Saturday, December 26, 2020

Nashville Bombing

The country seems to be descending into brutal internal strife:

  • A recreational vehicle parked in the deserted streets of downtown Nashville exploded early Christmas morning, causing widespread communications outages that took down police emergency systems and grounded holiday travel at the city’s airport. Authorities said they believe the blast was intentional.

    Police were responding to a report of shots fired Friday when they encountered the RV blaring a recorded warning that a bomb would detonate in 15 minutes, Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake said. Police evacuated nearby buildings and called in the bomb squad. The RV exploded shortly afterward, Drake said at a midday news conference. Police did not immediately indicate a possible motive or the target.

A few points:

  • shots fired prior to the explosion
  • a taped warning of an impeding explosion
  • Christmas morning on what would otherwise be a street teeming with people

The only obvious human target here would be First Responders. Who else is running toward gunfire or a bomb warning?

It's possible some infrastructure might also have been a target (a telecommunication substation of some sort), but regardless, cops would be responding to any explosion or threat of an explosion.

Be alert.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. This guy didn’t want anyone to die. He wanted the audience and wanted to make a statement but to also make sure only property was destroyed snd not any people.

12/26/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some strange time’s afoot

12/26/2020 12:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we have elected (allegedly) a Democrat for President. Terrorist groups and militants know they will not be held responsible for their actions like under the current president.

12/26/2020 12:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The RV was parked directly in front of an ATT hub. Much of the internet was knocked out for the SE part of the county. Also, that whole block is wanted by the city and the owners haven't been agreeable to selling it. The property on that particular backs up to waterfront and the city wants it to "redevelop."

50-50 it was a False Flag operation by the rogue elements in our government.

12/26/2020 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/26/2020 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Test run? Seeing how his new toy scaled down would perform. The real one will be much larger
The puzzling part is why the warnings?

12/26/2020 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I think this was meant as a warning, a threat of things to come if the politicians and Supreme Court don't put an end to Trump's election fraud case. A hint of things to come if people don't accept the election fraud. Just like that coward Roberts said, about not comparing a previous election to this one, as now people will riot if they don't get what they want. Of course we created this by not stomping out such behavior hard and fast. Instead it's rewarded by the politicians, the MSM and the useless cowardly elitist celebrities. The stupid adolescent-adult zombies follow the trends on social media to stay popular and relevant with their online "friends". And the silent majority remains silent, all is well as long as their own bubble remains untouched.

12/26/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

SCC: got so excited over priests vaccinated that I forgot: thank you for your service and best wishes for a healthy 2021 and beyond

12/26/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Careful out there in weeks leading up to china biden inauguration. ..more unrest..

12/26/2020 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would they give the warning at all?
Seems a bit strange to me.

12/26/2020 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conspiracy theory people will have a field day with this one.

12/26/2020 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless all first responders and any innocent civilians hurt in this terrible incident.

12/26/2020 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just the 1st of many terrorist attacks, money to Iran to develop a nuclear bomb because, what could possibly go wrong with that? Not to mention an influx of 20 or 30 MILLION new illegal, immigrants demanding to get free shit and a vote. If I were black, I'd be LIVID about this. The democrats are trying to make white voters irrelevant, what does that mean for black voters? They're predicting millions of new asian and Indian immigrants will be coming here. Blacks went from the number 2 voting bloc to now, 3rd and soon 4th or 5th. Keep voting democrat and you'll find out what it means to be totally irrelevant in the country of your birth.

12/26/2020 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that whoever did this did not want casualties, thus the warning.

A likely false flag operation by deep State operatives as a way for Biden to claim he has to take over the internet to protect it. Expect a dead guy to show up with a MAGA hat on that will be blamed for it.

12/26/2020 01:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These fucking animals who rioted in the summer streets are
still not satisfied: they got their Biden but are hell bent on
killing innocent people. Republicans don't do RV bombings.

12/26/2020 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The assholes picked a soft target.
Even a redneck RV was considered out of place in downtown
Nashville. NYC was off limits. The perps would have been
machined gunned to death and they know it.

12/26/2020 02:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillbilly Motor Home.
The Ryder Truck is now passé.

12/26/2020 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankfully it wasn't a trap to kill police and fire. Thank you for doing the best you can to keep the peace.

Citizen from a nearby state

12/26/2020 03:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too soon to nail it down. But, I'm betting on the fired AT&T engineer in the library with the candlestick.

12/26/2020 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy guy suicide.

12/26/2020 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, we will never know the real truth,#1 The FBI is corrupt #2 The ATF is corrupt and
Nashville just wants to write that nxt Country tune, my guess it's the deep set again creating
fear on the holiest day of the year.

12/26/2020 04:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OLPD detective for 10 years now, my hunch he targeted building. He would've parked rv at police station

12/26/2020 04:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. Bring it on.

The enemy vilified our side for 4 years.

They lied about our President.

They lied about and hate the police.

They hate America.

We will not unify (submit to them).

Turn the temperature WAY up.

12/26/2020 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big difference in the reporting of this by the Nashville mayor than anything we have heard from the mayors all around the country in a very long time. He thanked the officers. The mayor of Nashville appears to have a sense of reality when it comes to what the police do.

Great job officers, You are "the six" that we continue to support everyday. And thank you to the mayor of your great city for having a set.

12/26/2020 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in RV country and don't know if it matters but the RV in the photo is an old one.
Could be at least 15 years old.
I'm pretty sure they'll get the vin number off it.
NPD did a great job warning people in the moments before.

