Saturday, August 05, 2023

Command Staff Changes

Unusual that a Temp Super would be allowed to make this many changes - unless the new supernintendo is known and these are to help him hit the ground running:

By the way, word is that Snelling and Bradley showed up at the CPD Baseball game the other night, wearing Jersey #1 and Jersey #2.

It would be difficult to be more obvious.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn.. It's soooooo good to be retired!

8/05/2023 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some time ago I had a conversation with a buddy who works in 007. He tells me he overheard Snelling speaking on the phone, confidently talking about becoming Commander then DC then Chief and to ultimately make it to Superintendent. With specific details like timelines between promotions etc. Didn’t think much of it at the time but now it’s clear everything is setup years in advance.

8/05/2023 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling & Bradley could be Dumb & Dumber or Thing 1 & Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss

8/05/2023 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic.

It's sad to realize we are all getting older and see more of our friends passing away.

Just so everyone knows the 'Retired Chicago Police Association" newsletter has a more extensive list of retired officers that passed away.
If you see someone familiar you can always Google the name with the words: "Chicago Police obituary" to double check if you know them.

check out:

March 2023 Deaths:

THOMAS BYRNE (Deputy Chief "Little Tommy")

8/05/2023 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if you have open sexual harassment beefs you get promoted.

8/05/2023 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the end of the day does any of this shuffling really matter?

8/05/2023 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karla Johnson is a house mouse. Never worked the streets.

8/05/2023 01:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Carlin Morse the creep that kept changing hos clothes at HQ in front on all the women on the floor? Glad he got a promotion…

8/05/2023 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss,
Same as the old boss

8/05/2023 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caldwell n morse were removed for sexual they back
Parham from Lt cheater group
Karla recent merit, house mouse
Lots of Commanders to XO? Demotion?

8/05/2023 01:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$2,000 bonus for 20 yrs? So at 25 yrs is that $10,000 per yr bonus?

8/05/2023 02:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waller is taking care of all of EddieJohnson’s friends before he leaves. Yakimba Phillips hasn’t seen a bad day on the job. All merits promotions and all desk jobs. Her hubby is pretty closed with the Eddie Johnson’s crew. I guess she gets to spend more time exercising and walking around the 002nd District Parking Lot.

8/05/2023 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPIC was a little too much for Lt. Karla Johnson considering she’s never made an arrest, never made a notification to CPIC from the field, and has never worked with outside agencies concerning arrests and officer safety matters. Her new gig requires no brains whatsoever. That sounds about right.

8/05/2023 03:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going from one cushy spots to another.

8/05/2023 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 & #2 jerseys. Oh boy, this is gonna be fun! Get the popcorn 🍿

8/05/2023 04:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Normally those jerseys and corresponding numbers are manufactured for the smallest sized individuals on the team...

8/05/2023 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Useless, top heavy organization. How many chiefs does this place really need?? What is the difference between an “XO” and a commander? Or a commander and a deputy chief? The answer is nothing. It’s just a sick joke. And all these “bosses” reading this right now know it’s the truth. Keep lying to your kids when you tell them that you “earned” it.

8/05/2023 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bradley’s pulling the plug Labor Day . He’s got a private sector job lined up.

Snelling is about the biggest do nothing career this department has seen rise through the ranks in a while. He’s be sucking down BJ’s Kool aid in no time. That guy might have less arrests than any ppo at the end of their first cycle. Given, never earned should be the motto.

8/05/2023 05:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yakimba Phillips is the Commader of 002? She was desk Sgt a year ago. She would sit in the SDSC room and paint her nails and was always on the medical. Yo Kim you say on LinkedIn you were the Field Lt and WOL in 005. Ha, she was only a Lt for a grand total of 10 days.

8/05/2023 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No respect !!

Thieves taking care of a thieves

8/05/2023 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phillips and Branch are E Carter jacks. Members of fraternity and sorority that Carter was affiliated with. Phillips was a Lt for less than a month before being made commander and never did shit in 002. Branch just tells everyone how tight he is with EC. Shame on you Fred.

