020 12:57:00 AM

Well I want a big raise, front loaded too. I’ll be retiring soon.

12/28/2020 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s interesting how many officers who are much older and on the job, and with children whom are teenagers or in their 20s now, tell newer officers who are starting a family or thinking about starting one to stop crying about residency. At least 15-20 years ago we still had some great police neighborhoods. Not so much the case today. And we were also able to better police our communities. We lost those abilities and the job has drastically changed for the worse along with the society. As an older officer with older children, you need to put yourself in the shoes of an officer with 10-15 years on that has young children. Maybe then you can begin to understand why the residency needs to change now.

12/28/2020 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way the text is written is the city can in theory never ratify the contract. Arbitration gets sent to city hall where theoretically the alderman can sit on it refusing to ratify it forever. CPD has zero leverage and it don’t matter if the FOP president is a debate captain from Harvard, don’t mean shit who’s in there. We are totally screwed.

After having read your response, it’s pretty obvious you didn’t go to Harvard.

12/26/2020 09:44:00 PM

They only have certain amount of time to approve it. If they don’t interest starts kicking in until its paid.

12/29/2020 11:26:00 AM  
Blogger Old School said...

Anonymous said...
jcat said...
2023? Your "inside guy" is clueless apparently to how negotiations work. Seems they just want to see their words in print. Bravo, mission accomplished.

If they do not start negotiating in better faith, full arbitration is coming sooner rather than later.

No need for second and third hand rumors. That crap does no good for our members.

John Catanzara
FOP President Lodge 7 Chicago

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM

**WE have been hearing this "SOONER" than later crap for yrs already, we will believe it when we see it!!

12/27/2020 03:24:00 AM

Arbitration should have started a year ago.

12/27/2020 09:13:00 AM

J-Cat was not in office a year ago. Kevin Graham’s plan was to stall up to his re-election campaign and then demand arbitration. It was to make him look like he was doing something and he could not get blamed for a bad contract, it would be the arbitrator’s fault. Graham's plan was to retire from FOP and then take a Cook County job.

Tiny dancer stopped Graham from being fired for residency. Graham was involved in a sale of a home with an Emanuel relative. Graham worked for Cook County Government before he was hired here. The democrats own Graham. Graham is a Donahue puppet. Donahue is the only FOP trustee to endorse Emanuel in his last election. Shields went back in a beat car. Graham landed very softly in EAP. What does that tell you! Graham was a sellout.

If you want the retro quick, you just have to bend over, and take all of the discipline give backs the city wants. The city is banking that the rank and file will cave.

12/29/2020 12:25:00 PM  

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