12/26/2020 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the BLM terrorist group connection to this one. They have plenty of money donated by oblivious softball liberals now to execute this sort of attack. I'm sure the motive will be systemic racism. Which of course is made up nonsense.

12/26/2020 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father, please protect our men and women in blue. Our police officers keep us safe. Please protect our troops who defend liberty and freedom throughout the world. Amen.

12/26/2020 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normally someone who threatens to shoot off a bomb is bluffing. This is fucking frightening that there was a warning ahead of time.

12/26/2020 07:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An AT&T equipment switching building call center. Supposedly "bomb proof". This one is a real puzzler. I'm sure some info will come out as they put the pieces together. It appears you can pack a lot of explosives into a Class C RV.

-Formerly Chicago, now Texas

12/26/2020 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Initial reporting by the media started off by saying the taped message about the impending explosion may have been meant to minimize the amount of carnage. Really? As mentioned in this post, the intention would be to target first responders and shoo everyone else away. Intentended to minimize carnage? What a crock of shit. Fucking news media, always a sympathetic tone for the terrorists.

12/26/2020 07:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is similar to old IRA bombings with the recordings. They didn't want to get the cops .... the AT&T building was a much bigger target. It also housed servers for Solarwinds and the ceo of dominion voting was a part owner in aspects contained in that building.

Antifa claimed they would attack infrastructure. ISIS took out a full page ad in a major TN newspaper last July claiming they will do a dirty bomb

Why now..... Maybe the NWO can taste victory with biden/kamala.

12/26/2020 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous CppThis said...

Interesting choice of target. It's a not terribly well kept secret that most of the world's telco infrastructure is centralized and rather fragile, make of that what you will.

12/26/2020 08:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

assholes with their paywall again.

12/26/2020 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May b the "Good Old-BoyS" from the Blue Brother's Movie did it?

12/26/2020 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger Chuckles said...

One of 2 theories:
ATT is laying off people and this was someone that was REALLY pissed at losing his job. It was targeted at ATT.

It was a test run for some wacko left wing group seeing how badly they could cripple the telecom grid Imagine this 10 times over in selected telco facilities.


12/26/2020 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is big chess match from here on out. They have MSM, most of Congress, the courts, and tons of money and willing participants to do what they need to do to get back into the White House.

Old Christmas Vacation looking RV (White Nationalist, redneck) shoots a few rounds off to trigger some street sensors, gives the warning, and massive explosion on a commercial street on early Christmas morning.

Lots of conspiracy theories going to be coming out soon and probably a few copycat crimes. Remember what Trump is going to expose soon is the corruption of the FBI and CIA. These are the culprits behind nearly everything involving Trump but it goes deeper into the rabbit hole with things that will tear this country apart.

This was planted strategically because they want favorable optics to regain trust in the FBI and CIA. Wouldn't be nice to have a fake Richard Jewel story for Biden to hang his hat on a week into office. Will it be this single incident, or several in the upcoming weeks. First it was Christmas, what will it be on New Years.

We are at the point where it is a high stakes game of a world takeover of the Globalists and the CCP. They never accepted that Hillary lost because they rigged it but not enough and they don't want another 4 years crying that they didn't rig it enough again. They will not accept it and they will do anything to win.

This was meant to hurt and kill police and first responders. They will attempt this again. The DNC might also pin this Antifa, not now, but when the time is right and if Biden is in the White House, they might turn the screws on their foot soldiers.
Everything is very strategic and planned. From the car bomb of Harrison Deal, the killing of the Georgia police investigator of the Harrison Deal bombing......

These murders and bombing are meant to distract us from the real crimes. Don't trust the FBI/CIA, MSM, etc., they are getting desperate.

Officers, please please by safe and extra careful these next few weeks. New Years Eve in a major city, maybe Chicago, or in multiple cities is going to be attacked in one way or another and it would make the DNC great joy to hurt police officers.

BE CAREFUL -- Trump is going for broke, going to declassify everything, expose the whole lot of them and they are going to counter it with domestic terrorism. Christmas was the first shot and now it begins. Don't be fooled, pay attention how the MSM treats this story, they start off with addressing all the angles and then they will narrow it down to a couple, one real and one fake, but both will be false in the end.

Officers, Head on a Swivel, Be Safe. Back the Blue to the End. Let the Truth Be Told, All Lies Exposed

12/26/2020 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The interesting thing here is shots fired being reported before the explosion. Bona Fide? If so, something was going down and was interdicted by some good guys. Then it was plan B- the big boom boom. Will be interesting to see how this plays out- or simply fades away....

12/26/2020 08:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally the fault of the blm Antifa cop hating defund the police movement who did their bs all summer to get senile joe and the black whore elected. We let them get away with it and they were empowered by the left. So what do do you expect. Just like Chicago, we gave into blm and things are totally unsafe. Lori refuses to address the crime and allows the predators to run wild. Take down some more statues Lori, Sophia King and the Grant Park Advisory Council, maybe the crime will stop. You all need to resign.

12/26/2020 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the democrat Nashville mayor interview smiling and laughing like it was all a big joke

12/26/2020 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home Land Security and ATF are fronts for the legacy agencies (FBI/CIA) for all the nasty things that happen in this country. It is the training and proving ground for elevation to the alphabet agencies. We are living in a deeply corrupt government targeted at us, The American People. This is our last stand, Trump was the only obstacle and now they are not even hiding it and they are letting the people know who is in power. Even MSM is starting to see or feel that this is more serious than they could have imagined but everyone made the commitment 4 years ago and now there is no turning back, it is a faceless terror with some many tentacles that is fully wrapped around us and squeezing out its last breaths.