8/05/2023 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A new Supe will not make the first change that is needed for CPD to function more effectviely:
- Restore rank of Capt to Watch Commander and put 3 in every District
- Get rid of the XO position across the board
- Get Lt's in the field regularly
- Increase the number of Sgts
- Increase the number of Detectives
- Increase ET's & crime lab personnel (the future of crime fighting is forensics)
- Restore public trust with a News Affairs unit that is prompt, truthful and informative instead of being as secretive as CPD always seems to be. The public needs the truth & facts promptly to have faith in the police.

Wait..oh...What wws I dreaming? This dream will never happen for real.

8/05/2023 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Atleast it’s a diverse crowd of promotions , not just just one color under Brown for years.

8/05/2023 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Brock Landers said...

Couple of Dorks.

8/05/2023 07:45:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Shuffle the Merit Deck.

8/05/2023 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way too many exempts doing absolutely nothing. I don't care who gets promoted, but what I do care is the drain these gold braid pensions have and will have on the pension funds. Pension reform is needed not just eliminating the gold braid pension but somehow making the overall contributions proportional to the pension distributions. Lets say someone contributes at the patrolman level for 20+ years, goes from sgt to exempt in 2 or 3 years (we've all seen this happen) and they stick around for 4 years as exempt to max out the pension, do their overall contributions justify the pension distribution?

8/05/2023 08:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is little deenihans girlfriend aka work wife getting promoted. Probably one of the most ignorant, entitled, persons I've met.

8/05/2023 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

017 is in for a wild ride. Dude is super pissed off he was dumped from his do nothing spot as the commander of the bureau of patrol… whatever the hell he did there. Commander of the bureau of patrol?? This fuckin place sucks. Good luck 017th district rangers.

8/05/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you wonder why the pension is almost dead. Look at all these useless dirt bags. Their gonna collect an over inflated pension soon enough and drain the shit out of it.

8/05/2023 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember kids, “earned not given”… LMFAO!!!!!

8/05/2023 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to see Joyce leave 022.what a prince but Kinnane will be just as good!

8/05/2023 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right there highlights one of the many problems with this Department, too may Chiefs and not enough Indians. Now just think of the staffs of all these Bosses, all the Lts, Sgts, and P/Os. What a waste of manpower!

8/05/2023 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit that’s A TON of waste. That’s supposed to be the brass?!? We are flippin doomed.

8/05/2023 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The circus just reshuffled the clowns again

8/05/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rules of engagement will not change under them, so the whole exercise is pointless.
There will still be a public that cannot be restrained from criminal predadition toward taxpaying sheeple.

The solution is to have Mayor Johnson doing arrests as box 1 in knock down drag out violent resistors.

8/05/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u are 55 with 20 or more get out now!

8/05/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Collazo AKA Stoppa = useless. They both are. Textbook examples of piss poor supervisors.

8/05/2023 10:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn’t one of the individuals on that list a Lieutenant for seven weeks prior to being promoted to Commander? Fast learner, I guess.

8/05/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus, no wonder the pension is getting drained. Look at all these exempts in all these obscure mysterious No need units. That’s the problem. Way too many exempts overlapping each other. Way too many captains also, essentially doing the same thing as the commander. Don’t even get me started on all the Deputy Chiefs. Absolutely ridiculous. Just stop making all these exempts and it will save the city lots of money

8/05/2023 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ho hum……A former Supe told me he was allowed 25% of Command picks. Rest came from City Hall.

8/05/2023 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The meteoric rise of the Admin HR Sergeants continues:
Kenneth Johnson - Deputy Chief, on his way to Chief but was railroaded by those pesky checks belonging to his deceased mother.
Yolanda Tally - from Sgt to Chief in 24 months and on her way to 1st Deputy but was railroaded by that pesky traffic stop of a dope dealer in her car.
Carla Johnson -from Sgt to Commander in less than a year. Let’s see what pesky “happenstance” undermines her rise to the top.
Sgt. LaShawn Moore (current) - oh the heights she could achieve, especially with her husband in BIA as a Deputy Director.

8/05/2023 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's say that you have a deck of cards with 52 Jokers. Then you shuffle the deck and deal again. You will still have 52 Jokers...

Do I also need to define "Ship of Fools..?

