Monday, December 28, 2020

Here a Scandal, There a Scandal

Anyone know about a missing checkbook at HQ?

Because we're told it goes all the way to the top.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wtf not only are they lying and cheating, they are stealing
This is why we can’t get anywhere.

12/28/2020 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice !!! Anyone else don’t stop now leak it all !!!!

12/28/2020 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checkbook, I thought I was the only one still u using checks 👵 does it say cpd, ivory tower or that nasty sexual reference that escapes my mind at the moment lol if I didn't work for (not acknowledging I do or did) I wouldn't believe half the stuff I hear

12/28/2020 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy.
Hadn’t heard anything, but now I’m curious.

12/28/2020 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checkbooks? What about credit cards or open purchase orders? Petty cash or cash for informants? Money always seems to "evaporate" in Chicago politics.

12/28/2020 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do tell. We love the tales of corruption at the highest levels of city government. It’s a never ending story.

12/28/2020 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue

12/28/2020 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Dept checkbooks are handled by the travel section at HQ’s.

12/28/2020 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it the Blue Leather one with the City emblem on the front??? Never saw it. Moving on.

12/28/2020 03:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A missing checkbook?? So , the City has a checkbook that gets passed around with NO accountability? Anyone to use? Gee, love to get my hands on that and see who has been writing checks and to whom!

12/28/2020 03:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...

Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

proco joe arrested in 018 last night. dui. hit 10 cars at division and astor; fukin hammered.

12/28/2020 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Bullshit with the info on sgts exam. FOP has no control over a rank above the people they represent.

12/28/2020 05:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proco Joe you say? Is this the same guy who reported an Audi stolen after that single mom he was banging didn't bring it back? What's he up to these days? Aside from DUI'ing into 10 parked cars.

12/28/2020 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several checks written too 115 bourbon Street

12/28/2020 06:12:00 AM  
Blogger LMFAO said...

Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Seriously? Who TF cares! I took part one, and would gladly trade that shitshow for backpay owed to me. Unless you are a few short years from retirement, you are a MORON if you desire to be a Sgt these days. Find yourself a spot, make the job work for you, and go about your life.

12/28/2020 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That’s a shame for those of us who are paying taxes

12/28/2020 06:36:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

If you even try to touch Beatrice's checkbook, you get what Luca Brazzi's hand got in The Godfather.

12/28/2020 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of our honorable aldermen fell victim to the devil's sauce ????? Say it ain't so proco joe. Those cosmopolitans and old fashions can sneak up on you quick.

12/28/2020 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Pro Joe per cwb: Police would not confirm who was driving the vehicle.

Keep covering for politicians and the connected dumb asses

12/28/2020 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC OT but it does involve a scandal with a clouted protected sex deviant.

Another major scandal brewing. Remember Sgt. “Carrot Top”
from SWAT? He was the wack job out in Lake County that was involved in a “roid or road rage” incident while driving his take home swat truck. Also in the take home squad was his girl friend, “Yoga Boy” and his son. This Goof ball Sgt was finally forced to resign. Three times merit hack Captain “The Lamb” completely covered up this incident, along with an injured swat candidate who suffered a black eye, fractured ribs and a collapsed lung during the swat tryouts. Eric Carter was the Deputy at Special Functions and was also involved in the cover up.

This nut job Sgt had over 30 domestic related cr#s filed against him to include; domestic battery, assault, harassment, stalking and even attempt murder from his ex wives that all of them happen to be CPD Officers. Well I guess, several of these abused police officers have gone retained a lawyer and they are taking to the media on how this clout heavy, sexual deviant was protected by certain exempts who also were part of this sex scandal that also involved the women being drugged and videotaped.

FOIA requests for Sgt “Carrot Top” have been non stop for this freak show and this goes all the way to the top involving Eddie J, Rick Flaire and Carter. The skeletons are coming out. Groot is going to blow a gasket.

12/28/2020 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I got stuck behind a command staff member using it at Save-a-Lot the other day. They kept asking for two forms of ID and for him to write his phone number on the top of the check. He held up the line forever and kept asking “don’t you know who I am” as he kept trying to show the cashier his department awards.

12/28/2020 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To many Police Officers living check to check because they like going to Hammond or Des Plaines. Bosses too apparently.

12/28/2020 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope the city waives part 2 of the Sgt.’s exam. Everyone with an individual score of 70% and above should be considered for promotion... It’s been over a year since the city administered part 1 of the exam. At this point give it up and promote off part 1. This exam has been dragging for way too long and it’s not right to have the potential Sgt. candidates to be placed on hold like this. 😡

12/28/2020 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m sure that our loyal ‘news’ Channels 2-5-7-9 and 32 along with our 2 ‘news’ papers are waiting for this website to do the reporting before they even breathe a word of this scandal..,

12/28/2020 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In exchange for retro? wtf WE earned retro Im calling BS🖕🏼

12/28/2020 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Good hopefully this is true. Who gives a shit about the test anymore anyway? The whole second part has always been riddled with corruption and if you weren’t given a copy you were made merit anyway. It’s more important that we are giving a salary increase to secure our financial well-being.