Pray to hell Americans to stand up and address this evil, to have the courage for people from the left and right to realize what we are against. We either fight this together, or die together. We all need to put aside our petty differences and see what we all are up against.

They want us to hate each other, to fight in the streets for their entertainment while they get rich in the process. Fear and systemic this or that is what keeps us divided.

Antifa/BLM/Activists -- If you read this blog, please see what is really going on here. They are using us to destroy the fabric of this wonderful glorious country.
If you take to the streets again you are doing their work and all of us will be the victims.

Dear Lord, protect us all, let love and understanding shine the light on these dark times, protect our Police Officers, and allow us to put away our grievances and come together as one. No more hate, violence, We Are America, We will not Fight Against Our Brothers and Sisters, show us the Way.

12/26/2020 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:22 AM the enemy
Mark Levin uses the very same words. The enemy.

12/26/2020 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be serious about what happened in Nashville and presume it may not be a simple one-time attack. The last time bombs were planted and warnings given were during the Troubles in Northern Ireland between the IRA and the Brits. The IRA would plant a bomb and then give a warnings. Their purpose was terror - the ability to strike anywhere, anytime- and not necessarily and high body count of innocents like ISIS wants. The shots fired calls are troubling, but a realistic assessment that would have first responders targeted would not include the loudspeaker warning. I think the shots fired were meant to get the police there so that they could assure the area was vacated because of the speaker warning. I would closely look to the communications disruption - massive area - as a possible motive. If so, this could occur again anywhere.

12/26/2020 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the FBI will come out with the full details. Just like they did for the Las Vegas shooting.

Remember that?

12/26/2020 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger othello said...

I am reading several posts on Parler stating that the AT&T building was connected to Dominion in some way. Also NSA used it to monitor certain sections of the being Georgia. I don't know if it is true, but someone did their research and showed documents

12/26/2020 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news "media" reports "authorities suspect it was set intentionally". I WONDER HOW THEY REACHED THAT CONCLUSION. Maybe it was the fired shots that drew attention to the truck. MAYBE IT WAS THE LOUDSPEAKER BLARING "EVACUATE THE AREA THIS TRUCK IS GOING TO EXPLODE". If this was Chicago, I could see some merit promotions in the chute for some of these Sherlocks. I'm waiting for the usual plea of "turn yourself in". If the guy wanted to go to jail, he would have waited for the police to arrive. Best part is the mayor of Nashville joking about it and laughing. You can't make this shit up. Nero FIDDLED while Rome burned....

12/26/2020 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing on ABC News page. Not a thing. There is a bombing overseas that made their front page tho.

12/26/2020 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AT&T building switches and servers HAD the election night internet evidence.

Now “wiped, like with a cloth”.

12/26/2020 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I think this was meant as a warning, a threat of things to come if the politicians and Supreme Court don't put an end to Trump's election fraud case. A hint of things to come if people don't accept the election fraud. Just like that coward Roberts said, about not comparing a previous election to this one, as now people will riot if they don't get what they want. Of course we created this by not stomping out such behavior hard and fast. Instead it's rewarded by the politicians, the MSM and the useless cowardly elitist celebrities. The stupid adolescent-adult zombies follow the trends on social media to stay popular and relevant with their online "friends". And the silent majority remains silent, all is well as long as their own bubble remains untouched.

We also have to consider the "flip side" possibilities: This could also have been militant Trump supporters presenting a show of force for THEIR positions, demonstrating their views of the election outcome.

In any event, regardless of one's politics, This is still the United States of America. We don't settle things with force and violence. We are a nation of laws. If we forget this, we're no better than a Banana Republic. Stay safe out there!

12/26/2020 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

--Breaking News--

Federal "Authorities" have released a profile of the Nashville Bomber. They believe the suspect is a white heterosexual male who hates anyone that isn't a white heterosexual male.

BOLO issued for a MAGA hat wearing white male possibly connected with the Juicy Smollett hate crime case.

Yeah, that's it.

12/26/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought of Timothy McVeigh when this happened.

Could be one of a hundred of reasons for this attack.... foreign or domestic terrorism, far-right wing or Antifa, someone against AT&T or law enforcement, a disgruntled former worker. Or maybe someone who doesn't like country music!

But it won't take long for the liberals to blame President Trump.

12/26/2020 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I'm going to withhold my comments until someone pops up with "We are so and so, and we did this. We can do this again, unless demands X Y and Z are met."
Or until someone confirms that AT&T was supposed to be helping with the audit of Dominion machines.
You know, whatever.

12/26/2020 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

 Anonymous said...

Well, we have elected (allegedly) a Democrat for President. Terrorist groups and militants know they will not be held responsible for their actions like under the current president.

12/26/2020 12:09:00 AM

Unless you're white. Or a Republican. Or a libertarian. Or anyone not shouting about capitalism kills. Then you'll get crucified for it.

12/26/2020 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think about this how easy it would be in downtown Chicago wide-open no one there either thanks for the democratics policy that hate the police bastardized good people just a matter of time be careful remember not long ago we had training not great training about bombings and everything in the Middle East I think the chickens may be coming home to roost thanks to the Democrats stealing the election and the terrorist groups knowing it will be open season with no retribution because we have a coward president just like a coward mayor and the rest of the democratic cowardly scared structure. Think about this with the mayor and the city Chicago they cannot even have her employees go to work! Look at the Chicago teachers Union tens of thousands of them not working working on vacation spots doing whatever they wanna do refusing to go back to work and the mayor will do nothing we have never in the history of the city Chicago had such a weak clown for a mayor what a disgraceful pathetic so-called person you are! Oh yeah and fuck you Larry.