8/05/2023 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snell has 15+ years in the academy. He knows current police work: gym, gym, gym.

8/05/2023 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Lamb going to take a huge pay cut now that he won't be making OT in SWAT

8/05/2023 10:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering how many years did Snelling work the streets? 2-3 years?

8/05/2023 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.

8/05/2023 11:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Tell us about your most recent felony arrest."
"I've never made a felony arrest."
"OK then, tell us about your most recent misdemeanor arrest."
"I-I-I've never made a misdemeanor arrest."
"Then what makes you think you're qualified for this promotion, when there's men that's been out on the street ten, twenty years?"
"Inspector, you're deliberately trying to fail this candidate!"

8/05/2023 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Some time ago I had a conversation with a buddy who works in 007. He tells me he overheard Snelling speaking on the phone, confidently talking about becoming Commander then DC then Chief and to ultimately make it to Superintendent. With specific details like timelines between promotions etc. Didn’t think much of it at the time but now it’s clear everything is setup years in advance.

8/05/2023 12:20:00 AM

Now that’s funny! So your buddy claims Snelling knew many years ago who was going to be running for mayor in 2023? That Lightfoot wasn’t going to make it to the runoff? That BJ was going to face Vallas in the runoff and win? And that BJ would pick him as Supt.? Wow! Incredible prediction. Snelling shouldn’t even need this job. He should have won the lottery multiple times by now with such futuristic insight.

8/05/2023 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So if you have open sexual harassment beefs you get promoted.

8/05/2023 12:56:00 AM

Does anyone believe IAD investigates fellow merit exempts? They are all friends.

8/05/2023 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yakimba what a joke! Probably one of the top three most worthless sgts in 002 when she was there. Scared to work the street and when she absolutely HAD TO, she fucked everything up! Another po product of the 005th district! There’s a reason 002 stays a fucking cesspool and it’s moves like promoting someone’s dolly to run that dump of a building! At least the department keeps a decent concentration of idiot coppers, detectives and bosses in one place! Anyone decent does everything in their power to slide the fuck out of 002! Good luck dumbasses!!!

8/05/2023 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the ego's on these sick maniacs make them read this post to see what coppers are saying about them. They're gonna take their new spots and act as if it’s all legit. In the mean time cops are still staying fetal and keeping themselves out of jail. Oh hey Alvarez, you have some gigantic shoes to fill in 017. Don’t fuck it up.

8/05/2023 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Caldwell n morse were removed for sexual they back
Parham from Lt cheater group
Karla recent merit, house mouse
Lots of Commanders to XO? Demotion?

8/05/2023 01:42:00 AM

Area XO is a commander spot.

8/05/2023 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.

8/05/2023 11:54:00 AM——————————————————

Yep, they missed the mark on that one. It needs to be $2,000 a year after 3 years. People are leaving with 20 months on at this point. 20 years is too late. But explaining that to anyone at FLOP is like talking to a piece of drywall.

8/05/2023 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/05/2023 11:54:00 AM

JC only cares about JC. He pushed so hard for an arbitration hearing for being fired cuz he dealt with that kind of shit personally his whole career. 10 or 12 hour day work schedule and getting paid double time for canceled RDO’s vs volunteering. That’s what he needs to push for.

8/05/2023 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Friday update JCAT. The info about Mike Kelly’s fire dept softball game was really important and relevant. Bunch of losers. What’s next, “watch party’s”. This shit is dead.

8/05/2023 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Phillips comin back to 002. Ha ha. Yo Kim does this mean we get two hours to work out and leave 3 hrs early like u did while the Sdsc pos watch basketball.

8/05/2023 12:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling spent a LARGE majoity of his time.on the job as a gym teacher. Merit promoted to Sgt and came back to the academy as an even higher paid gym teacher. Lol

8/05/2023 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha, is it wrong I know NONE of these people and I've been here for almost a decade? Anyone on the list worth it or nah? Probably shouldn't ask that... oh well. Thanks, SCC.

8/05/2023 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"FOP’s priorities are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs."