12/28/2020 07:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

proco joe arrested in 018 last night. dui. hit 10 cars at division and astor; fukin hammered

It’s like finding a present under the tree that was missed on Christmas. Anyone calling for his resignation yet? Where’s the video? Is the IG investigating or is Joe on a beach somewhere.

12/28/2020 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bullshit on the sgt . Exam ... old list stays up till second part can be administered ... end of 2021 or 2022 spring . They will wait until the department members get vaccinated . The city will make vaccination a requirement to take exam ! That takes time . Anyone who scored 1,000 or less makes sgt !!!!

12/28/2020 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Yes this is true. It also helps the dept come into compliance with consent decree numbers for sgts quicker. JCat coulda done better than the promise of retro. He shoulda got insurance at 29 and a day at 50 and 18-20% for 5 years on this contract. But fop is keeping it from the membership becuz lari insisted on a gag order with this part of contract negotiations. So much for transparency by the fop crew. Looks like people were right they got to JCat. I wonder what they promised him?? Maybe dropping all his beefs? This fop regime got compromised in record time.

12/28/2020 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
****Word from headquarters****

Feds to begin looking into all officers with a high volume of search warrants as affiants. You heard it here first. Cross your T’s and dot your I’s . Stay safe boys and girls!

12/27/2020 12:07:00 AM

This is happening. The wheels are already spinning on this. You rookie officers pumping numbers for your homie bosses are about to take it deep. Sgt RJ of cst formerly of 003 and his goofs that hit all those wrong doors in the last 2 years....start saving your pennies.

12/28/2020 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To: proco joe arrested in 018 last night. dui. hit 10 cars at division and astor; fukin hammered

To Proco, you can still GFY after the bullshit you did to 02 after reporting your car stolen. Coppers did absolutely NTHING wrong. Maybe you should have answered the door when the 025th District Sgt had a 014th District car go to your house. Still a dickhead Joe

12/28/2020 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old top or new top?

12/28/2020 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. .

Nice try and FUCK YOU Lightfoot and your bullshit post. Try running the City and quit posting shit to try to take the attention off the garbage job your doing as a fucked up Mayor.

12/28/2020 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Why is that a scandal? The city can choose how they administer the BS test. It’s their police department. I sure hope it’s true. We are way way overdue for a raise. Now we don’t have to study and the cheaters don’t have to study the test. The second part of the test is where the cheating takes place. Do the lottery and give us a pay increase.

12/28/2020 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone verify the rumor about FLOP agreeing to wave second part of sgt exam please? Thanks SCC

12/28/2020 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Somebody is salty they paid Bernstein $$
when studying wasn't necessary to pass Part I. Future tests given may require 70% and above but current test must finish Prt II

12/28/2020 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're dumb enough to accept a check from cpd...

12/28/2020 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We know media people read this blog and perk up a little bit when the word scandal involved
. The next one should be the background of Celia Meza new Corporation counsel. Contact a man by the name of Doug Kucia who used to be at Cta. He can fill you im.

12/28/2020 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Missing checkbook, missing superintendent, missing mayor.
All of little or no intrinsic value.

Gimme a number for a 6050, include the property in the narrative - Hold me down on paper and going in for notifications, lunch and time due for the remainder?

Asking for a friend.

12/28/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Checks?? What happened to brown envelopes????

12/28/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing that none of the bird cage liners or news channels will name the “48y/o male “. That wiped out a WHOLE CITY BLOCK of parked cars ! If it was a joe citizen they would have booking photos already ! Why them balless fuks !

12/28/2020 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years back cpic had a nice snack store setup...around Christmas the money (honor system lol) disappeared.

12/28/2020 10:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

Sgt promotional test has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DUE WITH RETRO lmao why would this ever be considered is beyond utter nonsense and absolutely everything to do with silliness. Thanks for playing

12/28/2020 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well maybe someone could write a check for a plumber to fix the toilets that don’t work in 012th district and for a WOL and DSS that are missing? How do you run a watch with no Lt. or Sgt. City is a joke! Thank g*d for that consent degree!

12/28/2020 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Provo Joe the one messing with a junkie girlfriend or is it that other idiot?

12/28/2020 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can't be any new hires signing checks. They were never taught cursive at CPS.

12/28/2020 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless the MSM runs with it it never happened. Dream on she has anything covered like a blanket. Never see the light of day.