12/26/2020 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
No. This guy didn’t want anyone to die. He wanted the audience and wanted to make a statement but to also make sure only property was destroyed snd not any people.

He wanted more than attention snowflake.

12/26/2020 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AT&T recently announced a huge change in retiree’s pre-existing benefits, causing a disgruntled bunch of old men.

That AT&T building destroyed in Nashville? It’s a very unusual machine, not simply a building. Very similar to Chicago’s 10 S Canal- the 30 story skyscraper with no windows ... you may have not seen you drove by it a thousand times.

Smells of somebody looking to be gruntled. Now he is meat hanging from the trees.

Just my guess

12/26/2020 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Anonymous Anonymous said...
No. This guy didn’t want anyone to die. He wanted the audience and wanted to make a statement but to also make sure only property was destroyed snd not any people.

12/26/2020 12:07:00 AM”

That is quite the insight you have there. And with such certainty too. May I ask where you were on Christmas Day? Nashville perhaps? Asking for a friend.

12/26/2020 10:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch the video of the Nashville Mayor Cooper smiling as he talks about the explosion. What you are observing is called “Dupers Delight.”

Go and find the video and look up the definition of Duper’s Delight.

12/26/2020 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Human remains found in Nashville AP reporting.

Six Nashville officers have been recognized by the department for evacuating people and saving lives before Friday's explosion in Nashville.

12/26/2020 10:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course the mainstream media won’t say it but it’s probably left wing extremists.
1.) They hate Christmas Day it’s in their words white supremacy holiday.
2.) They can target first responders with call.
3.) The BLM / Antifa nexus hates us and call on death to us like Hamas and Hezbollah.
4.) Assata Daughters “ Assata Shakur” terrorist that killed a NYPD officer fled US after daring escape is living in Cuba .
5.) NY BLM ,& Chicago BLM have signed alliance with Assata daughters as it’s also group with BLM and CTU.
6.) They hate America and capitalism and red states obviously targeting a red state is a hall mark and badge of honor for a left wing group.
7.) Atheism is a going trend of being a loyal Marxist of both BLM and Antifa.
8.) This is to drive home a point that they should be treated seriously and that their agenda is to rid America of any Christian ,capitalism group..

12/26/2020 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Address alleged to be a data center holding, among others, Dominion voting machine data, which would have been useful in voting fraud investigations

12/26/2020 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has happened to our country is not capitalism. It is called corruption. Capitalistic societies throughout history have done everything they can to keep the means of production under their own control, not ship it out to hostile, enemy nations. I think some of you have a very skewed understanding of the capitalistic ideal. Wonder if it has something to do with being taught what capitalism is by communists.

Stay safe officers, more to come, but we will overcome. Keep the Faith. Back the Blue at all costs.

12/26/2020 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The RV was diversionary, including the voice warning to stay away. The building security including cameras were “unplugged”. Evidence was on servers removed/destroyed.

12/26/2020 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Alphabet Army is On It.

CIA does it.
NYT writes it.
FBI investigates it.
CNN films it.
DOJ tries it.

Results of our findings should be in about 30 years.

12/26/2020 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty obvious that if they were targeting 1st responders, they wouldn't have played an "evacuate the area warning" for over 15 minutes. They would have drawn them in with the gunfire call, then done a detonation with zero warning.

12/26/2020 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Iraqis were never so nice as to provide a warning. The drivers were usually "products of incest", a brainless 17 yo sheepherder that was influenced by a crafty Imam. They would show the sheepherder a little porn and explain the whole 72 virgins thing. The kid was a virgin and had little chance of ever having a wife. The Imams would give them heroin and tell them that this is how they will feel all the time in heaven while having their way with the 72 virgins. Of course, there was always a guy nearby with a command det in case the little sheepherder loses his nerve.
Over here, the internet is their religion and the kids are even easier to manipulate because they are spoiled brats that are seeking hardship. Their lives are so unfulfilling. Being an agent of WOKE must be difficult.

12/26/2020 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rally Jan 06th!!! Go if you can.

This bombing is a distraction from the china scandal, the election steal, and an intimidation tactic .

Why was the Nashville mayor laughing about it?

These people are sick.

12/26/2020 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Target was AT&T data collection center. Info is given to NSA and others.

12/26/2020 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope to hell this incident wasn’t caused by some McVey type right wing separatist nut job.

If they pin it on a white guy, China Joe will have his excuse to clamp down on anything conservative.

12/26/2020 11:49:00 AM  
Blogger anonymous said...

I heard the A T & T building was the target as it had some Dominion voting machines there for analysis. Don't doubt it, as that is why the warning was given. The dems. were after the bombing of the machines, not people. Makes sense as the building would be closed for Christmas.

12/26/2020 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's too soon to nail it down. But, I'm betting on the fired AT&T engineer in the library with the candlestick.

Ding ding ding.. we have a winner.

12/26/2020 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The brave women and men of the Nashville PD put their lives on the line to save the lives of complete strangers on Christmas morning...God Bless them

12/26/2020 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terrorist test run , shutting down airport travel , communications of first responders .