Not defending anything, but careful with requesting specifics for special units alone, what do you want to give up for that option? It's a hard thing to negotiate, I'll suggest FIRST to be involved and get everyone you know to attend meetings. It's what, less than 30% of members actually attend or give a hoot? (sorry, rant over, I feel you and apologize)

8/05/2023 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is way too top heavy.
Time to slim down.
Yeah right. Lol

8/05/2023 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck did they send Commander Linus to 014. She should be a deputy or higher at this point. I guess if you work and don’t kiss ass you don’t get a good spot. The rest are useless

8/05/2023 01:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Collazo AKA Stoppa = useless. They both are. Textbook examples of piss poor supervisors.

Is it true Stoppa shaves his nut sack?? Asking for a friend?

8/05/2023 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or it could be to take care of the current leader and get them in positions before the new superintendent is named. That way they are promoted and harder to move out of those spots.

8/05/2023 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You can look it up in Data Warehouse Unit of Assignment History

8/05/2023 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phillips and Branch are E Carter jacks. Members of fraternity and sorority that Carter was affiliated with. Phillips was a Lt for less than a month before being made commander and never did shit in 002. Branch just tells everyone how tight he is with EC. Shame on you Fred.

So explain to me Mr/mrs know nothing the purpose of spreading misinformation? Carter and Phillips no connection. Branch and carter no connection sorority fraternity or other wise. Phillips,despite her attitude was one of the better sergeants on 2nd watch in 002. Not personal friends with neither of them but worked with both.

So do us all a favor and put down the hot pockets, get out of mommies basement and stop hating so much….

8/05/2023 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the C/O of 620 (aka Merit all the Way/LT cheater) was not happy yesterday when she was not on the list. It would be fitting if she was sent to a District.

8/05/2023 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, #metoo will never apply to the Chicago police department.

8/05/2023 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:54…… you are an asshat clown

8/05/2023 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And if you run among the bunch you're taken care. Case in point. Sgt Baz Khoushaba. Gun taken from his car used in a crime no time off. Years later merit promotion returns to specialized unit right out of the academy. Demoralizes everyone he supervises. Disappears during the day to return only to put in overtime for work he should have complete during regular duty hours.

8/05/2023 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unit 189 - Criminal Network Group??? Ok.

8/05/2023 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man am I glad that I left this piece of shit department. I need to pull out my pension money soon before it’s all gone!

8/05/2023 06:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Lamb, aka the blonde. Merit all the way,and always the good little boy in the corner never upsetting the bosses. Looking at the list though it fits perfect with all the other merit useless people. We can thank Sean Pee Wee Herman Loughran for his hand in getting the blonde promoted again. Both ball less wonders. And for the love of God, get lamb away from swat. The team can't survive any more of his "leadership "

8/05/2023 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rank of an XO is dependent on who they're working for. A Commander's XO is a Captain. A Deputy Chief's XO is equivalent to a Commander. So most of those changes on the list are lateral moves,

8/05/2023 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
When is little deenihans girlfriend aka work wife getting promoted. Probably one of the most ignorant, entitled, persons I've met.

8/05/2023 08:17:00 AM

She didn't go to Google with him?

8/05/2023 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:31 am

How’s Garry’s gig in the Western burbs going?

8/05/2023 07:09:00 PM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

@ 11:54 AM Anonymous said...
FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.

Meh...I'm not the biggest J-Catz fan but at least they're trying and pushing cases to the arbitrator. A $2000, $10000 or $0 bonus is not a deciding factor either way since people can't wait to do their time, leave this job and move out. Remember there was an FOP President not too long ago that gave up your Duty Availability checks for more squad cars {snicker}.
Also remember what we're up against...the far-left controls everything in this city (including the courts) so any little legal decision in our favor should be considered a victory. Every cop here can come up with their own personal beef or righteous cause but none of them will be giving back that $2000 bonus check once they get it.

8/05/2023 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of those names have made a single promotion based on test score ? I’ll go with less than 5%. Do what I say, not as I do. This is why this department is going down the drain. We don’t promote 1,2,3 merit dummies from sgt to the top, we promote majority of all of them. It’s sad. This department has many good sergeants and lieutenants that could make a significant impact at a command level, but unfortunately being competent and knowing how to lead gets you nowhere.

8/05/2023 07:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Snelling was Academy gym instructor in 2007. I believe he was there for a year or two at least before that.