12/28/2020 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The SGT retro thing does not make any sense. Why negotiate a thing like that. They need SGTS and it is not like they hire them from outside. Hot air.

12/28/2020 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

You’re brain dead if you believe any part of that.

12/28/2020 01:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know more about Proco Assho getting pinched.

12/28/2020 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Provo joe is a handjob. Hammered? A BAC of .30 is more than hammered. But then again back in the day I had sergeants that were functioning at that level.

12/28/2020 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big scandal is the city checkbook - and how Larri has been giving millions in Covids Relief Funds to Community organ grinders (to spend, redistribute, kickback) without any actual accounting...don’t be surprised if the amount the benevolent tree toad gave out so far is 10 times more than CPD spent/received in PPE. Larri was using Covid money to pay patronage workers thru these select community organizations.
Big mouth Larri tried her best last week to blast Sen Mitch McConnell over this recent covid stimulus bill and perhaps someone high up finally told her to shut the f*ck up or perhaps all her past foul mouth (FU) tirades has finally caught up with her stupidity.


12/28/2020 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Great then you have to make a donation wink wink for a better Lottery number!

12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, you big dummy. Ever heard of Uber, Lyft or even a taxi? What were you doing in that neighborhood anyway? Maybe down on Division Street for a little outdoor drinking? Or at a house party on Astor Street? Did the Governor invite you for cocktails?

12/28/2020 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone check the nightstand at the motel 6???

12/28/2020 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOIA requests for Sgt “Carrot Top” have been non stop for this freak show and this goes all the way to the top involving Eddie J, Rick Flaire and Carter. The skeletons are coming out. Groot is going to blow a gasket.

12/28/2020 07:18:00 AM

Wow that was fast! Groot’s minions reaching out to IAD (Rubino) and wanted all the cc#s on this sgt. Deputy Rubino was strategically placed at IAD by Groot for cases exactly like this. I guess Groot is sick and tired of being punked by several of the exempts including Carter.

12/28/2020 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it used to pay for copier paper? Because if was, I think it probably bounced.

12/28/2020 05:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC OT but it does involve a scandal with a clouted protected sex deviant.

Another major scandal brewing. Remember Sgt. “Carrot Top”
from SWAT? He was the wack job out in Lake County that was involved in a “roid or road rage” incident while driving his take home swat truck. Also in the take home squad was his girl friend, “Yoga Boy” and his son. This Goof ball Sgt was finally forced to resign. Three times merit hack Captain “The Lamb” completely covered up this incident, along with an injured swat candidate who suffered a black eye, fractured ribs and a collapsed lung during the swat tryouts. Eric Carter was the Deputy at Special Functions and was also involved in the cover up.

Ask Snelling what happened with that wacko. Larry mopped up the floor with Crazy Matt. ML always acted like he was a world Karate Champion. That day Snelling boxed his ears in and the self proclaimed judo champ ended up in the hospital. SouthSide Larry Snelling bitch slapped ML back to his trailer in Louisiana. Good did you Larry.

12/28/2020 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

proco joe arrested in 018 last night. dui. hit 10 cars at division and astor; fukin hammered

It’s like finding a present under the tree that was missed on Christmas. Anyone calling for his resignation yet? Where’s the video? Is the IG investigating or is Joe on a beach somewhere.


He was voted out in 2019.

A guy from the "Democratic Socialists party" took his place.

The question is this prick getting an alderman's pension???

12/28/2020 06:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when the chief of organized crime eligha cook got caught with his Hand in the cookie jar, nothing was ever done with him

12/28/2020 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Great then you have to make a donation wink wink for a better Lottery number!

12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM

Uh, RETRO is for time already worked under the OLD contract and only negotiable as to any PAY INCREASES that are to occur after old contract end date. Nice try troll, but learn how this things work first.

12/28/2020 08:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

12/28/2020 03:38:00 AM

Yes this is true. It also helps the dept come into compliance with consent decree numbers for sgts quicker. JCat coulda done better than the promise of retro. He shoulda got insurance at 29 and a day at 50 and 18-20% for 5 years on this contract. But fop is keeping it from the membership becuz lari insisted on a gag order with this part of contract negotiations. So much for transparency by the fop crew. Looks like people were right they got to JCat. I wonder what they promised him?? Maybe dropping all his beefs? This fop regime got compromised in record time.

12/28/2020 08:16:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can they have a gag order on negotiations

12/28/2020 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well maybe someone could write a check for a plumber to fix the toilets that don’t work in 012th district and for a WOL and DSS that are missing? How do you run a watch with no Lt. or Sgt. City is a joke! Thank g*d for that consent degree!

12/28/2020 10:32:00 AM
I read the plumbing code and remember it had a bunch of things about public buildings. Numbers of stalls/fixtures, lighting, ventilation, etc., very complex. But there was a very simple sentence stating that everything was to be maintained in working order, and repairs were to be made promptly. Lightfoot not getting the repairs done is against the law!