12/26/2020 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BLM / Antifa ... internal. They know Biden is an old school, backroom Democrat who hasn't yet bent over backward and started kissing their ultra-left asses or ceding to their anti-American, anti-white, anti-judeo-christian whims. Remember what Biden said in the first debate: "They're not the Democratic Party; I'm the Democratic Party."
It's on. Me says internal terrorism. (Of course, I hope I'm wrong).

12/26/2020 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The feds will tell us the same thing as they did with the Vegas shooting.... Nothing to see here.....

12/26/2020 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Dad29 said...

Agree with those who think the ATT hub was the target. Did a number on the blast-wall fronting the building; it was not a 'small' bomb.

Tape recording of "gunshots" triggered 911 'shots-fired' (or maybe shot-spotter); evacuate notice on tape, too, plenty of time given to cops to roust residents.

It wasn't meant to be lethal except to the ATT switches. And it worked.

12/26/2020 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone knew how this blast in front of a telco central office would cause communications outages from 911 to the FAA. Not an ordinary mope. Someone with some skills. A number of years ago the Wall Street Journal ran an article about the power grid. Seems there are about 10 locations (which they did not reveal) which if all attacked would take down the entire country. Replacing a critical substation is not an easy job.

12/26/2020 12:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where’s a few carjackers when you need them most?

12/26/2020 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet it was jam packed with those missing votes.

12/26/2020 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal news will show a democrat saying it was 3 white guys wearing MAGA hats and calling him a homosexual

12/26/2020 01:10:00 PM  
Blogger CFD brother said...

... 50-50 it was a False Flag operation by the rogue elements in our government.

12/26/2020 12:14:00 AM

I am equally jaded from years of working for Chicago D's Local 13, Thieves, Villains, and Scoundrels!

I'm going with the red herring to take the heat away from the gross Chicago-style voter fraud (... and probably a lot more "scurrilous goin's on" ...)

12/26/2020 01:42:00 PM  
Blogger Ex southern LEO said...

The media keeps repeating that it was an intentional act. Well hell, ya think? It is not usually and accident when they are blaring messages that a bomb is going to go off, and then it does. I think this is a message, or an attack on infrastructure. I don't think they wanted to harm anyone or there would have been no message, it would have just blown up. Yesterday I read reports of human remains being found, yet today I have seen no mention of it.

12/26/2020 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You notice how terrorist attacks (whether homegrown or radical Islam and not counting BLM/antifa this summer) in this country have been substantially non-existent in this country for the past 4 years (unlike during the Obama years & if you don’t count the mass shootings that go on everyday in liberal big cities but are never reported by the MSM). Now, we have this. Guaranteed we will see a spike in this come the Biden years.

12/26/2020 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of like the mass shooter in Vegas, I think some people just want to go out in a BIG BIG WAY.

12/26/2020 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s nice to know when there was a “terrorist” attack in an American city on Christmas Day. A critical infrastructure like midway had no traffic aides monitoring traffic. No law enforcement whatsoever! Homeland security neither.

12/26/2020 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 south canal

12/26/2020 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narrative will be twisted to media’s wishes. We will never know truth. Really quite sad that I no longer trust anyone to tell truth.

Surprised our beloved mayor and governor have not blamed orange man.

12/26/2020 02:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing reeks of a test run to see if/what the sheep would notice/do, response times and most importantly, how Communications would be affected. 911 systems down. That sounded scary.

The issue with multiple warnings and gun fire sounded like someone was having second thoughts, resulting in a murder-suicide...

Not a peep from scary joe or camel toe? Come on man, you get briefs. That's right, F N pussies, afraid to F up some future fake ass jobs for your special interests

12/26/2020 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deep state getting desperate now, as they should be. They will be facing military tribunals and then executions.

12/26/2020 03:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe some nutjob wanted to see how much time they'd have after taking out regional internet communication and 911 call centers.

Maybe some nutjob wanted to save people from the scary virus by taking out 5g infrastructure.

Maybe some nutjob wanted both. This year has certainly shown how tricky it can be to understand nutjobs.

12/26/2020 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch out for each other;

Internal NYPD memo warns of cops being targets of IED, vehicle attacks

12/26/2020 04:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The numbers mason!!!! What do they mean!!!

12/26/2020 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If President Trump had won the election Nashville and dozens of American Democrat run cities would have been burned and blown

to the ground a month ago, This is some homegrown terrorism, Most likley a disgruntled AT&T owned DirecTv subscriber over the

company's shitty service and over priced fuck up sat. TV not to mention their wireless and internet products! Lawlessness

continues in the new world of liberal socialist Amerka!!

You voted for it Enjoy it!!

12/26/2020 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this shit out, SCC. Yet there are those amongst us that will refuse to believe what they’re seeing with their own eyes. They’d rather immerse themselves watching and glorifying athletes who kneel for our National Anthem or by playing video games with other “grown” men. The last two generations are majority soft as puppy shit immature babies that were coddled thru their 30s while living with their parents. The shits about to hit the fan, folks. Be very cognizant of these people as they’ve never had to fight in their life.


12/26/2020 05:08:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

one video showed that our asshole mayor cooper was laughing and joking around about the bombing. that is a true democrat for you.

12/26/2020 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a suicide. A 63 year old blew a gasket....

12/26/2020 06:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good folks in Nashville are probably getting sick of the liberal invasion from Blue states. Most Nashville locals are aware of the mess in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, etc.... and probably fear that their red city will be destroyed by the latest invasion of Democrat voters. Maybe A few angry Nashville locals are being proactive. They would rather destroy the town themselves than let it get looted and burned.
I'd rather listen to a countdown and a bomb than Miracle Boyd and her broken tooth lisp.