8/05/2023 07:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the FOP team cares about is 1 thing...themselves!!!

8/05/2023 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Lamb. It’s about the long game…pension.

8/05/2023 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.

$2000 for 20 years. That's $8.33 a MONTH. One burger and fries meal a month, free.

8/05/2023 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sgt JW 008 midnights is scared of his own shadow. always the dss and never on the street. all those muscles for nothing!

8/05/2023 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.

8/05/2023 11:54:00 AM

I've got a better one.. how about COLA more important then any amount of retention money!! WAKE UP PEOPLE we're getting played by this union and city.

8/05/2023 09:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has one person off the new Lt list they have been promoting from since last summer has been made ?

8/05/2023 09:35:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

To the unpublished:

We assume you have proof? You've filed the appropriate complaints with IAD? The Inspector General? Generated a case report with all of the other accused you won't name?

We assume you're covering the libel costs based on your completely substantiated allegation?

We can see a tiny problem here. If you had only used initials or something to provide even the merest sliver of plausible deniability.....

8/05/2023 10:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has one person off the new Lt list they have been promoting from since last summer has been made ?

8/05/2023 09:35:00 PM


8/05/2023 10:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know shit from shinola, but based on the comments i'd say you're looking at the beginning of the end. It's called cya, and they're making sure it's covered well ...

8/05/2023 10:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phillips and Branch are E Carter jacks. Members of fraternity and sorority that Carter was affiliated with. Phillips was a Lt for less than a month before being made commander and never did shit in 002. Branch just tells everyone how tight he is with EC. Shame on you Fred.

So explain to me Mr/mrs know nothing the purpose of spreading misinformation? Carter and Phillips no connection. Branch and carter no connection sorority fraternity or other wise. Phillips,despite her attitude was one of the better sergeants on 2nd watch in 002. Not personal friends with neither of them but worked with both.

So do us all a favor and put down the hot pockets, get out of mommies basement and stop hating so much….

8/05/2023 03:52:00 PM

Oh yeah? Where? In the SDSC room?? That little do nothing broad has been inside four walls for her whole career!! NOBODY respected the little midget and nobody will now! Thanks for your input Kim!

8/05/2023 10:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The exempt-scheme is a freaking criminal embezzlement enterprise designed to fleece our pension. And RICO applies. These mf's sicken me. Hillard and Cline should be the first on trial. I know, I know it is a real reach, but a girl has the right to daydream.

8/05/2023 10:52:00 PM  
Anonymous LigmaBallsack said...

“FOP’s priority’s are fucked. $2,000 for 20 years?!? Not worth it. People are leaving WAY before that. How about double time for canceled days off, you morons. How about more money for specialized training and certifications?? No, JC FOP is more interested in his own personal beefs.”


Interesting comment choice. If you showed up at a meeting once in your 20+ year waste of life that you might call a “career,” you wouldn’t be so blithely ignorant to what is happening. Please comb through this rank-and-file and find someone who would have been a better counter-punch to Lightfoot? I’ll give you my check if you can- or better yet maybe we can bet all the money you spent on buckets of Miller Light’s at the dive bar down the street for your house drowning yourself in misery while your roommate (sorry, wife), gets porked by the firefighter next door.

The shit the union has to do is many times greater than what your dads FOP had to do in 1981- or what the FOP had to deal with 10 years ago even. And since you brought it up, $2,000 is a bonus for all the 20-year guys ‘n gals still sticking around. It’s a morale booster not a magnet sucking you in.

Show up at a meeting once in a while, clown.


8/05/2023 11:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The rank of an XO is dependent on who they're working for. A Commander's XO is a Captain. A Deputy Chief's XO is equivalent to a Commander. So most of those changes on the list are lateral moves,

8/05/2023 06:41:00 PM

Ahhhhh geeze….thanks for the good news. Even more waste and more exempts. All doing very little.

8/05/2023 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why the fuck did they send Commander Linus to 014. She should be a deputy or higher at this point. I guess if you work and don’t kiss ass you don’t get a good spot. The rest are useless

8/05/2023 01:24:00 PM

Agree wholeheartedly. Good cop and person.