12/28/2020 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever wants to be a Sgt this day and age has a screw loose

12/28/2020 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

^ this might make more sense then ever before ... Atleast the test was 100 questions and everyone received a score based on the right answer.... IMO that was a hard test.

12/28/2020 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check the Clown Cmdr of 006
Maybe her kid stole the ck book in
an armed robbery with his 2 guns he
just got caught with in 006

12/28/2020 09:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check please.

12/29/2020 02:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Snelling what happened with that wacko. Larry mopped up the floor with Crazy Matt. ML always acted like he was a world Karate Champion. That day Snelling boxed his ears in and the self proclaimed judo champ ended up in the hospital. SouthSide Larry Snelling bitch slapped ML back to his trailer in Louisiana. Good did you Larry.

Oh you mean the triple merit Larry snelling the gym instructor who testified against other coppers. What’s goof box a rocks

12/29/2020 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM

Uh, RETRO is for time already worked under the OLD contract and only negotiable as to any PAY INCREASES that are to occur after old contract end date. Nice try troll, but learn how this things work first.

Uh, not quite dummy. In theory there could be NO retroactive pay if the arbitrator decides to FRONT LOAD any raise. In theory we can get 16% over five years: 0-0-0-8-8. So no raise for first 3 years w/o contract = NO RETRO. So again, in theory, the involved parties can negotiate one thing for another… A.k.a. the guarantee of retro pay for compliance with adjustments to how the sergeants test will be administered. Nice try dummy, but learn how these things work first.

12/29/2020 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM

Uh, RETRO is for time already worked under the OLD contract and only negotiable as to any PAY INCREASES that are to occur after old contract end date. Nice try troll, but learn how this things work first.

Uh, not quite dummy. In theory there could be NO retroactive pay if the arbitrator decides to FRONT LOAD any raise. In theory we can get 16% over five years: 0-0-0-8-8. So no raise for first 3 years w/o contract = NO RETRO. So again, in theory, the involved parties can negotiate one thing for another… A.k.a. the guarantee of retro pay for compliance with adjustments to how the sergeants test will be administered. Nice try dummy, but learn how these things work first.

12/29/2020 04:32:00 PM

I’m not the original poster but what you described would be backloaded not frontloaded. Front loading would be the first few years(front)of the contract. Backloading would be the last few years. Any arbitrator that back loaded a raise probably wouldn’t be selected by any union again.

12/29/2020 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Take that said...

12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM

Uh, RETRO is for time already worked under the OLD contract and only negotiable as to any PAY INCREASES that are to occur after old contract end date. Nice try troll, but learn how this things work first.

Uh, not quite dummy. In theory there could be NO retroactive pay if the arbitrator decides to FRONT LOAD any raise. In theory we can get 16% over five years: 0-0-0-8-8. So no raise for first 3 years w/o contract = NO RETRO. So again, in theory, the involved parties can negotiate one thing for another… A.k.a. the guarantee of retro pay for compliance with adjustments to how the sergeants test will be administered. Nice try dummy, but learn how these things work first.

12/29/2020 04:32:00 PM

Well then I stand corrected assuming you're correct. Oh, and a big fat F. U. :)

12/30/2020 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12/28/2020 03:30:00 PM

Uh, RETRO is for time already worked under the OLD contract and only negotiable as to any PAY INCREASES that are to occur after old contract end date. Nice try troll, but learn how this things work first.

Uh, not quite dummy. In theory there could be NO retroactive pay if the arbitrator decides to FRONT LOAD any raise. In theory we can get 16% over five years: 0-0-0-8-8. So no raise for first 3 years w/o contract = NO RETRO. So again, in theory, the involved parties can negotiate one thing for another… A.k.a. the guarantee of retro pay for compliance with adjustments to how the sergeants test will be administered. Nice try dummy, but learn how these things work first.

12/29/2020 04:32:00 PM

Read between the lines... it's for da money (potential raise) from when the old contract expires to the potential new contract date, regardless if overlapping *muah*

12/30/2020 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Sergeant Test BS said...
Scandal also unfolding at FOP regarding them agreeing with Lightloafers contract negotiation attorneys to waive 2nd half of sergeants test in exchange for retro. People who took Part I who scored over 70% will be placed in a lottery system like the fire test is graded and numbers pulled as classes are made. Supposedly why the class that people were notified for a couple months ago has been put on hold while they hammer out the details of this agreement. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

^ this might make more sense then ever before ... Atleast the test was 100 questions and everyone received a score based on the right answer.... IMO that was a hard test.

12/28/2020 09:37:00 PM

Did we take the same test?

12/30/2020 01:17:00 AM  

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