12/26/2020 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of telco-legacy and ATT Long Lines structures were built as blast-resistant, with nukes in mind. Hardly any windows. Looked to me like AT&T reflected a lot of the blast wave across the street.

This was not aimed at creating mass casualties. Hit on infrastructure.

...and no follow-up attack, just echoes.

If I saw it on TV and then posted to the Web about it, it sure didn't take everything out...

Chinese are working on space weaponry...fry your comsat.

"What a wonderful world..."

12/26/2020 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD officers almost killed when CTA put power back on L tracks today

12/26/2020 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is being ignored while all our attention is on this event? Who & what is being inconvenienced by internet & airport disruption there? Think outside the box.
OR, it has nothing to do with anything major. Worse mass murder was in 1927 when a Michigan farmer stockpiled explosives for a year, blew up a school, 38 kids, 6 adults, 58 injured. All because he was upset over taxes and losing election for township clerk.

12/26/2020 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was rdo and called my Dist at approx 0830hrs to see if they were notified by CPIC of the bombing. My desk Sgt asked What are you talking about. I told him to put on Fox news . He couldn't believe it. CPD brass is that F@#KED UP not tell the Dists. what just happened. Come on man!

12/26/2020 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Check this shit out, SCC. Yet there are those amongst us that will refuse to believe what they’re seeing with their own eyes. They’d rather immerse themselves watching and glorifying athletes who kneel for our National Anthem or by playing video games with other “grown” men. The last two generations are majority soft as puppy shit immature babies that were coddled thru their 30s while living with their parents. The shits about to hit the fan, folks. Be very cognizant of these people as they’ve never had to fight in their life.


12/26/2020 05:08:00 PM

Funny, I have a friend who talks exactly like this and he’s always complaining about the above things. He says he is in a group text with immature coppers who partake in all the above listed activities and they don’t respond to him trying to open their eyes. Keep trying brother, keep fighting the good fight. Jesus wasn’t taken seriously when he was preaching, you are just as important as he was.

12/26/2020 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

 Anonymous said...

Check this shit out, SCC. Yet there are those amongst us that will refuse to believe what they’re seeing with their own eyes. They’d rather immerse themselves watching and glorifying athletes who kneel for our National Anthem or by playing video games with other “grown” men. The last two generations are majority soft as puppy shit immature babies that were coddled thru their 30s while living with their parents. The shits about to hit the fan, folks. Be very cognizant of these people as they’ve never had to fight in their life.


Just a friendly reminder that a good sized chunk of my generation was raised during a constant war, and many of us have been there and done that. So ease up peacetime baby, because there is PLENTY wrong with your generation.

12/26/2020 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Chicago PO's - drove with the wife to Florida and if you get some free time and looking to burn through some of that hard earned overtime make the trip to Florida as soon as you can to get your mind right.

We are in Sarasota and I can hear the "live" music of a Joe Cocker cover band blasting away. I had a beer, well several, at a bar with no masks, no social distancing, and it just felt great. It was getting to legal drinking age and a whole new world opened up. Florida has put this COVID in the rear view mirror, if you want to wear a mask and social distance you can, but why would you?

Didn't want to rub it in, but if you get the R & R, grab the wife, girlfriend or both and head on down south. Life goes on in Florida.

Be safe and as always we support the Blue.

12/26/2020 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In any event, regardless of one's politics, This is still the United States of America. We don't settle things with force and violence. We are a nation of laws. If we forget this, we're no better than a Banana Republic. Stay safe out there!

12/26/2020 09:54:00 AM

We don't settle things with force? We settle EVERYTHING with force. We enforce laws with force and the threat of force. We founded this nation with gunpowder and bayonets.

12/26/2020 08:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't speak for the rest of you on this site, but those videos of those Antifa/BLM knocking over tables in restaurants making fools of themselves really pissed me off. If this nonsense comes down Western avenue or 95th again I am going with a few of my friends and make sure this doesn't happen again. Doxx all you want because I can wear a mask too and so far they have felt very little resistance to this point. Everyone is tough in a crowd and this time it will be different. Not a fan of violence but I've been in more scrapes in my lifetime that most of these spoiled brats. And besides, I could use a little excitement so PO's if you see a few 35 year old men mixing it up just turn a blind eye, because we are with you and support you and just let us do our thing.

Wishing you a better 2021

12/26/2020 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This fascinating article includes the Chicago bldg. at 10 S. Canal. "Like many other major telecommunications hubs built during the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Chicago AT&T building was designed amid the Cold War to withstand a nuclear attack. The 538-foot skyscraper, located in the West Loop Gate area of the city, was completed in 1971..."

12/26/2020 08:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Click on the link to the document released by the FBI in their investigation of Iran in the 2020 election. It looks like they accessed voter databases and also threatened public officials. They just mention Iran which might be cover for China but anyway this is about as close as you can come to a domestic attack on our country. The Democrats like communism and Iran and China so they will let it slide but Trump might disclose this information and let the people decide. Click on the link for the document"

12/26/2020 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'He gave it to me without my knowledge': Mother, 29, reveals that 'Nashville bomber', 63, secretly signed over his $160,000 home to her for FREE one month before blast as feds raid it and say explosion was likely suicide bombing

Not the first house he gave to this woman.