8/05/2023 11:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha Josh to 189. Biggest loser in the department, makes sense they’d send him to a hidey hole.

8/06/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Kimba we can all have a group hug up in 002 w useless Commander Nicki Watson. Never passed a test but we get Commander spots. What a joke. Two useless twats.

8/06/2023 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Collazo AKA Stoppa = useless. They both are. Textbook examples of piss poor supervisors.

Is it true Stoppa shaves his nut sack?? Asking for a friend?

8/05/2023 01:35:00 PM

Yes. Yes, she does.

8/06/2023 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling is a clown. It’s unbelievable that this department five or six time merit promoted a gym teacher who
was allegedly taken off the streets for roughing up gang-bangers and hidden for having a “hit” put on him. Superintendent of Jumping Jacks.

8/06/2023 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny I heard the same story from one of his pin cushions a few years ago. Must be Hooked up big time.

Some time ago I had a conversation with a buddy who works in 007. He tells me he overheard Snelling speaking on the phone, confidently talking about becoming Commander then DC then Chief and to ultimately make it to Superintendent. With specific details like timelines between promotions etc. Didn’t think much of it at the time but now it’s clear everything is setup years in advance.

8/06/2023 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caldwell n morse were removed for sexual they back
Parham from Lt cheater group
Karla recent merit, house mouse
Lots of Commanders to XO? Demotion?

8/05/2023 01:42:00 AM

Karla Johnson a recent merit? Oh no no no young one. Karla Johnson was a merit Sgt as well. And for the earlier comment that she never worked the street, sorry but wrong again! She drove Dana Alexander around all night and she never, not once, crashed! So if that is not leadership material then damnit, I don't know what is!

8/06/2023 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

8/06/2023 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to see Joyce leave 022.what a prince but Kinnane will be just as good!

8/05/2023 09:07:00 AM

Only if Kinnane wears the captain crunch uniform from his picture will he then be as great as Joyce was! Sad to lose you commander!

8/06/2023 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of getting new cars mentioned...that was supposed to happen when bug eyes was on the 5th floor....where are they??? Cars are constantly going down, no pool cars, were riding in cars with over 120,000 miles. Al Bundy would be proud if they were dodges.

8/06/2023 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

new class of clowns taking out of the pension

8/06/2023 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city wonders why Police Officers are not doing any Police work/ These promotions come out and Police see who is being promoted and they know what little they did. Question answered!

8/06/2023 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can look it up in Data Warehouse Unit of Assignment History

8/05/2023 03:29:00 PM

Yeah, but it doesn't show past details which could last for years.

8/06/2023 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buncha Slackers that wanna do everything but be the police.

8/06/2023 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/05/2023 11:30:00 PM————————————-

You played right into this commentators hand. They wanted to get under your skin and force you to get your panties in an uproar. They were hoping someone from FLOP, permanently attached to JCATS balls would get butt hurt. You totally show your hand when you try to explain that more money is supposed to be a morale booster. The morale booster ship has sailed dude. So go back to sucking JCATS balls, but remember when he leaves for national FLOP, he’s gonna leave you behind and you’ll go right back to the watch telling stories about when you were detailed to FLOP how you got pizza for the area one time. And honestly bro, any child could even see that your projecting your entire life onto this person with your miller lites and blah blah blah. Oh well, I hope things get better for you. It’s really pathetic. Fuckin loser.

Laughing at you, not with you

8/06/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Where? In the SDSC room?? That little do nothing broad has been inside four walls for her whole career!! NOBODY respected the little midget and nobody will now! Thanks for your input Kim!


You’re welcome Lt Large Marg. Now go tend to the candy store.

8/06/2023 01:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

Now your mouth is on snellings.

8/06/2023 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any chance you can post a clearer copy of the order. Impossible to make

8/06/2023 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

8/06/2023 07:23:00 AM

Thanks for Posting Larry. I too was on in the 90's ( and before). You were then, and always will be, a legend in your own mind. Your confusing Police work with push-ups and sucking up to bosses.

8/06/2023 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

8/06/2023 07:23:00 AM

Easy pal, just because you were a worker for a couple years doesn't give you a green light to fly meritoriously through all the ranks. Sit your ass down and study.