Oh - if planning a crime, please store vehicle next to your house for Google Street View - snap, snap, snapping pictures.

12/26/2020 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the election fraud is allowed to stand, Trump should open up the archives of all the stuff our dirty politicians, FBI, and CIA have been doing for decades. Leak it to every site possible and if the people don't care then we are stupid and everything that comes our way is our fault. 2020 is a turning point for our country, we either stand up to evil or we let the tree of liberty burn. I will stand up for Democracy and fight Communism. I love this country and I want my children and grandchildren to experience the freedoms I was blessed with.

Peace on Earth

12/26/2020 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank your officers for your dedication to your profession. My dad was a police officer in New York (69-2001) and he has seen the good and bad New York and I've heard his stories.

Work in commerce and travel frequently abroad and here are some of my takeaways.

The globalists fear if Trump wins this will lead to revolts around the world. It will be like the French Revolution, hundreds will die, military like tribunals and the upheaval will be monumental.

Trump is a savior for the downtrodden around the world. He represents hope and freedom. In Australia, his name is plastered everywhere, spray painted in act of defiance like "V for Vendatta." Australians fear China and they are breathing on their doorstep and the Ausies are following this election closely.

Brazil has always had rampant corruption but the corruption is getting so brazen the people are growing restless. Government and media are in bed together just like the United States and they look at Trump as a John Wayne type of character who shoots and takes names later.

Trump is bigger than life and I'm always asked in broken English why we hate him so much. Wasn't a big fan at first, but just watching the beating he has taken for so long I came around and I am a Trumpian.

He is a modern day John Galt and we just need to hope he doesn't shrug.

12/26/2020 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone hear Biden calling to bring the person(s) that did this to justice? Nope!

12/26/2020 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Media propaganda false flag has everyone talking about Nashville instead of the democrat election fraud - Mission Accomplished

12/26/2020 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blm is a domestic terrorist Marxist organization and it must be destroyed by any means necessary. It’s over now, they are the enemy and are powerful. Their bullshit got senile Joe and the blm whore elected. And the absentee ballot scams got the two scum elected too. They have to pay for destroying America.

12/26/2020 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would the homicide numbers be if there were no supposed COVID lockdown?

12/26/2020 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Authorities said they believe the blast was intentional."
That's some good police work there, Lou.
Good thing there was a warning.

12/26/2020 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we know it's a suicide? What if they killed that guy and blew him up in the RV. This is not what it is perceived to be.

12/26/2020 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deep state getting desperate now, as they should be. They will be facing military tribunals and then executions.

12/26/2020 03:02:00 PM

Wow, you are so hopeful. I'm much more cynical. Just look at that pos Justice Roberts and the rest of the useless Supreme Court. Look at the swamp dwelling republicans. I'm afraid the whole thing is corrupt and broken. Just as Chris Landen said in his tweet.

12/27/2020 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

508 pm hit it center ring. Dead nuts. Square on the head. The truly sad part is there a ton of these p*ssies on the job. God help us. God save the republic.

12/27/2020 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also have to consider the "flip side" possibilities: This could also have been militant Trump supporters presenting a show of force for THEIR positions, demonstrating their views of the election outcome.

In any event, regardless of one's politics, This is still the United States of America. We don't settle things with force and violence. We are a nation of laws. If we forget this, we're no better than a Banana Republic. Stay safe out there!

12/26/2020 09:54:00 AM

You really see that as a realistic possibility, militant Trump supporters huh? We don't settle things with force and violence? The BLM/Antifa certainly do. Look at the number of democrats that encouraged violence and others that said nothing against it. Take a look at Portland and how the politicians have handled that mess. Look at the hands off approach that has been given to the riots by cities while allowing people involved in illegal behavior to have their way. Like removing the Columbus statue. Better give in or they will riot again. How many charges have been dropped or reduced to almost nothing even when a cop was injured. Read CWBChicago, they talk a lot about laws and how the judges are not doing their job. Look at the democratic dictators implementing their own agenda with regard to the China virus. A nation of laws indeed. Better go along with the fraud or else. If we allow this election fraud to stand we are a banana republic and our votes will mean nothing.

12/27/2020 05:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure, we are entering a violent period in this Country I have not seen the likes of in 50 years. Remember the Sterling Hall bombing in Madison?

We probably will never know the whole truth of what happened in Nashville. Just like I never found out the whole truth about the Kennedy assassination I heard about when they interrupted Bozo's Circus on WGN 57 years ago.

-Formerly Chicago... now Texas

Stay safe, because you are on the front line of the insanity.

12/27/2020 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary's elite black op's group may have gone rouge because they are getting nervous or they just don't care anymore. This is going to be just like the Harrison Deal investigation. Someone to going to get to the bottom of this bombing fairly quickly and just before finding are released that person(s)will die. FBI/CIA sits on and we forget and with Joe-Ho Administration this is going to be a daily practice. Steal, get caught, lie, kill, conceal, next.

12/27/2020 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the bomber(s) wanted to take out cops, they would not have broadcast a warning over the speaker(s). If they wanted more casualties and fatalities, they would have placed the vehicle for when the streets would be busy with people and traffic. I think the bomber had an issue with AT&T, that's why that location was picked, knowing it would cause a huge expense, and a massive repair effort. Be alert for more attacks in AT&T operating areas; keep watch on the local switching stations/Central Offices, microwave/cellphone towers, etc.

12/27/2020 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staying fetal doesn't work, you still have to respond to calls.

12/27/2020 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What would the homicide numbers be if there were no supposed COVID lockdown?