8/06/2023 06:26:00 PM  
Blogger Tombstone courage said...

Not one of these people are worth shit

8/06/2023 06:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Department is run by a good ole boys club and we aint in it....

8/06/2023 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why the fuck did they send Commander Linus to 014. She should be a deputy or higher at this point. I guess if you work and don’t kiss ass you don’t get a good spot. The rest are useless

8/05/2023 01:24:00 PM

Agree wholeheartedly. Good cop and person.

8/05/2023 11:37:00 PM

Isn’t this one of Mattie Cline’s old Dollies?? Yeah she’s a nice person, but she’s been taking care of pretty damn well. Inside commander to commander of 014??? Yeah it’s a dump but she’ll be just fine.

8/06/2023 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know Snelling was Academy gym instructor in 2007. I believe he was there for a year or two at least before that.

8/05/2023 07:26:00 PM

He was a gym instructor in 2002, anybody earlier?

8/06/2023 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

8/06/2023 07:23:00 AM

How many yrs does he have on & how old is he? I'm trying to do CPS math if this is 2023 and he was rick-n-rollin in the 90s

8/06/2023 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Snelling was The Police in Englewood in the 90s when murders were an hourly occurrence I know I was there most of you were still in your daddy’s nut sack

8/06/2023 07:23:00 AM

Easy pal, just because you were a worker for a couple years doesn't give you a green light to fly meritoriously through all the ranks. Sit your ass down and study.

8/06/2023 06:26:00 PM

Well said. What are there 200 cops assigned to 07? Hey, let's make the all the Superintendent

8/06/2023 10:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went through in 1997 and Snelling was an instructor then.

8/07/2023 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous said...
Any chance you can post a clearer copy of the order. Impossible to make

8/06/2023 02:56:00 PM”

Somebody want to tell him?

Nah, let him figure it out. 👀

8/07/2023 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
A new Supe will not make the first change that is needed for CPD to function more effectviely:
- Restore rank of Capt to Watch Commander and put 3 in every District
- Get rid of the XO position across the board
- Get Lt's in the field regularly
- Increase the number of Sgts
- Increase the number of Detectives
- Increase ET's & crime lab personnel (the future of crime fighting is forensics)
- Restore public trust with a News Affairs unit that is prompt, truthful and informative instead of being as secretive as CPD always seems to be. The public needs the truth & facts promptly to have faith in the police.

Wait..oh...What wws I dreaming? This dream will never happen for real.

8/05/2023 07:16:00 AM

I respectfully disagree with the Captain suggestion. When I got on I had a couple of decent Captains, but most were bi-polar weirdos. Waste of money to pay someone to tell Lieutenants what to do.

100% agree about forensics being the future. Mind boggling how little time or money is put into it by CPD.

8/07/2023 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck did they send Commander Linus to 014. She should be a deputy or higher at this point. I guess if you work and don’t kiss ass you don’t get a good spot. The rest are useless

Career house mouse. Hq dolly forever.

8/07/2023 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn’t this one of Mattie Cline’s old Dollies?? Yeah she’s a nice person, but she’s been taking care of pretty damn well. Inside commander to commander of 014??? Yeah it’s a dump but she’ll be just fine.

8/06/2023 08:19:00 PM

Twenty-five years ago Mattie and Melinda were living together.

8/07/2023 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

House mouse Yakima Phillip was swiftly promoted to commander and sent to IAD first to do Carter’s dirty work. Two newly promoted bosses were sent to IAD at the same time, YP and a female LT. Their job was to bury all of the Exempts CR#’s, so they could retire in good standing, this included Eric Carter’s & Deejay Chyna’s investigations.. YP ran from IAD because she was too chicken to do it. So, they found another house mouse to do it for them.

8/07/2023 08:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Snelling becomes the next Supe, all of you will be kissing the ring. I like the guy. He’s never done anything to me.

8/07/2023 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the Lieutenant in CPIC has been promoted will the Captain come to work?

8/07/2023 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Captains on every watch, promoted by rank score, no merit.
Sergeants need Field Lieutenants in Districts
Inspectors should be assigned from the Rank of Sergeant, need 5 years as a Sergeant assigned to District Patrol Division to apply. This will eliminate the chicken sh-t infractions.
End rank of District Commander, assign a senior Captain near retirement to run Districts.
CPD needs to end that gold braid pension.
rank of XO is useless.

8/07/2023 01:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling is a prime example of corrupt nepotism, he hasn’t done anything to earn those merit bumps. He is as heavy as whale shit, must be nice to push your weight at the academy, kiss ass and get rewarded for covering up abuse. He must have so much shit on people he makes J Edgar Hoover look like a saint.

8/07/2023 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling as the Supt. Is exactly why

this Department’s morale will be sitting next

to the TITANIC and will never rise above

the water until we get it right !!!

A sad but true story mr mayor!

8/07/2023 06:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Captains on every watch, promoted by rank score, no merit.
Sergeants need Field Lieutenants in Districts
Inspectors should be assigned from the Rank of Sergeant, need 5 years as a Sergeant assigned to District Patrol Division to apply. This will eliminate the chicken sh-t infractions.
End rank of District Commander, assign a senior Captain near retirement to run Districts.
CPD needs to end that gold braid pension.
rank of XO is useless.

8/07/2023 01:50:00 PM

There's no exam for the rank of Captain, so there is no rank score. They're all merit. There's just an application process.

8/07/2023 09:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever leads this sinking ship, how about getting these officers that go to these details and events put on a Fucking Crown Cap. You look like shit. No hat or faded baseball hat is a fucking joke. I’m guessing officers don’t because the current command staff never worked those details and don’t know how to do things right. It’s fucking sad.

8/07/2023 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that the Lieutenant in CPIC has been promoted will the Captain come to work?

They actually have a Captain in CPIC?

8/07/2023 09:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole department is a scandal

8/08/2023 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Captains on every watch, promoted by rank score, no merit.
Sergeants need Field Lieutenants in Districts
Inspectors should be assigned from the Rank of Sergeant, need 5 years as a Sergeant assigned to District Patrol Division to apply. This will eliminate the chicken sh-t infractions.
End rank of District Commander, assign a senior Captain near retirement to run Districts.
CPD needs to end that gold braid pension.
rank of XO is useless.

8/07/2023 01:50:00 PM

There's no exam for the rank of Captain, so there is no rank score. They're all merit. There's just an application process.

8/07/2023 09:01:00 PM

There was a test for Capt years ago until the clouted realized they can have that too

8/08/2023 09:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snelling is a prime example of corrupt nepotism, he hasn’t done anything to earn those merit bumps. He is as heavy as whale shit, must be nice to push your weight at the academy, kiss ass and get rewarded for covering up abuse. He must have so much shit on people he makes J Edgar Hoover look like a saint.

8/07/2023 05:14:00 PM

Weren't there whispers that EJ's son wasn't required to take and pass any of the physicals/power tests 🤔

8/08/2023 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well snelling is the best example of over merited on this job. First off he gets all the credit for the "new use of force model" which he didn't actually create it was a P.O. that still works in the academy. Second he spent more time sleeping with young recruits in his "private gym sessions" than actually being an instructor. The guy is a tool-bag in every sense.

8/11/2023 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are our own worst enemies. Can we all say something positive of someone who has made merit and actually was a good supervisor.

8/13/2023 02:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Captains on every watch, promoted by rank score, no merit.
Sergeants need Field Lieutenants in Districts
Inspectors should be assigned from the Rank of Sergeant, need 5 years as a Sergeant assigned to District Patrol Division to apply. This will eliminate the chicken sh-t infractions.
End rank of District Commander, assign a senior Captain near retirement to run Districts.
CPD needs to end that gold braid pension.
rank of XO is useless.

Captains are part of the union and get overtime so they can’t run districts, which is why they created exempt ranks. A senior Captain near retirement would be disastrous, they’re all checked out on the countdown to leave. They usually promote them on the younger end so they have them by the balls..
Captains sold their rank years ago and they did away with testing, it’s all appointed (clout) now.
Inspectors used to be Lts, they made them Captains because Captains used to berate and throw them out of their districts. They could never be Sgts…

8/14/2023 01:31:00 AM  

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