12/26/2020 10:19:00 PM

that's no excuse we can do better. COme on 800!

12/27/2020 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I was rdo and called my Dist at approx 0830hrs to see if they were notified by CPIC of the bombing. My desk Sgt asked What are you talking about. I told him to put on Fox news . He couldn't believe it. CPD brass is that F@#KED UP not tell the Dists. what just happened. Come on man!

12/26/2020 07:51:00 PM

you know that's a good point I didn't even think of that

12/27/2020 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is just the 1st of many terrorist attacks, money to Iran to develop a nuclear bomb because, what could possibly go wrong with that? Not to mention an influx of 20 or 30 MILLION new illegal, immigrants demanding to get free shit and a vote. If I were black, I'd be LIVID about this. The democrats are trying to make white voters irrelevant, what does that mean for black voters? They're predicting millions of new asian and Indian immigrants will be coming here. Blacks went from the number 2 voting bloc to now, 3rd and soon 4th or 5th. Keep voting democrat and you'll find out what it means to be totally irrelevant in the country of your birth.

12/26/2020 01:26:00 AM

If I was black I would be livid about the show Blackish - seriously, how is that show not a total insult to black people?

12/27/2020 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OR, it has nothing to do with anything major. Worse mass murder was in 1927 when a Michigan farmer stockpiled explosives for a year, blew up a school, 38 kids, 6 adults, 58 injured. All because he was upset over taxes and losing election for township clerk.

12/26/2020 07:45:00 PM

^^ This. $5 says dude was a disgruntled ex-telecom employee, or had some conspiratorial beef over his phone bill, etc.

12/27/2020 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
'He gave it to me without my knowledge': Mother, 29, reveals that 'Nashville bomber', 63, secretly signed over his $160,000 home to her for FREE one month before blast as feds raid it and say explosion was likely suicide bombing

Not the first house he gave to this woman.

Oh - if planning a crime, please store vehicle next to your house for Google Street View - snap, snap, snapping pictures.

12/26/2020 08:40:00 PM

LMAO what do you think captures aerial pics from above and stores data for a brief time before being written over? You ever see the multiple Satellites flying overhead?

12/27/2020 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a terrorist attack , why no information on suspect that owned house raided by FBI ?
Will this story go away like the Las Vegas shooter , more to that story , known by FBI but not the public .

12/27/2020 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blm is a domestic terrorist Marxist organization and it must be destroyed by any means necessary. It’s over now, they are the enemy and are powerful. Their bullshit got senile Joe and the blm whore elected. And the absentee ballot scams got the two scum elected too. They have to pay for destroying America.

12/26/2020 09:30:00 PM

Has President elect Biden & Kamala denounced this terrorist organization and Antifa ?
Has LL denounced these groups ?

12/27/2020 10:33:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

You notice no one that wanted to defund the police were banging on doors? Only Police !!

12/27/2020 01:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Intel says the seized Dominion voting machines were housed at this AT&T facility. That was the target. BLM may be involved as the domestic terrorists they are, in cahoots with the Dem party.

12/27/2020 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also have to consider the "flip side" possibilities: This could also have been militant Trump supporters presenting a show of force for THEIR positions, demonstrating their views of the election outcome.

In any event, regardless of one's politics, This is still the United States of America. We don't settle things with force and violence. We are a nation of laws. If we forget this, we're no better than a Banana Republic. Stay safe out there!

You are a loser democrat!!! Shut the hell up and crawl back in your basement!
If republicans were half as violent or deceiving as thieving democrats we would be in a civil war!!! Blaaaa blaaaaa

12/27/2020 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More conspiracy theories

Again 63 yo male white worked for himself confirmed dead from the boom. Allegedly believe the US is spying on Americans with 5g.

Props to the officers

Props no one was hurt

Props to the whacko for removing himself from life.

Seems like a win win

12/28/2020 02:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The interesting thing is his choice of song to play

Downtown if you listen to it.... well it’s pretty much sums up what he was thinking....

In other news we already had a copy cat in a white box truck playing the count down voice and it shut down the area and highway

12/28/2020 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was black I would be livid about the show Blackish - seriously, how is that show not a total insult to black people?

12/27/2020 09:52:00 AM

Compared to any of the Tyler Perry shows, blackish is the least offensive. They purposely portray their own people as the dumbest, most uneducated, jive-talking morons. And the black community eats that shit up. Tyler Perry has made a fortune making black people look stupid, and they love him for it.

12/28/2020 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some big stakes at play if this election is exposed so any distraction by the left will be needed the next few weeks, maybe even get Iran to shoot off a couple of rockets near Israel.

With Biden, anything goes and from the silence of the left and right we are back to the Washington we voted out in 2016. Bad for the country, great for big business, big government. Socialism is going to be terrible for this country.

Back the Blue

12/28/2020 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been deflated by this election and maybe that was the ultimate goal of the left. Does voting matter anymore if it is rigged? Look at Georgia, going to do it again in literally back to back months and get away with it. In Illinois, we are use to it but many of the states still believe that voting is real.

America, welcome to the home of Lincoln, where corruption rules, rules for some and not for others. We will get you caught up.

12/28/2020 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officers, Head on a Swivel, Be Safe. Back the Blue to the End. Let the Truth Be Told, All Lies Exposed

12/26/2020 08:52:00 AM

I read stuff like this and I’m almost embarrassed to be a cop. Get a grip, rookie.

12/29/2020 05:44:00 PM  

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